HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-08-17, Page 4• G : 15c, per Ibt for• 'Tub 'Butler 1 lc, per :doz.' for. Eggs. ° GENT'S - FURNISHINGS t '• • Mist be cleared out, regardless. of'cost to' make roan • nods, which rill arrive in about two weeks.. ie pgive below just : a few. prices • . •asfollows. r!{ -a • ,C0h) N: r" igYu c''' p.l li p your eholce or19cl'i 'Per 'pairr "Men's Mick Suits, f'ou>, buttons, single, "breasted,; sacque'shape, •imported .. all-wool.serge, with stitctededges:^.` Right up-todate.in all' sizes at'a special pri=e : v 1 , theylast..- Linen hats, last;•-Linen'_hats, straw` hats; regular prices 50c, ..909, •75c : � f Q clear out at, :; >�c Tweeds, ; very, special. 277 pieces sum - ' um ' r mer weight Tweeds ; beautiful' patteyns,•'regular prices. from 90c to $1.25 per yard, to clear at. 57c :per yard. 23;pieees beautifi l tweedsin-id). 'colors regular -Trice -from ;'$1.25- to 1:75 pee yard, to.:clear at .79c .per -yard., a t THE LIBFR'TY TO UTER AND TO •ReiuE I:UEELY.AdOORDIN(I To THE hioltame . .OF OONacnnvo c WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL oTBI$R tam: ail J Ausr: l7th, 1900. Tn 1893,: the Ontario ,Agricultural. College imparted: eleven varieties' of winter, wheat from ':Kansas 'f our from Indiana, one from ;Iowa,! six'from•Ohio etc.'' The Turkish or Turkey ,Red,- • 're • •gardin .which weare hearing so much • at the . present time, was one of ': the "varieties ,imported' that year • and : has- therefore be en .'grown at, the, College e • reac l , ch of the .past seven years. ':1Ve. again' imported, fresh geed of theTile! Tar keY",_Red- variety in 1896Tand cowed- both the Canadian .and,T:Vesteru''grown • seed in the autuion; of that year. ; The results 'from the 'tw o crepe .4897 . were,slightl ';� in favor of:th . ,:�..�' :.T._ a Canadian grown seed but wire` almost identical; there ' '`adifferente of : .being ��lese ttiail one peck in 'the yield of grain 'per. acre, `?'; ,' • •t The';: annual report of -the Ontari 1 AgriculturalC •: ollege-for• 189$'gives the - average of five: years''`results of tests with each of • ,forty-eight •varieties'• '`.in strength. of 'etre w, weight, of • ggrain, per measured • bushel, and ield of grain tiler acre, (t I� ;also gives the Compara— tive hardness of the grain_of.:each'var iety as determined With an: apparatus similar • to• Otto' in OAce l• • by Prof. 'IV. A Cobb of Australia: The tabulated resulte:on page 134 are followed byy a repor<t.of abouc'.1,000 'words sPecially dealing with- the relative 'hardness of: the grain of -the varieties there given,: including the Turkey .Red '_,.the Daws ''son's;( olden Chaff, and the Early Ited. Clawson.: Bather''• than recommen , d. any one variety pf'' winter wheat for Ontprio, the ()allege ,publishes from 'thee to'tiine the exact • results of prat, . tical experitutots and 'then allows those iuterested''to make their' own 30- ection --- � ,Tho report. clasps with the foliowin 'remark: -:fit , g The varieti'epp' , V Which the farmers aro likely to 'row ' ,are th `se which the ca b', .. _ • P y n usfially Iter_ vest tvitli theleast atuoun,t' of labor, n that will ro " due .. p e the res `: • ' a •; .. g test 5•: -,noncial returns for ,their„time and le a for in growing the crep. The require,, ' of• the. market '• s however;:'ehould 'be :elosel iVatched•.and the Y t , � , aim should: be' tto, grow -those ' vf'rintie9 cwhich 'will give°t' a best results and at fthe same �. tithe furnish that qualit: !of '..rain• whtch th@re as, great demand,:. ; care- ' ful study;.e4' the results of our ex' eri P „fnents with Winter wheat will fireatl.J, .;:aid in this •selection-, Work is' ., now, ,be. in 460 In l E t� B rm@ nal Ue a • t , Weht wt the object oftm rbVingt b best Variieties• ' of winter i tvhaat :.b y • i lC t • oross:fertilization ". The 'College .00- ports, are printed by'the' Ontario 'De - pertinent of Agri ilture, Toronto, cent, and are distributed from there : toed! Who apply for them. In :the,. winter of 1898-9, from, 85 to 90 per' vent. of both Dawson', Golden• Chaff and the• Turkey Red yar'.ieties:,were winter kill• ed, •Both,•,yarieties, '•however,. came -through-the felT6wing winter in -good :condition: Within the past ,,ten years, a' good many varieties of winter wheat have- been_distributed-;to farmers -throughout- Ontario who applied for, thein for :test- ing test-ing u `on,. their''o ivn farms ;Great !� .. ., cane has .been, taken.' in ,the selection,. of the varieties fo'xdistribu tion and some kinds such as the '' Donee Wintier'Fife: ` Bulgarian or Deniocra Pride of G tt, ens - see, Diamond Grit, etc:; •.. LADIES' ...„w.'rr,+ny+"wnaa��+rtvis.�xrvwaawk,sr+ mm4e+�i ' L'Io t. Rile, 1 'g'''i{ .. . '',.•.i:e:a Ls'', '1'. t' eica,l,• .... 1 at'Sc, $c, .1,6c, 12c, 19c, 30c,°50c. Sliiiii,ner'Gloves in tan fawn or brown regular rice 9; te dear out at ,• •1Ucr.per pairw . �• • t sllns in ' 't lie . cleated oiit r. - , � � ega>rd3 less of.cosi , Ladies tan and, colored hose, regular., pt"hce . 5c' per 'pair , your choice per. pair 1240,- • - Lace 24c,- Lace .and cheniel curtains at ridiculous low prices to clear at'.these,,lines. Only a,:few left—of our '42 piece tea sets to clear out at '1.75;,' f • BUTTER 'AND EGGS, WANTED ;pt. fi4c per lb; .for Roll Butter. q•; • Except- iu Manitoba ; the crop pros pec, &ecm 'to be good, all the Domin•' a,nd it must be,'remernbe. ed that a: shortage ctf.the•wheat 'Crop is not such: • a serion,5 .Il)li.tter •in 3hanitob4" now. as.` it wag a ;few. years ago. Milked mg farm ing is more, generelly..practiced' ,tben it Used •to more, :"x lie ettit'R ,tend `'towlis- Sof .Nlanitoba_already require consider= able quantities of meat; . vegeteble's, • butter, cheese and eggs anl,the '•de- velopment,'of minng'aryd: ira•cnufacturr' ing `in North=Western Oirt.erjo iH creat ing:a demand: for such far •r+ prgducts •in'that se,.tion, which t't1u5?; tae largely ' supplied front Manitoba. :•• ., Canada has an`iuimenso sur .....__� .:_•' _. •___,.. ... lug Of ordinary revenue over. -extraordinary expenditure 'aa a.resnl t of ` lash year's We ;have just received another' 'ear load kit this. wel know '� ceme~'llt a;nd would call the-Yattentlori-•t•�f farmers--an� ...have been'Vpub c business;: aanountin --to-over- '$ 7,500 000 :.` Indeed,. ,r , here' will. be 'a- su. cilia s of ..Ordinary revenue „over or - sent outowing.; to their quality rather ,than. their yield Of' grain. • Faithers have found,, however; that all `varieties wo uYd'.ell'.f. or a ab out t '. he same rice pee ushel'an .therefore haverown g , • those" kinds frroui which.: they—K could `:secure. the retest Profit, hence g a , p , c@ ,the great popularityof 'the. Dawson n Golden .'Chaff with the: farmers., of:, Ontario. • The varieties to be distributed ,this year have'agaicr been carefully. select- ed land'two.sets •will be sank free by mail tofarmers; applying for them who will carefully test the three kinds_in each set,which they choose "and; will, report the results after harvest next year. The seed will be 'sent out in the order in which the applications P . are,'received as ong ;as!.' the supply, lasts • Set 1 Dawson's,Golden Chaff. .'. Early Genesee Giant . Stewart's'. Champion. Red, ' 'Set 2. Dawson's' Golden Chaff. Turkey net • . Diamond'' Grit. Each person ,wishing :'ons of • these seta should 'apply as- early as 'possible mentioning which get he dishes: and the grain with inetructions for.testing, and the blank form oh which' 'tore port, will be .furnished free of'. COWto hisAddress, until the' supply, of gratia •. ol_dlatrihution-: s o--xhauatecl. ,Much infa rm an ilo n re - garding-the valueoF the.- Turks ied winter wheat for Ontario 'will,undoubt.. wily.. be secured this year, Not .o .Y will' it'be. " tested`: •in•.the•. co-operanltive, , l ex erirnents. throu h P g bub,thd.:�royinco but as, soy era! millers ar importing. porting. seed •froth! Kan5us an. 'o' ort nit be affordea the farmers ,of; Wds.terti Ontario t w "" a ogrgw,it-in-largoflan ,sties" and the Millers can then grind ,tiie.viir- iet byitself and th° r ' y us l?m bettet� .ort- abled to deterniin"e its. value for both the' home nt,pd the foreign • trade,' :The results•will be watched with •• interest by beth the millers and the far er• • o -Toronto: ndtistrial + xhiC" tl:r :h 0 on `'o s n the, :, Q �Ith ”. P c •thi, month f Pr . 0 mkt' e 1:2,osa, will touch tltb . i�.uttoii •,;hat• starts .tho machimnry, •dinary and : extraordinar or ca Y , vital` expe:n'ditureof Over a,mai iliio. -dollars by':•which'aiiaount the..gub,lic°debt ' wi1`• ,' be -reduced. f)ril�y,.in twoforaner°.ears M f'-- iyears has, there' been a'inilibrium of:toba 1 revenue and total ©xpendi;ture,•,raatne1 in• •187.1 'and `1882. Y. The' Ordinary riy: venue of the,' last fiscal, year, ending the thirtieth 'of June, exceeded:. that` of .:the preceding year by e er' four • arid' a quarte, ►pillion do`llaars • In view, of• -tlie 'extraordinary Iccrease ofTast year OVer.�.tho••previou's-year-a'n f•-tiarh rt.. cent year.over its predecessor, this great augmentation of'the revenue is the more wonderful' and. 'sill the more ter for: national corigratu1, %ion; ,as i 'indicates,,; extraordinary prosperi ty and progress 'Witness, CEMEf, T ..CON .00ETE SIDE;i ALKS. TENDERS WANTED., • SJ4ATJiT) 'J'I+:•l'rl`Drti,'s addressed to the• A6646'61 the ,Vil'Jna;a t,t:, I-ur knew, rtnfll he re• eel vu1 tin to 8 Witdneaday elluguat 15th, ,1900, for ties crinstrnctiom• of Horne' 3001300 gctuarc'feet of 'censetrt Grinrrett', i+idewalks iu .the essti}'village. • S1Fectticntions nifty be `serer tit the ulhre . of, .•1x11. ]3ryan,Villttifa, cit .ut the.'l,lliee of the. Village C,'.lerk1;nelihow -.. __ , tk marked cheque for f}r•t' rer anir;ltn:r;f n net I ee r n t ,d cothe t}t•K K-Uayti%a1rL-•%+r-thert%•der• {rf 'the y-ilkag,+ "Crt;nsurer,. Infant •sto„dornl)anygaca<:h; h ;tenon!'•, tl ei aine:tr. be furftFttr•d if ' dei;line••.tl'e eontract,or•fail.in the I igt t;}nce rft;rzlutnet thereof, azid will. be ietr,treted `Cn vote tt non- ,a<rcept'nnee of tender, • 'Tie lowest or any tondo lrot:ireeemilrfl •'aecreptr1l. Y W. J.I A1.YLh R,. 1 L t7(J r '1 (a , 1 Itl.l fio� : • 1Lrrrve' • (terk, r.n.eknuw•1T ly1q,,1000:`, .A9�A14 AN ' Fire r tAitrnna r: t1:�� �nti'" _ Al6 wnnterl''tn rn ere �� u: ro , Et gli r f ec,r,I ver. U!, nh. ],nl,hsh Company irt. the Y}J1•a+e of LMknow. l)ivr fling and tlir ira ++�elti•iv. )tiiei•, `"ries ft ti ,r.c}z.3lty,;', •A1)U•l Y.. for J« If, IfalI 8 Admiral lliond,••Toront7; 'r' • •, r )itt. ' � (.EAl I Altl, ' (os v9 •Y'As ; [N( c Y(.. '•�jam, , .�l,aao 'tViltNr 'Mode, 'Lit:+.0,r1eH, nett•"�tnKatd + tr+c- •cctttell, Agent fort}fe,"Natiitnat I•'ire Asrirlrl, anteCO.,ofIreland, '1'''ilittrlyd 1ii,ir K.Capita, £1; 000,0(10 f4terling, Aittb agent for.. : f wLlrrLtrltf,. reliable star IVflr6arlr•B J;1nv%; l0: Vrrirs•n c• pr;ri"el9ec in front, ornamental and line,ti I'w,• Cl : ,low tnjshrubs; 1rr (a'Wanting anything in flu) pletcretl tt }y time to hive .. rttl l,i f ,ti wl14tll+xWaltthe I,retitsr rrnrlr ar at rt #ut{fi•4 rlYttr ,yj r.�« ' • Utl,edr veg rr• .. ire, T11.'4rt 4' sad t atittdatya; fy rK� l�t,•1ltrarls,It►yri.• r' Others,.;` . nteid doing lg hIconcrete work, , lb the fact that his c'e d� ent has been s tlsfaet .,. ,.. , . . ; ...: or<Ily used 1>�; the constr�ucal�n, et Clair :Tunnel ' in 1890::'. Grand.Trl nk Railway. Bridge g ,near Oakville: • . ai1v Nis ara; Central r . a - ay . Br1de across: " the Welland canal.. trunk, ,ak � ail' ,I�;, way Tunnel ,under ;.the' Vel - land Canal '> The breat'Sault Ste te Var1eLock-1106fons Old :Viet iiia Tubular Brie cl,,ei_Montreal. New Welland Canal' al Locl;: No: 24.:' (This is a • �` rtlo 2. of : the p,oWelland Canal ,whith.':'. the • Y amit�rs attempted tedtb�b iow upa : slYort. :time: ago':: p • 1lny—ii�fc>rtnatxc7rr-r xrdi .rg Th � �, boccie •Coment- : will ,be cheerfully given:: •C�r. 4�.��•�,11V, C Int or :store- st or e• .,and PO our- large ,?tock;` •of arlor; Bad & thing 1 • n' R•.. �oom� Suits. Also R _ Chairs of all kinds, S cls Mo � g' d8 hall Racxo ,Kr arlOr b � 'iR$' ®naso Tabl0.s:. Infacer %cryt1)ing to be'found in ii" r-rt4-attigo Itraitura Wa eropm Aix! fi.lwayd':ut Rock' Batcovi r cir es ♦O�NN+114!oaoe0N• face to mal;e• p yb>,I •seleetlons in:; • :01.00 ,Eiy :4.LASSW'ARE,:C R 0 • �tl.ac;lil2rg Black ..Load I31ri<i `; L'a,Iringl'owder,e Barleys, Pot . S3at1tJ3r1.lt Beans• r r 3C,nati Jia Y.cts• N. ,isrte 8 LI eti. 111 +e" It • , fmf>if . , („onfecy. ,corse (fanned,' Good„• Ch ).eolnte „i;artik?sarniod Cain • einrftl. f•'r rrnnts + I. tlnri•Irt•I'rrw4e'r' ' f9ronin'1'hrter • • tionoartut Iln,tap have .in stoels flys,. llo i : , fo wing.,. • ,Dried Apple Ilh.xtracts • 1• Fish, ;tuned”- 1 isli,rlried '' ;Gelot•ito 1(31 -in et •' , s ,born . o .. X11 e, •' • ;1111{ S:. Indigo. licorice ., ', , binut ,itu#ci hcnrbna LaMT , nfi•r Mine Meat' lvran i • n Iaonrnni .• , , Murt. ...„,.... i tax' d meeta,cnetio •'� 1 udasi" n 4 '• Pt0,11,r.ft�s3l • •,N.iat.raeg • a+:Oil, glive ' . 1 'aHwe 1, et ; Oil ,eaator •i0, ngg es 1 4 . ,(lritlrxeal • • ''}'ails,: . I ,, ' Pe e& '•pc IliJtk ',• ,1• , , S+n1'liTr'd ' Peas, cafen od`,' •Pepper - iltaleini+., Iti e lti2;e Finl r•• .,. . Stilt . Sta1 mon_.. ., 4nr� �•, t1n' eScn �a S . i �. dada' Sugar :, S yruna e Soda r • snit >A , ,C. 1cr Stiirch r" T,SSi� oetelra1 is w ahtcearo t t, rr•:;ceatBn•4nlt` gtl6 ed J.'cilincoc jo ir!!rteftlt Vinegar, K Witshboarrlee WaaliineCryatt WnOdenware W'g , Dinue}iitinr:ietit Y 'acct Cakc±H l) ton ' ,r, er;�ias i,tn , tJc ts, ...,1 a�, Ytrar x t rttx (,ream 5K harry ; ictts' o,n,,i: Ftntts 41424 • ndertaker .91 Embalmer J'.'/At 'MACK Zi E: • FiredLife' and'' *arta' Insurance goat Estate. And J.,oan A..ent • tlE7ItVkE, ON!':4aEZIU • ',Agent t?nr the London },,nmol lig ire Inoue. Co, 'l,'iltiph A,ner}ca Insurance Co..: •.1+airmcr$' (;central iittinl J-'.: �. , r. , e ., I n,rar anoe�- u : c C,nn i7a r -''t, r• for tit tit ]'nic Tnsirrance'C;n„ nitio ageit 4 ],arploycrs ,]' iryhility (laeidc!nt arir1 Gnar.rnrev4'' ,A9su . 1 rums Guir 1, L 'S n r JSii�;Jnritl,., IC Y.>¢LondoH,.,;, • v ut'ar,rug on alt .elite4eti r f i r'it.temlerl;try.' irof+r"rtyIjrrimjrt r I`.arin'propert o - L yrs lel:or 1 xcingn' ed. Sev rf1:K cello {K furins flys r4111e.111 tciwtrkhi K n " • . 4• f lrnee, KiEueardi,il+ fo r,' ,1. • i (and Atl , . f}clr1. n, ] .1tI e) !,1 and'A0', il:htr r stili, not` •: o f Y r" I 6 Y. li1 )l11 at > n• 1i�I;te ntf. tt rlFor400# ,•1arle9 WshinI, �nI:atrt3nx,d!ntitany . f .,'the fttxofe.linos ptrtse ts1 rice or nicrras; . A: Al ll, r.,X1ri1,Y.rur.rs, Oire; Look out POI, 1'oiu'selt • , l payrF riii of,ou'r rvi50t1Lv(irit Y `fC1 • a `• ld1... riinfi ti l done 1, one, l) ycod raaetaC l • rr)(!ohtoiro. lily 'its „g t, *brit. i)t the I lnal, sines being nv;tueltnow ; h as gi•v( 1t good attiefa(fa0tnoW" better 1 ,t,than ever tarda all<kitlda of:wood'>"!' w` of rr tt a d' paintitif;, il'ty ghop is.fotinl(l. : over J, " � ..Moisc's brick , buildizi ; til)'„ . , sea r,. R l.11r . bll<.,atcrit:<;gtinrt titced'-nn I--nir 'i prices ni a right:.: A, Ohlhcisor, : ; ,