HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-10-19, Page 87-ATIM, I All 71k,11�11 — , , MIQUI oil 1PP41 on 7 AF _7 f, I�. 6� vw ZOG WV.. 1AX. 10 `*;�, ',* — : A AA H A ppltriiinlon Electlorim A mo!'t41g in 01*10`11t0r�sts' ()f' 10hu 5ft-T110131ST CHU MOO 4V ",A ' 'A Tp)mie, the Libet al,eaukjidate in. We§t, 'iio� A o �wigi?r -�Lvv- T OY �210RTMEN 11 .0- hPh ill tile F, re6 Li iA ruce, wif 1 7 u Ing,. 0 ii'Whiteqh�iq�i, on T' esday even- ber 23rd., At.. 8 o'clock. U6 q 2.4b PA,—k"-u4.,l4Y $oliooland Bil.,]"lu Clasp r,,v' Mr, 4i V g will,l 0 addre 0 del's Nveb.�', 7 ineqLibeiials ul sc400lbodo W ed�ROSCIILy 8 V, I 1 1. . . . I . I . ,;, . I ­­ 11 1 ., . . . A, AQ J AD -- T, -3, uoods mie:,,P. H. Meltenzie itnd. otber�, prom. Langside, on' Wednesday eve�iljg;.W w1,, I 610M , , t : SEW11§ 24th, All ire �ordial ly invitlid k, Nyoixl want a liot waterbag Qr `7 V .,A Sa'e the Que AA 4 bev, yri go ou. waiT�4 'o The,foll�wf t fie illaVke , t sm rub­10er'of" such-:&*, pg. 4.0, m earg uyos.... We 0 6, so a a.. i. _ .. q110 of' 'J;. -E,'Dutn. ilnI iltlast a,46lsoriabik The -1 tjolislAforfliis we er. .'good IAMS 0 seen of-timb: Our ubb h A �Q'Ofl Y.P.1'0 air OdL f o 64c i an et'. them, tun, monKu.-, -A g66d Odt', n Vuesday� eVoyjqg, Alast,.: T 1,64 00� relablb awl gual f Anything. pride ,for a. now up-td-date'� "io�of.the.."*dtitherl'iig�.J�6in to -pre,,- '*'s ........ ....... 56C tO- 5(;b" t -r�bokt� ii�ea; enou ee gk: 'in;' m, to..Im .: 6y rbng imsi e,of ear: and gqeq 1w. d" ppiit,* slight 61, estee Q 0 sq ? very -;apti Tie se at: NiOO.18 the. bqA'..:v*e, for esp� 140 Durninor er N�e `46rV iir 6bat eaV , , h 0 connerti6h. with � the Work'o pro$,. .."a byterian iihiarob out garmen e r 0. On Any o re or ill'usd,we ill - lacq� the ff J5�ne Ali e -:0U h of, the thilig"be fair, �ftk. Meinbilrgp 'andl,."ad 0ont W -A CHES. CLO%,jKS thatj A I . .. . . � T.._ . , , . , A! fittifig w�e�e , 9 :qongrNa ]LOD -joy themselves very' ltImigh ee&ed,to on in�ch u it is really. a g garm n re eo L t, �t- and All dombinatiop 4, Jio -ood- Q- t. Be su in every ''ou e a n d OU t ok,:, who. ..pusehold' necessity;- a -h both t 11 h -it,, games,. And. mus 0,: want ickei yo J1 in this indeed, w again,* ad 'vo ced �style yoli have. a fi66 water bag, 661 'an&: in6trum6utal. About - ten ro S� M. Whaley reid'tbe well. as ()'clock Rev a most useful ar*16, 4,i' the f6llowi,q9 address kiss, Edith we, ire abl P founfain',pyririgei 411d athjs Miss Edith, through get. r6, Durnin: - eautiful. Mehd youto' ing, tor sell,. We.,will be is 68'408� �el,wouia recom. Johnsto n and cott,pre f lb Sen I .'M The address.. heing'as a xe son t pleased to show' and.' explain to wi: th -follo prices ese. to you... AndTo 'Mrs A, 't-OCKEAD.— that the time ia;no* dra*ing near ed t when- yo move Jr - A014fifii &-Dru�glst -Intond-0 re 0,14 our Tha m'.1nover d ' heteby� i;6ve�e . CKNOW QNT. mld,sNl an, l.t 14V -tie that"baslioulf4i'la tootbe h that time ast .two. ,vears.i, During RY 4XITLAALD willingribss; to ork- Or PRE . SB . YTE . P your ss'iri alli w hille - d c4s". -and;coir- connected .*Ith 6fir chuich k We m4 r fiela.A adjo,urned. h -iiein r6 dily gj)eoialty of.' Always Thii Pre6byt6 7nd hearilily 6xpresse"cl." Mora par.,. '01LAr Watch abpartm Kni6iteb)urch-, ipley�, on tile ent -as NVp I 4�esd'a- d the v Rev.' A. McLennap,;� ­rnusic4.1 parb-'of the.- services,, an uk ropairs�ag' We gunraiite6 sntislactton in (,, �Soicioty Woik�! our reputdtlpn. tbaii the Missionary in ihisis more iei�kk ro., tem.+',? Rqv.* ID. r, ray 0 , - -, . . I � . . ,worth You'r action in acceptifik':tbe position mere 1honey. et in yotirgQlf send us has b6en a sour ce 0 much y6u, Cannot g to f d r. p. A:. air w6rkand it wi4 &nee. -of memberwiwiere'Ortsent' Rev pleasq-to to Utz congregation whell on' b :and Rov.� A. H d6raon maik thi N, OPTICIA ;i� must, -bid fare;lvell to �h Mr. R1lis6A,'South&v'np-+ -d now as th6 t1ine' has come. JG;, RMSRON oul-, Ali ple�saiit ou , �vhidli shall e LER o-"0 ms-- AW_0iY�_q_fAh_ As m6m. ?resQq, _,wqrq 1 t. with.,h w -GKz N46W�' f -�7n& _,—g- 'Memb, pleasant t .9 -0e f ��bajrn 7.ti e F j 611 duato n X i'.:Or �kindl`is.--.offered ry,MU h edu'c M 4o'of-'hice go from a reqb t ry' 'chair; ias ig 'mie%ns o cQmmAn;qa h f of.',16roato. Mr.,-:-1KAxWe 11. rdad- ex.. L the, pleastirei,6f your abqiiaintaneq ETT�t` or n 0 resente cer, 'WeAisir' 0 0 egel e. --you 0 accept,thiA,, rob ing; E earbut BP. Or -k-help )edily W to yoa out, giaift�de:o P pas �t an . as. expressing a tbb .'good will swP hoar, so� to... 1po�it6ry Iectu'ile' roW, El clans i 2 3. V I i8it f aild 16 6k argain of tho'congregpo,idn at, Lines tow,ards ujany.tib�qs,A,day a',.;,%v(,. ibo'. w. on r Ove to.. ext6v ey 01 you And w'e"also"' d to iC( 'critiicalv er sXZekiel yow, v ery. best.li. esikes o,r" nt -o .jug 6 r thV., d'. your, X at. lai �ermliii from Roman ti) our Jady,Z.�Wtonl Hbbre;v d )e -ear y d OA �Cc�ii t:tl )Aunte�.,.,� Th6 goods,'ar' 3t: As,� dn ------------ =A as -in7 n �exapnned- em I -E e re, an qur ear are iii ib' fulid d nest heZbe­ new ..Qme I . . opes, yo 7 that, in , your or n W- ock W, e. -m-. u, Ave re:rOOM!f st, b 'bl' t ist1n the'Mas. st h mo e ow, may still- a - u e Q ttrj;j Ai W A d s46iliq as �T. Ave ogo- -$i eYou came -to. y., res MAA' y itivelyi: He was 41so'6xs 0a h d Tie pec rat reside-at-Law�sil­ May�the_.. blessing. of our .'Almig] over ' att6n PaL on Ht 4t q ng mo- -your dn&y6ur. love The foll�wi es. is th r ��Lo —an d-- iystQftt(�� Ay Father,, d hbsewho'bave-nietto2nig t was unamirtous ca is p] ion" re d: jlix�b I rayer. 6E t h toconvey oy0u9ur­a- pro f tir Af6rmal., Milliner D rv!dO§,, -and Asay go ciatiew of. ii.ave not boen able.bo pi�pp�re 'the: j?irAbsbytorly o'�' taking. a. conj qnc- du r s -L C y e WARE; pg 'an t ere ore w t at Signed.,on beha f of thd' Sessionvand' on :tive t] e'w 0 e pro6ti iry, h f b t pou� h ih 04in ein: as igh, stock- Aof Trimmifip,is at its: C6ng lift' We AAbblry. The. �ilgDl�IOV"14�"Oli�LPY,;Moderat6r Usti.- have evcrything that*.gooi S, t: Ao make one. of, -;1og6 Praty' ..proceloo to - ordsio. Mr.,. oRitts�tfiat -only rui�jlift er.8L.-can ry hriitiin Minis d We; havi t -all theaddr&i'lzad. been road, of tthe'�LC ]k4le ptesentation ma, aii il�i� n d6 :,Mr,- Durnin s_ ibnd.;, i , aduob him into. he "toleat Alf of Mrs. Duinlij, t of irirni�et�, and �-W.arrtffit'�sati replieunbeh Rev,. a a k 0 AL -d sty our. wor., llarg ;Kfio h Ri'l S. M. Whaley alsq­ -Mad very: neat. 4aptioTi'an X ur Py knox:d'hur6fi &ddrdss­-- Th ladie We show a; in,L't eir usual good style 0 41doevCoinmission.9 wdr4� received -goodrang6of::Flops, -Bonnets, 'h roVided tly to' tlle� Hpodsj 't, ie. t lith6heon, -vilihich idde&.griaa, jjj'f&V0r:ofL.M r tssr& kinds M a ileamire ofthio evei3inei and etyone Ep Mno e _Seemea es o e ur loa;�__ . ­ I -UR St6ok"d the Empre n John El D ­1i1:t i's part, e fil' * ' MH Wdl.Ll# _6pal at angannon. iy Los. 01� tj as taken as Aboui 12 far6* ? I Q 00; h ew fle�] %up or, In: th'o.a ernoo, 'a fair co�gltqg*t be I , on wcl alfrehiihed home: Sions,'S uttlewe� a h' Me tortain I.Flas, present to Join in and withes . a it .0N'ABw,.0'-1 .1� e av Ji D. Ur ndbt inforn3a. I t, u Or� la I " .;.re t -lt L t und-r�7-OIITARI:O-t-'At;D-,S.tfRVEYOR n &1, edict tea era a 407,� n 01),ec .0 j. 3X., sirl TwTi invo b0 jrViOed.aq on -read .to tt.q` S E A �d.RTH P. b.­ Richaid, Troleaveni, imi. -,,w4o, ha ...qe d . *F W. 3K., igelf, 1P S As'agaill rea, ac. Congregations all NY t I �, ed with dkopsical.-Aroubl6s ligineetj ve d r c to ea le y e rs'and. Township, kle, zi -11, c. s, mc- 10 cording t af- a vance- Sidewalk our rules - ejj;, thL- s� owle Drains will FridAi at -last �!Seve' . - 6-� ou'llu 0 '$240 Upupi PRICES: $2.0 66ve -nin6- year§i l%T)fe r kins' given, specl 0 wiei/e inter -rod A:46, the, famil Plot L in Y, .4 esus in tho Dungaffirion 66ni t6ry, Voing- f .0. residence+,o, S' 33 thithei.frob2'11� f. hil S61 GRENAGHE, by- a ver-Y'large Samud1l; -bf Ashfi4ld-, Aehik eiiAedj1J,,F.i`Murray n ri�A�ted .......... eg the a, h 'an t en put t e - qJuestions of the For; S, Valter, ainuel, Th6nl� :4�figold. 1�00.4 �ke stops -taken tc 'East 41hif c6ft e, of s�rro�iing relative 'and' owards-filling"t --­Th� va calm� d h, Dns; Robert, so 10 6 a 0 Gi, c s Iditheson. h SO, " lox ob inula. to' Mr. Maxivill to which OA: � �'A an'd'_41beri, -The %tisfactory ro, -PP Q em on'gaged'in­'prayer. jos' tot pro It thd pa-4td?, Rev.' Mill AloSiair.- The "ded C"e' 9 oneers''..of The Min"iston I e wuA e, ect. knelb,, And: AsbQd And by dint of,industry'and -by ng,�Loh of' hands Of the, ct. layi good e6�n-omy--sebdr;d td- hlMself -And Pidabitety, And: ptily9r, -golpmnl h6MOL famlly'� 96od,aod c6rufrtablu 6pikt to the 6flieq of the '110 WhS k high Holy Mini .1 1 8AA: by all"With, P�vvuo 4 't ry and was'Indudtod into: the past6ral -h fti h Acq�uaihted is uprig -1 es 11igs an D Dj eyi An&, =AP--PLE S et :Kvox church,, Bervie, in,, the. ulaine of a' t 01'. :3 UP11v ull Zlbsireabld property 336ing the emt half of the Sth"O 6 on4 4, goo tea took Ift Py ad lVe-, Abd' Ilipo'n 'load, of' the chit A . +F lticf�'atd Tr ionj. A 'rd I z'8 firiatAhe .1 il-L be felt in the church, at �Vhidh -he er od" by' owned by We* late AW T itad 1 ch a as a. consistent: member jr 'Man� k .6f 'AR11fieldi coiltAfill it u-th6rity- ot tl's b -c he YPA)7s 0 160 'COKING.J. C,o M I the property is 81 ua q� bri is fenced and A16derator. giving 'to him the. ri' ht �daloiitl�rrt-in'itgprogresittn jl�it 40X aln the' boUSQ �Ox".JOL and I," aivee A�a SU. "Good 0 rish is wo hand of f6ildwanp As -did a o 9 0 na Stable' in 'conlAec Ion, futhdrinee the' cod da'use'--Te ., -MING1 NGS, g hoilsheq a :be'reaVed telutivb5,;lfave aio novV ready to r�eci ILIollge"and.]�, lonty (;f oHard fin vater. The lot,consIsts. 1)0 ftl), or will.tal Applds 20 ile, ayxnpatb�* of the,' coml .4 soft of. one P69sessiou., npar atv o ''M Mllf6r the half acie"Of-lad, arr� farne' t 1''th MITH.' Th R6V. r Tiufiity, At, the factory !fR evinel6d by th,61-argei: er -be.: rewitin on mortgage it. 6Y t An per bu are iid�rly thibicted. minister tin rnay,ba, ba a n 0, -Bring oOp�ician tlffib�. pply to' 1) ' unds. (nd.nearly 0iie'liu,nAdkod cVhVeyW:nddg. , PA t1Q1J1af8'Apj)lY at",4FitTIN r MeKay'add aied t e co of., 00org'd tothers, enough 'for to' ngtegatl0n, Dungannon,. or ­:At appl 9 h Ing, 'ana Rte of IS -W, W Hit n6dilhddreiads were,' ekeellent' P�11 d I hia 80P t1h. I ffi s0 n and d6r, o'11, frorn 0 ed Y'l , wJ eJ4 app til on at Any price ow,., 9nnoa,,h6a been dangorotial we P.A PoInted'aa Taties 411 7, and Tdrorito C. I eg�, tboy b'r LE­ oastor An& P60ple.L , jti�, iour'.-w led Ing to'tholow bri for std6k HOUSE AN, b Wk ft b W" T h u, r s � d ay IOV -OR-SA rec'eive&... Q t_a jt6- 11 gb�, '11 4Ujtk ear Y g 6 Was o ed,b Y. bL V'p06retit's t 20 two: paitly. decay- AKV.' N r i welcoine on T6ffi0.V A�pIed hat d 4hak%-and. cc 'dkl I I I ith htor& fo4ndation, and kitchen, their retur�inj from the 61lurch, after Durigazin ot, ONE.'DAY, 0 N -LVa story high, i e in t,on with tot, foflalc 06 Woot, I nak"Aw... I . I I Th o place is -nicely 160 - ated and thd 10t Lon- N qiVe?), th' solb�an qtd And in ItOO, Mile latb,, Vint it B� law Atains by. tho I)AI (!n1inCil of �f Own_ V 'th oFbR SALE' P 4L, (111ailtify, of nil ki 8 0RUG" ST094, :-both A91 ''s ft (lay of nly A,D. 6 sbip of AO)field n tho kik*011 sfg6illed his. ater �ndi good AtriW. 'g. Tht, irtber di,bentitroA to ness sign! m rw a Asked the &himint of;$12 03 bri,ki-plArp the riot 'ult% h A. goodL 'and J'ot, �ItU.Oitda.ft' C811 early, n the torriwa OoUt (I ava'L yo 'oolf of J)n 01" N J 0 YNT to do g6o t, h And itidots, f id, lit S(�cffon L411 AA Ali The Mi 6141 condition, 0 t4hb c�nm ono�tbird acre 'good in thu rogiktry offl i 1146ft on is, reportpd, as atisfadtory.' 1Aije%6ui;6 lh,g'66jd ropair wiih'cellar tile 3t 1, day bfTITIY�A, 1), 1"M �to m 00 6, -.iard end soft, water ab'16dfty bonven, to 1 1 TEM WANT�ib: T 0: Feegbytery al�ljibkini6d Any motion di, or 'Chin, 'it whiolia, Tdesdhy', �Tov. or any, J)aiit thereof,' iniiat be JL Nti 'on aiid I f At r (,..q i (I n 69 of ..for* "'No 4' - X in lo's s. - thte On the. Proporty, P 6goaajon. lu6y b &' MAI'le, .1 .0. 1 A,. Apjyly-Aatingsalary tell, .01 L 0 of tile of hi At4ny titne, Apply'td 41, be sediarbil'bY 1,ti6know 4n 'OZJ64�r '1107, Nit, James jqff,� MACNL "&rlf bilk aid. Addrdss,', D; 1060, CORD 6tvof Londoni tHE PAUNT At' to ANN, oof Atignsi A. W 8,T611t) Its,, ofeik" 1)b Ay if b Pp ha g or' than syrin So for V 01 ......... . .. . .. ......... .