HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-08-17, Page 8an
Luo a lael eked nme, "Is
•there• •any. .rno phine - in your
0 tt
hoadaoho powders,n : T,saidf
course net • nor'' . any ether
.:dangerous- drug, ,why; do . you
She said "1 got a•b4=.
:tiook°Qaooi.der ,4u
_414,791; oqi% ry'r
VflO afraid that tilers'° lanusti, be•.
Aid-AugustWad+ding. e,:.
An event of •inor - than ordinary ins
teresttook place yesterday'at Bellevue,
the meaty residence of Mre MacKen-',
zie,';Durham Red, •when Miss,Bolma
MacKenzie, one of 'Kincardine's rost.
.esteelned,and popular young ladies. was.
united in, marriage e
Alfred Vitwart} head master of the Lu•
can High: Scheel..'Theceremony tool;;
race at 10.30. o'clock a.m. in•the Pre*•
s epire of a: houseful! 'af guests." The
was vercharming'indeed"in a
bride .. y
'rt.r+r•=..w.,m+aa...+axb8a"Y1[1�;•"H"•�i'""•i'ii 'it5i'�"
wllitietiCeaB¢ yx t k :F
. �i913 u
inn.' The bri#lesFnaxd.� ....... Mat -
dayta -(3oderich,-re �oliu8 llrs4l>�:.gi.:I'.
G Ta1or-, i)4P i auy ie Foting dr.atn ,
82.t)O P O'Cunnor. Insp, t,. day ^reg
Young drain; WO; Clerk: one trip to:
Goderith re Young drain th4.00; (;r co,
.Ward burying daacl Jamb i'Oe; 1) 13
,Murray btiryin$ ead sheep, )Oc; ,G'co
Fowler, gravel .20. , •
Conuncii' ad.]4urned to meet Mon-
day Oct ; 8th asu 10 e'olOolc.
"V". S,fMcClostie
snor kine• in it. ' Kenzie,,wore'white organdie aqd loo :-
t • .L ead's �Head� ' au tiful. Mr. James: Stuart
:Thatras Where . ooh, ed Ferybe u._ ,
aohs'• Powders are so . different' ;'a •brether of the groom was best ma
•: °' ` `.,them Somo' of them iss Kittle Frost and; . Winter Mu ruy
from l DI osts:.of honor:.
hlo held .•
depend on•morphine; or. e�.. ru.. , McCrimmon also
-or antipyrine to relieve the Pain, A.weddin breakfast, followed the iitip
.,ou to
'and qou • knov* tliati. 'these are_ ,;tial celebration,�and., •the the. haPt'Y f t • t?: • •
not . ;aafe'..drufxs for people ,..to .lefe on. , the 2:o'olock ,train. fora ' trip
head's° Headache; ' h Eastern Ontario before nnak
• ua�e,- � 'Loa .throng
Powders—not only safe., • but
sure: -not only cure but swift--
• easy; . to. 'take -easy, to, buy--
only,25 cents for a box of
twelve powders,--- twelve big
Wing their home in Lucan, followed by
the good wishep of hosts of friends. The
bride who had gifts and graces 'that.
win for her the esteem and admiration
of all who know her, Was the recipient
aeadaohea: cured for 'a quarter. of many tangible evidences cif' atiectiod
You had .better, try them next• and good will; in the. forni of wedding
time You have a headache.present. The Review joins in the chorus
of •congratulation. ---Kincardine Tio-
':ohemist&: p rugR,ist
Wu•,C T •U
The Annual meeting' of the \V C.
T. J. •was 'held at the home of- Mrs;
Htinibleton,on Wednesday afternoon
And was well attended: The reports'
of the' difforeot departments were
given and' on the whole . were encour
'Aging, • After all the regurar,:business,
was transacted the County Pres was •healt• h• His numerous friends tvill.ba
eisked to, clear, a of the • election of ,pleased. to'hear, of• his recovery in the'
officers with the following result:near,future. ,`
Pres Mrs. W. g. Johnston,. Vide F" Russell & Co intend to • conn
Pres Mrs. Mary Somerville and, Ag mance 'evaporating; fruit=this week";
Berry;, Recording:: Sec—Mrs :Dry Mr. Russell: states that he 'Will pay ;the •
'Gordon;- ()berm". Sac Mrs L. Bryan;. highest price for apples to evaporate.:'
Treas—Mrs• J:.Button;. Stints. 'Depts They. intend. 16-; enlarge;thepresent
Flower 'Missions Mesdames` Berry• ting an a
building by • "construcddition
and • Johnston; Parlour .;Meetings'; to the east' side, which ; will :make i€
Agar and ' Joynt, cientifics.''Temper; m'oro suitable and; commodious
encs—Harris' and Bryan, Press Work ---Bertha ' Anderson. •Litetratitre."-:Gred ASgI
RViCEya'' ; .
A: M:^ClfHfles.
1oriung Subject f
.'•WYhy. pprayee is not mi.:- I
2.45 P.)1,-Stinaay'ielipQlnlii l3ik,1e. Class.
Evening•Subject •' "- S'eekera •and Strivers. •
Monday ...League.
Wednesday 8.1,;,its--Prayer Ides.ting.
AL1, HEAitil'ILY• svnixeltil'%.
y' Q
•: ' ., • t;he.discamfort5•
sl o :kind 'retire, to
' oC`shut, P itrisk..
' • 'merchant::We cairn , • •• nut. b
For the ..... • • bo attie�ndel re oven if 15•
lake side:;' . aRusiness thirst cans shat ' kris .
Tan h%. p:11:11. e - b stress:: .'Tis m,,
�..: , . e a1; eas . :41.00i. do u , trade :.fit..
ta.ant to tTi�ll� . 'Y,: t stOh1H �tio
.:a; hie -et} �•
• . 'Wi,�ll Ll�� e: ell .. b.,
..max t.!# dl)�f# �,.., ..-�,r .. n- �.•: . . � ..w, ...
t t-Fi j..,it'i„s mica +d.� ..+. '4--_"r • M1,.�'-.. ....i..rek i lyll.Je. y,
Uig ' StCiZ"' I�1' i t 1:¢ .'"y''G" '�'17iz CIA iv[kk.':.....
a . u<aht before the advancin pi;i ,0. ' g
.=tr�,o. �pou�ht leo �,
�+ •. ' , � Cotton atpc Y o, ..:.. ••: ,�.:; .^n
Asir •for Ii :ard. E -
hirtnf:1'.lcper Y_
andare� S ,.-'`Ash. foi•St .. e� , rd, .tin at�2cperyaed ��4.Ek for�'4'�llieack►,g.
c 'r
� bl . L
irten at`�.�c �e •y
7.. inc a ., ._
1�slcfa r f. ,.
r. c
sks-f r Ladie'S.Jv its What';at,... pe,,
' ' satisfied that airs
l' ou,
will; be satiS,
'call; a .. • _ . .
• . • te•but .. . 9 . .:, � . •
nurne�a. _
aset<aQ - ..
:n w.
e. to��b Y• ,
A ltbougl
Orices •have
again,"!ad •
vatioed'., in..'.
these lines
we are able
t;h r o u g h
careful buy
ing, to • -hell,
able prices
ve tc;-
and' silver
:.,...-The toot -toot of threshing , Machines ' a tehhfil i�
is :the• order of the: day •-.'Reports are' grin s, Avg,:
9th'at�-fall..w.heat is, an; excellent sample; txiei is love
and yielding a average from 25 too 30 Goias
bushels per acre. '• Spring:: and root vover• s crops , are good, •also fruit,:.especially, filled cases Cemake,(' apples, is abundant• -•-•- *apecialtynC- -:11__I--
OU"'r watch W'e'°ainlilea.sed to' note that Richard .der wet h as Nee have ]fail a l Leet :expeit&ace,
T'releaven, sr., is gradually anahis particular ]iiia.
'• We i;uarantee'satisfaction in oui r. p ora 'as
sail is .abi0 t0` f;,O OUR, for a drive'. Al�+ aur.reputation in ilii&•iB ;wortlt; moria` than �}to'
1\icRae, although very mere money
so ' Dr J ,R q£ yin 4snnot get iii yourself scud. ns your'
feeble; is apparently impro•ving' in `wort and it will be:promptly and well done
., -
des, Treveet and' Strothers,=-Woman's
r• J.oucnal-Mee. George Robertson,.
Franchise "and ` • Petition Mesdames
and .Aiowers;_ _Juvenile W.oek'
Ieedames.;• J; . Smith and A,Belle
Douglas;; Medal Contests -Bertha Ap_;
derson,Tena %Lawrence and B. lidoln.
loch; Organist, -miss Bertha Ander-
.'son. 'The meeting closed ith 'the
To Mrs Thompson, Lot 20, 'COD; :1,0
., Township of West W.awanosh
mom,=;It ,was•; resolved at• the
, 11;f,;n;r•;nal Council of
-meeting of
Virestlgawanesh; shad ths first :Atli of.
in the,,Counc_il roem; the
..----,-following-r‘Whereas the all wise Mid
' lc* d. Buler Of the universe has -in -His.
infinite wisdom -so suddenly- removed
• Worthy member of the:CoUncil, of the
'Municipality of West,,WilwanOsh,
the persiM, of the late John 7..Thonip-
Oen,.. who for upwards' of eiihfeen
•monthti; has td the, best of :hie abilities
; performed the duties ancumbent on
' • 'highly . esteemed by the remaining
:'' members of 'Said counCil, as also his
'Auive'disposition. mad 'genial 'manner/
Makes it eminentlY. befitting that we,
.% the; undersigned,' Reeve 'and
our sineeiee 'esteem; for the deeeaSed,
also a doe, appreciation. Of his effieient
municipal serVices. ,Resolved that
the midden. and"sad removal of de-
ceased, from the Council Board Jeaves:
'''evada•ncy -which is deeply regretted
by alrthe 'members of the Council, and.
• Myron. Brown ; :from Mount Forest -
is visiting friends in this: vicinity.
r: A, Morton and.r'family°'have
been visiting yelatives- in this neigh -r'
Farmers ' are, getting pretty well
.wheat and phas are Anrning out well.
' Au evangelistic convention of the.
eixtuit" will:Ve held on Tues...
part of the,•weelc will•do a great deal
.• LUdki•i0W
. Being the easitalr'of lot -2`; atul*the -west
half of lot 3, in the 3rd. Ccincesskiii ainibis
Containing 100 acres /mor.i.: or less, .4% !miles
Lueknow. The farm is w'?,11 fenced, con-,
tains'. hood buildings and is io first elliss state
ot Cultivation, and well Watered )1, a spring
.. boa ieree in' Terms
re1190i14110. the.''ower, is retiring front farm -
For airther particulars apply.,.. on the,
premises or to,
parched • the • pasture" and. root crop.
Mr. D.,Thurl.w. is still very' sick.
ib en
Take notiee;that the .bliinioips,h Council of
the Corporation of the ;Village of Lizoknew
intends 'to' :lay Granolithic Sidewalks, efil this'
South side 'Of CaMpbeli-Stre'et frdm the Inter -
intersection'of Campbell: and Hayeloek Streets
snoh welle.t0 he of the width of nine and one -
„half teet threnglidut except 'front the Easterly
,side Of lot 244 to the Westerly. side of,Aot 249
on the North side of Canipbellgtreet from Rs
intersectitin with 'Victoria 'Street! to its inter-
section' 'with Itavelock Street- whichlahall'be,
Easterly Stauffer Street to the East-
.erlY limit of lot number lop isd front, laid
'shell be of the widthof feet.,' .
Also on the Weattaide .of• °taloa!' Street
from its intersectimi•witli"CapPbell ;ltreet
the North side of 11/No. G9 to be of the width
of' four and one -hal feet and on the EaSt side
Outram Stieet ,from its intersection.' witb
Campbell Street to the Northerly. Unlit ef
Willoughhy Street to he of the width of, tour
feet,' • Akio on' the' gist side of Toss. Street
'from its' intersection witlilearripbell Street to
the' foot of -bridge orplanlekidewalk up Tinton
Ross Street, to be.of the with ol •six feet. and •
NertherlY • limit„. of lot number :353 to :the
the -Width of five feet, and to aFseas the final'
cost them -if -6o the property altinitting thereon
and to, ' • henefitted thereby and
that it 'sCatersont showing :the binds liable
to pay' the.. said assessment and the napes of
the owners thereqf tie fat as thtly, can be ascer;
noW filed in the„Office .of the ,Ch•rk of . the
Municiptility anti ie ripen for inspection,during
'his grandmother, Mrs. jos, McDonald'.
Detroit,, arrived it his fathe 'on
Thursday. morning -of last: wee • He .
has been very 4iciorly for so dine
-past, but 'we. are glad.te hear h is,irn-
• The hot Weather :of lait We
very 'Oppressive, 'it is much pi
'Alas Mary Shackleton,
kolisis better now,
-"aria ,the absenzehis-genial,,,,,coun.
; tenande „:and presence at the” council
Resolvekthat we ',deeply. sym„
pathize *ith the bereaved. wide*, who
' „and Joiltig .htieband; -also' with the five
•pons and,kine daughter who have been
,tives• of the deceased; :Ws further'
Sincere' hopes that the • sorrinduhaffli-
• etion With which yOtiand 'sours have
, been sorely: afflicted may be.over-rnIed
who. dpeth all , things 'Wisely
' arid wolI for our good, and our ger:
welfare' and we,sincerely trust and
': tion Will, e.nd alee.the. ou win • P.,Ivelsb, gravel and.. ;ra,-% e mg,
iomforted with the:: 0 ious he,pe as.ant, rep brike' eon , 11 50c; Jas.
ands 'prospeet Of r „ Dien,. where, liar. grave Ryan
•.„ partiog is unknown Resolved,:. thee .
adopted, imam ottsly.adepted in. seg.' t'a•Vie .$`1,0;
'1000 be entered:ha the, raitititeS 6:1N , Itra „ Canipbelli gravel $2,..80;
'setedonf alc0 eoPY be. ilven,tic/the -S; Miller; bridge' &or.. "1,4, .and grading
k Wee
, , . ,or Ingo to adjourn- fenerni _fv,i.ds of the Municipality. ant to
."The estimates' were strualC at •••32275,,
The rates for township '2 ,:raij:ls, on the
gineer On to examine "Srciung drain.
6 :WM, VOQUIE,PAN.i , I.' CO tine illO,r I) lieDienaldf :bridge 110B., $25.00;• *
IIT ts
the 'tziotitli.-0:40g.-.
. x-.4tigod.'fotit; differ„6.tttlots'to...petita.'
'White :'and Colorer-S-itk-
Orlov.es and Lace; Mittspilley
Belts, :13ftlly 'aria
the, hoi:,,weg.,ther iS here, the
lie. strong, and* as fashion this
'yoar calls for white, we haVe,
pre,pared to meet the. 4einandr
and have titi :exponent stook
Qur 'stock of: IS. alio
:4 his Viest . We have the
•. NOTIGElis her( by given that 4..law
'Municipal f .',,ItttelLoi Town.
•shil Ashfield on the .2Stb thee of ..Talsi
1900; providing for the iesue .1E debentit,tei, to
the amount of 8l200,00.for the pnrpoye of re-
in the registry (Map of, the fronnty iturop
Veterinary J
' Any' motion, to squasa ht Het Aiatle the sti,ine
'Dated,tlic Itlth, flay of August A.: 1)... IVO,:
/ Curbs Splints
, etr. in horses
' ' . l'' -'7'.:131;:e,"::i;:;;;* •-'t.i.ljelt"'w' ilfiti(Italitt:::.
40.1iptist'N's :very hOtle, lo v ivy ii•e'l'eSn:ifii.)e3i'trfl,:iiii*t.•
scribed. It has Po '4.c.1.7,10(fit, Every bottle ,
A first` teaes frame house, 2t;
with Jet' sale; bit Vie terra. street, .1 111101i1W.
r111‘; plaCe locat41 'arid the Tot con -
both bard arid fioft water, and f,,%oo.1 stable,
The wilt. be,sold,ehosp. s", Por feffh,1
-04oice Fruits..
Select stodk of
Pi„quie Supplies
llaii(1 11314
Try ;t pacita
ter Iltia