HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-03-05, Page 5WM.lganat T1 iE3 lifAlICUI 5, 1UU8
erlleLsMiII\fir0m the Sanetrim Skin ]tchts In:easels,
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Many a man who gets smart is made
to smart for it.
The tmnual profits of Monte Carlo
amounted to $3,000 000.
To Starve is a. Fallacy —The dictum
to step eating bt ci use yeti have indigoes
tion has lora since been tsploded, Dr
"Yon Stan's Pineapple Tablets introduced
n new era in the treatment of stomach
troubles. It has proved that one may
eat bis fi'l of anything and everything
In -relishes, and one tablet taken after
the meal moll aid the stomach in doing
iia work. 60 is) a box. 35 cents. Sold
by A L Hamilton. -24.
K'noardine pays its street inspector a
salary of $400 a ye ar.
Ti'omas McGaw, ebief of police or
Kincardine, has reargued.
P11. Dr. Chasp's Oint
mentis a certain
and guaranteed
cure for each and
every forma
itching, bleeding
and prutrudu•
piles, See testimonials in the press and ass
your neighbors about it. You can use it and
got your money back if not satisfied. 69e, at all
dealers or EDSiANSON, BATES & Co., Toronto.
It requires 3 200 conductors to keep
New York street car passengers step-
ping lively.
There is a clearing house for packages
lost on the British railways, and about
1,000 packages a day are handled.
Remember that when the stomnoh
zierves fail or weaken, Dyspepsia or la -
digestion mu.t always follow. But,
'strengthen tees° same weak inside
nerves with Dr. Shoop's Restorative, and
then see how quickly health will again
aoturn. Weak Heart and Kidney nerves
can also be strengthened with the Re-
storative, where Heart pains, palpitation
or Kidney weakness is fonnd Don't
drug the Stomach, nor stimulate the
Heart or Kidneys. That is wrong. Go
to the cause of these ailments. Strength-
en these weak inside nerves with Dr.
Shoop's Restorative and get well. A
eimple. single test will surely tell. Sold
by all dealers.
It is possible to read by the light
emitted by a half dozen Jamaican fire-
Free through isn't necessarily the
kind that costs no money, with a chro-
me thrown in.
Piles cured in 3 to 6 nights.—One
application gives relief. Dr. Agnew's
Ointment is a boon for Itching Piles, or
Blind. Bleeding Piles, It relieves gnick-
ey and permanently. In skin eruptions
it stands without a rival. Thousands
of testimonials if you want evidence.
35 cents. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -23
If no heavy rain clonda ever drifted
across your sky and sbnt out the sun
for a while, seme day you will long for
the splash of the rain in your face.
The Inej palm is the tree which is die.
tinguiebed for having the largest leaves
They often reach a Length of 50 feet and
aro fr( m ten to twelve feet in width.
Alabama is the only state in the
Union which holds a legislative session
only once in four years. Her lawmak-
ers get $4 a day, and the quadrennial
session is limited to 50 days.
Croup positively checked in 20 minutes
Dr. Shoop's 20 minute Croup Remedy
acts like Magic. No vomiting, nothing
herein A simple, safe, pleasant, depend
able group syrup. 500 at all dealers.
M. T.7. Stoneburner, of Hotchkiss,
Col., quarreled with his wife over the
correction of a child, shot her and
killed himself before his six little chil-
dren seated around the supper table.
The German ceneus of 1905 showed
423 cities of 10,000 population or more,
164 cities of 25,000 or more, and 99 cities
of 40,000 or mere. In many of these
mailer cities manufactutieg is the chief
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum -
stem, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
There are in France 23,656 miles of
na floral routes, which cost $303,975,050
to build. There are also 316,808 miles
of local highways built at a total cost of
808,800,000, of which the state furnished
$81,060,050 and the interested localities
Mr. John Weston has sold his farm of
120 acres on the 5th concession, Goderich
Tp. to Messrs John and Robt. Sloan,
two enterprising young men of Blyth.
for the sum of $9,500. The farm has an
unusually large orchard, and it is the
intention of the purchasers to pay par-
ticular attention to the raising of fruit
Bears the - The Kind You Hale Always Sought
The oyster will not flourish in water
which. contaius less than 37 parts of
salt to every thousand.
It costs over $1,000 to fire a single
shot from one of the largest guns need
in the French army.
Tickling or dry Coughs quickly loosen
when using Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure.
And it is so thoroughly harmless, that
Dr. Shoop tells mothers to use nothing
else, even for very young babies. The
-wholesome green leaves and tender
stems of a lung healing mountainous
lehrub give the curative properties to Dr.
Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the
cough and heals the sensitive bronchial
membranes. No opium, no chloroform,
nothing harsh used to injure orenppress.
Demand Dr. Shoop's. Take no other.
Sold by all dealers.
At a wedding on Southend-on-Sea
recently the party on leaving the church
passed under an aroh of fishing rods.
The ears of a child seldom change as
it develops into an adult, bat after
middle age they sometimes grow
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Goderich was treated to a sensation
Tuesday night of last week—A public
marriage of two of the Francis Green
Stock Company took place on the stage
of the Opera House during the perfor-
mance. The ceremony was performed
by the Presbyterian clergyman, Rev.
Jae A. Anderson, amid a forest scene
and camp fire, a most unique environ-
Becomes Hard, Cracks.
Bleeding Sores Develop.
Pus is discharged.
The prevalence of E zsma is due in
every cafe to the presence of humors
and poisonous acids to the blood
These poisons dome front fermenta-
tion of indrt;ested food in the upper
bowel or from aiseharged fecal matter
in the lower bowel
It is a waste of time to employ oint-
uterite or ora+had.
No lasting benefit can be bad from
doeterin;; the akin wheu the cause lies
in the blood.
R oh, pure blood will brine: new life
to the skin—will surely restore beauty
and rtohess of complexion
Ferrozono is the best treatment.
It a(te on the blood instantly, ants
with a pmitying heeling effect—neutra
lizos the acids—destroys the poisons—
drives every humor from the blood.
So rich and nourishing does Ferrozene
make the blood so enol and healthy,
that the scores are healed—itchiness ie
soothed away—every trace, of eczema
poison removed.
If Ferrczrne won't onre then nothing
will—in alt blood disorders its effect is
instant—care guaranteed Try Ferro -
zone, thousands it has cured—will cure
you too. In 50o boxes at all dealers.
The Bell Telephone Company's fin-
ancial statement, which will be pre -
sen ted at their annual meeting, shows
gross earnings of $4 829,000, and net
earnings of 81,043 5( 0, paid in dividends
$871,000, balarce $172,010. At the olose
of 1907 tbe company had 111,118 stations,
an increase of 15,073 over lest year.
els nt construction cost during the year
$2,647,000, while the investment -in
plant now stands at $16 385,000. The
earnings of the company in dividends
amounted to 8 3 per cent.
$100 00 paid by Dr. Shoop for any regent
case of Grippe or acute Cold that a 25
cent box of Preventics will not break
How is this for an offer? The Dootor's
supreme confidence in these little Candy
Cold Cure Tablets—Preventics—is cer-
tainly complete. It's a $100 against 25
cents—pretty big odds. And Preventics,
remember, contain no Quinine, no laxa-
tive, nothing harsh nor sickening, Pneu-
monia would never appear if early colds
were always brown. Safe and sure for
feverish children. 48 Preventics 250. at
all dealers.
The auditors' report for Tuckersmfth
township for 1907, shows the total
receipts of the Treasurer to have been
$40,354, including a balance of $200 on
hand at the beginning of the year. The
expenditure was as follows:—Drainage
$267; Board of Health $25; permanent
Young Married Men --",What would ! ragaaw
yon do, my dear, if I were one of those ! he
men who are in a bad humor when they
get up in the morniug, and use had
language Inverters the breeefe tis cold?'
Young Wife—"I would snake it hot for
y A 7�man looks supremely ridiculous
whon be dances. Ilia tie gets up under
bis ear, and his collar gets limp, his shirt
begins to bulte, and his coat tails jump
up and down in a highly indecorous
manner, He ie quite at his worst, and
the funny thing is that be doesn't know
it. —Cairo Sphinx
A very happy wedding took place rn
the Sacred Heart Church, Mildmay on
Tuesday morning of last week, the eon-
tracting parties being Air Louis Sohef-
ter and Mies Olara, the youngest daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moyer of
Mildmay, Rev. R 0 L holanu oII3oi-
As a spring medicine° burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
eyetem and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeliug so prevalent in the spring.
According to the Revile des Deux
Mendes, of Paris, if she United States
were as thickly populated as France it
would contain 700,000,000 people. And
if Canada were as dens ly settled as
Belgium the population would exceed
that of the whole world to day. There
seems to be some room left 011 the old
pinuet still.
1C� `XI CZ, 3E2.SA
Bears tho The Kind You Havo Always Bought
of -C ftfc!/e/,
Taking Dare of mousy is almost as
hard work as earning it.
Most men would rather help with the
anvil chorus than play second fiddle.
When is a tradesman above hie busi-
ness? When he lives over his chop.
The production of gold in the United
States during 1906 was $94,373,800, as
against $88,180,700 for 1905, a gain in
1906 of $0,193,100. The prinoipal gain
was in Alaska, which amounted to $6,-
439,500. Nevada s gain in gold was
:3.919,500; Oregan's, $75,200; Arizona's,
$55.800. The greatest loss in gold pro-
dnotton in any state was in Colorado,
where there was a decrease of $2,766,•
No Rheumatism -with Red Blood.
Rheumatism, like diseases of the
nerves, is from a thin watery condition
of the blood, and disappea*,e when the
bridge ac't $10,032; roads and bridges, blcod is made rich and red by the use of
$3S63; salaries $910; stationery and Dr. Ohase's Nerve Food It you have
printing $196; stone crusher, $_6'13; de-
tiredof noxious medicines, try this
method of overcoming disease by build-
bentnrea $1330; county rate $=9;1: lag up vitality to the high water mark.
schools $5706; Miscellaneous $2516; Pains and. aches wile then disappear and
total $32319. The assets of the township yon will know the joy of healthful
amount to $27813 and the liabilities'lliviugt
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
Death invaded the happy home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Landsborough, Tucker -
e mith on Friday, Feb. 21st, carrying off
their only daughter Miss Jessie Elgen.
Deceased had been attending Clinton
Collegiate, where she was a general
favorite with her classmates; contract
ing whooping cough, she came home
brit instead of getting better, and despite
the best medical treatment, she got
worse, her illness turning to brain
trouble, and death resulting therefrom.
Munich, with a population of over 540,-
1100, hue, on an average, one establish-
ment for the sale of liquor refreshments
to each 319 pounds.
If you want a sure cure for
here it is • • • • • . •
The raucous membrane being in an
inflamed condition, causes running at
the none • but whon this membrane is
healed the discharge ceases.
Every effort should be made
de to cure
Catarrh, for it leads to Catarrh of the
Threat wtomach or Bladder, Consume•
Hon and Bright's Disease.
"Oxygenator" is put up in largo size
bottles. Price, $1.t5. $1.00, and 60e.
•Otygcnator" Is sold by all wholesale
rind retail druggists.
The Oxygenator Company
OrQntor Canada.
Her Heart like a Polluted Spring. c told opportunities are the kind fate
—Mrs. James Sngley, Pelee Island, Onr- hands to the other fellow on a silver
says; "I was for five years affiietedwith
dyspepsia, constipation, beast disease platter.
end nervous prostration. I cared the „It's an awfn' thing tan to be in want
heart trouble with Dr. Agnew'a Cure o' sitter." 'It's a faur mail awfn'
for the Heart, and the other ailments
vanished like mist. Had relief in half thing tae be in want o' Bence."
an hour after the first dose." Sold by The great advantage of family life
A. L. Hamilton —27. is that it makes the home itself the place
A conscience is a good thing not to of greatest interest and happiness.
have if you are in a hurry to get rich.
The water consumed in London each Pain can be quickly stopped. A 25 cent
boa of Dr. Shoop's -Headache Tablets
year would fill a trench 21,000 miles will gill any pain, everywhere, in 20
minutes! Besides they are thoroughly
safe. Painful periods with women,
neuralgia, etc., quickly cease after one
tablet. Sold by all dealers.
C ent!emer r -
"I was a, martyr to catarrh of tiro
head, throat and stomach. I was so bail
the doctors feared eonsnmption. I
tried many physicians and medicines.
A friend suggested Psycchine. I trial
it and it was the only thing ever did
aro any good. I ant now perfectly well.
It is the greatest remedy the world
has ever known. I do not need it for
any health now bot 1 use it as a
strengthener for rosy ~Walking, matchers,. I
nave much of my hhy:r' ' t1 endurance to
• JAM IIF,YNOi,D».t,
['ort Hope, Ont.
Psyching is rho greatest cure fou^
catarrh of the h+';vl, throat or stomach
in tho world, 1;, is a wonderful tome
and strengthener of run down system,
acting directly on all the vital organs,
giving youthful vigor and strength to
Lite system. At all druggists 50e. Anil $1,
or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto.
It isn't at all surprising that 801110
people are saddest wh n they sing.
Bears the The Mud You Ilava Always (foetus
8ignnaitnra �-
r Jfli'Ge/Gt
Mrs Menton Bounioger has leased her
farm, lot 13, con. D, Carrick, to Josoph
Kupfersohmidt, who gi is poeaeetion of
the plane in March,
A Veteran's Story.—George Lewis,
of Shamokin Pa., writes: "I am eighty
years of age. I have been troubled with
Catarrh for fifty years. and in my time
have used a great many catarrh gates,
but never hal any relief unfit I neat Dr.
Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. One box
eared me completely." 50 cents, Sold
by A. L. Iiamilton,-25.
The estimated population of contin-
ental United States in 1905 and 1905,
according to a census bulletin, was 82,-
57.4,195 and 83,911,570, respectively. In-
cluding Alaska and the insular pos-
sessions the population of the United
States in 1905 was 93,182,2.40, The in-
crease in population from 1900 to 1905
was 6,579,620.
He'pless as a Baby.—S.iuth Ameri•
can Rheumatic Ohre strikes the root of
the ailment and strikes it quick R W.
Wright, 10 Daniel street, Brockville,
Ont , for twelve years a great sufferer
from rheumatism, couldn't wash him-
self, feed himself or dress himself.
After using six bottles was able to work
and says: "I think pain has left me for-
ever." Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -26.
[ V. A Daly, in Cethelio Standard and
Volvo )
"'Tie cold tb' day," acid John MCOann,
lipon the road to snaps.
Tlie e0rra word paid Mary Ann,
But stoppoil to let hint para;
Fur, shore, he was the bold young man,
An' she the modest lase.
'Twas pot himself that world be balked
So aisily'an' so
He timed h's stops) wid hors and walked
Beside her, through the snow.
But 0! she passed upon her way,
So ni0 :est an' so prim,
'Twee little he could think to say,
Axl' less she said to him,
liut this he nate when they were nigh
The little chapel door:
"A oolder land, a oolder sky,
I have never seen before,
Than this, for all its store of gold,
for all it is 8o grand,
I never ki:ew the feel o' gold
At home in Ireland;
But here, in those forsaken parts,
Tho snows, the bitter storm,
Creep even into Irish hearts
That should bo kind and warm.
OI }rind tho maidens, Mary Ann,
Who tread the Irish grass
Thiel leered day !" said John McCann,
Upon the road to masa,
J. J. Daly, a land swindler, formerly
of Guelph and well remembered by many
farmers in Western Ontario to their
deep regret and financial loss, is again
ander arrest in Toronto for a now swin-
dle attempt, after getting out of Central
Prison by some bogus process'.
During the calendar year 1907, the
total number of homestead entries on
Dominion lands in the west was 29.414,
as compared with 42,012 during 1906, a
decrease of 13,045. December was the
only month to show an increase. The
total number of entries for that month
was 1,849 as compared with 1,402 for
December 1906.
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches, Bar
ber's Itch and every form of contagious
Itch on human or animals cured in 30
minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion.
It never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
The value of $25,000,000 placed on the
annual output of honey puts this farm
crop only alightly behind raw cane sugar,
which had a valuation at the refineries
of $28,000,000.
long and 10 feet deep.
moves all hard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
sprains, dere and ewolien throat, coughs,
etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle,
Warranted the most wonderful Blemish
Cure ever known. Sold by A. L. Hamil-
Pitch pine, which has been considered
almost worthless, is now in demand for
cranberry barrels.
Prof. Mayor points out in the Finan-
cial Poet that the cost of living in Toron-
to was 67 per cent higher in 1907 than in
1897. That is to say, $1 67 would go
only as far last year as a dollar world
ten years ago. The greater proportion
of the increase has been rent valve of
houses. In some cases rents have ad-
vanced 113 per cent. Food prices rose
46 per cent to the decade,fuel 26 per cent
and clothing 40 per cent.
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They pure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billiousnees, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
The following may have an application
of interest to the farmers of the county of
Huron: Already there are several rural
telephone companies in Wellington
county, probably the Iargest of these
being the North. Wellington Telephone
Co., with headquarters at Arthur. It
now covers 37 miles with 28 telephones,
had a government charter, and is capital-
ized to the extent of $15,000. But
Miato's progressive farmers, says the
Palmerston Spectator, are in nowise be-
hind their brethren,and all 1 over the
township a deep interest is being taken
in a proposal to establish an extended
system of rural telephones, covering the
greater part of the township. At toe
present time five farmers on the 4th
conoeselon have telephones installed in
their homes and are fast reaching the
conclusion that ono installed in a farm
house they become a fixture which the
farmer would not willingly dispense
who find life a burden, can have health and
strength restored by the use of
Heart and Nerve
The present generation of women and girls
have more than their share of misery. With
some it is nervousness and palpitation, with
others weak, dissyoand fainting spells, while with
others there is a geatrel collapse of the system,
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pilia tong up the
nerves, strengthen the heart and make it beat
strong and regular, create new red blood cor-
puscles, and impart that sense Of buoyancy to
the spirits that is the result of renewed mental
and physical vigor.
Mrs D. O. Donoghue Oriilia, Ont., writes:
" For over s year I was troubled with nervous-
ness and heart trouble. 1 decided to give Mil.
burn's Heart and Nerve Pills a trial, and after
using Eve boxes t found I was completely cured.
1 always recommend them to my friends."
Price bo cents per box or three bests for $1.26,
all dealers or The T. Milburn Co., Limited
Toronto, Ont . �.. ....x
The total capital invested in British
coal mines ie fully $500,000,000. The
annual wages amount to $300,000,000.
It is indeed a mysterious order of
things which decreed that gray hair
should be revered and baldness only
George Harper has purchased the
farm, lot 10, concession 2, Cariok, from
his brother James, and gets possession
of the place on the 6th of March.
Under the Nerve Lash.—The torture
and torment of the victim of nervous
prostration and nervous debility no one
can, rightly estimate who has not been
under the ruthless laeh of these relent
less human foes. M. Williams', of Ford -
wish, Ont., was for four years a nervous
wreck. Six bottles of South American
Nervine worked a miraole, and his
doctor confirmed it. Sold by A. L.
Hamilton. -28.
Small hoed is wbere the heart i.s not,
An' share, 'tie safe to say
'Twas little that the pastor got
From Mary Ann that day ;
No ears bad she fur anny word
But jilt that bold young man's,
An' faix, the only thing she heard
Was when he rend the banns
For two true hearts that soon would bo
In happy wedlock one,
Then out she passed au' home went she
Beneath the winter sun,
An' know before she turned Iter bead
Who was it walked beside.
"Ye heard the banns? Ah, well,'' he said,
"There's one has found a bride.
Thank God! ere Irish heart is sweet,
Though all the one I know
That makes my own lone heart to beat
Is oold an' hard as snow."
"Bat now 'tie softer, John McCann"—
Ochonothe modest lass!—
' ° The snow, I mean," blushed Mary Ann,
Upon the road to mass.
are mild, sure and safe, and are a perfect
regulator of the system.
They gently unlock the secretions, clear
away all effete and waste matter from the
system, and give tone and vitality to the
-whole intestinal tract, curing Constipa-
tion, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Dyspep-
sia, Coated Tongue, Foul Breath, Jaun-
dice, Heartburn, and Water Brash. Mrs.
R. S. Ogden, Woodstock, N.B., writes:
"My husband and myself have used Mil -
burn's Laxa-Liver Pills for a number of
years. We think we cannot do without
them. They are the only pills we ever
Price 25 cents or five bottles for $1,00,
at all dealers or direct on receipt of price.
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
Goderich Tp. lost one of its oldest—if
not its oldest -resident on Friday, Feb.
21st by the death of Mr. William Cook.
of the 13th con. Deceased, who waft
nearly 87eyears of ago, had just finished
a meal, sitting at the table, when he
folded his arms, leaned back, and ex-
pired without a struggle. Deceased
was born in Glasgow, and came with
his father, the late Robert Cook, to this
country, when about 14 years of age,
his father settling on the Huron Road,
where the "Pebble House" occupied by
Me, George Mair stands, This would
make Mr. Cook a resident of the Town•
chip for about 73 years. That he was
able to pass thrOngh all the hardship of
Pioneer life and live for considerably
more than the allotted "three -score
years and ten," shows that he had a
rugged constitution, About 1857 he
settled on con. 13, where he has contin•
red to reside ever singe. Ile was twice
married, having a large family by the
first union; his seoond wife, who sur-
vives, was a Miss Cantalon, sister of
Messrs. Cautelon, of Clinton.
01 bells wore on the breezy that ran
Along the buddin' grass,
An' spring, on tip.oe, waved her hen'
Th' day to see them pass,
When John and Mary Ann McCann
Came down the road from masa,
Bile Is Nature's Cathartic.
Sino° it is the liver which filters bile
from the blood, where it is a poison, and
passes it into the intestines, where it is
essential as an aid to digestion, and as a
means of regulating the action of the
bowels, it is of the greatest importance
to keep the liver active by the use of
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. In this
way constipation is thoroughly cured.
The Centre Bruce Liberal convention
waa postponed owing to the stormy
weather. The report now is to the
effect that Mr. W. R. MacDonald, reeve
of Huron, may contort the Riding as an
Independent. Ho is a popular young
farmer, well versed in municipal affairs
and a son of John S. MacDonald, form-
erly Patron member for the Riding.
Walton $cllibbon Gives Times
Readers a Chance to Try R.
Druggists do not often guarantee any-
But Walton McKibton assures persons
suffering from distreeting indigestion
that they can surly bt; relieved,
Sinno nobody krowa when, people
have suffered from indigestion, sick
headaches, bloating, dizzy apelis, dis-
trets after caring, sleeplessness, and
many other symptoms of stomach
trouble, and have found the usual re-
medies powerless.
At last a prescription called Mi-o•na
stomach tablets are offered to the medi-
ea1 profession and general pnblio as a
llnel solution of curing stomach and
intestinal troubles. Its success every.
where has made it, in the last few years,
the acknowledged specific it is today,
Strengthen the whole digestive system
with Mt-o•na, and Ton will soon find
that the stomach and bowels do their
work ae they should. There will be no
distress after eating, and no need of
Walton McKibben has so much faith.
in the power of Mi -o na to cure stomach.
ills that he gives a guarantee with every
50 -cent boar to refund the money if the
remedy fails to cure.
A case of chocking neglect on the part
of a husband, resulting in the death of
his wife for lack of medical assistance',
occurring near Jackson's Coruera, a•
small place itf the vicinity of Tweed,
when Mrs. Richard Findsay was found
dead by neighbors, with two new-born.
babes lying beside her,
a�h• 81 qq��, r Use Shiloh's Curc
].®Sit for the worst cold.
and Colds
the sharpest cough
—try it on a guar-
antee of your
money back if it
doesn't actually
CURE quicker
than anything you
ever tried. Safe to
take,—nothing in
it to hurt even a
baby. 34 years of
success commend
Shiloh's Cure -
25c., 50c., $1, 315
and anyone having live stook or other
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver-
tise the same for Bale in the TIxtsa. Our large
circulation tells and it will be strange indeed
yon do not get a oustomer. We can't guarantee
that you -will sell because you may ask more
for the article or stook than it Is worth. Send
your advertisement to the Tlaoos and try this
pian of disposing of your annals and other
for Wingham and adjoining country to
"Canada's Greatest Nurseries'`
Largest list of commercial and do-
meatio fruits—large and small; orna-
mentals, and shade trees; flowering
shrubs, vines, roses fine seed potatoes
one of our specialties. Stook that is
hardy comes from us.
A permanent situation for the right
man, for whom the territory will be re.
served. Pay 'weekly. Free Equipment.
Write for particulars,
Foothill Nurseries
(850 aoree)
Towns TO,
If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon
or make a better mousetrap• than his neighbor, though he
bard his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten
path to his door.—Emer,.on.
Get on the path to the door of the
Times Printing Office
Where mouse traps are not made but
Good Printing
Is turned out every day with neat-
ness and despatch; where up-to-date
materials and machinery are used,
and were mechanics with up-to-date
ideas are employed; where quality
characterizes every piece of work
and service given every buyer; where
cheap printing is never done, but
where good printing is done cheap;
where the kind of printing is done
that will lead the world to make a
beaten path to your door; where
particulars may be had by following
up the path to the office of
or by calling up 'Phone, 4.
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