HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-09-21, Page 4V 41 101141nr TO. trkiNN AND T9 ADDVIA. *1!14 4990NDiNa'te TD,ND!Dr,ATILk. 'qv 0°00q1N*YrN,ESNN 4BOTA onotit'.14tininTisio • .143.4;now Sopt 210 aa.a" ts. •1100 nt1 i:o4,4Q4 .tatthtirjhatt by tenkto" BylAw NO '19 'Waal .rePerta made by parties inter*, • "' :eateell9n4 u& .getting a eotntnissioo On • your 'shipMents." We trust the sad , experience of litS.t,year may not, be re - westerly limit of lot 8, hi the' first range, south of the 1 lurhanaroact in the TOwAship Of. 10.0 lose, to lot 31. in the fifth fienceesieh 'Of (as Townehip,of Kiruna diue, and A bfauch clreitt Connecting withhold mantdrain, and; tor b lowing on' the credit 'of the ...51.unicdpo1itrof the Townahip of IPtdoss the sum ef Two Hundred And Sixty „Seven Defiant: and Four ..4ty? Or the ptirpose 9f• repair; Provisionally adoPted this twenty second • JE A: , for ;the- purpcite Of repaitiog,.. cleansing, droning Aud Wideninghf anertaia main.draira or ditch", (tar far as the Township °Murtha; is' interested) exteoditig grem the L4e, • p,eate •••,oa- , (lents which hum is chargeable thereto. wt Wawa, tht' tree .by the' gub • Om other night , Eiesd, tarizt.: 'pg'" 11,,at.'Ficmitture b'et 40-931 the,S6W!,;tb,D,qh • tt111.1be ,heitt it'. la *•••,-*ON•141% kqs 0111, VA* evaperatetts ' ;earl' an mechanie; that trioiv• *et` 14.." wide stieli.a' Wt. cOnetry ai ' •thit .* The, Orieee TOOOrt/d" .aPPles in tho British Market ie. S'eMetinies .good, and Soutetireet bark and only 441„te •'tinelity 01' feint can be ,ex. ,;',..;•POrted with 'advantage, tio rnmuon- !WOO, .whieli have not good keep- ing qualitiesi ,.ixosico. very' good,,.cider,• , :and if the. supplY Wrre large and ,tlie rite moderate • cider .'could be made he popular beverage; 'replacing harm 4 .barrel:.(4.cider.- can 1,w 'art'Ae4 with 'a few cents" worth of and . When the. eider bet - 'lied it can be kept lit, gO0c1:•e0.11d1t101E1 1•01':at titile„- alto. Makes'an' :oieellent 'qnaUty of vinegar - ' DiliaiGAiNON • The ni6oers: and direeters of the fill which , is to ,.be held in this vil- age on the lith and 12th, Of October, f•rraakir tlr•-4-1101:34; lisr-rttr (2Z .(2 -ir-°-"4•4114.' 0 main' di/tin Pit:tate" in the,. Tonthehip -of r,•)f' West WawanoSlt is conceined, Rielosa hes hecoine grentlY out of repair, and teaditti from lot' 11 in the, 5th ,conoes.. Whereas the osid' Council employid James. in; at lot NO.' 910 tile Oth, .coueesaion. 041msetielleY:tafttigoi,enig'm of the Townehip Of 'ColbOrrie with a repairs anil ether liecesaerie21. conileotedeth:rreY with, and whereits he hail "done se, 'made lila repert;,and prepared specificatione of the neces- sary wOrk to be done•and the estims.ted cost aid egn.Ot• Weat WaWanoth and torrarna .„ 'Taishoteb % Xpti,rain appr s lipped the 4;0 sparing ;Wither ,time nor money. to • 'make the show a poetess. . .,._Atitry._eidest,„4:140gliser of Ao_g us • , McDougall, 'le very2.-week,-being-trou, 'ist.td, with plienmoilia. Her numerous • f: ienaillwoUld, be pleased to hear of An' recevery 'in thanear future. ' An old pioneer has passed away, in the peraon of the late William itchy View- 'of elanMS .out gald'? unPrOPag saittditch-' And for borrowing on the credit of the intinicipality "the sum. of $410,69 winch ehargee.ble there- ProvisionallY adopted this .10th day of September 1900, Whereas,' the above referred to drain situate:in the 'Powaships of 'Weet Wa- wanosh and. Colbotirne • has become greatly out of repair; and 'vrhereas the said Council eniploYed Jetties Marshall O.L.S. to' inspect the said drain or ditch and report thereon as to the con- dition of said drain and the:estimated nest of the..rePairs thereon,.....ap.a.Other. necessaries therewith,. and whereas he has done stonade report andiret pared specificatiobe of the ndCessitry, work to be done, and the' estimated cost thereof, Be it therefore enacted by the Coun- cil of the Corporation- Of West WaWa- labgb,,pursnant to the provisions pf :Smith. He was. taken suddenly ill on, ' St-urday morninglast, and died. Sun-. day morning. • Ther. funeral left his ;Lite 'residence at 2.30 p.m., Tuesday, and4proceeded to. Dungannon crime- ....t.try...! • .„ '' - •• - ___ . . On Sunday, Sept. 9th, one, of the• g towers of Ashfield; in the person of jt lin '.:04`tintlers, Passed.. to the great l'Y'''''d 4.'.. 'ter.a:'1,9ng 'joie:ink illness:, ,.... I . By 11. ibd dis position ,inhfe_ he ' 0 adOlP t 1,number of /frientlsi and la , 'by his death' the 'family' have lost a Kind father and husband. His re- , mains were . interred " in . • Dungan- non ., cemetery on Wednesday- ,•. . . morning, followed thither by a large Iona:030r of friends. The family have i ho .sympatht of the entire . comminii- 1st -That the report of the said Jas. Marshall be adopted and the said ditch ordrain be repaired 'in accordance therewith. 2nd -That 'the 'Reeve and Treasurer be Pranowered to borrow on the credit .of the Municipality the sum Of 'Fite Hundred and Teo Dollars 'and Sixty: Six Cents, being the amount necessitiy for, the same, payable.in two yea* -:* Apples' Abroad 'Messrs:, Otto G.' Mayer, .k COf. .1sT.)w York, exporcere, rePOrt that Alio' 0 1---eltP01-70ric,alr apples to Aug. ;5: have ,-been' , 2294 'barrels to .G.asgow and 359 to Liverkel; to co responeling date iest'.yeer, 1115 to. Ghtsgow, 2655 to 11"Ivergiool'i and Add: Very few of the appleS thet., havo! helm exported to, .G.i.eat Britain this spasotilhave been reported , on. Wlmat fe.v at much higher prices than can be realized in Now Yorfr but these prices Cannot be re-' lied upon, because with larger -le' elite, which will undotibtedly 'begin this week, the .competition of the na-, • tive.apples most' probably • wi..11 result' in Lbwer priFts:_;It that eor -careless-Tr aeked, will not pity 'shippers if eqc- '• '.ported. ThOre will without doubt bo, it geed demand Or well -pecked Amer.' .1etto ispplff of good quelity, through the whole season, becatise. 'American itpliloa are prefe,rrtcl abroad .;to the tietiyo• • stock, intt fancy prices ',can 'hardly be expected under the eircuni- staneeit. Regarding the proSpecte, much de- - pends Upon the shippers,as if unly ehoiee'vtiitet applee tire handlednid: perly, at alOw cost no. doubt, there' • will. he 4 large kionsumption, and largo consumption• and. prices invariablyi go togother. So ei,eelt has alreedi liten stated against. exporting tyory 'tiling grown an orcliard, and int - proper grading 'and packing, that,6 -Siirely expertert have already had. andici,ent_ekperiense not commit Same this senate. t not be misled hl,yo,00 would-be Mende cliorting a lino Sale for, A smell ship- olitr, as te 40. often tinnig in other be Added, j),y Otir own . • thOrref, • ••••• • • ., t • ' Be ittberefore,..enacted .by the 'Connell of • the Corporation Of the Township of "Kinloss poruant to the provisione er . Einsr-I'liat the reportof tit 'Ps"said' James 'Marshall be adopted and thu. gaid ° ditch or drain be repaired, deepened. Widened; and cleansed io accadanue therewith: SEdoNnThat tbe,lteeye of the said Town. OAP of ICinloes may, borrow Gil the credit of the Municipality the sum of • Two Hundred and Sixty Seven Dollars and Fehr Cent, re- ingtho fonds necessary for the work, payable in tine year. • . , Tninb.,-.,.That for the purpose of paying, the said sum of Two Hundred And Fifty Seven :Dollars and Four Cents, being the auaeont -C1itirgect-against-the1102(19-80,set--forthri-to:be benefited (other than roadit belong:pg , to, the" Municipality) „the- rates, over "2-iiitd- • 'above- "- tar co-Ook' rates', 1311411, be levied, • and 'QC:looted in the :lame' manner•and At the mine time 128 ,uther taxes are levied and collected in the year One.Thou- hand Niue llondred and One, upon the under mentioned lots, after the final Pawing of Ulla 33y -law, _ N nagfeitinst pnyiug e•VVeieriniM7Of:_",.,Totirtflundred--7.and.- Eighty Dollars and Seventy -Six COMO being the aniount-eherged against 41me lends, so. set' :fortb,,.....to be benefited, other than tho -riiiide'lieloniifig-fo-the' The fi3llowibgspecial rates, ever and above all the , other rates, shall be levied andc011etted in the;Psanie menner:and at the same time as Other taxes are levied and collected, in two years upon the undermentioned lots. after , the final: passing of this! • - • , Lot 1. Con,". 1 Acres w.b.17 5 ; 100 h. 17 , 5 100 .wb 18. • 6 ' 100 e EL 18 • 5 • 50- wh • 18•- ; , leo' e h 18.- t ' • 100. AV h 19 . 4 • •.' 100 a 3y (119 " 3 , \ • • 50- 21 w q 19 3 . , 50,. e h,19 3 • . 100wh2O. • 3 ' • 100° hoh 19 , 2. .100 13. 20 2 , • .100, ,n e q 20 .1 , .50, w h 20 . 1. ' , • 100 *fit:1'20, 1 .50 Tiy,„ Colbourne. ' • 9 & 10 9 ; 126 aTp, W3 ,WasystniSsli for 1.. • _; l_Benefit I =Cutlet.. , . ' . $48 3a '25 90 ' tt 302 • , ' 36,26 • . 6440 40 '32* " 20 16 • ' 32 20. , .• 798 32 20 r- • " 10-10 • 64 .40 • ' • • .• '20 16 ' • ' 36-26 ' roads 29 ep ' 8438 28 $72 38 •. , ben'ft 1 outlet Lot li,ange • 1 Acro 1 A-98thliamout, for, .7 . • , .4e tlittlitittanat,orelly dunning into it fer outlet and ahow the *omit for elich eePttrate eclundus the-aoseoement• • g hate .1;h -own toe fiFopos.ed work by. noci8PetiOne, • . . ' 'NY estimate of the of* of the, work "ie 4113 followl: • • • •The cost, of the portioa' ,in the extenSiert 0,40' —r - seliedule shere,r,ng the imenems and giving Repaira of the portiea of drairt'already • N P h S'a . • tford Oet 23. • •350 " ' 'rt• . • IAJOKNOW, North-Western Wiogliiiin Sept. Listowel, tistOwel;SePt, 18 19 Northwet4erp, Oodcrich, SePt, 18-19. .:NerIliern, Walkerton, Sept. 16-15; Survey wlth it1aIi.esttmates;'eto. , 30.00 Asslatanee, iir ittirve,y • .7 ;tio, By laMP , • 'Total" • ,• The 'min' asseos against the lads and roadieberietited, and lands, that •usts. the; 8111718 .118:4.41/...01,1tifit; . • the CorpOrAtina of' the Towiishili"Of 14408:Eh- p1Iriatent to the provisions oflaw. • ,' Fiasrr-That, the report hi the raid Jahois. Marshall 1j- adopted And the said -drain ix- . tended and repaired in Accertlance , therewith. Skotaire-That the Reeve of the said Town. 'ship May borrow On the credit. of the corperv, „thin Of the TitwrishiP of Xinloss;•the !Mtn of .111're Riindred And fieVenteen Dellere and, Sixty -Two Cents being the Nide necessary for the said work; . . *, •. • TRIRD -That for thenurpooe of paying the Sum of Five Hundred and Six 1D011ire. and. Sixty -Two Cents being' the amount ',charged: against the lands ea to • be, benefited, (other than the roads belonging to theMithicipality) • the following Speeial rates ovior and .above all other rates shall be levied aodr collected., (it the same time° and in the same 'manner 103 settler titiceo are levied and collected). upOil and: fi•oin • the underinentioned lots and..parts of letsin the year 0,110 Th0081111(1 Nine Hundred and One, after the final passing of tido By law. , bit 1S D lt 5(J 8 3:00 ''• 8 ' 1st lt S I) R ' 521 MO 9 lot It S D It' 50 7.56 10:14 11 S I) It ' • 60 2,52. ' 2 14 RN D R • 50 10.50 3 • lst R.N D 11 50 • 13,44', 4 ' lst 11,1 D IL 50 • 18.00 • 5 .14 R ..N lf) It 50 . 19,7.1. 6 -18t -11-N 1)--11 - ''-'50--4:70"-• 7 . lot It N 1) It , , 50 '. , 10.80 , 8 lst• it N 1) 11 50 , • 10.92 9 lot RN' 1) it DO 9.52 - --1- 2nd-R-NA),..11-__50 , _20..58 1 2nd 11 N D II. 50* 21.00 - 3 '20'd It ND R - -50, --"' "" 21.00 ; 4' 2nd R N DR 50 ci 20.16' 5 "2ndI1 N D It 50 •••• • 1386 ' • 6 2fla n N D 11 . 50 _7 '2nd ;11, N 1)11 50 !••' 4 62 . 1 3r31 It N 1) It 118 2 1{rd R N 12 lt lot; 8.40 3 3rd It N D R 94 ,' ". •• 2.94 4 , 3rd RN D it , ' • 82 • ' 42 •; Municipality for roads - "4" - 10,00 ' • . 20 16 812 ith.:--That for the purpose of pitying the sum of $29.50-1), eing-the total amottt charged' against the roads of -th-0-11fanitipldity, a specialiate-on-the "d61.1Ar stgfinient' to prance the required' amount' theirefOre; shall over and above, • W. Wellington, rriatoo, Sept. 26-27 Tierviater,;.'Sept.; PO'26. Eiaiter, Sept.. 1849, - v9idwich, Oct. C. -Painiersten,„Sept: _ 25726.: :..:,a4e...ZiaL;t.e04*••Arescua4.4,,,ss AO, , Enat WaWamish„ Bel 'grave, Oct, 1 Elnia,AtWood; Sept. 20-21; Kincardine, Oct: Ripley, Sept. 25,26. Blyth. Octoher,9-10.. , es scses s , Des"IP L t tion ' Acres boat •ti Outlet 0 I - I N°. of I am'n't assesed, -.1NOrth-b,"__ 13 6 50-; • • • 14 p 12 • 7 100' r 100 14 "7 "' .100 13 8 100 • 12,8 .100 . 'South •h 11» -Ss.- .North -11 8" " 50 ' East h 10 . 8 60 • West half' . /0. .8, . 50 ' . 0.42 , • 7 9 100 • , ' ' .44 . • 10: 9 • 100 • 17.36 ' 44is,ti half 11 ./ • 50 28.38 East halt • 31 0 • 15.40 ' 12 ,9 100 ' 30,14 • - • 13 • ..9 . 300 „..„.....„Kt14..„ • • 12 4 '10 100 • • ' • • • 44 11 ' 10 . 100 . 2.64, South h 1.0 10 ' 50. • 18.06 North h ,10 10 '50: 4,60 • -South•-•11.:11:-;9. • 10•••••_:„,,50,; "48.4i 9.80 10.80 6.92 83.30 • 13.88 2090. 33.22- -•5.28 23 :42 7.72 FQURTH—Th0t for, thepurpose , of paying the ininrof Ten Dollars being the total amount. chatged agaitiatthe roads of the Munk' phlity a special rate on•the dollar, euflioient tit, pro- duce the required amount therefore Shall over andlabove all other rates be levied, and collect,: ed at the paine time and in 'the Sam._ manner 1221,-..other___Ltaxe13.-2--arei_lexied-ititdr„ts_2t.eted upon the Whole ,.rattable, property,. f the Township of 1Cinlods' in ,the yew One Thou- sand Nine Hundred and One,Fifter the final •passing of this . • ' • . .• That in addition to the foregoing. :assess- ment on lets" there ghat' be leviedrateably thereon, Forty Dollars and Fifty. Centebeing the amount awarded by the Engineer far • his i surrey arapublishiog the- By-law ford 44,11er necessary expenses connected; therewith., . This By-law Shall. bepublithed °nee in every week for four consecutive weeks in. the, •LucknOw Sentinel" published in the Village of Melillo*, and Shall came into force upon the Anal passing thereof, and May be:cited as the. 'Unless 'and Kincardiqe Drainage By-law. . • • at the,same time and in the seine man- ner as other taxes are levied -and, col- lected, upon the, whole , titteabIe • pro- perty in the Township of West Wa- Wenosh, in the year One • Thousand Nine -Hundred and One, after tho 'final passing of this BY -law. 0t1 -This By-law shall be be "pub. fished once in every week for four conSecutive weeks: in the 1.4ucknoW Sentinel, publishod.in the LUcknow, and shall tome into force upon the final paseing thereonand iTtaY, be' cited as the Young Drain By. 140T;OE4 - Netice is hereby given that, the Court,of-Ifevision of the Township of We'st, .NATawanosli meet at the r 11. . NprricsE," • Notice is "hereby given. that the, Court of 'Revision of, the Towriihip of . ICialosq, will meet at the Townahip Anil; Holyrood on the Twenty -Fourth day of September A D 1000, at WO o'clock ; p ra for the•-•purposo of hearT• ing'anY'appettlicagatnot-therforsgeing-assena-- ment, and further notice 18 ghee that °any- one intending tf, have tbn. foregoingBy-'13w, or any part' thereof, quuish1imust9i5rlater - than ten days after the final passing thereof. serve a 'notice in writing upon the Reeve and -upon the'Clerk-of-th33-Municipa1ity-,--of-hts intention to make plication for that Pur- pose,to the High ourtft• at • Toronto, during the six weeks next ensuing the final passing Of the 13y -law. • ' • ' hated (his Twenty Second day of August D 1900, • • • North li if': 110 ral 3t):08g • 1 7 10 100 • • 3322 6 10 100 . 15:40 " 11 leo 16.06 . 'f' 1/ 100 • 23•54 S 11 —100 . • -5.72 • 9 11 100 _ 10.12 Municipality fell roads ' '" 11-00 „ • s 8426.61 $91.68 • Total: • 8517:62: • •• Fouarii,-That for the purposeof • Paying ' the' "aunt, of Eleven Thdlats• being, the total amount assesped against the- roads of the it- special rate . on the dollar sufficient to produee the recinired amount therefore, shall over and aliiive all other rates lie levied' and eollected these -lime time” and in the Salm reanneras other taxesare leirie(1 and•c011eeted) fromaod upon the whole rate- able property the said Toarnship Of Itirdossi in the year One ThOutiand Nine`liuudred and ' Oziecafter the -final- teisoingiof thls.By4aw:- ••• FirTii-4-"Iliat this DylaWshall lie published ' Mine hferery week for four coneciatuive•viseke in the 'Ioteknow Sentinel published ', in the • Village Of Lucknow, and shall come into force ,upon atitl•after the final passing thereof,:tind May' be cited ae the "Xioloss - Drainage Notice 11•3 hereby given tlit the °hint Of Revision:of the Township of •Kinloss Will be held at the Townehip Hall, Holyrood, on the Tvrenty•fourth day•of September A D 1900.: at two, o'clonk pin for the purl)* of hearing any appeals'agairieb theforegoing aseessuient, "And' further notice is given that any, one in- tendiug tO apply te haee the foregoing .13y4aw; ; or any part thereof', quashed 'must, net later than tell days after the, final passing thereof:, serve a:notice in writing open the Reeve and urimi the Clerk of the ,Mitinicipillity", of ' his, intention to make application far that purpose to the High Court at Toronto, during the six weeks next (melting .the till, phasing' Of the• By law, • • P,1, Pasted: thi's.'20nd day of.Aihritst, A D yoo: • " GE0R0 G".•MOFFAT, Clerk: 19og. VOTER LIST ‘1.900 Munidipallty. of the, tornorattOn of ; the V,Illage Of 14toknowl 1VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 'THAT .I have transmitted or delivered:0 the persons Mentioned in the, third • and fourth' eeptions of the "Voters'. List Act" the copies required by said sections to be 80 transmitted or delivered of the Liot, pursuant to the said 'Act of 411 venous apPearing by theitifit revised Astiessment•Roll of the Bold Municipality to be entitled to vote in the paid Municipality at elections, for members, to the • LegzslatiVe 'Asoenibly, and the :Municipal :elections. and ' the said list" was fitat posted up in niy,hffice tit Lueknotic this ' 12th -,day"" ".'Selit: 1000'1 and remains here for inspection, _ Electors are called to exainine the saidjist and if any onunission or any: other Oita fillW"inuriefliloW proceedingsto have the same errors corredted according to law; ' Data at Lucknow this 12t1 day Of SePt, HUGH MORRISON. • 'Clerk,. Ice Cream, --Ice Cream NO Canned Gcods Qhoice „Fruits Select_stock of Confectionery Antet, upPliga." .4 :•40.1004'4,c+i•.00004,-kept..:. • 0.1.,i..1.1.4„04-,..pia..clewoitstto..•.:•414,7: • „0„440e10,wa., • •—• ' Try a'package of..09r new 11:eathe "Ferndale". highest price paid for But- ter and Eggs. rav r \ IrlICHESTCASII PRICES BUTTER- & EGGS 1-121rillg purchasedthe busi- ness lately run by Mr. W. , • Skinner;•--4-7c----are----preparcol • , to, pay cash. .for butter and ,eggs. • your, patronage is ; solicited., , • Youra.truly,. QA. & W. GOLLAN .,. • et „ INCARDINE 111CHI HOO re.4kpen. Tues.. S . . This beautifol lakeside town offers unrival- led inducements to the students of the Bur- ••GEORGE G. '11.10FrAT,-Clerk.,-...1 . , tolieri'at 10 O'clock 4,ni;, • for the pnr- pqso.. of. hearing any appeals-againi3t the foregoing assesSinent and further' notice • is given ,...tfutt anyone in- tendieg to have the foregoing By-law' or eny part thereof', quashedmust net later than ten days after the final passingthereof serve a'.notide vvrIti. ing uptii the Reeve of the Municipality, end Upini the Clerk, 'Os. his intentioh. to make application for that purpose to the High Court at Toronto '<Inking .the six weeks .next ensuing the final passing of . , ,Provisionally adopted thiy.10th day .,of'Septoinber .1500„ A. D.. 4`. W, SIAl0913.0k1E, 'fait fOR: BY-LAW NO 1900. ,A By,law for f,ho Purpose of" tepairing,deep- ening:" widening, cleansing and extending a •eertain ditch -"drain •• in . the grovel', hhip, of Kinloss, extending from lot 6121 • Con nession J..6„:to lot lt,• in ,lienecesion, '7.• in • the said Township Of Kinloss: and for borrowing -On •the•credit of the Municipality of the Town,. ehip,of Kinloss the sum of Five,Ilimdted and Seventee a Donato and Sixty Two °Oda Which stun ut chargeable thereto: ..:`*1",coastolitit./Y-,..:Af1111.1k3(113114.3NOWY4WfOtil, ELY Aiign "A71);•10007:7.• ; „ ' _Whereas ther flb13.1r13 .refetred to '((r .ditch 122(24 lien one greatly •plit of roam and tile ()alit defective. And whereas the Court- ioil, of the Miteittipality of the '.1.`ewhiihip of Kiiilni procured MI examination to, be made by ,Jarnes Merolla, 0..L. of mill drain, bk• ilit0.11 find the. estimated cord hf, thetopaitre and eXtenoimi thereof. 5311(1' 0180 "it Harvey .and asaelometit of the lands io tiet .forth to be :benefited by. the eitereih11. of the. Odd • drain ft oni the erighialterrnintis thereof to a proper • outlt at the Ayer. • ••• ' "r' • The repott•of„the Raid .fatneo .Matshall in respect thereof to USfollows n-43eut1einen I Was ihritencted by your horkortibto 1.59d7 ,make air examinationof the Kinloss Which, conitromees at lot No. 41, . in. coneeffolon, . 10; and terminates' ‚at lot No. 1-1, ii eettcelw ion /, 'of Jin1lR113l'lvn.tIip,W1th a low. extending it to the River on, lot No. 1,1 conce,osien 41;itod making t•epairs that may be neetionaty, ' • • . • , • 'rho total leogth 1 331 1t Chains; Tlie dis,, tanee froth the teriiiinus of' the deala to. the River is :12.29 013221(221. Ito ittmuuttof Lill In tido small. BY,. going, (learn the" "RiVergt,rode and taking out a .bar of gravel Will eotneyelna ImproVe „the fall: I •flinl Cho drain intiel(filled 131 arut„tiootWoodt,113. places; a large Pine stump lute fallen in 14'0110 144100 grently'stepping theconese/ht the drain Which' 114thitteforein 210(31of,,,,repairo, • It WAIN . lit-iiiiitteVenfent-tPtlie,4firaltr-if--thrfertelvir MOMS the:Odes of it were -Orwell at a, Ott ter distanee. thay.waintiy 111'04 10011 'too n ear be ate likoly.to,tokk over , itdo' it. f tend the nose -mine It' itoutht rlY ,the origleal awe, meat 011110480 as to Ito:lode' the landa vh fe be improved .by, the ex. tension t•,,, tiver,and 1 funlish It jilan show; ins the slum .• -r1112)113a 7 toitik assesninent oil the,la oririnally'assessed for the 'Inibteco .tilnirci or the, work. " have. 'fisseSsed tho land's -' ntageolialo the 'dr.dil for bOnelit Being the enO, half of lot 2, and the west half of lot 8, in the 8rd Concesoion of .Xinloso 014111140100 A.01•b4 More or less, 41...4 Miles froth' Lticknoty.. The feria is well foneed, con- tains flood ledhlings Mulls lit fi 018118 AM.!' „.ot cut tlyntLoni_eltd_WOILWatereiLlY-ALfilitinft, erielc. toot •neree bust. 1.1. OMR yeasolcable as the osier is tittiring. from feral - ,Ing, ',For, further particulars .apply ott the „ TAKE NOTME. toituding,districteto prepar. for their examin- • diens at its High School. • ' • 8Pecial arrangements will be 'made to ", 'aid those•sthdents,who are deficient in the depart-. merit of languages. A d newly eqUippe' Laboratory' affords ex..' ceel4enngte. advantagee. in the dnInitmerifof Science. .".• its largerand ivell-kept CiimPtis health- _ . exerciees.are• encouraged: . • , Pardnts can, relY uPon the School •Board and Staff keeping the moral influences "sot- roundieg their -children in 12 wholesome ,,cen- dition. . • The Staff of Specialists is Tprepared to editcate for • .departmental and •Matriculation examinatrons.' • • •• . ' Kincardine High School passed forty seven candidates at the reeent examinations. Over 90 Per cent of tholie who wrote for Junior Leaving Certificates succeeded, - • Geed .boarding-houses May 'he secured at reasonable rates, • , For further particulartnapplyte . , S. W. PERRIEp, El A. PRINCIPAL NOTICE is hereby given that a 13y -law was posited. by the Muhicipal Council of Town - Alp of Ashfield on the 28th day of Jitly 1000, providing for the .issue of, debentures to the amount of $1200.00 for (he' purpose of re- building 0 schopol house in motion 7,in the said -Townoldid-thab-etieh-Bylity-vias-re.giotered in the registry office of the County of Huren on the 314 day1 of July A. I), 1000. AnYmotion to squash Or set Letitia the fenne or any part thereof, Intuit .be made within; three months from the date of registration and °Anna be made thereafter.. ' " ,Datea 19th -day nf_Anguet.A. 1900 W. ,STOTIIERS, Clerk.. '• ' , • IAM:E9 IMART/N nelenow, P.0, T(I—PitEM1' rat) Egli imibomtim by 0 11 Add o THOAILIII2114: .• -44 r • • 1174', 111 41* MRSI A. M. ARMST r TEACHER OF• Piano; Organ, Violin, Vole-e-Cfilture, Thormigh • Bass Harmony and Counter. poi Pupile prepared for Conservatory' -examinations. : RES1 4.117CE--CamPbeli street. . • . • InAMAAAAAAAAA•wwwwiro v7.1T 'mu]; An Etsy Oh a i r An , Elegant Table, • . A Handsome Spfg.. New Bedroom Suit w ideboard New Rocker el•N FACT: FORNITVItg „ • ".01? ALL Forthe Drawing Room For the Dining Room For•the .:.:•13ed,ROOM or the • . • — Don't feilttri-see-aur-tlioCk And Get Our Prices Milks Rdiat Is preph'ied to give lessons on PIANO' AN I? CiRGAN. t her hfiio onL daKNO a 't . tbesofis <te Vocaland instrumental are taught by • . M11 KEE EA,LED addresited to the: Poiamitoter General will he received at: Ottawa Until noon, :on Friday; •the 28t11 day Of September 1000; for the .conveyanee Her,.,, Alajeoty's OD it,prOpOiied Coiithict- for .theee.: years' and eleven moittlis, six times iwr week each way, between Kinless and Litek- noW frotrighe 1st November, 7 Printed totkol,chntednieg' 'farther infer- . featlen .to .conditiono propooed Con- tract may, be seen and blank ferule fo Tender may be obtained at the Bost 011ipoe on the, rent° .at this ollioe. Post Office inspector'o office, London, 17th August 1000 • 11.0. .• • Poet Office Iniiiector. HOUSE AND L..OT FOR SALE A.; claws 'frame bonen 20x 86, two story }lig/I.:With stone foonflationi ahd kitchen With lot, for male on•Victoria istreeti neknoarr, The place iP inicalylocated. mot the.lot eon - tains large (pundit& of all MO& of fritit.Mth Is3t11 hard and 'soft water, and good otable, The phtee will liesold cheap, .For further . - W.11.41411,1:101,001); • . • IlticknT4 l', 0, • ' • , Wante —fin ide'a tvegAtizt, . . •thing to patent? yrritest.yoot inAy. bean yoti .wesita, wens JOHN Avii3.4),Idontr iuCO. Potent Auer: ' .00; Watitlingtbn. ,D,1. for thibit $krOptioo,oitiot Ind Oster two wawa invone•m, anted, • The Page Wire Fencci'bo., of Ontario, Limited. , wALKEnyILLE, 0 TARIO, LAYLoRi HobTrod, Agent, 'f_l• GRA/ tAM, CONViYANCHNO, ecuted. A ',tint for the National Eire &our'', twee Co.., o Ounded 1822, Capital t1,,000,000 Sterling Also agent for the old, ielablit-.Stat..-.Nittsciieg„.-4,1•1•4444,40--yearets*- eerie:leo •fruit, Ornamental. and •Iloweritig PartieS :Wanting anything e above Hoe, / will be pleased at any time to give full information whether they iVant puteliase now or Wit flittith date. ' Ricer Town 1[414 TitesdaYs, ThutgliVii rmit 4aturilaya , • "r• : TJudertaker .& Enlbalnier CALLS. ATTENDEI) TO N..1011T liAy. Iallr0 Life and MaPino ;itsupante • Beal Estate and Loan A ?ant • . • " • Agent fee the London.. V,iro Apt:rim. 4_,..ittnco 'Co.. •FarinerisTaRraMitial-FirilliiihirliWVOZr and. the Canada Lifinnsii'rance aloWagent for the Employers Liability Accident' and • .Guarat tee Asouranee Ceinpany of • Landhili England: • ; • . • , • 11 1 f Iesurance on a c asses o property prompt. . attended to.. • • • • • •• - Farm property sold or exelhinged: • • SeVelit choice forme for sale in townships of Cireeneck , trace, Kineardine, Huron', Kitiloop and Ash,. fi,A1(1,1h;..ge' meant; rooneY to loan at \6 • 51 per ceht, on first-elaret mortgage Security: • Parties wishing any biutinetts done hi her Of ' the Woo re lines please call on or addiclia ' ' hincX ENtIt; Ifolyritodt Ont, linf orient to Br:indent and Horsenion. Ettrtelca ary Ve erir • CATISTIC BALAiia S,,i',Mbiu 5211(1epeedy '10100(13' • 'f e r; Ourlal Splints . ; Spavins, ' Sweeny, etc.. '-'0„; i••• 3 my . •• " 1. eatnca.., iTnli , ttemrst 721 0412)4 .1 ,• - V . . ..s .-., • , -----,o ,,, ,,,ampu, TRAM I'd AtIC , 10t WithIll 110 --sv-11,•,..- „ . -,•-•••••••• eo-p- - Ovation/us cveri bottle, "gi:vitig scientifie treat; . • pent in the Various cli4easais.' It eon. be Used -Iii--eVery-ease-of-vetetlinir,i,*-13-ractice-Whete---,' etinnilitting applicationa tint' blieters are pre- ' scribed, 12 )1124 no surzaion. ' Every bottle , -sold is %,, t i aratiteed to give hatiaftietion.. Price' 75c per bottle, • 'field I33', all . druggists rent country storekeepers: Prepared by T1111.1 • EUREKA ;•VtirrEltINARY .ME, 1)telNE ,• .COMpANY, tointon, Out, . .4 ., • :•• e:::444:••