HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-09-14, Page 9•
'••••• i- 7 "
— —
o'ad Office,'
...kit • 4..
01204, paid. !AV .-, ,`...•14,,Q3,0i0,
. • neisottarlp,, ,. :)..- ...3,,,234,140
, .. ..
.Toto,1•;-.44300te , ..' 0 . .14827467
- . Don.rd of Directors
'- • t'...'' ..,•i • Viee-ryeaiden_t
Ton, *.tgulogi,- • . . • • =-A.:. U, l•&. .
1:LN rSOOTOS.: • GE . Itonon; ..
'. kr,..). ,Li.W000,':g. r.. • ..'.A.13, .ir,s, (TurOnto),
. Wis,'Clisso, M. P.
1 t
‘ - t
Cashier, , -•- .1 TWINSUrsL ,
, t„ilsst. Cashier, = - ' - H. S. STEVEN.
fAsnectori t . -'' - I.i. M. WATSON.
••••,, ----.-
' AgenOte8 •
Berlin- . Listowel •Owen Scapa .
,,, (Jarman, Man ' ' Lucknow' 1' Port Elgin .
' oheslejr •.111anitOu bran Simcoe
. t•Delhi " , ' Milton Southtimptor.
' ''.4"--.'-.•.c.•;.,/ tsGedititetow*i,:..,„„ Mordini„,Man, Torertto .. • -
I Grimsby: , - Niagara ralki- - Vitiagliain-,•;,‘..
' Hamilton (I3arton at) . ' " Orangeville
- -.Winnipogi Man. HaMiltert.,(East End)' •
' -Trivellere•se• nOtified that the• 13ank • Of'
•ra-°-ear er°,,
,U(.7<iybkY, 0N7,
We do : a' general banhing bUsintss. issue
drafts 'throughout Canada and the United
States. We MakerroollettiOns on all pointe.
including :-WesiernsStates, Manitoba and-
the-North:Vest Provinces, and all C011ec-
, dons whether nate or account will have
. , ,
prompt attention. ^
Notes discounted and fiirmer's sate ,'notes",
t - and•Mrs. nes. Agar attend-
ed the Toronto Fairtlast week?...
The Whole -town of Pafiii
tvoi-E•444-,,,,,,,f.1••,.., •
• v; of. Berkley
iit'',Visiting V.: • Moorehouse,
and Mrp., Sinyth Mei:Ace:n*11d
Mrii: 3P Nichol spent, ,SenciaY last
at Kincardine. . , , •
t---.-s-sHumilten,...ati. its' _Brattbil04.:issue Cireider
.: ",:lk.rotes of ' the ' Natibi,uncitil-Ba,n1c,,of,
. England. Limited, whighCan be cashedV11
OUT cliASGS ON'TItOUBLS. in ANY. it.,s.Ter of the
• mOs1,1). • t ' . ; , . '
JOAN BPROA.T, Aolibri, . .
' • • • • • • • .
'V11E101014.1: •
cailied: •
We loan to farnisrs on ,dpnble or • single notes
, at Wm one to. twelve months time, and 'at.
• reasonable•rate of interest. .„
We loan Small: Or large•amotints =second'
• irtertgagestousiarnts;ortother.7.-real „estate:700S-
urity and.on first'chattel tafortgages 011 five
. stock and implenients :and crops.
8Ve have-tn;large"amount eLfunds_‘_tet• advance
.on first mortgages from 6 per pent. to ei per
_•L,ciirit•• The rate, is gradedAecerding- .ter.. the
We repreiient• the leading English' and 4Canit-
dian 'Fire-Initirance Companies ' and can
' effect iiiimiance on, all classeii of property in
Stock or Mutual Coinpanies. as desired:. '
Onroffice ari;:from 19 a. in, to 4 P., In.
Surgeon and •- Acconeher. Surgery:
over ., Elliott's grocery' store. 0,91ce hotirs
from 9 to 12 hill.; fro 2'to 5 p.M. and -from
. 7 9 s
MOD. ,-0°11'D" 37?
PhYsiCian, Sur-
geon, and '•Accoucher:.-LHpstairs in Wm
Allin4; 'new block. Itesidence Ross- strest;.-
bchind,J. G, Murdoch & Co's store.
&BROW 0.4%.11.R.OW: • BARRIS-
ter', Sqlicitortl, eto., Geselerich.,`, Ont.
GAMiow; Cihts, G'Annow, L.L.B.
...andon atid Port Stanley. ,
• Solicitor, Convoyancer, etc.., (late of
Caiseiori., CM:Corot, Goderich). Office
%, upstairs in Allin's nos block. •
SOisT , •
• Solicitor,"Cominissioner; Notary, etc.
Money tO,loan. Mae over •Moody'it*Barber
Shop. .• • '
• -0
01111,T SIIBILWOOD, NO 50; WOK -
now. , Iteets every first land third Mon-
day .4:very rnontii in the Orange Hall,
-rating brethren are eordially invited. • '
Jolts' 3./LtalliTtitt, C. It. D. D. YVI.A.Seb
o.- 428, HOLDS': ITS
. monthly ineetings in the Orange 'Hall
•-•:-.Mr. Richard 'Fitriy, Ashfieldi
left 'on the O. R.:11AX arsien Tuesday
-:-.-.Mastei Fred Grundy has secured
• . . , . ,
a Oosition-in, a wholesale boot and shoe
business Lotidem,, •
• •;t1liire, Ateheann, Of • Aohitiesville 14
visiting her sister,. , Mrs. •Thoinas
Lawrence, Of ;this village. •
. -The Wit -Wks of the stair
extende.d to Mr:. Roast for.....a
bag'iflovely crab apples: •
.•;:•.-lar.,tosid Mrs:. Sinnuel.-AOrrifibia.
jr., cif S.i1i99S, are visitin friendsin
London and Kipper% this
Daisy: NICIntosh; ' of, Holy:
ined,•is the guest of • Mr. and Mks:
'Charles Stewart of this. village.• -
-74Miss Lizzie Nash after: 'Spending:
a month With, friends ,i0,-Looknow' re- '
Rohn •, Ferguson and sister
May, of'BruCe:Mines, are visiting their
Kiniciss: • •,.
-• and Lora
Smith' left , On • .Tuesday morning -to
Vieit :Georget-Own and
Toronto., :••• • •,
WOrat;vvincl 'stoma' for :Many
years 'passed. ,oyer this :.section on
Tuesday last, doing ,great damage td
the fruit Crop'. ;
•-•2ro H*Dirr -A good frame ••„ house
On ,Canapbell street0.:ucknOW, Cen-
tral:. Situation •.and .modetii` conven-
iences. Apply to Mrs: Atinableton;
--Big „redactions, ,In••,..t,be prices of
carpets. during the.thonth• Of 'Septem-
ber, • af.y. cent tanestry, carpet •,lor
34C and. a 6(io 'for ,-42...cle'r :yd. W.
• K.ennith :Hunter., of. this YU,.
lege, bronght:tnTheSentinel office on . . •
Monday.laati, a sun floWers !italic;
-SEPTEMBER 14th 1900
• tafESSEB11363
'° • .
WHOLE NO. 138$ .
tREP.Stiff13 •
lehti left , on, dayand eveningi,. and .anaong the
• .
TlihrEd•si merning Co.' join his father attractione wil,C be. Edison' s Moving
at the Soo. • ' Pihiiress, ineluding :South:. Afi•ican
v :TiLuradar ....hat,t19,seenea and other views just now
IffeMillan is via:OW
Baud' w,i11., give an Open air',
concert this-aliursday) evening, '
• . is in 13lyth.to day -
A. few boy's suits, siea fro
A years at',"cost to clear. W. 9
' Geo.1•Andertlon and her Son
•Wilfredlre visiting • friends 'dn. Inger-
soll. • .
',--MissosItTena and tLaura MCDon-
ald of_Toronto.ara'visiting friends in
- "
. =Elsie McLaren has returned' from
visiting ,in ''Toronto, Rochester and
the funeral of a relative: -7
Campbell) "street,. LtiMknow;. en the second"'
TuesdaY'9,Vening or each and every month.,
Degree night en fhe second Tuesday evening
following. •All visiting, brethren cordially in.
tilted tb themeetings. ' '-' '
Seeretary , :W. vt„
••,-1)-A.vitti-Auansit; • :NV. INCoQuILL'Ai,r.
• „ 'II C 1( N.04'W
Lodge -No 112
meets elf ;y Friday evening at t 8 o'alock in
Ito _ a t st bell '--s_treet.AllbrethTeTh_
cordially irs. %ed. - , -
, ;Teak .McI•sxylii l'. A. MitiomilSON,‘ •
' Nola _rand ' " 124corder
Milton. 7,7. • • '
•••:---Loyal Legion meets FridaySept.
14th 'at, o'cloek. All. inetnbers ' are
morning for St. 3010'). N.B.,' -to 1,intr.
her;•hiishand who has accepted . a, •rieh next week :will he., doehly, enjoy-
- • •
posttion -Loan Comp,any in that • able, •
City, '
invited to attend.-;•
, , ,... . . . . .
• -Miss' Annie Agilely,. of • Liicktiew, .
is the guest.thf her unCle,, Mr,' Jae: Alp.,
new of Teesvvater., . . .
•,•-•-Mr.• John itenderson left for.
. .
:the Sir. on Thuraday Where he has se-'
cured a geed 'situation ,
=lion SALF,2,--Leicester sheep, both •
sek• ' For ,frirtherilart'iculars-iipply--t°-
q*-.-....A..,L.G.teek, LuoknO.,s, P.O.. ' .
• -The , Misses McKenzie of Lana-
, ,,
... • .
side, 'have our .siteersi thanli a ,•for .a
.McIntoall end. the,
Misses .and: ,Kae •were :in Tor
ontolast week•klias l'iltnel•,fiaa resumed
her sindies: dp inerei'al
College...•• • -
-Mr. and ldts:1 James Gerchin
drove to Bruskels -on ,Saturday and
spent ,a few •pleasant, clays visiting:.
their Mrs. Thos. Fletcher,
.of that -Place.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ,Geddes havo
returned horne froM ektended Visit.
to • friends --,in- ifamilton, Terente,.
Belleville, 11-riglitl he -p
6-11 r lace w K
• '•.
Beath Of The qret Wa1ter
• • Lawypy•
- just as we go to 'press' we loll n by:
telegraphic inesrage, the Bad . mit
gence, that MT: .11. P.:: 0,0onnor, the
•great criminal lawyer and• one of OS
MOO prominent and popular. c4,1•Ans
of the County of Bruce, had p tsSed
aWayt ,itt. his ' boMe, Walkei•ttiti.
A At
1. oir'hetore the full Me n, The
1.051itc nall;Ilavelock. street, '
ISAAC 'IVIOnitin.00, 1-1Anc-sr D 4F1 ,
• ' Worshipful Master , ,56e
0 0 2 Om
11 .(1. N .W
' Council, Car-
Chosen Friends:
Meets 1st and ',Ird
Titestlay • evenings
of each month, irt:
OddfelloWs Hall.
Visitors, cordially,
rAtreiiseX, •11'.occraer.
• , • • , • " „ •
in Baster-m-Onta0.0.,. • _ on Sunday, , his •bcgsv
-The Harvest MI Festival :
sunobiga aitcf • 'cat: •
etthe`4B-116 lreth9•604 'suolit•intt>rnel .inj.uries as 11 result 41,
Parsonage, tapknew, -will•,be an de•athooe Thel.,day
teresting affair. •baiid will.
2-1•fall Obitearf wilt :be .giv6n,•11pict•
aid -with the program. • '.i'dreission. • • •
250, ,
West BvUCe
The convention for selecting , a
Liberal' candidate f.or .Weso B1.13 CO°,
has bton, called. feiMonday, . 24th
Septeinhei, KinFOIne. The date
has_ been fixed so --as' not . to. •conilict
with the fall 'exhibitions.. •
. ...
, • Dislocated :•
• On: Tuesday last, Or.. James Mot
'C'InskY;•Ot'''this 'villao•e .. had, the elle,
fortune to ' have his right : arm' 'dislo;
gated at the. ellad.W; by the bolt °Otis .
'engine,' it the 'shingle -Mill, !breaking
anttlitriking.hini.on the arm • ' ' '
TPhe".i.•;Aati;i1OPtifti:11.%ia•II:dlizir'' .CHilieu,oir'eC.I.P,.
VioeS will bo held. 'in . this ,ehareli ....en.
, .
the -30th itistbatlicinorning.a,ti.9.„eyen-•_....
Churear &Son .•-•--
inalii..-tit'''4'...:•:.!til'd-31-:• t'II‘•lho. it; --6.Y.' ',- '0iiera-Pharinaei• •
Mr Owen cif'Si'• I've.tee8'el'.1U;01".•Pu6li''' • 1..X.eir York, • Sept 7th;' 1900:
now,: will conduct •:the:Serv•iegai ' 0,61-. M ' Dat: S' ‘.: 'IT:. ur •-teiei:iiiiin ' an,
'begone for :c.::r.r1,011'.•pa. pon6rtpinogsgs.. i.
.„, . . . , ' , •
, , . •
. ,
dear Bert . received. - .Pleas accept Our
nen:tieing the sad neWit of thq,death Of
At a niePtin" 'held, last • eie.ek , .td., 1.teart.-feilt .J •'.1--.•J it: was:413pt
, peath
st Distressingly, to° Soon, onn^, a•-,•
ture'ii: little gentlemen paSsei hit° the
great .beyorid in, the petS0a1 of . 'Air;
•Bert McCgvie, .at'llia" mother's, resi-
cdence in this.Village on the inerring
of :the 6.th inst. • Born and reared
in this, , Allege; it.. ii-TTeasalit. recordto--
',that40 alWilys' Was an-lionOr•tO
noble pea bless and ,sus.-
tain her), 'a credit to the community
ix Whleb he lived -and a titt.tversal
-favorite with Overyen'e With ; whOM he
Came in.,contact. , • •
in -addition to what.ean be said Of
his stIoial character, Oil's, letter frpni
his late ernplAyer.spetilcs 'qf his busi-
.. . • .
nelss 'ability in language both shnple
and eloquent...
ii •
Such has been and Elfin is the
4 1
Kw. Note of our .• Itechis.iun
• 'i;, -liOtt and greatly 'roadbed. prices
71;1•I'll'til'co'ri' ip' are the, goods : at,d the
(IL?tir(;:;itit(a)!nei.fe:. t : i. O, all who en.ter•
fli,i!illii. ...,‘, J7,t1,b: 2:l,,,i(Lv;e7Nin:tiiiikTinAsgTibicit g. ..
"`" • ' PRI° .
'1.;I• thus giving. the ,Oppertunity IO
, r
1 41 17 i --
Note ii ,f e, w . Slinple'prkPa :
• -,,i,.g ,, re
il ;pieces fancy CretOnne Worth ::
''''• 1.01. for • ' ' • , • ' fle
2 Piocos ' fancy ,I1Vrapperette '
it , ivorttiI 121. for !.. ', f • do
• ,ii2c1516641",.1!..elt,e .1,egl.r.1,,ar `.. 15, 14.014.. 0 .
'.- Ladies' PullY•Belti at ll'alf.Pride
1.-. ,
_adies' black Cashmere yioaq• •
qt 9rie.for• • • ''..- . • I:0c
' pipoes„ .f a ncY. - Repp' .,•. r tag 'il lid.: . ''r--
, L}C,:,,for .' : ' •,,,,,,, :: So
Frita Bleach. Crash' Toweling:
. ' Worth 10c for. • ., •..,•••+ ' • Sc.,
T.,adi,es Wrappers $1.23 choice '
Me'n's Heavy Top Shirts ' 65c
'-'faT•-••-7- - '50c
z ken's Fine Navy Top Shirts
„ „
r.; 600 , • • - 45e
Men's Heavy, Brapes, special
litie'35c for - • 25c
Pile�f Men's Ready-made'
Snits to clear at $2,50,$3.00
$4.00 and -$5.O0.
feet high and which contained. over .
i •t sogreat a-surprisc, we had hoped ''' d
sixty 'loads. 0f.seedo. Who ,oan teat,. cpop,nricsi:d.ciar trhee;orsteco,:viansg"seufbarnirtetecdreaftrioomn,
prayed.,, or. , etter new. lie was a_
;. )..,d.tbby and had.. endeareil,hiniself to
c.., -......Eost,. in, p-noknow on sainicial 'ethoseporiveycoirea,railos:a..t.'hs'etage'rmo3ienntc;:oLf ' 1.1..ke
1. hos, •of,ai. e.w. friends. Persoi)ally ,I
lot, with old Country farthing attach. -9°Innii,tte.e. was appointed to solicit :have, found 11.ial • kts-ait."1;. tfw'wardy
1.• • - ' honest and reliable and have. placed
all the social and political questic.na
evening last,'a lady's. gold chain brace-. „ - • . , .. d .
ed. The finder' .will ho...snitably. re-. • . , • . • ,
third .
• • • - : • •Subscriptions, ad if -sufficiently en-
couraged, Work 7111,he 'opium. ,enned,-Ire c6nfid"ce 14- 1111i'. and trus•ted 'of Ihe. day, in 1-887 he was' married _
warded by•retiiiiiinff it-la-the4Sentinel •Inin Inere-linPlieitlY . than ant' (.A9rii:.!-- to : Miss - Eillt.le McDougall,
Office . •ce. , . ' . ati* that I havo ever employed. -11IT-St .-d-a-trgliter-of,tbe,late---Angua-Mettoug; -
limner, Dr. . fill and sister of Mr. Wohn McDougall '
Shrewd keen -buyers who have
'been looking for,. bargains an
•making• comparisons tell. ns that-
•Olfr Rediteeci•Prices are the low-•
they have seen, and we hellerl•
it. too. •
• . -A dressed monkey - antra' couple
of big lazy-looking_H__nmay.jaLp_p____I• ers
were in the village, on _Weeln,eid4.
-111re.'itoynt anti Harris Of
Lucknew, Spent Monday and TuOday:
at Mr, .11,.,F, Ifewson'a.--TeeEiwatev
, .
'News, •'• ' • '
•v•L-Misi:',Lirey • Yyttedd. or -who -WAS
Visiting..friends in.. Toronto for the'
past two Week's 'returned ;Innne Fki-.
dily ••• '
--PouridT on iXayelook,street„ a sum
pf nioney, '4 4'444'- ',owner on hav,a it
10. F.
LycKN9v, 7c,obog
-IL Order oft Foresters
ineets in the OddiellowS'
Halion'tlfe Tueft-
day of each mohtli, at
'.7:30 o'cloele.1 Visiting
stliten cordially invited. •
. hist.lian qer. 1 cording St Aretstry
and. made, a Success of all. his under
takings 'social life, he was reserved „
and 'difficult:. Of 'approch, • but a. iplen-
did •tonVersationliiit, • Well 'versed itt
:ituenh .,
year, ft; c
•will t
vitie play
ing. of, 1
ladder b
-pea, an:
A. Vtriihani, of• London, the -
r. who put •down the .
laitning si.,log for e?:tra fill-
it-leoks-as-thoughlij suit
be result:. ' _
iiny Knox, eon of 'Mr. Rola,.
• •••• •
ewellert formerly of ..LacknoW,
ing.„arolind /4'r. John Gordon's
Tenswater,,,cn Monday riven-
e e d • a
.sale grocer
PisgOiiii W. A, AWItEN '
.„ ....
Kiniloss, Who, with three'
The,Saerarneni, Of.. A:he:LASUP .2ra ,,"- :qatpenter Ur Heart and others '
• - .•• .-- ,. , . .. _ . H- • r. • • ••• ,• - - children', tWo:girls and 'a bar -Survive
" ; ,Vresnytepan . 1 ,
. . . , , • • . Norrli, 1)r. Rouen Mr .
'per-ynittlXV.... ',. SOCV!XL.L.-jii':-'--tl WiS117:to ex 7tmeie ysyr,siiiiiiivpiq.h!yi.a.,,fs,Q. .,.• .haitoi,,,n.. Ti...iiii,tofa'aii(i.r:.a.pi .,Nev,or_.lii...0411.0'moy,s..iilttir7.`gleall,): .
.?t,e8)5Y.Piiitn: Church, 'Ii4ali,60*,..,, on $ 0
*Seli.t.-43.i., , • The, .Minar serviced': no
be held on Thilisday.atia Saturday at The funeral8t
on, th:0-1r-y-Lt--- -,,---
„• *. Q.' 'If!' Clinnakt. resiclenee,,qn the,9th, to ,Fairmount. • - '
.. , . . . _ . . • • . .. • . ".'. '1 •
. Blisp'S Visit t,
t. . ' -• -.,......,- . t • ,.,. , ,
2 b'clOCk, and Friday evening. at:7W • attended 'and•vere., iMPreselvey the re Bishop Ilf.&..A.Vay,f London,
. 'o'paiel.-!
. • ., ..
ptelic. services on Tlitirs,day at ;-1-2, 30 aninadinbs:.tbhoi itilig6 .,cprani:a'oadio.ati. aboy4t. tbend• ,P,.paonndd.„.
and Friday at 11 eeleek,'•,„„•'A,':ciardial eat ordo. pt,liprestergi:. he
.beillil 4 , -ititillio.s.;.:fti•N'or:ifi...titalcii'ii,1.01,i'tnodniainse.i'dt.Oniaelliseatlyli6C.1.ceasPh.tine,gi'arentilidg..8i:i.,
. . •, . , . ., .
..inVitatinttli ,exteaded to all to Fitteilifd
inoinbe.r-4€•-tit.,,441*,*.:41ogiOty., ...„...,AIL.:Itaiteg6 en Ir.egatiolit Was, _present, '" The . •
rokb Itit.O'rin a 4040 ahove the tilftl&'''n4e6trii46:‘ '' ' . ' ' ' .
.. . .
.. .. . ••• .gter.0..find li.u.sj.:0188....p,bices .eleaed as a Bishop.:Wao.aSsiated in the servicei•-bye month of Avigtnit. 1900 is 1‘1". •Anhi'''':$1a161.1-wh° :has i•j.,,,,q,'"' 'hour', ••• Bert's Mother,' sister' and
, sLinark of , i'ospect' dUring, the filneral • Rmee\c-.07171:ititdttr.,raiii1Vflgestreido)gy.:;,, anLdondmotei.;•
• 1ginarniti,..f-gt..,A,tignaline, ...:
. . .
- -
, • • .. • , • , ;pa:. 'sod, Az. Ali .• ., ,
dlitig the-,reched of being the living.witli ht)r ..dao•gh•t•ei:i••Ur'....1'4:% brothers havothe profoundest:Bp:Iva:- . . , . .
.August in:, the litiitoty of et. inan Mathesbn, of this i.7.ill4g6;--61.igsdd-i- .
,,-..• 'di-j:.;rtiA§ wholo'OOmmunit
. Y• .. ...- iio Lynoby
empot4i10 iri- Toronto for the. '' d.. '4'..d' • .ee.'t. 9..1.12". k .1",r• ti`e l' . •• toed in,spoltanc •••• .. been. ragbag' for • .the ' past ,conplo, of, ....
The terrific Wind Storni, which hasty •.,
' - . ..•
tic statistics in t:Catin,de., The., a -Way on • Sitriday :morning last.: ' The 1 -,
„wee .73 -degrees Fah`renlieit• il . Past t':wb'b-tnnbhei,b'ti-.t;gee,lc•L•Et,n4,dnnIY„j .....:NeWs• has • filet. Jachea here. from
. • I daya;. Ilea' &ono ..ratich-;datarige to the) ,
sabove' the average. -".•-•• W•01's eik 3friddY• 111f3P.011,((Pt' O'lking I i.p-bkttIi/e;:, WaOliii..-,490,..E.T9ritp'ry, .t, 'itriillite;-.sahsa..v.ao.litflob: itleNwr uCenotwaitge. ofth.e. . •
ota•forget that'bOilinell is giv
. . unti1,8tinday. morning when she pa4.Sed I
. I th.ndoatk Of'. Mr,: . A,' Ilin '.1.1iclonald,
..biriiii"y...,erigagled at threshing j,ia now,
. .
g '•..reductidno iii iner.es. lont,h,o aW.a„y,: The ,'.funeral took . placc . on ,w1.10 iovon.,,,,d. fav• 0.1:ably. : jtnown,jn, „The ' fitrtners in the ',vicinity . az.`e t.
.. . Ltlekiactiv •'.,,pa., spyiopt.pding; districty, ThO 'yield lo'r.epaying yery. satiSfaetory '
fie• eiethiiig., • :toy. where you TtiesdaY and was- largely .attended. ,
tlie.pest vogo .Ind. that is et ,i'' • . ,....
,.. '• baying beea ringiv,ged. f.or• many years.: it•oi,rn:etn.htic:dlialba,rever setx,pended, during seed' °
. ,
PS: • • in. the mercantile ' buBineas • ift this
. . . • . • Those •Who•plaiite .coin oiwi, la lio.
, itiirorets Groat Falr , • .
40,,oii; ...gun .ii.,0..tho. ho,,,y.,id: pc .i.a,, ''''Irh'e 1.4gb" .fl'il ''I°116vIt' of 1900 plaCe. Butt. on account .of declinjng.
Seale this year. hallo itlread .eeinv-
. 'a clang"nna att1.43, .4d ' aa'' lbilibisitsieocila,(.)413:t.."..:iitilldbei.•itclirli°,. GiillsTesd':\aVy..' aEncti. • 11"1.tli 413• °Id'' °tit 'het6 : 'atici weilb t6'. 'rrw'neecl'cilitil:10 s' a6w11 itild'atorhig it
\ (7 ahfornia • Whore:. up., , to .-,:•aboytt, two .• (May i•,,t11,-2•. Silo • '.., ' , , • : I,
hair han Fe.YO.ral invOi/PV eecaPell •Wedneaday.,01 nett' week; The prIza orange. . ' '' ' ' ' ' . ' ' '
' .0,11itil a number ',freM around ' here
erititia- isCeldenta 11O'm IWO:8a kana list is several kindred. „dollara. •in ad -f 4. "4.ta•ligo, lie was biiktgod in
,,, areattendingtho Exhibition in. London •
a village' lately," We think;:the •va,nce of 'last. yeart. and :bite .fipeed .t.'egte l'il.t'•“'aticIP' bith ••A`41 -6r6: 11.13: ."4'"Iti. 015 VieeiC, grt, SW1168 ,l''01.1.11i3t06$ Stai .
abbilioei:thioeuplt,ad .scit.f.O_!,phteli. eimitrit;eei.n, ,g tl red . fi'osillt: of
tn iii:itil,Mtb)re,ri8pv et'Or'.gibil; .g.ii.E.O'O'ia.: IdleiVo:lseosp. ir:Iiitg-ii...114:""tiot:1;.‘-titi416;rtoad talitlil:t;s1:16,,t :1°1;1s' .0.4illti'g:g;16 :ILI'? .Elsecs.o'Sr'ta..irgaalln. ''',1,111.11d., '‘i-tlacragg,,16,6).., Johnston,?
roe'and !nada a tour; of tro o •,,, . IsicKeni and Mr k Fizcll loft On :
ha. Canadian apple croP._:wilL'irbo .0,aok is. in -NO,,,f .dotiaiilo'il .)1,1(i A•t..".. • , 4 : ....... 1 . 1 e, a CP6 '.. li,',.i.6sillis nirikiling, NN;bilo a few btitera
. _ .
Opal .that of ,1896.:". Ontario .altile. the grand stand,. tabili4 ttAls' gil: Om. cri i.rottrilitchtifs,7.1.s.:61.v80.7t.till!nolg Alnu. g."..irsbblill.?ti..pd'a•i,s8;Woueirlit'i:. ,iii e going 'on'Thitisday., : • , . ' ' ''
Mr.' • J. sma$ „ Kenny has gone ott Hs
good Inii, .Th9, eroti of: the. 'United- The poultry:list: is' ,second. toniY to: 6. IPt:";*''', ':1\t," ''1";°1),°11_114' ' ‘i:116 III; the:. tx11) t° ''Ll'elli.g831..' :
will.-•tweve Million, barrel's of will rieeonaoclati: an •itninense, c4iWd.
Sjitt(), 1S• . eatiinated.. at shay 'tn. illion that of onunty
„. whitor ..aticiiii,.. ,.6a, ti,,nie et. his tteatn, had reached thc ag'0, ' ..A.nitiP-te-date,eoticert le tei bilioltt
, , . , .01. 0.7.,y9aos, w., o 0 oativo of Tovornos.g.. .hler,..0..011, thc,evening of tho 28t4 hist,* •
yield - •
1,140-iiitia; 1.-Wii, , , 1";,..itiott:t:irop.-6. -:-.1.c.T..tv:-. lilly.foren,-, --1,140-trutt-., ail -.' ..i=„' , ti.., -,..„(•,140..' ' 3,......,,,is•hirr.n.tet°1..8„t,1,.."•4'1,.).0..y..• 111101.10ddt,„oeallind:potiot to,c°4=4111.1c.,'?'Ll'•;.:1•`11,'I....,\d6-f.1.).1k1t7,1.11.:.s,tty..1);111:01..ge•'ttnittir:i.:....!tLibl2i4titvill
barrels Great tititan . Gerinany and. • thel'elticken..cratike 0/411. -be out. In • ...,,, . ,,
eitheleSS'it,la,,atitidipated. that a good `rottilSe to Make 'it, ,displity, iteexcelled . , .
---- •-• -• -- - -,-. ,..... • :„.., . . , . _ A , yoare of early :mittihridd travelling :•-,Iffi. . ...N'tv,..„N‘filet,-tob..•;• 6„1.010. $ t6'....ns'Ibis`t • , . .:
ltil,ftb0-MtY'arttial4K;.4..htrrrik'ifeittltittitOlOcl--the-lItkittul-Staiaq ,,..',..„_11.11I • re.oiti tlua roa vo,e,:ii)(6t -L.
. 111; Marine :116,nd 'wit fuitliAll • musto ,was, A sitrewdi fa siming.btrail 04 Ina) oat c.,titoit..,. .
r I
. ° .. n. .
'eallin'g 'upon ,of
Ir.. Wallace Corrigan loft for
:S.1 d ay last wheke hes hakse:.
od • Situation With , Whole -
.„ Elsie Stringer . left for Ter,•
Oil tot.lastt.week ..talte a 'position in.
ono of the leading` illitiery 'establish- '
:manta of that city, ;
•-Misa Lena Collina\ f Luettn who
• has been visiting Miss nie Themp,-
son for the plat. two weeks etariled- to
• her home on Tuesday:last,'
' 15396 the total ell-- our export
of cheese, l'iutter, egga and' bacon was
1900 •the atinoMat•
-WsWrim--.A.boub Oetobery
Ancient , Order of of age „to drive the express wagon, and
ing bi
and ho
can get
boy, IA
from a
off on
tLU,U1S,OQi (11 ik; 6,6 w had risen to $38!,•00,agi',
goou'auyeng•boy fiftetwor SiittOon years'
Lodge of the
' WorkslOrt,
100..rn toiegro'phY apply to \/.
tbe Odd: , Oornioll.
".."...."-1•7.followtaltill., t_
47/ 7-,-lilall)tinr(14(.5:alli-'ililltigt113it`t.
'\\\ ,-..irevited'c'eck, on
`1.1" et `room, t exPo
ihrin cordially lat„
8P1P1,1,clialv up Istered• tiel
I/ coach has' been put on
rt trade will' be done by Canadian
. „
lytAlter.W,OtkNIRD 11,6601*(1ot etc. ' • dealers,