HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-10-26, Page 8• If you want a hot Water hag or FountainSyringe or ,agtn(Jin,' ation syringe or the'ordinary rubber syringe `;youi,"want the rubber of such a,;Axiality that iiic tizthi.. 'fOur ru-kber goad's axe reliiphld and besides we guaran- tee'Nur;►test-lines.:. If anything goes wrong inside ot a year.and. the fault is not caused by wear or. ill-use :we: Will replace the article free of charge,• Can any- thing be fairer than. that. A ,,combination ,syringe.should be, in every house for it is really a household necessity, In this style you hays a< hot.water' bag,. a most useful „a tide, as well as' .the faunta u' eyrringe,' and this is 'the style we would recomn mend/you to get. We will be pleased to:,,show : and , explain these to you. A:C.. LOCHEAD• „'• Ohemist:&,Druggist WAWANOSH COUNCIL; Council met according to„'adjourn menta Membersal l present.. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.: Treasurer's: statement :showed: bal, on hand of $289:84..... 13y-lavi re Yundram n wa s read.: a third time and. finallyassed. •p The following, .cheques. Were....issued: D cPhee _re : id s b 5 n-' sheers'. expenses, re' Young -drain, $50;, MQ' llis er ` culve t c Clerksohciol returns to'ins Inspector ':$9. ., Municipal. World -supplies -$'7;12, A Johnston,,. grading, and gravelling,-: $58.68; Publishing, by-law and' the' ex-' pensee, ire Young; drain;"' 833.60; •"Ed. ' Fowler :gravel, 86.70;• John, 'Taylor,' .culvert,'.OUIVert,'r on .n .b $4.00;' Jos Knight, inspecting,. $1,.25; W, Symington, gravelling on=s-b; cul con 3,-83057}, Wm Plucker drain' at .Manchester $5.25;, R Phalen` rep hill con 4, $1;00; edmond gravel ace.' $1.40;' G Tia= dale, gravel ace $4.95;-W-W'Scott,' gravel, $5.35; O Donnelly, gravelling ..con 12, $9.10; W.: R'Forr.ier;Work ' on road, $3,75; •. Mrs Robinson, icharity,.' $10:00; -• Jo- MoLean,: _'gravel, ^ $2.30', A. Stewart, lumber; $4.02; ` • H Glenn, gravel acct; $4.24;' J Kilpatrick; bridge con L grading con 10, $61; Thos Ag- new, 6 ydJ s' gravelling `30, $1,80; �diller,, bridge' con 14, .$9.00 and gr d. ging con 10, $48, ,grading `work,on n b, $7.50, less inepecting'$1.50, 0.90. Council'adjourned'to me,e�t.;again 'on ' Monday, 'the 5th :*of November' at 10 o'clock Orostle, Clerk. WLL is U IONS SALES. sat udaq, Oct 27th, Alen Roes, Te atert'yun stock. 'Tuesday, ;Oct '30th Charles T,hote • y/ lot 21 'con B, Turnberry, 60 young cattle • • Wednesday,: Oct .31;; Jas• Manary, lot 5 con 6 Ashfield farm stock: Thursday, Nov. 1st, Cbas. B'rac ford lot 17' con" 14, ;Culross, farm stock° and implements _ . Friday, Nova 2, E2ekiel ;Hodgkin; --•-• --son; loge -con •3 -Hurons stock. Thursday, Noy. 8, Thos Graham lob 25, con 12 Huron, near Kincardine, Tarin 'stock and implements, Friday,Nov, 9th; John Arnistrotig lot 3 con. • 6, Turnoorry'• farm stock and implements.`- • John Purvis auctio.neeri HITECHURCH Successful• anniversary services were. held in the Presbyterian :church• a Whitechurch on • Sunday last:.' Re.v'. ...3. B. ,Mullane, of Fergus, preachedin the morning and evening, ,art • Rev,`,„ • "'A; McKay,, of Lucknow at'/` p,i ° The` tea meeting•. kola on, •1V. onilay _evening • w.vva`s`I a 'success., ,Many' Wingh'amites attended :the tlt-metitiiig. ztnd;report`it- ' splendid : evening's entertainment. •`;Mr, Mullan's lecture• an`Monc%yoven•-; ins '"An hour ,under • the Old' Flagg''. •• was very interesting: --Mils: Patter,' •f sem 'of ':Auburn, and gr. McGill.. of lTensallsupplied ..the vocal, part. of tire. .progran i, :liotit:ronider,ing several . ,secs, Whieh•connnanded-the appreciation of ' all.' The total reecipts', amounted"' to ' ."*.O'ot-Salty A (irs,Vel,ois coal-ato„ve APp)y to ugh Morrison. To oure.a .cold in -a. night.-usa va•pe- ,.^deo. 'leve, it 119 peen ased'exte0srrIX dttr OF10ote. than, fwenit four years. 'All Druggists. -FOR SALT:;. -A cis; antiry ;hate]. wood.flooring and drest:t d lumber, pine, siding, etc, Apply_ to „Tho iras Todd, -Fo• ra ladies cup-, ;in fa r or fu , ltned,•go.to Cnn►tell'., where yore get it yery'large its-ortmop t t9i ehouse'ftum. Blituk oaitrakell. vta .p . cod ualit` inches long:for $16.00.• ' Notwithstanding • the • ° cotltribu. icons to the 20th century fugtHlltclr 8` to 14-. 4- , .�d�,-�;xa*z, l'.r'ri•-#�.,� Ind.: ' , titeOglethodist• Missionary fgn.d the past -year' am'ounted• to $6,500 q%;er'• that of, the ,previous: year,: ._ Mat, • MoKiszie-In,Ln know •ou.: 4resda : Oct. 23rd, 1900,: Murdoch'. McKenzie, aged: 83 McCoy-In'T.uckaiow, Ott Monday. Ooh,;22u1, James McCoy, ;aged 117,years, 11 months, _ 22 days.• rtt..ssit-1n: Kinloss, _on F. iday, Oct.. 196, • Lena Fraser, (,beloved daughter of Wm. and 'Johanna Fraser, aged 22 years, 10. months 16 days. iege The Jnatrons •of the Edi- son Orphanage at Lowell, Mass., U.S.A.,wrote they: ;had,a siege of whooping. cough in heir institution: They said that every case was ..promptly relieved by Vapo-. Cresolene. ••Its `value in coughs and' colds was s� great' they always kept it ready for use. You know how it's. used, don't you ? ..'Tis heated by a, vaporizer -and you inhale it. ,Write.: us for' a book that tells all about,it. s' Vano-Cresqtenen`s sold. bydruggists'ever where, iThe-Vaporizerd-Lainp-should hoiild lartt'a life time, and ,a bottle of Cresolene compitte -$1.50.;, 'catra_supplie's ofCresoleno:^-5 coots and so dents; Iilugtratett booklet cant:doll , phy ion, s ceztl. tnonials Troy upnn'reonc.t; • 14r s•,o rnu t;n. itlo:-.F.ultoo,SC. ;\rw YntlL;._7• . , RIEL•:IGIO1 S SI=RViOE,I • METHODIST cuuacH• Rev A ,Q Hurr1, I?orator,.. a SAlS1zi1'1'ii', ^' !♦ ,45 a,u l,'rt,tiou ota1• s4rvlou, • Morning •1.'; retct•uity.' 1,45 r u `tuzl It+y Stbot,l un¢ 1>i1dt+Ctlaes. ]uv,,nit}t, m-'"' (4o,--Uod't( thud �v,uti, tt} 1-lu- ita,ucit , • tttl l.1+ 1`l1LTlt'L' 4littvlUFS. 111,000y 0 r A. " ' itdne'iey ' 4.-1'rayer Meeting0:,. • •Sh 1SlBE •••. • ALL. W bC O E .. T. LUKE'S. CHURCH KINPAY, tiati t.a�3r r� i Every third Sunday in: ti,; monde Sunday - School undaySchool. service at 3 p.m,. in plate of usual Morning' Prhyer Holy C, antiunion firett,'.Sunday of 'every to a. 600 'a w . � ill w- The aubs,criberfjspettfully announces to' the inhabitants of Tazc7 0 and surrounding country that ,he has leased the', building known a- '.tht = , .t view' aRUNDY .STORE. ,and is;'openia� nua stook of cai'e�fullv•selected�fi°e: Goods,.consisting •of' Prayer 'Meeting ,arid choir' practice Wed nttaduy evenin; 5►t 7.3U li.ui,, i11'a e �Ula,rk e The following are the market quota =; ,tions for this week Wheat, • 64e to 640 - yeas, : ti :.r•:. 56e to 56c Barley, . 38e '.Oats, BEAUTY ANTS `GLASS.; Women• strain their eyes, waste nerve energy and produce perms tute wrinkles, because they think glasses detract from their personal' charms. Properly fitted glasses positively improve the; looks of those.with eyes., a ,We as put beauty in glasses' P. well; as :behindthem ' •-• NOW. ARE . YOUR EYES Consultation, Free. :,Satisfac- • • tion •Guarante d - H. �G. AR1VL TRC)1G JEWELER &.'OPTICIAN, •; UCKtiOW IGTaliNGITIN T. 'P. SMIT<� • Scientific Optician. - Graduate of New/at ork, :Philadelphia and Toronto�Clleges, will be in. Lucknow`Thursday Nov 1st ONE DAY ONLY. Rooms in slime place OVER'. BERRY'S:. DRUG sISTORE. Call early and avail .; yourself of his valuable services: Examination Free. FARM - FOR SALE The East half of lot 0;aconceasion 8, Eastern Division of Ashfield, County of Huron. 100 acres more or less; •' good slay loam, ; frame bank barn and ;frame' hoarse; This is a very desirable-farm-and-will-be-sold-on-easy-termsa pplg; M, H.• Rowland,; Box 354; L-ondon,•• Ont.. BULLS FOR SAL -E. The undersigned 'offers.for sale at lot 2l', con. 14, .West Waawnncsh,,two young Short- horn Bulls, One is eoyen months old, and the other. is a year and a half old. Both are regis• t, r,rl in„the: ii'erd J ook. i'.or further' par'.ti ethars apply to .- • JAMES FORSTER Lucknow P,.l) .. ROAR FOR SERVICE The 'undersigned :will keep 'for.. service. at lots 33 and :34, , con.;ession 4, Kinloss, a thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar. Terms -75 cents, For pedigree and ' other, particulars apply to '• • ^ „PETER 'CiMELIA. Langside, P.O; ..,.. .. RAMS. FOR SALE , For Sale Twenty Oxford 'Down shearling tisitarid rafn'latiibN,• I tvill`7tlso keep:*for serviceat lot '2, con..10,'Kinloss, • the cele- brated thoroughbred. York6hire. boar, ': Prin- cipal of Oak Lodge," liurchasecl from Brethour & Saunders, Burford, Ont ' • HENRY TWOMPSON, Hgl yrood, NOTloE Notice is •hereby given' that a Court will be hold ,pursuant, to the 'Ontario Voters' Listct• by his Hox o ,.:the: Judge Of the County' of I,Iurou, ,at the. Township Il all, en E'riday the, loth day of October, 1900, at 10 o'clock • a.m,, to-hear-ani-determitre-the4set+er dal complaints of errors and omenisslons in the Voters fists o'E the. Township of West Wawanosh"for 1900. • All' persons having, business -at the Oourt nrro •reg4iT0a to attend at said time and plate Dated at West Wa*auo'sh,,Octobor ist,-11000. • • {,,� • W. 1s M • ci(6 ,r, , . • + $1$2,• T p clerk, W."tVavvanosh �DO���,, t�iV � Wl�iio�•i�s The above stock` has been purehaSed at close ,cash 'rices,;- in the, best!. Market': and- a great deal straight:. from ,the manugacturers, and- ,we ate: quite confident that bought inOur. (,, , goodsbug this store 'will 'eve. entire'satisfaction;. 0 platform is g ROCK BOTTOMPRICES OR R ADY F � E . PAY." A, call is `most' respectfully solicited. J. • 'Is the eicprstic,i, .we,hear'sa many rine s day as_ a sh9w our- Millinery to our•lady•customers. •:•-On• account of the�.ear-ly: de- .,:Mand for rzrnmze itlinery We have not.been able >o.prepare'' 'far • a• formal Millinery Openitiga therefore we; beg tO -announce-that our stock of .'Trimmings :is at, its. :best. ''We"have everything that goes to;make up one of those'; Pretty Hats that only •milliners can make.. We•have an able •and • competent .staff -of- trimmers,' and -Warrant satire faction and style.,inMour work: • - In Children's,Millinety we showa good range of Flops, Tans, : Bonnets, Hoods, Etc. . • 1 OBERT SCOETT. t r++++++i-•-f+++ . ++ +++:-+-+4.-t• ih .ti tt •of the newest styles. e are not asking large prices e: s from- earl buyers. We refer to sell at a small profit.. A and'; et them.Cu+nod into money.; A good -coat . for $3.25 issurel low enough in Inca fora nevi u to -date .. - • . ^ i ty1izOun.:.�ccka _ at.;,:. 5. 0 he best,Lvalue -for Lcheap-y . garment'ffered. ail Our: $8 OO .coats,,' : e1egan � evero ---, pod : fitting garment: ' Be sure, elnd'see our ' stock when you want a Jacket. r- J.. D..MCNAB jC,.• �. ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR SEAFORTH; P. 0. Engrineer'for Wingham,' Seaforth, ,Hgwick,, Culross, Etc. " :Cement' Side- walks, Sewers and Township , Drains' will be -given' speciitl attention. a TEACH.E,R._.ANTED • Male, for 8 S, N;o. lit Iinioarl Apply stating salary,to • A. D.::McKENZIE:• Jl:olyrood: • 0,. SALE.: Tho. undersigned has for''. sale a number .of ram lambs :of the coarse `wooled -kind. • - • JAM S CROWSTON, Langside. FOR .SALE, • • • a .. , e bbalance. � ofGrana to � -are Of the sum ., - ' merkl d n is off6r,ed at -very muchreduced• aa�► mt. l /to make a visit and look ' over the bargain counter. The goodsare just as worthy, : and useful as at the : beginning �• the g ig Q ;sea �` SOY1 blftt. we musth.,. ve more. roomfor • , a new stock'. 1 'A good it and Lot, sitnated on -the-corner of Goughand- Delhistr.eets • Tlie lot contains one.third acre, 'good largo house in good repair with cellar, hard and soft; water and every con yeDi: ion co, , First-class stable and outhouse on the, property.. Poslession may be had at anytime.; Apply to yu MRs W11 d OIINsTos, • • CatnpbellSt. TO, 'RENT. EastGT alf Lot r'),• cion. 14, ` 4Vw•' D; Ashfield. 100 heron 'tVrli„M'atheson. Apply to A, Mdbl,tfbfil'I,, Paramount HARDWAR %'lie NEW. HOE. } ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • ,0 • s .. UR :Stock,`of •thf3 shoo Tor '.:'s,;,. •Women hats' been filled up', for the,, 'Fall'ti•a le.. •Weliave three andp,ic 11r... utt():I. • �1Cr(i .ol • ik^"4 • Oxfords: •`' 'PRICES .. $2:00 $2.5u ‘• a• 0 • 0 • 000000• ENA01-.IE • • 0 0. • • ese••e• a •••a`sa ••a • rab•ti••s• •