HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-03-19, Page 5Kernels from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Better a day worker than a day
Soule men would rather be followers
than leaders.
"One Foot in the Grave."—If the
thousands of people who rash to so
'worthy a remedy as Seutb American
Nervine as a last resort would get it es a
first resort, haw muchmisery and suffer
Mg would be spared. If von have any
'nerve disorder you needn't sniffer a
valuate longer. A thousand testimonies
to prove it. Sold by A. L. Ilsmi1ton
Of Dour se you never to,.k a mean ad-
vantage of anyone,
A rat recently ought at Gateshead -
on -Tyne measured 18} inches.
and guaranteed
•Dr. Chase's °int
ment is a certain
ourofor each and
•every f o r m of
itching, bleeding
and protruding
;riles. See testimonials in'the press and ask
av,roetyour money back ifnot satisfied.60c at ad
ewers or EDMANSON, BATES & Co., Toronto.
Did yon ever hear of a coroner's jury
rttarning a verdict of "killed by kind•
Port Arthur and Fort Witham have
arrived at an agreement wberehy Fort
William purchases that 'fortiori of the
railway within the corporation limits,
and the road will be operared by a joint
Dr. Wm. Saunders of Ottawa, who,
for twenty one years past has been
dirootor of the Dominion Experimental
Farms, has been eleetr d an honorary
member of the Royal Agrioultural
Society of England.
As a spring medicines Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones np the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
'Norris Stevens, a St..Catharines hotel -
keeper, was fined $100 for selling liqaor
after hours,
Catarrh;and Colds Relieved in 10
to 60 mintttes.-000 short puff of the
breath through the blower supplied with
each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal
Powder diffuses this powder over the
senrfaoo of the nasal passages. Painless
and delightful to use. It relieves in-
stantly, and permanently cures catarrh,
shay fever, colds, headache, sore throat,
tonailitis and deafness. 50 cents. Sold
by A L. `Hamilton.— 41.
Many a man is suspected of being
rich merely because he doesn't pay his
bills promptly.
Mrs. Clark of Thorold was surprised
by a burglar, who drew a revolver and
forced her to sit still while he robbed
the hou e.
moves all hard, aoft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
;sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs,
etc. Save $50 by use of one bo't1e.
Warranted the most wonderful Blemish
Care ever known. Sold by A . L. Hamil-
James Earkins, aged 16, was blown
two hundred feet and killed by the ex-
plosion of a boiler in Johnston's sawmill
at Sarnia.
Eighteen Hindus were fined $500 each
at Vancouver for failing to pass the test
under the Natal act, but the sentence
will be appealed.
The home of Mr Henry Hodgins,
Lucknow, was the scene of a quiet wed-
ding at 4 o'clock Tnesday, Feb. 25th,
when his daughter Elizabeth was united
in marriage to Mr. Freeman Jones sof
Abernethy, Seek, Rev, H. Watson
using the ring ceremony.
WJNOJiAU.t TiMEg, Di4itcii 10, 1`JU8
Gained Both
in Strength
and Weight..
Another Case That Proves
The Merit of
o • Fcrr ozone a a
"I was in poor health nearly all last
winter,' writes Mrs. Croae, of Wake-
fie'd, Oat. "My appetite was variable,
I was weak and uufit for work. 1 suf-
fered a good deal from nervous pros-
tration and palpitation of the heart.
My dipestion was generally out of
order, )3y springtime I had lost flesh,
oolor, and hal a bad Dough, The doctor
didn't help me very nano)), so. I deoided
to try Ferrozone. It did me ever so
much good in one week. I gained
strength, looked and felt a lot better.
When I hod used six boxes of Farr( zone
I weighed myself and found a gain of
fifteen pounds. Ferrczrebuilt my
oonetitntion, and made me a new
woman. I consider Ferroz -no worth
its weight in gold to every weak woman
It oures quickly and saves big doctor's
bills (Mas ) R Onoss "
No tonic so certain, so helpful, so
sate; try Ferrozoue yourself, 50o per
box at all dealers.
.Pl.95i'g'®Mt. XXLe
Beaune The Kind You Have Always Bought
gig of�® dam• /BGG ---*"1„
The average daily cost per patient in
the hospitals of this province for the
year 1907 was $1.16 whioh would go to
show that the cost of living is greatly
increasing cr else hospital patients are
being bettor fed and giving better at-
tention. In 1900 the average Dost was
831eto. The average cost in Houses of
Retuge is 2934o.
Pain can he quickly stepped. A 25 cent
box of Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets
will kill any pain, 'everywhere, in 20
minutes! Besides they are thoroughly
safe. Painful periods with women,
neuralgia, etc , quickly cease after one
tablet. Sold by all dealers.
The teacher had been talking about a
hen sitting on eggs, and, with the incu-
bator in mind, asked if eggs could be
hatohed in any other way. "Yes, sir,"
said an experienced person of nine. t'Pat
'em under a dnok."
Running Sores, the outcome of
neglect, or bad blood, have a never -fail-
ing balm in Dr. Agnew's Ointment.
Will heal the most stubborn cases.
Soothes irritation almost instantly after
first application. It relieves all itching
and burning skin diseases in a day. It
cures piles in 3 to 5 nights. 35 cents.
Sold by A. L Hamilton. -39.
Scarlet B. Williams, Colborne, son of
the late Raby Williams, died at the
Goderioh Hospital laat week, having
been taken there a few days ago. He
was in his 65th year. He was unmar-
ried. He was well known and popular.
The hoose of refuge committee of the
co unty conucii met he Clinton on Tues-
day. The accounts vete audited and
eighty-three inmates were found in the
house, Tender of W Nimens, of Olin-
ton,or bread, at $2.88 per owt., was
accepted. It was deoided to have some
painting done and other minor improve-
ments made.
3100 00 paid by Dr. Shoop for any recent
case of Grippe or acute Cold that a 25
Bent box of Preventios will not break
How is this for an offer? The Doctor's
aaipreme confidence in these little Candy,
Cold Oure. Tablets—Preventics—is cer-
tainly complete. It's a $100 against 25
cents—pretty big odds. •aAiid Preventios,
remember, contain no Quinine, no laxa-
tive, nothing -harsh nor sickening, Pneu-
monia would never appear if early colds
were always broken. Safe and sure for
feverish children. 48 Preventics 25c. at
all dealers.
Mr. Walter l. McLean, M. A., son of
Rev. Dr. McLean of Goderich, has de-
clined a unanimous call to the Presby-
terian ohnroh at Lateen.
The St. Lawrence Vinegar Company
of Montreal were robbed of $250 by two
Italians, who tied the accountant to the
radiator and went through the office.
Stop the Pain ,but Destroy the
Stomach.—This is sadly too often the
Case. So many nauseous nostrums pur-
porting to cure, in the end do the patient
immensely more harm .than good. Dr.
'Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets are a pure-
ly vegetable pepsin preparation, as
harmless as milk. One after eating pre-
vents any disorder of (the digestive
organa. 60 in a box, 35 •Dents. Sold by
1A, L. Hamilto a .-40.
The H. H. Lampkin Company of In-
dian Head., was divan to assign
by the defalcations of Secretary -Treasur-
er Manford, who is alleged to have stolen
fifty thousand dollars.
(Generated Oxygen)
RHEUMATISM, as it allows the Kidneys
to freely discharge ti.e Uric Acid
from the Blcod.
Cures Old Sores.
G Pa it
Doc! m y Medicine to use for Cuts,
Scalds and Bruises,
Por Sale by all Deuggists,
42 fforborii Street, Toronto, Canade
"Why does a dog hang its tongue out
of his mouth?" asked the teacher. "Yes,
my boy" said the visitor from the
School Board to a bright looking lad
who held up his hand while the light of
genius was in his eye. "Please, sir,"
cried the pupil "it's to balance his tail."
And the the teacher groaned in anguish.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Sought
Bears the
Signature of
How's This?
A Darhatu man went home a few
evenings ago and oa'uaily remarked as
be hung up bin hat and overooat. ' I
see wotuen are Bold at actual value at
,Indianapolis—a wife was bought there
recently for flee cents " "W'1l. I know
a woman about the time 1 was married
who was sold for nothing," replied his
wife Ile was quiet for the rest of the
The late Thomas J. Blacker was born
in North Dalton, Yorkabire, Eoglaud,
on Xmas day, in the year 1839 In 1868,
he emigranted for Oanada, and came
direct to Huron County, finding employ-
ment at St'pleton, where he oontiuned
to work almost without interruption un-
til he was forced by gcnwiag infirmities
to retire front ardioua labor. In 1893 he
was converted in revival services con-
ducted by R v's. Win. Torrance and
Win. Smythe, do ing the Tatter's pastor-
ate in Ontario Street, Ohuroh, Clinton
Since that titne nntil his death on Feb.
.2,h last, he has been an earnest sincere
Christian, always in his plane, and high-
ly respected by all who knew him. De-
oeaeed 1eavts a wife and four children.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Oatarrh that cannot be
cured by -Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, a d be-
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi-
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by hie
Welding Kinnan S. Marvin,
Wholesale Drnggista, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Oatarrh Oureis taken internal-
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi-
monials sent free. Pride 75 cents per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for oonetiga-
Many old hooses in Holland have a
special door which is never opened save
on special occasions—when there is a
marriage or death in the family. The
bride and bridegroom enter by this door,
and it is then nailed or barred up until
a death occurs, when it is opened, and
the body is removed by this exit.
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum
ahem, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder.
Tickling or dry Ooughs quiekly loosen
when using Dr, Shoop's Oone,h Cure
And it is so thoroughly harmless, that
Dr. Shoop tells mothers to use nothing
else, even for very young babies. The
wholeseme , reen leaves and tender
stems or 'a lung healing mount.itnous
ehrnb give the curative properties to Dr.
Shoop's Oongh Cure. It calms the
cough and heals the sensitive bronohial
membranes No opium, no chloroform,
nothing harsh need to injure or suppress.
Demand Dr. Snoop's. Take no other.
Sold by all dt alers.
Friday afternoon, March 6th, there
passed away to his eternal rest one o1
the oldest and most respected reside -tits
of Seaforth, in the person of Mr. Robert
Lumsden. The late Mr. Lumsden was
born in Aberdeen, Scotland, in the year
1.826, and came to Canada, when quite
a young man. After remaining in
Hamilton for a nuttier of years he came
to Seaforth in 1892, and for many years
carried en a very successful drug bud -
nese in partnership with Mr. A exander
Willson. Some ten years ago he retired
from business, and enjoyed a well
earned rest. During his forty-five
years' sojourn in Seaforth, Mr, Lums-
den bad been connected with the First
Presbyterian Church, of whioh he was
one of the most consistent members.
A cow. belonging to Mr. F, Chard,
Flesherton, Ont. has recently been fail-
ing in flesh without apparent cause.
Upon close examination tenderness was
found to exist in a swelling behind the
shoulder blade. An inoison was made
from which a lady's hat pin, eight inches
long with large head, was extracted. A
member of Mr. Chard's family lost the
plain the grass last summer and the
cow evidently swallowed it while feed-
Remember that when the stomach
nerves fail or weaken, Dyspepsia or In-
digestion mast always follow. But,
strengthen these same weak inside
nerves with Dr. Shoop's Restorative, and
then see how quickly health will again
return. Weak Heart and Kidney nerves
can also be strengthened 'with tbe Re-
storative, where Heart pains, palpitation
or Kidney weakness is found. Don't
drug the Stomach, nor stimulate the
Heart or Kidneys. That is wrong. Go
to the cause of these ailments. Strength-
en these weak Weide nerves with Dr.
Shoop's Restorative and get well. A
simple, single test will surely tell. Sold
by all dealers.
The girls have already formed their
plans for leap year. To the bashful
lover they will say : "Doyou like home-
made bread?" It he says yes, then the
reply will be: "Well, I can bake it."
Then if he doesn't take the hint, they
are to seize both his hands, fall on their
knees, and pat the question direct.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and relined into a perfect
cough medicine—Dr. ,Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
Margaret Walker, relict of James
Wanless, sr, was born in Scotland, Feb.
201h, 1815, and died at her residence
March 6th, 1908, in her 94th year. She
came to Canada •with her husband in
the year 1843, settling in that part of
Stanley township which camp to be
known later as Varna. Here she con-
tinued to live until the day of her
On Monday of last week Mr. W. T.
Riddel of Auburn received word of the
death of Mies Elva Wallace, sister of
his wife, whioh occurred near Lloyd.
Minster, Sask. She was a daughter of
Mr. Richard Wallace, formerly of Hui -
lett, who went west about 18 months
ago, and had been in Lloydmineter Hos-
pital, returning home a few ago.
For over sixty years a resident of
Goderich, Mrs, John Reid passed away
on Sunday morning, March 8th, after
being 111 for a few days. The deceased
was born in county Down, Ireland, and
came to tbie country when a young girl.
For about twoears after arriving in
y v g
this country she stayed in Pioton, and it
was there the was married to the late
John Reid. Since leaving Pioton they
had been residents of Godersch, Mr,
Reid predeceasing his wife by nine years.
Mrs. Reid's maiden name wee Jane
Andrews. Her only surviving demon.
dant is her son, Samuel, of Toronto.
She true eighty' -fire years Diego.
How many women
there are that get no re-
freshment from sleep.
They wake in the morn-
ing and feel tinder than
when they went to bed.
They have a dizzy sensation in the head,
the heart palpitates; they are irritable
and nervous, weak and worn out, and
the lightest household duties during the
day seem to be a drag and a burden.,
are the very remedy that weak, nervous,
tired out, sickly women need to restore
them the blessings of good health.
They give sound, restful sleep, tone up
the nerves, strengthen the heart,
make rich blood. " Mrs. C. McT)onald,
Portage la Prairie, Man., writes: "1 was
troubled with shortness of breath, palpi-
tation of the heart and weak spells. I
got foul' boxes of Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills, and after taking them I was
completely cured.
Price 50 cents per boar or three boxes!
far $1.25, all deitlers or the The 'I% Mil-
burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont,
Time to Cry a H tit Before Complete
Wreck nasalis
There are thousands, both men and
women, who do not take lime to est
properly. They rush through lite, and
ae a result we have an age of indigos -
tion, nervousness, irritability, aleepnese
nights, and morose disposition. Our
national danger is statnrich weakness,
due to the strenuous 11°+
Mi o-na tablets, 'tri.,; when the walls
of the stomach and attmulate secretion
of the digestive jaiee•,. They make the
stomach comfortable and euro indigee
Sick head eohes. palpitation, yellow
skin and coated tuogue are a few of the
many distressing melte of indigestion
that Mi o•na never fails to cure. •
Walton McKibben sells Ml o na in
50 cent boxes, and guarantees to refund
the money if it does not give complete
The Governor's Wife a Prisoner.—
Mrs..Z A. Van Luven is be wife of the
governor of the county jail. Napanee,
Ont., and was a great sufferer from
rheumatism. When the beat doctors in
the community and "specialists" failed
to help her, she buried her soeptism of
proprietary remedies and purchased
South American Rheumatic Cure. 4
bottles cured her. Sold by A. L. Hamil-
ton. -42.
One of Carrick's oldest and most res -
patted residents passed away on' Wed-
nesday, March 4th in the peron of Mr.
Benjamin Reynolds of the 13th (mnces-
ston. Deceased was taken suddenly ill
with a stroke of paralysis, whioh caused
his death on the following day. Mr.
Reynolds was 77 years of age. His
wife predeceased him six months ago.
He leaves two sons and three daughters
to mourn his decease.
CAEi'T'(Co 3R...XA.
Sears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature C'e�y�4.
'rhe Zenske Listy, a rewsraperprinted
in the Bohemian tongue, iecently made
its first bow to the publio in Chicago.
It is published exclusively by women.
Mrs Boole Pariik is the editor. Mrs.
Milly R. Mina and Mrs. Rose A, Ktbat
are th.s publishers. Every scrap of the
work, typesetting, printing and all sol-
iciting of advertisements and subscrip-
tions, is done by women. It is reported
to have already a circulation of 6,000.—
,000.•Ki'iney Cry.—Pain in the back is the
cry of the kidneys for help. To neglect
the oall ie to deliver the body over to a
disease ornel, ruthless; and finally life
destroying. South Amerioan Kidney
Ciire has power akin to miraculous in
helping the needy kidneys out of the
mire of disease It relieves in six hours.
Sold by A. L. Hamilton, -38,
The pearl banka of Ceylon date bank
to tbe sixth century before Christ. It
is recorded that Vijaya, the first Sing-
alee King of Ceylon, in the year 550
B. 0., presented his father in-law, the
Pandyan King of Madura, "a gift of
pearls," thus indicating a settled fishery
for pearls on the coact of his dominions
prior to the historic date.
Butter is becoming so dear in Mon-
treal that the poorer classes are giving it
up and using jam instead. That is the
statement made by the retail men. The
best creamery was sold last week at 40
Dents, and this week 45 Dents a pound.
The retailers say that there Is no hope of
a change until the end of March at least.
They have noticed a distinct falling off
in sales of late, and find that cheap jam
is being used as a substitute.
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billioneness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
Berlin's patrolmen are 1 in 340, Liv_ er-
pool's are 1 in 449, London's 1 in 496
and Philadelphia has 1 patrolman for
every 511 citizens. On Manhattan
Island there is but one policeman to
every 643 inhabitants.
The Montreal Star, Couservative, dope
not approve of the obstrnctien taotioe
of the Opposition in the Demtnioa Par -
Bement, This is the way the Star
sizes np the recent three day session:
"Now an Opposition is oertalnly justi.
Red in demaudivg the fullest informa-
tion. But the Mimator who was behind
with his "information" explained that
hie department was getting it ready as
rapidly as ho oould, and that he would
sv.,ou lay it ou the table, He did not re-
fuse to give the information; he
promised to give it, Some of the in-
formation Bought he bad already given,
and he represented his staff as preparing
the rest. Under the oiroamstances, a
sane Opposition would surely have been
content with holding back some of the
items in his departmental estimates
the understanding that they could dis-
odes the whole mutter on ti;eeo lines
wlien all the information was at hand.
But, instead of that, they plunged irtto a
trial of endurance. They refiled to
pass a single item of the department
under fire. They demanded that the
Government — the majority -- should
make a most humiliating and unreason-
able concession to the minority, on pain
of not being allowed to do business.
Any Government composed of human
beings would take up such a challenge.
It would epeak little for its back bone if
it did not. The result was that the .Op-
loaition kept Parliament sitting at great
cost to the country through three weary
and empty days while they protested
against a Minister who oould not turn
out information faster than hie clerks
could work."
Group positively checked in 20 minutes.
Dr. Shoop's 20 minute Croup Remedy
acts like Magic. No vomiting, nothing
harsh. A simple, safe, pleasant, depend-
able croup syrup. 500, at all dealers.
Thirty new vessels, with a carrying
capacity of 502,700 tons a single trip.
will be launched by the Great Lakes
transportation companies before the
opening of navigation. The total cost
is estimated as $9,750,000. Is) addition
to this the passenger steamer City of
Cleveland is being rebuilt at a cost of
$1,000,000. In the new fleet will be
twenty-six bulk freighters, two package
freighters and two passengers boats.
The largest of the freighters -will be two
of 10,5000 tons capacity. Both are being
built at Duluth. They will be 657 feet
long, 52 feet beam and 31 feet deep.
Since 1902 the lake companies have built
including the foregoing, 265 vessels, of
which 219 are large bulk freighters. The
fleet provided in the la3t seven
years will carry 33 000,000 tons of the
75,000,000 on the Great Lakes. This
year's output will add to the total carry-
ing capacity of the lake fleet for their
eight months' season 4,494,000 tons,
averaging twenty trips for each ship.
.A. T CO0OP2 X -A-
Beare the The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Sigaatan L/J v
The old headgear whioh Geronimo,
the Indian chief, wore in his last battle
with General Miles has been bought
by Robert W. Wells, of Washington,
and will bo given to the Smithsonian
Institution. -
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches, Bar
bee's Itch and every form of contagious
Itch on human or animals cured in 80
minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion.
It never fails. Sold by A. L, Hamilton,
Janice W. Ellsworth, millionaire oil
operator, has withdrawn his offer to
spend $100,000 for the improvement of
his b
o head home Madsen, Ohio)
the officers of the town divulged
the name of the donor to the public.
The offer was made on the i ondition
that no one should know 'who made it,
for he feared a deluge of begging letters.
He his reoently purchased the famous
Italian estate, the Villa Palmieri, Ont•
side of busitiesir he devotes fair time to
art and books,
The liver is the largest gland in the body; its
office is to take from tbo blood the properties
which form bile. When th, liver is torpid and
inflamed it cannot furnish -bile to the bowels,
causing them to become bound and costive. The
symptons are a feeling of fulness or weight in
the right side, and shooting pains in the same
region, pains between the shoulders, yellowness
of the skin and oyes, bowels irregular, coated
tongue, bad taste in the morning, eto.
are pleasant and easy to take, do not gripe,
weaken or sicken, never fail in their effects, and
are by far the safest and quickest remedy for
all diseases or disorders of the liver.
Price 25 cents, or 5 bottles for $1.00,
all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of
price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont. -
There has been over 50,000 church
bells cast in Troy., sines) the first fon:n.
dry was built there in 1825.
The new Russian navy is to coat $1,-
078,000,000, the expense to bo distribut-
ed through a teem of several years.
John W. Follicle, a Wainfleet farmer,
lost a team, sleigh and load of hay
through the We on the Welland River.
Members of the Illinois Undertakers'
Association are discussing the plan to
oall themselves "morticians" instead of
for Wingham and adjoining country to
"Canada's Greatest Nurseries"
Largest list of commercial and do-
mestic fruits—large and small; orna-
mentals, and shade trees; flowering
shrubs, vines, roses, fine seed potatoes
one of our specialties, Stook that Is
hardy comes front ue,
A permanent actuation for the right
man, for whom the territory will be re-
serves]. Pay weekly. Free Equipment.
Write for particulars.
Ponthill Nurseries
(850 acres)
Consul W. F. Mahin states that the
total annual valve of Nottingham's lace
output is about $25,000,000. The United
States is the largest individual buyer,
taking a quarto,: of the total.
Not a Miracle
But Medical Spruce
Ar. '.P. A. Slocum, Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
Gentlemen :--^^
'' Sona tinto ago, I began to lose fieslr
and failed every day until I had to
quit work. My physicians and all my,
friends said I had contracted consume).
tion. I failed from 165 pounds dower
to 119. I was advised to go to then
Rockies or to the coast. I went to botb , s
places under heavy expense. I con- .+r
tiuucd to fail, and was advised by the
doctors to conte home as nothing more
could be done for me. (lope seemed
to have ieft mc.
"I tried Psychine and sines starting
its use I have gained from 119 to 141
pounds. I have used $10.00 worth cif
the medicine. I am a well man and I
cannot say too melt in praise of Psy-
chine. The strongest reeonunendation
would be weak in view of the fact that
I believe it has saved nay life. It is,
without doubt the best remedy for•
run-down conditions and weak lungs.
"I sincerely hope and trust that you'
will continue your good work of saving
run down people and consumptive front
the grave. Wishing you and Psychine
continued success, I remain, one of.
Psychine's best friends."
Sault Ste. Marie, Onf.
Almost every mail brings us letters'
like the above, Psychine will repeat
this record in every case, It is the
greatest medicine known. At all drug-
gists, 50e and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slo-•
cum, Limited, Toronto.
[Kingston Whig.]
The Conservatives under Mr. Whitney'
have not been verifying some of the
promises they made to the electors.
Here are some of the planks from the.
platform before and during the last elec-
ti :
Lessened expenditure.
Rednotion of -the number of cabinet'
Abolition of taxes on financial corpora.
Reduction of the succession ditties
Two•oent-a-mile passenger rate on the
railways of New Ontario.
Adoption of the Pettypieoe plan of
railway taxation.
Requiring all convict -made goods to
be labeled such,
At a late banquet Mr. Whitney swell-
ed with pride visibly as he contemplated
the wonderful things he had accomp-
lished. The Opposition, he said, bad`
nothing to complain of, nothing for
criticise. No? Well, when he appeals,
to the people he will hear more upon the:
subjeot, and to his manifest disadvan-
•••••••••r.+.••0••S•••••••••i •••••••••••••00.0••®•••••0'
Tines Printing. Office t:
• If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon
• or make a better mouse -trap than his neighbor, though he
• bn.ild his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten
• •path to his door.—Emer-on, _.
-Get on the path to the door of the
Where mouse traps are not made but
Good Printing
Is turned out every day with neat- ••
ness and despatch; where up-to-date
materials and machinery are used,
and were mechanics with up-to-date
ideas are employed; where quality
characterizes every piece of work
and service given every buyer; where
cheap printing is never done, but
where good printing is done cheap;
where the kind of printing is done
that will lead the world to make a
beaten path to your door; where
particulars may be had by following
up the path., to the office of
or by canting up 'Phone 4.
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