HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-09-21, Page 1tr A • t LUOKNOW , vvead.Offica,; - - Hmton• Capital paid. ; up - - 1,703,212 1.o orVO p',%or. - 1,23.411.9 Total .A ot3 : - .4,82" ,357 . Bonrd of Dlgeatdte President •Trice-Pretitt'ent 104N S;runtu•e, A. G•. Rna[;la,X JottN YaOCTOE. GEo.,ROAdU. A. P.. Woop, M. P. : }Vat. Grapes,M. P. ' •? 0. J. TuRNBULL, H. S. STEVEN.: H. M WATsoN. tlaalacer, Arse., C(uskier 7rispectori pgenolee , , Listowel .' Owen Storied Berlin Port E, (Jarman. Mian LncknOW g �.hesiey ! 'Manitou, Man. Simone D lhi Mntonr • I outlhamptpn, - 400inetowu:• Morden, Man.Toronto Grimsby Niagara Valle W ingham Orangeville }Vinni on ('Barton st • East 1 nc1.) WinatPe�r Mau "•Hamilton ••• Travellers arse notified that the Bank: of Hamilton and its; "Branches issue , Circular , Notes of the (National Provincial Bank' of ngland. Lhni ed, which can be cashed w1T1t- OtIT °IIanaE en'TltatailiE'in. ANY row of. the wbRL1). J OJIN J S2ROAT, A., •INBURANCE ° .FIRE'ANI MA�1„NE GUELPH MEDICAL Surgeon and Aciiiititilat* ' 'Surgery •--frour9-to4.2-aan..; from and train ge on, and .-Accaucher. 1111 pstairi Wm. new Wools._ Residence Mess street, SIDLALL- .Bankersi . LUC:K'1V OW, - ESTABLISHED 1'888, We do: 'a, general banking • business;"' •flume ' drafts throughout Canada and the United • States. We make collections on all points. including :Western States,�Manitobh and. the North.West Provinces, and_, all collec- tions,; whether note or' account, will: have prompt attention. • Notes discounted and ..farmer's sale notes •cashed. • We loan to farmers on donble or- single notes: fron, one to twelvemonths time, ,and at LEGAL terii, Solicitor's,- etc.,- Goderichi Ont.. M1011 A. MALCOMSON. BAltRISTER., .1. • Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc., (lite pf Cameron, 'Jolt &.Canierou, Goiderich). Office • Soliater, Commissioner, Notary, etc. • Money tO loan, • Office over:,-.11doody's Barber We loan. 'small Or large amOunts on seeend mortgage on farm§ or other real i3stata sec- uritT and on first chattel mortgages °Alive' •or Apples t_O da ai��ht last some per ' �-M sa Rosetta, . rletcher bad Apple buyers have done no ba 1.3% - Lam, Price a y sof; ,l eratelY e9t .n3..:destro ed the returned home after a extensive ►� ?•:,-,••�ec ._rc:u .i.t tt(Hc @ to -JY1 6k lfilS. kfA '� m3 centi ,The rate is graded according to the • " quality and size of the loan required, ' 7•.•• We reprefient the leading English and Cana- dian Fire Insurance Companies' and :can effect insurance on alchlasses of,property in Stock or MatualCompatties as desired. . day of every mont ' Visiting brethren are cordially invited. scre+;ls remain here dor some fiche, .•' andOeo. G:irsVina.� barber shops. . • _-.t young lady propaineht' i� social; ..�-1183 Lora �1VIcDonald, • Toronto ... attended �an a►ssernbty i,�?;,a; who has been • visiting her mother In , circles, this Village for the past` week retdrned -neighboring tov n one 'evening.. A. - •' � ;f,ashonabl© dandy When asked "Ohl o t}lat oty.onTuesday' nornn wished to - be' presented, sa1d, Ohl Murdoch & CO, have 2 . �, over - feet eolals itn cashmere 'Hosiery thi Yes, 'trot :her out The lady �p , heard }iiuy and when he w'as presented week, They are all wool, . seal less°' she acannod,the tllid'e.•slowly from ;coI- feet and sell at 25.o and.3go' per pair, TT,D =About 1st October,. a .rar to boots;: when • she waved bier. WAH hand and Carelessly' said: '"rot' lu h good strong boy fifteen .er sixteen•ye,ars ' of age to drive the express wagon and • 21)1,1942', GE A SIDRALL, : to speak of as• yet Last year at this inthe.,orch aids, arid a"... Ear dem.' prtee paid. A number of '.those .barreled last ;fall . were.,biidly pet u and�'ould' not•tind.:the test, tn. •the•old .00uiitry niarke't'and besides this, dealers paid friends in ireeswater. ' •-L-Miss Ena McDonald,. 'Toronto, is --Mr-Isaao Morrison WWI 'attend - big the V.Crallterien Fail: :this wtek. • —.Quite a number of our citizens --Miss Mart CamPleell of Goclerich 0.. t 4.28, HOLDS lire, REGTMAR , Monthly meetinga in the Orange' Hall-, . 'Campbell street, -LucknOw. on' the, second Tuesday evening of 'each and eVery monttli. ' ' Degree night on'the seoond' Tuesday evening .----'•-7-74 • ((Mowing.. All visiting,brethien cordially .iii- Aaanna, .W. MCQint tax. HS° Mr. Kruger wants go .to' Pr.t°°'. ' House he removed: that South Africa would ,he an 'mil- riear 1?.y mi which to *reeve'. hoese. fore the 'end 'of ,the century. ' desired." •••: ' too Much and -thereby -lost, .•thonsands 'Must bo.goOd1 sound apples: , Europe foF hid health ,We susPeeted 1 Will 81,80%0 ti,lot on Havelock' street,. healthy 'place for him to • stay iii?.be.; wi s° "vit °°t..; le • ° Clubbing 13 ates 'sertifisate i;e1:89trielae. Lit the 'recent in' the:',SigulNsi. clubbing:rates for, the vane° price. Or paper. haa.capsod • ta{312afi• o, isi E3 fT3£�Elf3�iiili Credit; Ont., .' has accepted , t he call extended to hint to Knox .Chnrchi Ripley, and 1c rink Church, • Bervie. The • Presbytery of 'Matland will meer:..m..Knox Church, Ripley, On conduct' ordination trials, "•and at '.1 will °preside; '.. Rev.' ;M.; Odin': Two of tlse County valuator§ name,. --Let there. be •rio 'mistake about: advaneeln Per' rate 'freleticelittlF. now, pst,,,3y4 and .4.th It is 9.1)en•,1° rate&Will 'have. to'he increased., :Full Stricliand Implensente, the property ,1 of .Wns. Baxter, at .Lot l', Coo. ..A eeeveatien: ef 'the. LiVersi Kineardine on 'Monday, Sept. 2*.th, far the par ose of•aelecting day; Sept. 28th.. Sale . to commence ';•,.-..Miases 'Martha and Nina CarFick left here Friday 'morning for Duluth. last Week visiting friends in Loodon.1 visiting Iris many .friends in.,‘Lueknow, .7.Don't forget the Band Concert in the Queen's Park ..tb-riight .(Thitraday):, —Baby Dorothy Douglas liat at, FridaY 'with her,. four grand -.....meets every Friday evening at --.'o'clock 'th3ir Campbell etreet. All brethren. OLD LIGHT toRCE ,111 ,-t.Mias Minnie "Cairink left Friday/ tri :attend the, Canad, :13,ushiess College vestir winter weights ham; ia spending a 'Sow weeks with. -7-dgt‘, Thos. MeDonald :and vide, of Iticknowi. are•theguests of Copt John McKenzie, Or Chioago, VO:oation With relative's and 'frienda in this vicinity. --;-Mrs; S. Pentland arid little boy left for Swan Riv'er;'-l‘faniteba,-en• 1.Tinixatiay_io join 'her . Si1:4Co'a neek 'fins' this ,W0E3k:' This la held in No. 7.•,” acisOol4howip, 'the delegates te1attend the'. conyentien• .in the,24ilr inst. • Alex., .nnahrinkable -Underwear? .`..Tney :are 'men Who .iike El:real good all woe': warhi .Iiiidergatibent.„ that :. Vat .or .b_efore the full Moon; in the Masoni:ITIall, Havelock street; .• •• .11J Council, Can - 011 Suininer•.Season will soon be, r an echo of the past and in tl is 'P, OW- fall annolineement, we.desIre `41 to -allude •bripili to the high Itii (made chailictet of can goods fur 'tale -they have to ' regard to', • the filling oft of -ilie value of , pepperty 110,Z---tia-aliies water will probably ,nearly hold thor -1m6---in 'Kincardine sand. Port Elgin. can' ,be pitrelianed. to -day, 'for la -the..; same. town .:.the' kuoivri thirty:, and forty thouarld dollara. only ;.e. :few years •aga:canbe'purchatiednow ititet will 'have to be paidby, the rural.. lands Wre inereasino • rather' than 'de: - creasing, in vahle.:;-,-Teleseope.: ;11 Au 11,11Y- which, deniand•-''Cominend- Meeting. at 1.30 , p.m..... Emelt; polling sub -division is entitled...to send .,three delegates to vote in'convention., There Meets lat and ard Tuesday evenings °teach month; All D. PAIT'Elt8ON,' 'Recorder: of Refornserir P: A Maloortnion 'on tO appoint -delegates to,'Itefor'in'.COik vantion., :A full atteadaiice Order of Foresters meets in the Oddfellows' Hall on the fonftli Trios, day of each •montlit at, the' Epworbh League. Convention :to be held in Garlic en Oatober 12th.' leading exportera, 'that Ontario Will prodtiCe -.twelve, million, ;barrels of his local .tObEtoribetS! ..,1119.01 or. A,41003 wetilu be offended if their Paper' were, • AOUW , The Guelph .PaVing.„ Company Coin list:for the construction of. granolithio Walks in the village' and In a week or two the ream Street ef oar village W,11,1: havea citified look". -The Wor# was • Thp Luckoow. Musical Society relies ,entirely On the beutity of Citizens: ',.Band gives 'theft...services freely.. to ail local: entertainments. No rants are asked frOm simPly': amounts • DRESS GOODS .TWEED 'SUITINGS EADY-MADE CLOTHIN *BOOTS Et SHOES GROCER S. .,AFTER THE .whiah were largely :broken into during our "sale hut. hot entirely cleared mit. have decided tb continue these lines u,ntil.sold :out' atthe SAO LoW Patens ,at 'Which theyWele offered. during. •our reduction sale. • 'for blyti,.0:Who bad not the op- portunity Or the 'cash to pin-, chase during the sale. '• • .11 laid out by Mr. Town, for th0 ', Com ..,receiVed from .eitiZens; the circulation .. ' .t,0 its resent:standing, we:feel that ---atit-citizena ate indeed 11 ey the organizo,' tien.pritetically 'free. from he'ea circulat,ed •this year as Yet, hitt as a starter ..Colineillor-,Allin handed 'aeok. ''.1‘ie. will :gladly receive 'tiny .0ent , years Ahab • the apple. crop hag Pylentifril AO this arearceaya-the, tho .Make your 'G001 Verpitry: tither .arne'untS Offer.ed far this purpose buyer's hays' tiaiteds these patts. and peteber .3ka, and - '4th; W and dal 'aakneWledgeel., Everything ie being dead by the • Directors: to • make the 'coming. fall titre Society, the over held in the' .Prize lists Can be oh:taineci WEnDING BELLs.—The residence .0f, .. waitho 0nntre Of attraction for a large company of, young people With a fair • sprinkling. of:. those. :•More sehior lationd, to Miss , Blake on the • Johnston Of the „same •:neighborilows. paid asihigh as 1) larrol; .,,last leer. over $2 was. pata to the . fanners, cents is the prieet, ev,:ing to the largo :plaeo4 ill. Court -200 cases of subserib: notified.. ',In ever; .ease Judgirient.' was yap granted at -the .rate of $1.60 per year. Last Week the saMe paper.. Warns'itt• delusquents, that 200 more :There :would he „no .•„CleIhiquertte if ,papers were 'stepped tit,, expiration of tithe, but a hohntty publisher' ia in a, • the good crops, and. early. harves t e ; shbuld be a full exhibit. in, every de-, West Huron, and ''Mrs. HOInicia, of bY degrees sonic get bohind and dont, J, Oaten Ph. -13 after which -Tire the Company sat,•dewn tom, •beuntlful wedding dinner. The bride was at- tiredin a. mustin•cestinise and was un. attended save by -4e,r young ,s,ister, The preaents:Were.Many and iiseful*. daughter ..of tane,• • became tile Wife Of David, . On the evening •Of. Tao " 1.1:1 at:the-beantifttl residence' of Mr, an --d' :marriage oeteMony Was. ,performed by Very ancaeasful law Tuesday evening last, and desPite the t,:ditica in marriage to Irr;'--1.-Tilt and rendered ...0,',,latrinber excellent, vocal, aucl .instramental pieces were also giV'en • „11,3 `well a's an abundant supply of. delicacies. :. tivesni the 'contraeting parties.. .The ,and richness and the', young- people ' take up their reamence in the neigh-, bOtheod With the hearty good . Wishes • Of al... '',The bridal Party' ; were, ably tiSaisted 1;3.; Me. Wm,. Lane and. Miss: Hackett' whilethrilittle. 01,A of honor :witilliddea by the ;bouquet of ilowerd 'she was canon eon tO llold as ttio :bridestiald didtoneed the groomsman --,0•11 Thursday' evening of las( and Rpsis, of IhriCsels•areto give titeir ..t.Thytit.fiew„, fti3r deronfon „ While •ilto Band 'Coneert .was in perfeyniod the• .ceremony, bride Wad charini egly attired., in a dress of white pique with lace.and silk; yibbon ,••1 Feinni.A. Mansell, sister of the bride, : 7 „itibasloti Sand Thankolf,oring I was attired' in' •,..iwiss. muslin , trimmed ..".1%'6' Thalik0Oring meeting' of t,116', 1 •iilitli, Ian and 'Velvet.' • ,, . Little . May \, , day -evening next, Sept,. 25cli at 7.30- Calaid of;:lionor, ',The groom . was ay. • • , ; progress; ,two young girls 0niored 1.1 (itatyeL, Park- and tarried .0 . datigliter Margaret have returned to Jeiitia'rell.331,1,Alcsi.'—Oh Sept. 112tb, ai 1,110,11,a,traterscl . 1.ectii„re oi.1 tlIcir. t.rip„ : ---7-7'4'intuiti in the Oda' visit with Mill, The8. .ei , • .."\`'t A0fiday evenings of. );e:Present-aricl eltaraitr",l'itittAvrAt44%-cutliz:4-4 A N ill •=04. Pr. ,,,lt,11‘ ,N.t.,,,, r.„,(yothai...t, who lately, i , rein ; retbren cordially lnylted. , on mondayi Sept, 2441, ;Meoting.: J Haokett to Jaw. 01 0 program, A ,661feetiOn bi taken, stidUz Fna y oar proMio to, ba. vcrY; -. • .