HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-07-20, Page 1ws
e. r. -,x•..44
"IIoad. Office; '"- Ramaton.
3avtT CUNNipc,,
UE1PN °'
31- A
u . �SZi1B. L 1Il.'D •1.888,
We ilo a genurai bankin-,businoa$,. iseuo
draiftsthroughout Qauada and, the. Unitgd
Stated, - W'e make cc/Notions on all'points.
includiug� •-Western States; Manitoba and.
the•North-West Provinces, and all collec-
tions,,whether note or , account, will have•
prompt, attention. ,
'Notes discounted and "farmer's sale notes
We loan to, farmer on double or' single ..notes'
•. at frot1:ono to twolvemoathe• time, and,at
reasonable rate of interest. We loan, ;small or large amounteon second
•• :mortgage on farms or•other rsa1'estate' eec-
• urityp' and on first!ehattei' mortgages on lave
-,stock and implements and cropps: ”
We hews a large, amountof,funds. to: advance
on fret mortgages from G. per cent. to 6' per
+cont The rate '• is;raded accor'din= 'to the.
duality arm size , f toe loan require
We'represent the lending English "and t7anu=
•dian Fite Insurance Con parties and. can
effect insurance on all classes of property In •
"' Stock or lila nal 00notniee as desired
Our office bon are from 10°• a m •10
• M &N/aEL
Gl,pita1:paid up 1,'103,214
. flo$orvo Fuad • - 1,034,110
'Total ,Aisoto . •1' .82.7,357,
.Board of Dfi+eotors
'Oilman, Man .14ucknow Pert gloin
`• Milton • Southamptaii
Winnipeg, Hamilton (East End) „;
" Travellers ars( .114ifiod that . tEril Bank 0(
'Sates Of the :Natbmal Provincial Paok of
..1011N`'SPROAT- AGENT.'
ONTARIO, IDA'y, ,Y` 20th, .' 900
•well pleased wl'.t' the,rendeting; of the
program'end general toini f the. meet;
ink. (iom. •
LAc,AL rEs
WHOLE NO. 1381
qMr Jr T.', Tennant is.visiting
-Fine oath,`,.'• '1 • friends In Toronto ` - •
;Mr. ` W,' J, Camerpn, o[ ,9t, Helc�ia's ,.Mies Birdie' Mclntosh.! is, vis E
' friends. in Toronto.:. - ' ' . "
o,n' M'onclay cast, .purchased .from Me-,
1?tierson Bros,; of West"Wawar oah, 3 4 , -'Mrs, Ae is inthe v of ,Detroit, as•
thr:vtsitin friends in tla ! 'll
ee year: old `st rs._ -' . g .. e, viae
Pedghecb -._... e, ,
,. ,e@ . that �
. Harr !
48QQ pounds or ea average of 16001be.,' ` Y rm tags, of Framil-
esch ., Stroh, animals are a credit to ton, _ie'visiting friends iii' Ltcknow,
the township 1,4'0.411'440thereen'•that =Mrs: Pentland"of Duni{annon ;ie,
raised thein the guest other Mdau hter,' Mrs, . G
8 11Z eo.
, ,Anderson."
• s
(;franolithie .Walk (n rl wanted:to to learn pant -ma
.At the Council meeting- on' Tues 'ing. Apply to Chas. Stewart, ,Me
day evening Testi...the necessary. by- chant tailor. .
laws for' the 'building of granolithic --Mr' and`•Miss ^Patuaoro .of • Elor
sidewalks in th 11
nd.as soon as •tho contracts can be ,Havelock street.
10t 'the work will be •proceeded with. E. • - -rho Rev,�•W AliTreleaven..
It is proposed this year•,to build aside- `Mrs. 'Treleavep,.of Tivetldale are vis
walk on both sides, of\ •0t mpbell, street
from Inglee street 'to Havelock' street
Lucknow friends
and on Outram street. north • to the: -The Ggdexich races otalies place ;, _• standard
end of the Church of England. lot; end 6 July 24th and 25th and Y i00 will , � ��a,��. ,n • dead.. �
•"-'M'an.y �farzers a busy .,cutting°.
their fair wheat.; .t .
•The Dommnioin"Parliari�ent was pro.
xogard,on; Wedn.esday.
"-Only a few• ••leftvisit, our '42 piece
tea Bets torctear Out ab L7b•. ' 0, B.
<Isade Morrison is. attending
s„It-,meeting.-of-,the• `
' Masonic �='C�rah
Lodge in; London this week.
.l�l<ssM. •A. Diclr, Toronto, this epenIiing a month' in Lueknow,•"the
guest of y r. end "Mrs. J; N. Rose;'
• Implement agents; in ' Manitoba
e vi age, . were passed, are the guests' of Mrs.I,::'Patmore,
How r'
p, cool: and ooruf ortable IS a
most: important'question during ;•
,July and August. :
Much can be done•: in that 'directio '.•b�,
',the proper selection of clothing,."),:
for summer•: wear;.
Lfght..weight; 'snits, black and '.fancy
lustre coats; negligee and outing
.shirts; fine 'Jiatbriggan under-' •
wear, cool"'hats and: saps, etc.
are 'of'erd; by us at prices not
• any more than you would ex-
pect to. pays '•
are cancelling the fanners' orders for
binders. ' ThereaS not much-. work' for
'binders this yt* in Manitoba or ba-
-Mrs.•Sinith' and son .of -West
`giniti; are visiting at' the residence .9
Mrs. Smith's brother, Mr. Robert Gra-,
ham' Of. OAP place, after an,absence of
azid• on Ross -street ,from Afra.• Lied- • .nurai4r gur *93.•tiePs .'hav9 h4cl•
'4vaiijLh:ti"_ea'.:i4•T.°:-thei'e2sw:r'tthc'otliersi.ri)re'jQ3jGT41;5474T-t'' obi-4*f ,the
765'; •Special•treine brought visit,ors Robert and Mias,:jenniellic-
from 1.0eal tewns., Audi '• together.... with of, Winghanl, ..spent Sunday
Alibi's 'not, block. Residence Roe's 'Street, •
*elicitor, Conveyancer, 'etd.-; "(late of,
' no*: \loots even? firlit and third Mon-
. day of every Month in, Abe :Orange Hall„
yielting brethren aril cordially. invited. •
monthly meetings -in. the Orange'dlall;
Campbell , street,", Lucknow,.',ou the .second
Tuesday.evoning 41f . each and every, month.
following. , All visiting bretEr:on cordially :in-
ifillaot and
,Insoots',And :Plants'
The .Qntario ,Departmenb :Of Agri,
sects antf Plant ' with" 'dike
used' and tonchinforintitien'4 -to the
ihsecti•:--anit:bliglits that. attack :the
Paparnoont School e..„
Slurray 5413, Johh. Titian '492; . Jahn
Smith'434, Andre* Smith igi9,
His m,any..friencls .here .will,* regret te-
seroe'-tiree,on•,,the:-S.entinel stiff„, died'
nine weeks ago •Went•to theabovehosi-•
Intel) where an operation Was per. °
'AN! iS ab.ln ,43 'sit 4.4',•.: but other .trenbles
sei in and!tlie hunieditite Cause Of death
Noble qraiid, Recorder,.
It 0
l L on oi, before the full moon in th
,' Worshipful Blaster. , Secretary
Several .fariners .:speaking- of the
selves on' the bright 'crop prespecte, it
has Peen discOvered that the Heisian..
• dyls at Work on, the Wheat. j This
Itber9S •itito 'the .• iitalk at Op'
• . off: 'Whether tlie. ravages of the. Ily
'extehd'to' other; Options than, 'this is.
. !titian 9r(ler of
Meets lst and ilrd
of each iniitit114 in
Order Of Porester* .
Kau the fourth Ttifis-
day of each tyriinfhi-at,„
(troth yen corgially
Ar Tin; 'Th -ague
.The' address 'end' papers Were ori
the Chair? tha.
thoughtful comment' oti the "To '" "
18S TreleaVOI .0X061181.16
'gave:a solo; suited. to the , occasion,
Mr, john descouriett ,
"GiVing lei Ile holds that.
Very tevi--- people 'aro' 'giving all ,they
many tire • 'giving' ;very
Miss Itinsphroy, viceprea. of
ithe-, Social. deot..ef the League and",
Mr. Cherles Barber formerly
United Workmen,
tin the
eacifmont11 Nati.
Mutat W,Ortc rush Recorder
ing and. instructive, address on' this-
:,-Winghtuniband :gets 05. from the
council ;for :every epen
mask ,iess,„to' he 'satisfactory • to the
are expected cornPete.. :good •
er 14
,,,W,j11:,be, With us 'during 'the Morning
, Yr.esiding.elder in ,the,
date in ell iif;es et a special price :
them, who,. droie 'in from , neer by: .' with friends in Dungannon., ' •• ,. •
Visitors.' °The Orator of, the' day,,,vVa
Alexander' Muir. His-: stirring. noi
fs t4o;trrreti !eIT:1 Ptohl aoeuur :e,ti7A4riac:71:: *m. ft:in les 7:O:n.: trina°16ywt; rLd
many, ,Lt..,COLScati, Itincardine; A. . ,The Stetea Secretary Off.
dine.; ..•4t,. of. the *thiinchiStre-f Fiank•ReilTikiid two.'clAW
0,00 a yete-ofthanss, to their. 'Nfr.• lir& 'Jas.:Bryan this Week'
Light wei,glit Tweed: Suits ' at, '8'2',
• Ltraw fiat's andoaps , at 15,o; and.. '26.e.
Which they,had been entertained.' • vere attack of himbaga-last., week, bnt
two or three selectione in very ere.
Of .LuckhoW gave en eloquent, address,
.lection which, wits -exceeding'Y .
done and received nnstinted applanse.
He afterwards. sing Sol0 and proVed- ":
sinting just as well as hp' spike, and
'recited, ...Mr.t.Armstrong of Lucknow•
an,g, a, solo. and Miss. johnston' of the.
Courta Mr: Of
rood sangsong, -Miss.-Bella-. Camp=
short 'address.- '' The CulrOse quartette
Doneld; Gbodfelloye\and Reid: sank'
tion"ProfasSor 'Wiggins' Opinien-•of•-- Thasedtlie-BrunsWielt IIPUSe-,7•VPIne: yho anhual "garden party of 'the
the weather during July ,and ngtuit. hatn,, and will tol{el°8kwY.1911-.°4.-.'„ Pg!--".-Rresbyteriturehurc wit Jo J. B.
giVen.a le* WeekeTage; and the 7t4;-:- • korrison's orchard, a short distance
Misses 'L. and E. 'Ackert: left:. frona• the, sehock.,on'Wednesday
.1-y-eorreeOlePrOfeSSor-warits 0, .10 on, iluesdii.y.:morning for, 4 few. Woele:q., Aug-- of test ,week: Algiost on the' veik:
weather we *bave already, bad, The, visit ith fr. ' '' ' I. ' '' .
Iambus. prognosticator, •being • asked
fer his; opinion'of the vveather for the
tWO 'months- Mentioned, replied: "I
will give it to' you Without hesitation,
not as a prediction but as an opiniof,i.
the:tatriperatiir4 of theep menthe will.,
not he .4bove the everagef -there
will ,be• strong, splashes of heat. The'
hottest days Will be JUly 24th tel7th
and August 23rd to 28: These.periods
weather. for Several, days ceiised 'by
violent thUnderstorInS, Thd last clay
wifl genie; to us 'with a cloak Pver her
century, inad the Tp. fathere'';O:f Brent
have' decided that a the '
ber of'. stirring inPidenti took `Place in ,
lot And building -next to '' ifarrY Days' bill4"h"'eue-til:iinbs7yQ°hfo!eireoVii,eeneilY1.1301.rei el tahgoe T
,drug store, '' and. :grinsrlY" Used' as• 6,"
•bUtte a a 6 id, re ' • • ' first three white pers ne; Surve or * .-
gran; Was the '..singing. of 4, conple of,
Scotch -song: by. Miss :Graille-Stewart”
• of ‘, LUCZL1OW. This young lady
Clear, strong vince end einge:the old .
Scotch songs in .a:',,waY stir- the
hearts of those 'who Were natives of .
',,'Land of bre*ii heetli Lied, shaggy
WodC":: Quite e number were :present
dam.pbel3; of Wesi, W9,;ivalic;sfi; Spot. Not mora than fifpy Yards frem.
-Who has been 'seriousli,' HOS, a'great Where- the eablefy were' soil,
deal better,. and good hopee are enter- father met a very large.hear, one even -
,;=Mrs, 'A. itolt end son end Mrs.. give hriii the right.Of WaY and
.T. Algee 'of New ,Y,ork pity,•.' ere some time 'before Mr. Reid indubed
spehdion* the stiminer at Mount :Plea, him' to leave 'the path. A. %deadfall
sentni• the Catskill- mintains, 171-. wits erected and the secen :night af-
ster Oo., N., "Y., ter,;tlip ear. was caught in t e trap,
' "-A kilo)? Meeting'. will, he' li'eld..41....the_wnightlitaing-Pu-the-hea6-suellt-
the home of Mrs. George. RObirnicin on and holding:1AM faSt: Ile•wes found.
Wheat cutting in the •vicinity- coin -
attended: the celebration • of the 'battle
Gretta.: end Gertrude were:the.,
iiuesday afternoon.JnlY 24th. All dead in' the Morning, Anetlier bear. : .
kiddlY assemble was killed iherf distaticti•th one Side
at" tirs,, stolinsfon's store
next century *ill see a new: system of - HarristoU eitor While in,
roadwork inaugurated before the, first P'almel:st.°° 1.1;14 ilY uP
yett: half sPent. The old system of and stiike, inn" in the face. fIe
for ,if next year's enunPil' is- of tho people ' the editor. There it
:statute labor 'will. bp,',coinninted 714:a •-•The.; t1nio• has arrimecl. foji path -
rate oti.the dollar: ' mestere., to: have the. thistles. Olt on
mined if not deaperate Missouri edi s
tor, "this paper will be run as • Jesse t
James would have run„ it., ...Delia- tl
cpi,ent sill scribers Wills \presented,
a.,\six.sliooter. OCherwiSe paper is
Would run it:"
(malty for neglact'of duty in this re-'
.-„Detectives will be sent over 1' WO
line to see'lliat the reeently.
out any businoss. there, from, standing:
in ,atiptlier. three :leers, Were
.This all took Place fir -the •,spring of
erings at •Langidcla rite:. :The .gate
reeeipts were in the ngigh'horhood ,of
•,'632.80 aii told the redeipts . Were
ih the 'neighborhood pf 071.00. Af-
irograin•wri8:retideredWbich:woniti 4c):
boner. te to%4n :Or village; in, II*
Pied, Cho dilate riti. esped, much to tha;
ilUdeess of 'the evening, by his genial
*ere visitiog: frierids Fond du Lac,
Wis., for •OVer‘ tWo` Months, returned
h•o;IliesS°113:IatirTer4y6.B. has-been"
en1.11:51a,:!‘;tyb:Itio;k1t.i'N,' ‘11;r!ftoonilt,o:tigaiho,ting' 1
to ,Kindar'dine. on the 1Lith.,;
1 Mr:, Agnew pr'eaened here on
The'fall wheat •and barley aro hear,.
lY•ripii and soine•wheat is :cut,.
saite ,time 4go, and are sorry" tO'''
hear he is tnii,.15,1e to worIc .y.e,t_ :though,