HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-03-12, Page 2Every Treanor of eh1.irch,•L,odge or Association Funds should at once open a SAVINGS ACCOUNT for these Trust Funds. We specially invite this class of •AccOunts and pay highist current WIINOILADE BRANCH' 6.6666.6.16* CANADIAN tANK. • F. C M 'EKE HEAD orrIcs. TORONTO tSTOLI8XIED 1807. B. E. WALKER, President Paid-up*Capital, $10,000,000 .A.tEX. LAIRD, General Teenager Rest, 5,000,000 A, It IRELAND, Superintendent of • Branches , Total Assets, - 113,000,000 Bra:Itches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England • BANKING 13Y MAIL 85 Eusiness mapy be transacted by mail with any brandh of the Bank. ,,,bAkaeounts may'. be opened and deposits =ado or withdrawn by mai4 Every attention is paid to out.of-town accounts. 1ACKa ' ISLQ. t CF FUTURE, 001444 ! l l appol t ij .atiye Priti 4eurnallet,. i'horo is na 3i;iltioniriincled men C'unacln, rut ealitnina tied fuglerti wheal- moral grandeur and fervor imagination exalt the nation an throw ,a glarztor about. its dentin t:'rites I-laroid llegbio a The lei Chronicle, iii a young country who brow is bright with the Agin, on whose feet move with strength o the high ineuntatus, we look fox ti statesmenwhip of a Hosea, the pr pliecy of .an Isaiah, and the rejoiom poetry of a ,Shake: pMaro. • iiia• Orem inapiratton We l.tolzmand glog, )}tit Canada d<sa}ipoints. ,Site epee!: tonguse, in singso l to us • with no:lyri cal sweotnese.- In the dawn streurnin with increasing h,ightne+;a orx ho path. •slie sees no outline of th r'frrr're o-C0:,,l, elle hones; no (mirth. of the young eyed clieriibiin. ,She i eonseiotrH of the greatness of he ;future,'taut that greatness is all 'of th tnatl-et-place and the wharf. She goy. forward to take' her inheritance, no with hymn and„ Bong,- but with tip gr'nt masterfcilne s of a nierehant en tering hittcounting house. Sir • Wilflitl Lauder is a geed tea mill a dexterous g,tli#ician. He i not a great pian, Inc cermet trust loon :elf to. Make ilia ri_hte,�m,t and par. eionate Repeal to the cit tion which would rid it forever .of its. corrupt anti ahemiir:ibl,. l:� liticiaiis. Ile dib- niisses ministers whoeo iniquity brought home to them; hie own virtue 's known to ilio p: ople.: Iris incorti:I,ti• bility 18.rco2pted I)y i Jg1ishmeti .iii 1 Frenchmen; but Ito has nothing 'r; that Gladstonian pa :ion for honer and parity which can sway multi. tudes and set a wizole natiotf•'.in the way of righteotcseoes, lois long, ioan, ash -colored Egyptian faee.re;ni;u�ls one when it is rrtr'inatc'l by his rltetn ie of Henry Irving, and when it is. sphinx., like in . repose of Beniatnin Disraeli, Like thea two men, he is a pictur- osquo orator, an adroit politieinn. Ii.? uses events, he does not make them ; he watciw; opportuuely, he dues net fashion deathly, Fortunuto is it for Canada fist ancone 50 mativ hsee and pliant politicians there should ba this con ral pillar of honesty end self- rospc+ct; but happier would it be for her and for us: if the chief Pilot of he; fertantea hncl the •lofty soul of a M.1 - fon reel the €.peeion mind of Geri - held!. Pathic "re the eerie of Cita. aria. and the pre;,=.e wt,°eh history will h^atnn' anon the Freneh-Canadian Prise ^*ini• ter IS fiu:t he main -toil the puree. Geniis alone can remove it. +►h in err d xy, le o- 4 i 0 r e S t• e.. n JFk71;ctcT chQ.CmIseiaveal h' troahletJlpgl •Acn5 to a einorn Mete et IL I astern, each es Ai•:zlness, ;, ,� *rt I otic( , 4�istrese atter catitag,k41410t'coq!'e Fo, While their most. feeuxrEeblosszc,:lal ,,trxne4o;vnrucuriak CPI€f Ung OLIN Contemplated Work of C. P. R. In the Northwest. Mr Win. Whyte, second vice-presi- dent of-t:`e C. P. R., who has recently been in :tontreal in connection with the work of settling the company's appropriations for railway e::pendi- turc iu etern Canada during the coming your, leas now practically completed his work. The appropria- tions that have been settled upon do not provi,ie for any new -colonization lines of striking importance, but show that the comp'•any ;will confine its' at- tention mainly to 'continuing the work it has already begun in thoroughly exploring the vast and fertile portion„ of the provinces of.Sa,.lcatchewan and Mberta that lie within a distance of from two to three hundred miles north of the company's main line. The peemipal ttmit decided upon for this y::r, P,ir. Whyte announced, will be the completion of •Pheosacct Hillis braceh clear 'through from She- ll() to li'etaskiwin, on the Calgary- F,:1•montorl line, thus giving the com- pany a° far- shorter route, between Ed- monton and Winnipeg than it has at present, besides opening up much new country. In order to complete tide line a section of 82 nciles will have to 'be built from Shcaho to I:enigen. Froin Lnnigao to Asquith, 24 mi1ee west of Saskatoon, there is a section -already completed. From Asquith the company will build a stretch of 2 ) nines west to Hardisty, at the cro.s- ing of the Battle River, and fla*-will complete the line, for the rails are already hid from the 13attle•Paver to Wetaskiw•in.. A. B. SMITH, XANAGER. DOMINION BAN HEAD OFFICE : TOROETO. Capital paid op, fiese:ve Fond and Undivided profits Total Assets, over 48,000,000 W IMAM BRANCH, ` Farmers' •Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, ,the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits" a v. and upwards, veld added to principal quarterly— etid of laarch, June, September and Deena. D, T. HBESURN, Manager. I VaristOne, Solicitor, ber each year. ouTsIDE ADVERTISING -etch as teachers wanted, business cluthees, mechanics waisted, artideator Bale or in fact tiny kind of an advt. in any of the 'Toronto or other eity papers, -.maybe lett at the Trsms °ince: This 'work will receive prompt attention and will save People the trOnble et remitting rates will be quoted .on application, Leave Or send your next work of t his kind to the IT:PAYS. Touches the Heart Sad Story c? .a Mother of Four Chikiren !aid 13C1,1 With Consumption Whit are Canadians doing to Combat this Disease? We are sheeked at the tragedies that the neWspaper0 record almost daily, through railway accidents, exple`sions, falling buildings, and other causes. Each incident must surely draw upon our sympathies. But sad and lamentable as these are, the results.are insiguideant compared with the loss of life and prolonged Suffering that comes to thousands in* the Dominion stricken with that dread disease Consuniption. 8,000 clip annually In the province of Ontario from thisalisease ; probably double that number, taking the Dem - inion throughout. .., We have on our desk a little booklet, issued by the National Sanitarium Association, by whorn was established in 1002 the Muskoka nee Hospital for Censumptives. In these pages ale published. a few of the letters that ai o being constantly 'rot -mined from appli- cants ,seeking asbniseion to this Itins. kola), lime for Consumptives. Let; US refer to one simply to empha- size the purpose of this article. The story is of a resident in the village of Lascan —a iii other. q he friend writing on her behalf says that a few months ago this person, a Mts. Carroll, burled her husband from Con. sumption, Ho was •au all ,inan. He peddled oil around the country in his witsgon. There are f our sinnll children. NOW the mother has been taken Hi and her physician diagnoses the caso eon. eilniption—the infection doubtless ob- tained tn.nuraing the husband, The Muskoka rree IIospital for Cori sumptives are being asked to admit this patient. . It is it pleasure for 'the management Of this insbitlition tohe able to say that at rie time sinee the doors were opened —over five years ago—has a, single ap- i plicent been refuted Minaission because et his or her ivability to pey, . This means a:heavy strain financially the Trastees, who year in and year g farther extensions and' placing eir hope in the good Will Ana gener, 011 th TO A,IDVERTISE osity of the Canadian 1112 ' WO 'do nob know more deserving fourid everywhere, and We gladly append to this aetiola the auggestion of the booklet, that ontreadetes help as far as they ,ean to Maintain just soh patients at the pent mother of Lucan. Oootribtitioos diem.* may. be sent tn 191r Wirt. H. -Meredith, Kt, Vice, Ga e Esq., St Spaditta Ave.. The Retort Courteous. A well known New Yorker was talk. ine ahont the London cabby. "It is impossible," he said, "to ride in a T,ondoit cab and pay only the legal fare of -a philling for two miles. Try cab -riding without liberal tippSee and the cabmen will assail you witi; the most blilliant and witty stn. "1 know A lawyer, who, throvgb ignorance, redo from the British .Mu. sewn to lite nits Hotel in Piceadlly, and only gave his driver the shilling required by law. 'The driver looked at this shilllng arid bit his lip. Then in the most courteous manner, he motioned to the lawyer to get in again. • "'Go on.' ho said, 'Do step in atiain sir, / torrid ha' drew ye a yard or twodurther for this 'ere,' " British immigration. Becent British official emigration re- turns show Canada's unquestioned supremacy among countries receiving British emigrants. In 100G Canada received 5,300 more tritishers than the United States, and in 1907 she re, Ceived 16,660 more. The rest of the British Empire is nowhere its cont. pared to- Canada. Despite the assist - 14,30 es against Canada's 117,586. 01 00t1V80 layge proportion of these are adults. It rs probably true to say. that Great Britain presented to Canada last Sr6,r a populatiOn hardly loss than that ef the Province of Saskatelmtver4 A remarkable 'feature is- that this unprecedented British exodus On- thronisec with the UnpreCedentedly large foreign trade. tie test eatiatilart Route, Once more tomes front Halifae the *linty that the British Government will ldst, the Canadian route as a Military oho. The Reline despeteli intye that unotliciel information 'has reached t'8611ifiee•4reait'Thalt5""' Ilford that the CatnetOrt_Highlandere Wilt be tent frorn no* Ettig to teg, seining thieerneyth•Ittmti,Inint.PliPetheyulso hiss tele. regulate the bowels, asseall taes cella veserl eve suffer from this tdatin17 comlleinti Marone. able In PO wetly v to a that y r la not be set. Iles to 4o witlicet them. Betide:ran gaol: hetel 18 the bane 0150 Tenor lives that acre fe.,Wherg {VO melte ens gret,t buast, . Ours/ilia emelt weed lathered° not. Carter's Little Lirrv Pills am very small and very eal=y to t•da3,„. Doerr twapille make a time, purger but by timIr pane aetiou pieties! au wee. 1309 No Excitement, "Hare," said the dramatist, "we have a husband Who loves his wife and a wife wive loves her husband," froM such material?" His Inference. scheme to !mop one perpetually dirty." . "1 Judge from what you say that you've uever taken one." THU. TryIng Times in A WOMAN'S LIFE • WHEN AND '41EIIVE PILLS - ewe almost an absolute necessity tawarda her future health. The first 'when she is hist budding from- girl- hood into the full bloom of womanhood. The second period that cowtitutes a special drain on the eystem is during pregnancy. The thitd end the one moht liable to leave heart and nerve weak= it. uri ng"chq age ef In all three perlode 1111turn'e Heart ard Nerve. Pi* mill prove of wencl,rful %lam to tide over_the time, Mrs. James King, Cornwall, Ont., writes: "I was troubled very rauch with due to "change of life. '' I have been Udine:your Heart and Nerve for some time, and mean they aro the best remedy I have ever tt.!,1 La. building up the system. You nre liderty to use this statement for the hcae:3 of other Price 50 cents per box or three boxes for 51.25. all dealers or Tbe T. ISSilburn Co., Litnt:ed. Taronto Out. wny Currants Are Nutritious. The" reason why currants are so re. markahly nutritious Is that they con- sist to a very Irsho degree of saccha- rin in its most eestly digestible form— that of grape sugar. The piquant fia. nor of the currant, which adds so much to its pleasantness as a food, is deriv- ed from the vahlable percentage -of tar- tarie acid which the berry contains. Potash is also present in the form ef cream of tartar and Is undoubtedly of dietetic value.—Ladies' Pictorial. OR e Terri'bie Thar_ War ! More terrible than war, falline or pes. tilettee is that an tut! destroyer-, that hydras ea e mons t or , Consumption, that annnally sweeps away more of earth's in. habitants than any other single disease known to the human race. "It is only a cold, & trifling cough,"emy the careless, as the irritation upon the delicate mucous membrane causes them to back away with an irritable tickling of the throat. Whea the irritation settles on the mimes surface of the throat, a cough is the tesuit. 're prevent Bronchitis or Con. eumption of the Lungs, do not neglect Oough however slighe as the irritation lipreading throughout the dolicatelining of the sensitive aw paesages soon leads to fatal reeults, If on the first. appearance a a coegb or cold you would take a few doses of Dr. Wpoci's Norway Pine Syrup yen would save yourself. a geesa deal of untrecessary suffering. 'Wood's Nor. rillO Syrup eontains all the life-giving properties of the pine tranS Of IsTorway, and for Asthma., Croup,- Wheophig Cough tied de. Be time when yea ask Ter Dr. Wood'a Norway Pine Syrup to got, it. Don't bo Pride 20 cts. Miss Lona /401mtiof Onto - Writes haVo Used be. Woorra Nor. Nvay Pima Syeug foe throat troubles after mast tay that nothing cin take the place Ivadd liet be without a bottle of UM the SPELLING NAMES, When the geolh 144 ,Ftraolaai, x10'1=1110111 controversy in tbe Irish mou AS to tbe right of tiny braneb tbe ancient race to spell the IA010 tbuseewitb one "ti," That right, to was maintained, was held ouly by the O'Coner Pole al bead of the house, So prolonged was tto eonteet. between the paetienes of the (Mellor alld „O'Conuar titles that it W09 Called U.10. Isrie$4 (standing eor "endless") en referred to Sir J. Bernard lento, the Meter elug of mane, Ma decision reenehled with a decision la a =tale other matter—namely, that amelr 1.1;414 he said ou either Bide. Tile two die - puling nunilles hod u common Origin xt king or Conuaught, and could win ditlon spell the mune oue way or th other. ifortIded by ties "award," th two families hard continued to spel their name- with ono "u" utr to the present flour, I1qually firm on tho gue,etien as to how his mime simnel be spelled, Wtt8 rile witness in a case tried in the ids name, his prompt reply was !Voila • ea." eDe eou," queried counsel, Like to Try Psychine 0(1eleese 'wed me bottle of RiNnue. .4 heve a, child afflicted with tuleorculoetet and have Welt ielvleed thing' mere for eay We," docter, saye he motet do any - to try your3zdileli.ries:;:::mily Psycholet cam whim doctors fail. Many- are early they did not try pmbine lint, Throat, lung aed ewer, At MI druggnits, 500 MKT eL00 or A. feleetim. I -dotted, Termite., • PERT PARAGRAPHS, It meet tbet the pee SUB are too buey (Moat who giv to use au skt Ito foto treat!. anal mut terferire whirs era ere ohne tet esi:hon7rCepie cac't brreve *het day pews illusieu left will &ewe Ede* Up a /Wig cister to The Loa abo It la ore tuing to make tio ord bock let you ene.n, it. • .coAL COA • We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON ,C04.14, 1; which has no equal. Also the best grade& of Stnithing, Visonsi And '''' HonleStie 0041 AWL Weed of 11 k . w peon hand. I: We carry 4 LUMBER, SHINGLE'S, LATE! "spell your mune with or without an 1 ir. . , have said, variety tu the Dellina or 1: , the names ot people, as In that of the 1 4 . Highest rodeo' paid for ali hinds of JrAts "in : names or places, owes its origin to I t. er he spelled. friend regarding how a name should i'' I do AN Moliwootanal ever to us. In the first ItIrs. Quiver, rut wria having christened bee latest '.aby. The old u.inistee was a little eueritel. "I saki," replied the smothe4 with soino asperity, "Mutilate" "DO raid the other, "mean Anna or trent) r "Look 'ere," exclaimed the now thorom.nily exasperated lady, "I 1 8 • won't be hesain Med in this way. I The second Inelleut te which We re. fer I.; this, Here also these was "a _lady lu the case." She was 00 ail ere i•ana, and she luta to deal with' the !lame of another party. In brief,. she had bought a pair of sleeve !baits for her Chime wheu the shoptuan asked, "Any initials, miss?" The rest may be tAated thus: "u" upon thew for his Skanuan—Pardon me, is It Uriah Or rjytiSPS ? 113 Pi' with "U" are rare, you auow. (proutily)—Ilis name is Eugene,— London Globe. N G • "ifiCLL PITCHER." Hisi.ory of the Famous Herc:ne of the Revolution. . "Moll Pitcher" was the daughter of a Pennsylvania German family living iu the vicinity of carlisle. She Wits born in 1718, and her name was Mary 1 I I.v•Iwig, a pure German mune. She ' listed In the First Pennsylvania artil- l'' was married .to one John Casper ± Hayes, a batter, who when the tilr T broiie out with the mother country en- . 44 levy and was afterward transferred to• •the Seventh Pennsylvania infantry, (.011:nandet1 by Colonel William Irvine of Carlisle, with whose family Mary 4. Lail wig leul lived at service. She was 4 - permitted to accompany her hushand,'s regiment, serving- the battery as _cook Lu.1 laundress, and when et the battle ..1; husband was wounded at his gun she ; sprang forward, seized the ra.mmer .x. end took his plaee to the end of the 4. I1 , atti,.., After the battle sire carried 1 po: name of "Moll Pitcher." water to the wounded, and hence her f noses died after the war was over, and she married a second husband or + the name of :McCauley, and at her grave in the old eenietery at Carlisle there is a monumeut that bears this t3 s la a ei The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below * 4' 4. 4. Times and Daily World ..... • Times and Toronto Daily News.. ...... .. • Times and Daily Mail'and Erapire Tinies and Daily Globe . for any of the fallowirg FuLlicaticns : 2.;10 :: 4.50 Times and Toronto Daily Star I. Times and Daily Advertiser : Times and Weekly Globe . • Times and Toronto Saturday Night 21. 88 55 :4:3': 2.60 et + Times and Fanaily Herald aim). Weekly Star 1.76 re Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and premiums Tames and Weekly Witness Times and London Free Press (weeldy) 11:8805 et - Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1,60 Times and Toronto Weekly Sun + Times and World Wide * Times and Northern Messenger 4' Times and Farmers' Advocate We specially recoramend our readers to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate ard Home Magazine. Times and Farming World Times and Presbyterian Times and Westminster Times and Presbyterian and Westminster " Times and Christian Guardian (Tcronto) ... Times and Youths' Companion Times and Sabbath Reading, New York Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto) Times and Michigan Farmer renowned in Ilistory OS "Molly Pitcher," the Heroine of Died January, 1533. Erected by the Cltizena of Cumber- land County, July 4, 1875. On Washington's birthday, 1822, when Molly was nearly seventy years old, the legislature of Pennsylvania voted her a gift of $10 and. a pension of $40 per year. Auditive "What town is that a few miles to the north?" shouted the aeronaut, lean- ing over the edge of the basket. "Oshkosh!" yelled the agriculturist over- whose farm the balloon was pass, "What did ho say?" asked the aero• pant's companion. "no didn't say anything. lle swore • rerdtteet qtorgb End Wet ono. asked what Vag tho chief lesson site had learned fir life's stperlence, and her peompt tinswer was, "Toler:ince." It might limey been eepected from woman Anita, Mice said that she regarded life AS a game of cards in which the nettebe ed eaeh ineve With the deepest interest and inraed at far ria noStible to ter Common Pace:el. SehoOlinristet-elktote, ten any or yoit tell Me Whether. there Is tonnectiog link between the animal end vegettibie Tunes and Woman's Herne Companion Times and Country Gentleman • Times and Delineator c. 13:8255 . : 2.15 2 25 2.60 .11. Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine 21..9955 + Times and Green's Fruit Grower Times and Business Man's Magazine Times and What to Eat Times and American Illustrated Magazine Times and American Boy Magazine :221:9▪ 738500005 y * Times and Good Housekeepirg Tirnes and Cosmopolitan Times and Ladies' Home Journal 2.75 1 Times and Success Times and Saturday Evening Post . ..•... :22..:05 3: - Times and McClure's Magazine 1. Times and Home Herald Times and Travel Magazite 2 25, ' Times and Practieal Farmer 2 10 Times and Home Sournal, Toronto * Times and Western Vette Monthly, Winnipeg1.25 .34 The, above pvicesi ineltnie postage oh Ametioan plablicatiores to tiny 4. • addeess in °shade. /1 the TIMES xs to be Sent tO all American address, add + a 50 cents for postagenand where Atheriean pliblications are to be sett to so * • American addresses a redttetiot will be made in priee, 4. 4. :ethos list, call at thie office, 45r droilit card and We wilt give yOtt priest) MI the ; . paper yens want, We cltib with all the Icading ntswapapere and mcgeeinet. : at When pretchims ate given With thy of above pipets, eubseribers will at from pablisliete. seatite etith pretniutne When otderibg theough tit, same Eta, ordering direet lo t'Ileaa law rates mean conoiderabie gloving to oubtoribort, and ate office or express theney order, eddreesing Timm °mot,