HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-09-28, Page 8iI, • 4�. can be • made strong, y: and vigorous You o%v ? B3' using'Loc`head's, Pips, 1ls ; ri � .Pale n ass s . due et 0 0 / lack of'Red' 'Corpuscles, in Xe blood, that is, ,the' blood is ,in,andwatery,not ' red ' the rich, • fluid whipl it should be for - ,�1%n.�rri.�t�.eF��az,.�.'.'ecF ..-,-„rsa”=-`.gym-. •-_. aT , '��i8 : ._, aiihe'� •all •-'- . Qt; ed for any disease caused by impoverished blood'such as pale greenish `ox: sallow ' complection, weakness, . M lees of;''appitite, 'nervous pros., tration, . depressiop• of spirits, Palpitation,"wenty,;fiyecents a box • or, five boxes,'for, One° Dollar, MADE .AND SOLD ONLY BY, A. . LOOHEAD.. Ohemist &. DreggIst Li/•excl./ow. THE I3BUCES' .11v LI1pE Mi• John. Totrnla';M Ff b t Wiest fl iu e • .Again the Choice or the Liberal' ' • convontlon , .All the. Bruces •aro now in. line to do-battle'for t e Rin tit Hong ir; • Wilfred •Laurier .•. ,The• Jas.t standard to take the' field for the: 'Government .was nominated here last Monday' by a splendid -convention, thoroughly re presentative 'of the,' constituency;. •The' unanimous=choice...was' Mr - Iohn. Tolmie, .51'..P who, amidst• roars of applause; "accepted;: -the nomination, Mr.'svalter``M. llack, •; .President of the West ,Bruce—Liberal: Association,' presided Tu •nddi't'Ton-to:-th-name,of • r-:Tolmie,thero�df:==a. Peter , H,. McKenzie,; Kinloss, .".Alex • .' jSmith, Toronto, .' W M.•Dack, Kin cardiae,' P 4 Malcomeon J ti, : mut- dooh Lucknbw, W • Henderson, Barrie'' and Dennis Izzard,Port •, Elgin, were' ropoeed,• All retired with theex; cep io' of Mr.- Tolmie, *he '.was., made Ehe•'unen' oas choice.. Resolutions. •of• , confidence a ilia, �ioy_erriment;_of •'Kir Wilfred Lauri, passed with - .:cheers. ;• The proceedings ; w_ e A111i�edivith;a.fine:.presentati_ n of ilio Glovernwent's, : position: by *the. :'William Paterson,, Minister of Customs .who,; spoke :for two Bones. The Liberal candidates: in the three Bruceg•• •sre Messrs.. J B=•-Oaoopbell' .in 'the' • North,'',John Coumans in the" Sit, and`John.Tolmie,.M. P., in the West,' :The whole °Liberal'•forces .in; the • est, ridin .are nowLmore-thoroughly united .than ever• before, -' r1 • • fall fair which is to be held .in DiM- gannon on the llth and. 12:th of Oct. ,are 'Taring neither time nor money Make 110how•-srliat-itrought-ro-bt „the beat .in. tfie ceunty.: With a thoroughly revided iirise list and the " tractions it will; With fa;rorabie *eat& Sunday, . John .after shOit,illnesi;.Caused by,. heart 'dittease. departed,thiti life, at residence' • the; township of Ashfieldt,:,died 1?fOitt )IltLLWA1f McNsba Iala.nd '(damp, Sep , Tfitl : "Dear` Iarryc •=This ;Island, near the. entrauco of tho,basin Or harbour upon. whish Halifax ie; built, is noted prin- cipally for its rifle and artillery, ranges.. From early slimmer till ,late in the: fall there aro detachmentsof hike - try,' artillery, or marines encamped here for their agflu'al, target 'practice. e. The, last detachment: of . the Royal Canadians are . here 'at present.. Counting ' twentyodd Marker's kers the .parade state shows a.total strength of eighty-three " As: far as: I can makeout the. inen are... wil'14-tie;¢ed::, e • anrli.. ....,44.„4,4-4440s.•,;- t c3�- -•-.°Yµ,if Jr .� F!iv free from the many roles and regula- tions ` with regard' to Uniform, which are enforced; at 'barracks:.. They •at-? tend: parade, wit ou ' ^ sergea while' Most, wear straw hats in place -of Ser vice; caps or,- hel•mets They are per, mitted to roam through, the •wood- iin-in the 's surf, iaeh,'pak •, berries; or sw enjoy themselves, in any, other proper way,', Black 'berries, blue berries.;.and rasp berries have been 'very plentiful and.a^re'still to be had in abundance,' A can'teeinfrill of berries with a little e dish' for n move - k' and. sugar " makes a fin REL.IQIOU$: SRRVIOES, IETHOOIST' .CHiJRCN yuey A Q Barris,. Pastor,. 10 a M.-.-Qlasseq 2.0 r.s...,,so4a $drool and jiible Class,: Mornin,8'subjeot- -" Pray, for jaabarore", Ereniag eubjeet. ;'•`;.Prohibiting ",, . • VEEIC,,NIC.;HT .S *IIV10Es, Monday 8 i ni, Lfeague;. •Wednesday 8 r, u, Prayer ,111Qetin ." SEAT.§",, ttEP,, ALT. 4VLLC014)IJ, V zl kMar et. The: following are the market' Q1' . iot:a,.' 'a tions for this Week ..:•;=. Whea r•�T„.- •A.-�w..-.: �!F Autc 1 .:rrv,.x T.(c. '� Gk-�• - -`. Y,^.�•....,,., .a, a nwtf.a" d WATCR S CLOCK, A Itbough" Prices have; again ail:• vanced { in these linos we''.aro able through Careful 'bu ; ing to boll at ` reason;. able prices. Ladl«'sggold, and' silver~ watches fill ed with El two hungry igen.. 'We Can claim out'of the sand at low catch lobsters, sea crabs, cod. ' For •those who ,are 'fond of na- NVe p,ake a tura there are .many-;things•.to ..stud . epocialty of as they<wender, along by the:.` -sad' y our watch •wave, or through -the-swoods and--fiekud . Ver—rant e eatisf t • they can observe '•With interest the motions of the lobster, the Ann; the also dig' 'meats,' • tide : or Gerita i • � silver, sir. Pet:clz- or vergi2-,n r•; fibred cases rn af`oI i , 1.181.., �. ..: . .I Ver .. nays' of tlu�ust a d': •.. y 11be}al p�>Vtrona re:.'c(t�r°irnr the h' Il �, t be i zo, t r a assure g , su e tle.�l that :��'gllst'.is not'tllc vn1Y'btil• axc'z month: 'n then yetis at our -store,. , `S0 )te1Tlt)er has �:fincl• th�ln �e�estin�• . , ,.. � ,.: Gs its speciu�-g perces ' :arid. _ ting, espeeiaii : •in lgpnn',you t e suit of'h©av �:tive,�d� ate'" Y s1-�ga�y �:ac�e (�iQthin y.. Just S40.':lir; t G 50 ...Also heavywinter• g these sults ��vbre �pS.50 and ,$0.00, •, , �ve��ht; navy serge fox~ ., but we .N . -foe) }I' ':.:ant to clear.:th l . �' ,ct l it �. . ., ..... � � �1-ter �c� WQ have just receivers our stock. date ao . a ock /of L�die, Gosts or, b ?ids. Special rice : to 'ea , £ fall. iVew u, tU... � early buyers p • r 1Yextw a: 1 1ve be i n •she ee g M'illinex r. hexa~ �a'l�sY. ser sst�n wit�Y • t�efl' b were bought 1Viis sero i;ed ;stock.:; -. by s Penthind e,t1,)e openings. in. time after 1V.[ot�da . �$e tom ,....her 17tH , : .. oron�t3i' n.. ., y •• pC,Ll�tC1I11 s � Y to -take t.hejr.`' orders, al•s':�Yill • find i'V iss�P:QI1ti: , . ,etl(f p�'epared •T • sea department as'we have had a .large experience . { in this articu ar i aC Ion.tn our repairs 71s our reputation in this is worth, more than the' •. Mere money.; If you cannot .get in yourself send Its your • work and it, will be promptly and well done. G ' ARMSTRONG, JE WELEIt,. & 'OPTICIAN;'; I-UOKN,OW' G - Y ;09- as st'= sea -shell,/ the star fish arid the inhabi-' tants.of-the various hinds 'of 'shells to be found; Then the •different classes ilea weeds are'.: worth'atudying:_aoa ten feet . Or ino.re in lertgth. :and,: very and Othri gr0744:frOte,the' Sand Where they • are :half the. time Covereilitlf" hid! the.. titne Aber :Might -be called,: • Ey, night 'One Welke eats beneath , the eters .or lies In his 'tent be eitn„Sesily.,hety the sandy beaCh, • and the incirmer. Of the, Mikes tennyeOn'a ,f 6111),34, by the 'Whiiiing Sotind Out et*ma;,,,There are several.:ni different part!i'eofthe,berheeten eityevgry. day and, are; •brOlight, -the beet . to 'the eel* ky a.14 party. :The water is• 'hauled frem ef he target tiding frem tigue flieLfor neighbor The ton and'I Barracks breakfast and are g Sunday Parade. , and. e the: ,Qtree right turn serviee to 116re is night from see diet enthroucla the eook houses is got. in Mira for reveille,:' retreat, at; 7,30, and foi: dinner Mornings there is a -chu In the absence Of a''cliap Mantling:: offiCer reads. n6 'Corporal On 'griard eve slumb the' fActOry 20e applei large enengh for . peel- .: and •coring; No 'small this fall. Apples that are paiitlY decay-, 0-MtE We have a large and varied stock of -the /Meet styles of Itetly-to-vreer' Hats. Having ron o, .where we have the stocks of the best houses in ..the trade to • choose front. 'We 'are confident buy your fill hat ,:as ;the. earry customer gets th,e first choice. , our .stock before Our Miss Lindsay is attending the Millinery openings in Zion-. "The, former': "leavei. reoUrn The latter, leaves a widow and two Sens nil of whern fin the, homestead the sincere sympathy of, Mends -and FrkAY—ANbiaitsokt,„„-on. 84 -tit the, residence of tho late 'David 'AnderSen, ell Of Ash.. t for and rive inin the eed aye ief ree ry to ay nd Wednesday . the_43attalicn: and tin, O'Grady Haley, So we had to' returri is of cottrie some gruinbling aniong.the nisq, 1410' on' the futki're.y6ars meet of uS 'will look. 'back with pleasure to the Ciais /did 'our. best tti.•%elelgs eYbs" at Years truly, tee•Corporal, 13 Co 3rd '11.0.11 Apply stating' sit ary to ,„ . • • *54%4..4.: you, price. a. • 'NOTICE' herebk, .given that", the Ann u Win eral Meeting of the„ abbvi) Council' Chamber; Lueldio*, en Sat- tirday the 29tb day of Sentinnber. 190o: 2 Welook, =pi IA, Every Share. holder Ought to, Make it a ppint to be, ,present as. bitsiness :of much iropor- taia6e will be transacted. LUCknoW Sep. " 13Y Order Being 010 Oatit halt 43.1.14 2, in the 8th (Jon, (Eastern 'bidden) of A alifield, containing 100 aeres. The to,rin *ell tensed and . 7n aleod state of ,nultivation, ,w1th 'barn 40i 110 Mul stable Underneath, A. now 'etely.and A half frame Immiel and Plenty Of 'water, •The Plane N cheap, nt 0111 take a suitable 50 acre farm in part psy, and the halanoo earl , remain on inortgago if desited, 33'sr, Maher Will contin.ue throughout the month ofilug- ranged four diffeycent loth to sell at 25c, 50c, a front of store? and. in -frort -window.' But e have some good things inside Ivhi(3 we will be pleased to show and. otive 1D,ric'eS 0 •