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Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-09-14, Page 8
People can be made . strong, healthy and, vigorous, You. ask how ? By using Looliead's -.Aron P lta , 'phi asu 3X , (he' " k:._....gp a faoY u cl the blood"'•,that is, the bleed, is thin and watery, not the rich, 14d fluid vvhicli it should be for Perfect health, Lochead's Iron Pills • are . unequalled for any disease caused by ° impoverished blood such +as pale greenish• or: allows' complection, weakness, 'loss : of''appitite, nervous pros- tration, depression of 'spirits,' Palpitation. Twenty-five cents a' box br five boxes for One Dollar. MADE. AND SOLD .ONLY, • BY • Oherarist 0, Druggist , 1.1.10KNOIAr.: MacDonald /to Prrinoetdn Oollege N. S, gr. We C. Smith is recommended to„: thio .U. M '0. for Missionary work• as i •Catechist. . It, was agreed that each ;Plosion hold Missionary mtetinsts ,tra found convenient, , • Dr. ' !Murray re- ported' that .they Young; Peoples' ,E s - socialism : met in Teeawator; ' Septem ben 5th, that they allocated '.'5:00 to the 'Indian Famine Ftind. i`Text regular meting; of.,. �,.T,49§ Par,emsb oyn. tery Will' .hel',..atWinglain �,uc ev �u4er -;110.11 fes•-' lis. W.y40.1f4Y•1:. Olerk`, tic y: - 8t 9. .L... knowSep _t, b 1 QO • , ,, • •Obttua'py' ' W. F. Whitfield .`died yesterday at ternoon after an' 'Wilma: extending over several weeks. •'It vegan; wiih a bgwelcomplaint and :finally ran info:° typhoid ;fever. , •Hewas considered.. -in a fair -way to recovery: at ono time' and' his - friends were expecting : his early convalesence when he: suddenly began to sink" yesterday Morning and in spite of all possible . efforts to re;` vive him,..he. gradually grew worse un- til his wasted strength:, could no longe, Lally ,,,.William Frederick was:born=.at- Norwich. Oxford ''county, •August. ONT. ,19th, .1871, lie came un here : in 18:87 and was in the . -employ of the .PRESBYTERY OF MA1iTLAlilb,. gkfet st Teeswater,: Sept. ',0t13,1000.:: Rev.` W. J. West: was appointed; Mod- erator:for the evening term Rev. •F.,. AT, McLennan ' Clerk pro.te • ••Min.. n~'utes of Asaetnbly and" report of W. F. M. 5,. : vi ire distributed .::The. change of date of meeting from 18th • to 6th Sept, to.: suit Rev: a)r Camp.. bell was a•pproved.:' Rand -Rev. Colin Campbell -were invited'' to''sit as `• Dor-, responiling 'members. Cornmissionera to tris: 'General, Assembly, Rev:; Itod MacLeod B:Rev. ;W.. D � o . J • West M. A and Mr. H. D. Henderson `' re- ported their diligence which was:ap• - proved. In`,the same connection' com inunicattons from'Hon Judge Forbes. St . John N. B and Mr. S. Waddell; Halifaic; were.received. Rey. Dr. Campbell, the, agent '. of the•Oentury 'Fund.'deliv red. an pressive an'd,interesting delivered. strong-. •ly urging the : eompletron ' of the • can=, Cass and; especially urging'. that gener-. ous contribution to the Common Fund The following, resolution was passed on a: motion of Mr:. 'Nalco in. and I11:r Henderson, that the Presbytery corn .mend to the ,congregation the. careful= ly considered' arrangements for the completion' 9f the canvasson, behalf of the Century Fund and that they:be especially ;; and affectionately pleaded with to give: "that liberal• help:to.'the +Gominon 4Fund which_ls so desirable in the: interests of the church's "great work and, winch • will beta ' source'of Divine-blesaingsto-those-that-cheerful•- C. '..,R.,' being,station'agent and:oper ator at Kaministieura'.• until' about.a year, ago' when, he came to Fort Wil - Hain; All of 'his family reside 'here,' Which includes' •• his: mother and :three" brothers, Oharlee, Harry and December 21e't 1'898, henia�rried Min Hie McLeod, .who With a young son. eight months old:.survive -W hitfield is one; of tike: citizens; that: a' town can il( °'afford to lose.. 'He , energetic and active , in business "'at fairs as the three new brick `houses on,' Leith -street -'that Stand as a monument to his enterprise will testify.' The funeral, `,which will . bo' a• Masonic one, will be held. from: the' late residence on Leith street' at' two, o'clock ' tomorrow .afternoon:=Fort, William Daily Times;• Journal;of-Aug,. 28th. Deceased was a, son-in-law of Mr. James ,McLeod of I olyrood. PARAMOUNT R0.,IgmiJ$ SERVICES." .114ETHOW$1 CHURCH, noir' A' Cif Harris, Pastot'.. ' 8ABBATFi:. 10 n.M,=•C 1aose . Murtiing Subject- .Pastoral Addreso, .45'r:rt Sun,lay, School and, i ihle Olasa. Evei ing.8uhj',ct ••- d Law sad i.uve," \f: Monday, 84.34 • League:• .Wednesday s r. ud Prayer Meetins, BEAMS 'FREE. Afrf,. WELCOME:.. WATCHES.. CLOCKS. p▪ rices' have again. ad vaned in.. these lines,' �. we are able; th gh careful ,uy ing'. to ,sell a• t reason; prices'` Ladie'sssold_ and eilv.r vwatches li ed with El gin dc 'Wi.L, them move; in nts. Gents., , i t, silver, eil yeroix e fi'l'ed. eases Wei make a •. specialty of, our watch department as we have bad a. large experience in this particular line.' . • We guarantee satisfaction in our repairs as. our`reputatio viii this i; v rth=•more=than mere money. • ' If you cannot get in yourself send us your work and it will be proiuptly and well done • -- `. H G.:-AA1VMSTRQNG, JEWELER'' &` OPTICIAN, LUOKNOW' We are :now. ready .to receive apples° at the factory,, Bring apples largerenough.for peel+ .; e: ing and. coring' No -small,:, apples taken at any price ow- ing to the low price for, stock this 1: fal Apples 'that are artl decay-. ,..partly-'. , ed not`wanted; JOHN JOYN We thank our'custornes for thein'ver' liberal. patronage during' the; t •not the'.onl bargain says of`: August 'and' beg, to:assure thein -that august Is e Y g `Tinotitll° irr, the year tit our. store... 1S0 term er:•has its: special. prices .': ;nd .you•. will 1 • - g, r p ,: ing ° .see the ,find them, interesting; especia'lly'ln• N1en:s heady -Made • Clothing.. Just s . Biu r,o.4tt4'4.4u-Qata,.ot•• �cn��.�vi.�t;rr�{c»dxl#1v1Ax1-C3�P(� h4X-7 .:,-.:y .t.1llt3�a"`-.,S1SIl;S,' i11�.1. "• ,:i ' �i� ;` `"�.. � _. c. e � , .. . �zte 0�' bit ''��. vt���;�to;�clQaz thr�Ir1 � °ott� -°-`; -for .cloth ii +' : l ; t r r' r' fall New: We have � received ou stock' of Ladxe�.: Coat's. fo fall: p . . 4 ate" goods ;, Specia�:pricgs, to early buyt rs •a Next week we be an the•.'Millinei 'season '*With. a well ,s �; , y . ,selected � steak.. These goods weFO bought by Nltss'" Pentland at,tle opening. in Toronto. .:.Any t.. S t \ . . thine.after Monday ep ombgr•T7tli, customers ivill`find Miss Pentlend prepared 'to take their • orders, r. . _�^titz MORE INTERESTING H:AN E IOTI' fil. r d•. Ori August 29th.'We' 'elosed :our ,Store bec;al e''we c `�' or s - .ams• to an agr�,ement, with David`'Lavino: to sell our Stock of.Pry ' Goods • ., • . ,., , . y. Goods, , tc., to liim raveled and, wrangled and wrangled,.'- and now wo have hmd 'u' •ompleto split, up, °and• no_w a1111ounce Oar store open again by p: g .. NOTICE TO COTRACTORS Wm -Lane, Gloderich,,:County Qler k• of'Huron; ent a'.da with his'brother P Y .R.'t. Lane. Wm. Jphnston, and;:.family, spent a ;week visiting friends. at Seaforth.' Murray sl Jpped/a lot of fine lambs. this week Mr, Reuben. Spindler was in• this neighborhood building wire fences Geo.'' Anderson, has ; purchased the blacksmith' shop•in 'Kintarl •and.. -Intends repoving there this fe 11. We received' a neat'prize :list o f"the Ripley. fall show and notice a'�nuinber. of: necessary changes.have been made..' The undersigned'will''receive Sealed Tenders for;the; Trusteesf the Ash field Methodist 'Parsonage,' Lucknow,' up to noon, Friday September 14,14900, for the removal of the presen kitchen and the construction of a 26, 18 foot addition to'the Parsonage Plans and specifications maybe.'seen At the; Ash- field Methodist Parsonage, Lucknow. The lowest; or any tender not Hetes, sarily 'accepted. , • ROBfi 'WEBSTER, Secy; of,Board. Luekno.w, P. 0.; • '6. THE;FAL.yPA•iRs' ly and liberally come to. His help. A LUCKNOW,. Oct 3.4. Q ,cordial vote'. of thanks wfis'tendered, to North-Western, Wiaghani, Sept 27.28' Csmpbell`for` ibratatstauce` n: the :Listowel,, Iyistowell Sept -"I8=19, and, receiving congregations Northwestern, Goderich, Sept. 1819.: weroioonsiderediind-it-Was•agreed ,Northern,'Walkerton; 'SePt-1.810;--• as follows: -That $3;.25 -.-be - asked from, `Committee om t6e' Augmentation .. for North ; Kinloss, Riversdale 'and Enniskillen . for the present' half-year' and '<, thereafter this 'charge hedonics self-siustaining, . •;that $75.00. be. asked, •. for PineRiverftill Oct. let and '11)100 'per 'annum thereafter. That Duff'schurch, Walton, supplied •by student .receives nothing. • ' Mr. Murray presented a unanimous call from. the united congregations of W: Knox church, _Ripleyr� unci- nOx. church Beryls, ill' favor of. Rev: F. J. Maxwell, licentiate, accoMpanied by guarantee' of stipend. . of $850' per an= num with use of manse, stipend to ire paid'in Semi-annual;payments.. The call'was supported by commis. sioners Mesess, Pete McDonaldf An• gus' "'Mattyn 'band Win,.. .Henderson:' Tho call With. relative 'docuraentS was N. Perth,. Stratford, Oct 2r3f. W. wellington, Harrreton,?Sept.26-27' Tees,water; Sept. 25'26. Exeter,. Sept. ,1819. ordwich,' Oct. 6 Palmerston; Sept.25-26. • • East -Huron; Brussels, Oot. 4-5. East Wavy&nosh, Belgrage,Ucb 1-..2 , : • Elma Atwood,'SePt. 20.21. "Kincardine, Oct. :Ripley,' Sept. 25-26.; , Blyth. October,;'9-10. • ST 19 W llIuirlOitica)tir 'of the Corpoz'atfon of • ,,; the-Ulnatee 'of Lueknow., NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TILA'1' 1 ,'hairs' transmitted or delivered to..the persons mentionedin the third ' and fourth' Sections of the "Voters' Lit Act" the 4copi'es' required by Said sections to be so transmitted or delivered -of theSist;,pursuant to the said Act of all persons appearin6 by the lastrevieed Assesisment•Ro11. of the: said Municipality to 'be entitled to vote in the said Munieipality'at ordered to bo forwarded '. to Mr, Max-, 'elections, for members to the Legislative Will. Provisional, a +ran cwcnts wereAthesesmjlyyiy stawndas thfi estmPunatiecdip• ualI� "elections'. elections • a nd made .forordinatoinduction. Lteicnw,n ny00iceanad rem itsbetefor inspection,,;•' The Presbytery will meet in Knot Electors are called upon to. examine the church; Ripley, cin Tuesdtyr.. October. ',saki list and if. arty ommission, or `an' other errors aro; found• therein to take •,immediate liroceedings.to have the saune errors corrected according to law`.' " Mated at I'.ucknow this'' 12th da of Sept, icoo; • `! it • ]I;1TGili MO lflISO;!T. • *Clerk' -to-''Errand 16th_ at. 10 a.m. to hear Induction: trials and at 1,p.nt: the public sei' ice; will bog n. The Moderator .td. pre, side. Mr,. Dunn 'of ` Wh'itechurcli• , to presicb, "-Mr, Miller to ;addres§' ; .tk o minister' 'arid Air,. MaolCaythe cone B01(N.. gregation, if Vita. , iti,Luckuostf: sept, The. officiating ininfster velli ,read `' Mtp. David • Ston a; son, ,- DIf11; •., �, the -.13.1)0 both- ahuralies or :tw o h -.r... we nx.rx`ar do • • ' .... .. 'c 'U�, :Iii. f ucknbw bn ''1`hisreilafy,, Sabbaths before the Induction.. Rev. 1Z. A. Cranston. ati'd 'Mr..Hasa Student. were certified to the Sen .. a64 df Knox College . and M't.,A. CS. DV!' ' ;lease -':-o: • the_.;Grundy. store funs oi= ei'efore al H ,',e, ' it sale and not an ut >x w 1 b a . of ordinar s;le' _for most. sales ° �- ... • ......,Y._s ,;-,f ,... mea :>. good: '� Prices. But we ask you to come and take (these: l DRY : GOODS LOTHING OROCERIES ' BOOTS: AND ` , ,SHO away fi`om; here almost as: though roil,were ic'king•„t'hem offthe stye The trouble with., us was this man Lavine packed our 1,S00 - wort new goocls, just arrived this i11 such as Heavy :Overcoats,' Heavy Suits-' L Boots, Flannelettes, Flannels, Etc., and refused to take the shop furniture etc. the :lied . price. E rAKTI-A—D E. OPEN' ...EV ERY EVENING, W`e have, • a large and •'varied Stoelt �of the hti ` tylek--of Ii Itbady-to-wear a Raving. • 'spent the past.two weeks in'the'' ,PP , wholesale hoses in Toronto, ..:*here hayethe stocks of the best 'houses ' in the • trade to choose from. Wo':are confident that our''stiyles and• prrves'., ate correct, 'Now. fs th - •time to buy your fall hat as the early; ' Customer gets' the first 'choice.. Call ••and 'sco our stock before _buying. • , • Our Miss 'Lindsay is • attending • the Millinery oponings :in • Lon. acil this week. • 1900 ' VOTERS' LIS 1900_ Munfolpalllty •'.oT 'rownshlp of %hent Wa vanosh County of iiurgn. d t)TICE ;IS • 11EIi].BY G1•lrl.$1'pjtA.T I hrvetransaiitted„ r• delivered .to the s ntion.d, i',"tie: ,third person ,me ii n il ,,.t_ cl, and 'fourth' Sections of the." Voters ,List Att' the: poples -1 , ,required by said sectiones to be so.transmitted or delivered. of the' List. pureauant td the said • Act 6f all persons • 'appearing ,by the last revised; .Assessment Roll of the- said' Munici- pality to:be"entitled to vote in the said Muni- cipality at elections for members to the°Le,g-' ielative Asembi and the municipal dee. tions and the Said list,.was first' posted up in my: "office at St lfelens:this 28th' day of Aug, 1900 and, remains here for, inspootibn. • • i:le.tars hre killed 'upon to: e?rarnine thu' said list'and if :any'.•ommission or any: other.: errors are found .therein to. take iminediate .proceetlings''to have the same errors correoted' according to law,' - ^" I)utczl ht" `Iie1s']i-11iig-28tli, dla o—Aii.y," ld000,. .tlr.S,11teeit05'rrE, (1lcrk.. L' wElC,OM T heba.ance ofd - snit ' . � e �?.', are of ��th�• _ ,. a S111Y1, • mer. kind ,is oered gat rear : m .rices, to clear. ut s ee �, p 4 .d, l Worth . lie y .m ake .- •�3a�-�;-•�,�.•3�.::�- counter.' ,. The gods are - ust a u ful se as'at,the .be inn , • ' � _.• � _ , g : ing o� the 'season, but wem us ..lave •r D:WARE September GUI,: 1900, Gilbert Mceorvie, -- Don't Lori et, •that Tuesday, the `aged 2. years, 10 months, ti0 dnre. The'I 18th'S©tember is the tay. te for the 'funeral took lilacs from this mother's P. :residence, Ciunlibell �3treet, Lucknow, on Harvest 416111e'• Festival at the A,sh� •Satiirda,+ Cinlos:4 �. i, Comoter , "' £old.Mdthocligt Par8bnago Lut='know,' y, ,'sepfdinhd�r Rt'' fere ] r • ;a w' 11 cont' ue �. throughout t�: ..ri7.onth,. of PAug.u St '41A re . , e are-preparedt o �n]:a. • .ke it very . 1x�ter estingfor. intending , ... �. uncia �^1, • a • different .p Having , . four. g iff lots Brent dotsto .. . .. self; at ��C 60c,• 5c and $ 1:. O'O .p er- p pair. These can ' be . • , • ,seen'..: at front of store a..,. and in front window. But we have'some g 'ood': th n s . insidew g. which. r l�pea edtosho ea , on. nd ��.�e � rices r , r•