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Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-09-21, Page 8
BAST: or. mil.0 hole . `Who ' Feel Sick, We leVressed, lis ,fells Colioon, 9 t`J�31is}n N S ,,, 'fail .4#4444401,1144a44401, r, to Follow lila 44Frarn the. A, At White • credit is reflected, ox the Grand Trunk shops, at Point St. Charles,. where ,the. present lot. ,of care: were turned out, corppletenese, of detail'; artistic workmanship,* appoirktrnerits and fin - e. surpass .anything of their ;kind yet built in America, sod, th fact, it w;ould:be- hdrd to equalorn in the world .. .: . ' .t is• YLeAR�i:��f. :A'••, knownas Alis '800x- sei iee;- naturea'-1 e wide vestibule order i, •60: feet -the in the with•fou.r,wheeled.truoks,; mak, , g' . riding of the cars easy,.'and% With the - least effect. .The :cars, ,least;poaettle ltiltin,g are,Q9ui p p ed with West •ghouse quick. pp ,F a,t. i n , triple b rakes, a n d air si it gnel Aepeca1.:featre fthe•_ ars t h e peculiar. ,construction ofthe,p1atform •which is builtof steel, and a •adjust ver•n is arranged over tbe' elite co � g Steps, . Snaking: the whole . platform a .vestibule By this means. dust is ex- cluded, and perfect safety.•to passen- gers is assengers.is assured, The vestibule is also. lighted with a powerful light, which though unusual is a most convenien.'t. appointment • The -total weight of these coaches.is 72,100 pounds each, and they'have, `eacha;sitting ,capacity# for 72,passen- gers. There °nre.20.•w ndows on each side of`the. 'cars, finished on the ,out sideNtrid'inside' in. Gothic 'Architecture in oak and lnahogany';'COM bination: 7.h' einteriors are'faished in cie..red e: so m nd . • . .,, oak, and' are � extremely,. h .Trunk : atandAnd se The seats are, Grand . o ; ;, Parke •.. or, ; wile I Hamilton Padre O Coning � n.;reversibie: pattern, upholstered irr crLm- death',at .waltorton was ,briefly A ;tri•mmings aid e.,- at•for three son,plflsh Theother-trimmings �nounoed tn.'•our iastissu, • desi�, � in • bronze- terms: in. .the Ontario Lr ielatureand of a*and lcomfortable.;'si king roots bl ..and_ conscien- 'large lf' n e": made st• rong ale• cq b...:, eaftby:,' and vigorous. You a havr ?. B .sten L+odhead'`s : Y 6 'fres} Pills. *Paleness is` due oto• n 1 ck ' of Rod' Corpuscles in'•, h � .e.:1404 that °is, the, blood is hint t1; wa ery nota -the rich, d e fot° u �;:. hi •hit slioul., b �,$ �u w ..c • erfect health. ,Lochead'8Iron ills aro upegtialled'.for any �ease;caused:by impoverished blood Ruch. as :'pale greenish or sallow ;complectioii, •weakness, loss , of appitte, nervous' pros . tip""anon;. 'depression' ;of • spirits, palpitation, • fr. nnty-five cents or five boxes:. for One.' Mr. and Mra;'M k•isherr of Gri x.,naby , w Were the guests of 'Mrs; ,T. F.4Fris for. .a few •do•Yilaet, week. two, Mr; and ?Irs:. F.. Soatt, left weeks ago to ta,ke� iii. the. �Vesteru Fair and' .to •ylsit, >u and aroun'1 ge.caall� C;ES E RV 1. "RELIGIOUS 6 .. METIIODIST CHURCH- • Pastor, ' • ex C# >rlarrls, . er .,::. .• . - ndrd' , _ i• . .,,...; -:,cam .—Glasses; 0'A.nl.' k oruing Subloct- "'taken hold of.Go,i. i;. .Suu.laty'Sebnc•l and Bit':n;Class. Everting; 9uliket=.`''Uod aEeK �Ji1'• llenitcllt far pit.» ' 11Londy;1 u",'Gee lid ,'; \leutu.* Wedue.dap•8 P. l+r,—Yrayer o �R''S ,FREE. : .. ALL' WELCOME.' ,�i fJ tl l . AND. • SOLD ONLY • By :OCHEAD .Y. Ohemist &. Druggist • CK NiOV(T ' ONT. 1. P, O'CONNOB,•Q. blogPaPhieal Sketch Of a, Prominent, Citizen • • Village.,Mar • •the market quota.' The following are liens for this week -- 64c to 65c Wheat, ' ,n8c to 590 Barley, , , . 38c Oats,. , r; .. . , . WATT CHE`S•CLOCKS � A-lthough prices have Vance in il�� F/1 ';, these lines • we are able th•roug.h. direful buy ' g ing to sell at . reason able prices. T.adie's nidd `and Silver watches fi 1 d - ed with E: yi gin 847, /,- ' �r tharn Oe- gin e proved hirnse an, --a -_, _ - • r ` ' at `w.ith:e eeatih capacity; for eight pas O C re ?jJATCHCPSECa rOROa`i0• ileus member. M r. onnor s . strength was .n l his ability as, a.: tat-• sengers.is' provided whore the lovers form orator: ' Fie was born in `London 'of the flagrants r lug ease nand their , His ;ran Ont 4:4. , rn as near devices : to 'make .the. latest possible. The aisles' of perfection asp the,'cars are` carpeted -With "Brussels, andIi oleurn. • covers the floor in ;the. n nt, • The closets•. ' mckin' copppartme _ s C' are self -flushing and; separate lava; ries are 'Provided for the: ladies, to i P in- who suaoke With J saloons' are :fitted with Gle d' Y ' fort« ',The was .a captain; in .the 96th . Regimen n :cametoCapada i 1 . a: and settled in the Y .count ":of 'Middlesex; his'father ,was subsequently clerkof: the division a Ont. P: O'Con.- p• coati, Teeewr-' to , • net, received receiverd his education 'at the, Goderich ` Graarmar'' School, , and at ° • d finally entered ,• . _ l,.0 the hot . ; their very; liberal �patro .age ••-du 1 g in. mark for 1 Y esti is,,not •t.he onlya, a><ga, • We thank out c,u e , that August o will .. and -beg to . assure: tl?�ul• : a u list ea cos '.y O, f A r s lel �1 y l c 'p } • t... lir "stoi a Septelrnper }as s spa "` •ust see: Aha s �, 1 � ar Q � —TAO* ill. t, l:d ve � TM "_:r _ = - tt: Etna k.., �_r h� tta�' �csx� - #�nu nter-Wexg it ed at $6.50. Also 'a eavy C, of heavy two... _ .. � -'t em qui, � Co- to us Tl.. we want. to,clear h, .. These suits vc �p for' clotliingl: -._ _... ,- our stack f I�ad><es-__ for fall. . y. W'e h�l,ve,�ust received �: Nal rices td early, buyers: , ' ds Sec F rite goo p up-tg •� i Y ' seaSon i; '�yith a • i�etl- selected wstoel�, • k we begin the ' Millinery sed . e • were bought by Its en an the , . � s' Pentlond prepared ;These -goods. .. •„ • nda • September 17th.,., customers -will find 1. s time after Mo y P - we g or Any 'Next e T M• 'p tl' d at the openin s in to`take their orders: mei it9:. Gents, .i "n:. silver,' til veroix o r trilled^costs • We make a'.-• Spa a:a y of our . `watch department as wehav had a lar,. experienOe, in this particular lrpe.•. : We guarantee satisfaction in our roparre as our• reputation in thin is worth: more Oen-.tje mere money:,: us 'our; n ,got in yourself sen y-.•., If you can Qt g . work and it will bo promptly and wpll done... private, -:schools,:, called . The cars are heated 'ky steam and=•the upon the study of law..., He `wee "878 and: sac tilating,'arrangements, are ample. to � the bar `• of -Ontario �.`n 1 r , � . iz.. The tont; ensenilile: w'8 a inted'queena counsel; by.the and, satisfaoto y„ a lit o one; e coag , ,Aerial; overnment in ,18.90... His of these' handsome ahem fire ' 6 le'ance'and everything about,. .public position was; that oftprayor e g• of • alkerton, which office he •filled in wears an air' of ease and contort. ' 1880 -and '.1881. Therfollowing year. he -was„ elected to the Ontario Legis- lature for South.. Bruce' tofi11,:the Va- cancy caused by the •resignation, of R. 11M. Wella; Upon the litter's elevation to the; commons. Mr. O'Coonor was ''returned to the legislature by accla nations.; at the general election in 1883 and•was'Te•electod iri 1886—and-1189.0,- He '886and 1890.He took an active part in the. debate* in a house` lr"th6 Liberal—side. More than :once his name was ,men,- a tined connectiof-with.-poSLttens;_i the cabinets, :but . he coninued a Kiri- vats member until he dropped 'out of • Politics. a few years ago. In' 1875 he m' cried Jane" Watkins; fourth • dau"gh ter of ,Allan N,: -McLean, of ,,,Toronto," • who togetherwith a. son ;and three .,-daugh vers ear zire:him. , �• Mr. O'Connor yeas 'undoubtedly :the most' prominent and .widely'known •lawyer in' the ,County of ,Bruce, and being -a gentleman`' highly • esteeined- and'respected by • all who knew ,him;. y riot only : a serious -one to •' aiie�loas is • his own.tdwn' but to the„county as a whole. On account of the serious ---- 11lneus•of "1�Ir1t O'C9pnoi• the funeral - was quietly,,conducted, but was large- ly attended by citizens : and friends of; Walkerton as well, as representative mewl from dll parts of :the county, Hu ' 080 resent front LuokLIQw' at the funeral P, h Morrison, ••� IVlessr'y. g. • ': • werQ• 'J;`S nt J los- yoii",_J' McGarry, George Lawrence, Dr. .0, M. Gordon, ' P. A. Malcomson, G. W. Bcrry,.,w:m Allin and James Bryan; NTSITE0SUHCY3 The finanoial•m g of the Wing-' `ham District of the Methodist church was held in Whitechurch' on 'Tuesday, • lith th inst. Rev D. Rogers;. Bluovale, Chairman, presiding. Nearly ; every' minister., and lay delegate was present.. The'arrangem for .missionary and educational services "were, made 'in the farrenoon-af•-appropriat on:for Tiver -ton mission was arranged for. In the ;er ' on a.distraet-=-evangeliatic meet- k: eet k, washeld which- was marked by TEACHER WAN'TEDi earnestness and enthusiasm` Besides . Male; for° S. No.k,• Kinloss.. :: delegaAtes' quite a number ,were Apply.statin salary to �� ;Whitechurch and vi A', D. MCKENZIE, resent from Hol" rood; p 1-161Y reed, H:.G. • ARMSTRONG, , • bPTICIAN .. .. JDWELEIZ"& 0 , .LUOKNOW- rush is now, over and we are now ready to ,'receive apples at the factory,- 20o. per; hundred; pounds: :Baring :apples large enough for peel, ins . a i coring. Fe., small a apples taken at:any piice'ow ing 'to the low.price for stock this .fall, Apples that aro partly decay ed not wanted. � 0fN OYN sicActsAsizsz 0MMNMffNM 4 MORE._..r�e�rariW INTERESTIN( 11 -IAN ' FICTION. J. • we Closetl'';our store 'because we came - to in agreement ' ... _ ,..On A':ugust' ��th:.... , ..,. ,. - . � e •:.wraualdd ck of Dr .Goods, etc., . to him : .W g ' . Lavine' to sell our ste .y, > , . now itil`.v avid ve hada coni late split: up, and wrangled, ,nd;;rioN w©' ha P ��;iudl wrangled and g ,, ., . nib , '. _ ., .• // / OUT-store..o en agar y announce P OBER, le A ber�l�tiliereforo: t' on Se tem • �- he- err -find. store, pians bug p �t •. - most sales ' mein 1 for. m 1 ear. s ae ',• . �_sale`.and:Tlot .an ordinary ., will'be a •' these ,'•:; But. we ask� ouzo come and take • ., - • . •, ;,,'; DRY GOODS, CLOTHING; GROCERIES, ; BOOTS AND SHOES ' DS� .• • geed .,.ices: u were picking theme off the street ,.` though o p a f 01]0: here e Rlmost as theg , y . uC as v..... ... _ r .rr>:ved.: this s r , ,, new ;goods, just arrived, • : the shop furniture etc at s Flannels; Etc., and refused to take ' Boots, Flannelettes, the right price. - T' �+ • DE. AKE° TRADE. away 1. ,•of • ;ours •1$Q� •worth. with us‘was this; man Lavine packed $ s,. The trouble h' � �eaw Overcoats, Heavy suits, tong ' cinity The object of the meeting was to stir up enthusiasm in the 20th Century Evangelistic• Campaign.. Rev. 'Mr, Lake; . -Or Wroxeter : >3puke- en -"The need of a Revival" and ritev. A. G.,:Harris of Lucknow; on "Hoa' to promote a It.eyival” Special`, stress. was laidon the kneed of the baptism; of the Idoy p, r l S iit in the preparation £otor, revival. In the discussion', which fol- lowed,Revs. Rigsby, Garbutt, 'Brown,. ~-Oaten, 'Villqughby-antLeeveral others" took '•part,.An evangelistic service+, was held in the •evening,•. Holmes; of Brussels, :..)vas to ';preach,. but owing' to two of his children, be- ing eeriouslyll with typhoid fever he was unable to be present and Rev, I3. -_Dobbs preached LANES. The recent wind storms "nave otos troyed nearly two•tliir.ds. of 'the apple • NEW (4 T R COACt'lE$ Ilov Mr, of of Tiverton ee- a dere ' ', ly cupied the p 1pit hereon Sunday last;: Five •Mo%e Now and ,Moderato . .•Sulu' Core .Addeo to 'Ono Hollins • fir. P. Acott; jr:. is laid' -lip.. at pie-, tJJtoek. t t ottble ' sent w`'ith hear r The ' ` els Have added 'ani: Mrs, D. Little • isin 'very po'br grana•. i r n The . LuckncElevator '0,6,i, leo.ioalth 'at'17resetit. handso'inely 'built , LIiti.XT,rD.';' other lot of !`ive their ' Mr. James Brown , left e week. ago to their Alread ,.�, Bt,.n a99. COa(.heA: � S'thes ' d ur9t ,for r-, for Gravenh ,for of Itis• ^ ad • hr: u;.,. ..�, hrr�t#►di... iii slant, ".1Xlre y t; iitsroby� givi'ti `t ;to• the p eq ..1? health'. r r . NOTICE up• year some fifty bf• Alissa of 'Lticlr, thio 'abov`o . in asp ye: i�iiss �ia'iy '�rristrong, Annual:GeneraI.lteeting of. ing , v .. w° ti 7—aiad:., �:_)_,...:.. V.St tt's:_.tlhis.,:-named,com Spy' will bo . hole in the ,„uitndern,, caret' ;haNier,been l � , noyv, iri"visi�ilit"` hlr�*1':YSco • ee. "taking the place Of' Coi ncif ChMTh r, •LuckirO\V on Sfttw placed in cervi , 'week. lir lay. the 20th (lay of entombel flee f th'e oldAr coacbo 1 Y;'and tlfese' • Mise Daniels, off.1 incardine, is :visit, Every shard ',same o at n o'clock, p. m.• ' rtes cats have been greratly admired ins 1;or sister4 Airs. li', Allton. , . holder aught to niche it a point- 0 bo by. all' .who 'too' them. +'verytlsing yr, 1.1, ,iolhn-ston wheol©d down to prosont•i i business oC •much imlr�orl, that 'science,,- experience � and ':skilled' Drayton hot weok'to visit,his brother. " tanco ,will be iransated. ,, labor Can (lo, has beett brought into; wire, J. , I3s:iclwirt `returned hon Lueknow So t.1, 11y Older. . .. "0- _ y. •., u ,.-:...._ ..-4 , .: ..:T..: Clerks' red. la to 201000 ll;ligh lVtoic t<fieU(l'st�ldn t0 make 'tlesc� txo.�d *len la������h oto Il�tle:ifrom. 0.11 efldo�i visit. ' -To- A.TS r 1 Wo .hay0,. a large and varied stock of ; thie .latest styles, of Ready-to-wear gists..., Ilav'itig _ f�li�nt the past two weeks -in the- ' _wholesale `-houses •in Toroiito;, where wog hairs the stocks of the-- • best houses -• in' the trade- td. choose from. ,We are confident that our 'Styles anrl.'pr'icas'are correct. Now• is the time to buy•your fall hat as .the early' 'customer gets , the first. choice.: Call and see • bur stood' before: buying.. • ; Our bliss. Lindsay :is attending :the Millinery openings ,in Lon., (Ion this Week 0040444 SMITH, OPEN EVERY EVE,NIN ALL, WELCOME. • : Ware :the ;°si of Granite: ra of l ne ' 'hal =nee °'ver much • . reduced: offered' at . ..Y .. ,... mer. lain i�, ...Worth •,W:hle ' ' '' �'Jrxce-8 .. ° '•� � Zn .a ve r� the •o g. :1. ..�zsit�; and o . •: - oo.ds arejust : as.: worthy an, cou;nter;.. The � : . . � - e �. sin o1 the " season, but _� �efu1 • as:atthe bg • .� .. • .,.-, us roo Yl for e ,,lust have nca ore 11144, H DWAR .44 OMNI(): • 4 • • � .�.. .: _ ... the r• h of Aug... ' tlnlxe : throe hoist � t . r�,o ' ,�T�:11 con. g • ..., , make :t ver inter-- list: NV & are preparedoma y. I• chasers ' .: .Raving .gestin fo'r � �.nt�nd.�.�.g °our Sell ," ,�», four different lots to sell a • xa�nged . � � .• be.'.seen, :... • and75c 1.O0 per pair,; ,These can . , : rot window.. . : • ., . store and... �n A w � Off. • shin ,s • inside hl�w.e rices o'n winvbe e, sed to show and eve ' ::