HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-01-18, Page 8• F. M • M 4 �} Irnportant L � Ii1euture.. 'In the c&re oratook' is to .keep them free from Ilea An animal infect, �:; •5' id with lice will never thrive no :mat- '•'" - ter hew wellgyou'•may ''feed it. ,No. "" •farmer need allow, his stable and hie , ; stock to be, troubled with lice ':'when • there. re so mstn preparations which' a Yp.p. , , ,: ' he con use i,,) destroy the lice. 'We • • carry: all:thebeet known ones ins oo Here 4xne /patent Louse -Killen, Pe raiatic Poultry Powder; Hersle's Reliable"' In,' ,fleet Killer, Little's Sheep; and ,Cattle , • . Wtish, and: several, others. These are; all easily used and there ie no danger of injuring:'the animel in so doing, 'I'iie? powders ,are ;moa easily' applied ' and quite askeffective! as the washes ann cause:the animal less dis comfort. " Besides these preparations wa carry a full line of medicine; used in the stable. Loohead's'' Condition Powder is giving the ,best of satisfac tion and you will do well to get ' it if 6 - in need of something' of the kind for •, : your stock.. A. C. LOCHEADt .DRUGGIST. LUCICNOW ONT• .Moved 1)y' C Afar,` seconded . by C. Lawrence, that dug'tax.' of one dollar be ,refunded to the followings' John. Craig, G Sidda!J •nd Norman 'Mathe ° : '141n\1Fd by C _Gi'uwti, 'seconded. by- C ,L twreuce. that ; we' ',advertise for b• ridge covering, rock relm, ' Tamarac, red beech, .`3 inches thick; ' 12 and:.16 ,feetlong. .' Carried. Moved:b C Lawrenee,: seconded, by Y. , C Attar, that proper steps be rinsed!.. 'ately•taken towa ds sonstracti onsf • granolithic walks;; on station -'street.' • . ..(Havelock) east -side' from, south side Roman Catholic church lot to south °of udgard street. . rs"plxbatrirran-the fatfrar tt ,$QcietrYi and that 'UO . man.=ha3,•.doue' wore to promote its , interests. than he and that itspresentgood ate do gle,. in a great' measure; this result of his good management, advice ' tied lively 'interest.* Hischeery; presence, ready joke and'*ai;e, advice are greifl ly jrtiseeil at our ntertings atid;'we htrust the. time" is pot fir he will again take bis Iaoe in.our trtsidvt. • .: That a, copy of thi•t resolution 'bN. sentr. to :M r.. Audersotr,., KINLrYss -COUNCIL • The newly elected' Council for the ,T$Wn of IKino a met at the s h n t shid Bell, Holyrood,,o.i Monday, Jan. 14th,..et 1.1 o'clocl►a;►n., sad" having made their declarations of; quali6''ca tions' and TOCP, ' 'took' their .places ,at 'the Miami' fo l0 we -Mr, Frank ;Henry as Reeve and M.esars, John II, '.IKaake, John MClUonald; -D, oak" Mc Donald and Alexander ,MYMfcI{envie' as Councillors.: • The minutes.: of last meeting read' and 'signed the following business was transacted. A hy-law `,was•:- ,...past Y ., P P; poioting: the officers of the Municipals• ty for the curt ent year ``as; follows: ,.; . Auditors-r-Thowas • 'Murray and RobW McKenzie, •salary $8.00 :each; Treasurer -Peter'. Corrigan, .,:salary and attendance $119. Moffat,' salary:. $1:10 Asaesor-John afcl)isr.nid, salary' $50, equalizing seotions $1d`' \Medical Health Officer•Dr D M,, Gordon,. salary $20. G.. B,•Erwin=-Oaretsker$1 for Each. 'day.;and 60 cents for each night meet- ST. PET'tUNUAER'SY. CHURCH! Morniu,, Rra)ti at 1. a uu• try Xruyar at 7poor, thi. • Ever'rd Sunday in tho nnnnth• Sunday. School eeryiye° at 3 ,•1'.u". in plaad..(f usual M,ortning Priya F-••° ' • • "Holy Ccnruriuriiun 'tirst, Sunday• :of every mouth.;• ' Bible• ClaeW C.141,34 and choir practice., ed• ueadzy eveluing at7 30xp.I0., '. • MET DIST CHURCH.. Q .Q. 'Rev' A (I Hare's, Paxton. • 8. ABBATH;; >:P 'ORTII 'LEAGUE RA I.Y• DAY.' ' W l ,•Epwo+•th Teague Prayer uteeting, J.J6; Sawyer., '.45•r.nr.•Su :lay School and 13ihle:Close.. 7 P;M Pnfit(. "'Tip Ft►'ht:rw;' ;' WLE Monday R P.pI Lengui. 7,edne8dar8i , if.—Prayer Meeting. :r ' .SEEA'TS Vit WELCOME. g11a'� e i -ark's.. The•folloi ing•are tithe'market.euota- Clone for 't s week .- ' Wheat' 64c;to 65'o ' Yeas .. 30c to 60c Barley, • ,•.7... :3.7o to 38c. Oats, 27is' to.27c •'• ♦• E take- Stock. .i>ii FF.1BRUAR ' t'lio vva : I Go'se1,t.fo1®: ; tha;r-sat Iso ni al l sof Fut. cock in A,. � , l . the .. ,. U z ` . and: nd a4.,•13] pLadies Coatis, (.apes; uid (aper 11 eS< 5''to SPECIAL. PR � )i18:0, , ♦fit++++tF+t+t ' t+tit+t+++t+4t #+t} • r Now :that QH,ristmas iti::over. d thing, have, resumed . there nal corse we . woulc4,4, call' BRUCE: COUNTY COUNCIL' • s� .. , NNINT'oOo'721-L- y- CWhaaotnmtos b=eMancosdo, Cre. a..°m p be l l :::;‘).11' ,'•NNN• eNooo . • 834i• 6-SRMMWcoocoehDtlnwoBCFlraddainsdncMlsonecr„In.nnety.yre . , No9McGillivrar Hillier. r?Mr. James Lyons' vote 1', 1 ie the highest vote polled ;for a County •... .d Councillor in the Counties of Huron .• cr Bruce .. ,' g(}BICULTUBAL SOCIETY Cheques, were issued in payment of the fol•lowing'accounts:' • Geo. G Moffat, election expenses,.' rwn $38;' VV`d`Ir "i ;look an :nines re pairs an hail 'dem- $2; Wm—Valens; material for atone fence $5.03; James Bryan,:, printing impel'. account,$1200 D S, McDonald, bal on account . of in `epection $7..20.' "=-7.77,7* TheCouncil then adjourned. t3 meet!' again 4Peb..4th at 10 o'clock a.m.. GEORGE. G. MOFFAT, Olerk'r- f i ' cts `re- t eat on .to a few fa , , aiding our stock i T , e ha - e the ° ; etlnnulaI Meeting or Kliilosn 'Era'nol a ' :. The annual meeting of the Killion • < tel ,-; Branch..Agi+ieuleu nal: o 0,1r....wae held' thl.. in the Council -Room in the' Town ' `Hall, Lucknow on the 9th'in.t., pur; ~o' 4 sunt to Statute. There. •was good 111'..;. a• *, . ,• `A attendance of mewberL present. The annual report, of the Treasurer showed.. the total ,receipts to be $1071:66 and -, , 0 '; a. t' -'k•-,1--- ' total disbursements, $104.2.42• leaving 38.74' besid i HaJ n Watch 0f :appro;ba,tion a• appreciatio11:•is .our •xr It ��.osse sses all ^the,'eatbr�es_ considered necessary- or •d elreable' bY good coo of the'' defects a ,. of.: other .:stoves: • ° •• 1 . Wh ,not, Pr'`sent ,one to ' our'You knot .' d ' . bdre: ;old cvdk`'sstove-h-a '-"`dQIe:'gooct ''work: toff-: It' will :be I well • s ent.' • nd for seventeen ': jewelled d`ueted..i movement • it beats' ins ein all. We uarantee it very. respect..:: Call and get a pamphlets ° FEST •A tANOSH West. Wawanosli,•Jan.:14, 1901. Council' met according to ' statute embers:- •present,: 'Medd,-;Eaeron,- O'Conn#, T for After taking the necessary, eclaration : the members took, their seats at the:. council Board y�h,e •officere of 1900 were: reelected. D'Iembers of last meeting read and con- firmed. ;Treasurer's statement, showed balance on 'hand '$1636;53. 'Jas. Young and •:Richard '.:Anderson. Were appointed Auditors,' The''°'following checks were issued :--Election supplies and expeneee, J.49 a, registration, of births, marriages:: and deaths, : $18.;, W.H.Wilson lumber and gravel $8;91; Reeveone.:day on financial. stattement, $2'; . Walter Dennis gravel, $1.12'; supplies $4.2b"; collector's salary $65.; East %Vawatiosh• balance of boundary line work $9,'St Helena Public Library grant $20;• Dungannon Public Library, grant, $10; Mrs. Oullis gravel $2.73 ; Manures!-Wnrld.;anb ions -I$6'.7 -b;` Council adjourned to. meet. on'Feb. 14th at 10 o'clock: °',: , • W. S. McOnosTie; Clerk. ARMSTRONG. H J;EWELER.: • -- TAYLOR =