The Wingham Times, 1908-03-19, Page 46/3TERSD They appeal to men, who dress well. They have the finish that marks th# high grade quality. TUE WINCrII'AI&E TIMES, MARCH 18, 1908 telco VAx l4 Tit nberry Oaaneil meets in the Olerle's oflioe is this ell:age on al'[ties, April 6th. Ur. Wylie, of Parry pound District lug Peen visiting at Mr, Kirtoa'p #n Turaberry, ?$r. Thea. Martin, of Newark, New J -easy+ has been visiting with old tavrtd, t is Ghia dietriot, Misses Irene 81.acEWen, of Morrie 04 Nettie McNaughton, of Turnberry, are now reeevering atter their serious thecae. Ur, Josepix Leeoh hail returned from il'Iiiverton where he spent the winter months at the parsonage- with Rev. and Airs. oaten. sizzle Tuesday of last week Walter MoEay, 0th eon , left for the West, accompany• ing a oar of settlers' offeets. We hope he will do well in that Iand of promise. We aye sorry to hear that William Swalldon, o$ Sandusky, Aii3h., formerly of this township, is in the Detroit Hospital where he underwent as oper- ation on one of his limbs. 14? is not improving very fast but . we hope the treatment will prove sneoessfnl, • The hundred acre farm of Walter Pennington, 13th con., bee been sold to Jia Stevenson, of the awns line, fan the earn of $4,000, the purchaser to got possession of ,,the Iand at once. We have not heard what Mr. Pennington pnrposee doing. Question For Every Itcader, It you could find a single vegetable remedy for keeping all organs healthy and strong -wouldn't you use it? Most pills are harsh, oans0 pain and sink stomach. Dr. Hamilton's Pills are dif- ferent -they regulate and cleanse the system so gently, act 8o silently you scarcely realize you've taken medioine. You are oleaneed-appetite improves - color olears-sleep is restored. Every map, woman and child ie helped by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Try a 25c. box. • . FOR THE LARGEST MI FINEST• selection of the following brand new goods, D. M. GORDON is always in the lead. Yes, always in the lead in styles, quality and prices !. Why ? Because we understand where to buy, and when to buy, so that we can give our customers the very best values obtainable in the country, viz, : DRESS GOODS_In all shades, designs and textures. Special attractions in Blaoit and Colored Silks. DLOUSES.__Beautifnl and extensive range of Blouses, in Silk, Fine Lawns, and Muslins, Laces, Insertions, Embroideries ---see n n r immense stock of Fine Lanes, Insertions, Embroideries, etc., eto. WINDOW CURTAINS -The largest and most oomplete .�....� range ea Window Curtains, in Lace, and charming shades and designs iu Madras Muslim. , ..__ PRINTS_Very pretty Prints -the prices will please you, GROCERIES -Pure and fresh -great values. Please come in and see the goods; our description of them fails to do them justice. HIGHEST PRICES FOR GOOD TRADE, D. M. GORDON. WINTER FOOTWEAR TO 'BE CL.EARI3D OUT !I Our January Shoe -Fly Sale cleared our shelves of a lot of good Footwear, and our customers were well pleased with the values. We still have a large stock of winter wear for Men, worsen, boys and girls, whish positively must go, and We'll make this price so lone• that it's bound to move 'em. 12. JOHNSTON - Shoe Dealer etmab89. Mr. J. 1 . McLean received- word of 'the sudden death at Regina, Sask., of Mrs, John Gillespie .(formerly Mary 'Strath of the 2nd line, Cuirass) on the Bret of the month. Beath was dna to .appendicitis and was preceded by only & brief illness. She had been taken to :the hospital at Regina for treatment. TWIT/etre Mr. Bernard. Zeit), died Monday morning, March Oth. He lied been deli- -Okta for it number Of yearsmid had suffered it great deal during several Winter seasons. $a was an old retired farmer of German descent and cents to ,Luekn0WW abattt 5 years ago from his faun ortiibe 10th -lint of ZInitetlil. lite web Y aged 74 pears, was twice married and leaves a widow and a large . family of grown up sons and datightera. It will wilt be remembered that a daughter, Matilda, died early in June last, Medical Science Advancing Fast, Formerly doctors presoribod tttomach treatment for 'Catarrh and Bronchitis. They seldom cured and Catarrh bas be- come a national disease. Today the advanced physician fights Catarrh by rmedieated air. He fills the lungs, nose and threat with the antiesptio vapor of Catarrhoz me. Onre then Is certain, Easy. for Oetarrhozene to ours, It oon• tains the essences of pure pine balsams, reaches all the germs and destroys the diseatte. Every case of Catarrh, Sron• ohltis ani Sore Throat on be cared by aatarrhozone. 25e, and $1 00 sole. Sold everywhere. Get 11 to -day. ERIISSI5LS. Postmaster Farrow is in Toronto' this week attending the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge 01 the A, O. U. W. In an exhibition fire drill at the Pabiio school,Brussels, on Wednesday, the pupilsin the six departments were all outside in % of a minute after the fire alarm sounded. Geo. MoLanahlin, non of Mrs, Neil MoLauohlin. of town, who has spent the past 3 years in the hardware store of Gerry Bros., of Fort Wiiliam, has an - opted a position as traveller for the Copp Furnace and stove people. His territory will be from Winnipeg West with headquarters at Vancouver. Tuesday night, March 10th,, John Roddick; a well known resident of this looality, was called away. His decease was not an unexpseted event as be had been in failing health for some time, old age being the chief canoe of his departure, having attained to his 85th year, FIs came from Sootland with hisiwife nearly 60 years ago and after a residence at Montreal and St. Mary's for a time moved into Grey Township, 13th can„ in 1569, taking up 100 acres. fleet they lived continuously until Mrs. Roddick went to her eternal home on April 25th, 1907 in her 85th year, Mr. Roddick had made his home with relatives in Brussels for several years, Geo, Powell '211a5 rented the Londes- baro creamery and will operate it this season, On Monday morning of last week Mr, Frank Anderson, a000mpanied hie sister, Miss Elia, as far ae Toronto, while the latter continued her journey to Winni- peg, where she watt married to Dr. George MoG. Stuart, of Cupar, Sask„ a former Blyth boy. Miss Anderson will be greatly missed from Blyth, being for a number of years organist in St. Andrew's church as well as a teacher in the Sunday School On Friday, March 6th, Miss Janet Lookie of town passed away at the age of 40 years. She had been unwell for some time, bat not seriously so, the final ending following a stroke of paralysis of whioh'she was a vietim on the Wednesday preceeding, The de- ceased lady had lived in Blyth nearly all her life, having been born in the Town- ship of Hallett adjacent to the village. The home of Edmund and Mrs. Lear, just ninth of the town, was the scene of a very joyous and unusual event when they celebrated their silver wedding by the marriage Of their eldest daughter, Minnie E. 10 John W. Lynn, a young farmer of Brandon, on the afternoon ot Feb. 281h. Precisely at the hour of 3 m„ to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Elsie Lear, sister Of the bride, the bride entered the parlor, leaning on the arm of her father, and tock her place under a beantifnily decorated aroh of evergreens where the groom awaited her. The ceremony Was performed by Rav, 8, Anderson, of Bly th. e tlt'VIce . After a lingering Meese Of some- menthe Alexander Itobinsen passed aWay'r at hitt home, lot 27, 00n. O. }IOvtlick, on Tuesday morning, March 10th, in the 70th year of hitt age. At the hoose of Mr. and Mrie Jab. 004000004041, Girlhood and Scott is Emul..c oln are linked together.. The girl who takes .S'ooit'4 .mal' .stsorn has plenty of rich, red blood; she is plump, active and energetic. The reason is that at a. pe>iod when`a girl's digestion is weak, Scotivs Emulsion ulsion provides her with powerful nourishment in easily digested foram. It is a food, that builds and keeps up a girls strength. ALL DRUGGISTS; SOc, AND $1 .00. Durrant, Minto, on Wedneeday evening, March lath at 5 o'clock, Miss Ethel Durrant became the wife of Mr. Win. D, Stewart. Leaning span the arra of her father erne entered the parlor while the eweet strains of the wedding march were- b i ag played by Miss Pearl liuseer, and took her place beside Mr Stewart ander a bearit•fal arch of belle and silk ribbon, Little Miss Myrtle Durrant, sitter of the bride, noted as btidesnsaid while little Master Carman Bride, her nephew, supported the aroam and otirriW, a IoveIy baso of i1ewers is which was hidden the mystio ring which wee to bind two hearts and lives together, The Rev. Dr. Rawer of Fordwich per. formed the ceremony. Only the he - mediate relatives of both parties were preseut, about 25 iu all, The bride was beautifn'1y dressed in white Betist and Ewe, and wore cream silk gloves, and looked delightfully sweet. Mies Myrtle was attired in a lovely cream silk suit. After congratulations the oomp'ny ad - journed to the dining room and did ample jnatioe to delicer:1 os that were there provided. After dinner the even- ing was agent in vocal and instramente 1 mnse°, and tooial intercourse. The bride was the recepient of many useful, valuable and costly presents indicating tb:a high esteem is which she is held, Mr. and Bars. Stewart will reside on Lot 31, oou, 12, Howiok, and will be at home after April 15th, Their many friends naite in wishing them a long, prosperous and happy life. IIave A flood Complexion. First of all you need plenty of blood -- the red kind. Have it pare, or other- wise blotches and pimples 'will render your natural charms unavailing. No- thing can equal Farrozone, either as a former of rich blood or as a skin puri- fier. By driving oat humors, Ferrozene cleanses inside just as water does out. side. Because of the nourishment and building properties it contains, Ferro - zone brings the system to a high point of vigor, from which shines vim, am- bition, good spirits. For good looks, goad health, take Ferrczaue, all dealers in 50o. boxes. atoaltr&, Township Council will meet on Mon- day, 30th inst. Mr. W. H. Fraser, let line was ad- dressing Farmers' Institute meetings at Fordwioh, Molesworth, Ethel and Wal- ton last week. The 100 acre, farm of Wm. Robb, Si2 Lot 23, Con. 6, has been purchased by James Maxwell, of Brussels, for the sum of $4,000. Possession will be given ou April 10th. Mr, Robb has resided on the farm for the past 16 years and Ile and Mrs. Robb may en- joy a well earned holiday before pur- chasing another property. Walter Yutll has purchased the 110 acre farm on the North gravel road, known as the Fralick propert,y from Adam Reid, of Langdon, North Dakota, formerly of Brussels. l4.r, Riley het been the tenant for several years. The price is said to be $2850. Posses. sion will be given on April let. This will give Mr. Yell! 210 acres, A grist bat pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Thos. and Mrs. Bielby, Morrie, on Wednesday, March 11th, whene their daughter, Margaret E, was married to J'amee Calder, Delora. Rev, S. Anderson officiated in the presence of only the immediate relatives and friends. The bride and groom were unattended, the bride beteg daintily gowned in cream and carried cream roses. Their popular- ity was evidenced by many and costly gifts. .Miss Bielby will be 'greatly missed here and especially by the mem- bets of the 13lyth ;Epworth League. After the dainty wedding dtunor Mr. and hies. Caldor left at tour o'oloek for London and Niagara before goiug to their home in Delors, At 5.87 o'olook Sunday morning, Marole 8th, the taper of life in conned- tion with an old and well known Morrie- Ise, in thd'pereon of Alexander Nichol, was extinguished. Se passed aWay at the hone of hitt eon, Robert, South 1; Let 26, Con. 6, where he had been living for the peat year. Mr. Nichol was bora id Bervvitktthire, 'Scotland, nearly 75 years ago and came to Canada in July, 1852, with his brothers and sisters, the voyage lasting 7 weeke. After a short residence pear Brantford he came West to Queen's Binh taking up North halves of Lots 16, 17 and 18, Cor. 6, Morris, then bash farms. He sold Let 16 to his brother in-law, James Purvis, and No. 18 to his brother, Ed- ward Nichol, both of wham are deceas- ed. For several years he was employed on G T. R. construction work. By iudnstry, economy and thrift the sub- ject of this notice, assisted by his son, in later years, not only converted the original 100 acro farm iuto well tilled acres but added to their possessions so that 600 acres, all in Morris, became their property and upon which are no v comfottable homes and modern out building. Six years after Mr. Nichol came to this oountry, on Aug. 20th he was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Thompson, of the 7th line, who proved a true helpmeet in the sturdy battles that had to fought in those pionoer days, having to often carry provisions on their backs from Barony - hey. Mrs. Nichol paid Nature'e debt 5 years ago, --�----ter--- Have You & Roree? If you want to keep him in shape, never lot him suffer pain. Rub on "Nerviline"-it in noted for curing strains, swellings and stiffness and sore muscles. For interum use in curing cramps and collo. Nerviline is a perfect marvel. In every good training stable you'll find Nerviline because it keeps horses in trim and reduces the veteria• ary bill. Farmers, stockmen and all horse owners should buy Nerviline and prove how invaluable it is. Good for man and beast. 250. per battle at all dealers, THEA�ES, The Huron spring assizes was the first sitting of the High Court of Jus- tice in Goderich to be presided over by Mr. Justice Mabee, and this learned jurist succeeded in an eminent degree, by his coartecus manner, judicial dignity and masterly grasp of every case, in evoking from the IegaI pro• feseion, jurors and public their highest eulogies. The cases not reported Iast week were as follows. Yeo vs. Yeo. -Au action to set aside a conveyance se fraudulent, brought by the daughters of Wm. Yee, sr., as they considered the conveyance to his son William of a certain farm as secured by undue influence. Trial adjourned to the Stratford assizes on Wednesday, March 11th. Medd vs. Mills et al. -Action on a bank oheque for $1,066.18 and in the alternative for remuneration for mire ing, board and nttendanoo. E. L. Dick- inson, K. C., counsel for plaintiff, Wm. Pronndfoot, B C., and D. Holmes, S.C., counsel for defendants. ]die Lordehip directed that judgment be entered in favor of the plaintiff for the sam of $1,066.13, together with interest there- on at 5 per cent from Dae. 18th, with Costa of action, The plaintiff v as Hanna Medd, the wife of John W. Medd, of Dungannon, and the defend - outs John Mills ani Thomas Alien, executors of the last will and testament of Wm, Hill, deceased. Mr. Hill wile a bachelor and suffered from cancer and was taken care ofby his niece, the plaintiff. Ryan vs. Malone, -Action for a deo. laration to rank on the estate of Jas. V. Ryan. W. Proadfoot, H. 0., oonn- sel,for plaintiff, J. M. Best coupon for defendant. Judgment reserved. The plaintiff in this ease was Timothy Ryan a farmer of M.eKillop, and the defend. ant, John Malone, also of MoSillop, is assignee of Jae. V. Ryan. On Nov'. l lth, 1891, the plaintiff oonveyod to his san Jas. V. Ryan, lot 9, concession 7, Mo. Killop, the son aggreeiog to taeniae Ole father with firewood ae long as their was timber on the farm and to give htm right of way to the bush, or in the event of selling 01 begaeething the property to pay the sum of *600. The propetty was sold by the eieeighee to the plaintiff. Judgment hat ainoe been given, dia. missing the action with Costs, Jttdgmlent hat since been given also in Wilson v. ?ittsbury do Ohio Mining L4DiES' NEW. SPRING GOATS We are ready to serve you promptly with anything in Ladies' New Spring Coats and SkirIs Now displayed on SECOND FLOOR. Every garment Correct in STYLE and PRICE, , Each garment is perfeetlq designed and made speeially tor ns, and the workmanship is of the highest standard, Tbis DEPARTMENT has shown great PROGRESS and is now one of the most important in our BUSINESS and we feel confident that the display we are making this season will lead to still greater success. We extend a cordial invitation to all our friends to call and see the full collection. WANTED. -Large quantities Batter, •Eggs, Dried Apples and Potatoes. 11. E. Isard & Go. PHONE 68. WINGHAM. is an interpleader issue between the plaintiff aslignidator of the Gederioh Eagine and Bioyole Co., and the de - fendants and six other firms and oor- porations, exeoation creditors of the Rogers Manufactaring Co. Judgment for the plaintiff as to the bolt machine , switchboard and jointer in question in the issue, and for the defendants as to the rest of the goods. The jadge who made the interpleader order to dispose of the costs of the igpn9, E L Diekin- son for plaintiff. W. Protedfoot, K C., for defendants. CHILDHOOD INDIGESTION ,a MEANS SICKLY BABIES. The baby who suffers from indiges- tion is simply starving to death. It loses all desire for food and the little it does take does it no good; the child is peevish, cross and restless, and ,e mother feels worn out in carl.: 'or it. Baby's Own Tablets alwa cure indi- gestion, and make the O. • . sleep health- ily and naturall , e. Geo Howell, Sandy Beach, s • e says: "My baby suffered from is i; igestion, collo and vomiting, and cried day and night, but after giving him Baby's Own Tablets the trouble disappeared. and he is now a healthy. child." The Tablets will cure all the minor ailments of babyhoo3 and childhood. Sold by medioine dealers or by mail at 25 Dents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medioine Co., Brockville, Ont. EXPER IYIENTS WITH VEGETABLES, The practical educational work car- tied on by the Oaterio Agrieultnrel Colleges threegh t he Experimental Union, is now well kuown throughout Ontario. Thousands of people in both town and country iuterested in farm- ing, fruit growing or gardening are carrying on experiments ander the di- rebtibn of the 0 -liege and are profiting by the experience. The seeds or plants for these experi- ments and full information for condnat n g them tare furnished free on the nuderstsndi.ng that each experimenter will repot the result of his experiment at the end of the noason, e O,ving tt} the great demand for the experiments with traits, and tits limited fonds for the purchase ot plants for thte purpose, the supply of these for this year is already exhausted. Ent vie have on hand a good eoppty of seeds for the ex•feri,nants with vegetables, and hope to be able to furnish these to all interested in the growing of the best kind of garden 'vegetable*. Three of the leading varieties of each of the following kinds of vegetables Co., which was tried tact 'eek: Tbie aro ofterod for testing this spring, viz., beets, carrots, onions, lettuce, early tomatoes and later tomatoes. The early tomatoes are best for northern seotions, tonere the later anti better varieties cannot be depended. upon to ripen. Any person in Ontario who wishes to join in this co-operative testing may choose any of the experiments above mentioned and send in his application, for the seeds and in8trnotions for cone ducting the same. This will be sent by mail free of charge, bat each emit - cant must agree to follow the direc- tions furnished, and report the result% at the end of the season, whether sue- oessful or not. Applications will be filled in the or- der they are received until the sup- ply of seeds is exhausted. Address tell applications to H. L. Hurn, Ontario Agril. Col , Guelph, Ont. Healthy Financial Condition. The finances of the country are in es healthy condition. A statement toned, by the Department of Enemies for the eleven months of the current fiscaL year, shows a total revenue of $87,607,- 209,,being an increase of $8,629 749. over the corresponding months of 1906 7, and $49,777,521 greater than in 1896, wheat the Libel al Government assumed ornate The total expenditure ou consolidated, farad aoaoant for the eleven mouths was $60,720,353. an increase of $10,735,635. The total expenditure on capital no - anent was $25,768 488, of whit h$20,183,- 830 was for pnblio works, railways and canals, including' the oonstrnotiou of the National Transcontineural It Hiway. The eurplue of the total reven.e over the total exeenditnre for the &even. mouths ending February is $1 118,458 For the month of F. brnary the total avenue was $6,5?7.020, a decrease of $7.40 793 as compared with the comes- pend•ng month last Sear. od 96171° Established X879 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresa1ene Is a boon to Asthmatics nosh not seem more effective to t,reathe in n remedy to care disease of the brcathi, organs than to tike the remedy into th a stomach `t It cures hecanse the air rendered atronglyauti- septic is catried over the dis,nscd sunaee wait every breath, giving prolonged MA' constant treat. »neat. It is invaluable to mothers with sueOl • children. Thos a of a tottsu apt?ve tendency find immediate relief from toughs or in- flamed conditions of the throat. Sold by druggists. Send postal for booklet. Lrzstnrc,Mtcts Limited, Agents, Mont. teal, 'Canada. sol