HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-12-14, Page 4V
itz no
• Tato LIM/MI.1E !rct.n.TY.,Ra. AO! T.9.
49c0unite ?me DitrtAttl5fi
'PP 00$6616$66 PRIZEABOVE 41414
tottOkE.017t DOC. 1th, WOO,
Tha.Canadian Sault &een3f3 to be
going e4te4.: at great rate. ; The
population haa increased 2,623 in six
months,.aeW standing ; at 6,118;; .tind
it it expected it will be8,000 by
Pri.wite letters say that it is
liardp.gu!. of roof shelter
It seems, highly 'probable -that the.
British Parliatnent,, tha,United Slates
Cengresi the' Canadiaa':Parliatilent
and, the Ontario' and Quebec, Legisla,
tures will all bein ..sessicfo at One
time in'...the; early mon(1s of the first
;year of the ceItary:‘. •W.e will 'MVO
politicatOroblems to horn,
The Conseri.tiyee put up nalig`h t
worthy:of' the -1.amoi in the Quebec
Provincial eloc.ienP, al1Owin,4 35 seats
go to the. ',orals :hi' acclamation
• .ancp,numinataiR Lo candidates oftheir
party in 5 :other .ennstittieneies..: With;
suoh a beginning, it is no surprise
that. the .,Permit Governtiiut made
altnogt a clean Sweep at the
The., omit ',Hohae." will, "Ottasin., 69
• Liberals.- and 5 Conservatives. .
bwing.tatilf, high. price ,of currants
their use in pinta., plidding-and intone'
pie will be greatly 'restricted' duringw'
the oming holidays. , The crop, the
growth of Wbielt ia confined' to 'Greece:.
and the. 'Ionian Island, is, a Portial.,
failure' oWine...io. tha'attacks Of' Mil-.
de -w..: 'The only ' known .specific for.
this blight is, (3irlill'ate of copper, -and
aceotint of the enhanced , cost.' Of
eho eop.Per frotu which;:it is_ made the
paorer. growers Of.etirrants-are unable
to purchae thesulphatc. iThe Price
of the fruit las increased by leaps and.
•hotinde , until • to -day.; it ' is five times
'greater than at tills' tit:tie:last year.
' 'Shipments of:produce from.`1:4 nada
to Great Britian' for the Christmas
• trade were ilever so heavy at. they are.
this year. „Apple?, paaked;_theats,_eggs
and poultry are going through in large
quanti.ties!, Over 100 refrigerator ear's
Were handled at the ,(rand -,Trunk
week. Mr. .Morrice, superintendent
of terminals,: says that never in his
experience has there :been such tde-
Inan,a for refrigerator cars, "From
• all Pointe:the-call is for mord cars than,
we can provide to meet the eXtra`-
• ordinary rush of .bu)dosis:"
miid.04iiiimmoriolisiiiluoilierm. •
tap,no M00.4,4Y ,evening the ladies,
;S.:V*1'47:4 .4040,••
41i4—r74.1i; 1:67 15..V 411$ '• t e laaer
table- prograra, lte. .B0wash
-1Y04,1 ancl Rgeere gave vert
intetestigg addreSsee",,,. The choir of
„the • Afethodist churli„,of. VVingbam
under the 'leadership of Mr.'Perk en,
livened the occasion with • several
70holco 00ledtions-"ot tnitsio:;'Thqir
services: Were highlY • appreciated ;'.and
.trOpe, to 41.ear, them. gain . Pro-
ceeds" $80.00.
.• •
AbetltSix Weeks ago, Mrs. Jaines,
l'ettYPieoe of 'Heritorough; calue p'
to spehdo pleasant 'visit'svitli, l'frienda '
ast "Pt.
.1 •
.Whth .-boy
Our upvit desigr for fall and •Xmas
11,ro most st 'king in their novelty
and artisticsesS: Just one look.
at our
•-qhile,ae.the hen4O- of .1
she.wa8 takeni.ill" with • typhOid, fever'
and on .Wednesday morning passed
away. The .remainal. were ,e4iilen .to
her 14te., home for. Intern -lent, She
leaves a husband lina teri childieo to
„mourn.the less of a iotlior Itert, age
was 52.., DeCeased:...littk. thottOit,'
when leaving 'home, On a 'Visit, that
she, would rettirn in a kW weelnif cold
in' the embrace of dtath.' .
Mr, Petty piece, of Whitechurch
who has peen. in Clinton hospital, for
some tinie;:has recovered sufficiently
from tho effects Of his recent opera-
' tiees.t92. I-stet:4:100 ,11.9.ine, on Wed -L
nesday of last week,
Ravi Mr. Swan, nf Ripley, preached
.:tnisSionary'.sermena, on the" Ash.3eld
circuit lait Sunday.. , . •..':
• The Itair; M r:;Oat en Will `preach. at
• ;
Blake's church 19.3f).` Backites 2.30
•, .
and :c 640.
The,S;"Setool of Zion has decided
to hold n tea -meeting on the...e,Vening
Of !Jan.: lat., "Put it on he ;,list Of.
your .engagenuents .and beknY, the
dentory ,right. Ad toieSion • 2,5, Cent.%
Children '15', een'ts,
- the .anougl meeting of MipIe
'Pre'ire •N�..1044' otcers were
*Iii'il•plecteit-fOr.,•tilittpUrrent-year, viz.
kett; W. 6. .Gardner, OhaP.';
R. E. Brown, R. S;; :W. T. Gardner,
Treas.; : ytr. R.
• Gardner; . D. -of J. E. Melfoirinagh,
James CoOk
A. Hamilton - • '
. • .
The belatedelectione in, British
Columbiahaving.heen held, it 18 flOW
,.-passible'lo.sum "up the general result
throukhout the. The
House', of'? Ocunmene..4onaists -of 213
-. Ontario—Ljberals 36; - • COnsei,Va
tiYes 56; .MCEiven' (South Anion)
• McCarthy (North- Simcoe) are clasSed
kehirt'son (VireSt Elgin)
• and Thornton (West Durham) as Con-
-Quehec-laberals 57. Conservatives
..„Independent 1 (Gionarcli Of
. .
Ndirtt Scotia—LiberaIa Conser-
vatives 5.' • ‘, ,
Prince PAlwarcl island--14iberals P.;
Conservatives 2. : •
• Brunswick—Liberals 0;' Con-
servativeti 5.
Manitoba—Liberals 7.2; Conserva-
tives 3; Independents' (Puttee and.
• Iticherchion); ,
Northwest TerritoriesHPherali 4;
Conset:vatii7es 0: • • .„;,. •
•British .,Columbia-2-141betala 8”; eon'
• servatives 2; -Independent 1 'Nalplif
Smith). • ,
The total s.lioiving is..theiefere es
folleVfs: • tibektils:120,i Conservatives
• . 89; .Intlependents.4; total ,213, he
t4herals* have majorities, in 13ii of Pie
• eight provinces, eltceptitine being
Ontario and :Manitoba. • ;„
. • •
anniversary services held...14 the
church Oh 'Sunday and Mn
wore in every' way' a
gl •• f 'Luelchow
4.^stolvs.„ o
tt" 't Willzhatn, • preached
‘vvea7v; t.o...0,`• it.%) f I
ower u
"'vreelatiVO dOrigregtt4
• S No, 7 kiniass
< .
Report .of S. iqo.' 7. Kinloss, for
the .the smonth_ot:Noventher
spicLod, D MacLennan,
J Irwin. Good. --B H
MacKay, E
Cook,. W Cook. 3,---EiTLA tart
and L Irwin (dee), A Fisher.
,L Johnston: - MacKay,
Fisher.: Irwin, M Mae;
Donald, J Barbour. C Nicholson
(ties), WG B;Beatop4: Class
,5 gm Et Miller R'FiShei E John-
ston.-^"P.G.MacLeed, J micLen5t: , Pt 2:
R'Fisher;.:113 Gra-
ham, Sr Pt MacLeod,: Y.
Nicholson. Jr Pt 1—Ex—
A ivitielKenzie, MacICenzie, Fish •
Boar 'for -Service.
The undersigned Williteep fOr service at lot
47, ConceaSion Kinloss, his thoroughbred
13erkshire•Boar " Royal Tom."
'For pedigree and other: particulars apply -C6
.145 GRAHAM;
for Service
The nndereigned 8rill keep for Her:thin ai
Lot 12. Concession 10, gravel Ashfield,
three thoroughbred boars, two •Vorkshires and
Berkshire;a11 Prize-winner.
1400 JAMES ALTO*, Belfast.
,.;...4'.'FARM FOR SALE'
.Virst.v.lafai.farm of 100 ncres' in the Toviin.::
ship, of Huron.' Apply to , •
• ••• 111 AIR
farm of 200 acres,' half milereast-of
noW, in lirst•class ziultitation. Extra dairy' or
stock farm, Good bitildings and orchards
:Apply to G..A; GREER.,
Farm; LucknoW..•
• 'Public',Vdtico.:
NOTICE iS gereby 'RivftpLit any peroon
found elating or taking _tom. :from lot 13,
eoncession Kielose (owned hytiii8 Merlon,
son,),Withottt the conrient of the briderRigtted
syth. prosecuted. •
JOHN Oniti-t4k,
. •
1406 ' ' tucktiow,
ror twenty -tour years Tape-61.0'801one Ilsfi
been ciabiiiiplyilsed foe all forms...of throat, and
1,roncbial trotibles. 411 Druggit.ts.
Infanta' Coo tO, take ifiedtelfiC iiitCY be"
cured of croup,. WhOoping cough /eii'd cola by
u•sibg varchOreitiletto--;,they brcathe it: •
A neyti. .Rubber, Company' ,liaS been started ,in
I3erlin, inanufaeluring the best Rubbers": in the
niarket at the mine price of interiori godd's..
We are.tke•solp.Agent'S for these' good in tucknow.:
, .
' .
S Oash or Credit. A liberal discountoff for Cash.
,A large ,stOek of boots and Shoes at .low.priees
OUR NERVESI Farm for Sale or Excliange•
Jts Conditionof Your :Aert0A
1100 ItIitr igalkes,Vour Life
4iound of Pfettsuore.or,
114eles BUtden,
TO, many worrier' life ls one; round
of sicknessf,„weakness and ill health;
Ta attemptthe lightest household
dutiesfatigues them. Many' Of the
sy in ptorna accompanying- this state of
decline arel: a feeling of tiredness' on.
waking,. faintness, dizziness, sinking
, feeling, palpitation of the heart; short-
ness of breath', -loss- of appitite, •cold
undertho paintia_th.e_blaok.and_
Side.,ank*all the-pther.a.eecrnpanimeots
of it'rundown''and weakened coOstitu.:
All these symptoms •and conditions'
are simply the result don poor quality
and defective circulation. r f the blood.
With ,a. Wasting' awiyc;',. the nerve
forces. -
By fkduiethejsys_tout_witla_:,:_-.1.
DR. wAT:i!,p
'You strike at the'. -root of the disease
and, lay a Solid foundation (*.Which
to build.„ Soon the weight; increases,
the selken cheeks and flattened; busts
All out.the:eyes get bright and :the
thrill. of- renewed ?health' and stength":
-Vihratea through the. system. Price
50 cents per Vox.:
G.W. _BERRY :7_84 :SON.
(Successor to • Harry.; Daya),
rrlHE ',_.L.T.AL,)ELJWIB GA0
Afoence LO14.7.4Conz.18443Yeat
1Vawadoah,. this thoroughbred Canada :II*
ported. Chester', White Boar -WIrrte Star."
%his animal was bred byD., Scott,,Fergue,
Ont.. one' of the moat succesiftil bteedersin
the Province, •, •
'•• TgltiVIS:141.'00`. ,
, For, pedigree and•other partiplarti apply to
• . . • •
T4Q1"S. MSItj.j,1411Eltelen;'s*.'
Lhave over 4000 acres of choice farm lands
fey 75;1011;140aiiii166- acres,16t8
iciiiiosai • Greenock,. Bruce, • Kitioarttine,
Huron and Ashlield Gadd rands
With. good buildings to be Mid . cheapon terres '•••••Alitirei good blacitatnith” shop'
ing connection) doing a good bositiese, for
sale cheap. •-. A hetet doing good Nish -less for
stile cheepi Also a„witgotioliop. A general Store
with largo tradm• lite ,tillage.' Also. a large -
amount of tnOneyici loan at 5 Per. cent;" For
further partic,nlars apply to • ." • •
. , •
J. A. 'Mc-KENZIE, ' '
InioraliCO Agetit;,HOlyrciod,
...Did 'YOU. ever have
little tickling spot'ill your
throat?: 'Felt' ha if 'you
t 041d airpOSt totICII it with
yOur finger, di(lo,'t it? 1-loy
hsrd, youl tried to redcli,lt,
but cOuldn't It'sresSy %yid' Va.po,
Cresotene, for yoit.iires the it, ;1'hert3'a
-nothing in the work! egnal to,'it; for
'-stopingth9so tickling ootigh.; aod
it'to: to.(4. .11'2(1r n8tiji.ii.a,
'croup, lyron(thiti•;' catorrh,
whot)ing•cOug.1:, it's - the ' great
retnedy, ". )
7:10.rre,im6rre -15%! by. y'rl,p;v11t. ov• !;Vti %Oro
4 Vp/P$CireA61, ry V .1 ;t. z- r
which •••lr Trith, r,7,, , ;;T,
:,!•,114110, r t
eva o•t ro„, 1,11n,tr.4( 11 r.+.0fr. 1 rl•
rag WI /,‘, I mot, fli)9 frO! upon rive•st„. V61,6.
Ciumj;/;10( 1'..•) POMO NOW yx.,yr4 vg,A.
It •
Being the eantlialf t( lot 2. ft. the 8th Con.
(Eastern Division) of A.ahfiad; containing
-100 acres. '1'he farm isfairly Well 'fenced and
in a good i.tate of cultikatien,• With barn 40x
60 and stable underneath'. A , new story and'
o half frstne house, and Plentv-4 water. The
Piace,u be sold cheap., or will take a imitable
50 /ten, farm ii. port pay, and the; ballinie can
remain on ,mortgi g, if desired. , For, turther
particulars apply at SENTINEL office or tp.
• • •
Crewe P.O.
... That. desireabli3 'pr.opertY--J4Eiderly.
owned by -the' late Richard: Treleaven,
in -9U-Dtingannoril:fpons-
the property Is situate a good „brick
hose 20x30 and 4iteheirl8X24.' Good
Woodshed and stable in colinection.-,
xfarcl apd soft water. ThelOkconsists
of one-half acre of land. Possession
natty be had at any time,. . ADp!y .to.,
George . .:a&others, Dungannon, or .e.t eutineLeffiee. .
. Sheep. Estray.
.Stra*ed into the premise's of the''under:
afgae4, Lot 6, Coneemnon 12, Ashfield,• on or,
about the 20th of ,Tune, One ewe and
The •ewe is blind ; both white. Owiier, can
have the same by preying properiyoiaying
ellnsesand-talOng-awanat-lot-s, coneessioti
, „
R pALe.,
, A good House. analk-11-ffliMg. t; s• ituated on
the corner �f Gunk and Delhi streets.
The lot containsr on' e -third a• cre, ' goOd
largahousain good repair with celIarf
hard and soft Water and:every conven.
lance. stable an&onthouse
on the prone Peas ssi n a be
• e .111
had at any:time. Apply to
MRS. W. • JoRNStoN, ,
CRIntobeli• St:
story high, with ace finfridation,.. and kitchen
with lot, for sale o Victoria street, 1 neknow,,
The.".place nicelylodated• and the, lot cow.,
_tains a large,..quantityof all kinds 91 fruit,With
?both hard: 'and Soft Water, and goorigtable.
Tile place will be sold chsap. ,For further
'ptrrtiealarS apply.to .; r: • ,
•„ • 114 now P. 0,„
foir•inde ten affieti of
'1:41lenow: 'station, eontaining" w(,f
.4.0ake,. %pod ,stablo-r•orehard• and -pleity nE
spring vifater; There is alio a good !bine-kiln,
,op the,piernhies. The plate is in a good • t
of cultivation and will be, sold. cheap on tiie
if reqnitert For.ftuther partjeUlars apply to
JAMES, SAO'N' I fEItg;,,
• • . • • '
esi „Parra for. Sale.
Ubscribtir rade' fo. r Sale that 'very de-
sirable farin• property Hituated On• the ipavel
road, i F3ofith'of the 'of Lncknow,•one
and.one-ha3f miles, -being south half of tot NO;
12 E. ..rownshiP Aril:1601d; comprising
100 itcreti:4 'The 'property , Watered 'a.
• never -failing spring has largo Orchard of
;Chnie6 fruit trees; 16 tierce of fine hardwood
and:five. acre8. f softwood' and cedar,
The buildings con:461..6f' ? large. bank beta
with slicd,(10' 00 arid brick 'dwelling house,
With bard arni soft water. The. property••iii
seeded down „and inalm ,an • .eiceellent
daiity or stock farm. For further tiartictilars
apply 'on the prem or addreilit '
Farm for 'gale,' ••••.: 'I
• Being lots 76, :77 aint•78, (tOb iiiitt 1(0
atrem,,,in the *stank:tie/don Of the 1,70v *hip
lit Xitiff)i4f4. 'Plio farm is in first' clam, condi ,
'tion and contains it'vohd holm) atid: laiVe
:barna, withgood orchard ,And A heVt:t (tilling
supply'of spring water, arid about 20 Acres of
fall what, The farm. tWo •tniles 'from'
LOcknoW, on the jionnele:iy-west,' Yer.f
partienlars apply. on thiorembiefivir to'
uttriws '
meelds a sale.
.A. 111ODIsitidip,, PartiMoupt. •
moNA134,c; L.
.61EAF,PRTH', P.
,.Enineei• for •Winghath,- 'Sertforth,.
Howick., Colross, Etc. ..C9inent, Side-
walks, Sewers and ,Tonroship Drains
Will be given. special. attention.
We have the strongetit line in the
•.market of these goods'as.folJQws:
'tare, Ladies". Writing Desks,. ana
- Book 0449.0., and Music
. Cabinets,' Picture . and-- Eoom
Moulding, Palley Artnncl Bamboo
Coeds'," Bed Room Suits.Axtonsion
'Tables, Centre Tabies, and Side;
boards in Oak, Ailt, aqd
Mahogany ; also of
Upholstered goods, such. as
Couches, Fancy Chairs, .Student's
„ Chairs, Parlor Suites and odd
• pieces, ". '
Special attention padto'Undertak-
ing and Embalniing.'
• Undertaker & Ernbalmer
AT1EN?1;11,1;' 1s1IGIti. OR 154Y,.
Ioe Cream, „Ice Orem
New Oanne&Goods
SelectstoOk of
Picnic.'Slip' plies
o All kindS'. Of -Groceries kept
. ,
7oili haria_aid:deliyeied to a.ry
part' of, the- toWn.:
. Try a. package of our nev•e
. .
le.H.a.it'011116i;-t‘ir-perxnic'ed. ,ap14,6'1'.0;.-foi.13dti-:
,._... • .
• , ,
ter and Eggs.
ise Lady.
invElotif1), Ohio,
• •
-7- May- 23rd-; :1 po6.
Sin --your, liquid Medicine,' Soak
11•1.111cLeoWs Laboratory • • '
. Gciderich, Ontario. '
J)E us
andSwab:".has cured Me entirely of the Sore
I had on my Upper jaw. • The doctors told me.
hat it was a cancer and that the bone would
hate to be cut out -and the affecreiri-tm sre-
oved 'It Wea thiWthar
ened me and made; me get thO•Sonk: and
Swab." I used Only three Pint bottle's. I ain
well ever since; and it is three' years since I
used- it.' HaVing' great • Confidence in year
medicine Twill ificoanitnmettd,:it to thhs.e in, ifee.d,
I, • .., • :
ellillafing was ribeived from 1 e sari
lady ten yeareigo ' 4
Offered for nearly four yCarB from. lits,.
and almost it the sam •• hour dail • o t f
which no one could wait n me, until. I -,n;Wolre
.of myselk-areak and-wearied'iatiirtliFIaplie
•Or. from .ten to twelve Avails'
-Whieli• time X vial wholiS.r unCOnsci0118.twa
attended to and'coneulte03iir fewer than,six-
teen doctors withinit any:benifit and no relref
I got to. be absentminded, eften uitebr.ticioris
o't InSt surrontiditigs; tOolc nu' Emile° Of any.
thing, until, in the goodpinvidence of clod, a
friend .insisted• on bri n ging 3". M. McLeod to
our house. He took Inc out of 11fe rit in 'half
a miuute'll ;dine, ' I began. to gain .rapidly
after this in health and • sotindireSti of Mind,.
arid to. tbiii day -1 -baYe-riOt-ifkirafty,' inore, 14,14
' • Kingsbridge, Ont. -
SOLD .13Y• '
. .•
CL, Berry ez Scr.'1!
LUC K N 0 W ..•
oice Colt,nro; T1106110.4.:
' Bas Hartnony and .•C
examinations ,
Xisa gdith '05*10.•
' 'Is:prepared to give lessons en•,
, At her b..anie.On *
.Lessons in
VoCal. • and Instrumental,
Music and Ilirmony
a,te taught . by, .
MRS. P. -KEA- '
•Will' re -open Tues. Sep
' • This beautiful lakeside town Offers ,unriyal- - ". • ,
:led iaduceMents to . the stinlente :of the Bur- .;.' .
' founding. districts' to pre sr' Or their 'exariiiii7. ,
zatiom'i'..at-its51Iiiii--4ch •- -
‘'' SCeeial.arrang'emen11 be ts ' wi - ma • o . • .. • ..-,
-do;1- ittd,„__, '
--those7attidentr whirh-Tel-di'ifidiallifftlie74-474-• • ''
ment,of languages; '' .1 • ' ''' ,•
• • '.A newly eljnipped ' Labora6iry affords 'ci•,:.•
celled advantages ,fin the department:, of
Science. . • ' • • •
' 'On its large 4oid.owellIcept Camptis health.:
4111 exercises Kee, 4 e courd,,ed. '• ' • • . •
.:•tliptdni.n„g th,ei7re, illdren-intae,.,wholesph
Parents can., r , upon the .School Beard •
aiid.Staff. 100)1 g the mere17. ihtlueneew Sur- •
•• The Staff of.SpecialiSts falirepared to 'edit .
eite'for all departmental . and 'Matrientation '' ,
• . . - , .. . .. ,
candidates at the.reeent examinatiOns. Over -
00 :per cent if . t.t.,,.. •,-.,• 0 ..,,,,fe ..for • 'Junior • .
Leaving Cer.i.,,,, .-,• ... ...-.:..;•.., ' 'o . • , • :'' •••
'CroOd: boardine-liofiseti.' 'llay be .secured 'at
. ,,
laasOnat>le. rataa; : • - ' • • :. •
.. ,
' . For, further:Particulars apPly to '
,.S: VVPIE•litcl.ai.• ,•':• A '' '''',' -,' •
• ' ..-• ' PRXNCiPAL.• •
,ripliav: .• GRA'*.et A.."11. ,i"r"..-:-CONV EYANCI N. G ;
. . , . „
1.14 'Will,, Deeds,•Leaties, etc., neatly ex-
ecuted. Agent for the 'National Fire Assur-
ance Co, of Ireland; 'Founded '1822. ' Capital,.
•.$1,,000;000 Sterling, Also „ag,st for the old' '
reliable, Star Nurseries: . Have% 20 years ex,-..•...-
'periericti'im-froit;:ornainetital.. and flowering; • •
shrubs, Parties wantieganything'in the (there :
line; I will be pleased'at.any time to kive. full ;
information:whether they want to. p Obese •,'
noW or,at. a future date, • - -
- ' 014&,.-:--,-TovirrliallT 'PAIN/leis; sgays :
7,(II::::Ttr'a,d:tYat.c. 1.1. 1.:e.e.' der's. and .11.Orseniell'. . .
vEuotr(evkiann.r.y. ‘,. ' • '. : ' ' '•
- - ,.,-- ---------'.,,,.4:":-..r.V:J;'—.
>,..:.......t...2„....)........_ remed.y. to r ':
,.. .,..ciii;b13 Splints '
...'°11,3Lti:c';-4i.Lilfal):viini;:tn:ts'it.p8; ",'•
., !- - 4.• - •
' .....-.....7.t..,..,;,;,..........r.,",
: "1:elliii); Al'AliKp. ''''. iii.166..W.hiehe Pf°113,4110:.
compan.ies-ER-ery-hrittle;lictl'ieientilic. treat .
rnent in the varimis diseases'.' It can be iiiiii
, . , ,
An evely 'case of veterinary' prectiee *Whet
stimu ming app mat:loos .aln. • Asters are IV
scribed. 14 has nO.alleimioit..• 'Every. hott e • •
sidd is golrenteed to iv ' r.,' ion. Price -
a 'COMEANY,,Londoni Ont. • • ,
_ ,
7.oe perAottle Sold' by. 1,11-drviMs
, 7ciiiintry storekeepers.- ' Prepared by ' l'IlE
liztving pitrobased
VOlt ,
nes.s• lately .run by Mr. ;NV..
Skinner', we fire prepared
tO ,Pay Cash •;for. butter .and
*eggs. ;, •Your` .1
s`olleited, ,
tt.t.);y: '
.VV. GOLIJAll,;000fr, On
, .. , ,:.• , I
, , __ ., , •
i IP ' : i .r: I '' 1 .. I CI') 4 ?X' . 1! i -ii(1) 1p' . dl 'i lf n'ecii:r7. 1:1 ti: kJ' I )1 fr . )86 4 )11 Iii 0)1' IA'sv'l: 4. Y81) if 14: 111' : Itt .):1 !ii.hltY1:11t8!)°1 1 li i ih b(11: ::: i, . cIrrtilelinliti : ., '
:reOttriby;I:1:otetiteit:10.:;,.ivoltr11.1.)"11:11;tp.uf?,;:iiiit:,:i:vonai:11.7.):::::18tcrtiittlo:let:it,t:tri:oitddItevrIr:oilpd •'. :
!the year 1:001,,yiz ,! At the, Aaylo in '"fer. ' it
ilLim, M iiiiioo, .11roeltville. and, Orilla.. : the.
,1,foritral l'rison inul 'Mercer liefarnatory, To., .
roitol,tliellefOrMatoty: tot 1,i(fyiti,.reiietnn- -.
gilimbene ; Hip' Iiistitutiona!fint• the 1)Cat and '
Iiiitnly,.11e11ev11ieiand the illind.nt I3rentio d, .
' ExCeliti al ' 'Petitiet4+ 19.0,.11Cint 'A:quire/I 'for Ira
Two nuilleient srireties Will 1)8.•-reqiiired ,for . .
so poly ohoi,rit to tin.'. asylums, in 'Porein -0',. • •
LaniliM Ifing,stim, Hamilton. ,i‘litnico,,, /LIM, '
.ferth*.0-(41entral 'Priootid 'M
• tolercier Delo ti ut •
tory, '.I.'oroido. A inarked ,eheitte for:10 per
cent Di the estimai.oil ,thinunt of the enntract., •-
• payabic.t,o the ,•Irler, of the •Ilonorable Ite, •••
Pro 11151111 Secretary, most be. furnished by ' .
'ian tender. et'. 8> 11 guaran tee arida bone fides.
the' ',dna • fulfill 'era .5f oath, ooio rn et, .
, itr(1,80edi.(tTniwoitiiiiiti,e(;1,,,lavvi,,,it.14elloi(olt;•141foiloiN11 tij‘f,t,gOti)iit,,t)flrif . ,.
.51ionl11 oily Ltth , .1)v. Ni/itliaiiiwn Le (ay.. fiat,
00 h troll, is amen i•ri, hr.' should. 'the ;tenderer
rail ,t•o„foi.,‘iss), ,,lich Kuourity, „the •tononut r,f
the depo‘fit will be .forfetted,l• • Sr.eeilleati( NI
Mitt foll'Olit'a CcVlej^ may 1)0 .Inur 00
1(110 applieri-
Om . to tiro • D( ()n or the • l'tov i tidal '
,Setretery.. Toroeto; on to the htirSats of the --:•-
refil)POtiVe i1181,11,ittioThr. , 1,71r: lowelo, or .ahst, ., •
A44,41.1.4,,i0,1t ..vvin .p.ov I.,. piti I tor ' , ,f. 11,
ffr.t, . 0,N,, Proviiirial ge6.14,Ary. "Nriv,...,
. Isest ilsifqisgo,r4',0rost....NoV, )4 1%0,
. .