HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-09-14, Page 10M
V t
W,40 Ja ifoe ad lia land-.- X;insaa, A`Texa� 4411srai. A.'slumb,"
At., Iona.
'a�g Oil From, lit$., ii�poilnta,
of,. person Pilot
of -'the, conditions under which thq I Are reprqrW, killed
`0100i'porlsoadra,-are, detaitted -* It. Up.
gnjngo� And w, iij `,tr
I AW, L HU I , t; � 'a; r
Pears hat, they ai�a. oxce6illagly";iell., �york tliwit.,way son I th
ffj'S �reat `444 qvoia 9 plahiof goi-A
p X q �edl bltt tile Vd�rce -eWL Of tile, OtIvia, ia,
too' Mt, be ok - 11,
It impossible :for t1wm. to gal'", �- W_
on pArQ.q' A�
liond Ing: tp, 4 jtQrlqo;,I
wity�;ha* .., eek alto
cqmru,.es q,' Ider' to �gdvo their jl�es
wo4 W
IlQrso Of, their, nuip r
IQ - " 'able, 'to, filid
-GA, Vi J`
f -E, 14
a Was a r a,,
4ace, Are tr6riirrted..mest courteous,
,�orm W4 Temple
4 t
jiq a *0,it ent Of tit 7,ve he
4 are allowed
and. fearSr'4re''en�qtgIned
c r , )*dl
rdrid, on. which to- jj.�
0, 7. Tree T110 Tallrog4'
unt eplarin _,'hUt,,qIne2 they offWaIPL. PAY' it '16 ImP6061ble tOP mOV'q
w-e,rq made prlsolndro, tl
ge. only porlod.
wooborl .0 up Aj ty, of"r, trnins, south O(TOuI`tAeY`. 9rt:1f4jq '11,44,
cc ie h TO' On -T Li..'e, 1,11., trBin�'from 4pustou last
[nqu�jl mInd ,e
On of'' calm, and tr`4
Via hou'and'People �Lo v S t gilt wo,*,
Willett they- have,! experlefic
from 15i'to IS b6ura to
i. beqn, tliaC spent 11%, J�V.� Ropag, With.
Y;!11 k Or Ato xapssUge
habitants.,they 4
h Oil That City fq ta;tes that a serious dIS44,
4 too ort.�
gQ; a no!: other lip. nature of
Xro $urr®rnder., w leb canno
I:b ndon, $eept. 10,,, 6 A, in Tile
I, �-Wn d
A —4, XMN'. 00
t I ie ral
IF ikk]F�
w 7 �..J - - - -
for, appordl.ng td 'the Landm' Daily,
the Rate of tickets Or, accep np
hAth untl furth'r
7 trelght �for ilh a! i $0
`7 they returned aft6v-the til)
Mail '09rresfiotAout a
WA WAS,: orders,
bopiip by. the, BrItIsh, ,and , I'shelled
or -T !�d,
T-6*10 sited -b a Hur-'Ae�ne'istofd TI'dil Wavi �blg. $t�a'nler's
lost. Kr4sor., i4d: *Oyn jore Being, On Ing he
the 0 Ight y
rAU04 Oy 1 , 'HamiltO 0 the �0166e firo jrNQR1IQVS 140$$ OF. LIFE.,,
46i . I . in
without effect, tubAlintial �Bvi.11dlngq: 016*n D IlY;PntIF0lY
.,Pi a QW"7 rw
a1h' nwyellable Indic' :Makitia ItOtI 9 tjpn4rod qd r
6 y Obje -t tO V_ Ak Ti altos -f —A I 11"A101cek ta -or "Witeatlorig-0 n Alq;i�,Sqft6rg.'S6v6i' I"
r , aA C to Milt, MP", the WhepO.abou S'lloltillvdid' r C 0 777' iut rtilidi: t eStIM .6f an P
.5 Pilot j Y. ge I49rento, Ua Ony ye"Wit q�si
C9111 ldleyo k ftlilcor�Fatliejr. 01,Lpa kku . rt� N61 T
ry In,
a., reOrte'd It a. OW
I dini at! :,,Dallas Toxas'Sdpt, q.'The,.fdII
Botir a pru ld t6 be
Is. SIX ling, tplqgram ha6'been7.,'r,6o6 ' Ived
HoustjA bov tile News
"Austib Texas, subiher"go,34 and cut off
Is 'prdud, I
Of wIltoll, CUPP dolon the object of,,.aPrreqqer now., e
tion,has, us.6 that Ubopt troin commuri'loOloni The boats are Relief tralh just returned.. ey,
r da Y. r could not. get'Clolsor thda sLx ;nUes ot
00 of Beifast, tlh.e force c9gaieting. allmb I ioutirei Th:e p6rtiBgu 't dy reln- 3,'000. 6adn l9st at,,qaIves-' 'gone; the railroads 6aml
t ege are p.rQp[ tot 6peit':
Says coldnik's.
f6rclt4 Rosario Gardla,_Jpst, Ike enor-mous rq� a e, Arid he water Is so 11, gh peo. as
t6ff, d �strue t'd whe the .0rotria-W
oberts loq of p' IVirginid P
d n"the'llne, the borddr� this ace NO,JmformAtlon from other
The f6ll6,wlmg exi�li�oi� fj6 f
`Duj�loliald (in Orm o reason. or pie cannot. walk out. Way ol'the. overed.. wlit-h debilis, planosi
by, lnmber.� .
by. Voll. W -given. but It Is, believed that,' POW9, (Signed) 'bridge Across the efiould Two� hund�
inred' Adlow
'a a" John'D.. 'ay d from. 1he
rg y;este�daY. Th� K,0104-ZlNuny' 'on jjoqda� r sli 8 * e�b - c6unte
of Buller and. HqntLltc tfid..egttrW t; rush of TranIiivaal ftigitives Is an- that bildge: be, standing.. re -00rPses, W d
e. train. A -Ilrfrge stegmer � is atranded.
'In W14011 It() holds, the$ itielpathd, and encroachment on Por., ovialona Will, be badly ticeded,as
Sol& t, he peq os.,the 41Tj -:.11pt couseq p t �great fiiajorlty' of, pie,
Wel!6 �ih th Pr
q W! I 'tuu Q teriAtory- Is ly" -DISAISTER TGAU64,4 talleaAhis side- of,'Virghit'
0 U 'lea 0,0 ImandIng ad.
rh 11 as, th6kt�h- lip. b'
tit. fear all - they had. - Thi., wator;vOrka POW. Y AFfidill-
wefo foul! the lln-A of cOMmutile,i1lons isilbs 'Aii Eyer-WItness T -he T
lit Orange R'I*f)r -Colon�. mattrs. ells of errIbIo It �usb,. was 0. Notlillig. can e soon Q
following Incidelit''to' be I ", 1 dked,Land, a *.atef t,Ga,l. ., :, .. :,
ma4e, knowri te n, Two'nien, were-p!cked 110*110
are,;not 'going altogether f avorapi y Scenes In That;*City� faintne in threatezied as the clate ng
Glen. Hart Ims 'Leon oninging, the" throbgh hw com Floaed acr6s
inxas 10 P, a to'the.malilitro, who. for.the. -British, who hay stat- _Te' Were. a I rallied
-by the ovetif low* of, eati.i6itte.* the los;s of,
a v ow to'drM the Iveffo, India, Bait-, -ra Ime t e ` le
em The - d
tu th t t co as the moot, serious. Problem'.
*+ eiiisage ItiVaddress6d to,
Ast yesterday + wrought. Awful Ilavoli W Texas. RZ e dity Is In dark. 'TI
wax, be faced now. �Th
�311perinterjddnts Feltoii, Dallas,.'
-jet four it pbrts are Conflicting, but it is 'know,, na§sj the electric plant avnd
a on. the having'be&
Ot, Whom is� tilOnot
0 be - "IbLit. an appal ling 'disaster� - haA - befa 1-� r1alned. �4 fniere is, -no way, of estl-. col -nes from Mr. Vaiighan�, � manager.�-
of tile )Vestei,il of f led.. at HOU19-
No. one, lies lea the city of GAlveAon, raatlilg�. the pr6per�y damage: At pre. ton
yet, *eo.og- where it-.ig,
lit, the�� kes',
DIAN ov T , 0 qweaJsbd. contained letter�s 11tire baen� blo�fdd ojut, and & temeu e could. see'or- lietiro Ali.
th 6 orar as It''
711teron frol-A Gen. Do, Wet," obiLtaining. d6us. property 4mtiga has b Tlininine
ya the east end�,j)di-tlon-
C r di,
ixfit'Lii lit Of the city, which Is �'the residence'
formation 0;
ClIstricti, has b6pti practIcall�.'-Wiped
f fom ftbiito� Pass
Arthur also -indleate lle&VY Out, of" existence. On the. West. enN
en. r6ports,from,
r ''Ver
. . . . . . . . . . . . ay ltwas_,
1W EOMO of llie,,troofie having. start- W cojiftrm�od At this -hour ortiOrB of, he island, much, Ijavoe
north, andr the otlio�r.3 tpsv4i-d IV's , Was X
-The.- first ne --to"reach-ill I lone. The be
is c t,
Ach lias'bee'n swept
tZkop� Itiost �P( ''jWUna, at' bath-h6uses!, are 1 destr'('
,Of f th;Lt tII6,:Boer.forc6'bae been di.. 100.4 of life.,but, iheo6t lrepdfts' cAAiiot Which' faces, the Gulf n,. Another.
f rom cle"i . tile >y
allimullitloit'have! Won Loudd Sipt. 7 — R W, recel. ed'to-rl'ght-.� James 0 -Tim- ed and� inanp of thli"re.sidence
i*llfasi uador*:d7a'
ttlVeduead' in nu, 'Who Ilve3.Jli Hdus:oii,.an.d Who Is. total. wreuji:a
JY� . Halalltoil.
to i6f
ire 1) idi I t le,&06r,
mt a n A111rocilred.
'Wore, I
a Company 011110 opposition., ilbinal ijompress, cofip�any, arrived lit ;A_in,'Germ�ny`,.qn'd::Ja an
Major . commnd-3d, ft�- Lady. t rqvereed. Pill- At suipezinteadent of the Na
&rday with at t Tr I *at'
Ilgaget. le;
!,a ift. this morn rtg� 11 M11,01i Is.endeay.. - iiere �at w at;
whose offieers Ifellaved � loat He� *,A$ -one. -of tile nisi., t, .7.65 Satuidity �'ni
9 ru'lils ri, lit. gall(Lbtly. u gfit
Ini) 'clVdit,'for " their. relief' is, (In - to Intanital,
=t"h here' -with tidings of tho t. wrpoked'ht'a '13"(fint - tw-6. IT.
d' gred a. 111. 10 Ma �d B that City.
B r4arnin fallea
'Brdeel -.11amilto 'I, ith t & d.o,: Uacke dlsa�steri which lial§ be of A] ClIc gu 0. an na. pony
Alo ritea 1antr
-froru-R1;etrd1Lte1Ij:, W malngL to be 1old b6oCtiia of his djuro6d, The train as 'ru ning'slow'..
+ a
a y wilen I U
!Ld Wondorsfdritelji.�:' dion 'Prodeed I encountered
Ith,, SaYbAllat Qd.tO assistalicei but the o. *or& to �re em in. to, heavy
off. th� ach.boine. AftDr r . orted 41int RUSSIA
ttlo�'garrlso'n Ing through.tho IiBrriealio Of Gtorm..-It-46 re e train-, ,
Lyderib 9 it was. - RANCE 'AND -Un -So
P4emY`bQfOf0'IIe ia�rkved. was. literally lif 'from. t
oti de I G I ves�?Ii 0 a� e tracic.
The F.ocrO were. ompletely; out e' Tito w d lrop a
. -L. .1. 1 ., , I n., 't pqrfo; nano li� ��
d. .-The s thro,*
gli 'LXIO. . w Una ndoa
:Lieu litj ,Sapt.. IU,. -�.6
oil are s-i-y—through Inadw.
t ereAlb, cauglitt—a -th it :W
Whell.L e Ca .I#, lot.11 uzricanes M as
191age In the ,dIiib6't!IOh or. qpll rom. tft6 �Times
grim 8 trft �ouatoil� Tile -it r. it ,.Cor
ndent at'Pekin Gen. Hanitit had, -blJe under
Qn. �ouiflanked them OlTImm'ne an wa,6 tbb�,Worst �evor folidd that her head
arl&22tid, g1ve 101110 partic:dlarei of"the
lkhe. rIgIjt,:c;Aung�'them to eVACuate known. r. And tha�tihe,waa' dr6wndd.,
tit ab out The. centre. Is.,iroapidl :, p.
dovkd` some, ot"t'lle1r.n'rililer ed 4n &,Londotn--,,DAily Proachiiig Northern - Texas taid: Its towhile
all zlonlad , WO Mail Aelograin, The, -
d in()$ Y ( po, estlantites. B*R( zeni bf
1, engp, ury.—wrocks Ull Ilezrong 17091tioits. They 4TOl( Jst4tO-of affairs th:?re. It- appears that'
abdnw ,�l 240� �&nl 1,666, Pe6ple Perished. 411a court Xl#d *.by the"wo.,g gA:
�vdIbuate.d,'iu the past week Senekal; (;al JaPullesd� were. - shpilLng. t
Plielled, Buller' lie east
a 40vep to, god In 9 roeom4 veliten wds that 4;000 4auses,
nortit 1wi bit b0tll`jeh6Wi Fouilesberg, and Lady.��- m;&st' of t,lbe a' �doing vas damage afid. b; destroyed
reat I alssatte6 $list �Qf in r, t Path t or6a;te',a,
on, eildenceis, hate been Vajolrt party
�mean t&
bilind. killidg,' P�
P ti.100 fef shok, ano thei uk �3rd ople hl'eM�terctl I W" at rounded '.d str Y -.1000
-Xr1t1s1;-,Wstalned no q Y thtt"dt lellat' The'ginqll town.- of - Brooks
.. _ [by 1114
.4isualtt6s. 0.9 of thb�cm6my,,ivitfj thl ee:gulls 'eh drowIlled,- 91) or hol-A. pr6d1twintlo on -Auk..
P.. n,Wa
Gell. Botha W chagrined os 11111-didy. and ILI littli - f 'lisu dd
ewe tile Misso4r! Katialls. Texas. *41-4- forbiddi looi
OtWith4! ! ' . , , I � .1 . . .. . . I a b� busliiie�s houses ere�
-unquv attinA69 two da -vs' sliellih-g" nd',rifle I .Loadoa, 6tr took lmost wiped out by' -the. storm�:,Tliq i1w vti,4 Calling.
4jing the: strong roIiiWon ut.:M, t�Q,� hdm� 0 1 t
71-8 1-0 lig'. U .11
j- Meturn. to.their homes'
k I _1k___ t __
r l -e Orrespor the Maricllester,Guar-' or a 1.119 O',pay orpr,
:1AItigh at liav 'at' t1i, Tug lisoliev TI W-enpilaiy, than st�aee-t' 'lie 'o Lt Y, My. TI(Bbuins U,�erfs is' U
1 nfarmotlon._.,
e �el'a,'RlVe IX)VItioni fiL ILqh tile 'rai left.
a -t Gtah- Do et lias,'Ie. (']lung ...Lil- the, military "commandant
151te b6dies.,( f bls,�urren or witl f6rnied frierids thit: lie will. fi Vlete wreck,. >1 lo-ar persons. Ila' edn ._ - t ght. to tild com lipi rar us"he c6luld who is,,reaponsible 'for fthe
that 'ex-Pi�.esldentg
kItled 'in the re
-.8teyn, hirve lied � An& osO' ws ."thlrb d, arid ille. se'iti 11 I I nd) 6nd, ''His
ryons lave it from, -the *ate�r, -frioin'� - And,,frqm' the Was r-o2deding, ors hbat Cyqn--JI1m!ltOa1s In warj And hi's *lfei, has I f broked .. . , was .,bl(ywn es 6nf lned'MlLder'.
j6d o -Tremoolirt hotel. Watr arr ted/ and .!A q
from Lord 013 hew.t Garlilin, Roberts,' the Islild by the hurricatie, -tile ea across"
odewt.bos the! tile..ziodce of, Ii1F I 'Official raturns, - on. .3-i wlind blowing at tit 'r front Brookshire, was reat]3, ite -lite Of'80 miles 9 CtLoil of, pri:'p, . r,
at: show a ty ln'Pekfn.�
6ji5eirbtflon's prellr�ina da mttgEu.,� � but sd. f o I riy tck tile. capi. 000mIntind With sfiowlh�' -that thp Boers haire' a.n:,hot�r-.stralght fmrA the Golf-axui . . - ar up knowi 11
ture -Lydenburg. Ham!).' 1101s; -it few captured darino were `Jost- wilious. 'Aliles �ol 'houses
Wmeno. s sea Water before,AtAn J)P,2d, flk&t 6y t . he.,Boxers,
tha war 281 offleers and 7;288 m6ll,,of" forcl;ng the
biton. wits clparlri�. i�av -for Bul� own. ovezi whoin 235 of fle6rs and' 6;196 nieti- have waves -'The SteAdY 6 leafd I)NITIlifte�e
bornmAW.6d, can Lite Ilass has not tiEoldf6Ts and finally by
.9 driving -thn, n an. ppropap�;A pogi t Ion tillte 'more the- ,heiiit bf it' striliking: the I city day. "b3 laOt neWs- was re- of tile relief colilinh,*, which. wit esdapd.-or been''release One officer front to
e An PoAtloli.. ca,rcYully aritronched' a6d'L 85 ifietil died in, captivity. abodt t.5�,olc morn-
4�n. -cd roin -toll6re yei'
Buller had lock� Yesterday "evenIng,
ing. a nd: at.that timei the - jvjt'�jr N�,ls
109.9,of. ti�d. :*011*1pil; Lortl as ours." and 6ontlafulng.without illitgTriii
.6sermainy to Stay.
num, of � British remainfirg lil.. t4le, wfioi� th
I r L>. im ]ght last- night, When' -it, iGen;. Ift m 1 ton lian&,* of tj c... Bo,4 a tA 'mid
III), Imses. T to* de- Lond tile 1viiIJ%!1%rns: rising 'arid —Gerniany la della-�-
Abated somewhati'althimigh Lt �con-
itrcc6de to the'.propDsal
ly rc
SP&I ilii�4o, *
'' .: , Ott 10vallded to Ellalil' tidaued, to Wow all flit lit Vroin' tile __lngt�X- -th
ellr 9 Ru%9ta-, look
Timmins SOM4 A,4, 'i!:n
Olwo, ai-evacuation
ir Loss, tosyn, "ivi
q6q�14 celip w., Rooplan, cthbilc Ottawa Sep't bV- t ll';� iirmle.3 Of tho' llied
ow� (;.�The* follow jig, Is uccurn tli6 de-., 0
ViLkkei iback, tirg, jvat�r
IdIr R� I `Un Addit' meW of houee, 8 bing ff total
tonalilsV of, non7e6mmlasion, WLtli fat'al resfilts;'thougli o * lie.i.rd [lot, ull(I -tunning 'thioligil ConimAtOint I lit- outh'�Afriea;, Iiag arrlydl� in and ' men or-tlie' Canadian a 'matty' regidertice 4ei� Strel:U. , ;T110 People Were... leaving. lianyi Jjredt Britain
Joubert retirbig. Tile,. B had is 06w X. ritlA ed officot ik carried
killed ada fivo. wounde(J.. Apee 'iorc�s '[A�vallded t tuD iligh"C
Ircep theft- 'I
Orces a
had U' �P away! wi-th iiiintates.'The lidusa %hat, s , iiij Ulline-se c-apital arid. that
In mtil Se-. . England, aidee" . -Till.* 3ist -d a the"'RItter. sa� back ridgel. is bo'ii6ved 'that
Outh, LteR, he saw d66trdyc sglanii,. Amelie, And Fiench Will..
to Boer -prl- A fa-loWiNk cnt2riv f0vor, and, w 'TI' C Oergt, 1,*4! atid restaurant at 2,0i6 ktrand
yi, -aw P XF T) ri- tile, To— bodirw 6 Pit. vio, road town R.- A_42tli Three diff.erentLzme.
49d to', releiise Nix Canadians J. N.. Ftitivoeit, C. m�wezalirook.:?, oil Gaii; Irsioills, haVe b6on,
wit() to, reniiii r,�'! It, 1 ". I ty. ThIsAliree-stbIfy'building was. UllY, uiWfilied of ilie speech deliveried bj
C, tir o, i
on t t0, -fr( t t�.; tit' blown down Anti n;*mB men, OMLn--. and IT irre , rn"llig thel*, t
aeks t0 C. cut. 61tizons, n t lid: ercoas is -or e droiviie�[ t for.'
'PALTI' 80ii L q. Dti C he officers
t tile ii.�lvz at 'Sitettift
ara t1iIL-,;.l4i111;�
oftr, OV- ako ve�rV 01 : tne
a to era
theIr, e
re err ng thati
ry. Zito It, ('I'LY P:j ...... '-doad Ila
k B110, L"U -tile -Q-t the Elder -Demister. j steams i1p.. line;
But ie' ;la.§t version
Faddeii's Cotton ConlViny,' lvhos� Daul'Age, t 1I has..14. olistoll..
and'lujured ti stolttm iligll,b tlio -and ht — - ----------- .1c
.110 ntt f LW- -X in
fd id, nirtur(ger for..
Recentl thsi ta, ,
On p.,r6,o:i. k
the acILL
ti�&Ifl 4 ANAD S E
othe .. ..... ern, r ae J�Iyer.� That -pr The Brltlslr� It
I W-al'ters Wild custoriners sav tied fire, but'tlikri:6. Ws
4 ed ilierneelves by jamliling-f _m_- Lt r.10 e Inc -it lit nie me 9 w t i tio oppo-,ition.
odint, oif. ij�ll 4 rmert-ol tl
'Conles. 'isralry defeated 600
cilme. wag i rack jiundr i e
�j 0
qs�lljg, eabjL Fee Y it "to&- tL 6s Q
hurodas"R tilat to. 'It. tvajk� r6portqd Ah -ft tile Orphan� Tha.. $40j.
ki le(I ;diififig. kson,,C�tr:Wh_�461 %Voi-ks R6% -QM' In tile
Asslum, wid 1-601 fljo llo� A als N ore
76M[11. T) 1jeptern. true lie ,I ig Ij eallIttil in
orp b6 -wilituh 'is t1lo, tere,
ef, ftlit Lojg of a ritied tvith - spett rs a
reft, of rt 11 f 0 W greati ds It Lm ilt� Till- Boxprs,
border; -'to .11H. to nd swords.,
(-wneral Na t�ft.( -A rmy. wetci gerierall-� erowdetl,, losses, mqns�', 7, n
ga" lurtll ill,- tile. Oty
Ithe '-British'.. unlforpi4. in illy olit, Vill NU
�vera drv� as they were sullstafiflIttl buildl. J)UX -to ., t�Clidncos � 6 - - tillit fiuL' had ken. riAgerm -C 11WIr refuge, In flietil. Watc;'-'6xtend6(I olu oil, K, 'Ili the f
1Po,4t,,, 'Ns -hither cloliflit,
Coure o
4krts repo *. Thritninir yesterday jti,llt� 114itt. G I P S,
A4 th'Ut. mosi of tim .11
III it lvgro ('1111
ens have Stafe.f6r In.
It; wfW. thmva_ fee t deep, n 'it - 1I
of, iMrl W it Idagal 1.
'.of,tht)Trt�niont'.1totel.,.titit waar Wfoee
tbout iNvIe six fcoe� AM
oil dia, sa (1, Lt I
wore UnrouNd'
r it the illatket-slitutre.. If i'090tiz.ltlol�3 ith the Olin,
Tile, iosv'n f�o �tfi, '7— tit, t w
I-Y'Llen . - . I tile' r 7-- long, tho''water front ifl Wrd froin XrOg
lie duapk(lithd -ap S(j q%ertlinelit, vere' to', brought.-
bleh. Is atiput 65. Bites fiol�l, Kit . p It' 'stlufftettJor 'A&IBInatibn . �
uroll Ills iluclang t10 trip io B v6ri, grot, Thp roo(q had UIetiti. ttj hC 'A, Corp.' S, blo%yn froul.iiRt Ild I�Art 'of thb� GoVerninbat, liould (to n 'fit -
Pat he�.(,Ie%,htOfs;. aild,tlte�
01;i,ary W it, ,9 ilot its It' S01110 fi'ig flint -IN 0
twere 161theivi uJi A�
t to 1F leLo6mizA) AlaMtiez; '4ept. 9 do- tio j)rot&t1oiL to tlio'co 'Wlit-4� tnees IfUjILTs, 011� liffil ill, I�t,�. G. NV, gtllalit, 1- ting, from - tile po
I §Ition
till(] s the 4111010f,the p1ticky Sth M0,3t, bf, tll� §Lliall sa-bing,eraft. -s'irtitio a ti Sur tils hea if
c.- R to y t
jr 2d'ally leto "t i f ightili R. c. lt�, I propo,
tit 1141ardeWrg art(] A.� or floattylg Lottonj r,1(1() would, 'no a 1)4
f prcwd C. K, RbrIsorjI it.. C..R., .;Ltr6w Iq� rty
train ),as
W , hif Fa tlitir O'Lo 219t ftegf iiii In th-)'NjV Tlmo� Lj astunil Htdam. to A,
for Ua -'lid ii6rtll'6f' Pell, 0 W eWp "hore left hor�
nil a rk!cP,,tiry, of Sta to
Her, 310B diA oti r..' lle&rt N -til I'lillid, but, Mr. Timint :'rIVIng ttfio'tn'ltropo�ij,, to pt,�Jee Ord (IllitinguLsh g hv'lot "Iftne Xthalre, $aid �tltat G'rc,4t BrI ath
ySoilt1i ., I' -. A, D�tjojtjl; A. 0. R:, 2ri(I., fing� froinj .,Its. it'll flad tile far t,
azlic)re, at tere To tin
'it tile 101o'es da wolfo's 48i�� I ts [let(] out to f,llg4k. .6. R,. 411rd 41110 still tknoth�r'ls a&oiind At Te, -,as 'Lit ClIllm noi10 b.,
tit's eveni, !eh. China Bilk
Mletfle hl Soutil 48til A' -t th-:N iIalith, poln't of, Houston
li tit ehab contillual'. pre un, t lit) P W. IN Lane, R., C, P, elt, rid dn lies in a help. jlIj"t)lr0jL Or,_ -L Referring to,
erg Trekking. tile f
G; lfDanal�, 11, 0. 'IV, t1irougli,
Matter: Br' Thi t�. of jti'411 a'uthorl- (Cs8ett, -nnd'Bati.! IM4, -j%l, f a t�
Tile action .-4SIr 'R 1), B - niArks G, -All, . tg h ergalson that r
I'le C. AL M, Ughry". Vtd� H, Watiers'
6�6 hq till. kin lid fast K)use4, giittefill ift I't
b.vn 'Ott' th� $vo ihnny,.U"angqInqIt lIjclI (Il..1 �Ot
witli 'Pe
t gt�-� IL .' , A,
�, r , I t,mlvar Poinc jjn4j G'overnm�nt wbxtlti not
Ptt?.' T:' Bien
'it at poilisill"e"Ilt for wh%t.
n1oro- t fmiddlw bay 0 the train
ia tilac 'T
oLjif had, been The, willt'll Ba drtj 2nd iours in- ilie' %�nter.
Tlie�o juell folln, I
rg, lezi I - . -
iwitt 'Out,. to Is ',14 NO R. rilw pto.� gain 116 lbaic twen, ok i)lav, I t1k, 604ro,
as rt, ,litforitiatioli rf fil. t�11-111. k r00 Iter oitt q
ree k o t a, 'R�'sekio the Cmjperor�,
W Zji, 'o TO.
s that io Ne%v'7 4 Which of (I a 1)1l, Orlile Itor Vt6 , I tptr- vi
hi LIMA tI T 09L waA just betote- the par $11itifig, Al coir-
nit6 kta�tell re. L h
t bay tile 6 li"O 6f hino
hricsks of
bit)dil�14. retuir3l loft L I3lid"Regt", pto, C", U. 'I L , "ll t of tile ()tit nearly 2109 Jjbrs(�s it W11.0i the tejill A. dil tE41 lid mulm were r e., I V e(I it
T, tl� see,11. . hg ton,
I'mp Ktt Peot,6'ri-i iti. �Itlt, tio. huflian body was
Im Vlvoro- of Yuri.
th 0� tin. A lit)4 tile Wdk�i to I I t Vr'o,t 0 t t t fill' I tile' offort4 16 retitlin t
tir ng ur EL
orm ret�;out the Em.%
t. Lirm VIO s tor tit,;, Mr, I haV6 O6eltrt*t4 at Tit%,
63114 Ill -,urfi It, IT,
riot 1* a(1(14 Wit
C . An(I
iit, U ........... 161(vin (On do 'b v lint n1111for., lo!oSe's te tirn t Bill) e1XIrtk �1 jrMeftt IMU(� of,' kindred 'Alid fort
t t,
utio,. Toe, 'Were An�letorii Is' fi6t kj*,otvjj.
f st rl16n %tfyi out*rIm qphle Mdr(l 11'rItish' M1 ro6rig,
lg rot 11 trj�, ttho r r0thril
-,tirv, ot� -the Cot 10 it rIng In oth6r' 8 t
t GOT. W41r, l0c)(113 qnly eThe 'cit 'k y
gr go
or 11 �t I is 10 ...... .....