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The Wingham Times, 1908-03-05, Page 8
THE WIN(iHAM 1 ' iE S • VOL XQ%VII.—N0. 7.883. VPINGHAM, QflTARTQ, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1908. Toilet Soaps From 5c to 75c per Gake. TRY OUR • Honey Soap lOc Gake, 3 for 25c. regular • g 15o value SOT D BY *Walton MckiIibou' THE DRUGGIST . Macdonald Brook, Wingham, »+.-....++..-.• - J _ .. -.. New Spring Goods arammamommmisimealetimame We have just opened out our new goode for Spring and Summer. To say they are the nicest range ever shown here is platting it pretty strongly, lent really -the Suitisge are beautiful, both in deeign and material. The Prevailing colors are Ele- phant Grays a nd Browns i n stripes and plaids. Of conree Blacks and Blue are always cor- rect, and we have a Iarge range of these goods. HATSU1IIII A choice stock of Hats in all the newest styles. Furnishing& A good. new stock in all lines. Shirts, Underwear, Ties, Collate, Gloves, Fancy Vests, eto. COIIlE IN. ROBTI MAXWELL Merchant Tailor and Mien's Furnishings IF. YOU'RE lR looking for dishes, come to where you'll get both Ghoice and Price Right There's a few lots taking up room here, and while they last they go at White and gold Cups and Sau- cers, per dozen ............. .80 White and gold Plates, from, per dc.>.ezz . .g0 White and gold Nappies, per dozen .30 ALSO AT THE SAME PRICE : The old Willow Pattern— Peacock Green, eto. Dant Forget to Drink Christie's TEAS a n d COFFEES, They're just right i Jo Henry Christie GENERAL LOCAL NEWS, Wear Greer's Sheet; and Rubbers Auction $ale of Stock, Messrs. George nd Robert Warwick, north half lot 6, onoeesion 2, Morris, will hold a sale o horses and cattle on Friday of this w ek, at 1 o'clock, The stock is in good ondition, and parties wanting such a uld attend this sale. R, H. Gainless, otioneer. Fresh fish—at CHRISTIE's. Auction Sale of Farm Stock. Mr. John Fowler, lot 15, concession 1, Morris (Bluevale road), will hold a sale of stook and implements on Friday, March 20th, See large bills for list of stook and implements. There will be no reserve, as Mr. Fowler has rented bis farm. R H. GARNISS, Auctioneer. WANTED. -1000 rat eking, and all other hinds raw furs. Goo. E. KING. Wingha At the regular L. 0, L. No. 794 last; twelve oand the officers being, work by Bro. Th sontative of the 0 Society, who of tereating address order. At the o refreshments were L. 0. L. eetiug of Wingham on Friday evening ates were initiated, esieted in the ritual mac A. Duff, repre- ange Mutual Benefit rwards gave an in- n the work of `'the se of the meeting erved. We want room. All stoves at cost. YOUNG'S hardware store. Re -Union of The idea propos re- union of mem of the County Cct� assuming definite, doubtless be aha gathering. Reev Dr. Milne, of B1y Lean, of Guderir] a committee to II for the reunion next, oun t Officials. cs. d some time ago of a era and ex -members nail of Huron, is now shape, and ie will Ppy and memorable Leckie, 'of Brussels, i, with Warden Mo- , have been appointed (lake alt arrangements celebration in June SEED GRAIN FOR SALE,— Peas, barley, and a new variety of oats; also goose wheat, at T. A. N,ILLS', Wingham. Wesimin The topic at the Monday evening Men," Psalm 23rd' seated by Miss Bo abaent missed a x warming expositi ing f ountain of co the 23rd psalm. It the large numbers Ings, bat wo want invite and welcome. Iter Guild. Westminster Guild, "How God Leads , was most ably pre. d. Those who were lost helpful and en - n of that never fail - fort and assurance, is gratifying to note vho attend our meet. nore. We cordially all the young people A nice range of new parlor suites just received, bought at low prices, and we will sell them at very special low prices. CaII and see them at S. GRACEY's Holidays April 12—Pal Good Friday; A May 24—Victoria July 1—Formatio of Canada, 1867 July 12—Commer the Boyne, falls ons Labor Day, fails — King's J irthda Nov. 26—Thanks United States; De falls on a Friday. During 1908. Sunday; Apr. 17— , 19—Easter Sunday ; Day, falls on Sunday; of the Confederation falls on Wednesday; tion of the Battle of a Sunday; Sept. 7— n a Monday; Nov. 9 falls on a Monday; iving Day in the . 25—Christmas Day, FOR SALE.—Having diepoeed of my grocery and oreokery stook, I now offer my re eidenoe fof sale; corner John street and Carling Terrace, Solid brick, two- story. ten rooms. One lot of two. Fine locality, C, N, GRIFFIN. Salyat Staff.Capt. J. give a lecture in Barras ` ksio n Satnrd p. m. The Staff - at Vancouver, B. teresting trips to North, visiting. se including the S. Glen Vowels, beim Skene river by the l and canoe into the 1 has a very interest: address mixed "with The p Staff• a t , wt (� 1 meetings on Sunday p. M. IrOu are pard+ n Army. y of Stratford will the Salvation Army y, March 14th, at 8 pt, n. who stations d . made two very in: the -Indians of the eral Indian villages, ]Mesion 'tillage of 180 miles tip the ndeon Bay steamers terior of B. C. He g and lnstrnotive nmor and pathos. also oonduet the t 11 a. m., 8 and '7 Iy Iowa, Aucti n Sale. Mr. Angus Mc enzie, lot 28, oon. 2, Culross, will sell his farm stack and implements by nation ou Thursday, 26th inst. Everything to be sold, as Mr. Mciierzfe has rented his farm. See bills for a list of stock, etc. JOHN PunyIs, Auctioneer. Chairs for $2 10 per half dczen, at S. GRAOEY'S Sale of Stock and Implements. Mr. John A. Currie, lot 51, conces- sion 14, East Wawanoch, is giving up farming, and will sell life stock and im plements by auction on Tuesday, March 24th. The Iist includes some good stook, and the implements are in good con- dition. JOHN PURVIS, auctioneer. Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T..Fells' butcher shop. All staves at cost for 80 days at YoUNG's hardware store. Opera Hou A concert will b ham opera house t ing, the proceeds relief of a few de town. A good pr by local talent the citizens will half of those who fault of their ow stances. The ad , To -Night. given in the Wing - Is (Thursday) even - o be devoted to the rving families in the gramme will be given nd it is expected that artily respond on be- hrongh se particular are in needy oiroum- esion is 25 cents, GIVEN AWAY! store; FOR TWO cent article given chase of $1.00; At the Bee Hive WEEKS ONLY—any 25. ree with every pm - Mrs. Walter R The many friends will be pleased to 1 far recovered as to Wingham hospital, home in Teeswater which Mrs. Rose's was due occurred ou last, when she w owing to her clot She is now able to wounds caused by t all healed. se Recovered. f Mrs. Walter Rose am that she has so e able to leave the and is now at her The accident to ay in the hospital the 23rd of August s severely burned ing catching fire be about, and the e burns are nearly Extension tables, sideboards, buffets, couobes, springs and ma tresses—any- thing in the furniture line—you can get at special cut prices, at S. GRAOEY's A Uniqu Mr, Robert Char Tnokeremith, has can equal. If he li Charters will have on his present farm all that time the lon away frgm it at any weeks, the cocaeio native home in So years of age Mr, 0 ado from Sootlen and they settled Mill road, where sides. This is a boast of. Record. re, of the Mill road, record which few es till Jane next Mr sided continuously or 66 years, and in est time he has been one time was six being a visit to hie tland. When three artery name to Can - with his parents, n the farm on the r. Charters still re- r••cord that few can Bedroom suiteA—dresser, stand and bedstead—:6x20 mirrors, as low as $11 50, at S. G1tACEY'S HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for hies, skins, tallow and wool, at the Wingham Tannery. W. D. PRINGLE. bivision Court Several snits of m interest were tried week by Judge E1 traveller for the Li Chemical Company, vassed that town a oil. The purchaser orders, but there agreement as to q The oil was sent o but they were quantity received, excess of what the ly, The amount e fioient to last the.. ed to pay and snit: the following fir gan Company, th Company, James Park, jeweler, J. Barriston, Wm. S Judgment was g in nearly all case that the written and based jndgm; fence endeavored t. part of the t e sin s p there was no sal Lordship could no judgment. at Goderich. •re than ordinary at Goderioh last It. Jae, Powers, rty 011, Drug and ome time ago can - secured orders for in each case signed wan also a verbal entity and quality, t to all the oustomers, uch surprised at the hioh was greatly in had ordered verbal - oh received was euf- years. They tefne- were entered against The 'Goderich Or• Goderich Knitting ileun, druggist, H, .rophy & Son, R. N. monde, vett for the plaintiffs Judge Holt held order was binding nt on that. The de - show frand on the iffy andr argued d th at g Of the goods. His see it, and eo gave Gospel Temperanc A gospel temperance the auspices of the Lima mittee, will be held en next Sunday evening, a regular church servio will be Rev, B H, Sp Secretary of the Do Mr, Spence is a gaod sL informed on the ter The public cordially this meeting. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Meeting Meeting, ander Option Com- bo Town Hall the close of the s. The speaker nce, of Toronto, pinion Alliance. esker, being wtf i mance question. invited to attend Marmalade oranges, grapefruit, etc., at L'HBISTIIt's, Good Prices fo Mr. John Pyre held a sale on his premises in Friday last. Calves e $16.25 and ranch cows, l and $55. A brood mar Other stock sold at goo pleznent sold will. Mr into town and Mr. Ga recently purchased Mr taken possession, Stock. cry snocisettil Turnberry ld as high. s ronght $51, $5t, sold at $202,50. prices and im. Fyfe has moved n Wilson, who Fyfe's farm has FOR SALO—Clovsr, �y, Goose Wheat, etc. o. E KING Ton cam buy furniture for cash at at awaydown prices, at S. GRAOEY'S furniture store, Wingham. Death of Mrs Many Mende in sorry to learn of the Monday evening of of Kincardine, De with her son, Dr Se ago was taken eerie m ained unconscious' up to her death, T Mr. and Mre. Se several weeks ago at a heavy one on. the had been a reside manyyears and w Sellery. Ingham will be ath in Hensall on re Frank Sellery, aged was visiting ere, and two weeks sly ill and had re - nearly all the time e only daughter of lery passed away d this siiiiotion was other. Mrs. Sellery 1 of Kincardine for in her 53rd year. Seeds, Seeds, Seeds. rmere! Get your supply at GEO E. INNS Nomination of T he 'amination o. office .rf Electric Li for tae Town of Win in �.he Cennoil Oh eveaing next, at 7.30 wisdom of the ratepa place the managemen d;3partmert in the ha ere, the very best me be chosen for the offi the electors to see planed in the fiel. prevailed upon to The disonesien at day night brought for and against t oration by a com probably be tenth queetion after the Monday evening n era be present in 1 tain all possible i to 'he matter. . omrnissioners, candideates for the ht Commissioners ham will lee' held mber on Monday o'clock. If in the era it is better to of this importaut de of commission - available should P. And it behooves hat such men are , and, if necessary, wept nomination, e meeting on Tnes- ont many points both e system of adminis- issiou, and there will r consideration of the • aminations close ou xt. Let the ratepey. PUBLIC �l1EETING, The public meeti g on Tuesday e ing, called for the rpose of discus the proposed by la to plane the man me nt of the electri lighting plan the bands of a nom ission, was alt ed by upwards of ty ratepayers. Mayer Holmes a nixed the chair after stating the ob eot of the gather called upon the Re ye, Dr Irwin said the ighting gnestion been before the pec le for the past f years, and a gnlcti!•.. of the best eye of menagemeut had • of yet beet, re er'. One of the ar uments adv in when the town took ver the plant, that there would be • reduction in rates; bat ibis had f iled to material except in the case o the street lig The management b. a committee the conn0il he charm erized as little than a farce. The co.. mittee had ne thoroughly nnderstoo. the matter. oorl, ±nasion idea is no a new thing; Publio and High Soh•ol Boards are on the same lines, ha ing to do with management of educe tional matters a the spending of mon :,• raised for 1 purpose. Then, nnd.r the present stem, the oantinuit • of mauagem wis often disturbed, the election new men to the oo • coil, as last y the committee havin. charge of t department was an en irely new set j men. In reference to he by-law fort li election of eommiseio. ers, the men, elected new, would h. d office to t end of the year. Next year oommissi ers would be elected a• the same time municipal councillors; the one havi the highest vote to holt office for t years, and the other f one year; or, el ected by ao:]amatio, , the one havi the highest assessmen to hold office f two years, and the ot. er for one ye The Town Council • ad the power any time to appoint -ome person to over the books of th; camwiseion to fl out bow things we e being manage The speaker then re ' lowed the questl of the management of the electric ligh ing plant since the town took eontr and in oonolnding •,: pressed the opini that under a ccm • ission there wou not have been the haos and confnei of 0 few mantes a • o. Conncillor Spott. n was called apo nd ir his opening eniarks said he h arned that in ne: ty all of the mo rogreseive towns which owned the ghting and wat•rworks plants, th anagement was b a commission. A ere were'•conside able improvement be made to the l',• hting plant here, h ought the presen • an opportune tim plane the system . nder a commission he motion for the :ubmiesion of a by w came before the Council, and a t one had suppor •:d it. The state nt had been made that the presen trio light commit ,ee were. trying t it k a part of their ; my in wanting t relieved of the m. nagement of 11 t•t, but the epeake thought that if ere were three her. •working men in e town they were t. a members of that wmittee—and they are favorable to oommission, Mr Spotton produc- letters from Kin ar.line, Goderich, Mary's, Berlin, Whitby, Beiris, aterloo, Coiling • ood, Strathroy, hawa, Brookville, Peterboro, Strat- wen Sound, Chat - and with one ex - n Sound—all were commission and returning to the f the advantages of the continuity of he elimination of on so often seen in Pen - sing ege- t in end - and ing, had Our tem ech- oed was the ize, his of less ver The our run the lad hat sy. ent of ear hie of he if he on• as ng wo if ng or ar, at go nd d. on oi, on Id on n ad re ir e d e, e e 11 a le p Ii m th to th to T ba ele eh be pia th th 00 the ge numbers and ob- ed formation in regard St. W Oe otlee who had give. no attention to the matter. . Mr. Robert Our ie, sr , thought that the plant could be nn with a great deal less fuel if better dvantage was taken of the water powe Councillor Niob • l"on favored the man- agement by a co •• . lesion, if the proper men were clouted to the position. Mr. A, H. Mae rove, principal of the Public School, ••as called upon, and gave it as kis opi . ion that the queetton of how the plat was to be managed ought to be settle d, and then the plant pat into shape e. as to get the very best results, It coal be made even a more valuable asset o the town. Neither is .:ommittee oft a council, or ooriemis- st^ vases, would p eases the neoeseary ex- pert knowledge; there must be a capable manager. If the tempera are of the room at the onaning of the meting might be taken as an•indication o' the feeling in regard to the by-law, ne might have been j wafted in entert: ining grave fears for its comfort; how: yer, ea time went on and the speakers got warmed up to their work, there ••as a strikingly per- ceptible rise in the hermometer. The matter hay ng been pretty well threshed out, from both points of view, the meeting adjo. •ed. LAST GALL.-- • 11 accounts-" nm at be settled by the ='th of ibis' month, H BISHOP, corn :.r Soo and Viotoxia streets, Wingh m. LISTOWE The first g series betwee to break the t o hampionsbi Tuesday nig went down b b over e 100 s Y fast and clean finish, the first of Listowel. Listowel soori straight and bef nets. Wingha the score a tota Listowel. The played here on will undoubted) games ever wit the locals are Line up: Wingham (3) Moore; cover po laliott; centre, S. Elliott; lefe w Lietowei (9) Zilliax; cover Brook; centre, Thompson; left t, Goal umpires u Referee --J. Shea c e LEADING LEAGUE me of a home-and•home Wingham and Listowel e for the Northern League was played at Listowel 1. The Wingkam boyo speotaltrain accompanied porters. The game was contested from start to half ended 3 to 2 in favor 'he second half started by g. They scored five re Wingham found the scored again, making of 9 t o 3 in favor of return game will be iday, March 13, and be one of the best essed on local ice, as nt for the silverware, WANTED —A ton of roll bolter daily, 27c; fresh gathered eggs, 25o; also any quantity dried apples, feathers, etc. GRo. E. KING Canadian Pres Association. The Canadian P successful rneetin• Thursday and Fri fiftieth annual me was somewhat latg subjects of interee were discussed. A ing was the ergo. section of the Ase. matters of particul: ere of weekly ne Elliott, of the Ti eas Association held s in Toronto last ay. Thie being the ting the attendance than usual. Many to newspaper men eature of the meet- zation of a weekly intim, to deal with interest to publish papers, Mr. H B IES was elected a • tive Committee for It was decided to Press Aesooistion, will be worked out o annual banquet passed off very inoipal speakers Earl Grey, Gover' ado Sir William '7 ham :ntenant•Governor MoCertniok of the n Friday evening Aseoeiation with •rtained at dinner •g by the Toronto laded the Royal e oonrteey of the Those in attend anty were Robt. •w Bre; W. H. Signal; J. Leslie and 13« B, EIIIott, f c Member of the Exec he Weekly Section. Organiz'i a NatiOne the details of which by a committee, on Thursday evens pleasantly. The being His Excellenoy nor General of Ca. Mortimer Clark, L of Ontario and Medi1 &icago Tribune, the members of th; their wives were en in the TempleBuild Press Olnb and at Alexandra through t theatre management. anee from Huron c holmClintones C N .'Robertson, Goderich Rerr, Blyth Standard Wingham Twits. /, 1, • ford, St. Thomas, ham and other plane ception—that of Ow well satified with t would not think o old system. Some the commission war management and partisan admiuistra town conuoi':e. Councillor Mellen against election of a present time. As h Executive Com matte Pelves m the p:,sition to see them stay wit. not think the presen been su0h a failure at least not so far as was concerned. Th graft was a serious 0 Councillor Gregor misalou, inasmuch a. would have the ch. town in the selection whereas under the pre were only those w.' the Council to choose Mr.:u W Bone wa electing new men to t the Councillors had eleoted and the year's Was a duty the presen the ratepayers to co. work. The contin was no more likely* to be sustained Tint der a commission hon the present systttiim, as the mayor might go out of elfice at the end of o year, and los. elbly the commieelo et s be defeated. Besides, the men whhave had fifteen menthe ekperienoe o.: ht to be able to manage the plant fully better thttn new 1d took the stand 0tnmission at the expressed it, the had placed them• and he would lilac the jab. He did management had s was expressed, he whole council « the question of e to him, favored the com• the ratepayers '0e of the whole Of capable men, ent system there • were elected tb ram. not in favor of s position, when :;r recently been ork started. It Executive owed plete the year's ons managonient Gee', Britton; point, at, Johnston; rover, T. Fleming; right wing, ng, McLean. Goal, Yule; point, oint, Rooker; rover, ay; right wing, S. ing, L. Thompson, Insley and Boehmer. f Pet mersttat. Fon SALE—Good Victoria and Leop fruit trees and co Address, Box 406, A GIVEN AWAY stere; FOR TWO w cent article given f phase of $1 00. build' .: lot, corner Id eets Good v=.unify located. on, Ont. t the Bee Hive EKS ONLY—any 25 ee with every pur HIGH SOH OL NOTES. Items of Interest on t Oa Wednesday, hockey players jo the -return game fore leaving they reflection, sitting n train did not lea o'clock. Although tally they were defeats wlielmingly, the Oar team has, superior of the t played Chia seaso.. A telephone is in the High S have received t they do not ohan their footsteps, parents will sure This will, I a investment for t the pupils will c: parents, if so in stalled in their ho from the Acropolis e Hill. arch 4, our veteran rnayed north to play ith Kigcardrne. Be. ad time for rest and in the depot, as the e until nearly six onfiient of encoes8 , though not over more being 6 to 5. owever, proved the o in the two games . he latest improvement • col The late comers mely warning, that if o th,ir ways, orhaaten little talk with the be forthcoming. sure, prove a bad o Telephone Co„ for rtainly not urge their lined to have one in. • es. Our program f week is varied, an late have cOnsiste epeeohes oto. We w e the Literary this as our programs of of debates, stamp 11 en j 1y the change The topic of debto in Porta III for t ,. Wednesday a R• should be Aboli. Libraries." Leader R. Lloyd and of tb. Mason, !teed thatFt Fiction Io o ed from Pablio of the affirmative is negative this, May Twenty thonsa dollars' damages were claimed by Winona firm against apple -growers for se incurred through defective packing. John I,ynoh of von, Conn , while in- toxioathd, shot d killed his mother- in-law, fatally ounded his wife, and finally fired as h mself, dying instantly. Telegraphy... attire Highest exce,ds were once oper- ators. thousand needed during n©xt f e w years. Operators have secured in- creased salaries and eight-hour day. place e you mimee ola lu ately upon upon grt aduation Competent instructors, unsurpassed equipment, Wide experience. Commercial subjects free. Enter now. No vacation. MAIL COURSEb, WINGfllM BUSINESS GOLLEGE A. A. ErEN$R, NLA., Ph.D., GEC. $YOTTON Vice Principal. • Principal. RITCHIE & COSENS Insurance and Real Estate Telephone No, 123 Chancres in insurance properly made. Handle the beat Companies "Lnveetmente made—town or country, £-equitable insurance rates. Attend promptly t0 business. Neglect 1.o details. Devote our time to one business. Correspondence solicited. Our aim: Everybody satisfied. S.hedules arranged for large lines, Experience of over twenty years. No unsettled claims in that time. See us before you do business. We can make it pay you to do so. Information freely given. Now is the time to insure. Give ns a call. Honest dealing with buyer and seller. A lot of 1908 ca)enraera; call for one. 111 tho hocks and blotters given away d)ffi. a stair, south Bank of Hamilton. New list of propertite; prices right. The time to invest is NOW. All business confidential. Real Estate in Wingham 18 all right. 1-iRnranoe is a necessity. Orn your own home. Ritchie 86 Cosons REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. Griffin-Vanstene Block, WINGHAM. Phone 1.8 WOMAN'S $2.50 SHOE The best Two Fifty Shoe a Woman ever saw or wore is whet we offer our trade. We have planned and worked hard to g• t Excellent $2.50 Shoe for Women, and we are proul to sly that we now have a Shoe that comes up to our requirements. Splendid Kid stock --- made on the new lasts, Easily takers for a $3 00 or $3 50 Shoe. All sizes and widths. This Shoe is a treat for the Woman who wants to wear good $2 50 Shoes. Bsg stook of Trunks and 'V'alibes. See theist W. J. Greer