HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-10-05, Page 1a
!Ctivga.pead,: •1703,21
TOt4•413410,tfi '11827457'
. Hintrd of pieeetors ,
;Presiagne • . '' • UAYi.,c,...6-P,,,r04'qiirar.. •
• ST.a.r.. . A. ,
• :TORN knourbn. Gila; 13.0,abit,
1\1, p. ..A, R,.1415; (Toronto).
OfRSOrt, • 51, P. ,
tbishier, Tmornor,t.
' Oadlaci'; H. S. STEVEN.
Agenble•ts "
'Berlla• • , Listowel Owen Sound
Canaan, Man Luohnow Port Elgin '
ahesley Manitou, Man. Simcoe'f •
Delhi • Milton , Southampton ,
GootletOwn • .. 'Morden, Man, Toronto '
Grimiby Niagara, Falls,: Winghsan
.liamilten..(Darten St), • Orangeville
• Winnipeg, Man: /IaMilton (East End), „
traiAllers..are notified -that, -the- Ban
Muratori .and its Erandhes issue Cirouln.r
Xettis f the National ,Provincial J33itnAc'of
OUT CH4GE;01.1. summit's. in of
Surgeon nnd • AcCoucher. Surgery
• over .3, Elliett's grocery store. Othce. 'hours
from 9 to 12 a,M.;frozn 2to..5 pan. and .:froni
• . .
E 1,SH ED' 188$,.
, , ,
We • ,clo a Ofieral.bankine hilslaetfel ' issue
drafts throughout Oanansiand' the 'United
States. Wel:Cake collectionon 'all Poi ntS,
including.:,--Wcsfern States, Miiniteba and
tile North-West rrovincesi and all' golreo..
tions, whether note or account, willhave
prompt attention, '
discounted and farmer's sale notes
ed: •
We loan to faimors on. donble or ...single notes
1^, at from 940'0 twelve menths • time, and at
• reasonable rate Of interest. •
We loan *all or'.large.• amounts on; second
. Mortgage on fitrins or other real,estitte see,,
urity and on first chattel 'Mortgages ou.live
.stook julirnplioiffeuts and efops: ' "7
,alromn•Jarrt. stricolOi..nfiurlds AO adVance
rn drSt mertgages from 5 por cent. to ii• per
The rate is graded. according ' to tlie
, quality and siz'e'of.the loan required.. • • •
We rcipresont.theleading_Siaglish .and
Insuranee Companis and can
1 effect insurance on all classes of Property in.
Our office lionrs aro from.10 a. in. tO. '4 j3.
• Allma.E1t.
LOCAL rrEits.
• MeV.' 0013150N, 11,1):. OAF., 1' 1-
' •M.S:, M.O.P,S.0 4.1,1Ystoiati, Sur- •,
geon and_'.._AbcouclOr..! Opitairs in Wm: , —Boots and 'Shoes in all lines a
' behind J. G,,Murdoch•St C'o's Store.' •'
•Allifo'ne* block.% Resilience Rem sve.et,•
' Miss L Sutherland is iisitino"
rtontla 01:tawn: ,
ters, SelicitorA, ' ete., Ondorich4. 1911 „friends in -
.41, prAnnoW, CuAs•Gainww,'""- ' " Stevenson of ,London is the
guest of Air's. IX Sheriff. • -- •
, --Air. Balkwell, of tendon; the'
..• "Sellciter, (":011veyaucer, . ere, late of
,.04ffteton,liolt.&,.Crimercsn, Oroderich).• , • . ,
guest,of Mr: Thos..Douglas,,.
• npstaird ill,./Witik,nt.W,block.. •
, • . MCIttlyThq8 ...rotorneri4'-from
her'.'trip to the . , • .
,....."--Wykrnn.—:-.4,...(Yeneral' servant at
• , • • ..
on'ec, Apply td•AIre,'•Tin.
Ste.vensen .Addermaa .bf Lon-
don, is yiends in Lucknow,
Yon • want the inside price in
Baits and ShOes .'Oalt,at W. J. Initl:
p.,,XeAl.orsg.e. and fariaill
Visited friend:4ln Paialer and Vicinity,
. preaChes An
niversary flernaolis 'in: Portia. dext, Sab-
McDonald went to
:Toronto •Ilist •Week. Mc -r.
returned:_fearn knout . four Donald: •....•
. •
A IP b'Olicitor, Onfittuiesioner, Ncitary,
.Mortey..te loan. Oiliee (iver IVIO • "Ii; 13arber
' - '
-11.011../L.--3/..ALOSS ' DEAlka,
. .
He Ureds"leopMer. iy Hethbeii of, the
thitatile 1.3EaVeril*OPv*,
- . - • .
:Toronto, ,Sept, Alex.ander
M. -Ross, 'Clerk of York 'County .0otirt,
• and formerly mernker ,of the -Logisla-
. tare for. West -Plitrbit. and -Provincial
'.'Treasnier, died this afternoonGi'ace,
• Hofinital.- Mr. Ross had been: in
hoalth for several Months -past, end
parties iti.dehted- to 'me '.4arliop,aareettiag..
please. settle; their, accounts at • their A. very inetru.,,c•ive . parlor 'meeting
eadiest convenience and, ablige. Yours was held at; •*.r8 7jno.. Buttpn's, on
Harry Days; Sept. 25th; ' The .subject under dis-
-motion Wt14 Ofl'" Systematic. (4iVing,
aiicitilet Inetance
. oftwo;:;aperstryingtooxist.whero sttnetive, and thosapresent left tho
.theio was. on room tor ene.„,,,..."
---Bin1er. twine arid repair accounts
. will be due peto'ber.let at Andrew 1S
. 4 . a
• Weattie just," received acute' naed"s
,-The regular Meeting of theW,Q.T.
U. Will he -held in the' Odd, Fellows
hall,. on. -wecinefiaay afternoon, next
at 3 o'clock, 'A.11 metriberst are urged
to be present.' ..
'shrinkable: It is. Made in Truro Nova
Scotia,: :,-- Get it-aft-COnnell's.• - It -pays
to laity. the best.- ,
• —Mrs; D. McI)ougall, of Tlicssalon,
Algonaa,„.. and :.formerly: of Goderidk
who been. °. friends in
Lucknasi'and ether, plitees returned'
hernia on Tuesday,- .
• •We notice by an'. Orangeville ex:.
change that farm property'r Melanet-
'hon Tp. is stallin,q! for about $204.per.
-acre on an'..avereger,-±.VatmAaroperty-
in 'thisvicinity i worth . twice ,tbaf
• weeks..agpy ,"AbOut",t..Vii,•.weeks ago ae ,,...H.Juado.Kiirn held.' a. seeston, of e•
.•_ .
wee received tathe'llbspital,'where ho, Di,,,i'sib'u'i7dolii.
. . . . ' irx.' Lublarow on: Tues..
gradually -tank. , Deceased/ :WAS •b.prri ' • ...• • . , .. • .. • . • , . ,
in."..1).tindas, ScOtlatid,.: Arrll 2[18-29, , '3' al . '•.. ' .. • ., ... • .. ' - •
and carim.' to ' this • coufiti:j, With. his ..f.. -f--qq.i.'S.•.' .1Vadiri-iriP9",, of 1-13'41i''"" la.
Parente M. It183, and settlert''irf God- •the'guest. bnirs. 'Al.ullen, of -Belfast;
... rish.'..". .In ' 1.81?0 ',wee ep.poirited trim- :bilis we' eit, ... .: '''• ' ' ' •
surerof Ouren-county. • He'lield this . .• • '.
. .. .. , . . , . , --Mtki McLennan, of .4.1..reber.ley,', is,
l -position : for. 25 ,yeers, -.resigning- in . • : • • • • ., ., . • •,„
1,882. orr.Ins •appointplent. as...Pro-rm. .4.• het,a-.613't-4.1-11('''.-"8'14444.;•1111-rs-2411e-s;-.
dal. Treasurer. At :the 'rime of -fire • „.
'Trent 'affair, 1861762,, be or,gtinfzed. C41•1•.litian Itas 'returned`
• • . . • ,
• ail, artillery company at Goderich, ann from an extended visit to Toronto and
was "aPpoihted captain of" the same. G '
Tn 4866; during the "Fenian raid, he ' '
—.For nien's 1,..1,eady-made Suits go to
•Was ivith his conapany on frOntier
service and dbring the Same year was 'Connell."' 'We are clearing them out
• .. ,,, • . . • ' . •
• appointed I-lawaS first at bargain prices, , • •••
elected to the Provincial Legislature —Nits." Acheson, of • Goderiell,: was
Ruffa 'and. Caperines o to
.0min-el1 'Never- liadl'better Tissart-
inept than tins year ts. black Coney
Ruff' for ',.$1'06. 'a better quality - for
1 25 ,Sabla •1342ffii from 87 00 to
816100 C;a:Cli, •
. •-,•••-Miss Ehza Ann Paterson, Who
has been , vieiting, at her • home for. the
last,tive or six weeke, has: returned to
the Wategap $arntariam, Pennsyl.,
vania, tO resume lrerrittitie ntirrir
in -,that•Iiistitution •
••-•L-LoSh.-..—On.• Tuesday. evening,.
Sept.250,.• between Luckne*, .and.
Finley's sthoo house, Otb concession
of ..Ashfield a dark brown iitercoat
'with.. grey ining Finder will be
stiitahly• rewarded' by leaving it • at
this .offiee" or 'Cain's hotel P MGlynn
•: -=•To, ri..13NT..,,,,A good franie .'house.•
Onpamplaelbstreet; be1qing to Mrs:
'modern Conyenienoes.. Apply • to :It.
Gallagher: •
• for. \Vest 11-1:TI On in :,-187-57-trand won -Nevi- tTie-rfueSt "of her Kiefer. MYRist . Ntint41:
1;16.63, was adraitted to,the :Govern, ' • . . •
'McLean last -week, ' • -
• •• nient..118 PrOiincial.irreainiree. .SQ:skr ' •
' }Mara ago he resigned -this Poeition, , MrAlex SeCarrol• left .6n: Tues- .
." aueept the clerkship of,'Y�1 Ho 'day, lastior Brighton Witete
leiiv•Os.‘ four '')11.s -T•444 "'Secured a •gPoil'eitiiatTOK
,daughters. The reutains )vere taken ,. • r •
roan who nts.e, suit or open.
to Godericil for interment on ittesclay. ' • ' •
••••• • ' goal:L.5hr sie_g1131
Alessrs. Mullet) & Hunter, of Ash -
House 11'01. Sale cheap
R 0 bainercia offers- his frame
cottage ..on Havelock„ stfor sale t
meetIng , convinced that systematic"
gi.V.ing" Would fill the...,„ empty treasur-,
ies of Temperance Societiei. •• ' °
Gard or Thanks
• .
Bavieg serif may Drug. B484163E1 to
G. W.. Ilerryoe1 ish wthank
My many .friends for thek.patronage
during my long term of business in
Luclinow,„ and trail; ;tat. the same
pleasant rclations may still aoritinue
wiih, the w• arai:
•Y'• tire RespeCtfully,
-Hama Ders, •
low price. ., House to be ren\\Tjfl idso sell a. lot on 1{avelock
near by on InOVae
1:10uSe, will be sold without the lot if
Great Exbibi1
„As We. go: to . prees.. the' „great fell
01.16Vi of the Kinloss liettnel1. Agricul.;
tiwal,Soeiety' is being held, and. finiir
weather•cpuld not ,possibly.haye. ;bre>,
seb;eted. The Show. itSelf is aWity
of....foriner years," and ;ell he bla,(,
tufised,'-.1t.'i-1,ealaeci: to 't•x-
hibition eyne:
' •• "-•
Our press.:".Gc6tU" '.4
tnd NV n9W. .!(••51x1111,(4
‹)ur -,. •
inaa(4 With :ail' • eye' to •
ied' Siatendid "crowd ' was in. a.ttendfince.'
ilturett. 'firhe'Tiorreert433;
enidYed by all, 1iich togetlicr ;with
the in;tranieutal selections try the or-
ThaPkgigMng• DaVan
• Tliti,.Gtoyerner-Getieral has/proclaim-
ed 'Thursday,. Octobe;1 thlf, as Thanka,
'giving Day. This date will be much.
niareTeenep table, thittrone-an-Aoveinber;
'and -will petrait of; greater out-bf-doer
OnjoyMent the a'da fn the dreariest
-Month in -the twelve
'The Sidewalks
The granolithic,aidewelks. are being
'ptiebed along; and the Whole side of
.Campbell • street' from the Methodist
chuttch ta..the..McGarry House, 'except
a crossing,' is now completed. The
Company CoPpear:to he Making an ex-
ceptiPtially good •job, and the Com -
7 ....
•fr '
. • • .
eheStra and .the vaeal
Itunter and others rnad upa. vecy
,Pleasent '. • • •
. The.';hall•iii-1•Pautifully.o.rraogbd arid/
contains in that,. .:WOUld (lb
.deetlit, to. the great Industrial . • • ... A •
ontoOn entering the ;the
visitor is•at once struck 'the. beautY
• . .. • . • .
-platter ms-,'.--a-ra.,A11-4-filled-,4with7a-
• • .
.distflay,,. and many olcitir,„I'ac"etdealere
,aradeiervitig• of special mention„.for:
4he Very:fine exhibit they haVe
Mr. • wy,i3.erry• Sen, draggiste;
.show large and" bealftiftil •Colrectioh.
Cf•wall.' papers; hehy .carriages,. fancy
goods, etc ,,All 'Of Which Are neat y.fir,
; -.ringed and very 'attractive. It is :one
pletedairs look v--- Welt ' • ' •Me.•
" • 'A.!. .'Loclaead,'druggist.,111so .01pws
field, on Tuesday la.st threshed 1461
bUshole•,ef peae and barley , in.
three •different. ,•-,1T1.11..Lf. Is.i..2retty•
good..Work. • • '
„ • .Liettirig• J6136
Cohhcillor Thos.. McDonald will lot
a job , of ditching at lot ,10 eon. 2,-
•Kin1ose, an SatUrdey. next at mia
O'clock. also let a job on lot
thelard epniest
• speetai '!ireettro?...
., A speCiel. rebating of Court ':Shiat.,
their Colartfitiani,' Friday 5th, a7100
,an,. All mernbers are...regneflibd tO
field's Viaslitinkable Underwear ie, sure, '13
be 'resent iie' business limiaorttince
to be sutished. Get it at Gonna S•
is -to, 10 brought before the Court, .
•,:•••••Miss.Baniee 0.,rahain returnedto. •
4 . • '
)211.03d tho MovitishiP
titirDitriSiou Court here.on-Tiies
bty last,- a iiverit.1.1.,able...,IteePer nained
„ •Merris..on,' :of: Kincattline,sued,' tho
• • ' -
township. of •Kinloep for N'onlo 859.75
for Injuries done 0 one of ate- rsos
" 1
by ••• tireakingthrongh..„941 coVering
On a bridge ,near the l3laok liorsoln
•Atigiist.last. .The .pfaintiirs case :Was
conducted 'by dal.; •}1.*Scott, of
*Toltirierolitirvi8,k, afterspentlinetwcr
• .
weeks at.her home' here, •'
,—Aiiction Sale of Varna Stock', the
property of Win;Thilaysen,,
11. McCliaileii,.!).itctioneer.
.---411tere. ere 4111 f3edie. of those Oor-
lets WO ;Of at 4.4c; per 'pair, , This is
tr co,rseti. , Connell.
A good. 'Who' at- .
' :Large, quantitiei of -.1theet have been
handled buyers • this
past. week; ma ny„ farmers coming from
but a few miles ' other .markets;
owing .to the much ,higher .040- paid
Other buyers .were.pa,yinesiity-,
two,cinat!I per bosli4 'and. tgeir Luck4
noW Competitors sixty-five. Three' cents'
.pat bushel is very; inarked. difference
tzttdezt bOrttn
Our citizens Were greatly ..Surprised
on -Wed eVeni-bg,:last,-ta_lear;
of the sudden cleatif'of Burne;.
.teamster. this' 1)eceased
had Only' been at, a few,..clexe ytb
Canadian ..,choler,a,:„ • • en
beautiful caSe of •.prepitiaticinT37-ofts-tiv
at his drug Store. • :
• Mr. ,rn. Allin .as usual, has onex-
hibition a largo and hatyisbirte display
of lovely • pianos; °:',--orgens, sewing
machines,,ete., .tha't.areliothatiraCtiVe'
and beautiful. The 'be.antifuf. 'hearse'
•owned and manufactured by ,Air.:A.T. •.13ea.uiltig • Hearse
Davison, referred' to. in another column, ; r.A. iof
..shOi.)..44,:was. the admiration ,of, every,
.greatly'rltdded' tb.•tha...haterest of . the joc,tnheed4ow.ioort. coh.eaa;stcyp‘ce.;ft;
truce', It is...without. doubt01
• : One of the largest add hest .displays. nifinan6 vonbion, and .139t 0.-nly a greab ,
th'.3 hall was the'l?ealitirui.°151.16itisc'n credit .to its newner and maker, but a
of stoVeS,,lareps, hardware, • ote..:;-• me:dt. radi4.,.tamanoirlige:•• _._k.„.in not
by Mr!' Thos.. Lwarecni. It is nieely erEfagoynidter ;Air. :‘,,Diyisn'a.'• •
arranged, and greatly adds to tho fl- i(1, all the Woodwork, ,Painti14,
,pearanee of the placO, Ift trunimng, -ctc,, ;Ind in 'feat. he: .11-"ssi
,•• .
•,. . .
e tt•TK,O.
C 0.411(1.011 ,that ,this SPeA.r.
tions - are the finest
eye', shoWn.
• •
niend . ••
• g.(3\''.`• ,:i.-•••• •
„ 1
Diess GOPCI as ,1;.\.1 •
2oc. to7;$,
In Tweed Eifects •vad
tume Clot4s.:our tattge is,
ied s and downo-date'.
lal valnes'at 25c,, 50c. and 6.5e:
ins%ection and, Coinpariso't
viant .
death' "Wits. a; Shock to: his .pliison each show a large..and beentifitt • ,
• : rimsaing..gear, - and" it , will ce,rtainly '
friends, ., lie ...'well ap . honest,. herd. ' case of handsOmely"tri,mmed hats, bon. -. • . • ' '--. .
coinpareanost favorabylwith the best :
Working ;man; • ancit-'enjoyecl ' theCon.: 'nets° ,. millinery,' etc., that'were of soe•-•,. , ' ' ' .,1 ..• • • ..
.. • •,.. 1.41.13d. . 1110S t : p:'pensive krim-ses :turfiel
fidefiae, gild...:;g0pd-Will. of everlidnicii; ial interest to thelady -visitors.. ..,,,, L•out by the loading' carriage. bdildera •
anci. .''his 'w idoW and • sdh ' have the' The., largo Mfg& of 'Staged . '..)itlfli. r 13461 ;in •Caada _and t he:.'.1.7 nit° 1:.
earnest sympathy of all in their great -flOwers, etc:, were ' greatly 'admired,' s...tate';', it 1,&iis 041 exhihiti.on iin cull :
'bereavement. . He was in his' .4•661i while 4 beaver. and. porcupine shew.n, . • • . . •
, • , • large hall at the•fall show, and nothing.
year, and-tha:•-finverel---takos.-plape,t4ds 14411Frja
of Kiii1os, E deal of attention -end • . . ,
'Friday' afteradon, ' attracted great spectal attention or called.torth gioatf r
• • .. • . ' . . ' • ,
were among 'tlie .tnost, hatereating of ' •
-7,Harvest the special exhibits,
• praise than this beautiful hearse. '
PistiSt1P•chrf ShowLof-frilit•-generally,lettuts.a.„, • •
Pistil's, church, Dungannon,. • The cle„-- this year it•is certainly, oneof the best. 114rrY Days, who this •
corations were suit,able aCeord With I.Itiocetples 'almost' tho 'Ontire soutl the. dew," business in
'the- annua1---iiarv8t • Thatits• .giving .sorViceit,Were held in:8 b., ' leading ,feature 'of''our groat,•rehoW, arid,' '..; . .Y. s• • Cl.s.dif0 i,n.;1?-'t'i.g-gisi'"".
in , for .several years past; said. out to. \le.;
the. occasion, the :ItidieS. "having 4143it, . eide of. thabitilding; and ttlarger s ud
best. The; R:eir...M.r. Owen, •RPettir. n , „OealdiriEtWe-tiliindlra"Waatirfit)..ntarkce, :.t4.-e..:11,(.11,,e1.)tti-ci•sy*-i,11':11..1;.a.:1•iss-,.i.-1:•01-,..1s.::;47-3tIr..a.•••.rricAszt...trA.6e::.4--...„,,.J ..
St; 'Befer's .Lticknow., oTciated.. ; "'Ile ..".,'The entries,hi,.all the chi:Sees' were lit(ga :
preached appropriate .sernerfni, ' both.. 'Ivrid the quality of ' the...teni t sliewn.was ;•-•\ -r.:1),B.Ys„- has "bc'qn a •nr..5t.'class'. brrl't-'' '
I1&5 Man find' a .goorl.citi7en • and hie '.
...Morning. and "evening„.' to .Ovetflowing, . Of itiO.VeritiOSt hothls.: size ithd c010;',
000gregat.ibbs.: ..Tbe ,Thi•ryqp .4. oree ; ' he.dairy, :gram); roots .and Vege- • 'a ) . eilds .`%°tq bt- .'s°11..Y.L° "3 --.
:f0OtiViil *AS .1.,ellea,tspd..,„• ki!,t1,,e .kgrieu.1.:" ta' blew, Wert; else' ef...tlie.beet, , Mad -thO 111,11.1 le•t`6' '1'6 v'Illike'''• '''.'4" a :hut4l."8. ' "'
. .. .,
te.feetiv b0.4r.d.w4il Pl.'Padiatia.l.arie hibite was filled to 'overflowing. With" a' lf.(Tds'. an cominendatian train' , tire.
•numbers sat doWn...to a entiiptitous Ve grana-"dieplay... „The "garden 'stud' was 8'.." t"sl'..'.,' ":''''''11.6.l''' ..°51P.'..clift'h6 'cld''..$1..' ' •
pafiti'• '.110"entertaininerat,-1afterWards
. , , , also good .and •largely rePreseniee...;•
• , . and, heSt „ltn..ovn. ri-ViclU'o.tii ef the.pfaCe, -.
it.'h"aitig.;m1arly •:,,tliiiiy.-fatir ye.iirti 1):•;0'
•Waif. equal to•tlie ;.oe,casion. • $..• quar•7 • The ladies dePartment thiaugh. net: '
teefie...0...-!.' ladies and...gentlemen. ;legal .4.4, ifttgoii; , ropresoota, aii on,:. sot.", strice.- he first • statted in , the . ' dr ig '.
..,..Qtaderieli.-;.cliti--iirepleiiietice tomaintain'..other,..ociasions,..4s....!..:"i:e'y'i,:3140,0xj•i)itlif,,: •..h.'1l,r1"8.ii\, ,),‘,°k'.'•°'''".., _i'.,,r,.).`1 ltlrih.ougli" 110.
„their musical.. repo tation,. ata,Mask..-aird'Whii,t it 'nifty'lack in qUantitY: is '-'11'1".'' .il'tir '.'6t.„1"4:6•'-?"4;t.Y. . l'"Ill.airCi•Nt..
Winifred .61,0nas, ninin:tained ..6t.1.6,, •;,•104- 6 -a -n, in 'Ins - t ' ' '7,1 ' ' 11 ' '' . 1 ittida.tsii..i::11 wl'i.it11;i II ji:Istsci, llitf t,:sri,:;(:t,:l.:Ii.. ti iitte',4tti:In ':.,i.hileo...:: '
putatiOn as •A.Coniing vocalist, ',. The I. ItY of tile .' at tiolues•Y•Slaonw‘ne.xecTlcien7t1:01,111a4' V:
N,1,1 1 /..,g('''. And:1114' ,‘,..(:"Ifil VP, ' .X1.r. johrtx.1.?,
outtatusts Of applause .6.1h. . time she (11204 of iiietures is- 'also good.' a l
i 1: ilet-ry•is also -a prat:tit:1j 'IlruggiSt .Aha: .
8fipg ..iie ert-'4•Yietetlee ef.• appreciatioh; ,adds a e'reet: deal' to the. intereit. •
A. :Convention, of the Libval COP
ser,vatives of West Bruce will be. •htalifi
nt l'incardirie, at one o'clock p;n on
Thursday,' October 1 1 th, 1 for the ppr-
pose of. selecting' a, candidate for the
Rouse of boraraons. •
1)41[1*1U 131 Sad' • Areas'trop,g who has youitit tne °Watch,.
Kincardine, and Mr. P. A., Malcom -I, • . „, . ,•„ ,
Peen visiting xrieticts(tti„sttipley tor tie
padt'wee re Urn o n
son 'defended: the township. Judgm:ent k od..b 6 4b;
Was reserved. jest reeeivcd. •ti btrgo
, to eft: ( LI3 o' at's'
611'"'"1"661`°"tiv 436""Act "ru442 soldat-trose.piie-ea.. `11.7. j.ctittlo;-
Peoviously 4cichOwle4gecf, $ 00 "-:1101t S ilgantity of herd'.
Sproat • 00 woOd floorinc, find dressed lumber, pine
e- •
ete. ;Apply to Thomas •Tocid,
, Total, $10.00 1."Str, : • , 7 ;
, . , „ , .
, Any amounts eontribuOd,hrfriendir" ..N1)3ntlay on.; the
of the: will be; thankfull,y Soitthern gravel 'road, a...Steen "jacket.
. ;received 'anti duly aeknowlAted,, • ..,OWner can haVe'the same by calling"
gottb"kiiripa:Ni.Tr..p1;.' ';ati
.A.iaout five .years agfr
and chain were stolop., ft9ta Miss it
jell° Watch
'Moore, of thos 'village, and a couple 6.
-trtiVelling,speetable •, Alitots; who, lad,
sto.p.p0X-ovt-ti..night;at_the Tiat„,were
ebarged ,with the theft.. There was
no. ilirec.WeVidenee °* against 'thorn and
they Wit.:166 e;P: ,11.otbing.; has sineben. loardabott6,.the wateli. till last
Satorday, when 'the vicirldrien.; , who
were moving a.:$sitta holOtiging Mr.
Molten', disenoVeertd the ,loag". • lost
Alatth ntitttifil-Patlf 0:1itfilding; '
. .
Rama the 'church look at; its; bettor "Collection of epplee, pears, eta, his 'son, ;Cir.: Joh a—
• tete' ball on INI•eade' eveeleg, when • space:, uSuallY allotted to those' ex.., or a's, yill'4en G.
• w v11 and t aVett'r..1.11y .k.npwfr , • ; lie.
„Altogether' the IjarOest ifetne was a • beauty of the show. • • -
stiocess both lit attelidanCe• and finan-j A full list Of thoprii.e'S.aWarde4-Aill,„.1•Pr'('Plo pf, c•titi...sarrOuticlink,"
dilly .
•. , •
appeitr in our rieict ,
••cuttry., •