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Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-09-14, Page 16
6.1 • MacDonald, to Princeton.Oollego N 8. '': RELIGIOUS ;SERVICES.' Mr.:W. C^.. Smith :is recatomended to METHODIST CHURCH. v ' per A q! Harris, Pastor. the H, M Q. for Missionary wprk as SAy3 rrlia, a Catechist.. Inc was agreed that, eaa .1Q A.ni,— Cla/st e. 9easipn hold: Mias ovary mretings as Morniug•Sublect= •Paatornl Addru .i 1I Murray' re- 2 4o r,nt:_.• 8µ,,,lay School; and tam.,.., er#las.. iFoand• convenient„ Dr; , • f . , Ev,.i iug Sulil et—" LaiW uid'i.,uvo." •porteditliat� the , Xoung l?egples As-. - soc8tton ,uletin ep�enl: r:M4. V'LBK ,=NInHT SER VIGE q _ oday 8 i• ..; /Ammo,. • *5th, thaithey allocated 0.00.to Wednesday 8 r:11. --,Prayer Meeting• ' SI�ATSFREE. •:: ALL WELCOME.,. ....ems. .— ..,...,.. C! ; $i?'' stilette s vz % 4 Leslt'hp : and tivigorous. . You :ask how? By using Loohoad'a' izou.''P s. Pa19nees. is due' to the; lack' of Red' Corpuscles in ti e, blood . that',is. the blood is thinraud:vn'atery, not the rich, r d fluid which 3t, should, be for. perfect health,; Lochead'a Iron.`. ::Pills ;are • unequalled for .any disease causedimpoverished• blood such aspale'; greenish or sallow complectiion, weakness, loss .of ;'appitite;'nervous pros- tration, depression of 'spirits,. Paipitation. • Twenty-five cents a -box or live boles for 'One: Dollars MADE AND,SOLD„ ONLY, BY A. 0.. LOCHE' Ohemislt & Druggist LUCSNOW texd' t �1+aini,nl0 'aund a drc.. »•i-e:.aa• • .- `i'>' uta .,�".. • � of x7. ' +te�•c .reds._ � • ;.., '�,,: .; ter: - will 'b '•held at. Wingbam • on Tuesday,:Novomber 20th at '1,0 a.m, John MacNab,; •' illerk• - • ..-::.. .. ''e during' the hot:. We, thank our customers for then`° vary. libe1a ust •snags digheh t. and beg' 'to. assure them that „g - only o will gays . 'of' August bet has its'' eciai prices wind „ y u ..1 ar:at. our; store. Septem pY r . see . the l�louthu the {je .••, ... ,.....,. ,J ..�,..:,.-„�.,.�.-„M,—m .:,.�-'..,,.,re-w.-.rm.�,�F _x#,..-r-Tc�..n>n^fZ Rx•��.•R.R\�'�:4a!.�-al.,:rl:����.l�.t.�-vr.-�. VCTATCI-iliCLOCKS. Altl:riugh prices againha adve • 'vanced iµ ', e t :.8th 1900 ; these „1'iuQa. LucknowwS P or a we a;e able; • r e - uwuuw.•.r...� through' , est careful buy Whitfield '' diet' • y erday at •lug .to sell W. F,, 1 ternoon -,after any illness extending, able pr cess . over several weeks. It began with '• a . a d i,.'.4 uhl bowel complaint, and finally ran•into chfi 1 typhoid fever.. He was considered, in ,ed with gin &' 1Vt,E11. a fair way to recovery:' at, one time tham(noie- reentt;., 'r and his friends , were • expecting his'. Gents, si early, c`oRvalesence when he suddenly. vernix . o r began to sink. yesterday morning and. ` tilled eae p - n'' spite” o£ all possible-. effgrts. to re- 'specialty of : ' wive •him,; he gradually grew l! worse un ;our w ' enc erience departmentatch as eve hal.' baa a .1:iree P ' til his Wasted strength could no longer in this particular titularrantee line, efaction in'.'our repairs as ¢ rally.; Wllham, _re'derick was• born" at' 'our.repututiOn:in this'is•'worth- more -than the,. _. ; Norwich , Oxford ` count 'August mere, money. `• y+,' If,.you cannot get in yourself send us you; ONT. 19th, 1871.' ' He ,,came• uP. here in work and it will be:prouiptly and well done '1887 and wee-, in''the employ of 'the H. G.•; AAMSTRONG, w, JEWELER 1& :OPTIC1.Ari, 1.. CCKNOW ,..' 'd .:.+t ..•.4..y. ,ter.s V:• t• /(;...' I.Y i�,.,:.. • , d' at:. 6.50. Also a Fie avy winter Weightto us he of .heavy twez , want to, clear, them out, Colne `l'heseccsutts, �itere:$p.50~and :9..AO; but we 4 4 clothing' • for c up -to. • 'ust received ourstock of'Ladies' ;Coats.,f_or ,fal We have � . • • . . . date goods. 'Special prices•to early buyers - ' , Season .: P • Otho Millinery � vith ad. vt*ell :selpctgd stock.; Nett week.we•beg><n ss. Pentland. at the opening•: . in Toronto. Any '�r.Cliese goods •were 'Bought by.Miss. - .... � .Pentlend rf3 a•ed er Monday September 17th, customers will find. .Miss_ n p, time aft Y • -to :take their,'orders.. PRES.pyTEa• OF �AITLA1'dD Met at •Teeswater, Sept, 6th, 1900. Rev. W. J. West. was, appointed"Med, erator for the evening term Re*. F. A. McLennan Clerk pro tem utes'gf Assembly"and `' report of W. • F 11i S..,.. were::'distributed ('-The` change of;date of meeting from 18th :-to:6th Sept... to_' uit Rev 1)r, amp bell :was approved. Rev, Dr. Campbell and' , Rev. Colin 'Cam ,bell were invited. 'to si responding. members ',Commissioners: to the.; General • =Assembly, Rev.'•Rod MacLeod . B D., J. West M. A '.and. Mr. g. D. ;Hendersonre p g orted 'their"'dili encs , which was ap-. proved. In the :seine, connection corn munications'fromHon. Judge'Forbes SC' John N. B. and ..Mr. S. •: Waddell, where ret eiv d. - -Halifax, e Rey.: Dr. Campbell; the agent ,of the Century Fund delivered .an im- pressive and interesting a3dress strong- ly urging• the oompletion of the can vasa and especially urging that gener- nus contribution to the Common Fund. C F, R., being station•,agent' and open= ator at Kaininistiquia until about a when he bame'toWil- Hare. W year ago ' . , liam...`All.4of his family" reside wbicl includes • his mother',. and three rothers, 'Charles, Harry and Louis.r• �ecet cher 1s -1898 ie,married Min; me McLeod,' who . with a .%tuns son :eight; months: old survive 'him IVIr. Whitfield i's 'one of the citi.ens that.,a- town can ill afford:' to ipso."./le was, energetic and active.' in business . af- _fairuas, the t tee new • ric. • I = nt: '' fume Leith' street that stand as a duel his., enterprise '. will testify:. :The free '-,rill be a funeral, which. Masonic. one, ,, •will,be`held from the: late residenee'on, Leith street:at two o'clock, tomorrow. afternoon. Fort William` Daily, Tunes, Journal'�of :Aug. 28th Deceased was a'sonnnlaw of Mr. d •.of Hol rood' 4 ; '�Tapues'r°MeLeo y The following :resolution • was 'Passed on a'motion of; Mr. Malcolm and Mr. , genderson,' that the Presbytery coon= mend :to=the congregation the careful- 7y., considered arrangements • for • the. Completion of the canvass, onbehalf;of • the Century Fund and that., they be speciall-y--ander. affectionately _Pleaded, with - to' give that;'liberal help to the -11451°Y faW 1leyfal ao,w and -notice 'a number Common Fund which Isla desirableeof necessary Changes•have been made:' in the .interestto the church's :great rlr^pod71which--will; be -a- source-oL- Divine:blessing to those that cheerful= ay and liberally coire--to 11 -lis help. :A -_ cordial vote of thanks w;as. tendered tO Dr.`Camp bell for his assistance in the matter and ' receiving congregatiOns .Were. considered and it was agreed.' as ;as follows:=That :$31.25 be asked •frown :the Augmentation: ern ittee for North ; 'Kinloss, Riveredale • and Enniskillen for the present half•y.ear e and, thereaftir this charge :becoome self-qustaining; _that 575.00 be asked 'for Pine River tilr'Oct: 1st' and -°$100 '4 per :annum thereafter, That Duff's church,6Walton, ,Supplied 'by student•. ' receives'nothieg.• .. Mr.._Mu,wr_ay presented a unanimous call from,, the united congregations of Knox church, Ripley, and Knox" church,' Bervie, in: favor of Rev. F.'. J. M.axwell;;,licentiate,,accompanied by guarantee, of a stipend *Of ' $850 per an- num with use of manse, stipend 'to he paid insemi-annual payments ' .Tho call was supported by commis:' sioners Mesui's.-i eter Mcponald, An.. •:. gus Martyn• and, Wm;; JIenderson. t was The call , . 'ordered',t'o' be•forwarded .to. Mi-. lax- well, •..Provisional arrangements Were - made for ordination and inductFon. The Presbytery will, meet in . Knox" 'church, Ripley on Tuesday; ;,October 1"6th et; 10 �a.m. to'hear Induction. 'trials and at1, pain. the; public .err}ce sail,_. beW..g 1 in. The_ Moderator .to_pre= >�.. 'side. Mr." Dann.. of Whitechurch .toy • pM0aC1!Mr Miller to address 'the minister_>anifr"Mao'aIii-6'.7.0111' fix' �.'"BOit w:„ ' IlvstON. In Lubkndw, pt. 7th, to.Mr. and grewiti0n,•' :. ; •Mrs; David Huston a:sonw•. 10001 V,;i.MeClt():1�1�iL, Clerk, Tho •oinciating.,minister will, read 131E1), • '' ... • ---� -• the4'Ediot, in both churches .on , two McCOltVIE. In Luckncw ' on Tliurtdayy, ' , Sabbaths before the Induction. ' September 0th, 1900,' Gilbert McCorvle, , —Don t� forget that' Tuesday, the aged 27 years, 10 • months, 20 days. The -• 18th Septe•mber is'; the date for ' thil item, It, .A+' ranston: and 'Mr, 1.fas'� f neral, took lilaoo , frotfl Isis mother / C f es'donoe, Campbell. '`3troet, Lueknow, on it. ' Ilotne restive.' at .rise Aslati t•, a of I' n0 ..Eioli 6rti and- ° Mro euy1 'iaturday, 'Septeiaor 8th for Kinloss _._ io student worn certified to tl field Afotlioditt ]�araont�ge, LtiCkliow, w 1,.4.11.., G•onot,01.,.._„,._ ,.._ ,. .,....,......,..—...._,--1__ 9o- -PARILMOUNT W in. Lane, Goderich,'County Clerk of Huron spent a day with Lis brother R.- B. Lane: • Wm,. Johnston, and family, spent a week visiting friends at Seaforth J. "W; `Murray*: shipped. a' lot of line lambs this :week Mr,. i .euben Spindler ,was in'; this. neighborhood building v!<ire,`fences • Mr, Geo. Anderson has purchased the, blacksmith shop in . Kintail and, intends iemoving there this fe11. yir oc yed a neab prize-Aist- ef--the We are now ready. to receive applesat the factory, Bring apples large 'enough: for Feel-. - ing and ;coring.r .Na small apples -taken at any::price=ow a . ing tothe low price for stock this; fair. Apples that. are partly decay-' • 'ed: not wanted. J0 YNT • : JOHN . RS•, • : 'RACTo NOTICE �T0 C0 :MORE. INTERESTING HAN, FICTION. K cr epf. + because we cane to an agreement 29th• we• closed- mit* On August, wrangled ,. Lavine to sell our stork of,Dry Goods, etc.; `to' him Weg ;.' with David. t av ngled and wrangled., and liow ,we have hid a'complete split up, and now •'-and�wra � g u; store open : again b TURDAY, � EPTEM B' 8TH: • • lease of the Gr ind store run. s oat- on September o er t e. re%re' ,I)UL'ii vvui: N..,w sale to. cornu`•and take these • • e ask ou . ,. - . 'Butes Y. • ° HD SN©ES ES B0'OTS A . ING� :GROCERI • ,. DRY .;GOODS,, 'CLOTH . . __ . ..:: - e were Ick no` thein ofF`thi street. inl ere almo°st.a though you p away tY o , _ , '0 ;, worth. of ':"a: ked ;our •$.l,s0 : The trouble with.:li"s w• s'this'man Lavine . p, c •. . , . , • •• . . . , rcoats ' Heav Suits,.„ .Long . 'Larch>s Heavy Ove :-.' ed this•t� v .. nods, use a,rrly ure etc; .at,; . new g J to `take'the :sho furnit •, - , • tes'Flannels •Etc•., and refused• Boots Flannelet p the. right• 'ric• e.. . •. •, , ... . VENIN G. EVERY E , •: •`TRADE. - .: ` .OPE. • , ATE :TAKE; �•: , :./► :,The undersigned will receive, Sealed Tenders for the Trustees' of•'the Ash- field Methodist, Personage, Lucknow;_ up to nob; .Friday°September 14,1000,, for the removal of the :-present kitchen and the ;construction: of a 26 it 18 loot addition to the Parsonage.Plans and•• specifications may`ie seen at the Ash= field Methodist Parsonage, Lucknow,.: The: lowest or, any 'tender, not neces- sarily accepted. ROBT. WBBSTEE Sec'y. of Board. Lucknow, P. 0, 711-EF-A1.1r--FAIRS. LUCKNOW, Oct. North Western, Wieghan', Sept. Listowel,* Listowel, Sept. 18.19.: Nor thweste, rn, ''Goderich, Bept.:1819..' Northern, Walkerton, Sept N. -Porth, Stratford, Oct 2 3. W.: Wellington,• Harriston, Sept 26.27 .Teeswater Sept-.:•• 25 26: Exeter, Sept.- 1819 Fordwwich, Palmerston, 'Sept 25-2E ". ,East Hproii,-•Brussels; Dot, 4.5. East 'W awanosh, Belgrave, •Oct. 1-2.-. Elms,' Atwood, Sept. 20.21. Kincardine, Oct. 4-5. Ripley, Sept. 25-26. ;Blyth,.October_9 10 - READY-TO-WEa ALL WELCOME:, 1 • 1900:- VOTERS''°LIST,✓ 1900 :Municipality of ,tiia• Corporation of the Village of Luoknow. ()TICE Is iIERBBY-U•I'VER TIIA.T •.1 have transmitted or ,deliv`ered to the persons mentioned in the third and fourth sections el the "Voters' List Act” the copies • required : by •said sections to be so transmitted d • Actordelivered all persons rthe List' ing by he la• theviised Went Warranosh Coun y of Hur n. L - of all appe�nn� by the as xe � • Assessment 13.011. df the Bari Municipality to • - e • i insaid Mu ici alit at (1'1'iCi: 1S HEli113Y GIVEN: be entitled to yore the s p p y Assembl fa member/ .to the' 'Legislative n 1 hrve transmitted the or delivered' fourth. Assembly, and the, municipal elections card `persons meltionfd , in` third a d' to the y' Was first otited up,in my office at sectious of the Voters. List Act"`the copies the: said list w p Lucknow; this 12th da?' of Sept. 1900`no • and required by said /serine/ to be 130 transmitted livered of the List; pntsauant to the /aid remaics,here for in/peen on 'tb' exttiiiine the or de ElecOni are Call pAct of all' persons• appearing by the lust .l.. - ,I i .d &ssessment.Roll of the .said Menici• eriors A and if any rein seio takee any othtr reriay. ntitled to' vete in the said Muni. errors;sro found therlain to immediate! palit� to'be,e• roceedin s to have the Flame errors corrected y , e for; members tosthe Leg- Ctppalit at"eleCtlQll 6 " i/lative Assembly, and. the it tnicip it elee- p .. accord'na to law, tions and the laid list was first Posted' up in!' day rr"�f.sept.• S, Helens this 28th day of Aug; Dated at.l.ucknoav ;this '12th• t y niy of at . 1000 and remains here for iiispeetion,; --1:1cetors.-are caned upon tu4..examinn.-th :,.„ said list and if erly ommission ' pr any other errors ate immediate. . to take r ina toe f OUn d h Itroceedinga to 'have' the sam'orr•eni corrected accordiifg:to hvw, -. ; ' < lt Dated at St Miens this 28th •flay of Ab, • • and varied .•We;have�-a.'large. . stock of the latest stylesof Ready. -to -wear Hats.. Having:, spent the past two weeks In the wholesale :.houses : in '.Coronto, wliier:e We' have that-clsssof the hest houses .• in the trade' le choose from'.. We, are confident that 'our 'styles and prices aro correct., Now' is bho , time to. 'buy your fall: hat ° as the early customer gets :the, first: choice Call and see.•atrr stock , before buying .•Our Miss Lindsay ;'is• attending' the Millinery'opoilings :in Lon-.. den this :Week ., ARE HARD �1' e W are \ of : the sum- mer balance__ C=rant e� ,ala � kind much reduced ,. • _ :- � Znd� is, �offered. .at: very .• mer•. k., prices,,td clear outspeedily. Worth rth whi e:to make a . visit and look over t'n bargain d are just as''worthyi and: ' counter.: • � The goods• . , � e, be znu�.n . O the 'seasonbut , useful as at'th g g new stock more room for . we must have NN•1•11 MRS SMITH 1900 VOTERS' LIS' -1900 1900, . • • clerk, r • ca osin LUCK • a month Of•.A.0 `� U. hOut the' . , 1 courier ,e thro g . .. .it:Very �` W�1 , -. to make it •Very. , inter. ,. We are prepared. sty Y • . , in urchasers, . -. ry �++y{{t�,r�ry�•�4 dor inten . g 1� r�at 25o 0c, different lots tO ,psel1 , 5 ' 1'1 eC�. �our .:. er. air, •These can " be :::seen and.1$1.00 p *13 . • .....:r .. � tore. and zn -�' w . , , . � . � . •_ at-- tr ., • •' . nside Which We ,ZTe SOYYl BJOC thin S 1 n• y C e on. .d. � r s� leasod to• sho�cr, • • r� n» ,