HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-03-12, Page 7THE W1NGHA11 TIM , 11 HCH 121 1%18 MINOR LOCALS. --Maroh 12th. -- OJTliioq Court to day, Tgesday next—St Patrick's Day. —Clinton Suring Show will bo held ells April dud. —There are several caws of smallpox In Walkerton. —Merchants report business brisk in town last Saturday. —Relief concert in the opera house this (Thursdas) evening. —tdr. 3?ied A. Lewis, piano tuner, expecte to be in Wingham iu April. -Court Maitland, Canadian Foresters, aneets Friday evening of this week. —Regular meeting of Camp Cale- donia, Sons of Se:otlaud next Monday evening. —South Perth Conaervattves have xtominated Dr. 1111 Steele. of Tavistook for the Commons. —Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Edgar. of How- lolr, near Fordwieh, celebrated their golden wedding on February 28th. —Last Friday morning's storm tied up traffic on the Palmerston Kincardine branch of the G. T R for that day. Coughs. colds, hoarseness, and other throat ailments aro quickly relieved by Cresolene tablets. ten cents per box. .All druggists. —Mr. Robt. Currie, jr., has installed a patent blower in his blaoksmith chop, 'vrhichwill be a great convenience and c saving of labor. —If a pew G. T. R station is built at 'Clinton during the coming Summer, it. will be built at the site of vi hat le known as the Junction. —Mr. John Nichol has purchased the town park lots, near the cemetery from Mr.. Rich. Porter and the estate of the late Mr+. Kennedy. —In last Saturday's issue of the War Cry there appears a very good photo- gravure of the members of Wingham Salvation Army Band. —The name of Mr. Justine Garrow, of the Ontario Court of Appeals is being mentioned in connection with the chair- manship of the railway commission. PERSONAL. Dr. J. P Kennedy was in Toronto for a few days this week. Me. Fred. Rosh, of Toronto, is visit• ing l,is parents sod friends in town. Miss Lucy Saunders, of Strathroy is visiting with her brother* Mr. R. E Sauuders, Mrs. A Bennett, of Luoknow, has returned house after spen,'.i.ng a couple of weeks with Mrs. Wm Armour. Mr. David 141 is attending the annual meeting of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West, in Mount Forest this weak, Rev. T. S Boyle is in Toronto this week attending the meeting of the Grand Circle of the. Canadian Order of Horne Circle. Miss Ellen Coulter, of Ripley, arrived in town on Monday to take a Commer• oial course at the Wingham Business College. Mr. and Mrs Charles Barber aocom- pauied by their daughter Florence, visited tbeir daughter, Mrs, R. D. Mason, at Kincardine, during the week. Miss Pearle L imont, of 391 William, street, London, left on the 4th inst., for Port Arthur, having acoepted a position as head milliner in a large t tore in that plape. Rev. Wm. Lowe, of London was shaking hands with old " Wingham friends on Tuesday while on his way to attend the Orange Grand Lodge meet- ing at Mount Forest. Mr. John Terriff, a former resident of Wingham, who has for the past few years been living in Cornwall, has so- oepted a position with the Bell Furni- ture Co. of Southampton and has re- moved to that place. —The TIMES will next week contain a special article on the work of the Ont- ario Agricultural. College. Time is too limited to prepare the article for this issue. —Get your sale Mlle printed at the Trues office. Free notice given in the {raper when bills are printed here. Be- sides, with our improved facilities, we can almost print them white you wait. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLEh A simple and effective remedy for EOR$ THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lice. rice. Your druggist or from us, 10c in stamps. S.s:rturo, Mimes Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 401 —Mr. Robt. Corrie, sr. had the experience on Sunday evening last of his horse leaving him in a pitch hole, wear Zetland. The horse broke loose from the cutter and came home. —The many friends of Mrs. Geo. Spotton will be sorry to learn that she underwent a serious operation in the WIngham hospital on Monday. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Spotton -• as now improving. A remarkable operation is said to have been performed in Germany re- cently, by which a bullet was taken from a man's heart, the hole sewn up, and after three weeks the patient left the hospital entirely cured. —Mrs. Wm. Armour and family de- sire to thank the citizens' of Wingham for the kindness and sympathy extended to them during their recent bereave- ment; also for the many beautiful floral tributes from friends and acquaintances. —The Ladies' Aid Society of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will bold an Irish social in the lecture room of the church, next Tuesday evening, nth inst. A goodfprogram is being ar- ranged and refreshments will be served. —When the Supreme Court of Inde- pendent Order of Foresters meets in June it will ratify an increase in rates, and a re. -scaling of charges to membera dating prior to 1899 that Will materially affeot the great bulk of the 260,000 mem- bers of the order. —The consumption of tea inoreased from 1?2 mill' 1740 to 117 milli • po to 246 million England pounds in s in 1870 and ads in 1907. In OAnada, eince the introduction of "Sal - sada" Tea, the consumption of tea is inoreasih+q in a like ratio. WEIGHED FOUR POUNDS WHEN FOUR MONTHS OLD. Moat of the sickness that comes to s andone hip babies young children is due to the stomach or bowels being out of condition. It ie then that they aro eros eevieh and upset the Whole hoose d. These are troubles thatBaby' Own Tablets always cure prornpt' Here is proof: Mrs. J. Ste art, erten, Ont , Saye: r. . .1 1 M little i lyes so badly that g y at the age ofjfour months she weighed four and a half pounds. Her stomach was badly out et order, and although the doctor treated her he did not help her. Then 1 got Baby's Own Tablets and right from the first they helped her and now she enjoys perfect health." If your little one is ailing try Baby's Own Tablets—always do good; cannot do harm. Sold by medicine dealers or by aka At k'o a box from the Dr. Williams ledlotate Oo., Breoktritle, Ont. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD. Cornelius Epp, a steamship agent and broker, was arrested in St. Louis on a charge of stealing 820,300 from a Gall Dian at Winnipeg. But a few minutes were required to transact the business of the Pablio School Board on Tuesday evening. There wore present Chairman Hall and Trustees Kerr. Moore, Lloyd, Isard and Ross. The account of Miss S. Farqu- harson, $2 50, for two days teaching in Miss Reynolds' room, also the salaries of the teachers and officers for February were ordered to be paid. Principal Musgrove suggested the ad- visability of having two outei3e doors to the basement, instead of one, as at pre- sent, and Trustee Kerr was appointed to look into the matter and report. The report of the Principal showed the following attendance for Feb- ruary :— Dept 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Boys 22 20 17 26 26 18 37 166 Girls Total 31 56 22 42 30 47 17 43 22 48 27 45 25 62 177 343 296 Avg 47 39 42 43 39 47 NEWS„NOTES. The Dominion Government will be asked to out a Canadian channel in the Detroitl River. Three miles below Welland 350 feet of the east bank of the canal has .slid into the water, SEED GRAIN FOR SALE.—Peas, barley, and a new variety of oats; also goose wheat, at T. A. MILLS', Wingham. A mutiny of prisoners took place in the Winnipeg jail and tbe guards had a seyere fight to overcome the gang. East Middlesex Conservatives nomin- ated Mr. Peter Elson for the Commons and Mr. G. W. Neeley for the Legis- lature, The first detachment of Salvation Army immigrants arrived at Vancouver, and all found places, including sixty women. Dr. Warren White, a well-known physician of Hamilton, is dying from blood -poisoning, contracted during an operation, • Two hundred men employed on the Canadian end of the Detroit River tunnel have struck for three dollars a day of eight hours. Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at McKibben's drug store, Monday, Maroh 30111. Hours: 12 a ru. to8p.m, Glasses properly fitted. A recent British estimate le that $75,. 000,000 le annually spent by cigarette smokers in the 'United Kingdom for the "oonn nails,” $45,000,000 for pipe tobacco, and $5,000,000 for Cigars, it ba• ing caloulated,that 80A; of the risen, and 20% Of the women, Use tobacco. Wm. Beech and wife, the liret white settlers east of Ohorohill river, arrived at Gimii, Man., on Thuraday, haviog travelled 1,100 miles by dog train. Thomas. Anderson, chief trader of the Hudson's Bay Company in Mackenzie disttiot, died while ou his way out. hav- ing retired from the oompany'a eervioe. Mr. Edward Brown, leader of the Liberal party in Manitoba, during the last general election, prediots that leoal option will carry in every municipality in Manitobe except Winnipeg, Brandon and Portage la Prairie. Unable to get out through narrow and half olosed doors one hundred and sixty children were burned to death within a few feet of safety at the Public school at North Oollinwood, a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. A Western editor has solved the prob• tem of "how to keep the boys on the farm." Answer: "Have plenty of girls on the farm and the boys won't go away." Now the only question is how to keep the girls on the farm. A charge of cruelty to animals will be preferred against a farmer living near Chatham, who is said to have starved several cattle belonging to a Chatham man. The farmer was to get so much per head for wintering them, but failed to feed them. Richard Lindesy, of Tweed, Ont., has been committed for trial, charged with criminal neglect, which resulted in the death of his wife and her newly - born twin babies. While on an errand for the doctor Lindsay became intoxi- cated and forgot all about it, and before help came both mother and children were dead, Warry Charles, one of the riohest and most influential Chinamen in Boston, Mass.,,, was, with eight other of hie countrymen, found guilty of murder in the first degree. They all belonged to the notorious "hatchmen" and were convicted of four menders, which had arisen from a long- standing fend be- tween the two Tongs or Chinese so- cieties. Expelled from Manitoba Agricultural College for bartioipating in the hazing which was the subject of considerable comment at the time, John S. McIn- tosh, a student who came from Derby shire, England, about a year ago, com- mitted suicide at Winnipeg shortly after. • McIntosh had disappeared after being expelled and had not been seen since last Wedueeday. His dead body was found in the attic of the college o Sunday last. BORN. Tuun—In Wingham, on March 0th, to Mr and Mrs. Tutt; a son. In Meinorium DONOVAN.-1n loving .remembrance of the late Cornelius Donovon, who died in WesWt andaffectionate brother lOGone but not for gotten. Mr. and Mrs. D. Donovan and family. CANADIAN HOME CLES Wingham Cire1� ea. 434 Meets First Friday 'n kaoh month, at 8 p. m.. in hall in Chislr Block. Candidates for cheap, reliable ins nee solicited. Ask to see our rates off an member or officers. Ladies accepted at same rate as men. REV. T. S. BOYLE, GEO. E. COOPMAN, Leader. Recording Secretary W. J. W YLEs, Financial becretary. ■tel WANITE Mika to hear from owns having A GOO FARRMV.T r ape Not nrtie arnboutlocatioii. Ifor a P, Please give price and description, and reason for selling. State when posses- sion can be had, Will deal with owners only. L. Darbyshire, Box 984, Rochester, N.Y i>NI E1� SPRING TERM OPENS April 1st CEN`IRAL9 ITi�G�G�%l�:•�' STRATF'ORD. ONT. Thoroughness is the key -note of this institution. Our school stands for what is highest and beat in busi- 23050 education, We have three de- partments —Commercial, e-partments—Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphic. Our graduates always ettceeed. If interested get our free catalogue. ELLIOTT i& *LACHLAN' PRINCIPALS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, Sealed tenders will be reoeived by th& underalgned up to the 20th of Maroh, 1908, for the erentlon of a new school building in S.S.. No 7, East Wawanosh, six miles from Belgrave, Material of old building to be need in new one. Plans avd speoifioations can be obtained from the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not neoessarily acoepted. WM. ROBINSON, Marnoch P. 0 1897, claims of 1 County on 1907, doliver executors the nam. statement the them day the entitled claims n NOTICE TO CR DITORS, scant to R. S. O. 1 persons having r obert Scott, late swanosh, in the -ceased, who died f December, A.D. est prepaid or t0 olicitor for the d, on or before A.D. 1008, their tions and a full their claims and if any) held by t after the, said t d to distribute .long the parties aid only to the en have notice. nary A.D. 1008. ' A NS'l ONE ' Ingham. 1'. 0. for for Executors Notice le hereby given pu Chap. 129, Sea. 88, that . against the estate of the Township of East " of b.uron Fax riser, d or about the Fourth day are required to send by to the undersigned of the said deceas brxteenth day of March, 8, addresses and descri of particulars of nature of ti e security duly cert Sed, and th the lsxecnto, s will proc assets of the deceased thereto, having re of which they shall Dated this 11th day of Feb R. SI)lic 1897, claims late County on A or the the names, statement the them the assets titled of NOTICE TO CR DITORS. snout to R. S. 0. 1 persons having a argaret Tumoth, echurch, in the eased, who died day of Januaay. d by post prepaid ned Executor of ed, on or before A. P. 1008, their ptions end a full their claims and (if any) held by after the said day to distribute the g the parties en- only to the claims notice. A 1). 1008. VAI7STUTE. Wingham, P. 0. Executor. Notice is hereby given pu Chap. 129, Sec. 38, that against the estate of of the Village of Wh• of Bruce. Widow, d or about the Eighteenth D. 1908, are requ red to se to doliver to the undersi Estate of the said decea Sixteenth day of Murch addresses, and desc of particulars of nature of the security duly certified, and th t Executor will pre ceed of the deceased am..' thereto, having rera d which he shall then hav Dated this 19th day of F bruary, . a NOW OPEN' Lr' ,la ENTER ANY DAY A �r A Winter Terre in all departments of 4 r., the Central 13ueluess College, To- 111- i. ronto, offers 'splendid chances for r spending a few months pleasantly profitably. III^^ CN rifj Twenty -ave teachers. Catalogue ..11 free. Write for it. W. H, Shaw, 3 -a,Principal; E. R. Shaw, Secretary, Yonge and Gerrard Ste., Toronto. r p,- i�o1a .m �-� 4.4.144++++++++++++++++++++4 4. .1. 4 ,'1-r. I '11, ++++++++++++++++++++++++44 ROYALCROCERY 4 ---e - 4 YOU 4 principal 4 The better il with our 3 you .4 your 4 Coffee4 that we 4, in the 4 4. of Fresh . 4 4 4 4 4. 4 GRIFFIN. 4 44 O PLEASE is our + object. $ you are satisfied + goods, t h e oftener + will come and bring friends with you. One trial of our Tea and 4 will convince you handle the best market. Also, a full line Groceries. �F•F3•@•-1•d-•1••1'-1'3--1' + PRODUCE WANTED. iia J. Malcolm PHONE .54. + Suooessor to C. N. Tame About Your Annual Sales, your Clearing Sales, your Slaughter Sales, your Going-ontef-Bnsineas Sales, your Stock Reduction Sales, and your I Stook • Taking Sales —• but we can meet them all. Just a few quotations : Tomatoes, per can 10 Corn, 3 cans for 25 Petis, 8 Cans for 25 Pumpkin, 3 cans for 25 Wax Beans, 3 Cana for 25 Snnlight Soap, 0 bars for 25 Tillson's 5 -lb premium packages Oatmeal 25 20.11�pails Goldenette Pure Cane 1 .00 to -ib pails Goldenetto Pure Cane ' Sru.. y P and other lines at equally low prices. remormirtmemarremblearnelvimmi DUALITY SECOND TO NONE. s. • W. BONE Wn onAM, ONT. Opposite new Bank of Oommeree PHONE 113. Huron County Spring Stock Shaw Clinton, April 2, 1908 Entrance Free, Admission Free. $600 in Prizes. HORSES. Ciydcsdalea 1st 2nd 2rd Stallion, 8 years and over $10 $0 $2 " 2 years and under 0 4 8 Shires Stallion, 3 years and over 10 6 2 " 2 years and under 0 4 2 Percheron Best Percheron stallion 10 5 Hackney Stallion, 3 years and over 6 4 2 . y ears and under 0 4 2 Heavy Draughts. Brood Mare, registered 2 yrs & over. 6 4 2 " 'rising3'years 5 3 2 " rising 2 years 5 3 2 G elding 8 yeara and over 5 8 2 G elding rising 2 years 8 6 Team in harness Family of 3 colts of 1007 6 4 Agricultural Team in harness,./at prize, cultivator value $40, donated by 1't os, Murphy agent for Deering Mfg, Co 5 Brood Mare 3 years and over 1st prize silver cup valued at $12, donated by Molsons Bank 4 F Ily or Gelding ruing B years 4 3 Filly or Geluing rising 2 years4 3 General Purpose Team in harness 1900 lbs. and under8 4 Roadsters Stallion 1534 hands and over 10 5 under 151 hands 10 6 Carriage Horse in harness, equip, went considered 0 4 Roadster Horse in harness, equip- ment considered 6 4 Carriage Team in harness 6 4 Roadster Team in harness 6 4 Saddle Horse 4 8 Jumping over Hurdles 8 4 CATTLE. Short Horns Bull 3 years and over 8 5 Bull years and under 5 8 Bull 1 year and under 5 3 Cow 8 years and over 5 3 Heifer 2 years 5 3 Heifer 1 year 4 2 Ages to date from September 20th Herfords Bull 2 years and over 5 3 Hull 1 year and under 6 3 Cow 3 years and over 5 3 Heifer under 2 years 6 3 Polled Angus Bull 2 years and over 5 3 Ball 1 year and under 6 3 Cow B years and over, 5 3 Heifer under 2 years 5 8 Dairy Cows and Fat Cattle 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 2 2 2 1 Dairy Cow any age and breed 5 3 Fat Heifer, age considered 8 2 Fat Steer, age considered 3 2 2 Stock Steer 3 years and under 3 2 2 Stock Heifers 3 years and under3 2 Sweepstakes Best Male any age Best Female any age Best 3 of any breed 2years and under with bull $SDiploma GRAIN AND SEEDS Fall Wheat any variety Bag Michigan Amber, prize donated by Jas. Fair, bag of Fair's famous flour IF F F L') Oats, Black Oats, White Barley, two rowed Barley, six rowed Peas Timothy Clover Beed 3 3 8 3 • 8 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 POTATOES. Potatoes, any early variety 3 2 Potatoes, any late variety 3 2 JAS. SNELL, JAS. FAIR. J. W. SHAW President. Treasurer. Secretary. t C' MI U.J..RUNf ReYS EM One Way Colonist Excursions To the West Commencing Feb. 29th and con- tinuing daily until April 29111, 1908. To the following points:— Vancouver, B. C. Spokane, Wash. jj $47.76 Seattle, Wash. Portland, Ore. San Franoisco. Cal. } $47.80 Los Angeles, Cal. Mexiao City.—$47.80 Tickets also sold to other certain points in proportion. Full information may be obtained from Wm. Henry, Depot Agent. WESTERN CANADA IF YOU THINK OF MAKING A HOME IN THE WEST YOU SHOULD HAVE THESE Free Books "SETTLERS' GUIDE" “WESTERN CANADA" "TOURIST SLEEPING CARS" TIME TABLES Just the practical information you need Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent, or to C. B, PORTER blstrlct Pass. Agent, TORONTO Vvvvvvvvvyyvyvvyvvvyvyrryv •veyyyyyvYTYVVVryVVTyVYYYV T$E LITTLE EATONI a Iiust a Seasoiiable Chat] 1 TO LET YOU KNOW WHAT'S DOING IN OUR RESPECTIVE DEPARTMENTS ladies Men's Ready-to-fear Department For spring, 1908, in Coats, Skirts and Suits, was never shown in such variety of styles, oloths and work- manehip, having the exclusive lines of splendid fitting Roger Garments, of Toronto; also The Hart Mfg. Co.'s Speoialties, Skirt Mfrs. The Ladies of Wingham and vicinity can only appreciate our goods, our efforts, hence our results. in bringing to- gether the best of many manufac- turers' lines. Please consider the convenience and satisfaction which our Altera- tion Department means. Gar- ments purchased here are altered free of charge and guaranteed satis- faotory. DRESS FABRICS In the very newest weaves oom- prising' Voiles, Eoltennes, Broad- cloths, Venetians, Lustres, in plain and fanoys. Dress ends, exolustve design and color for each customer. SHIRT WAISTS In Silk, Mnile, Lawn and Muslin all new, no old stook, latest designs, and they fit. COLLARS AND BELTS Special attention will be paid to ladies' furnishings, the smartest, newest and daintiest, designs are features which mark this department. CORSETS The essential points of corsets are to obtain the most modern, those we have which adds beauty and shape to a lady's form. MILLINERY ♦♦ Oar Milliner has just returnud + from London and Toronto with the 4 new designs shapes and ideas ob. + tained at the wholesale millinery + openings—surprises are in store for f, the Ladies at the Little Eaton Mil- l* Department this season, such ► as they have never seen before. C Don't buy your spring hat until you ► see ours. They're swell. 11°' 1•1101.011MIINEM 44 The Little Eaton's Gents' Fur- + nlshings Department is again • out for your spring trade and the lines which we show are the newest, a: smartest and nattiest ever show in 4 town, +, 0 SPRING SUITS.t +: 4 ♦+ Why is it we do a large speoial ordered tailored trade 2 Because we have the goods, and what counts more Dan give you. the• city touches in square shoulder and Dollar which only few in Canada can out. Seeing is believing,come in and satisfy your- self. We will show you the differ - READY TO PUT ON CLOTHING + +: 4 0 Our Spring Suits have again put in their emarf appearance and who +. don't know what The Little Eaton do —we pay most partionlar attention + to the main points, viz:—Flt should- 4' or and collar, the cloth and pattern +♦'' are secondary considerations. Clothes ti helps to make a man, we can help some—try tie for your spring snit. SPRING. SHIRTS Never before was such a shipment of Men's Ooloted Shirts brought into Wingham at one time, 50 dozen "Oresent Manufactured" Shirts now compose our new spring stock. Oh, the're swell and everyone guaranteed to wash without fading. SPRING HATS Gents', were it, with the new styles and shades, you know what we have been, well were better than ever— what we hav'nt got ain't made, see -get your oady at "The LittleEaton." SMALL NECESSITIES Such as Gloves, Hosiery, Neck- wear, Braces, Handkerchiefs, Under- wear, eto., good values, Olean, up-to- date designs, always mark our goods. HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Is In this department where we furnish your homes with, Carpets, Rugs, C• Sgnares, Linoleum, Curtains, lane and tapestry, Comforters, Blankets, Pillows, Shades, Poles, Drapes, and many other things which we specialize on, therefore can do properly free of all extra expense. A trial will con- vince. Thousands of dollars worth of the above lines have just arrived and, t now we are alle to give you splendid selection and satisfaction, R ► Has been added to this department and we can give von prices at wholesale and varieties so varied and numerous you actually get mixed. Come in we want your trade and that of your friends --spring is Doming but we're here first, and with the goods. WALL PAPER • TRADE FROM F'.AR,1VIERS • Wanted all kinds and we'll pay you well for it. Do your spring Wry. • ing at The Little Eaten and you'll not be disappointed. f+♦#♦+♦♦+♦♦♦+♦++++++++♦+: 1ITIANNA B ikIAAAALAAAAA ;AAALMAA„&4ANA AAA AAAAAM4AAAA h3MU 1 •