HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1901-01-18, Page 1•
V 01. XXVIII—.
-LtroP,QW J.Q.N.T4,14.0:, PR
Itesei've rtieitil • :115,0 :000 •
Totitt .4,1Ssets" ' • ilit14,4146;#94,' y
, .
• JO:u President:"..4 .
::••\i PA'eOchnit,
u etishi.4,:•Oashier:
A, GR.N.ta.tAi, •,)3.4/c,(KiNd. ;3311$114P$s
• e
• •
, FaenterSNotes digconnted alid ad- .
\va.,nePs made to farmers td feed stoCk.
SALE Nt1TE.1)(Y1,-Ight and collected,.
All rates moderate. ' •
1),RA1'ms ,,isereted, payable t all, the
L'nobal 'Points 'in ,QaMkt14.: •a" 1.11.e
Saivin6 .:Department,
Deposits Of $1,,Q9 and ''`upwards, • reelVed
and" intern allowed at current rates from.
'date O deposit to dale of withdrawai. :
, .
The' depositor is not subject th Any. clelay
• whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or,
any portion of the deposit,
' • JOHN SPROAT; AGE1,7.*••
•••• • . • . • • .
I: 0 I A N.
•• . surgeon, and Accoucher. .Surgery
byt J..Ellititt:s.qt,OP'OrY stork. • Office. hours,
. • frdm lito 12 a.m.; froth 2 to t p m and from
• 1. + .
D01),:; GolX.1)01C; 1.1 ,D2. FT.
• • •Physician, Sur-
geon, and Accoucher,. • Upstairs in •,‘Vm.
• behitid-U. U,iurcoh & 00's store. •
:.F1RE.. AND Mi11111g
0 C A/70 -0N7.,
, E,574111,1:1111)i888;
crn •Lieiterat hulking hardness; iSsne
drafts throughout Canada and the United'
States. We n3ake Cellectioni 'On all points,
•"including;;-Western'Stites, Manitoba and
the North -Wen Provinces, and all coffee-.
• tions,whether note or amount, will have
'prompt attention. '
Notes discounted and farmer's sale notes
:cashed. . . •
We, loan to fairuore on'donble or single notes
• at from one to twelve months timeand at
reasonable rate .of interest. •
We • loansmall or large amounts 'on second
Mortgage on farms or other real estate •Se6•7
nrity and on first -chattel mortgages on live.
stock and implements:and crops. .
We, have a large airachnit of fundsi to advance'
' • on first mortgagea from5 per dent. to 6 per
. cent, .• The rate s•graded according to...the
• quality and size of the loan required. .
We repreSentthe leading" 'Engnsh and'.Cana
dian Fire- Insurance ,Oompanies and can
effect °insurance on 41 daises pf Prop(' rty hi
. Stock .or,Mutual Companies as•desired: '
''Onr ofliee hours are from 10 a m to 4 p m
• • • LEGAL
• fit A411,0 & '' S
• •,r. :ter's„;Solicitors,. etc.,: .Gederich, Ont.:
.T. Q.(.. • '(-.;
' A.' -A1Ai.0011180Nf, AlstI1ST1111,,:
GonveyarMer,.. etc., ' (late 'of •
• '.0 a roaren,.:0,11t./4,0ameroj4. Ooderichd..,;,...OffiCe
• . •lipstalrs,in ,..•
10.0R1IS.ON% ' jA1tIIBR.
LLo S01.4:W ;etc,.
-411,ircio:„.to10t (hike Over Mtredy's Ilarber.
; • • .
Arit.m.w.t .AuE0.00.1), w iO tuck.
now. hleets every first' aint..thiril Mon:
day ofevery month in- ,tbs ....Orange
.Visitin br.threo.ard hordially*invited.
tAahervAR; .0., R. D. D. Yur.r„, Se
, • .
9. ....128;•; 31,E9151:4Ait
monthly ine'etings•in the Orange 4411;
Cainpbelt; Eitree6, •Lueknow, ou 11;•-•i4.•Mon• d
Tuesday siening of each and every plonth.•
Degree night on thellecond'Tfietilay evening.
• folhhving; A.11 visitiag'brethren cordially '
.vited to the ideet ings • .• .
• .
• .1)1.v ID AnCUEU •• •
8 ti ' ' '
, ecre ,a'ry , • • k \ •
IT 0 IC• N
.Loclge No
meets every Yriday evening at fi O'clock in
thrrTl1, 0 am ' 1 brethren
:10Iii.TYRE 17. A. MAtoOm sow,
Noble Grand.- ••Recorder.
Wr I?,
,• • fo• •befare''. the full moon,•• •in 'the'
,7%#-Iitoonie.,11,a1.1,1:favethek Street, 4
IS to IStolItti"VM,.% • 11,1RItle,
:oral tid tit Uastet 1.16cretary.
. .
. .
0.Cige. F.
• j./.0 Tsr 9 Iv
(onnell, Can-
adian/ Order of,
Megis 1St and 3rd
!Tuesday OVI"tflilgg
of intch iri
(Ithlieno ws
Vi4itore cordiallY
• •Invited, •
1). 1?..,Vregustilkr, Recorder'.
. ,
I.10-0i:NONV* tO1)01g
TN I) 1,', r
,.,Oraer .of t'oresters
meets in the OddfelloWe'
;flail on the fourth Tues-
day of each ' month,. at
• 1:300'el6ek.1Visitirtg
rotliren eon:Holly invited. . •
f,ty•storte;,.' \V. A, 1,AWRI• ,INTEi
Othicl ltanqer., " iteeortling Sjcretaiy
ie.- •
lf• 11'0 0.W.
:1,yf , the.,•
Atic',.imit Yr( et 'of
Wotkrnpr! .
ineet4. in •sth e ()(b.e
**-• ,fellOivs'Ifat4 on the
Wit ;and , second
Mi)tiANYTVeriings 'of
; month ret Ogilt
, • .•'. ;6"cloelt! Visiting
•rethrett dotdially invited , .
./N1 A,..tter..NStork, • •Itecorcler
• .
•:_;,Gootonot Ileve • you
the'gripts; ,Ker7OTC-ew•-•;Wl
• -•*-INI&a-irtt-fithtles;• ef Kincardine'
was in the yillage on Tuesday, '
• ,
—Auction se bills can be printed
.at this °Elide' on the isharitestnolice: '
—Mr john S. McDonald of Ripley
Was in the village on Tuesday last., :
- new'Oanadian.four• dollar .bill
,w m mire its uriii,eitirs:rice early in. 'the
century.. : ,
—Mies E'a' Yo1lins of Xueari ..iS
,spending a few wc'eks with N3ss .Min-
hief.Theinpseri of tl,iie.iI1ag.
• e.riort en e ,e4 eot on petitio.n
,,VO,Loonie? to trial et,OWeti. Sound * on
the. .25th,inSt., •before' ;Judge, ..ROycl'.
.License OpiiiiiiiSsioners :for
Soutli Brine are , Me§sers, Andrevi
•*: 1 •• • .
•-1.11earinual..meeting of 'the %Can-
adian Press Association will be held
it February ---14th azid
15th. :-.' •
.,•Sogie..nf our Orreapcindents have
beentaking,' licilidey: W sin& 'be
,iiuh pleased to have Yoer-bedget
-Judge.Creesor, . of Owen Sound
.finecl e grand jurar-00.• for ri9t
infA in* the'. General
Sessions, '
ta• orf- jail* ar
andthe 1 Euron Oeuirty Canned- in
. •
GInderich pe'theSame-date. '
-• • • ..
not. forget ,to renew . your.
subseri" Hoes now. det our _clubbing
yon ,ern... troubled with your
eyesight; C‘alrarid "kW r. T. i. SM4h
at 'lorry 8ori's ()rag stor6, 111 )2h:urs-
day Jannary be there
01.1041147* 061,0- R•odms:'°,.rkir :store'
' • '
--,kr..torney-Cretierar-Crihson. is asic-
the judges, and. berrititere for 'seg.
on..110 OU4-
`1VCGiO4 w j if the extensiOn of We jails-
Oiction iiit'ision-Conrts,and: the saving.
of •expense to..tax. payers aiatl litigants
has j."4ceived Luart3i refill:es,which
will be considerficl in the framing of
fature.legi'slation. ; • , .
• —,Trooper I); 1...ochead, of ',the Second
Contingent Who distinguished „them,
selves in South Africa, wi.i1 arrive.
• '
hothe in Winghare,thii (Friday) even-
ing end he will be' given a grand re.
.ception. A large .nunsber of our citi-
•zens intend geingnver to 'join:. in , the
deinons"tratiOn to the returning hero.
—Mrs. J. W. Armstrong and her
little clatighter, Lallre,'left On, Tuesday
- .
'morning last for Port Arthur, :where
Mr.. , Armstrong, holds e responsible
position as Manager of the *Optician
•entl art departthent alarge Jewelery
. • ,
.eititiliebinent' in • that placo., They.
Will be Missed in. the Village not only
by their own, family and relatives,.but
:•it 'large 'Oircleof friend.. •"•:,)
large niteribilifs, of westerners 'looking
highlyihrea cattle,fOr:hreeding'pur.-
.. . „
Poses; , Soine'time.ago antirrangerneat
was Made between,: represen: a Ives .o
the Governments and ;the railways
whereby 'men, coinirtg froni- the west to
buy cattlo :for • stock -raising: Shoulki'.
receive:free transportation.
Th'e'.0tldfel'lows of the village have
decided: to .hold' their.; ;annual'. "Ola
Time Apciiii" in; thei ell -all -On Friday
evening, February 8th, • and a -good
time is iiellured all who may he present.
• ,
,..,,. Sevieue Aceicient ,
• ,
Mr. John Barber met with -a seriens
and pain f ul.accidentil at 'fhe„Furuitu re
• - •
Factory on Moriday_lifit, whe:ia.two, of
eipst Severed by a circular saw. ,,..
.• .
Salt - On the nidewallt • • ,
• 'There is nothina• more harmful to the
gratiolithia.walks than . salt,., and •phe
street irispectort .has;;,ideuestecl us' to
'rge our busineismn net to sprinkle
• ,
salt on the Walks or to allow salt -fish
.beere1i. to remain on the sidewalks for
anylength of time.. ;
. . .
We extend our hear t;i Congratul-
-ations to Ale.- 4.; W... Rohl), of the
Walkerton TelescO.p.e,
• Mer)oilald ;of the
,corribirietioeof papers VOO want. •
-...1.tericiwals and tieiii:','StibloriOtiodS
• ha ve becn cominjintoilie.4-entinet; of
..fien• at a ii:c•T' ly rere. i'Vr;• still. le,ye
-a*,fes;sub ft 'for those- p e e.
'have not yet paid. for 1001.. •
—A provincial pere bred stOck sale
will be..beld in GuelPfli, on the' •27,t11 of;
Febrimily. /0•ne hundred and fifty,head
ithourouglibreditOck' is 'expected to, bo
••offeroclo•freni all par Os. o f the provinces.
, • - ProviReial. 'Leeielativ,e has
beeneunitheeed to meet' on Wednes-
day, Ve,1).:,6th for. tlici transaction Of
business.: That • day as
the new" ,parliathent, ,theets, at Otto. wen.
We ti,,re ptois,ed• to heiii- that Mr,
T. P.,:Smith, scientific optician, has
arrengekto,..visit, tueknavy again aed
willhe at same rooms ,as before, over,
0,, W. Berry cc:. Son's dreg store,' eri„
PresbYtetiatis have done
riebly. 'the -2Oli cc t u fe n .nne
ll'edelled,a.point near $1,300;600, and
.1)-ANUAR! 18th. 1901.
Sudden, Death
our se4. /pity.' thise. week. to
I ()cord, the very..siiddeu.,cleatli: Of Mrs.'
Patiersoni wife- of gr, PetteraPn:
*dentist, of this which, t'bc*
place on Tuesclay.e'veniugla0, ritUr‘
few days, ill rieSS, 1?"361$8.13€(1, only
42 year's fe, and leeves a ,husband.
aecr seven hildren,: and in • this :sad
lour of Serrew, the -..larikest::sympitthy
of the, Viliole 'community...is extended
to them... The funeral takes 'place .this
(11riday),afternhon• •at enleck ' to. the,
Kinbasi Cemetery. ••
WHOLIkTo, 1408
rda.luba Day
The' days betWeiln the i8thand
, •
2901 of Fielareary%1U00;will beMemor-.
able in ,1). the _his: ory Of the,: South
African vier. • 'The part taken by the
Canadian troope on that day when the
"lion of the 'north7--9•enera1
was,forced, to surrender will be spoken •
of. as a work worthy of eeY regiment::
The -position they oeouPiecl: is clearly
depicted . in the *picture which, the
'Weekly Glebe is _giving ,frie to its
:Yearly sebseribers: A sample. copy
can be.'.seen at this office. 'is cer-
tainly' worthy :Of a place in every
Canadian home.
respective Aivislon, as candidatee 'for'
the County.coOncil oiOrece: ' • ,
belated subseriptions•are .coming
in. What alot of ,cherches will have
their debts lightened?
-7.8.nnda).'r be ,Epworth r,eague
Clay tho methodist ehurch,1 •:An
Epworth League ,prayer-ineeting.will
be held at itoir,, J. •11.,Sawyer.
of Salem Wilr preach the •iiiorkine::
In' the evening the pastor will preaelr,-
„ubject'" ratheea". • r
It is almost fpregohe, conalUsion,
that James Lyons,, of this, village,
, will be elected ,Wartlen. of; Om Oounty
at the first meeting, of the new County
. 'Connell'. -WelkerpOn en *,,Tnead0
next:, Mr. LYons.i% 'one' of the,oldeat
..rtientibers of the „pciinicil and hi Wel,
'qualified to fill that iinpoi:taht position.
. . •
Tbo idtbie In theScheel.", ,
Whereas.One 'clause in school
law' is to the effect; that , the teacher,
aetbe ,,re(itiest Of. the trusties,
bear the pupils, repeat front .epinpry
'Verses ;of, Scripture::• 'Wheree.sr,wo
beli0v6.that the trustee§ and 'teachers
ate teaet) in accOrdithee,' With
:'(his previsiota the'laW if they were,
' setire thi). eitei-,46th,. and parent
TherefOre We the under-
signed ministers,' now • call a public
Meeting be held in bas,emeht of
the Presbyterieri • church on Monday
evening Jan, 21st;itt •7,30 e'elooic,for
the ptirPO'se '.of di,etiasing the ' above
subject and •ftseertaitiing the mind of
, (X. 0.„itlitris
`..ff40.4. '44; cgay, •
• • ,t0. 1:00%; 947.009
Leatupe' on i;Ile
' The Lcl.pow; • 1.,odeLL_9,_. have
secures:1... Stanley MCKeown'',Brewn,'
the Mail& Empire's W..ar ,Correepoiv
dent, :Who Was ,.With :the Canadian
:lust rateciLlecte liere--in-the
.Tow n -
Hall, Friday January 25tli.•• Mr,'
.Browii has also the Ediscin's Cineme•
. • • ' • . . • . • , •
tc,graph Moving Pictures, the ,Saine
niachine and pi4prea,•the.'Pwerec)ii at
the: Military concerts, in Massey Hall
•• .
vest success in .his .tour of , Ontario,
,end;iii-::Proneuneed .nne:. of :the. ablest
Speickers_sin this subject. He takes
, you from ;the eoldier's, departure . at.
Quebec right through the Campaign'
With the Canadians ,and. his descrip
tion and lectures Ofthe battles of
Sunnyside and ,,Pacirdelcurg,..ef.:Whieh
he was arc eye 'withess, havo received •
speeiel,,mention in Lthe.- Press.. ;See •
elinciuncenieriti:neXt'Week, '
. • .
'Change in Ihisinesn. - •
Mr. ':Theiitas • Martin; of Heron.
township :has bought out • the:
meit husine§e'letely Carried on by .Mr.'
'Peter, Snaith„for' the Deering reempany .
in this in ...speaking , of the
exhibit made at the :•Paris exposition .
by this firin,,* the.: New York Times
says:-"TheDeering :Harv,ester
pany' efforts have .been lrewarded
Wi-th-tihrhighest;reermapenses and are
as follows: • The ',Greed 'Prix,. Frier.
Gold Modals, one SilV.er, Medal,' one
Bronze' Medal. , The aliceie: list reprel''
• "piteity Canarlian",•
• The f011OWing is en (extract from a
.letter frorn South Africa 'inst. receive(]
feona (apt.15..i`ng:—"Ilie: 'Boers, de-•
‘t)84C1.461.0nit' Ie,iIst ves whet her' they
should sheet, prioners" ati,a,retaliatien
for our force burning their heeisea
' They tot* 'three* thena-'-fahugheed,;
'peliiile•end;rJertee• to the. bott3nl of a .
.reeky '',ravine. These . three • thought.
their time had pose. Don't Jet them
put* a 'hendlierehief.kloverl•onr_.eyee;
shouted Lotigheed....,Let them see, 'IOW
Cana:diens; , can die. Longheed.haila'
from 'gingham, Ont.., and la' anephew
Of Dr. • Ilfighea of; ...Leitiningten: The
bravery .of .the Cenadia,ns boys facing
death, impressed the .Boera favorably,
for they at oh-ee released and treated
'them. courteously. . They let thein •go.
aboOt 4 •o'Clocki' the fight was at Peon:
—Toronto World.. ;•
• The •• congregation of Peter's
Oherch, Ltieknovv, celebratedl the first
anniversary,Of the re -opening of their
church on §Unday la,jt. pm Services;
in n g-1\nd evening, were eniatInetisd:
by ReV,... : T. Kerrin.? of Mitchell, a
grentleineril, well and most: favorably.,
known in'this• vicinity; who gave two
excellent seri:eerie, taking his Morning':
text from St.' John xxii 22, and his
vening text
. •
There* Was a large. -attendance ,at both,
eervic-tre?..„,,the church ,.ie the evening:
: The collec-
tions were liberal and will inaterially
aidin reducing the church debt. ' On
•Mondity.eyening, Kerrin:leetnred;.
ity,tlae Town Hall .On -"Life in the:A.r-
'gentine ,,,Mr.:K.errin:spent.
Sore! YearSin the Argentine and ,
.Republic. Mr: 'Kerlin is as able
the platform as he is in the pulpit, and
to.a,11.,who'1020*! Mci, that iOaYing
thataIl whO.missed the leetpre.Mitised
a treat. ,* There were not as Many,put,1
at thalecture as We would' have 'liked'
• , , .
te:see and as it deserved, but we,heve
he ,cleubt 'should Mr. .Iterrin return,
P.SU;e; treat he full hall wouldgreet him. •.
The . balance Of ode :Ladies' Ja:ikets
'itiliaie; cut dowe., to such clear,
leg' prices - tlAt every Jacket ,
should be. cleared •, out. '.during
:. this month.
ne only: EitiVa7;Fine Biack Beaver •••
*neatly trineld, lined. with Cardin
Satin;., Size 34. ,Regular Price
' 811,50 nOirel$7,59. •
Two Fawu,,Betiver,.: velvet collarcpearl
. •
buttons newest style. Size's '32
, end.Regular price $5.Q0 now
• ; • • .
• '$3:50; • ' • • '
• • • ' •
One only' Black .Frieze FaniiY7 Braid
.'. • 'filming: ,Size 34... Regular Price
$6,50. now $3,90:: ' , •
One only Green Frieze, Black Aplinue ,
. Triming Size 34. Regular price
$6 '25 now $3.90. - '
One only 'Brown Tweed of excelh.nt
..'4„,:•teaterkel,. • Size 36. Reieler Price
$6,00 now ,$2.90.
______244Fdurp;ticheesi'4,7rf.:,18,4,114aht4Ja1071ibe:r,ei 1,07:iviizz.e:_.
$2.00.ancL$2.50. 'Jost half the-
If you have delayed purchasing in
this line: . .,1krow is your • chance
te buY, at a Bargain; Price ` -
Lu know., Jen. ,d4t1i, 1201::
First regular ineeting,Ofbeunell for
1901 in4 ('`' above 'date: All t'1' Clearing', .Sale : 0
ineMliers present . ..Reeva-Wm,
,douneillorit ...Thomas Aga, 3:611;ii
•Vel -
Brown, Lawrence and. vets Whig ' Feathers,
, .Orgqinein..t§ ttild 41so trim-
lythintei-of Meeting. , read ,
moo and untrimmed
and On motion of .Councillors Lawrence
..MicL.Bioar_n_were d fy-Paseed; ' •!'
ACcOunte 'presented:—HUgh MOrri-e •
son, siclaryi-`ete.; S58.; ,
e9•50; I'M Corrigan, Co.„Valu- verything a
enta-t10-44404t,n_ e6,141igh,844„._
atom R. Moore, salaryprice to Make room
the, ; manufactnilo .1 -Of Harvesting
Machinery at the Univ-orsiti ExpOsi,
fiat (4-1.9.00, and:4 at the seine tim:e •
e grea eat num er •0 ig est clage
Medals ever obtainediethat line in
the history • of EXpopitiOhs-5-6,
Sohoo1 Board. ,
',.The minuet meeting of the Lueknow
Teplic School `1,3ciard Met in the Coen::
.eil Chamber on January' 16th 1901:
;Minutes of,lasf ineeting read and ap-•
Proved. The newly eleeted Truss
) :Street'
'Albert Fleming 13 ned-the deelayatien•
of 9ffice. Motion , ni,ade , Triiirel La'VrienC,Yee'.11'. IsFirege
4oynt;and: Fleming 'that' Jaines Bryan`
be appointed Phatrinan and D. R.
postage,- SJ0.48; Guelph :Pavement,
S226',5•2; 'Fire Coe 'rant' 25.
,iTarnes Beyan;•printing.454:59;. Waltet
• Moved- by C Lawrente, seconded bY
C Rielee.yen that f0.'ngoinft accounts
be passed and ordered talan',Iiaid.in
fell excepting the of 75 cents to
deducted feom aceounti of :W4lter
S.tewarfl, 4 st.4 ,(81.30.10. paropci,:•.„;
comithnigs, 4;
•Geo; Lawrence 1 • •,
N. Bi6Wea '.•rinance
Theis,. Agar j
, • ,
AlcIritash, Secretery, for.' the: ensuipg
year-:darried., .Moved by True.tnole.
;Reid 'arid 'Pefinaere ,that.in nttire the
Sehoel 13eard Meet tho' Condi
'.'pherntet'en the firstiTiterial evening
d.each month at, 7.3Q. ,t *N. Beciwn 13k -14Y!'s
Aidtiott made' by ;Messrs 'patinore 'and d by
foregbleg. eonstitutes,
,Iteidthe.t„ the "full Boa be repre-
,staeding':cothinittees' for 1q0.1,
'oonted otitheitairagetnetit end Stipply
cOminittee. was moved tinki encontl- *Thatied-keepo appoinied •on motion
ed that:the Boardllnalco ' an official f all'
Tima. Aga
Cleo. Lawr nce . Supplied.,
w; C. "Ireleavfin )..• 7,
Thos. Agar . keiition
even-I.—Lights .
Wm. Auk' • and .
. .
pi% Agar and Treleaven.
visit tO'the school attlo
'were • appointed as reproMetatives
:t,ik.Av.r.e,.o.qi,;03o.01351e4 .1)Y
aiy: • icroisis: ootifielt; nory •
G Agar,!• D. Calneron be:re:1;
nt lloard io r
,.t,,,,,nibmlibtary.:-Mee adfol#11, et' It11.1& r ur(,'1"ste ot17,2,0 on tae. . ejarriedn
Alettitosh,'S oretttri,,. 3 yea.S., 1. aa 'nned 0118tlispage,
: .1‘1,eved hy Tre eaven, seeeti
0...Lawrence; that J. Liftle:'he're- • .•
appointed for 3;yeers on,the.:Bpard,of •• •
Health committee. Ceeried... . •
Moved ,by d Browni:SetOnded*bY
0•Trelpecien, that :Dr. Itio. &Tennant .
'bir' appointed Medical Health Oflleet
for 1901.. Carried. *
;The fence .Yiew.i.ire Of. 1900.'were re
appOinted, on, Motion!, of (r'Agar.. egidv"
0, trown, viz:, 'John 'Fetcher, Akfik •
. •
;Rims and
On motion'. of Gee: iltiwrenee,;'-end
seconded by C that, .Wini
Connell be apditor.fc•r ,the Board 1901.,
The Iteec;e: then appointed ,Robert,
'Moody as the other. anditor.... • .. ,
On !notion of C;LaWrence and Agar;
the Clerk was ordered to advertize for
Muuicipal oiheers, tqz., Clerk, Treasur-
err ASsesSor, 'Collector,* , dOtisiablefEd,'
'gineer, weigh txt lisnal:Salat4
"i0s, • CArriOd.
\lod'br C 1;ayfrenee* fiedontled.hq,
C *e advertise or *aid',
Carried, ' •
C Agar, anoonde& by
ijrniNn, :that INti:s. jai, MiCOY receive.