HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-12-07, Page 4paHxiix AC001tpIIQQ,.TQ TBE:,DImeeriCs
Laoknoa, Dec..:7tth, 1000.,
A pro -Boer committee has presented
Kruger with a sword. That's about
the last thing he needed A. pair of
eprtntiag,ehoee would: hav,p bpeni, more
understands Queen 'Victoriay: has ,du•
ceded to confer:.a Dukedom on, Lord
Roberts'. a and that Parliament' Will )5&
Raked to vote him £.100,000'(500,000]
Already eight 'applicants. have sig.
nified theirdeal te to to a .advantage
of the ootario...Government's, offer," of
• 160 acres of lan 1'to returned soldiers.
" No .doubt , when the 'Legislature ep-
...proves. the Government's..oti'er,. and
the eonditions.are announced, there
will be .Manyapplications:
Mr Gl C ^ Creelouan, 'Superinten-
• deat,of Farmer' Inetitutes,_'etiys that
''tlie chief•subleets fee -the' Fartners'`Tn-
8tltute itneeting.i'•ate bacon, cold star-
-, age and poultry fattening. Cold stor-
age appliances for the faro, `will re-
ceive considerable attention' and'plai;s
resented for •the construction b
•P fa:
• Suitable cold storage s.stem `•for each.
farmer: .,Ali the 'speakers
.eeak ors will ns=
p g
seinble at Guelph for one w,e lc in De=
comber, during; tier meeting or the Ex-
� a ire
t 1 U'nio'
n and'•t
he . P.ovi tial
Winter: Fair, `where :experts,';will' ail:-•
dress them and kite' icali ' deinonstate
;tile queytt,ue:.'
- .AF.•, ��m,M,.w-
+lgruint rid.iu outh.'AI erica' and ia-
7kfYi6t�?� 1 '
uuk for tomo. -rapid uipv''ewonts,...aiiil
probably considerable tighten;; ,a4
there is little likelihood : of the coil;'
clusion•of the war till »e Wer, is kill-
illed. or captured auci the large bands of .
waraudzirs: broken up. 1'he itlaruiist
ruwors' t b7Uit d.sr OE etion in Cape
Colony may be largely discounted.;
If Kitchener -has his swine'. there will
he 'seVerer'°•lnelxsures.. taken' against.
traitors. The tick he has in hand is
not an, easy One, but the resources at
alis co9smand nrci ( q.p t_e. ., i.a cv.
rI i.•uwrr4± a t1r1zf -,rir finer
session's . and. rights, and 'pu,.isliing;.
severely. those .whl,'uiakn:'war or aid
those • : who ',do, ' will "i r, due time
6 ire
have the effect`. of making ;guerilla
fighting very .-unpopular:.- Dalt;tless•
that, is F' the British .iu;'enti'An.d
chener is .the very.Pman fitted to give.'
t ffeet to. the 'polies.
Who) e will • we buy °our
.6 0No: h,' Ashfe1d'•:.
'The following :k is the standing 'Of
pupils of S. S. ,No. 5, for, November
based on punctuality, deportment and
proficiency; viz. ,
'Entrance -,H Brown. Jen. IV=.
E;?Brown; . ;D .Andrew; v -Hunter,, A T
Hunter, ; R Reid',
See,. IIS E
Speers, T Hackett, E Woods, ti Hac
kett, J Speers, 'M Ritchie, 0 Uardner:
Sen. 2---N Hunter, E. Reed, J An-
dre.w, k'. Middleton Jun : , 2-J
.SP eers, E llulbert,' Wester 1 b , E Rae
kelt; M'Reid "..B Ritchie. Pi .2-S"
Culbert; M:'Woods; :C'Culbert:
:Pt 1'-1) Wi?bster A .Gardner, . M
Nixon J u o 'Pt 1'--T l cid, : Gl, Hun-.
ter M i'
R tele , '4.`Hri.ekett. . .
5 9 No .6,%At3hliolld
Thefol''owinth ' re'"
hg �is c port of S.A.
No ' 6, for the month of; November
te_I � :.-eessio
u, -h . asp ,r:�:.o
• i,f.the,-,(1n"tar-io- l'-arm-.'�•--Mar- =-�
y Alcleod;; •"vUen-a• M0.
Le is
letre '
u Mr"'
man =of Welland,
introduced a bill--to-tail:-druggists-who-
m dei ii
a medicines • one thousand' dol-
lairs each year: The druggists: raised
Such a protest that the bill •wee with
.drawn. rIt is said no;* that -Dr. Ger,
man intends do bring.` the' ' in
the Dominion' House, and
affacting che whole -
• Mr W. A Karn, presidentof the-On-
he Ontario College of'Pharniacy, who •lives'I
in Woodstock, has called a meeting of
several . committees of the : college. to
discues::the.m_atter. Dir, K,.rnsaysi�f`
each• a law were enforced . it would Toe farmersare busy,finishipg their.
fall :ploughing '
• The . Goderrch Lumber. Co. sent, a
tug up aftar a raft of timber nee day
last :week",a id alio '4 number of teams
Were up after' sonie long`timber .tp •
finish the break -water.'
Mr•.'Ner1.:McDonald has ',openedpp
business inhis new'shop'•
Lead;;_/:'alter M:acIen i'
sr -Mll
E-e-Kenzie,•---S-McDonald, W
:McDonald `S':McDia '
rmid.� Iorm.
Ie .MacTntgre
, Marion la-
Diarmid, McLco
tka am •Gra
h ce. MacIntosh'`E G,ra
orm�2 . J'Iar Lockhart Nina Mac
Intosh, Alex MacInt re;. • Forth. 1. sr
—Sadie ,McLeod, • Nellie • Waters..
Form 1 'Jr -W illie:;blacIntyre,--..-Alex
MacDiarmid, Eunice MacIntosh;
compel' nearly' ; every druggist .in, :the:
country to go out of :business..,. ,' •'
The law provides that a person tak-
ing up erritraystock shall give : notice
that such animals are on their 'pre-
re-mises by; ..publishing ' three times in a
newspaper iished within' the see -
tion where the estray was found, and
if the property is . not called for within
three-weeks-after-the-iiit tion, `tb,.
notice the`finder shall `go to Fa justice
:Of he peace and make oath to finding
'and aJvertising',i-
If, the property is:
• •DUNGA1{140N
=--� Dm�i�l2est-week=�-tcFiaid'`�gan•�;oi-
Aslifietd, p'tirchased : the. village ` pro
perty in Dungannonowned:', by -Bich-
--._ e]seRon
emt=camed witbin ayeai-erne should t►e's a.co a an . Yen out
faeeidenee, recey..:4ected•.:.-..
sect -exceed 450.=in value, it• then b�- m ,
Gongs to the party on whose premises` Qmt'e a number •'of •sheep, • lambs,
•' it strayed. If worth over $50 i'trshall; 'battle.. and•'sevrTral loads .af pressed
adverttieci'by,.the justice and sold y' are "dab. passing' thsongh "our
village, via Luekno�r, for thie foreign
end• the excess Of. all expenses shall' be marker, a}so cgs and grain. • '
paid over to the county, treasurer
An eraon takingupan y. and" f . 649' No 7 :Ash S.I. _.
nttg eCEng: a pause t same to bead. The -following i9 tie•standing of the
vertised 'and appraised • shall • be liable pupils in 5'' fi, ' o, 7 .Ashfield •--15r• 4
to a finef $20 •
• � R. " ,a.. _ � •.. 37ag ,y1411enar--4tic-Ke,rcie,^:
May Mogan, '.i►1ary : MoD,onsld, Jobb:
McDonald,:.-Jenni' ', Gilmore...
Nellie Hickey, Fio 'r rjte-•' McDonald,
Nora Hogan, .Jo}iri"
John Murdock;. Bertha J Fodersrn,
-Stella 'Towle,, Jchq 1'bill as, Jr
Ada McKenzie, Efilr, Jgbp`strrue,' Jae,
Phillip:.,', C}ie3terr T:itvljie, Evert Mc:
Keith; Sr •''2—Everett• .Jfenders',r1.
Emma . .Iohnstcne, ..' Bridget
Tena.'ll'Iclnnis. Jr 2,•J'„r.r2tir r,pKett,;
Alex :Burnaby,: iS'illir" Towle, - 6µu
Pt I{itchier George llii111r
J Pt 2—Mabel tJoli'nmto'u;r,, 1Zetit,ali
ogee., Leila, Aj;er, Leroy Tovl.e,
Kenneth Campbell; Susan Conk,.
esel• R ileitis:•
aed there will have .to'be
'esti Isi oral. ,Ailietleitit Act. does. not,
' give the Parliitnent the,
',representation Ad the 'United 8tated
410 ROUE° of Conimons: If the .eee.
' bee has incretnied
the same
Tama JultiVation, Extrr. dairy or
'Good buildings and orehards
1i1I`i.'u o .,f t' •
An Easy Chair
An 'Elegant Ta. 1e
A Handsome ' ofa.'
A ` New'Bedroom Suit,
A' New. Sideboard
A New' Rocker
•t . - .. V -YT ...,
A new ,Rubber'' Qor pail .•nets been 'sttartpd
. 3.erliir
,.�, .... , `lxlanufachiixng;the 'best : L Rubbers. • in •'
...market at' tht' sante .'price of . inferior °pgonds,
NVR are the':.so1e agents'for .these gbod iii Lucknow..
ash or C edit. g.
r liberal ilex ,o. •' - . .
• _....,., eun s,off for Cash.;
stoek of=bet '
-s1'rc'es at idw rrices
IT'S .' ...._ UR NERVES
Its• a Lor did s
io I of Yot :•:
► tr Nerveo
That 'eithe Makes .Your Life
A. gaurid of: Pleasure or
Tisc e
I ss
Ta fiayny,•wonlen life one • round
of, si l:nest;; Weakness and ill; health.
1'0 •,attempt the . lightest household
duties' fatigues them. -Many• of the
symptorns accompanying this state or
decline are : a feeling' of tiredness -be
waking, •.faintness . dziness sinking.
eelin ' '.
g, pal '
pitaTtion of the heart, slioxt:
ness of 'breatb loss'of' appttite ,
hands an ' e t a
S- d-� a ,.lee dache:,-dark ci
.under`rtl a eyes, pain n.. the...tiack aAd_
side ankAll the. other accompaniments
of a:rundow'n'aand woakene 1 constitu-
All these. symptoms: and conditions•
are esu t
sim ly the r, 1 ,cf'a' poor quality
'and defective circulation t 17ti,e blood..
with :a" wasti :g away or, 'the neve'
forces. •:..•
feeding , . g the. system. With
You strike at. tiie rOot "i)f the disease
to build. .800n the. weight increases,„
the sulken eheette,and flattened busts'
fill put,.;the 'efed-get -.bright. and the, FOR SALE
Farm. for Sale o�'°Exchange
• 'Being the east" half of lot 2 it, the .8th Con,
(Eastern Division) of Arljfield, . containing:
100 acres:.' The farm is fairly eyed . febeed and
in a g,od (tate of cultivation,' with bun 40*`
GO and Stable utlei-neath., '.A new story and.:
half frame house, ';tnd plenty of w;.ter, The , VALL9
plebe %vi'l be sold cheap, or will tale a' suitable
50 'acre feral in' part' pay, and.ther ballnYje can
'remain on mortgage if 'desired'.'• '' For 'further
particulars apply at SEYTIA EA office or to
William Biddle,
• .Crewe
IN FAoT vupNI'.i`.UltV
b1 ALT,°1 t D$
or the,` Drawing 'Room
For the Dining Room
For the Bed ROOM
For the -Hall:
Don't fail to see' our Stoek-
And; Get our Prices
{{ ai g7yY_
ltit a e$Drl,
Apply to
A. 111c.01Al:pllu,'•P u-anlpuor,4
• UNTARW iNp . l�R'
. SEBAFORT1.1: P ,
i• L.
slingineei fol Wintiliam. Scafgrtlii ..
I owjcl;, Culross,, Etc. Cement °Side-. '
�vaiks, , Sewei's .:and Township 1)i ain;e.
will bo given':special attention. <• '
I7 trytapnuo or .?
Piano,' Organ,' ,Violin,.
'Voice'Ctiltur ' ' .. *
e, Zharou6h
Bass Rarmob.y'and Counter.
point. '
Pupils prepaiecl for Conservat
examinationa, .. ' : \
:1`f <L;Sl,'•DEIITCL'•.:Oampbell -street
. Is prepared to give lessons. on,
At her batik on
Oantpbell St., LUE1141V011,
-• . That 'detere
abla .
pro ert :formerly. _.
owned- bey `thee late -Richard Treleaven,
-in-tlre-villiacgs of'Dunt;annon dpon
the'property 'situate ;a , ood :brick
d k
.house -20x30 anitchen 18x24. Good
woodshed and stable in connection.
Hard ansoft soft:water, ' The lot consists_
of one' half: acre of �
. , Pas session
maybe had .at any 'time.. Apply, to
eorgee. tothers,, Dungannon;_oral:
Sentinel •otlace, •
signed, Lot 6, Conoeosion 12,',Ashheld, on, or
a about the 20th of June, one .ewe And larnb..,
hai-e the game .by proVing property, payieg
expenses; and taking atray, at lot 8, conceasion
50 centa per bdit..
'This animal' was bred by D:13. Sr.r.,tt; VerzuS,
Oat:. ono..of the inost,„surx:essful breeders in
Who Wants a -,Fartn,
fur la at, 75,100, 150 and 200 ahteejlets
Wittr.goott littildiage to be
,istriostat,Of ttion,,ey to loan st•Ti,'per cent.' rot
try ,get nd
goad 1101'lie andrLoi. situated on
•the corner of, Ocilla,. ,athnidii.dDealchrielt.770etaria.
Tho lot ,cPntains one
hard And lioh water and everyconven-
had at any_finte.„--Apply
A '8;14 class fratrre house -2s 1, sS, ,two
The 140 is locatPd and, the. lot *:.on.
1.0,th 1=4 aod ;suit water, and good ,etable.
spri`ng Water,: There br also a leined lion; kilo
Ind will, be, gold Ulieap oh ti
Desirable Farria for Sale.
torsi./ .f.a.i tiro, ' 4,,,ri to'. t, ,has Itti.gi, ,,orcbard ' of
kl. . „ ., , ,
SUMMER • .0 J�
xce Cream,
._ Canned:
ce Fru
'Select tst
stock of
9,4p1" ,
. nfeetioner
i P_c
Su 1'; ;.. ,.
•ocal ' ::' . instrumental: andlnstrumental:� .�
usie and•:garn7An
aro taught .'by•
A.11 kinds -of-Groceries- kept
on hand; and. deliveredr:10.'avy.
l',.patiie "Ferndale".
i11 re -open : Tues. •Sept 4. '
-this-beautiful lakeside townoff s uur'i ' -
er , yal
lerlinducemei1j4 4 -the-stvdeut*v-o-f-.the sur-
rounding districts' td:greiar for. their•e;caminr.<
h —
"•' Ceeiai arran�cirieti v Will-bAnra e{{
o-aitlthose students who re dclioicnt ;tithe eepart
uent'Sf'langnare,. , a
.A:newly..,,'eryuippsrl t[tboratorypffor]s'e =
e .
silent advantages =iu the •clepartmeat, of
041,4914o . and Well -kept pt, Gauipus„health„:.'
fulexercises. are encot raged. •
Parents can rely "upon the, School .-Board
nil t> pnrn tho.�inorull-istineneluter�-:
rounding their children in > ;wholesome Cone `
clition .. _
-The StaiF of.Specialists is •propttred -to edn
bate. for all departmental . and, Matriculation:
eX4Infnatione,” •
1 •,•'•• :
Sebodl passed forty: seven
candi lat s at the reeont c :awinations: Over
90 her Cent_•'f t:hr,u,; s• { "•rote' for .;Junfor, .`
Leaving Cer, t4
Good bcardtag -iwkid( a ui ty.fix secured at
reasonable. rates, -• w
' • For f urtber riarticiilars apply to
a. w: PEW E ; A• _
'Coder/oh Ontario •
Stn;--YoUr 'liquid medicine, Soak
and Swab," has cured me entjaely. of the sore
tnat it•wasz.cativer anti that the lyitre would'
roved -1)i the knife, ft Wos "tills that triiiht".
.13e43 „VIP • arid Made.rne get the "SCak. and
"Swab," -tised oary three pint bottles. I ani
used it, • Having great cdniidence ;n Your
krAicine Will recommend kt to those in nced,
wills, etc, neatly,
ecuted Agent fel. the •Naltiooal, Fire
epee Co., of Ireland; Ir„Ountla-;4822. 'Capital ,
perienee • in. fruit, ornenielitat and fie -miring
shrubs. Parties wanting' anything in thp.ahove,
line, twill be pleased akany glue to 'give 4131 :
now or att4futilre-date. . .1
•• Officei
Important to Brei,elerS and liorsdnen.
e following waft' ret.:atived train the :maitre
1' intfiered-for-near14-iOUr 3reii`riCTi6in 116';
and alidost:et the. same; tapir Tlaily• 'oat, '(
"Which no otte eotild, waken ine, until '1 award
w,,ak Wkarital after the lapse
tithe 1, Wit ft- ,velp,11,7. ,unnommietot. . was
1.1.0til) fit the good. pro v Menne
(.44 Liouksif, Ile took ttm out or tke sit 'iu luta
„ , . oly. 7, . • .. 3.1.1 t. .eitsmv(Ael :fill yr:4e: 1? eiefate obod.lyre.
tate. in'horsen
tipanies'it'..1vt''it;ri)yr'll'ariAtAKtly, :..nivit',1g : ejl LeaLifihiliab;111:1./1:t.'—
men), in thc.viixions diseases," It 'can't* used
in. every 4:11Fit! (ii V V411111117 pro:oboe where
1-4,1(1' fir 4"ti ii rat I Welt t11 give 'Satisfaction, pi-iati
.tory,l'idnido, •, 'A yilytrkal elreqtye'ty,i, 10 per
i,, 14.4 the Pfeil's-nay if insenat (yr the,, emitriket, ,
fail tJt,f omit Er r',11444' hi'verity,. the le111111)nt of. ,
iott, NJ, Flit! lit parliointit. of the Pretincial.