HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-03-12, Page 4New Toppers New SprinA weight Overcoats New Showerproof Goats Ours are just a little better made, with a little more style and a little better quality for the money, than you will see elsewhere. McGee & Campbell CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS. :F FOR THE LARGEST AN5 FINEST selection of the following brand new goods, D. M. GORDON is always in the lead. Yes, always in the lead in styles, quality and.prices'. Why ? Because we understand where to buy, and when to buy, so that we can give our customers the very best values obtainable in the country, viz. : DRESS GOODS—:u all shades, designs and textures. Special attractloas in Blank and Colored Silks. BLOUSES—Beautiful and extensive range of Blouses, in Silk, Fine Lawns, and Mullins. L<xes' ' Insertions Embroideries --see stock o f Fine our immense Laces, Insertions, Embroideries, etc., etc, WINDOW CURTAINS_The Iargest and most complete range of Window Curtains, in Lace, and charming shades and designs in Madras Muslins. ; PRIN'T'S—Very pretty Prints -the prices will please you, GROCERIES—Pare and fresh -great valuea. Please come in and see the goods; our description of them fails to do them justice. .HIGHEST PRICES FOR GOOD TRADE, D. M. GORDON. i • LISTOW ISG, Fire which broke out at an early hoar Friday morning totally dotl'oyed the large sale stables of Mr, W. 0. It dd, together with the contents, inoladiub thirteen horses, many of thnu2 thorough- bred sires, and sonic trotters of note. Among the former was the famous Oliver Wilkes Only one horse oc.t o° fourteen was s recd. The origin of the lire is unknown. Do Tatar Ears Rimy This is the beginning of Ohronio Ca- tarrh, If not oboe/tea, the reeuit is deafness. A simple remedy than many physicians advide ie to slowly inhale "Catarrho;,oao" a few times each day, The soothing vapor of Oatarncczooe cures the Catarrhal condition and hear- ing improves at onoe, Head noises, buzzing ears ars cured. For Catarrhal deafness, throat, nose and lung catarrh there is protaaly no remedy so efiioient. esoitoweon. The spirit of late James Brown of this village passed on to spirit life Thursday, February 27, in his 62nd Year. He was a staunch Liberal and a Sootohman, who emigrated from the Old Land over fifty years ago with his parents, who settled near Galt for a time. The family then moved to the 113th con, of Howlett about forty years ago., Mr. Brown was married to Miss Brantigan thirty-six years ago add shortly after eottled in Fordwich where he and his family have resided eines:. --ter,.----- Tour 29'orves are Weak. You sleep badly, appetite is variable, You eat but gain no strength. Morning tiredness makes yon wish night would come. When night comes refreshing sleep is hard to obtain. You're run down, your blood is thin and watery, your nerves have grown weak, the thought of effort wearies you. Yon need Ferrozone; it makes blood, -red, strong blood. An appetite? You'll eat every. thing and d'gest it too. Strength? That's what plenty of food gives. Per - rezone gives hope, vigor, vim, endur- ance. Use Ferrozone and get strong. Results are quick--onre is lasting. All dealers in 50ot boxes. TE1''SWWAi,TE R. Mrs. David Fairbairn, who for the past four years made her home with Mr. and Mrs. James Ra: ertson, Union and Jane streets, died monday morning of last week, after about a week's ill• nese. Mrs. F,irbairn's maiden name was Fulford and she was the second wife of the late David Fairnbairn, a Cairnes pioneer who died abont 35 years ago. She leaves two sons and three daughters: Mrs. James Robertson, of town, Mrs. Paterson and Mrs. Langford of Wiarton, James of Portage La Prairie and W. H. Fairbairn, Toronto. It has 'tilled IIundrede, Strong purgatives have killed many a good man. Coetivehess is bad -violent oatharioa aro worse. If bothered with stomach trouble or biliousness, try Dr. Hamilton's .Pills. They are so mild you oan soaroely feel their action, yet so effective that the entire system is cleans- ed of wastes. Dr. Hamilton's Pills move the bowels gently, they tone the kid- neys, assist digestion, olear the skin, For those subject to colds, billiousness, languor, there, is no batter medicine. Try a 25c. box of Dr. Himilton's Pills, -----..........— BRC1S. Geo. Muldoon and George Keys ship ped their two cars of horses per 0 P. R. from Walton for the West last week. We understand that the late Mins Brakeman, formerly of Brussels, willed $10 to the church debt and $150 to the Women's Missionary Society of the Methodist church here. Mr. F, H. Gilroy has assumed his duties as manager of the Metropolitan bank here. Mr. Gilroy was teller when the branoh was- opened here nearly five years ago, and wilt be welcomed back in his new and advanced position. SUS •5'0,516 ssi :SuIM S Look, Look ALL STOVES AT COST For The Nexi. ThirIy Days WE WANT UTE ROOM ciu7v-SOS Young's Big Hardware r.S Sr. SSS SSS,`• l'sS cti :el smaga- in' . A *0000040400000000000 Rapid changes of temperature are hard on the tougke$t constitution. The conductor, passing from the heated inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature of the platform --the canvasser spending an hour or so in a heated building and then walking against a biting wind—know the difficulty of avoiding cold. ,Scoter Emulsion strengthens the 46 body so that it can better withstand the • danger of cold from changes of temperature. 0 00000'1 00000'tJ'00"t< 00000000000 0 0 It will help you to avoid taking cold, ALL DRUGGISTS 5oc. AND $1.00. 111ONCR'A;F, The 100 acre farm of Alex. McNay, lot 1, con. 15, Elam, has been sold to Wm. Struthers, of the same line, at $6,8')0 Pare is a good one with cones fortable blink house, bank barn, &c, It is 17 years since Mr. MaKay bought it, He purposes going West ani will hold an auction sale of farm stock, &o , on Friday, March 20th. Mr. Struthers sold his farm to Jas. aicEenzis, whose property adjoined it, so will take pas - session of Mr. McKay'e farm about April let. The latter and his family will move to Monkton in the meantime Many old friends in this locality will regret their removal. %ESTRYEr,o. Mrs. John Sowler was visiting her mother, Mrs. Rowden, at Goderich for a few days last week. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. T. H. Taylor, sr., is very poorly at present. We hops she may soon be able to be around again, We are glad to know James Nicking. bottom is able to be around again atter being contiued to the house for some time. Miss Christina McClinton was visiting her aunt, Mrs. Henry Morrish, of Goder- iob, last week. Rev. W. A. Smith, of Dungannon preached educational sermons in the Methodiet churches on this circuit last Sunday. MORRIS. G Mills and wife, of Tottenham, were guests of W. and Mrs. itsbb, 6th lino last week. George Manning is home from au extended visit with relatives at Flesh• ertou, Grey Co, Aroh. Kerr, 3rd line, received word of the death of hie brother-in-law In Woodstock. Mr. Kerr attended the funeral, A 23;" weeks' oid lamb belonging to John R Ball, 6th line, weighed 21 pounds. It is a good one and will be hard to beat. The stone school 2nd, line, was closed for a time on acoount of the illness of Miss MacEwen, daughter of the teacher. The young Iady had been recovering from the measles when pneumonia set in, and the case booams critical. 6t' ROXETER. Laing Bros. are now in charge of the grocery business they recently parches- ed from A. H. Rae. Miss May Harris, who has spent some weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. Geo. 1larris, left last week for her home in Saskatoon. A vary pretty wedding tock place at the home of W. M. and Mrs. Robinson on Wednesday, Feb. 26th, when their eldest daughter, Miss Mary Kathleen, was united in the holy bon.is of mates mony to J R. Wendt, jeweler of this place, in the presence of a few immed- iate relatives and friends. Rev. T. H, Farr, of Gerrie, performed the cern-• mony. The bride was beautifully gown- ed in Indian mull, trimmed with tucks and lace, wore a pearl brooch, the gift of the groom, and carried a brayer book and wag unattended. Established zS79 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolelte is a boon to AsthnuiticS Ts.ses it not seem Store effective to breathe in d remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into tha stomach'? It cures because the air rendered strongly anti. septic is carried over the diseased surface With every brS1lb, vis.• prolonged pal. 5921i1nt to i bent. It is tnvaruable le i sothcrS with snail chil iter. Those era consumptive tendency find immediate £elief frons t,oughc or in. fl-tttted conditions el the throat, Sold by druggists. Send postal for booklet. LrtslttG, nfit,rs Co., Limited, Agents, Mont. reel, Canada. nes 0.1a ENOCK. Mr. T. E. Walker, the well-known oattle dealer, has bought a hundred acre farm near Toronto, about a mile north of Cooksv:lle and will move on to it this spring. He expects to dispose of his present farm north of Riversdale in the near future and is having an auction sale on the 19th, Mr. Walker thinks he got a great snap in his purchase near Oooksvilie-one hundred aores, good land with modern buildings and well fenced for $6,750. Doctors Fear Tonsilitte Outbreak. Handreds of oases are rep'rted. If your throat is irrit• bis and sore, gargle it three times daily with Nerviline and water. Then rub the throat and ohest vigorously with Nerviline and put on a Nerviline Porous Fleeter, Follow these instructions closely and you will avoid Tonsilitig, Bronchitis and Throat Trou- ble of every kind, Hundreds are pre- venting and oaring their colds by this method and report it eminently satisfac- tory. Both Nervitine Plasters and Pol- sin's Nerviline can be had from any dealer, 25 cents each. ST, $ELENS. Rev. Mr. Saunders is holding special meetings every Wednesday afternoon in the English Church here, during Lent. Mr. Will Taylor, of Knox Co/lege, occupied the pulpit in Calvin Church on Sabbath last. The Young People's Society of the Presbyterian Churoh have decided to stop using the textbooks and have a Syllabus prepared. Miss Bella MoOrostie and her brother Will are visiting friends in Dresden. Mrs. A. Gordon returned to her home in Ann Arbor, on Saturday iast. Miss Minas Rutherford spent Sunday at her home here, Miss Annie McKay, of Teeswater, is visitidg Miss Marion MoPhoreon at pres- ent. COLROSS. Council mot on Monday, Marob tad, as per motion of adjournment of last meeting. Minutes of last meeting were read and sustained. Kuntz-Ballagh-That a bylaw be introduced at next sitting of Council fining the compensation for Statute labor unperformed at the rate of one dollar per day. Carried. Jao, Colvin, V. S., appeared be- fore the Board claiming damages for horse thatwns injured whendriving on the roads. Falconer-Ballagh-That E G. Kuntz investigate the claim of J. M. Colvin with regard to damages snetained by a supposed defect in culvert and report at next meeting of Council. -Carried, Falooner-Ballagh -- Whereas there has been complaint made that a dam has been made an the first sideroad, Con. 7, that E. G. Kuntz be authorized to in- vestigate the matter and to have the dam removed if he thinks it necessary. -Carried. Kuntz -Falconer -That the clerk ad- vertise for a road machine operator, and a person to make cement tile; Seal- ed tenders to be in by next meeting of the council, -Carried. Falconer- 13aptiet - That the by-law for appointing pathmasters be given the usual reading, passed signed and settled, Carried. Kuntz -Falconer--That the Clerk no- tify all pathmasters, poundkeepera and fenceviewers of their appointment by letter, enclosing declaration for ex,. cation.- Carried. The following aoc conte were passe; ; Municipal rtOrld, 6 oopies anti supplies, $9 29; Hospital for Sick Children, Tor- onto, $:i; County Hespital, Walkerton, sit,i '4100 & Ewitg, scikes aha nails,* $3 30; Leslie Bow, weak on gravoi ?0a?f /i bo i 1 ngieleer'S fees re Ballagh and other dfalii , $43 i361 Chas. Button, fees, 13allsgh and ether drains( $4,60. Council then ad;iotirtS1 to Meet twin on Mondairi MondayApril 6t1)c CiLts.belie* Mark; New Ilea I'�lac,ut THE LEADING STORE New 14c+s► Magixilasit LADIES' NtW SPRING 604T8 We are ready to serve you promptly with anything in Ladies' New Spring Coals and Skirts Now displayed on SECOND FLOOR. Every garment Correct in STYLE and PRICE. Each garment is perfectly designed and made specially for us, and the workmanship is of the highest standard. Tbis DEPARTMENT has shown great PROGRESS and is now one of' the most important in our BU31Nla$S and we feel confident that the display we are making this season will lead to still greater success. We extend a cordial invitation to all our friends to call and see the full collection. WANTED. -Large quantities Batter, Eggs, Dried Apples and Potatoes. 11. E. Isard & Go. PHONE 68. WINGHAM. WINTERS FOOTWEAR TO BE CLEARED OUT ! Our January Shoe -Fly Sale cleared oar shelves of a lot of good Footwear, and our customers were well pleased with the values. We still have a large stock of' winter wear for men, worsen, boys and girls, which positively must go, and we'll 'cake the price so low that it's bound to move 'em. 1 R. JOHNSTON - Shoe Dealer g Bargains in Furniture •-- AT WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE. Bedroom Suites, bevelled glass 18 x 22 in dresser, as low as - - $11 00 Special Prices in Parlor Suites and Couches. We need money very badly, and will give Big Bargains ! ! ! SEE ADV'T NEXT WEEK 10R PRICES. Jas. Walker & Go.