HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-09-21, Page 5Q .w ✓ .> i - ,y... -' •.�.. ,.0 a„�,<. .; .. ...'. sr..wm•`"+r+•s. The new Jackets 'have just been opened: up and toattetnpt, a des ri tion'of thorn' here' would'' not be 'doing thein justice. You .'must call and see them;;ourselves,:: .Besi•ds being the very , latest styles of.clothes .. They :were all :bought to sell, at popular prices, Most.: of and make-up.. Y. , . c them are suitable for. •the .present ,Fall, weather: Beaver; . jackets, also 5.$ 8 9'$10 .;jerseys at Q. $7 50 . , $ .t• , line of Grey, Diagonal Jackets, tiried,throughout•wth'merc sateen black velvet collars:, ; short length. A very smart little jacket and the very,latest in .style. Special •price $7.5e.. , 211 r • nwm • • "f' Furs and.' for .resent :wear we are r.sh . •: g :- -' • ed uut� ' our Fall stocko o , ; .. , � present We have; ust, .o ,ei�, Caper, .. . •, J P '• • ' � he newest in Ruffs,.'Colla,ettes, Boas and Cap.. C of'N ck Furs lncludmgt, , newest •., ... , • a, splendid_ range , a• ` ; .. • Ines. Therices are all'popular and witl suit all purses ' t . ' alum .Ruffs; at $4: .E1.' SealaRniis at $5 , Orey Lamin Ruffs at ”` • . �. Blnolf Uonety li�ufl'�r at �,�aaad_,$tl,,. • 131ack PP ... ,,. . r n 'Ca erines at .$5. Black Eianey Caperines at $8: `: Elaney and:Ohinchella 'Caperinesr:-ats al t. ' .;able, Ruffs ktail's at a; .._. _p. ._n: O.--_. _...n._ .,. . • - . . 1. '.G..r nland, .e. , tail's 9 Black anc} Blue 0 possum li�uiie, a!• $ . ,. �.... . k O ossunl. Ii.uffa � P Sab1e'Lht><ffs 8 falls at X7:50: : Blac pP `:r . ` l • S.ea and 'Part Persiats 318 .' Elec Seal and:Glebe at $+1.2.50: 'iey':Lalnb:•and El.''Seal'Auffs $,1, .. EI. l EL Se •l and , d' Bok.aiatn RRufi's'$25. •• , Ii,uffe~ 25, El. Seal an •.. ':. l d "Sable: Eorsial $. s.- w:.<a d 1 :�..--.cr_Z.'�---�•k .i -4.25, •,.-..•..M xfzi#. "x.'"..,Mwak .'.••.+. �•rer�—:..:.0 .. ws:--s-us+.r -.1.-.\:.r+. a fin,and-$35-.. , A 4.assurintent' of �+'ur; lined capes. at :1 $,,2,25 , • 30 D OSES .MONDAY: WEDNESDAY STOR E • t' �. •.l..ftC*♦-e� anets: • •'L' iS i5 a qod. tifnQto' bu j tfietb.. 12f113 the will no 'be.any cheaper than:the,present Y � A fine .wool• blanket with soft lofty finish •r $2.50 78 •l 'rice per.. pair •$3.00 . -` 84 rice �'` :'7 ll;blankets; all.'wool,;.slze•64. 84!,,,Price per pair, 1S Lite '6titttQft.-i(JL size 64 x .74 ` S ec.ial prices. . �. - 6 lbs extra, superior, all -wool blankets., Fine soft finish 3'SQJ ; 8 lb blankets, price $4 Blarney `warns. gaze 60 line. The i • . This is theknittinz season. As Usual we are;propgrrad for'tlie wants of; our• cudtamer.$ in this , ... .Iwa s ' `Wh 4 Sim- ply a • ace use them'Why the m• 0 .>?amous Blarne ;Z'nrne,aro• outto the front;abnin. ;Tose who:have used• � 1' agent .'£ r Ltoknowr:: •The', P .y.e • r, P .a,+� the best yarns thati'cari,be. urchased-.for the' mono We are•so � ply being brands theyy 5c Per.lb. •Gaelic, $1:00 per lb. Shamrock, $1,50 per ib. , round, $L £ollowin branch antl.prico�;= El?ornian, 7 . P.; o_ .. .. M , lid. :Also the knitting aldols at 10c, 12:! c,.15o, 18c, 2oc, and -oc ,per• package.: ,per•'pou . :Overcoat • • • �.,,.-Our $1O. .OU Overcoat this, Year. better: than ever ;'Macre of 'fn. e qua litY danl>ned.threu i�oat with be,st linings All sizes 34 to 46: tT . .AND :�.FRIDAEVENINGS AT 6 OvLOC . this. 'well we have just received another ,carloadof - . ' •� n cnmeiit and would call. the 'attention of farmers. `and. known _dein airy concrete .work, to the fact that . ,others, who antelid g" y l his coment has been -.Satisfactorily used, in the construetioti el. •, St Tunnel in 1890, ..' ` r •, .Grand' ,Trunk 'Railway' ;Bridge near„ Oakville. Niagara 'Central 'Railway. Bridge acrossFt'he Welland Canal Ralwa :Tunnel ,under the We1� . Grurltd •Trunk. y land Canal.:•' The great Sault Ste Marie, Lock (1100- ft..'Ong.) � Old .Vietoria Tubular, Bridge, Montreal. New :Welland Can;1:.'T ock ,No `24 (This, is -a. 'portion':of :•the ..��lelland•Canal which the ..-d-ynamiters-itte ni•-iteri ..t.o blow up 4 short • • time ...ago:). _ • • 1 Any information l etz,i`ding Thor old Cement': ;.. will .be ch`eetifuTly J 1. LUCKN6W. • e 1 4 'Mce tt� riYiiLl:e your i�olec�bns tx th L SINANE; GROCERIES .8� PIM/ ISION Weak and fImpure: 00: • OCKERY� ,G AS • L,iVer•:.and�Kadre�1D1areases re.W. a 0,amp1•a1nts' et nj. st t Cl, e'�haye :t�e r low fi •u very- �. .d . lines in stOC: e following are: some snaps • r• Ladies' Dongola Button worth $1•.75 to, ° $3 for $1.00. ug Ladies' •Do .'Bals worth;$1;75 to $3 for 4 $1.00.. Ladies' Dong. Oxfords^worth:.$1 25„to $2o1 Men's.,Calf.Cong. wworth'$3 to $3,90 'for All lines t, ,asonable ,ow: X c,444,414oo0 to4;res• ry our ,Golden Blend'. Ceylon Tea •Try our English Hop Tea Try our 25c Japan Tea Try our :Pielles•in :quart jars ' • Try our•Cof ee,'Seal Brand Try our S Co Try our Paradise Curian:ts, recleaned Try: our Extra Selected .Raisins Try our California Evaporated Peaches ' .Try our Maple i Syrup in bottles Try our Choice Prunes u • n It tt r (HUGIiES' 'OLD STA . rb) TERMSICASN itt t t • n A • • A •Ai •tt;u.rtwn LUCKN: •1d'n +t .. , x n©m1c 0.a tatBCD11. t=_. hat Touches The Spot. AOLEOP'JS SYSTEM • ,..4pplodr. • • i3laLkiti 'Black :Leal Brno B;tkiak Powders B:brkoy, lot 113tH Brick• • Iitskots Brushes 'Biscuit'• flared 04:14,;f00tic04ty (,,%dined ( )0,1e.C duos CShOeultto 0DrttF;- Auris 0')tn•meal• earr3nt• Currie l' Older tiroatn Tartoil. O iooannt • O itee A,1;,iiott )E :•1 have in stock .the -following ^ut ne , • 86di4 ' Dried t1tpla Y” I(il;.olive Extracts lria,f Fish) minted 1 ielt,drtgt1 ., Gclotitic cringe=s Hops ItOney. • tnk Indigo • r;icoric '': Nitno`•Tn1C r,etnotls, Lamps, �• ” ilard Nfatekoli !Woo.14ieat as N.taaarnni "Ninstarct sats,tanne Wiagnosta ;nil, stvtc�,.. vita tatOr es • 0,1t, Ales 0,l sI . Wools dl.'ickle yoas,ean rod Epetl=tr • lft,tl{stns " Spia Seti1)s' r, , e 13tarch Strawb o= tiea' H &nh a/i: