HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-10-19, Page 4•
itaxilLY" 4001RO TO VHS nioTATO
01." 00Noollolgs Wig PR DP taioyit am.;
• 10101CUOVT, 00.° '10th., 1000'
. ,
lVSPy iteettnir, ilea, at
..nnektest Church, '
; .
Th,° .29°11.-ineual S.'S:Oenventtor-t-
otthia dishfield �irouit of the...Metith;
dist churn)* Was, heldin „Blake's church
on Oct. 9th, 1900.
.the morning Session was, presided
over.by Mr.; D,,AgneW very efficiently.
Dpit000nit ,exercises were .Conalleted
by the tihairman, Mr. W. Hunter, the
• Minutes of; last convention, Were read
Mr. S. Sherwood gave an•interestine
address on the 'subject "Music in the
• •-- schooko •The, ,$i.e4her said he hneW
• Llamething of thepoiver of siong. There
never was wtime• when : there was ea
4 Much interest' imanifested in 'Sacred
music. We most have . the chyme
. , .
power in theheart to make the 'memo
a Spiritual. success. , We may . only
• „
have our songs formal' like our Prayers.
We,play' possibly 'sing them but. there
may be. no spiritual power in „them.
Ile showed clearly the 'difference be-,
• tween a.godlY and ungddly:inan sing-
. . •
l' the • spiritual' songs. ,We .„waet,
, Our iiervice'of.song-ter reach-ilie'tbrone-
of isi-oit We have our .hearts filled
With songs of praise: We reach . the
• • sikrit Of iei -through the`
preached ' Word.
, The discussion serVed. to .emPh'artize
• the, importance of xnusicin • the henie
as anauxiliary to niusi4i thct School;
.0!). belt,
• organist .conimiinity instead. of
. the i different player ,torthe sohopk.
Andrew spoke very forcibly on
the', stibjectf4he-Teitehere-Prepare
tion, and Presentation, of the ,Lesion?'
'The.. teacher'. should 4014 time- in
• prayer to ask divine help in presenting
• the lesson to the pupils. The leesen
•:Contest shoUld, be read thoughtfully
and'Prayerfully before referring to any
helps on the lesson. The thoughts."the
teacher ..inakei out for himself are not
eesily forgotten. Ho should ),reed; no
Metre out of helP than he 'can thought:
' fully digest. The time of preparation
Should bo th--rbeginning-Of-Ahe-Week
• and, prayerfully thought over during
the 'week,' The thoUghts of the lesson
•• eliciuld‘be presented'to' the, pupils
cording •their abilityL'- The •leading
truths should bo thoroughly,
,impressedupon 'the hearts'of the child -
ng in the-SCqL' Ji Os3 4.Oebtx040i
1i,0048" ill4biedUr .ititid emphasized the
greater advantage from n Spiritual'
.stand point of the, lighoOls of te-day,
* ArrwoOti 4081•0X, '
Mr. W. Stothere, very efficiently.
acted as cliairnian. Devotional exer-
cises by "Aleslit§, Orohison and Brown..
• The report of the. .5tinattY 130 13
re read Theattendance at •the
sehoc.la Piemecl tint' 4.O' large ai in
former, yekis; in, ether respects the
Scheele 'Seemed to be Making tiatisfae-
tory ,progress.
. _
pupils in ,Oine &AMON of -half-learning-
verdesfroai the Bible. and teachers ac-
cepting them' is thoroughly memorized'
and .pupils ,reCeNing „credit for . the
-children to ber,dishenest:'sint very
deprimenta1. to their spiritual Welfare..
' Under' the • head' 'of "lVliscellaneone•
Business" •• the' following . resolutions
were , passed unanimously, viz, 1st,'
that the secretary' 'receive a hearty
vote Of thanks,' 2rid, that ,the "next
convention beheld' at Zion: 3rd, that
the Superintendent .and as delegate
fromeach school witli.the pastor be an
executive Oonimittee to draft s. a pro7
• . •
gram fornext-conventionr!---4th- that
t.Iio thanksoftheThrisit�rs be tendered:
to, the friends ' nt -Blake's for their
Five minuto addre*ses :were giVee
by Messrs. Hiinter, Shekleton ' Gard.
.iier,•iind Agnew. .,.
• - • .
hongerafer knowledge. •This' hunger"
in for higbei things 18 1,11e met of its
immertalitv, 3rd, ventinotio is 1 de That Either miikke4 Your Lire
t Its toltditton Or 'our " hottyed
preosiooaj time of " life -t he ' A or jpiliNtsieio or
credulous peried, Preceptsleat nod "at Vsele,$ Beirden1„, .
chili period are planted. deeply. Groat
. .
s4Quicl. be iakeo as to precept o To 'many women life is one round
tatThi; „psi) id,• cobton Olitollia4ttned088vIt. wtehtigileatael/st4,'
111 Iea1tIi.
thought. :1110ie 'give 1.16, We.; 'I:(At'it§' duties fatigues them, --MenY of the'
i •
symptoms aceompanying this state of
decline are: a feeling of tiredness on
waking,; faintness, dizziness, ..siiiking
feeling palpitation of the heart short-
ness of breath, lose of appitite, cold
sict&ank-nit-the 'Other adokkibinaduterets-
of , a rundoWn, and, weakened consti▪ tu
All these synaptems and Condition;
'are simply the result cf •a poor qualitytand-defectisteeirchlation_of_the
With a wastieg, away of the nerve
forces. ' • ", '
• By feeding the isystens with
„ • • ,
Guod rending niatter is .an my
. ' It \"-- •
portgb,t factor tire, . It•Wves PO,
.flnement of mind' and language, Rain-
deVelopoienti 0t14
• tgrOhoutclpontain; articles .on
der; to, ,IteeGoci -in this. nature; -to
a,void vruelty dumb creature
'should bontein 'articles on temper
.14 nee- anklhealth.
• temples of Clod's Vtr should •
learn to keep them entire arid cloan.
*7thi It shoat& be, authority Oil 'general
inarnetiOn: there' should be articles
on science, -:pittiotisin,. international
questiOfl and •Unhiased iiwl unproju- •
,dieati polities. stb; .goW is, literature
, •
to fulfil the demand which we Maks
uponit to satisfy' the cravings ' of the
juvenile mindl It must be really geed
literature, S. S. literature ',most be
yievved from :_three stand „points ;Viz;
It must endure the test from ' these
points of view, contain great spiritual.
truths '1 1 th Children hie' giien it taste
rim strike at the root of the disease
and lay a solid foundation on, which
tebuilil. Soon the weight:increases,
-thooulken cheeks and flattened busts
fill out,;:tlie eyes get bright and the
vibrates through the syeteni". Price'
50 cents per box , ' •
for the Bible 'thrOugh illustrated Bible' C W BERRY & SON
Stories:. . They Will thUs learn to search (Sue essqe.'te. l''Xar6r Pl4s)...•
:tritthe for theinsel,Ves. • tible, 'tttlnly .i.s, IJ".f.TC4 OW. : - , . .ONT:
• Mr,. W. Hunter.. spoke. -on the •'Pub- '• .
at a'fow ebb. Many children are,,iv
ject'of watch,fUltaessi.: He mid he '
So leek pewatehfid to sptrit,ua th k ,.... TEACHER WANTED.'.
was .norant of the. Bible. because a -taste
1156 not lmeti„ cultivated for reading it. , ' ' ' '
'We . should.. be .prexerfer as ,well ; as. ..-
.watehfai. • we should seek fitsb 00 i2thiLiieratore i:hosild 'contain beauty - -: Male for S. S.,Xiti
'•. ' 4;' W,es
t ..W.,AW•a-
Of Tonguag,. ,The poetry 'Shenk' he of
•kiegdorn of God ,:tinct other : things :-.-.
• a utglie Iasi:. ' Children'esunde*IMUld
';;oillikireiiirdiaill*reuiii-O: :- . - ' r ' •
, . . . .
Mr, N. Shekelton • Said ,ho thought
there Should 'ba 'Special rally in S. S.
work. ' • There „are_Linaey„....,Whotake.
no interest ' in, S. S., We shotild avoidance of vice. , .1.4thr A.,aurreap6.13:,_
, ,
make the wo
rk of the school se inter,
dence, cOlunin in our S.; .Spapers was
eating that4t Will, draw the pupils to
the Schdeis• •
highly recommended; . Let., us Make.
• . - this' 'subject . a .deep arid prayerfel
Mr, W. G. Gardner thought ' .th-q .consideration;t Children ate.the roof::
et ng ona
' - - • • -STIlitiikTiriirU
the review.. The.tOtehei-§botql 'tOith li.lier's of our iy4ion. .Let n •••••11y. teach -
by his example out of ,tbe.seli0,6ft . Wo ing ' the children through 416,'gelde,n
-should. /try and 'win the love Of the pen Of literattireriift our :fair. coim ry
be: stored -; with ,peetic • gems. •13th;
''Moral teaChing-shOuld,lie affirmative.
nd not negative Books should shO w
loity-s-extimples--rather•L•than teach
r, •
IiarDAkJiew,J, J. Taylor and
thcipastor .further discussed, the sub.
• ,
lirifirder , .
by:its power .up. to thethrOne. of our
-Mr.---1I-s--AgneW4said•-the-Objeet of so that the beetif this 'great
•• • • .
the eonventicii was to show better heart shall , be ..the' marching' 'song
:methods Of instruction 'and tndevelop through the ages'
the , spirittial ^growth of the .children • ;The poster answered the qtieriee of
to hetter, 'advantage,.• The children the qUestiOas. *delivered in & s'iory in
should be taught to save their .money taiesting and instructive manner.
which, was foolishly, • spent for candy
' "• Vtmizick Sesei0..
and gum: They ,should bo taneht • •
" The evening session ' was a Contind-
to:miasiens and for -othe' • •
"Hoist, best to cUltiiate Reverence
• „ .
! "which are 'being .oriatioci, upon the
.11-nPe the eeangelistfel, Meetings
pOseS. end taught how to earn money
for Sacred Thinge" as ably discussed: 'cireuitatikwasr-of-en-intereating and
by Mr, :Allan Bowles. „ He: began by profitablo'd•iir"aeier•
alking•the question, ,what is's. sacred, TkIWI:brqughtko. 6' 'Close one
thiegl.andreplied by saying anything l most suceessfel..nnd spirival eoriven-
setnpart-tebring-1-reankind-t-nearer to tions ...held.. on • the Ashfield
God *ttS sacred; The avenues throiigh The addresses were well rendered and
which reier,eoeefor 8toro4 oilige elicited -a great dear—of—valeabla.
originated ahd 'devehipid Might be. • . .
thought .'• The 'cOngregation* ,during
constdemaeotie. felloo.rig had the different sesete-fili- were ?large anZ.
. , •
lEit.;* By a feelVeP for the erea- a
"'''.54ay. what has been
ture thrinigh the Creator. ,11 we los* sown 'Mike more •eftleient:werk for the
instituted: 2nd, We shouldreverence R
Master he hiia iS:our•earnestprayer.
.. E. tinewri, seeretary.
God 'e shUldowtehoo,--.voliat
'a thing. because ' of our respect . fpr
thostrwho regard it, 1rd Wo ebould
residence a. thing from its '..iminediate.
use to, Us, .11 our sacred institutions`.
were closed,lve bouId firel oniselves,
back to the dark ages, The public
'scheols go hand,in, hand with the 8.•
ter eleVatirinxtrialtity 4th,- We should
.reverence it"te'r its universal good.... Do
snored. things, confer' a universal horto
fib Atnonk Wbat,';'pe61)1,e do •We, iihd
tiens which .acaept, sacred trethe
of thr Gespel, .5.-th; WO should. re'ver.
thing.for ita,
Gth: fl( v( ,all Woit,by things 'be-
eatnie of yoiir aultorod..ado4 and let
ua rogard i Itose'41to
things With grekt respect. 7th, 'fie v..
'-- • .1
,pronco throug i • r„ar, • 'ri ie. ernotea
t. t respects Nits •rignte org ,. trier4, rouge
foaof the law,:
snored gift tHroaii!s' 614,0 And:
glotqfys"ilial ,
- 'The subject. "The Superintendents"
—;.‘rhe Duties and Opportunities Of the
: Office --Pesti ably .presented by mi. W.
• itea' 110-ssPe,kal4
tondent should be a 5'rst-class Christian
,7nn.d an all retied' Man. , He:Should
• exercise a. great deist. of patience with
.1)6th Aeiteli9r8: and pupils, be sympa-
• thetic-,.' and watchful "_about abkmt,
children our:Ivey:king to the members
of ,the,school whenever ,he • met them,
' He should 'grin; but kind., He
an orderly school. He. should ,have
a definite .0ogram .for each..Staiday's
Work,: and. he :Punctual id, hie attend...
[64 ,should •rnake a, tberoogli,"
preparation of the lpgson. JEe should
not be 'toeconservative, et his own
, .
ideate- The, sehject was further dis-
missed by tho jasitOr and Messrs:1W.
$tothertly Andre*: and; Sanderson,
• • Visitor: from:- Michigan, ' • ,
Sththers gave an.interesting
• the responsibility of otie"s work and
• exitinple for, •Chiist, If ,each person
was a faithful worker; our churches
• and Sunday sc1ionL woulcl be
We, Want ,niOre„. love and affection
„..„..anionget_osirseives end , the pupUs Of
the .schoOlq, •extended aiioiirtv
•„WeICOple to all visitors • preseirt• 'to ilia
-respective lit ins of th6liooplr!. •
iltoottl riiiidt a Bp,10tilst reply te
the addrOSS in whibli.lie' referred:7'1.6
'the 'Change in the. 'substance of teach- The active prinelple mind
nosh. Apply statmg salary, experi,
ence an testimonials until October
20tb, -..pegsonal, application Preferred.
'D'uties-to begin January.lst1901.
° Wi C.- WEBB
St; Helena: ,Sec,,Treitss;
Miss 14.1ditit Reid read' it vilre
and ieStriictivo oe tiros sill/044
The 'Reading .14 stier r,f. tbq,
silo Said 1 fit,, (11/16.1;4'111iiiii •
. To ,Ittitiersl,,Itei 4hild
6.101!):. 411_
voop Tk if4eFte'a.ti 111 4VI r (IA if
ark& its gpir 1 ell 44.1•C,
after,Ood and „sPiritioa. '1 /3'
it;tiat tire ta o (1,ilry: pilaw;
natuie, 'difficult. problem,. '2 oft,
Cream, Ice .Cream,
New Cann'ecl,GoosIs
Ciloice Fruits
Select stook of
picnic sappllos
owl -land and de1iveed to ally
part of t e town.
• Thdre came .to the .premises of (I.po.•
Jot 29, concassion J, Kinloss,
about twe menths„ ago,;on0. .wen&
Iwo Ittmq$,‘ ...T40 owner 'will 'please
prove property; psy expeeses and take.
there detrity• •
Lan eside
1960 VOTERS' LIST. '1900
MehiPIPOlt$' of the corPorailPh of
the Viking° or Luckno* •
Try 0, package of our new
To -a -the--;
Highest price paid for But-
ter and Eggs s A
4 4 -
JN I have transmitted or delirired to the
persons mentionedin the third ",ano' fourth •
BeCti0115 of the "Voters' hist Act" the ‘90Pieki
required, said geetions to.be so transmitted
or delivered of tile List pursuant to the said
. Act of allpersons appearing by. ,the itket,revised ,
-Assessment-Roll,---of-tlie -said-Municipality-to -
• be entitled to vote in the tudd Municipality at
electiona ler members -to the'.
Assembly, and the Municipal elections an
the said list was first posted up iMmy office
Lueknow; this 12th,r. day of Sept, 1900 an •
remains here for inspection.
• Electors are called upini to examine the
said list and if any =mission or any other
errors are found ' therein' to take immediate
proceedings to have the same errors corrected
according to law; ; "
• Datecl•at Lucknow this 12th day of Sept,
Ilaying_purchased the busi-;-,
ness lately : run by -My.
Skrnner,we are . prepare
to pa!Y, ctiiph for butter and
eggs, , .; Your , patronage is
° Yours trUIT,
Luoknotv - /
...The undersigned, has , forsale a
"eninberof rani lambs' of the, coarse
wooled kind • ‘' ' -1. • • .•
'['ENDERS,' addreeied to the 'um
signed and endorsed ".Tender for:Whitton
harL” ivill be received at this office Mail
:Friday.; the 2nd of NoveinberAinclusively,for,
the cotratruction of a, Wharf at 'Wiartoni,
County nt 11ruce, _ermined of Or.tario,
',Oording to a plan and a Hpeciiiieation to bo•
aeon itt'the olfice of II. 4. Gray,. lieq.,„ Eh
;gineer Charge,' • arbor,. and , River Works
for bntarlo,. Cenfederation. Life
Wietteith.. On, and at the Department . Of
WOrliA, Ottitivrt.' • • „ • ,
iiiirnctlic.considerod'unieSs made
n tin, Nrin aod sighed, with tho
actintl.signatniesof tenderete.; • • , .
Ab accepted cheque 0,0 a 'chartered hank;
pn,yablit to the order Of the -Minister Of •Publie.
weeks, tor fht,tean hiaatirCit datei'g ($1,300.00)'.
must acconipany (ILA toteler,' The clionno
wi 11 bc.„itaifiato 1 I f the ;Atty. decline We eon -
tract, or fail to cornplide the. Worls contracted
for, ana will- lie :roiturtiokl in case ef noti-rie;
MIA:MI(4 (ritoreler.• ,
4110 department, riot bind luself (01-
loweat, or tiny tender.•
, ItyOrder • •
• 4:11)8..1t;itoy,
• -Aai rec. Secret:0Y'
• '1 itte.W4. Oiltetici0 2th, 1906, .
:^.(h•Oixpi.p.4r4 bistortiti,g arivertittement
+yritlyo..ii, forth 11 it V. frintiPth(f,T)010.1ittilpttit, Will
tint -for paid firr it, • • • .
n Eay Chair
n Elegant Table,
New Bedroom Suit
, • • , .Clerk,
• 84,0HOOL,
Will re79pen :Tues,..Sept:
This beautiful lakeside town , offers unriyal-
, ,
led inducements fo ' the Students of 'the stirs
diug districtaAtitirerier forTtheir_exami,ip..t.__
Ont .
its' High ,Schdol. . • :
Special tatatlVernentA Will. be Made to :aid '
those studeets who are'd.eficient in the depart-
'thent of langukres. .. : .. ., . ' • •
' A newly eqiiipPed ,Laboratory' affords eX-
eelleot ...advantages, M-the...,..departinent:: .of ',f ',......
Science ' .: ' . ' • . •
On its large and well -kept •Ciimptis health- -,
•fulAxeraises are .enconragel. .' . ,.• ' .:7
, .
!Parents can rely upon. the School -Board -
and•Staif.• keeping the moral infinences„sur,
drotroudirlieE-Cfi_iloren in a- WliTilesorne
-," The, Staff of Specialists 'i,a prepared' to ' edit
, r .
este for all departmental ainPrafriettlation
Piano Organ; Violin,:
---,Voice Culture, Thorough
• Bass Harmony and Counter
, • point..
Pupils preparedfor Conservatory
BES1IDENC.E--Ccimpbell street.
Miss Edith tSilitA
examinations. • •-
'. Kincardine High School passed forty seven
candidateVacthe reeefit examinations.. 'Over'
90 per cent of those who wrote for".,,Tfinier '
----Gciorain' seem -C(1-.11
easli:-;:n•qaiflurethreartepsa.rticularal;Ppiy t':." --7o a:4 -
• Is prepared to give lessons on
. -
. • ,
At her Wine �n
. .
Carliphdi St., ZUCILIVQW.
Waal .
• •
• .. are taught by
, MRS. P. -KEE.
Lessons in
and. instrumental
. .
•What a linnillton idenutbioturer
• ' • litus to Say..,.0
ter. James Bpayley apelike, fote the
public, good.
11171E PRO14111, 1W01.:16)f.
. •
or .-.t,h,e.r...,0i,,awing.,Rodo
For the Dining Room
For the
. •
For the Hall
. ,
Our representative liaterviered Mr Jemell
Brayloy, of EfaMiltonat his. Officie. 68 King
hnsinesi Man, and ono of Hamilton's foreinoidl
'Inan9factniers.,;' Ells, geode,. Saddlery: lie:a-
ware,. ptincher4 dies, ote., are, knOWIT tre11
.ilailfax to yariconvor,and tand verY"'hifitti4
.the'estimation 01 �o tirade. . • ,
.Mr. iirayley aId "por'•yeara 1)uive
trOttbi,ed wltb gravel and loalmobo Of tilo
kidneya. to stand and clench mytooth
'whon.urinating, so intend° Wee tha,pain. • be
a1naaround my1olnswhoroaImottnt010rablOi
and 1 felt as though a eat were Wine paticia
down qiy back by the hindiogo•
Went from liad•to tvoiao tilt at last f,eould
not urinate at all, end:had to he boosted OM
Iliad be tainfldriece,..in uiacloup
/tending the testimony Published by the .boan
• ipanoy db.; I ritivrailtriilar 41610.61r own.
4 being in COnstaut ligentri doolded‘te give
'thern.a trial, and •got a box Of the pilltroni
'epacto nab's drudatord, at thee:enter of. Market'
no god, so t got 'o,nbthor, and
'attilther, -until I 1ud takon four holieri and was
up *lien relief Canii°:;.I'coritinuede
toltalco thent till' the pain left My haek, and
, aft now an et
o dote timed knight:1 •nover. get Up Mete.
thaii (inter i„Plie Urine fa now perteatilf„
alone and hive ko.Sedlinon'iof any stride • . • .
11,111 ani delighted to toittifY in:behalf of Eitiaii't
Oniad aitor tbo•lait
q.1.4.,i,f`ACprifid.60/1K.h.r safe ten kr; ro94 01
P,V0./f0f.; north Or,
AF,(1,f,lt retAlai tokat ng
roodc xfArae, eittatA fki,W, phi dy of'
ttprioi",; wemt lop,„ k 41,, ,o,r, !Imo k lin
'Of ttott (7' 101 hft plitim w)oil state
,a1-,400 noirt 1:114.41r 1(11 tIr,
11 yiumilmi," ftif(IITT pillt101.1t10 apply*t6
, JAW:4 tfittINIWIt8, -•
' t
f.itiiktioW IN 0,
Don't' fail to.see out. Stock
And-- pet,our 'Prices'
ndettaker & Enibahn‘ er:
. .
trliol. tire' and • Marine ,,Insurtilinci
• Reid Etitrite and Lool..A. ent. '
'1i114RVIE ddrARIO..
Agent bribe 1,4ondon' Mutual Vire ineur-
fined CO.-, British A inOricti insurance Co.,
Ferrnere Central Muttial Fire;natrance Co.,.
and the Canada 141.ifelinittrance.Co., also agent
for tlie rEmpleyers Liability .AcCident'. and,
Ortiiiiiiiite77'Allkiir elide t'llondon;-
England. ' .* •
Diartratice alldiriasear Of Property Pronipt
'attended to. . '
Bruce n ;Able; KitiloeS and' ASh..
Ohoiee'liirms for sale In towtishipe of•Greenook,.
perty 80111 or exchnnged.' Severe
ad,'.11:13:ribeirClacti:oliiit :of, money to loari at. 51 Red
5i percent, On first-elass mortgage. sottiritY..
Parties Wieliing any'businesst chine in alise of
the .s.hciVe lines please etill on Or address •
.T. A. 'MACK EN2111-, .IjelyrOC.d ; Ont. .
Inipertatit to Breoiltnii Horaernen. •
Etdeica rAtrgTIOLtAljg-AM
-Veterinary= r.fr ' ' ' " :
A reliable,
and itpeody
Curb innlfisn,°t re;
SWeeny, etc.,
etc. in horSes
: .)
,and L• it p
,:friutiX,fifArtx' e *Mob MI
ceinpanies every brittle, g iving`,scionti treat
men.t in the varionii.diseases." rt min lie used.
.in every ()age of veterinary" practide` wherd
etlthtflating applications and blisters are ore -
scribed. It has no suenntedr. E'Very,„' bottle.
sold ivititaratitted in give satisfaetiOn. :"'Price
ilk pet -bottle.. • ,Sold liv all dritggista and
eotintry trk . it- I TRIP
Vlo.PERD.TAR i‘inpxoTistu
The Page„Wire Fenoe Co,, of
Ontario, Limii,ed.
, . .
'1' •
---Wills.; Deeds-, Leaseil; ay.; neatly:eV
es,nted. Agent for the Natiooal Fire AsSur '
ante Co., of Ireland, FOunded 1422, Capital
g1000;000 Sterling. Also agsnt for the,.old
relictble Star Nurseries. Have 20 years ex. '
perienco in fruit, ornamental Auld flowering '
„shrubs, 1.'arties wanting anything- in the above
e need -a n
information whether they *ant to pinchase
now or at a future date.
Office: Town Hall •Tueid-tys 'rhurs•lays
and,Saturdays, •
1150 0104 '; • . 0 IVIPANY, Lend Om 0 at .
. . ..
,,. . .
S'Ilisin a Welt. Known -Citizen.
"My daughter Polly, has for more theme year .
._Jou troubled with pevere.sympterns ofliidney., ', •
. disease. „She' had.eonstant and, actita.paine in
-her .back. The ;pain in bor head we,. rearfrd. :'•
: and alinoSt unendurable, It troduon • -tom- ' • '''4.b.ntod ber from attending lichool..ittal,s , ound-•,' ,
. study atbdnac practically impbssible.. ...blie bad
tio.appotito„and did pet sleep well. 'The pain, , •
as mentettlieve..aroundl_bot4to.tt :alulidinwari,;,...1 ...
. much troubled With fluttering and papitation.,• .
She was completely worn 'cult in body and was ,
'tired:and drowsy all -the" thin), Ilor mother
. and, thyself iidearne eerier:161y. alarmccl as,(dni -
was constantly gettibie worse. . ', ' ' •'
"Last•Jilly my danghter Sarah, a teacher in
the . Peelle School. at Xingsvillo, Ont,,, °Arco
house-to-tinend-lier-vacatiouranti -finding- bet- .-
eistor in -.such a ,•distrmising arid 'datigerbus
conditimi, said, I atn taking •,1)oitn's Iiidney '
Pills:and theyare doing ma ninon good, flown
a hex with roe and.wilr divide with l'ollY. wiliell '
'she did. '13y the -time roily bad nnished tiie- .
halt belic her -Improvement in health 'WW1 ,
co marked. 'that I procured' more" from Mr, °.
• Praleigh's drugstoro„ . .
• ..1.1er full restoration to.11eaftli end spititswiil .
rapid. and cputinw,tii„.. She li's41161v-nOtle of
,tier fOrmer dangerous, painful' end dist) escing
„.• kidney troubles,' She ear!. iirsiee6s well, and $.4 .
• for more. than n month . enjoyql the inest.,,
•vlgoroua, health,. She; has not, lost; r,.., daY, at •
(4011001 BIDCO, She ceinnieueed ,thithirglie pills; .
`and bias so much frith in them, efabo•Cliey
'restored her to full health. that The \stints nie
td keen six b'oxes• in the house all the time, in
, case tiloy should be needed and mit irvo,ilablo.: .
tier cure has been soivrodprful slier] ) i irks they .
, Will cure any complaint If t,,e pins luttl cKt
$10.00.4, box,„I,yould liot have...berrifilged tlyi
health and etrong eirlik.od, from Ian -former.
;lark:Rai sickness, , etc., has inade.her Iliottl6r,
'.`anYself, and daughter 0., happy frouilx,
' "I Make tido, awarn "statement WirlA the ftilT
, approbation •of rny Artie .and datight,or, voliip,,....
- tarily.-and-wItliont--0:117:-.0r4ing..orAndtteer4e0 .
*liatover, te she*. the gratitude ttfy, do tighti,rf,
*Ito and 'myself. fool for 00 .cv6tisl 1,1 NI et1113
•wrought by the -Doan • Rid ney r111o. .1,1'e 1410
riot„ tiro least doubt ,that lier-tryitig the ,pilll
Oust at the time she aid. srtved ea a Inro
doetes,b111, as 'she was all but Melt' abed Kt '
Illp tidio, ,',I am sixty-tive yearseotit n..0,, 0 car-
penter by trade zhav.b • been' ii rosidvilt of•St, . .•
Mary's for feirty' years, .and eobitty ceestaide: '
for thirty yearFi and am Well known, and 1 tiffik6
this aolornit &adoration lielfeving il,e• ett11.11"tn'
be trtieLand itnoWing the 'satire to have tler •
earns effect as an oath, rtud areordin,:t to the ,
Act reepectiliq'extraJtalical Oaths 1St"3, .....
• bilei, ,wiTica A At ,1 li OIVIL ,
-Melon and declared ,beforc. too a. t 'Ow Town
ot Bt. Mary's,. in the iflottuty,otpettli,. tide tyr. .
tiagoimaroii, A,D:,•21196.:
• . • ,.• .sga. , VAL N, 170t1D,'
'.A., CetnraisolOner in nigh, Court- Of dlistice, .
Oetario, ,, , •
• •••ti.-