HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-03-12, Page 5from.thtSanottotritit Intere ting. Paragraphs from our exchanges. X•endelt postmen ameng theta 'cover *bout CUM tni:t.13 a day. Isteteg is 40 ear rent cheaper io Len - den thatvin New Tinto Dr Veil Stun's Plueo.pple TabletS it t,_41* P4Toiclau Evi'et4 0 1 ******1111e Meal **`• 134g ilgIn ta The -oat ettn potettev ot *tali:leapt:le as a pet:eve:1 alvit• tor atemaeb. trete:eta The irinvitlitpo rezestrarentt N'••.,t4 d tho trot: atentes it oo almost team tiVittMol Tintilt,...11,. to ousts ot ;as, 411,13!) Asa spreng medieince Bardeen Blood. and fad:zest:on el tettlet dor teat Sitters has no aquae, It tones up the aa,::.at Nita; „ore rotas (11C, ten iyetem aui rentoves all itupurities front tua ittes. sante Sent tee A I. Hera, the bluod. and takes away that tired, -net. wtIti.fy feelinn so prevalent in the apring, 31: teen tinCnt11- Inoteotte on '''‘Vodoesnaty, ISattiroery 11,11)17 Rev M Ttir. nud Is Leer. two of the most size M'rMatit,t-t,e, E D et niielety esteemed resitieuts of Monett • Three women la lotnisville, Kee tried to eblorofertn.R cM the ether day, bet t he cat rut 'op a fitht eon. Frilled the chierefotui. .All three wouten were put KEEP' YOUR NERVES STRONG. ;111. Surety nom). to III.Hgkkth Thais Neglect of the NERVES* retents, Lateittotee. to R EZ.X7,1$ tnweebilacelebrated their silver wedding by themarrisge of th: ir eldege dough- latZette et the nee: eten. ter. ntionte E to lenr• Jetta W. Lyon, a VT V.,TASZTS yeurg .fararer Brat:deo, on Dr:totter.. • . • • • MAURO :ouna ,4JJaozetta of Feb eatiet 't • Et:s: 11.7' :te 7'4 . acare F."tit; neeetl :▪ 12 <74,4f4ev:e s7r:. A V.. . atcory tliltio is the tlote thee only I: Huttoo, on Tizei•1•17- enotreed eree netween telet mad S. aetereb, Jthe A. (Natl.:, zota 7et nrs 1 A.reether peeeliarity eatoot February this Deck -Reed ons ttata ;-"t-itzra"..7 yea:. ts Inat the nrst day of the mooth potenumna vitt h ootteeti t4s 4'tx‘lt fen oteez a Seterdey atta the last of the In I.onden, n.tct , the Plan arranged 'Interment teek Ooze at in po teminero coete., feta thc sotto day ef ate WQ-th. betweeut Inept ctor Galpio and Mas. Thursday atterneon. ez-erefilE the7e' w• -:z" '61'e Sour:10.7n in trate Love for placiog oft appearing Boy:ember that wh7a tto striv--2,;11: r-te =t1oe,t'.. Simeur czz-diltzt;l1 :nn/Y ; drentke on the Iodien list, is Gael to be nerves fail or weenee. Ds star -te C7.^ -- tre:te erne te eet yeats. provieg a powerful weapen in the banns digestion noon etrengthen tl.ese v., oterves witti Shcop's 1-1,etora-iv.,. ley*, fluffier ani nr-ZItury crgans only. Sereral of dies? women are said to have shea Bee haw Leas.% vv.': w,eak razte. rheum- 'reformed theirhasbands almost mit rely return. Wtek Heart and ..E•d.ity. af.sm. dta'zet• s, zor trel,tmation, ;ay threatening that if thor get drunk The eervous system ministers (tinnily to mania phyetcal as it LOW ribtitelik ;CI mann) intent:noel powers. Alodity ita tiOtiVitY, VA, hP,VO Vatintlit forme of ballueination, mentin depree sum: 140E4.)bn:hints awl hvateria If yen bay IA Win ht Strong it implies next bib nervoint Ityhteta is strong. It you say that n women's oerves are yo 5fllri4 wbat i alasolutely taw, that ber whole physteal condition is so far be the par thot collapse may easily follow. No remetly bas ever beau devisea that wig compare With 2ences:1e in netvoee tualedies leorrezont does rot efinet the nervee as hynuettes ef dativt-s w bleb len them Into obedience -it znalieit tbsra formic, because it motive the con. situeutt that are necestinrY to melte nerve strength. Fern:Acme mokes blood. Fours:me gives strergib. Ferreala t OtOt 5 appetIto, assures ationnlation of toad. FE*17C,Z0115 Ittipats to the whole orgetu• -sattatnit, endurauce, buovauey. No mat lacv nervous yen aro ter tow loeg this conehttou has prevailed, use Perrteoue. aud m menth you will have Dm:elm:tug proof ot its tfillie aud restoretive power. Perfeetto sate even for children, absolutely sure to restore aoyone ner. roue, eststruug and hysterical. Ferree:me 'urs rot by stimulatiou. tut by nolstit4htettudteedulet the ner- vous organieetion with the f* 'motto it lacks; try Fero. gone, sold in 50.i. boxes by all drugeists. Et• pf.g c • adi., of WiviS who have druraten husbands 1$0 sr..-en,7,,thene.i, ------------------------rtcdt-s. rta all ether . • h ti th LU ,storatttre, NI Lev,' 11 -...ort pains.. r, 47`,A:, 7_7 11.15:..ZSi'8 472.4--.T4,7 frem virtzrag a,...ttnn et rue g i • . °Indian list. There is nothing to prevent -or Ridoey wechntss is toc.-,L It ...a': 'j il,,inat,y,:e .onel bletlidzr =drug the- Setonath, ez,•.••:: n:::1" -t q.',... • ,.. them, from doing it. either. . -sarrI- - - 1 t...t . v.--,,,,,., G, , i -zr.t. client Herm' z.,-, ilecken and ::, - Et the cause of llic,SeatlEl-ntS. Sti,,,,,t.'i,"Itn. Si tE:::C, of Terzcitt, are safe in thein,i Strong words by a New York ma thee weak toeten eteryte Vi U.:1 Dr. : leAtfi. Master En Cnamters Cartwright, ". Specialtst --Atter years of testing and : Shomp's It:Iterative sta. get evt-L. A • tn hie c7,...;:i.,t, i......an.fed ant. last week • corup.1.---Ison. I have to hesitation in say- . singb tttt %in '•that 13:. Agues's Cure fix the Heart by oil dealers. : refns'7° l'n rc'n'")ve them. on cln° warrant° is the elnickesr, sa'set, and surest, known trcree,'tirt,-s irstitattel by co Ittililgen. te ine2acal srisote I tis it in my own Kincardine Count::: hes yet.::l•le..-- t.. ---4e The ,d,,..-i,ei.;_ is ae_ted cn ti; ,-,.. tchef that , precticel Legislature to . etal. ,,;.-:) Le Cznnty 0..,„,,;, ,z,...,,,,iro.ott.,,,tett ef till., 1,,,,,„7„....e tistto:d 10: Itret1.116 t.1.! -1-°:tf lite Council Act so that sad.' ,:c=. 'Li St.S.... _.., ,,., ,.. .,....,,, _ ..,,,,,,,,,:. _ ' nCtEs and =ever falls." Sold be A. . .• L Hamileon.-33 'he nonstituted on the tatte cf Pecoures ofwritten matter Mal ba4. tected by tomato/ the intfene of the Parer With disli!leil water owl notidg whether the alto; ption in greater ha one ' part than anOth?r. OWint to the iroing built% been removed ot the saute time Pe the Weitiog. Skittnit forgeItsve ben knownte•replace the Edging by Wit nlieetatid this. met: be detected tit treetiog the per iiret with hot water end then with 4100lot and ogal4 examining the surface. Trace* Of a priorwriting wsy4140 in flOCOQ cases he made aPpoet by the MO 0 an 'intend* faing regent, ouch as potastieut term: eyanitle. ENGLISII SPAVIN LINIMENT re• moves eil herat sett or coati:used luteps and blenushos rum horses, blood seavtni ourbssena% ringhone, 8W eney, 5V/41t8. OprainFC, ore and swellee throat, °outdo, eto. balre $4 by use ot one bit the. Warrented the Uttnit Wfintlerful B 4)04 Onre ever known. Sold by A . L. Hogan - too. Leuteres cause more fires emong fanner:1•runs than lightutog. Th'Y explode beeente the butters get clogged o p, end prevent tho gas from eset:piog. Lenten* burners out to be cleaned tr:qciently, or a better plan is to throw Li e old elle away ooetieloitally aud get tn, cue. A good way to clean oil lanterns and letup burners thet have become elogg d with dirt, is to place them on the stove iu veseel of boiling water and allow them to remain there for a couple of hours. This methed of cleat:nag the burners is very eintetive. Tbe Imam of the bolting water rotuovv a the oil and dtrt to tbe surface, leaviug than oleau and almost as good as new. Deafness of 12 Year's Standing.- Prutt MVO d tetterre prolineee aeattlea0 in tunny onses, Cepa Ben Couner, of Toronto, Canada, was deaf for 13 years from Oatarrh 'Ail treatmeuts 1 ailed to relieve Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder gave him tenet to one day, and in a very short while the deafness left hint entire- ly. It wid do as much tor you N cents. Sold by A L anniltou -33. Most people regord sugar and salt as the very antithesis of each c,thrr, au far as their eirects on the organs of taste are concerned. Not% ithatandi ip, this. it is well known that the slightest clash of salt added to sweet ccffs-e improves its flavor wonderfully, Professor Zuntz, at the Physiological Society of Berlin, de- finitely explained recently the sweeten- ing of sogar by salt, The Professor fiods by experiment thnt if a little salt water, so weak that it excites no saline taste, be mired with solution of sugar, the result is extra sweetening, and he .Ment end not on the 47C:".2'.'•:::: C2 :-..-rt-,......, C.t.a,„ Me e,.. IMF. = ••9210 • 1 A Emit fur anee tee damages for the explain„s this by saying that the feeble ,ort the voters' lists. ",:r Lan-, -.It, - • ' -• -' - i t: . 447 7 ' . -: - -'- : '''' -'-`,,. at:egia bad paz.king of apples lias been salinity affords. au increased sensibility - . er.tr,v,- b.:* C. P. Carntnter & Son, at to the sensation of taste. • Wit:ata. St 21. G D,ppel, of Walk - Salt, Rilenne, : These chstrebs.ng skin • r _et by ono application. D: ' .1; ; slie.stera, Setatica put him on Crutches - =mit is a potent etre f::: 2 • Jae. amiett, otoryrean at Grimsby, Ont at the aLio. tenat etetet,,e rot z- to= :tone Fsf nf 1121-"--n-::: • °I tbe ^ writes: "My limbs, were almost, useless says: "For nine cs. • 2'17- - - from sziatica and rheurnatisri. and. not weth Tatter 811, 11•17. - ;2,7: TitS fa ealM teas, witbstatoding my esteem fer phyrAcians, Olottaent cared ' 1: I must give the credit where it belongs A. L. . vo•••.., - - mu a cored man to y, and South 7•7-1 it. is '2.7. fr.r.srel - , American Rheumatic Cure must have There 12EVV&. een Eirre;i: 1.7,”: ,•^1- EF-„- Fr: mc...1 s:::-.7.1:-Emg to agresment, and all the credtt. Ws a marvel. Sold by Clinton eer.satEry tin; ez,etaizid A. L. Hatm/tort,- 34 year. Ten ot • irs fae evat fee damages The following is taken from. the Owen over seventy years ef axe =it :7„-t _ „,„ „„,„ _ _ fn: of scree:neat. ' Sound Time.s of the 27th ulk-"The reached the sttli mere nit tour score and eite e Ire-te extanfoirt `•••=net, tatersInto anrateleten: nf ate:, en: rote ato Dr. teteelep fez mmy recent town eetmcil at its Bessie% on Monday . . Cnet ;tan e""rei.'"-:2. ---i 1147-..a:-7.:-:"i'lz ir'7..---,''-±Ir r 'rue ,cf, Cigi-ie or asette Grid that a 25 ' night- passed a by-law c.otopelling all •Ticklieg or dry eseeetts teettatente 1::::t.i.:. 6:574...77.,zF:: er....: 7,,,-:=,.. t -z7, a T,tizi.,-„,t . sszt ts, 0: opu wm, ,Ipat troolt pereo.us setting milk within the oort when using Dr. Shzot•-'s Cat.;n, C:::e =T.-Z.:L.'. =.:+.-71:..-..--. Wawil's rcrvay . Env is this fez an offer? The Dactorts ' • And it hi so thoroughly harm:ass, atatt Pint. Str=1:-. ii -.:f le y ate aszlere, on a : enr.eme, ,c-n-ftdense in thesa licco candy poration to take out a lineage. All milk ' Dr. Shoop tells mothers to tse tr,:tiltSiZ g^,z32.1=-1*,,. of ErZsZa.:;:tiLm. Pr.:;s- 25 Cold Care Tstiets-Preventles-is ter- 13 to be strictly tested in future and . *Ise, even for very ycong tattes. T.nt. esmts. '.' tatn:y caraptets. It's a nice against 2,5 must contain the new statutory stem- :: Vflicleteme green leaves and tsader tiara of -33-ii per cent. of butter fat and wi.,,7,:. of Eys.g.:=Els ,,sv., .7„..... „..„...L,..ad er:=WL-tfer.ttyczmtizGldcitkritaAjElndlnPeffinV083axatiC8.. throb give the curativeortoteatees to Dr. itew teey entneees tine wasm sm1.-:eztel rive. nothing harsh nee siskenieg, Raen- must not weigh less than 87.50 of milk ShooP's Cough Can- 4n:Z--'s t?„,r., a 8: cs. tem; eretzre-a5„ =,cTin Taara'A Lever app:ar early cams sun& per centum. Rules have also • been letia down for the care of cans and other utensils need in handling the milk and for the proper condition of the cows and the cleanliness of their staroundings. The by-law goes into effect on first of May, and the intention of the method- COuph and len s the tzt ▪ OF? fr.= were always broxen. Safe and snre for • membranes. No opium, nocl.-lenesfere..., feverieh children. 4$ Prevent:tett 25c. at nothieg harsh used to injure or annre,se. : C.;,:!:-1 cmtir afx ILI'S e1 Waf:;21, rznart• • all dealers. . DeMand Dr, Shoop's. Toile no other.. Th ts- may te t revented by znithitg the . 'Bead by all dealers, ' glass watt nerv every zscrerg. They ,,, 14 ca e tine ie a dance or meet). , t y ar ge e, - There passed away in Melnitlop tn. . mr-st '•`-e CsMe:"-si teat oftnn thn 51* • tier and do not wish ;car taco to have -.- *hip, on Tuesday mareing of ?sot week, 15 nl-Pllee; br.t at. in7ieittle atia .is left • a shiny icek, then un ima preparation, Mary- Boyd, wife cf Wei. Kyle. De- cm trAta ttat %LI Prevatt ghe de;cstt of what to perfectly oatettees. eta giyeri a ties is to see that it is strietlyenferced." .. Gees -ad Was it her seventieth year and ' nt4tt.--"rit• : beautiful white color to the skin: Take hod been in failing health. for Fame time.. me Enekeohe Stage may be enst a half cup of hot water eed plac.e in one The remains were :taleen to Sarnia for . that . intteoz,t torm of kidney disease : teaspoonful of lemon jedce, little cologne inteement. '' '''[71:11' if n'e'''tt'"`:5"" cirti chvelcP int° ' and two tableerconfols of Beseta •erelts. , • . • ; st.T.tt!zr, and riistreet.ing disorder that aii ta1-.1 Erg and tedious treatment to Mange Prairie Scratches Bar Act.- oars. Dnr.'t niglett the "backache ITCH,ti C At SI 0 ece' oi the mr.c. -7,-,eidiana of Ler's -teh and every term of omens:pone CI 1 Soetti. Areserimr.Intaney Orre stois Itch en hentan or animals mired in 30 Izor Infants and Children, ear; in sto Loomcoed cares. StOd by minute° bY W°1 "a 5 $E f ' unary Leticia'. A. I.. liarailiter..-.na. le never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton, The MI Yon Have Airilays •- ::E.11s,a1 reptsts ray that there are At a retigh eetironto a day's fog Beare the af.e,_ eta ti caC a a tnl4croalosts in Costa London ttIttlt(fi er.tra lighting by which to test him. Ie slipped into Signature of esneate „ •eensetl the orovnace of Onterto. It i ittended a/ons. the boy's room one morning -mid placed ; eats thie to Lave ccalzonleory notification Pain can be quickly stopped, A 25 cent box of Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets will kill any pain, everywhere, in 20 minutes! Besides they axe theeoughly safe. Painful periods with warnen, neuralgia, etc., quickly cease after ono tablet. Sold by all dealers. • Aa exchange tells of an old German who had a boy of whom he was very prood and decider' to find met the trend of his mind. Be adopted a novel meth od eettemaes on hie table a bottle of whiskey, a Bible A plane 1,0074,147, a car,yrr.11! in tnE-7,2 of toter:tiles% as in other con- and a silver dollar. Now, Said he, 'Olen geuthri.ign Ms died at the zap) of E:; t%Flicus diEEsEss. It lc alko Tref:teed to t -Ve-tt T-44 ii\16 4-"od3 A./8119.01a, Boils, Pimples, lgeedestlies, Conetipallten, Salt Ilheurii, Erysipelas, Serofuta, dot boy coulee in if ho teltes dot d011ar 3,,otwo in Concequsnce Exn coficuot. error:ire Conicity Boards of He oltb, to he's going to be a hamlets Man; if he mat eet sttally, end to Lave jurisdiction takes dot Bible he's going to be a preach. ,11 7 ite 117 11 GuAirsir BLOOD PURIVIER IN ME wOrd.D. - 41. Coed brain food. 2. Eitites the functions of the liver. 1. Promotes A, mood And quiet steep. 4. Disinfects the n1eu1h. 5. Neutralizes the surplus acids cf the stomach. 6. Paralyzes hemorrhoidal distufbance.s, 7.- Helps the secretion of the kidneys, I t PrAver45 A115.944. 00,01tiOn* , '), 061AtAl in.digetticti, - 10. Al'efeitentstive agailtt eikeeter of .1 ' 11. Resteta ill fleftiOttS eiletify AN re. - , , the. tfirtitt. * . I 1 ' vsthe amoral forego 1 THE OXYGENATOR CO. 4t Norbert Street, Toronto, Ont. SOLD Irt Ant 1)11DM:4181ln. tuL-ncular troulles. The latEst wed!. or, if he takes dot whiskey he's no good, • tf:sa Irrovnecge should be employed to going to be a drunkatd, Then he hid I fight consumptbzi. behind a door and waited to See whioh Loss of Appetite, eat t his son would choose. Li oanie the boy Whistling. He ran up to the table, plotted up the bible and put it under his arm, then 'snatches up the bottle, tobk alto an troubles two or time drinks, ploked up the d011ar it int° his potket, and then ariSing from the aud Put Stomach, Liver, went out smaeking his lips. The father BoWeis or 131ood. poked his head out fretet behind the door U and exclaimed "Mein Gott he is going rs.A.T•ctintaatto, „ „ of Outt. to ble, a beiLtunan." writex: believe i *Would, have been in t my grave loner ego i Mee positively cheolted in 20 taintitela had it note „beentter Dr, Sheepht 20 minute Cheep Remedy "1 Thirdoek 0°(1 'Int' kits like Magic No viemitibg ter*. dewn- to jOxeli an extent mash, Aston*, safe, pleasant,fieperid- that could scarc's 010 ertitip 'syrup., 50o. at all dealers.. ly° MoVe abotit the I Vo application le better for lustre ele vita TAMICS" VAVOMTliS, Lora.tiver Pills are the Indies, favorite medioam. They oure'Constipation, Siok Headache, Billionenese, and byspepSist withentgriping, purging or sickening. 1 A hid inadeffrOto ftnit Seeds is about ' ft'.1 be manufactured in Los Angeles I is claimed that this fuel does not pro. due odor or smoke; there is but little ash from this consumption; no kindling Will be needed to set it ott fire -and that t We bricke Will Wit preeticen'y all day a stove Or grate, tt le Composed of fruit pips froth the athletics, theptir peach and aprieot. The shells are brok* en bp by re zeobioe, eod,loixed ,,with Other attaterialla in otnittectiOn With ibis foil, usitititige Nei will olio be Made for producing dense amok°. This Will, be teed 111 &Olinda to &COO° tree.' Skid frrdt from hot, HI,P4`3 • oe, A Prized Cough Cure "1 hove not been wIthout bottle of Doltsfoeto Expeetorant in the bouse for Over ciao years. At that time f prow. ed it for it bad cold 1 bad, It weritell ouch wonders then, that it lats been a neusehold remedy ever Since, 0,31a, we wilt havo no •other nor coughs ond -eolds -it is eo pleasant to tone, ana all el my elaldreu look for it as am as they get a cold at 411. Ncarly all of OM have been subjeet to croup, and that's vrbert 1$in_d Coltsfoote 'DlIpeatOrant use- ful, . You aro weirom, to use this testi- as you wisli. MEP. LEWIS NIQII. Free Sample of CottefOoto Expectorant will be sent to persou sereitng their name and adkl.oi:i and naming this paper. It bas establielted a wonderful record as a successful cure or coughie celdit, are throat, crehp„:whoolung cough, bne eehltie and evriall toted. cone ditions of the throat and ellest. It i5 the presertptien a a great spvemnst in modietine. At all goo a druggists, 250, Dr, T. A. Slocum, Innulpd, Torento. Send for free Sample Te -day, roione.a.9.4•00•••• Never wtiar eltto .1 or linen order. Ocarina in winter. "When it becomes damp front perspiratien it is Me -tight too a drat etriateg it converts it he to a oold storhae fc. pneumonta." wool garm: et will take up the perapian Mien and tbe wtunI3 of tho body will evaporate it. ert :Lae tree 4.. • Bears tho Thu rot You HanAIT,!y Baktlit of ..%rt Wel.1 Sign:dare Habitually eating soft foods, to hi exclu Mu of everything that is hard or ()rutty, will not eine weaken the cliees• tive organe, but will load to rapid decay of the teeth. 'When these are not used in the emetic:Anon of harder foots they beeome weak, just as any newel° will that is not given engleient weak to do,. How's Thit? We offer Oao Flundred Darters Reward for any ease of Otttarrb Mit cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. OHENEY & Co, Toledo, 0 We, the undersigned, have known pe J. Cheney for the last 15 yea: s, a d be- lievo him perfeetly honorable iu all busi- ness transactions and. financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Winding Klnuan St Marvin, Wholesale: Druggists, Toledo, 0 Hall's Oararrh Carel, taken internal- ly, acting directly upon -the blood and raucous surfaces of the ' system. Testi- moniale sent free, Price '75 cents per bottle, Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall'w Family Pills or constipa- ' bourn. !eves/th Ilea hair than salt. Rob welt int° this reatte of tlie heir at Welt, then tie np in alarge liettaketohief or wear it. nightcap, Breath belt the malt in the Morning. SO, skal opplitiatiene will show a looked IMPrOveinent in the appoitrati00 of the, holt Vaaticlits# Mitt 1103; toy opbotite Wan gone and I was trilobitic to do my hoesowerk. Af tor tieing two bettles Of EB.B/ found 'me health filliserestoten twatetityrecotanatin It to' 0.11 tired. _ , *Ott 11'011ttni: Hip circling can be done with good results in the way of deoreesag 81z3 if the principle of resistence is em- ployed. Taking a standieg position, hands on hips, rotate the hips, bend- ing the knees and keeping chest and shonldera immovable. Contract 'all the musoles used in this exercise and resist. For a variant: Bring the knee up to the chest, remaining as nearly erect as poesible. Practice ia Ethernet:: motion. • FAKLiavitrips Are a combination ef the active principles of the most valuable vegetable remedies for die- ea*,es anddisorders of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels. tRri:"""f • , 4 AlvIt Eck efeadatine, Jaundice, Hearts burn, catarrh or tho Stomach, Dazzi. noes, BlotohOS taild Fitop100. Dyspepsia, dour, Stomach, Waton Imash, Liver complaint. Sallow or Nudely Complexe:on. Sweeten the breath and racer away an wasts ana poisonous ma'am* from tbe system Prleo 26c. a bottle or 6 for .31.00. All dealers Cr I'm To 111It.11tlitil CO., Li_mited, Toronto, CUNNING BIRDS.*--". Ietrotsgtori of tho soul the Rttee of tho Thrush, "Tile g00%) is 4, frightful liar,'" SA% n.nature Wart "Ile Oita puts 141() abalne." 44441111:tt111)3::?" Yea knew tow thegeosei when you draw near it, hisses? Well, with that hissing sound it says; "Scott, beware. I ent 4 Serpent' Yea, f3ou4 •pritneval times tho goose hos stetod this 1Lo The primeval geese mother, sitting on her eggs in a place of reeds, and sedge, wand not py when an trader appeared; but, keeping hoe body concealed nada the ieaves, she would stretch out her long, flexible neck Lula hiss wickedly, 'A snake in the grass,' thheeretterrecal: ann•eau s 00 4a°,11: .tt,40g,litimilroiraoaoos would chuckle lo a sly, contemptuous way. ..0The lapwing Is another ilar, Ap- proach her nest Med 'she Sets up a dist tressful crnti ying aruns back 1112(1 teeth 111 front of you, tvalling WIG wing as though it were broken. You follow. 'YOU tbian to suateh her up In your howls, With this 110 she luree Yon 111•YTIrlefV1.°11111tItSillPiriliSatiumlieg.pf drought beats with ids feet on the grass lite a clog daneon Tillie he lies to the earth- worms. He IlItilteS them think that it is raining. Up they come lu silent haste, eua the aeceitrul thresn maleee ineli meal," „toe A RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN for Vnittifertin and acljoihing country te represent "Canada's Greatest NurstriesP Largest- list �f oenimereial and do. toestio.fruite-large and Small; Orlin. mentals, Mid shade trees; flew:toting shtubsevities, reties, flee seed potatoes 0110 of oor speeialtiee. Stook that is hardy comes frobe net WELL BURIED. Two Funerals For One Man • Provided For by His Will. Curious directions for the disposal of his remains were left by aoho Bobert Pringle of• Catford, wbo Mod leaving, an estate of gross value of 18,O41 3s. 3d, The testator directed: "After my decestie deslre that a Competent and trustworthy doctor of medicine shall, by any experiment ne may (teem suitable, thoroug.hly satisfy, himself that life le absolutely extinet My carcass is to be cromatea aud the residuum thereof deposited in two metal urns, _numbered respectively 1 and 2. On the ashes ie No. 1 are to be placed a packet, • which will be found on my desk, and my miniature portrait scarf - pin, and on the ashes in urn NO. 2 a simular packet, which also will bo found -on my desk, aud ray miniature portrait nnger ring." He directed that the tiros were 'thee to be soldered aotvn and 114. 1 burled in his mother's grave at Nieeport Pag- nell and the ()thee in "my dear Lizzle's- grave" in tlie Strea them cemetery- at Tooting. He also enjoined his sou to see that the graves of his tnother and of the testator's mother were properly looked after. -London NEW CURE FOR STOMACH Welton Meitihbon Oyes Timm Readers a Challoo to Try Ito • Dregaist5 do not often guaruatee ony* Bet Welton Alcitibt on fieintreli persona, massing from distressing indigestion that they con surely be relieved. Steen nobody ktows when, people hove sutrerid freln indigestien, sick headaches,, bloating, dim spells, trete atter eating, sicepleseuess, and runny other symptoms of stem:moll trouble, arti have found, the uSeel re. undies powerless. 'At last 4 PrOnriptiOn called 111-04ner stomach tab/ets era offered to the reedit ' eat profeteit n end geuerra nubile 411 fined SOlatien of eta lug etemeoh and intestinelettoubles, eilate60 everY- where Las made it, in the lost few years, the mknowleased meld() it is totday. Streegtheet tboewhole digeetive system. with Altoona, and you will seem And tnat the etorseeh nen bowels do their oe Milt as they should. TIstoe wilt be ao distress after eating, nz4 no need of physic, Walton litolribbort hes so much faith; in the power of Xii.o.na to cure stomach ids that he elves it guarantee with every 50 -rut btac to reined the Money if the , remedy fails to cure, Only one person in four in London ekrus more than 41 a week. Apply arnica to i bruise if the thin ivaabrolten, If broken yeesh the bruise and apply Yaseline, To obitato indlgestiou drink yeur coffee perfectly olefin without milk or cream and yen will avoid any diMaalty in that direetion. Wooten who walk with no heels Melte o mistake, Tha heel preserves the arch of tbe foot and prevents it front, bloom - bag flat. lIkoops tho ankle round and is a help -to the' spine. °tuck ease for the worst cough -quick rvitef to the heaviest cold -and SAFE to take, even for a child. That is Shiloh's Cur. c-itgRieSi Sold under a guarantee. COU.dhS Lo cure colds and coutelta ,E,, on" 1.3 quicker than any other a v....40 tAS mcdicine-oryour money hack, ayears of success commend Shiloh's Cure. 25c.. 50c., $1. 3.18 petnionolit iithatien for the. right • Mari, for whew the territore hei res sated. Pay weekly, PreeEittiphient, Write for particulars. *MOSE & NVEICALINOTON VinthIld Norkerieli 053 wee) T0t0Nt0, 04z0v6 1 01040044440.0.4000PCOPPt 0010041044.04#00411140- Gateati.. tete 440.04eCe.9.11/1S0 Oeett 440. *a Oa 4 *4 delotont0 Cettatteeetteoloa OOP.** er, • 4. 0 4. • • • /fie e 0 0 • 40' 414 "7- 12 a mat can write a better book, preach a bettersermon or nesk3 a better mouse -trap than his neighbor, though he band his house in the wcods, the world will make a beaten path to his door.-Frecteon. Get on the path to the door of the Trarsoes Prinang 9 - Where mouse traps are not made but -where- e 11 ',- ir, .. 4 rilltill Is turned out „every day with neat- ness and desPatch; where -up-to-date m.aterials and machinery are used, . and. Were mechanics with up-to-date ideas are employed; where quality characterizes every piece of work and service given every buyer; where cheap printing is never. done, but where good printings done eheap; where the kind 'of printing is done that will lead the world to make a beaten path to your door; where particulars may be had by following up the path to the office of - or by ealliog op Phone 4, - , " ••• 1,4•7111.101i4•46119.1 * • fi , - 9 V410""44,10 -,e'"*;*41F '10 ;,cat et .