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Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-10-26, Page 5
44, • a a . os of (foo, ' , Kinloss,' otve and rill please 3. and tt�ke ' rraIN.: . Langside, P.:1900 • ration or #tt4ttttt+++t+#tt'ltttt♦•F}♦+t#�Pt+t�•+#a .� y��,�..ry .. • n ,. rT +t'+++++ff`++f+ `++�'x'T,TT+T+t" tt44+++♦♦ �++++++++ 1 '�T'T-�•Ti T T TT • •tt++tt4-1"tttt+#tttt+•t4#tti�ti••+ •• :.' • ,, : ;; , � ' { +tt4++++t+++++ tttt+t�tt4+�•+�}+ •pttt +,tt+t+1+ • V ',N '1'liA'1' • ' heir to tho • tug,: fourth " the ignitt s ransmitted :o the said . • last'revisgd ci1itilit'y, to crpality Rt Le •• tatiVe do t and 19 1 and amide the Any : other inn/iodine coiuctlti. of • klC°);>i._:•: IISQN: : Clerk, `. FI Ingo tot - .44 x ir;,,a,Iiiimunufailit'th1or'-Wxiioh-,ii)ean's t'f 1%tt (1st, styes .,. '•' flcaV }. y Wrappers 'made of •good' vrapperette,; patterns. assn ted sleeves; .eacll P r .lined waist and.. $1.25 Extra .quality. wrappers; :Well wader Jtnedrweist•arid'sleeves ]+ull"' idth S 1 Wrappers with frill around 5otom. . ,Extra welt iiiade •andfiniehe o' r••' • � at �2:0o and .7� , at,. ••• w ,' pecia MHO G'01'150‘ • .If •you desire that stylish straights front •efi'eot, foryour new dregs;.' procur;o a pair • of our 1ienoh shaped, straight front Corset: Theyare`' excellent,vl $1.00, per pair sue at • Pashron says that velvet isthe correct•thing for:. winter was : -• 'rnngts of kaoautifal sha, ° ste and ',costume. • 111.,: des is. bore togreet'•you,. They.are.the S.11.'4.116:1 M -:- __Y .:.1 . _: sL2aost-ut«t13Jazrhet iVtir(re u�or1 �`P • .. „.. 'eq'�°�' rie der ttr'd.' i)oee it trouble you to'get:sizes in underwear for„ the boys:and•girls,'11"-§o pay visit to-thisstore . You will'frnd•a full'.ran a of sizes: in b. tif' , g Q 1 wool sad: • union rnakne. . ` • Children's Vests from, lOc upward. .'Clilldren?e wool ve"ats 'from 2Pc upward Aft'$1D , 'Tre , VOtit$ We are. • r showio a.s lendfill'ran a of,ri en's' worki` o ' • .t uqp .,oats, in: too Qhapts lined' with rubber, unlined'or liped 'with lfrieze• with storm collar ,o. Cardigan Jaokets and Sweaters, • Prices to suit all purses. • nlB Di l We have jest received a e ec nl' lot of ac P Mea's,Rarn Ctiats''fresh frori�. tbb• f�a'etbry, • 'Som of. them• are'clearing lines: "We'bought,:them -cheap. and: 'will sell. .them cheap, You cannot afford to misR this`chance. •• Men's fawn colored, covert cloth wate'rpr'oof ulsters, `.velvet collar we4 made. and s`ty ish: • Makes a good sprinand'.fall eoat as weft Prico.•eaclr.:� Men!.'e .•ry colored covert clotii waterproof ulsters; velvet .tenors•R .bgX. 61C..;� e i latPfit, `_.. ,out; -well; worth $5.00 each'. Tho resent 1 -ice •is :.•• inl' t s of extra hoary waterproof coats wrath largo crape. A htir«+un ;. at .3,1~i • Jt unrryak the. sur! examin.' +•• to ', aid' 1('L t. i)r�.. 'h©alth •C :OS S MONDAY, :WEDNESDAY.:' D `FRIDAY. E:VENI.vGS iAT 6'C'OLQ • • riti':'cilrli, to. odu; LI1latAeni ti ,y seven y.11 C1i(,5„ .ttivl', • '+'+ t++ +� 1F,4_i++.++t}}4;+++++4+++++ oANO!4****40404 N4l.. • NTN �I"I".EE ;of�h i if' a -century's suceees I stove uildinb r `' 'behind the we se11.°' RANTEE ' of'' over 250 000 delight e G� Try`our Golden Blend,. Ceylon Tea Tiry�our. F 1>�sh .og '1 T><yrour. 25c Japan Tea Try o`ur Pickles in quart ',1 a,rs Try o r Coffee,: Seal Erand. Try our 25e Coffee ' Try our Paradise Currants, recleaned': 'Try our Extra Selected Raisins. Try our California Evaporated Peaches, Try our Maple*Syrup in bottles Try ;our; Choice Prunes • orLuse-rs The GU RANTEE .Of constanly increasing ,and expand-: ii g sales• . :..The GUARANTEE of .•.. .._ .. .. •.r f'success achieved .and supremacy won. illanaleteturc at Ma,'theson's Cash Shoe ..Store. We, ,have placed'' in stock ; Seguin Lalime & Co's .make of `'heavy Boots and Shoes, which are second to none. Men's ...,Long,.• B.�'oots rat 2.00"`> 2:5( ,.' = �.,�and�� , fin $3.50 _ � , n '• • Ei Old ek- full Imre layfr Int 414 • E 'WOOL -ER! lvii.IIMPACTUB,ING: -Ca T TILDE • • LIMITEDf amilton, Ontario; Call and examine otir..stOek.. eleee .s the,plate make your selections in Os - • Wealr a.nd Impure Blood emW9.,,Complaints, etc. Ask Druggist or Write direet.tb 47,`,.34,; Black Load riath Brick' lUacnit Clocoltito *•Ctirrantit •, A-1 F3/4 our aiwaye, on land Dried Apple iGelotine Itopti Vfakehes •• if.iIii.:0118,g,es, . . ..- Teas. tlit:rteti:1.16'W? ' (1.;i'f:a4:16,1;!;iff— • Allan,: Line Of. Steam hipS. • I/onor graduate in dentistlio, Toronto Dental College, and Docter, of Dental Sur- gery, Toronto Univiirsity.. All modem plans ,of operation And carefulneiii in woikmanship. VI/anted—An I ea !PITA% , thing to patent? Protect, your ideas:. they may, hrIng you WeAlth. nos, Washington, D. 0., tOr their MAO) klit6,01Tot li Window Shades ' OurtainToles f - - - • Pi cent() ' F1'iameS'. et l'ictures , f Bedroom Suits- Parlor Suites; • Our ITztee taking Derortment • a specialty. ..0aUg attended to 'day or night. „8totc next door .to POO dinte, a444 •4