HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-03-19, Page 34 • titre of 0113agei mttst be left at tb:s *Zoe not later than Saturday none. The !' for changes must be left Mat later than Monday evening Camel advertisements eaoocgted np tO noon Wednesday of each week. 74BL.liili.mn isg2. WINIAN '.GREs. Lf.. R.iteeettalen. an mamma wxnPnoenveroe CRtiR,BDAY MA.R 10 t90S RATEPAY1lRS OPLNtOt+1.�� DANGEROUS PURGATIVES Many People Ruin their Health Using Purgatives in Spring. A opting medicine an actual motes. arty. Nature demead$ 1t as an aid to causing eV the impurities that have accumulated in the blond during the .winter menthe,. Thouoands of people rccognieini the necessity o -a spring media .e dose tbewselves with harsh, griping purgatives. This ie a serious mistake. A,k any doctor and he will tell you that the nee of purgat ve media zinc weakens the system, but does not cure diaaase. In the spring the ay tern needs building up—purgatives weaken The blood should be made rich, red and pure—purgatives cannot do this. What is needed in the eprieg is a tonic, and the best tonin medicel soieuce has yet devised is Dr Williams' Pick Pills Every dose of tbie medicine actually makes new rich red blood. The new blood strengthens every organ, every rhnt is S banish eruptions. aches, back - To the E hior of the 't ratES. Dar Mr,—$aviug liateued to the at le reasons lata deem by the epeaktrs at itt.s uumii atet meeting why the rett- payeroshuutst inppurt t -be By Law for the appointment of a Commission for the El••otrio Valet. the thought wan borne in npou one this alt the ot•j cions Were not auewerod It. was and that a better m wagement. both in ability and personnel,would he obtained by having a Oomndrioien, elected; (1) Is would eliminate polities and canvassing to a large extent. (2) It would bring about nontinnity, owing to only one member of the Commission drepptng me eat h year and one re matutnZ. (3) The miesiwners would have more time to devote to te; and a compariaoa was made to the bast way ot running a factory. Le the first ilea it is extrema- ly donbtfui if you will get better men on the Commission by election by the. ratepayer's than the personnel o[ an Executive Committee elected by the Council; the former has this same objection to a large extent apthe e eotion of a Counutllur and the composition of the Executive Committee, on the other hand, is the ahoize not only of the rate- payers, indirectly, bat of the bight men composing the Council; two selections to one. la reference to continuity of managemert; it may be said strongly that it can largely be eliminated by the Council saumitting a By Law to the ratepayers at the Municipal Elections for the purpose of electing councillors for two terms instead of one, which they have power to do and which has been adopted in a number of places and has given satisfaction. Aa to the comparison of the successful running of a factory, Take .any factory owned by a Joint Stock Company; the shareholders elect a Directorate and they alone are respon- sible for its eucoesstal running;' they appoint afters, and do everything in connection with eame bat there are no two separate bodies elected by those shareholders , for the running of that Vitae As orae speaker aptly stated "one boss he better than two." There seems to be throe very strong reasous against the By Law, not urges at the meeting, outbids of the objection that a change ehoald not be made at this time of the year, (a) Commissionary not being paid, (b) the gaaation of expense and (o) net including the waterworks with the Electric Light in the Commission. As to the Best reason surely the present -xacative Committee can look atter our interests as well as a Commission, if the Commiasionera are nut paid Just as able men in every way as we could get and 1f necessary they could be relieved of a portion of their other municipal duties, and should they carry out their Work in a proper manner by making 'written monthly reports to the Council, coupled with a report of the Manager or Engineer, the Council and ratepayers would be nrore in touch with the work than they will in the ordinary way under a Commiaaion and as they are responsible to the Council will be more amenable to them and open in their dealings. The Only answer to this is that the Oommiasioners should be paid and it should have been eo stated in the By Law because the Council would be acting very arbitrarily, if they afterwards gave them. a salary when the By Law endorsed by the ratepayers stated Chit no salary would be given. The gneetion Of expense is always important andj one only needs to point oat that the more governing bodies yon have the more expense. This rule is well known. The S WXI GUAM TIME$$ MAtRCEL 19, 19Q8 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••N•••••••••••••• • • _large a i. I Never so : TO ADVERTISERS• .serve. every part are body. wby Dr. Williams' Peel= P °imples and unsightly ski 'Chet to why they cure hen lobes, rheumatism neuralgia, general t o other troubles watery blond women who use weakness and a h shat come from Cost is why men an Do. VVil:isms' Pink Pills eat well, sleep well, and feel bright, active and strong airs Joseph Lepage, St. Jerome, Qua , seas: "Ji! daughter suffered tromhead- aohes and dizztatea ger appetite was hoar. She had no strength and could not study or do any work. She was thin .and pile as a sheet A. neighbor advised the use of Dr. Willirms' Pink Pills, and after taking a couple of boxes we could sae an improvement in her candid >n, Sae used the pills for soma weeks longer when they fully restored her health, and she is now enjoying the beat health ehe ever did " Try D:, Williams' Pink Pills this spring if you. want to be healthy and strong. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 Dents a box or six boxes for $2 50 from The Dr. Will ams' Medicine Co., Brook- ville, Oat 0 Neuer so scarce of money • • i cit a s • • 4f • • • • With the opening up of Springyou will be looking up your Furniture requirements. We cordially invite you to visit this store .and see what we are offering in all lines. We need money; you need furniture; so cont along and investigate the bargains—you will be surprised haw far your money will go if you buy from us. lest reason is the strongest and most vital objection of all, espeoially in the Town of Wingbam possessing such a valnwble asset as they have in the water power with its future possibilities. It is only necessary for one to state that in addition to the strong argument that these two branches of muni.oipal management are closely allied, there is the fact that the only objection gleaned from the different answers of outside Clerks was the chance ot friction be- tween the OommiSaion and the Council. Certainly this separation would give a good opportunity for fricti:m in a num- ber of ways in the future. Of Course good reasons can be given on both sides but these objections seem worthy of oonaideration by the ratepayers on this important question. RATEPAYER. Wingham, March 17th, 1908. • • •, • • • a • • • •• • • • 0 • $ • 0 a 0 • $ m • lave Stock I Zarkets. Minato, March 17.-3 light run to- day at the Oily Osttle Market had the effect ot steadying prices and producing a firmer tone generally. With very few exceptions, one ot these being a load of extra choice export cattle, whioh, how- ever, ware not off,ring for sale here, but was being ahipped direct through, there were no first -clogs quality in the market, neither botcher nor export. While prices, therefore, ware not gaot- ebly higher than last week at the decline they wore ten oenta higher than a week ago for the same quantity of cattle. With sash a light ran on hand, trade became more active, and some dealers who were open to bay had to go short. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— . Per 100 lbs. $4 85 $5 121s 4 65 4 25 3 50 4 00 Ask Your wnDoctor If he tells you to take Ayer's Cherry Pectorati for your severe cough or bronchial trouble, then take it. If he has anything better, then take that. We have great confidence in this medicine. So will you, when you once know it. *Rh• beat fried at a testinnoteisl "1114 fur- ov.Y treys' years." *sae kr/ 3.0. Ayv Oa., rektralitirsii. skidokitnui. is xis swot* t We11104. MI miewtam. 1th Of tt hfl$r hest t%1*. Choice ..... Medium 4 g 40 0 Bulls 5 Light 2 3 00 Cows 25 Feeders— best 1000 pounds and up - war s 25 Stockers choice 2 75 " bulls 1. 50 Butchers'— 4 75 Picked...... Medium........ • • 3 3 25 Cows. THE GREATEST FURNITURE BAR- GAINS EVER GIVEN IN W I NGHAM .v.•••..o•••1112E anis le $ a 0 O • • • • • Fancy Rockers. We cannot say • much about these, but you will do the • talking if you look through oar line. • Prices range from $115 up. Some O• special in good Leather Chairs. • ••• ••0 Balls : ....•••• •.•• 2 25 Hogs— Beat ... 5 it Lights ., 4 40 Sheep-- 4 25 Export ewes tucks ................. . 2 50' Culls Spring Lambe eaoh.. 5 00 00 Calves. each...... Baby Carriages We have always been headquarters for Baby Carriages, and we have bought heavier tbia year than ever. Do not fail to look through bur line if requiring a carriage. All prices and all kinds— Carriages, Go -Darts and Folders. Mattresses • 6 a 0 JOHN KERB WINfarUAM, ONT. 0868••o•111100e00060080110110041011011.1014.0000 Our Mattresses sell themselves. They are not stuffed, but built of 6 the purest sea -grass and white st cotton felt; very sanitary, with very • best ticking. Prices from $4 to $5. o Special at $3 50 and $4.50. g • • VIIMillIPIU0 0 • • .• • ,. 0 • •• • • it tau y• • • 0 • ,;— •may..-�_ _ - 0 i a ti �9Cv' 4iu: • • • Extension Tables You Are Invited, to the Spring I Fancy Rockers •• • • • • • • • PHONES I06 AND I25. •• • Sideboards, Buffets and Combinations. We have the best values in Sideboards, Buffets and Com- binations ever carried in town, and our prima are so low that they sarprise the people. Call and see the goods and get prices. We give special prices on full snits of furniture. Anyone in- tending to furnish a dining room call and look through. our good valves; and even if you are not intending to purchase, oall too, so that yon can tell your friends of the exceptionally good values. • . • An Extension Table is something that Should be strong and durable, • That is the good quality oar tables • have. If you have one in your • home you will say so, if not, don't • wait bat get oma NO W. v • • • 0 • w • • JAMES WALKER Feast of Bargains 111 House Furnishings at this store BALE OF CARPETS You'll soon be honesoleauing; what about a new carpet ? We're having a special clearing sale of Carpets. $1.20 all -wool carpet for - 00 $1.10 - .83 73 80� 80 00 e e - .60 75o Union Carpet for .49.56 65o " " 503 " - .38 40o " ' ` • .30 35o for No and 25o for - ,20 All Carpet and Carpet Squares at clearing sale prima. . 0 • Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. •• •• WINGHAM, ONT. 1 4 e,0 300 200 5 00 I 385' 3 75� 2 75 4601 4 00 3 25 7 00 6 50 a/INGHAM. atAINEXT ICEPOETB Wiugham, Mar. 18th, 1908, F'ir.or per 100 lbs.... 2 65 to 3 25 Fall Wheat .......... 0 90 to 0 92 Cate, . 0 45 to 0 50 Barley ,.................000 to 0 65' Peas .,iiia.., 0 80 to 0 82 Butter ...... ............ 0 25 to 0 25 Eggs per dos 0 20 to 020 Wood per cord ..........• 250 to 300 Hay , per ton.. ....15 00 to 16 00 Potatoes, per bushel 060 t0 0 60 Lard ... ••...015 to 0 15 Live Hoge, per .. 552t5tl to 5 0 525 DDried Apples Chicken, per lb 0& to 0 10 TAKE NOTICE. That 3. 5, 3erome, rtentist le making beatitirtll seta of teeth for eight dollars, and inserting the Patent Airohambe%'. Ail +mak gnatacteed. Office in Chisholm 131a0k, ' ine:Aut. tile.... C7 0ok, Look! ALL STOVES AT COST For The Next Thirty Days WE WANT THE 110OM Yowg's Big Hardware ete eve" •;s nits3T",,nr NEW GROCERIES 10 oases more Tomatoes to sell at .10 Another lot of package Dates, just in, reg. 100 pkg for 63, reg, 03 53 pkg for • - Fine large fresh newPrnnes, the very beat on the market, per lb. .15 Package Layer Figs. 3 for - .25 Cooking Fige, large No. 1, 5 lbs. .25 Try Seer's Baking Powder, qual- ity guaranteed, 2 one lb tine for .25 ••••••••••••••••••o MORE NEW DRY .COOOS New Canadian and English Prints, New Towelling all kinds, New Wrapperettes and Flannelettes, New Ginghame and Shirtings, New Persian and India Linen L twns, New Floor and Table Oilcloth. New Col- lars, Belts and Frillinge, New Gloves, Silk and Lisle Thread, New Apron Prints and Ginghame, New Silk and Muslin Shirt Waists. HOUSE FURNISHINGS Curtain Pales, 0 ik and Mahogany Mutate, complete with braokete, ends and rioge, prioe each .25 to .30 Brass and Extension Rods com- plete, price each - .15 to .60. White E'iamel Poles complete • .15 Roller Window Shades—We carry a vary large stock of the ne west ebyles in Window Shades, prices up to 11 00 each. Chenille and Damask Curtains, a splendid variety. We can supply you with New Rollers, best spring, also New Win- dow Shade Linen by the yard. ALL READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING MUST GO NOW Men's and Boys' Snits and Pante, Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Women's and Misses Coate, Men's and Women's Rain Coats, all must go regardless of cost, also Men's and Boys' Winter Caps, and Men's and Boys' Felt Hate.. Leave •your order early for the April Ladies' Home Journal. It will be here in good time. Monthly Style Book will be sent to any address free. Leave your name and address. New Patterns every week, ®ZTE - Ill111 4 > 4 1e, � EED FO 19081 m i EWe have all kinds of grain in • stock for seed. s e r The purest strain of Manchuria Barley. Goose Wheat ' for seed. Seed Peas. Silver Hull and Black Buck- s wheat for seeding. Millet, Hungarian Red I. Clover. Alsike, Mammoth, Lucern Clover 4 sand Timothy—all Government standard Ptt* White Clover. Evergreen Lawn Grass, Kentucky Blue 4 • .► Grass: Meadow Fescue. Red Top Orchard Grass. • Italian Rye Grass. Fall Oat Grass, and Essex Sowing Rap. • s Flax for seed. Pure Ground Flax. Ground Oil Cake. Nation Molasses Stock Food. Bibby's Cream s ► Equivalent for calves, to take the place of s o•., the _.-__-__ .tet-,... ...,t t.<. separators. 1 I -,4 3 1 SEED CORi - This is going to be a difficult season to get good . seed corn but I have secured a quantity of' Early Learning..'�i Bailey's White Cap Dent of best germinating qualities. i Compton's Early,: Salzer's North Dakota. Call and get ;your Seed Corn early; you can keep a bag, better than we a can keep a hundred, as corn heats if kept In a pile. ► JUST ARRIVED1 A carloactof Stock Feed composed of Wheat, Corn, 3 iOats and Barley and Shorts, Bran. and Flour. v. 1 Before ordering your seeds for this spring you are 1 respectfully invited to call and inspect our stock. Yours Truly IT. 10i