HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-02-27, Page 8THE N VOL XXXVIL--NQ, 1882, HAM TIMES. WINGUAM, °NM.A I% THURSDAY, 'MARCH 5, 1908. $1. A YEAR, IN ADVA!1 r.-- -------1 1 ArL7, pp 1 • tool NEWS. V llxrttH tIGAL Gavin U Farming. g b• THE AQMtNtp BANK. . Mx, John Fowl r, the PUBLIC MEE INC Ca 1t1RG NOTES. "7'63 r Weal+ S at $lnovale Read ties leased h a farm to Mr, Arch - TU ,SIiAY, MARCH It?. +9enste must either be mend ended," QX'eef''s Srios$ &lid Rubbers The annual report et the Dominion -^- Grant, M. P,erfsrthe 'ToiletGa Patrreon, and wfi bold an naraserved Baur published en e 8, be St• Papas co re align ', Ngrth 4n$ario, t speed! at a banquet FA'OITI 5c to 75G per ('a e. .__._ Auction s le. of Stuck, • Ei@aars, Gocxge a d Robert Warwick, lot 6, concession , terria will hold anstandar ` anotinn sale oft m stook and ipi le• p menta an Frida , March 20th. Jr. Fowler has a go d stack and tateadieg purohas@rs Rail 0 well to attend the pp: Will Beatifying to the genera public], as it must be to the ,abareb n'dere of that institution, It abows t , at notwith•The g the wide•wo d financial To Discos B Law -Charity Concert to be Held • counts Passed and other Bu: mess Transacted by the Town Council, 8 will have apecial services I a Wednesday And la'rlday evenings d • nag Lent N• Xt Sunday : • ening 'Rev. T. S. of the Liberal ,l, sociation at Berrie on Friday errant 1314. Mutual Reserve Life Daum( C°1°paty, of Naw York, bac trade a - TRY OUR auction gala of hoz es and cattle on Fri. day, March 13sh, at 1 o'clock, The is in solo. R, $, arniss will b the 9 stringency prevailing the latter auctioneer. part of 1907,• the year's b+einese was a All the mean . rs were resent at the Martel meeting + f the Town Council ae Monday evening Mayor Ho Bp le will a ain reach to a y g yang man, aahj the +'The G • wth of Character," On the follpwfr Sunday evening, y polio heldera fir; able to encs whereb y be rotegbod in °gas thQ aouigany t1 ui able to resume business: HolleySoap stock good o gditiou, and parties wanting to u•pll se should attend title p aero, Anotignoo R. H. Garnier will wield the hatrme very profitable one, but t at the bank is in exoaeei g1y sound t aanoial 000, a Highest price paid for hides and Paul= li try at T. Fells' butohor shoe. dation. The net profit •r the year, • out of whlgh twelve per end jrlvfd@rd eves in tee chair, A oomwnnio3: on yeas received from the Centura mei chute Manone:Anvers, Mr, Boyle will pre: •h a special sermon__ode__m to young women. $°v T'• B, R "estfiat?, of Fast Africa _,_,___ , „_ 1. AUG Gaffe 3 for 26. - _ _ ..-_ - z+'rerli Soh g11itlsTia's' was paid, amannted t $635 235 51, $ Wedding at grew. The amount of $9S34iiti. •7 MO 236 as A hs premium or new nook, •c]1 transfer. spy e4ent oak place at Drew, ey t red to filo ernloafII distill: g ge of mortgage on Uufon factory, Referred 'to FinarcQ Cominittea. Mr. R Clegg, president of the Board , will deliver : n address, iilastrat- ed by hie own lento • elides, taken from photographs, in the +ew hall, next Mon- day Queuing. This ill b@ a treat and PTelegraph, -'=-- •,.,.. ....., regular 15q valve Harkey Match ridgy March t3.y> ' Kincardine and iagham near lispp Wednesday of last reserve inn t, which naw week,when Mr, Wm, Beckley, or totals $4,888,4e6 6 87 up.. a paid np Blandon, Man, as united in mar capital of $3 848 597,5O, n aeohe with a resolution, the of Trade, wrote :garding the proposed °arming factory 1 , wry, that they had made etciuirfea tonres the matter, and he should have a lar: a audience. Rev, W. G. Haws, • of the Methodist church, will take for his subjects _ i - soxD BY McKibbon teams will play an exnibftion h gkey match on the local' rick on F+rid y evening of this week. Kineardin has a good leant, having held Laoka w to s 6 5 score in the latter place. ue hour's ekatin to g band iter l after L e oma, Everybody y Dome. passe. at pre• riagQ to Miss Ma garet Scott. A large pre. number of releti es and friends were vague annual meeting, $1,000,004 of new capital stook was issued, and of preeeat and t e bride was the thir duringthe regfpiQnt at ma y 'metal and coat': year, $, 83 700 was hiWe y P reeeenta, The lar de was a niece a Mr sued and $848,b9Z,5() p: id n The and Mrr. F. r, Parting, who attended general statement shows that the D°• the wedding. minion Bauk is well prepared for g• P ewergenciae, Against ,taI liabilities could not see the, way clear to take any further steps. Filed. The ana Co mittee recommended the payment of t•e following accounts, and the report was adopted: - T Hell, ap0111r0gDo- 6 00 Win ham CQ ,oil • 2 25 ' Chas Burford, w"k ` SOU nest Sunday; 11 a, m , " he study of a fine picture,from an „ ld art gallery. 7 p m,, "The preseu e of a hand," ,ger- vices bright and he7.Cul. Com@, The balloter in co naotiaa with the election of six new @dere for St. And- ,Commercial rem s Presbyterian ••urohwerecounted officials atoraheDemeud exeedw, Saonce opSer- thousand needed during neat !eW years, salaries ars have secured im- creased ae cries and eight hour day, prepare you in shortest time and place you immediately upon graduation Com etent instructors, unsu awed e p rp equipment, nwiden vacation. subjects free, Enter now. No vacation. yy y 7 Y ViR S i • DRUGGIST to the I ublio of $39,2G$ X51,82, it has S. D Burns, auppl ea, 65 91 on Thursday evetin : last and the follow• MAIL. couRare. Macdonald Block, Wingham, ....,.-.. Chairs for $2 10per half &:zea at 8. GRAfEY'8 Yen can buy furniture for oash at assets amounting to •48,497,217 67. at awaydown prices, at S. dine,anY's These include .$5,683,05 77 in °ash; furniture store, 'Wingham, John Davids au, w rk at dam6 08 Mrs Blagmfeld, ark at hall , „ 2 00 lo ingsnow, eta. 84 70 ing gentlemen were elected; -Dr. A. J. Irwin, Robt. Maxw: Root, Carrie jr. WINGi CM ...1 and the readily reatisahi: assets figura ThosA. . Smalenteam ng n street8.75 ` L' Hamilton, Alza, Oampbeli and R. BUSINESS.HXBR, up to $16,000,080 15, or o • er forty per R. Rankin, salary 7 00 A.Hutchison. C1 L sFi(•j Newcession Sate of Far Stock, etc. Mr, John Fyfe, f Iota 16 and 17, con- cession 7,.Turnbertion y, will hold an mute• Oery cerved auction sal of farm stock, re. ire. cant, of the liabilities • the public. Liquor Licen.es Reduced. The management seems 0 have wise- From the annual , port:on the opera. ly oarried out its tumor.. did policy of of the Ontario ignor Lieenee Acts, reetrintiog advances wit +out iuLerfex• we learn that in 18 • in Huron count in with the properT y, g re +airemanta of , .,. Geoxs;e Allen, Bala y 45 00 Ed. Lewis, salary , 20 00 J. B. Ferguson, a: Lary & postage 55 50 D Lediet, work o + street 7 50 John Crowe, woo, Davfdaon, work 2,;.012670 Rev. 0 F. Salto, Ph. B, a + , pastor of Central Methodist t hutch, Stratford, isE°• ill and confined to 'is bed by an attack of erysipelas teteiribf ed with a touch of the x! His boar grip.gave him A. A. Hrazv> n Df,A„ ph,T,, V'icepriuci al. Srg2Tax, principal. ■ S firing ants, eto., on iapremfeesonck, March 6th. Mr, yfe has a splendid stook and good i pimento and every thing fe' o be epi without reserve as the proprietor ha sold his farm. John Purvis will be th auctioneer, 150 hotel and 30 s' op licenses were is- onstornbrs, and at the sued. In 1684 the umber had dropped givingthe necessary PP y to 111 hotels and i shops, and in 1894, ed for the marketing 92 hotels and 5 .!•ops, Far 1906 the crops; while maintaf number was furthe . reduced to 72 hotels Dash reserves, render:, and 5 shops. Ia Br oe•noun ty in 1874, the abnormal fins, 180 hotel licenses ware issued. In 1906 which have prevaile, the same time ofmane as Wanes requir- q ,f the Western ing the strong necessary by Dial conditions for lame time ii q McDonald, ork as streets An amount fr. m Thos. Deane, of $10 45 for teamin •,etc., was ordered e be paid when pro lolly certified to. Electric light a.aonnts amounting to , $867 97, of wam • amount $462 was on aaconnt of the ew machine recently installed, were al o a nnani- oall for next ear. Mr, Salton is a former pastor of he Brussels Meth°- diet Church and is ^all•known to manyinsnra3IE of our readers, Sunday, March 1 th, will be Temper- auoe Sunday in the "twill be Methodist Church. The pIII, G will occupied & COSENS jasurance and Real Estate Telephone No. 123, Cl'han lea in insurance properly made, Aatdle the beat Companies, We want room, All stoves at cost. number was re, .cad to 62, lass than paet, The directors, half, ee Bogert,the general and Mr. C. A. „anaaer, are to passed. On On motion of the Reeve and Conn. Nicholson, it decided by Rev. B. H. Span e, of Toronto, Sea - eclat of the Da •+'nion Alliance, On y made -town or country. I Equitable insurance rates. Goods Younees hardware store, be heartily congratul: years businees, and pe WANTED,- A ton of roll butter daily,day ed upon a good haps even more wa: to sells ab- P Ho meetingApril in the opera hones on Tues. 12th, Rev, •' . Hobbs a former ' Attend promptly to bneinQea. " Ma !e Syrup. Mr, W. R. Bal on, of Molesworth is 270; fresh gathered eggs, 27a; also any upon the strong posit n quantity dried apples, feathers, etc. at the present time, Ono. E. le. on of the bank evening, 10r +, inst., to discuss the proposed by•Ipw to place the manage• ment of the ale trio lighting plant in pastor, but new •,f Gerrard street church Toronto, wi reach in conned• P tion with the anti • creat services of y Neglect r° details. Devote our time to one business. the hands of a po + mission. the Epworth League and on the same Correspondence We have just opened out our new goods for Saris g and Sommer, et To say they are the nicest range ever shown here" 'is patting it pretty strongly, g y, but really the Suiting beautiful, both in design and are beautiful, arranging to eke a large quantft of maple syra this spring. He ill tap between 220 and 1500 pr trees d hoe some $200 whin will mak h@ syrup ab• solutely pure, est e two samples of + a Mr. Belden a ma e o yrup were sent to St. Paul's St, Paul's Pari sxgnrated last T supper and prog+r of whioh merited Marmalade oranges, pe•fxuft, etc., • arish Club, at CHRISTIE'S. ,;,c., h Club was dui .a• GIVEN AWAY the give eeday evening by p stem; FOR TWO WEEKS N an 25 sent article y given free w every Pur more, the excellence chase of $1 00. a better attendance, On motion of tonna Nicholson and Bell the Propert • Committee was in etrnoLed to look in•, Lhe matter of host• ing the hall, and report at rept meetlrg, Corns, McDonald and Hanna in- troduoed a orotic+ providing for the date Rev. Mr. Ho • son will take Mr. Hobbs' work, pre:.hing edncatianal sermons, Amd of S + day Ma 3rd the y , anniversary of the Ingham Methodist Sntday School will ,e held, when Rev, Dr, Rankin of Oar ton street ohnrah , , Toronto, be the sotfoited- Our aim: Everybody eatiefled., Schedules arranged for large liner, Experience of over twenty years. N° unsettled claims in that time, tree us before you do business. Rhe prevailing colors are Hie• chant Grays and Browns iu Ottawa by two neghamites for analyer ale, and the A gocd sum haws supper was under was •realized, Tha the direction of the Railways Ti d up Again. prosecution of par, es who tap the trees in town, and the s .azure of spites, psi s, will preacher. _ We cam make it pay you to do so. Information freely stripes and plaids. Of ruse Blacks and Blues are al ya cot- teat, and w@ have s l go range of these goads, the report was that the syrup was par Parties wishing to secure a supply f maple rn can leave P syrup orders with Mr. ich, Anderson, ladles of the ah arch plentiful and taste gramma oonsiste, Workman, Mrs. J. and was a ver y It there is atythf g in the old easing, nl repast. TheP• Ppro. "IP March comes i like a lion it will go of, solos b Mise rcent y on. like a Iamb' should have some of 0. Smith, Miss Obis• the lamb weathe this year. Sunday etc , used for the •arpbse of gatherii•R es It was alai •. ed that the tappingGive of the trees was : n injury to them. The motion was oa led. GIVEN AWAY the Bee Hive store; FOR T o EMS ONLY -any 25• article gi n free with every or- chase of $1.04. P given. Now is 1•ha time th insure. as a call, ]],creat dealing with buyer y and salter. A lot of 1908 calendars; call for one. holm and Mr. Go don Grifna, readings and Mondayever two of the Mr, J. A. Morton >ddresaed she Couto I II]emo books and blotters given away H AT=l aQp] = WANTED, -1000 rat skins, and sIl other kinds raw fare, GED. E, S1Nca, b Mr. Grace y y, i, Miller and the Addresses were giv: roughest g etrnmentals by Me, days of the mints . The ooaatry roads faaea VanNorman. y are Lot so badly blocked, becaase the n by De. Msndonald, high bat cal in reference to he Public Library, The 3oaxd had f r some Lime b_eu handicapped Por la+k of funds. It was Wingham L. O. Ling The, regular itg of'`Wbarn L, Office stair, south Bank of Hamilton, list of properoves ties; prices right. g A A choi ' choice stack of Hats in all the etstoc • • Iflsoand Interns ing Retia. • Wm. Dunlop, Warden of the District of Huron, was appointed Dec. 23rd, 1841, and his appointment was made out on a sheep skin that h:: preserved the axiKiu• Mr. J. A. Taylor a 3.. A. the +rub The president, Mr, The club is now o.en 1! pp 'nations ar: are now so a storm does not • d Mr. SpoLtan, coin effect them verybadly.The railroads e. its progress.aga "orkman resided. p g 0, P. R. maruin train cameput ut of infrom for membership Te swator and got down as far as Mount,the invited. Forest and that w s the last we had on that road until W dnesdsy. The Palm- necessary to hay: a new catalogue issued, and Der. ,:.'rton asked for a special grant. On .• atfon of the Reeve and Coon. Nloholste arm of $70 wasvotsu The sum of $354 was placed 10 the held U. L., will be n the Orange hall on Fridayevening+1 this week. All members axe sego@:ted to be present, as important butanes: is to be transected. Mr. Thus. Diff, we 0 is dcing orgeniza-. tion work in coon. otion with the Orange TNewhe The time to invest is NOW, Ala 1 nEsiate cotfidenoal,n Rea Estate in home, m is airtight, Insurance is a necessity, Own your own home, A Rood, new stook in all lines, Skirts,Umderwpar, Ties, Collars, Gloves, Taney Vests, oto, al writing in la=•'bio condition to this day, In lookingA over old papers con- nected with the aunt Count Clerk y' y Lane f' eraton•lifncardine ranch of the G.T.R.nd nice range g of new parlor suites just was Wood from Saturdayuntil Wed -and received, bought at low prices, and we will sell them at very special low prices. n8aday. The fire train on the L. H. & credit of the Public] •chool Board, On motion of Coqus. Nicholson and Bell, the Finance a he a statement in• struoteduto look in o the of deliverl Benefit addSo iety, will be presort an ens. Visiting broth- tau will be Keloom -, u RI ( o 86 REAL came across the certificate of ap• 0 all and see them at S. GRAcEY's B. branch reach d ate 80 the ESTATE &INSURANCE. pointment, and t. preserve it for all a, m. on Tuesday We are now surely e are number of me • employed by the Western Foundry C,. during Griffin -Vat stone Block, WINGHADS• Phone i2a COME IN. time he got it fro „ed in glass, It is a striking memorial rf the way municipal - Public eeting, near the end of th winter and the rail- roads should b e very little more 1907.• Attention was cal :d to the dangerous C LOCAL OP ' i01 NOTES, ._ _ ^ affairs were run 7 years ago in Upper condition of the sieaike, anditOBT A pubiio meetin the trouble with the s ow this season, decided to temp MAXWELL C3aada, as Ward .n Dunlop was appoint- of ratepayers of give oyment to men whoR MerchantTailorand ed in Toronto, Wingham will be on Tuesday even eld in the Town Hall ng next, March 10th, All stoves at cost for 30 days at may be out of work u oIearin them off. On motion of Con +. Hanna and Reeve (By the Lccal Optica iterature Committee.■ t THE LEADING SHOE STORE to discuss the q cation of placing the YOUNG'S hardware store, Irwin, it wee deefd-d 10 hold a relief lien's Furnishings l+" r SEED GRAIN von SALE. -Peas, barley, management of t g8 e eleotrio light plant PP HIGHEST canoert, and a spool committee, Qom- "Ei ht five per c:nt. of all the char• g y and B new variety of este; also goose under a comm! ion. The ratepayers • CASH PRICE paid for Wes, posed of Coons. Dao ionald, Nicholson, dren admitted to • y homes owe their wheat, at T. A, times', Wingham, • will vote on this question on the 23rd g skina, tallow and wool, at the Wfnghami Tannery. W. D. Pan(GLn. Spotton and the May r, were appointed ruin to the drinking ,obits of their par. anal. and it is wel that all should attend to make arrangemen •: for the same, ants or other relative:" --Dr, Barnardo. , , ,, + f ^ Weddin at Brookville. At Brookville t the home of V. R, this meeting an thoroughly disco that ratepayers w intelligently have the question sed pro and eon, ea 1 be in a oaftion to P.__ Bedroom suites --dresser, stand and bedet@ad-16x20 mirrors, as low as $11 5Q, at S. GRACEY'S, A motion appoint . q Conn. McDonald to supervise the wo k of removin snow g from sidewalks w:: lost. Council "I can keep no ter+• a with a vice that r fills our gaols, dest tees the comforts home, and peat: of and {' + , /" and Mrs, Marsha 1 on the morning of Feb. 17th been ed the marriage of vote gnestfoa i5 an imp n the gu@ation. The maul one and should adjourn d. debases peopleliea and brntaliz:a the of this - '9; , their second el est daughter, Miss Lena, to C. Ernes Sa1ler of Ottawa,At y' receive the very b et of consideration, Three -C • Listowel on Hared Tie. Wednesday evening Death of d : es Madigan. land." -Lord land. y Lord Chief Janice ti°e Coleridge. Every drunkard •sed to boast that h@ And it's March to the letter in. our ''' + '"' ,4• b ,,y --. . '+ - W `' _ om/ - eldest son of Rev, and Mrs, S. Sellar of set ftle, T • a marriage was Bary quietly oarried ou , The took yceremony place in the era • ins room. Rev. Mr, St an GRAxN FOR SALE. -Peas, barley, wheat, eand a tw T. yi 1e1LLsty f ats; also thgham goose , of last week the b I almeraton in Nor by a soots of 9 to 6 players won at Luc me team won from hexa League haakey resident The Montt Forest on now the same ev@a• ing, Mr. James Madi:.+n, for some years. a of Wingh: m, dice at his Nomag Frances street, n Wednesday morn- atter an ilin::e of could take a drink +r leave it alone. R. McLeod, w alar in the Ripley nesExpress says: -la., That not one brei nese roan in the ;oma said that Local I store. The Winter Shoes are marching out and g >Swing Footwear is marching in. We are very anxious to see ' Seller father o the roam ater. y,groom, lug. On Friday a • .ring the Win ha WingIn some months. Deceased Option had hurt is business, 2nd, That our shelves cleared 'boys Curiuit ' f,P l , The young coupl: were unattended, and after a receptipu eft for Ottawa. The Everybody . Business. ston won from Pal ,eraton yhere by a score of at Palmer- to 7 and the same was 6 mars of age, and namecome from Port 'main He leaves a wfv@a has told him that they never knew wit+ home comforts were up Of every pair of krill and Winter Shoes deuce our Cut rates. +XHundred Cent Pery fattier of the groo +was formerlAn pastor. of the Methodist o •arch, Wingha3i, Erato t itfzen sor r that hereafter be wants the editor to mind his own Bari• set nese, My dear Oh Wien friend, did three evening Listowel w b a soars at -cornered tie b:tween +n from Mount For- place 8 10 7, This left s 'Blount For - widow and family The funarAl takes neatly, int :• ment being made at y' the nctfl they hod Deal Optfga, 3rd,That very appear ace of the town and the tnoes of th e atreeta at night alio41h Don't these prices make your pticketbook and your feet very yet! ever reflect, in your contemplative eat, Lietawel and ingrain*. In this what a blow Local Option uneasy uneasy P moments, when the moon is beamit! Listowel drew is. 4th, net the taw+ That's the actual increase !n m tea trade s dib over a year a peerage, and those who KNOW TEE REASON .WRY 1 don't tidal bnrbod 'a word for the s word !o0 Council tho Relief The committee a to arrange met on Tnesday a mincer& in the • oncert, pointed by the Town or a relief concert the d deoided to hold , era image 0n the reflect g, when the whippbor all singe in their@e, And When the hired ma snores in the loft, and yellow dog sleep: on the lea,. and the home mosquito gets in hi work, --did you ever Since in snob tam s upon the idea that p Forest the Mount Forest 0 g t • horns ansa, and borne ga,•es the above team seams .ye and Wingham ranged to crag home Eye, e winners to play MoKibbon'a with Listowel, 30tH, arrangement, Mt, properly o have taken cold Dr. Ovens, oculist, London, Surgo Ear, Nose teed Throat will @ et to drag store, Monday, March did Hoare: 12 s m, ta8p.m. tllaeser fitted. ofpalitiee could mond never back libellee ag: n, What Local Option for Ripley it will do fox Wingham, In Jahaary, 1908, there were 52 inutile wh re Local Option bet -laws have b: --- 20 a Men''' § o t i d Leather r1.. Felt -lined Boots, reg - r , s 1e r price t t'~ CO and 5300 ;Sala paiea. , i. 95 • Women's Fel - t lin e a l+ r$ Boots $old ti xise rl b mottos ' + Lewdev n1 talent has bee. securedato ave an t3 editor's paper containing nly•aocoants of the feet, own Priya o biieiness Would beintroduced And and defenite+ Wingbam to 11,1, , leaving Listowel t it out, The local Ontario A bill hag bee i one in #h@ot.iiV en repealed and in only was it r:hav ed, showing that th (racy and c on. lar price 11.50 ; uieEpiie<`'` t yy tf JrLA OIT, AlIO .A. And i5'7p>B NGO 'note CAN GM GOOD Etta JUST AB CHEAP AS YOU CAN 1000 TEA • • expellent should Assist fief families program4 a `turn out in in seising inn for sante flue in the town. , d our townspeople apt large town numbers to public? g ii d t4 be used in re- while, or six deserving in The colnlmittee is and to prove mono • • nous to the general boys; The an ht stand it for y 13 week, but lin the d d it tvonld bo a thorn secure the aide and a W • ariliese to the flesh alI that sort of hang, lib, brother, go to Listowel and an effort special train 8I on Tuesday of neat is being made 10the erVice. The return the WinghniYi Legielata r by Tie. Rennie. to people legalize the keapi + : of game for fifteen Option of the gameopen days atter the a .• s ire keeping neheon, 'and to eke lie@ping in bold storage Nora + • period of time legal'. - For who have lived gilder Lewd have • o desire to h P c tinge, lin the IL 5 if the pablio spend $100-- malt t1irare, labor gets , ,$ 108 malt ., 518 The er r youbei get here, wider your choice. cion your g ,t:` 50111 Slitles to r arranging to have • e mOttey properly the r true editor's rasfnoair is 10 MAO on E'r dityj eau For For Fon SALn.-,-Having disposed Por boots and shoes " " .. 22 50 bread Y7.g9 be repaired. repaired. - t . it* Jo berry nonan expended, dux ,►nndunoeinent orad Bemoan "r er'ening, wits toil Iriathtl billtl, the date is TharM- everybody's ihtli. Fnrrther That's tell be made 0>x xarga niakirii# bust ,ars his bneinesa, bnslriers. e there's n6 ;Alt a d6rdnia o'Fer of aatr>telf Yds ton tables, springsslid Ail ofthe sideboards, lauffieta, mattresani'•d, Lire--lrat# daft getti of my " " , grocery and crockery stook, I new offer For clothing , , . N2 i0 re idiom} fol ante; corner John street For average rodadta of industry bxidk,tVvb,labt►r...,....,77.?8 EyCiettitoZtennetiof twn. Finn Rf ozk "4-11:4;;;;;1* that vi liidh+rap• ; ,a a "y any pllb, tit t piece, specter out piece, ab. 'i1iAb8x'x, tooxi.Ist looalits, tj.T. ilR1FI`iN, ports loll, u.