HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-03-05, Page 4I t 1 5 Nosy Idea Patterns 10c, THE LEADING STORE Now Idea StagsaiMJ lc. ADVANCE51-11PMENTS .,s,. OP SPRING STOCK For Fiftooa Departments. JUST RECEIVED: : THREE CASES DRESS GOODS TWO CASES HATS AND OAPS. ONE OASE PRINTS AND GINGHAMS NINE ROLLS OILCLOTHS AND LINOLEU.IiS, ONE CASE LADIES' SPRING COATS. ONE CASE LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS. NINE ROLLS JAPAN MATTING, ONE CASE LACE CURTAINS, TEN ROLLS CARPET. EIGHT BALES ART SQUARES AND RUGS. ONE CASE NEW CORSETS. ONE BALE ENGLISH I.ONGOLOTa FIVE CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. A large volume of business at a very =rill expense, is the explanation of our low prices in all Departments. Buyers of Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings will find it to their advantage to see our New Spring Goods before buying. Sprin; Shirt Waists.—A large variety very pretty y Spring Shirt Waists, nicely made, buttoned front or back, short or long sleeve, very moderate prices ; see them. Laces and Embroideries. --All that's new in Laces and Embroideries you will find in Notion Department. 1 Special value in Corset Cover Embroidery. I Rentnants.—All kinds of Remnants Ieft after the Big Safe now on Centre Tables to be sold reg lydless of cost. ! J -,ems. WANTED. -Large quantities Butter,. Eggs, Dried Apples and Potatoes. H. Isard & Go. PHONE 68. WINGHAM. tit New Spring Suits For Boys and Childreo, Bright, New and 'Attractive Fabrics and Colorings specially chosen for boys' wear. Double Breasted Sae Norfolk Styles. Buster 1 i ow - s The Russian Blouse AND The Sailor Styles PRICES TO SUIT EVERYONE, McGee d6 Campbell CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS, • FOR THE LARGEST AND FINEST selection of the following brand new goods, D. M, aORDON is always in the lead. Yes, always in the Lead in styles, quality and prices l Why ? Because we understand where to buy, and when to buy, so that we can give our customers the very best values obtainable in the country, viz. : DRESS GOODS—In all shades, designs and textures. Special attractions in BIaok and Colored Silks. BLOUSES—Beautiful and extensive range of Blouses, in Silk, Fine .- Lawns, and Mastitis. Laces, Insertions, Embroideries --see our immense stock of Fine Laces, Insertions, Embroideries, etc„ etc. WINDOW CURTAINS_The largest and most oomplete range of Window Curtains, in Lace, and charming shades and designe in Madras Muslins, PRINTS—Very pretty Prints -the prices will please you, GROCERIES—Pare and fresh -great valves. Please come in and see the goods; our description of them fails to do them justice. HIGHEST PRICES FOR GOOD TRADE, D. M. GORDON. . . . j '.1.'Z WIN CLCNTUN. Dors, W. J. Biggins, a widow lady, who lived alone on Joeeph street, was found dead on her house at noon on Bat• urday, Master Milton Cook, a neigh. bop boy, who carried water for bet, went as tonal that morning, but could not get In, and at noon, thinking lame. thing might be wrong, bo and his father forced an entrance to the hoose, and found her dead on the floor, Sbe was 83 year of ago, and the dootor attributes her death to heart failure. Her on, William, lives on the Landon road; near the town, To Cure Sniffling colds. The Cagiest and pleasantest euro is "Oetarrhezone" which fills the nose' throat and lungs with healing balsams and pine essences that hill a cold iaetan t• ly. You experience a pleasant sensation or relief at onoe. Soreness, congestion and irritation leave the nose and throat, the head is cleared and every trace of oold or Catarrh is cured, Catarrhozene is so sure, so pleasant, such a safe remedy for winter ills that you can't afford to do Without it. Sold by all dealers, 250, and $1.00, Get Catarrh - ozone to -day. 1'ItOX1 TER, Mr. A. H, Rae who has conducted the grocery store here for some time has decided to sell his stook to Laing Eroa. A very pretty wedding took plaoe at the home of Mr. W. M. Robinson on Wednesday, Feb. 26th, when his oldest daughter Mary Kathleen was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to J. R Wendt in the presence of a few im. mediate relatives and friends, by the R3v. T. H. Farr, of Gerrie. The bride was beautifully gowned in Indian mull, trimmed with Woke and lace and was unattended. Pity This Poor Girl, Growing fast -yes, into weakness, but without strength, Tired, of course she is -pale and thin too. She doesn't eat enough and digests far too little. This condition is so common, but how seldom noticed even by fond parents. Give her Ferrozone-then watch her appetite improve -see her cheeks and lips grow ruddy -watch her epirite rise. This gain is simply the result of eating and digesting enough, and thereby nourishing blood, brain and nerves. To .woman Ferrozone restores strength she has lost -to a girl it brings strength perhaps she never knew. You'll try Ferrozone, 50o at all dealere, ulrusslons, George Maldoon, of town, and George Keys, of Morris, each have a oar of horses ready for shipment to the West but owing to the disaraangement of the freight service on the railways owing 'to the storms have not been able to ship. Friday of last week Walter and Mra, Wilbee, Tnrnberry et., Brussels, eels- brate their silver wedding. 0 ming to the recent demise of the latter's mother the customary jubilation over enoh im• portant anniversaries was not hold. Owing to poorhealth W. J. Fawcett, who has been manager of Brussels branoh of the Metropolitian &tnk for nearly two years, has asked for and been granted an extended holiday of five menthe, The Bank here will bo pl toed charge of F. H. Gilroy, who was a former member of the staff here for several years. On Sabbath, February 16th, Mrs. George Brand, of Fleming, Alan., passed over to the great majority, at the age of 60 years. She suffered from two strokes of paralysis and had bean in poor health for several years. Three weeks prior to her demise rho was taken to Braudon for medical treatment but it • was un- availing and she passed p_aoefully away as stated above. Deceased was the mother of Mrs. Walter Wilbee, of Bras. sets, and Elijah Pease, of Morrie, Look, Look ! All STOVES AT COST For The Nexi Thirty Days E WANT THE ROOM Young's Big Hardware EZINISOMIN A i UM TIMES, M RC;II 1908 8 0404414 000404 00 00 440 Most people know that if they have been sick they need .Scout',' Emut- . fon to 'bring back health and strength, But the strongest point about Scotea Emat rton is that you don't have to be sick to get results from: it. It keeps up the athiete't strength, puts fat on thin people, makes a fretful baby happy, brings color to a pale girl's cheeks, and pre- vents coughs, colds and consumption. Food in concentrated form for sick and ;well, young and old, rich and poor. And it contains no drugs and no alcohol. ALL DRUGGISTS; $Oo. ANo MATH Thos, and James MoOreieht have taken over the chopping business oar tied oe by their father. Tiles Jones has rented the house on Dtnmmond St., lately occupied by War Scott, an 1 will move into it shortly, Rev, S. And rson and Mr, Frank Mo. Pherson represented the Methodist choreal and Ep worth Lsagne at the Pro- vincial 3laanoe Convention in Toronto on Tuesday and Wednfsiay of last week, Mr. W. I McLean, M. A , has been tendered a unanimous and enthusi- astic call from the Presbyterian oburrb at Liman. This is the fourth offer of settlement that Mr. McLeah bas reoeived within the Iast few mouths. ,tr WALToti. The saw mill will commence opera- tions in a few days. The cut will not be as large as in former years. Miss Annie Johnston ie in the Hospital at Gaelph where she underwent nu operation, Her many friends wish her a complete reeovery, Mr. Wm. Shoidiete has dispoald of his house and lot, in this village, to Mr James Harris, who assumes possession shortly. Mr, Andrew Johnston has disposed of his farm, adjoining the village, to Mr. Wm Davidson, of Grey township. The farm contains 61 acres, and is a very convenient property. The price is said to be $3,400. Mr. Johnston retains the house for the summer, Ha hied of Kidney Disease. How often we hear of these sad oases The back -pains and headache were noticed -but not treated. D zzy spells, frequent calls and languid condition appeared, but nothing was done until the disease was far advanced. Care in- variably results from Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They restore perfeot health, des- troy every symptom of diseased kidneys, build up constitutions that defy further outbreaks. Because purely vegetable and free from iejnrions materials, no remedy equals Dr. Hsmilton'e Pills for Kidney and Liver complaint. Sold in 25e. box s by all dealers. TE ESWATIs R, Tee 45th Annual Report of Kaox Church congregation has just been issued in printed form, a oopy being provided for each family in conneotion with the church, This report covers the affairs of the congregation for the year 1907 and is more full than any previously issued, oenteining the secre• tary's minutes of the annual meeting, the report of the clerk of session, and information respecting the several Sunday Schools and other organizations which supplement the work of the pastor. A few figures from the report are as follows: Number of families in the congregation, 231; communicants on the roll Dec. 31, 515; members added during 1907, 27; removed 15. The total amount contributed for all purr poses was $4,185 80. Con tribntiona to ordinary revenue were $2,010.80, Ooll,ctions amounted to $863 90. T'URNoEatRY. The following is the report of school section No 6, Tnrnberry, for the month of February. The names are in order of merit: - Fourth Class -Velma Chandler, Bella Murohison, Sadie King, Genevieve life. Oormiok, I3az31 Mitchell, Maggie Chandler, Norma MoKague, Viola Showers,'toy Porter, Stanley Diokson, Bert Little, Ratty McRsgne. Sr. Third Class -Bart Holmes, Viva King, Grace Snell, Jessie Holmes, Bertha Chandler, Annie McKinnon, John Snell, Wilfred Molfagne, Jr. Third Cinas-Johnny MoKague, Albert Foam. Pearl Penis, Ella F&lhis, Lenisa Snell, Robert Faille. Earl Dick- son, Mabel Gey. Se. Second Class. -Minnie Porter, Wilfrid Mut chigoe. Intermediet3 Se0011e1 Qiddd-Etlly? Chandler, Gorge i5 alglsld'h, ifouriotta Foston. Jr, Second Ohms -Percy ;ting, RWart in titer. Sr, First Class --Henry Holmen, Retold Showers, Robbie Mogague, Gertie rallla, Charley; Showers. Jr. First Cissa- Iaroid Fallts, 17 ELGRA'rE Weather and roads permitting, the a moat ntissiouary services in B:lgrave Mithadiet Chnroh will be held next Sunday, M•trch 2th Rl v, E G, Powell, of • Brussels, will preach. Oelleotiaos a -,d sabscriptioos in aid of missions. All are invited to the services, Does Your S'tto Ache? When the first symptoms aplesr, rub with N•rviline-rub it in deeply, It penetrates to the mnsoles and chords that are s,tre-takes away stlffoeas-re- moves all strain and int( mutation. If the condition is chronic, put a Nerviline Purons Planter on the affected spot This draws oat any vans or nenraleio irritation, restores the .tisanes to their wonted healthines , permanently cures any weakness or ttndoncy to pain. Nerviline Plasters absorb all the dele• terious secretions through the relaxed pores and when used along with Nervi - line itself, every muecnlar pain or ache must go. AU ilUit v. Mrs. Wm. Anderson, accompanied by her two children and her Pieter, Miss Rena Patterson, Ieft last week for the West. Mr. Geo. Marsh took a trip to Goder- ich on the C. P. R. last week. This is his first trip on the train since he lo- bated in this aection twenty•iivo years ago. The new road to the station has ad- vanced another stage Reeve McMillan, of Hallett, was here and evere thing has been satisfactorily arranged. EXVTUL. The death of Chas. Dalin on FrLley, the 14th inst., removed a well known resident, The deceased had bsen in failing health for about a year. He was sixty one years of age sed was the son of the late John Daiton, one of the early pioneers of thio district. The sons are To emiah, of Winnipeg; Louis of De- troit; John, Joseph and Gregory, of Klntail. Two of the daughters live in, Detroit and one at Parkhill. The sym• pathy of the whole community is extend- ed to the family in their bereavement. WEST wAWANoset. The following is the report of S. S. N N. 14, West Wawanosh, in Spelling. Total, 50. Part I, Sr,: -Joseph O'O.tllagha'i 36 Pert II: -R chard Thomson 38. Jr. II: -Maggie Leidla w 47, Leola Naylor 46, Nellie O'Callaghan 41. Sr. II: - Me:ia Clow 60, Lytle Emer- son 48, Edna Thomson 42, James Pat - term 33. Jr. III: -Ethel Clow 43, Samuel Thornton 37. Sr. III: -Annie Laidlaw 49, Archie Paterson 49, Willie O'Callaghan 48, Herbert Laidlaw 47, R ly McGee 47, John Pardon 46, Elmur Mowbray 45. Jr. and Sr, IV: -Alfie Morrison 49, Olive Clew 48, Victor Emerson 47, John O'Callaghan 47, Robert Laidlaw 35. Edna I Cuyler, Teacher, Commit met on Fab 2iind. Members all present, Reeve Bailie in the chair, Minutes of last meeting confirmed on motion of Thompson and Anderson, The Treaenrer's bond was prevented by Wm. Thompson and accepted on motion of Thompson and Anderson, The Auditors' Report was rresonted by J. A MaIlough and accepted en motion of Anderson and Medd. The cannon designated the evade Which they degas to be placed under the County Road System, la the event of the County adopting snob system, The following accounts wero pail: -- Auditors, $7 00, emit; Menioipai World, snb,criptions, $5 75; Assessment Rell, etc, $7.50; telephone and express, $1,40. Connell adjourned to f>;eet on March I 27th at 10 o'clock a. nr, W S 1 C"RO:TiE,010k, ;13r. W L If:tokena a Bing will go z•;egland to interview the Imperial an Indian authorities regardiug emigration from Indic to the Dominion. General Otter has been offered the oommana of the Fifth Infantry' Brigade at Aldershot, but it is not thought that he will leave Canada. WINTER FOOTWEAR TO BE CLEARED OUT! Our January Shoe -Fly Sale cleared our shelves of a lot of gond Footwear, and our customers were wall pleased with the values, We still have a large stock of winter wear for men, women, boys and girls, which positively must go, and we'll make the price so low that it's bound to move 'em, . JOHNSTON - Shoe Dealer GREY. A straw shed will be built by Harry Speirau, 10th con., 28140 feet. Jno Patch has the contract. Last week Charlie Lake Ieft for Pause, Seek , where he spent last Summer. We hope he will do well. Archie Livingston, who has been visiting here for the past few months, left for his home at Dnbno, Assiniboia. Wm. Baker, 10th con. is pulling down bis barn and rebuilding. It will be 50x50 feet. The work will be done by Jno. Petoh, of BrusseIs, Tuesday of last week Samuel Hotta ton, 16!h eon., lett for Grand View, Manitoba, after a holiday visit with relatives and friends for the past two months. 'GPs wish Woe anot ese. Established 2179 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolene ix a boon to Azthnmtics Dots it not seem more effective tobreathc in a remedy to cure disease of the breathing ergans than to take the remedy into the stomach Y It cures because the air rendered strongly ami - septic is carried over the diseased surface with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat. meat. It is invaluable to mothers with small ( Cititlitett, Those ofa consumptive tendency find intn:ediate relief from coukhs or in - Mimed conditions t.f the throat. Sold by druggists. Send postal for booklet, Lakettso, Mitre Co„ Limited, Agents, Meat. real, Canada. 307 f ®Frederick Stubbing, a snow shoveller, tired to climb up a bank out of the way of a train near Lindsay, slipped back and was killed. gNOW OPENI ENTER ANY DAY Winter Terns in all departments of the Central Business College, To- ronto, offers°=1•pletttdtd ehnucos for spending H few mouths pleasantly and profitably, Twenty-five teachers. Catalogue free. Write for it. W. H, stat,, Principal; E. E. Shaw, Secretary, Longe and Gerrard ,Ste„ Toronto. r li NVESTIGATE Ixtto the merits of the e ///' // CENTRAL KY/14,Sii 1,,at;/10%:" ;i't P ATFORD. (INT It is the most aueoeesful business t.ainintrschool in Wetttern Ontario. Oar Commercial, aburtb!tnd and Telegraphic D. plrtntt-tits are in the oharga of able rt,atrut;tora of exper- ience, All our courses ate thorough, ttp•to date and uractictsl. We have become one of the largest bnsinees training schools to the brovinoe. Gott our free oataloane and With Wk0q1M1 aril doing. Commercial Behoola ars well as business men employ oar graduates. Students aro tittering each week. Enter now ELLWOdi' T McjACHLAN PRINCIPALS.