HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-03-05, Page 2Money placed In your care, .temporarily or otherwise, by relative, friend or organix, citron, should at once be deposited In a Savings Bank- far your ownp tection. Weinvite such trust deposits. WINCHAM BRANCH 0 P, $MITE, AGENT. THE CANADIP:N BANK OF COMMERCE MEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTOBLISIIED 1807 Ili. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. R. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, -5,000,000 Total Assets, -- 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTED' 84 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed at current rates. The depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. WINCHAM BRANCH A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. IJOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE ; TORONTO. Capital paid up, $3,848,000 Reserve Fund and - Undivided profits $5,068,000 Total Assets, over 48,000,000 WINCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. • Drafts sold on a11,Aints in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT --Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal quarterly-- end of March, June, September and Deoem• ber eaoh year. D. T. HEPBURN, R, Vanstone, Solicitor, Manager. OUTSIDE ADVERTISING Orders for the insertion of advertisements Such as teachers Wanted, business chances, mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or other city papers, may be left at the Tmi s office: This work will receive prompt attention and will save people the trouble of remitting for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest rates will be quoted on application. Leave or send your next Work of this kind to the TIMES OFFICE, Wingleam LITTLE BOY. (Chicago Rseord•Herald ] The little boy who ran away Because be thought I wronged him so, Who turned before he left to say That I would weep in vain some day, And wish I bad rot let him go, Is standing yonder by the gate, And I must sadly let him wait. Oh, little boy, yon think me cold, But love that will not let me rest Is urging me to fondly fold You in my eager arms and hold Yon olosely, gladly to my breast; Come -»come -oh, little boy, and let Us both forgive and both forget. Your poor, bruised little feet may ache, You think that I have done you wrong; But though your little heart ahculd break I mast be stubborn for your sake, For you I mast be ataunch and strong; Make haste, make haste, oh, little one, Or I shall weakly be done! - The little boy who said good-bye With anger in his little heart, Is coming through the gate, and I - Forget the wrong he did and fly To clasp him closely to my heart; The stars are gleaming out for joy, My little boy, my Little boy! A Hanover young man says it would be no more than fair for the brides to pay the ministers for servioee rendered during leap year, That sounds fair en- ough. A quiet wedding took place Wednes- day morning, Feb. 27th at 11 o'olook, at the home of Mrs. F. A. McLennan, Nel. son street, Goderioh, her eldest daugh- ter, Mrs. Barbara Cannell beiug united to D. A. Macdonald, of Ashfleld, Rev. James, A. Anderson, pastor of Knox ohnrch, performed the ceremony, only a few immediate relatives being present. Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald left on a trip of a few days end on their return will take up residence on the groom's farni tit Lochalsh. THE WINGEIAAJI 'MMES, MARCH G, 1905 The DOMINION BANK ARSOLUTE Proceedings of the Thirty -Seventh Annual General 11'IeetIng of the Shareholders The Thirty -Seventh Annual General Meeting of That Dominion Bank wall held at the Banking House of the Institution, Toronto, on Wednesday, January 29ti1„ 1$08. Among those present were noticed, F. J. Phillipa, 0. B, Powell, Capt. Jeasepp, W. J, Elliott,, Zion..7. Foy Dr. An. drew Smith, J. Stewart, Win, Davies, W, O,' Harvey', R. 11. Davies, E. S B. Osler, 14•1)4 Ii. L. Lovering, Arohlbald Foulde, H, W. A. Foster, IL Gordon Mackenzie, David Smith, Wm, Glenney (Oshawa), Dr, Grasett, Rev, T. W. Paterson, J. Bell, A. Monro prier, W. 0. Crowther, Ira Standish, 7,tieherd Brown, XIX Gray, 13arlow Cun:berlaad, W. D. Matthewg, Jas. Carruthers, G. 11. Reynolds, W. E.1Booth,vA. W . Austin, .7, J. Dion,}S.olialiiigan, L. O'Reilly, Baldwin Baldwin, Lead. ley, Wm, Rosa (Port Perry), Dr. J. F. Ross, IH. N Evans, F. 1i. Gooch, A. 0, Knight, Andrew Semple, Ii. G. Goodorham, R. T. Gooderharn, H. B. Hodgins, S. Samuel, F. D, Benjamin, James Scott, F. J, ilarrie (Hamilton), A. H, Campbell, Wm. Mulock, Chas. Ceelohutt, W, G. Cas sell, 0. H. Ritchie, I3;.O.; C. 0. Rosa, A. R. Boswell, K.O.; A. C. Morris, F. E. Macdonald, Thos, Walmsley, Colonel Sir Henry M, Pellatt, C. A, Bogert, Wm. Crocker and others. It was ed tha Mr. 1x B. Osier ado take the .chair, and that Mrseconds 0.d b.4, Bogart do acts asnSecret tary. Mesar$, A. R. Boswell and W. 0. Cassels were appointed scrutineers. Secretary rread the Directors Shareholders submited eAnnualSateenof the affairs of Bank,which is as fol lows; To the Shareholders: The Directors beg to present the following Statement of the result of the business of the Bank for the year ending 31st December, 1907: Balance ofCl;'rofit and Loss Account, 31st December, 1900. , ,$ 28,708 33 Premium received on new Capital Stock • -.. .., , , • .. , , . , .933 456 87 Profits for the year ending 31st December, 1907, after edecting ' charges of management, etc., and malting provision for bad and doubtful debts ,r.. .. 635,235 51 Dividend 3 per cent., paid 2nd April, 1907 ..a 95,149 79 Dividend 3 per cent., paid 2nd July, 1907 ., 107,978 20 Dividend 3, per cent., paid 1st October, 1907 .. 111,351 01 Dividend 3 per cent., payable 2nd January, 1908 , . . , .. •.... .... .... ....... .. 114,413 63 Transferred to Reserve Fund . $48346 23 ••• . .......... ... .... 9333,,466 87 1,302,350 10 $1,597,490 71 Balance of Profit and Lon carried forward ... -$235,140 61 RESERVE FU Balance at credit of account, 31st December 900 ...,.,$3,900,000 00 Transferred from Profit and Loss Account ,, , , , , , , , , , , , • , 933,456 87 $4,833,456 87 In view of the financial stringency which g y prevailed throughout the world in 1907, and the unsettled monetary conditions existing in the United States, it has been necessary to exercise unusual caution and prudence in administrating the affairs of the Bank. Our policy has been to restrict ad- vances without interfering with the proper requirements of the customers of the Bank and to assist in marketing the products of the country -more es- pecially the crops of the North Westerndistricte-at the same time maintaining strong Cash Reserves. Having reference to our announcement at the Annual Meeting that ono million dollars of new Capital Stock would be offered to the Shareholders in 1907, we have to inform you that on December 31st $983,700 of this amount was subscribed for, and $848,597.50 paid up. During the past year it was considered advisable to establish Branches of the Bank at the following points; In the Province of Ontario, at Berlin, Hamilton, Ottawa, and at the corner of Queen and Victoria streets, Toronto; in the Province of Quebec, at the corner of Bleury and St. Catherine streets, Montreal; in the Province of Alberta at Strathcona'; and at Vancouver, British Columbia. The opening of our Vancouver Office not only marks our entrance into British Columbia, but completes a chain of Branches at all important centres from Montreal to the Pacific Coast, including the Capitals of the Western Pro- vinces. Results so far indicate that these extensions will be of great benefit to the Institution. - We have to record with regret the death in January last of Mr. Timothy Eaton, whose varied business knowledge and sound judgment made him a valued member of your Directorate. Mr. John C. Eaton, his son, was appointed (o fill the vacancy on the Board. The Directors, as is customary, have verified the Head Office Balance Sheet, as on the 31st of December, 1907, including therein the auditing of our foreign balances and the certification of all Cash Reserves, Securities and Investments. The usual careful inspection of the various Branches of the Bank has been made during the past twelve months. The Report was ,adopted. The thanks of the Shareholders were tendered to the President, Vice -Presi- dent and Directors for their services during the year, and to the General Mana- ger and other Officers of the Bank for the efficient performance of their respec- tive duties. The following gentlemen were elected Directors for the ensuing year: Messrs. A. W. Austin, W. R, Brock, James Carruthers, R. J. Christie, J. C. Eaton, J. J. Foy, LC., M.L.A.,; Wilmot D. Matthews, A. M. Nanton and E. B. Osler, M.P. E. B. OSLER, President. At a subsequent meeting of the Directors Mr. E. B. Osler, M. P., was elected President and Mr. W. D. Matthews Vice -President, for the ensuing term. General Statement LIABILITIES Notes in Circulation .... .. .. .... ...................... . .$ 2,913,398 00 Deposita not bearing interest .$ 4,460,297 60 Deposits bearing interest (including interest accrued to date) .... 29,781,858 12 34,242,155.72 Deposits by other Banks in Canada 44.4. 219,596 70 Balance due to London Agents .. 60.1.... ....... 1,854,408 7.2 Balances due to Banks in the United States . , , , .. , 38,792 GS 39,203,351 82 Total Liabilities to the Public Capital Stock paid up 3,848,597 50 Reserve Fund 4,833,456 S7 Balance of Profits carried forward 235,140 31 Dividend No, 101, payable 2nd January 114,413 63 Former Dividends unclaimed .... .... .... 69 15 Reserved for Exchange, etc 54,204 34 Reserved for rebate on Bills Discounted ... 142,983 15 ASSETS Specie .. os .. .. so 641 . i .... .. . . Dominion Government Demand Notes.... . Deposit with Dominion Government for Security,. Note Circulation • . , . • , Notes of and Cheques on other Banks.. .. Balances due from other Banks in Canada Balances due from other Banks elsewhere than Canada and the United Kingdom .... .. .. $48,497,217 07 aaaaaaaaaaaawa ..$ 1,146,474 77 4,536,570 00 of 150,000 00 .. 1,493,097 02 • 881,807 37 in • 924,940 77 Provinelal Government Securities ., .... .. Canadian Municipal decurltles and British or For- eign or Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian . , . Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks.,. Doan* on Call secured by Stocks and Debentures .. Bilis Diboounted and Advances Current.. . %e virtue halite (estimated Ioss provided for) e.0 t... o ge eb , .. .. .. 6-4 or .: .. .... .. t.:.1 ]f pl Aft F em i9e i .a .. i. .r ti 46 •4 410444 .. i. dbb,tir Assets not Included wider foregoing keilk. 0,132,958 92 237,532 44 582,079 52 2,513$,425 38 3,496,083 88 10,004,080 15 31,447,382 80 52,496 as 38,274 42 050,000 00 7,983 70 • 82,407,137 52 . _... $48,40. i Toreaba, Slit Desalts!, 3$01. , • Ls. Geoid ttaaager; • ECURITYt Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills PIluat Sear Signature of Bee par. -Simile Wrapper Below, Yeirr Oxtail *nd as eser le tike as ongar•. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS: FOR, TORPID LIVER. EOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THECOMPLEXION [mama n NufTM,Y.3 **A'IUR ii��G t1 ire etble.%�v/ CUf* SICK HEADACIH£. THE COST OF JUST.CE. The recent exit of a prominent To- ronto lawyer against the ex -president of the defunct of Ontario Bank for the amount of his bill for Ooaneel's fees, etc , was followed with a good deal of interest not only l000lly but throughout the province. At the trial it brought out that the fee for attendance at court was $100 to $200 a day and that the fee depended on the individual lawyer's estimate of the value of his services. In oommentrng on the case the To. ronto Globe says it reveals a situation of many aspects which should receive Premier Whitney's attention in the en- folding of his law reform policy. We seem to have made the mistake of o.eat Ing a monopoly without regulating its fees It seaman natural and necessary pre- caution when creatirg a monoply in the public interest to regulate and limit its charges, but that has not been done in the case of the' court praotioe. It is true that a man may conduct his own ease, but he is not allowed to conduct a ease for anyone else. Those privileged to do so seem in no way limited as to what they may charge. It is disquiet- ing to ask what becomes of men unable to pay $100 per day or the tenth part of it. Dc they get jnatioe? A man with a foreign name has been released from a Canadian prison, to whloh he had been sentenced for a prime of which he was innocent, His release was the result of an aooidentaI confes- sion by the real criminal. The victim has no means of redress. If he bad been able to pay $2,000, $5,000 or $7,500 ac- cording to the varying estimates of the value of legal servioes, he would prob. ably have escaped the oonviotion. The large, if not prohibitive, sums paid for legal services in oiviI and criminal oases show that these services are worth the money. They affect the deoisions of the courts. This unwelcome conclusion is inevitable. The array of costly talent is either necessary to obtain justice or capable of preventing justice. This is the necessity of a comprehensive scheme in revising both civil and criminal prac- tice. While legal services are worth such large amounts the pride will be paid quite irrespective of any restrio- tiona that may be imposed. But that they should be worth such amounts is oontrary to the most elementary prin. ciple of equality before the law. .446464.4.4.411.44.444.4.6.44 HOME-MADE MIXTURE CURES RHEUMATISM. Says Many Persons Here Can be Made Happy Again by Using This Home -Made Mixture. There is so much Rheumatism here in our neighborhood now that the folio advice by an eminent author' , who writes for readers of a la ; eastern daily paper, will be • igh appreciated by those oho ruffe Get from any •od pharmacy one ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces of Compound Syrrip Sarsaparillia Shake these well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime; also drink plenty of good water. It is claimed that there are few victims of this dread and torturous disease who will fail to find ready relief in this simple homemade mixture, and in most Woes a permanent cure is the result. This dimple recipe is said to strengthen and cleanbo the eliminative thanes of the Kidneys so that they oak filter and strain fronfthe blood and system the poisons, acids and waste matter, which cause not only Rheumatism, but sumer• ons other disasses. Every man or 'wo• man here who feels that their kidneys are not healthy and active, or who suf- fer from any urinary trouble whatever, should not hesitate to mato up this mixture, as it is certain to do numb good, and may save you from much Weary and suffering after while, Our home druggists bay they will either`snpply the ingredients or mix the presoription ready to take if Out readers ituk them, 01 course there are things you ean't uuderetand-but then there are others. There are two sorts of friends - those you need, and those who need iiia, Dare, Mary B'ltebe; widow of Ina luta (helper Fiseber, of Mt Carmel, N. D., wlzo formerly lived on the Dahme farm on Oop. 6, Garrick, died on I,1'eb,14t11, at the age of 77 years, A quiet wedding took place at St. Peter's o butch, Guderich at 6 O'o19ok on Tuesday morning, P'eby 25th, when Sergeant Major William Feilowa, son of Goderich'a townsman Joseph Vellows, and Miss Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Farr, .Britannia road, because husband and wi e, /ter. Fetber 4oRse oonduoting the ceremony. A Doctor's Statement Bate 01. Paul, f',et, Que. "Dr, T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto,tint,3fareh 27th, I907. Gentlemen: - My Iriany thanks for Fsychine and °awninalon. 'I have used them with very great satisfaction both in my own case and in that of my friends, it a£• fords me much pleasure to recommend a rem••dy which is really good in eases for which it is intended. I am, yours very truly," DR. ERNEST A. ALI,ARD. Doctors recognize that Psychtne is one of the very best remedies ;for all throat, loung and stomach troubles and all run down conditions, from white*ter cause. It is the prescription of ono of the world's greatest specialists in dis- eases of itbe throat, lungs, and stormed; and all wasting diseases. Ask your druggist for it, at 50e and 1.00, or T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. •****•♦•**',*N******************************* s • We parry a full stook of ♦+ P COAL COAL COAL., We are sole agents f -'r the celebrated SO$AliTQ.i'O1 which has no equal. the best grades of Swathing, Veiny,' and Domestio 00a1, and Wood of P kinds, always on hand. tDLaUMBER SHINGLES, LATH Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. • Lir Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. • Jir A.iWnL,en. ♦ Residence Phone No. 55, Office, No. 64. Mill, No 44. se a**l********7••**•*+NA*e,0o lois+•••**seo.o*•*•sasse �**s* 4 •••••••••••!••••••••••••• sese ••••••some•••••4i s e • • • • CLUBBING • , - RATES • • • ••• •• • • a W • + + + + + + + + + FOR 1907 - 08. Nitaminsiaimui The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates for any of the following publications : Times and Daily Globe Times and Daily Mail and Empire Times and Daily World Times and Toronto Daily News Times and Toronto Daily Star Times and Daily Advertiser Times and Toronto Saturday Night Times and Weekly Globe . Times and Weekly. Mail and Empire . • .. , Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and premiums Times and Weekly Witness Times and London Free Press (weekly) Times and London Advertiser (weekly) Times and Toronto Weekly Sun Times and World Wide Times and Northern Messenger. Times and Farmers' Advocate ... We specially recommend our readers to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine Times and Farming World Times and .Presbyterian Times and Westminster Times and Presbyterian and Westminster Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... Times and Youths' Companion Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) Times and Sabbath Reading, New York Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto) Times and Michigan Farmer Times and Woman's Home Companion Times and Country Gbntleman . Times and Delineator Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine Times and Green's Fruit Grower Times and Good Housekeeping Times and McCall's Magazine Times and American Illustrated Magazine Times and American Boy Magazine Times and What to Eat Times and Business Man's Magazine Times and Cosmopolitan Times and Ladies' Home Journal Times and Saturday Evening Post Times and Success .•.•.• Times and Hoard's Dairyman Times and McClure's Magazine Times and Munsey's Magazine Times and Vick's Magazine Times and Hotne Herald Times and Travel Magazine Times and Practical Farmer Times and Home Journal, Toronto Times and Designer .... . • Times and Everybody's Times and Western Rome Monthly, Winnipeg Times and Canadian Pictorial. .r....... • • • • • • •• • •• • below 2 .,ll. + 4.50 4.50 3.10 + 2.30 2 30 4. 2.35 2.60 4' 1.35 + 1 55 1.75 2.10 1.85 1.80 1.60 1.80 2.20 1.35 2.35 1.35 2.25 2.25. 3.25 2 40 3 25. 2.90 1.95 1 85 2.15 2 25 2.60 2,95 1.95 1.55 2 30 •1.70 2.30 1.90 1.90 2.15 2.15 27 .5 2,75 2.25 2.10 2.40 2.50 1.60 2.60 2 25 2 10 1.40 1 75 280 1.25 1 60 The above prices include postage on American publications to any address in Canada. If the Titus is to be Sent to an American address, add 50 °elite for postage, and Where American publications are to be tent to American addresses a reduction will be trade in price, • A6*' We could extend this list. If the paper or magazine you want is not in the list, call at this office, or drop a card and we will give you prioFs on the paper you want. We club with all the leading newspapers and magazines. When premiums ate given with any oabove apera en sotibere will secure such premiums when ordering through us, same as ordering direct from publishers. These lo•W rates mean a considerable Saving to Snbecribers, and are STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, poet office or expreda money order, addressing TIMES OFFICE, , WTNGIUM, ONTARIO, 1 .rn .ssie$111ef1....4 •4' ............___,........ JEWEL FLOUR ISA BLENDED FLOUR It is made from a choice comes the housewife's selection of the best Man- favorite. itoba hard wheat and the For pastry, biscuits et- rpure purewhite winter wheat of bread it is highly recom- this Province. The expert mended, and our many care in the trilling and years' experience insures blending% intakes JEWEL uniformity of quality. In- Ft,onn. give such splendid sist on Jawcc. BRAND. Your results that it quickly be- grocer can get it. ' Mateilachired by PFEFFER BROS. • Milverton, Ont. THE WINGEIAAJI 'MMES, MARCH G, 1905 The DOMINION BANK ARSOLUTE Proceedings of the Thirty -Seventh Annual General 11'IeetIng of the Shareholders The Thirty -Seventh Annual General Meeting of That Dominion Bank wall held at the Banking House of the Institution, Toronto, on Wednesday, January 29ti1„ 1$08. Among those present were noticed, F. J. Phillipa, 0. B, Powell, Capt. Jeasepp, W. J, Elliott,, Zion..7. Foy Dr. An. drew Smith, J. Stewart, Win, Davies, W, O,' Harvey', R. 11. Davies, E. S B. Osler, 14•1)4 Ii. L. Lovering, Arohlbald Foulde, H, W. A. Foster, IL Gordon Mackenzie, David Smith, Wm, Glenney (Oshawa), Dr, Grasett, Rev, T. W. Paterson, J. Bell, A. Monro prier, W. 0. Crowther, Ira Standish, 7,tieherd Brown, XIX Gray, 13arlow Cun:berlaad, W. D. Matthewg, Jas. Carruthers, G. 11. Reynolds, W. E.1Booth,vA. W . Austin, .7, J. Dion,}S.olialiiigan, L. O'Reilly, Baldwin Baldwin, Lead. ley, Wm, Rosa (Port Perry), Dr. J. F. Ross, IH. N Evans, F. 1i. Gooch, A. 0, Knight, Andrew Semple, Ii. G. Goodorham, R. T. Gooderharn, H. B. Hodgins, S. Samuel, F. D, Benjamin, James Scott, F. J, ilarrie (Hamilton), A. H, Campbell, Wm. Mulock, Chas. Ceelohutt, W, G. Cas sell, 0. H. Ritchie, I3;.O.; C. 0. Rosa, A. R. Boswell, K.O.; A. C. Morris, F. E. Macdonald, Thos, Walmsley, Colonel Sir Henry M, Pellatt, C. A, Bogert, Wm. Crocker and others. It was ed tha Mr. 1x B. Osier ado take the .chair, and that Mrseconds 0.d b.4, Bogart do acts asnSecret tary. Mesar$, A. R. Boswell and W. 0. Cassels were appointed scrutineers. Secretary rread the Directors Shareholders submited eAnnualSateenof the affairs of Bank,which is as fol lows; To the Shareholders: The Directors beg to present the following Statement of the result of the business of the Bank for the year ending 31st December, 1907: Balance ofCl;'rofit and Loss Account, 31st December, 1900. , ,$ 28,708 33 Premium received on new Capital Stock • -.. .., , , • .. , , . , .933 456 87 Profits for the year ending 31st December, 1907, after edecting ' charges of management, etc., and malting provision for bad and doubtful debts ,r.. .. 635,235 51 Dividend 3 per cent., paid 2nd April, 1907 ..a 95,149 79 Dividend 3 per cent., paid 2nd July, 1907 ., 107,978 20 Dividend 3, per cent., paid 1st October, 1907 .. 111,351 01 Dividend 3 per cent., payable 2nd January, 1908 , . . , .. •.... .... .... ....... .. 114,413 63 Transferred to Reserve Fund . $48346 23 ••• . .......... ... .... 9333,,466 87 1,302,350 10 $1,597,490 71 Balance of Profit and Lon carried forward ... -$235,140 61 RESERVE FU Balance at credit of account, 31st December 900 ...,.,$3,900,000 00 Transferred from Profit and Loss Account ,, , , , , , , , , , , , • , 933,456 87 $4,833,456 87 In view of the financial stringency which g y prevailed throughout the world in 1907, and the unsettled monetary conditions existing in the United States, it has been necessary to exercise unusual caution and prudence in administrating the affairs of the Bank. Our policy has been to restrict ad- vances without interfering with the proper requirements of the customers of the Bank and to assist in marketing the products of the country -more es- pecially the crops of the North Westerndistricte-at the same time maintaining strong Cash Reserves. Having reference to our announcement at the Annual Meeting that ono million dollars of new Capital Stock would be offered to the Shareholders in 1907, we have to inform you that on December 31st $983,700 of this amount was subscribed for, and $848,597.50 paid up. During the past year it was considered advisable to establish Branches of the Bank at the following points; In the Province of Ontario, at Berlin, Hamilton, Ottawa, and at the corner of Queen and Victoria streets, Toronto; in the Province of Quebec, at the corner of Bleury and St. Catherine streets, Montreal; in the Province of Alberta at Strathcona'; and at Vancouver, British Columbia. The opening of our Vancouver Office not only marks our entrance into British Columbia, but completes a chain of Branches at all important centres from Montreal to the Pacific Coast, including the Capitals of the Western Pro- vinces. Results so far indicate that these extensions will be of great benefit to the Institution. - We have to record with regret the death in January last of Mr. Timothy Eaton, whose varied business knowledge and sound judgment made him a valued member of your Directorate. Mr. John C. Eaton, his son, was appointed (o fill the vacancy on the Board. The Directors, as is customary, have verified the Head Office Balance Sheet, as on the 31st of December, 1907, including therein the auditing of our foreign balances and the certification of all Cash Reserves, Securities and Investments. The usual careful inspection of the various Branches of the Bank has been made during the past twelve months. The Report was ,adopted. The thanks of the Shareholders were tendered to the President, Vice -Presi- dent and Directors for their services during the year, and to the General Mana- ger and other Officers of the Bank for the efficient performance of their respec- tive duties. The following gentlemen were elected Directors for the ensuing year: Messrs. A. W. Austin, W. R, Brock, James Carruthers, R. J. Christie, J. C. Eaton, J. J. Foy, LC., M.L.A.,; Wilmot D. Matthews, A. M. Nanton and E. B. Osler, M.P. E. B. OSLER, President. At a subsequent meeting of the Directors Mr. E. B. Osler, M. P., was elected President and Mr. W. D. Matthews Vice -President, for the ensuing term. General Statement LIABILITIES Notes in Circulation .... .. .. .... ...................... . .$ 2,913,398 00 Deposita not bearing interest .$ 4,460,297 60 Deposits bearing interest (including interest accrued to date) .... 29,781,858 12 34,242,155.72 Deposits by other Banks in Canada 44.4. 219,596 70 Balance due to London Agents .. 60.1.... ....... 1,854,408 7.2 Balances due to Banks in the United States . , , , .. , 38,792 GS 39,203,351 82 Total Liabilities to the Public Capital Stock paid up 3,848,597 50 Reserve Fund 4,833,456 S7 Balance of Profits carried forward 235,140 31 Dividend No, 101, payable 2nd January 114,413 63 Former Dividends unclaimed .... .... .... 69 15 Reserved for Exchange, etc 54,204 34 Reserved for rebate on Bills Discounted ... 142,983 15 ASSETS Specie .. os .. .. so 641 . i .... .. . . Dominion Government Demand Notes.... . Deposit with Dominion Government for Security,. Note Circulation • . , . • , Notes of and Cheques on other Banks.. .. Balances due from other Banks in Canada Balances due from other Banks elsewhere than Canada and the United Kingdom .... .. .. $48,497,217 07 aaaaaaaaaaaawa ..$ 1,146,474 77 4,536,570 00 of 150,000 00 .. 1,493,097 02 • 881,807 37 in • 924,940 77 Provinelal Government Securities ., .... .. Canadian Municipal decurltles and British or For- eign or Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian . , . Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks.,. Doan* on Call secured by Stocks and Debentures .. Bilis Diboounted and Advances Current.. . %e virtue halite (estimated Ioss provided for) e.0 t... o ge eb , .. .. .. 6-4 or .: .. .... .. t.:.1 ]f pl Aft F em i9e i .a .. i. .r ti 46 •4 410444 .. i. dbb,tir Assets not Included wider foregoing keilk. 0,132,958 92 237,532 44 582,079 52 2,513$,425 38 3,496,083 88 10,004,080 15 31,447,382 80 52,496 as 38,274 42 050,000 00 7,983 70 • 82,407,137 52 . _... $48,40. i Toreaba, Slit Desalts!, 3$01. , • Ls. Geoid ttaaager; • ECURITYt Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills PIluat Sear Signature of Bee par. -Simile Wrapper Below, Yeirr Oxtail *nd as eser le tike as ongar•. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS: FOR, TORPID LIVER. EOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THECOMPLEXION [mama n NufTM,Y.3 **A'IUR ii��G t1 ire etble.%�v/ CUf* SICK HEADACIH£. THE COST OF JUST.CE. The recent exit of a prominent To- ronto lawyer against the ex -president of the defunct of Ontario Bank for the amount of his bill for Ooaneel's fees, etc , was followed with a good deal of interest not only l000lly but throughout the province. At the trial it brought out that the fee for attendance at court was $100 to $200 a day and that the fee depended on the individual lawyer's estimate of the value of his services. In oommentrng on the case the To. ronto Globe says it reveals a situation of many aspects which should receive Premier Whitney's attention in the en- folding of his law reform policy. We seem to have made the mistake of o.eat Ing a monopoly without regulating its fees It seaman natural and necessary pre- caution when creatirg a monoply in the public interest to regulate and limit its charges, but that has not been done in the case of the' court praotioe. It is true that a man may conduct his own ease, but he is not allowed to conduct a ease for anyone else. Those privileged to do so seem in no way limited as to what they may charge. It is disquiet- ing to ask what becomes of men unable to pay $100 per day or the tenth part of it. Dc they get jnatioe? A man with a foreign name has been released from a Canadian prison, to whloh he had been sentenced for a prime of which he was innocent, His release was the result of an aooidentaI confes- sion by the real criminal. The victim has no means of redress. If he bad been able to pay $2,000, $5,000 or $7,500 ac- cording to the varying estimates of the value of legal servioes, he would prob. ably have escaped the oonviotion. The large, if not prohibitive, sums paid for legal services in oiviI and criminal oases show that these services are worth the money. They affect the deoisions of the courts. This unwelcome conclusion is inevitable. The array of costly talent is either necessary to obtain justice or capable of preventing justice. This is the necessity of a comprehensive scheme in revising both civil and criminal prac- tice. While legal services are worth such large amounts the pride will be paid quite irrespective of any restrio- tiona that may be imposed. But that they should be worth such amounts is oontrary to the most elementary prin. ciple of equality before the law. .446464.4.4.411.44.444.4.6.44 HOME-MADE MIXTURE CURES RHEUMATISM. Says Many Persons Here Can be Made Happy Again by Using This Home -Made Mixture. There is so much Rheumatism here in our neighborhood now that the folio advice by an eminent author' , who writes for readers of a la ; eastern daily paper, will be • igh appreciated by those oho ruffe Get from any •od pharmacy one ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces of Compound Syrrip Sarsaparillia Shake these well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime; also drink plenty of good water. It is claimed that there are few victims of this dread and torturous disease who will fail to find ready relief in this simple homemade mixture, and in most Woes a permanent cure is the result. This dimple recipe is said to strengthen and cleanbo the eliminative thanes of the Kidneys so that they oak filter and strain fronfthe blood and system the poisons, acids and waste matter, which cause not only Rheumatism, but sumer• ons other disasses. Every man or 'wo• man here who feels that their kidneys are not healthy and active, or who suf- fer from any urinary trouble whatever, should not hesitate to mato up this mixture, as it is certain to do numb good, and may save you from much Weary and suffering after while, Our home druggists bay they will either`snpply the ingredients or mix the presoription ready to take if Out readers ituk them, 01 course there are things you ean't uuderetand-but then there are others. There are two sorts of friends - those you need, and those who need iiia, Dare, Mary B'ltebe; widow of Ina luta (helper Fiseber, of Mt Carmel, N. D., wlzo formerly lived on the Dahme farm on Oop. 6, Garrick, died on I,1'eb,14t11, at the age of 77 years, A quiet wedding took place at St. Peter's o butch, Guderich at 6 O'o19ok on Tuesday morning, P'eby 25th, when Sergeant Major William Feilowa, son of Goderich'a townsman Joseph Vellows, and Miss Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Farr, .Britannia road, because husband and wi e, /ter. Fetber 4oRse oonduoting the ceremony. A Doctor's Statement Bate 01. Paul, f',et, Que. "Dr, T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto,tint,3fareh 27th, I907. Gentlemen: - My Iriany thanks for Fsychine and °awninalon. 'I have used them with very great satisfaction both in my own case and in that of my friends, it a£• fords me much pleasure to recommend a rem••dy which is really good in eases for which it is intended. I am, yours very truly," DR. ERNEST A. ALI,ARD. Doctors recognize that Psychtne is one of the very best remedies ;for all throat, loung and stomach troubles and all run down conditions, from white*ter cause. It is the prescription of ono of the world's greatest specialists in dis- eases of itbe throat, lungs, and stormed; and all wasting diseases. Ask your druggist for it, at 50e and 1.00, or T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. •****•♦•**',*N******************************* s • We parry a full stook of ♦+ P COAL COAL COAL., We are sole agents f -'r the celebrated SO$AliTQ.i'O1 which has no equal. the best grades of Swathing, Veiny,' and Domestio 00a1, and Wood of P kinds, always on hand. tDLaUMBER SHINGLES, LATH Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. • Lir Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. • Jir A.iWnL,en. ♦ Residence Phone No. 55, Office, No. 64. Mill, No 44. se a**l********7••**•*+NA*e,0o lois+•••**seo.o*•*•sasse �**s* 4 •••••••••••!••••••••••••• sese ••••••some•••••4i s e • • • • CLUBBING • , - RATES • • • ••• •• • • a W • + + + + + + + + + FOR 1907 - 08. Nitaminsiaimui The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates for any of the following publications : Times and Daily Globe Times and Daily Mail and Empire Times and Daily World Times and Toronto Daily News Times and Toronto Daily Star Times and Daily Advertiser Times and Toronto Saturday Night Times and Weekly Globe . Times and Weekly. Mail and Empire . • .. , Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and premiums Times and Weekly Witness Times and London Free Press (weekly) Times and London Advertiser (weekly) Times and Toronto Weekly Sun Times and World Wide Times and Northern Messenger. Times and Farmers' Advocate ... 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