HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-02-27, Page 5THE W1NGIIAM TIMES, 1'EI3RUARIt 27, illus Preacher's s Ojj ziox Kernels from the Sanctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs from. our Exchanges. The greatest recorded leap of a horse 3,r 37 feet, To -morrow never course—unless you have et note to meet. Some people know when they are well off, and others get married. South Ameriean Kidney Cure is the only kidney treatment that bee proven (tj ed to eorreut all the evils that are likely to befall these physical regn- ,Tutors. Hundred of testimonials to Prove the curative merits of this liquid kidney apt ciao in oases of Bright's dis- +eaee, diabetes, irritation of the bladder, inflammation, dropsical tendeneY. Don't delay. Sold by A. L. Hamilton --22. Remember it's a poor resolution will not hold water. This woeld is filled with lovers of the nett -love braud. We essay to be a ehilosepher if you have a good ineome. OR. A. W. CHASE'S 1) n CATARRH CURE ... Lye. O is sent direct to the diseased M parts by the Improved ill ower. Heats the ulcers, clears the air passag,es.stops droppings in the throat and pesntanant,X cures Catarrh and Hag Fever. Blower tree. All dealers. or Or. A. W. Chase Medicine Cu., Toronto and Buffalo. The Grand Trunk Pacifo willput sixty-two town sites went of Winnipeg on ealo iu the spring. One of the really great mysteries of life is why the dress that looked sty. nab last season doesn't look stylish this season. Mosac Jose h 13.proprietor of the t k, Morgan ilouae, Kincardine, has made application for the transfer of the license of that bostelry to John J. Kelly of Godorieh, Air. Kelly is expeotod to take possession on or about the second day at March. The lute Peter AfeEwen, of Tiverton,. had three sons in the Baptist miuistry, namely, Reve. James AlvEwen of Ren• Frew. P. A McEwen, of York Mills and the Rev. J P. McEwen, Two sons in- law, Rev, P H. Mol+;wen, of Vancouver and Rev R. Comte, of Manitoba, are also well known in Bruce. An Owen Sound barber cut a boy's hair so short for fun tbnt the boy's head looked as bare as a billiard ball. The police magistrate could not, however, see the joke and fined the barber a dol. lar and costs as a warning to others that "joshing" small boys may not always be all fun. Doan's Kidney Pills not on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak back, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder The total deposits in the Belgian Government Savings Bank increased from ,96.210,060 in 1896 to $162,400,000 in 1904 George Greer, formerly of Peterboro', died at Dunkirk, N: Y., while attend. fug the funeral of his brother, William T. Greer. The girl who begins by declaring that she wouldn't marry any man liv• ing generally ends by marrying a "dead one." Men who are society favorites are ;seldom a success at anything else, Many girls in the kitchen aren't worth the weight in the food they waste. If you are a true friend you never ' need to put on an air of friendliness. When a man's character is as good as ]lits money he is to be congratulated. Grippe is sweeping the country. Stop it with Preventios, before it gets deeply seated. To check early colds with these little candy Cold Cure Tablets is surely tensible and safe. Preventios contain no Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh or sickening. Pneumonia would never appear if early colds were promptly broken. Also good for feverish children. Large box, 48 tebiete, 25 cents. Vest pocket boxes 5 Dents. Eo1d by all .dealers. If you do an unsatisfactory job do it over—don't overdo it. His Satatie Majesty usually occupies the seat of honor at a stag party. Don't blame the leap -year maid for trying to make a name for herself. Eyes and Nose Ran water. -0. G. Archer, ot Brewer, Maine, says: ' I have had Catarrh for several years. Water would run from my eyes and nose for .clays at a time. About four months ago I was induced to try Dr. Agnew's Ca- tarrhal Powder, and since using the wonderful remedy I have not had an attack. It relieves in ten minutes." 50 cents. Sold by A. L Hamilton. -17. Silence is said to be golden, but there etre no prate millionaires on our visiting list. • The road to success is slippery, and be who travels thereon needs a lot of sand. Somehow the woman with good teeth always has a quick sense of humor. Stop that tickling Cough I Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure will surely stop it, and with perfeot safety. It is so thoroughly harmless, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to use nothing else even with very young babies. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung healing mountainous shrub furnish the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the cough, and heals the sensi- tive bronchial membranes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Demand Dr. Shoop's. Take no other. Sold by all dealers. Mind your own business and let other people mismanage theire if they want to. An automobile is an outward, vis- ible and smellable evidence that some- body bas money to burn, ;Guelph's assessment this year is $6,068,790, an increase of over $600, 000 over 1907. The Dominion Government has ap- propriated $300,000 to preserve the Plains of Abraham. Nature's Remedy La grippe, pneutnonia and influ- enza often leave a nasty cough when they're gone. It is a dangerous thing to neglect. Cure it with OXYGI NATOR "Nature's Perfect Blood Pt!rifier Cures AU Germ diseases" FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS THE OXYGI NATOR CO., 4x Harbord Street, Toronto, Ont. Bears the she [find You Hasa Always Hoa hl Signature of Pyr lull time and time will acid by ki,li>?g Pi yon. S Tho explosion of a lantern o ansed the burning of a barn b>lopgiug to Wm.O,irey, IO;h line of Brant town- ship, ou the night of the 8th The teniid- ing with couteuts was completely des. troyed. There was iaenranoe of $1400 in the Farmer's Central whiob will nearly cover the loss. 0 Facial Blemishes, Blackheads, J ruptions.. They Have One Common °Canso. An Impure Condition of the Blood. Make the blood normal and you cure the pimples But unless eBmivatien is perfect the blood can't be normal, can't he any thing bot lout. I'a ellmin'ation nothing platys a more important past thou the ekiu, and if it gets too tnaoh work it becomes diseased, and pimplee, blotohee and trnptioue are the result Not a bit of use to try external appli cations The fonutaiu ot life, the blood, must be purifie=d. More than that, the blood most be supplied with the elements neeessery to furnish the organs wit i inoreaeed power to ds their work. Ftrroznee euppilse exactly these oon- titi'nents and it dotes mere, It Ittunulatee through the nervous ayhtetn all the eliminative fuuotious of the oody By stimulating the kidneys and liver the skin isrelieved ot an exoessive work, and it soon resumes its normal mode of aetiou. Ferrtzme destroys the poisons in the blood, gives it new nud rich material through the digestion of fool The Baia resumes its normal, rich color. Every vestige of blotch, pimple or eruption then disappears. You see then that Ferrezone is not only a blood purifier, but a blood forte fier, and when your blood is pure and strong, not only will the skin be freed from blemishes and pimples, but the whole body will bo rcjovinated and for- tified, and given the power of endur- ance, vim, the natural outcome of health Ferrozone is sold by all dealers in 50o. boxes. Onr idea of a fool man is one who is so busy putting something by for a rainy day that he hasn't time to enjoy the sunshine. Don't demand an itemized account of every cent you give her, and if she makes an unwise expenditure think how many times• you have set the example. Don't listen to the man who begins to criticise his wife in public; advise him to settle those things in the privacy of his own home. Death or lunacy seemed the only alternative for a wets -known and highly respeoted lady of Wingham, Oat., who had travelled over two continents in a vain search for a cure for nervous de- bility and dyspepsia. A friend recom- mended South American Nervine. One bottle helped, six bottles cored, and her own written testimony closes with these words: "It has saved my life." Sold by A. L. Hamilton —20, William Sells, a sohooimaster in the early days of Michigan, now at 80, feels that he can spell down any high school class in the State. There is a female inmate of the house of refuge at Clinton who is said to be 107 years old. She enjoys her pipe as much as she does her meals. A O.P.R. transcontinental train was derailed near Pardee. The cars turned over in the ditch, and the Japanese porter was killed and several passengers injured. CAS;'I*SZ, RZA. Beare the _ ATha Kind You Have Always Bought Signature The man man who takes oare of his religion generally finds that is re oiprooates. Don't hang around the kitchen giving advice about this and that, unless you allow your wife the same privelege at your place of business. That Cutting Acid that arises from the stomach and almost strangles, is caused by fermentation of the food in the stomaoh. It is a foretaste of indi- geetion and dyspepsia. Take one of Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets immedi• ately after eating, and it will prevent this distress and aid digestion. 60 in a box.:35 cents. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. —16. John D. Miller has sold Ms farm north of Mildmay to Andrew Kohl, the purchase price being about $7,000. The purchaser gets possession on the first of March. Mr. Miller has not decided yet what to do, but he will probably move to Mildmay for a time. ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches, Bar ber's Itch and every form of contagions Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wolford'e Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. of At the haat general election in New Zealand there were 263,597 men and 210 875 women on the roll. There actually voted 221 611 inen and 176.046 women.' In fourteen contests the *omen voters outnumbered the men. Of the canaidates elected u these fourteen oon- stituenoles ouly one was unmarried. Mr. Peter Ourrigau has entered upon his 45th year as Treasurer of Kinloss Township, having received his appoint- ment, Deo. 19b, 1863 Mr. Corrigan is one of the molt highly respeoted and eftluient oifloers of the Township and is also a very popular citizen of Lu -know, to whioh place he Dame at time of re• tiring from his farm at Holyrocd. Tan LAMES' P'AVORtT15. Laxa-Livor Pills aro the ladies' favorite .nedioino. They cure Constipation, Siok Koadaohe, Billionsness, and Dyepepsin without griping, purging or sickening. Chester Farrow, who for the post three years or over has been the efficient and courteous operator and ticket agent at tho Grand Trunk station at Goderioh, has received a promotion in the Com- pany's service to the position of day operator and ticket agent at Guelph. The Methodists of Southampton have now one of the moat handsome and best appointed churches in Western Ontario. The project was inaugurated about two years ago and the result is a beautiful structure with pipe organ complete at. $16 900. At the dedication the offerings and promises amounted to $4 325, which with previous contributions will prao• nosily wipe out the debt. aft.. El C:"3E4L3CA.. Boars the The Kind You Have Always Bought signature of Very sad indeed was the death of Mr. Andrew Connell, which took plane on Saturday evening, Feb. 15th, at his residence on the B liue, Carrick. Mr. Donnell has not been in robust health for some months, but his condition was not regarded as serious, The death of hie brother James, which took place on the 4th inst., probably had much to do in hastening his own end. Deceased was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, sixty years ago, and came with his family to this country when quite a young man, By his industrious and careful habits he became posseesed of a good share of this world's goods, and was very highly esteemed by all who knew him. William Kupfersohmidt, of Mildmay, has purchased Andrew Kohl's farm jnst east of the village of Deemerton and gets possession on the first of March. Mr. Kupfereshmidt's own farm adjoins the Kohl farm, and he will work both places in future. The price paid was about $5,000. Mr. Herb. Moarehonee, secretary to Premier Roblin, of Manitoba, and a son of the late Rev. Mr. Moorehonse formerly pastor of St. Paul's church Wingham, is establishing an enviable name for himself as a writer of short stories, several of the leading maga- zines having of late contained articles contributed by him. A kind of wax suitable for soap and candle making is obtained in South Africa from the berry of a shrub (myrica oordifolia), which is used for binding drift sands. When the telephone wires are over- land the speed of transmission is at the rate of 16,000 miles a second; where the wires are through cables ander the sea the speed is only 6,020 miles. The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect oongh medicine—Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 gents. After forty years and a half of servioe, John Cameron, governor of the Oxford countyit and jail, d a Dna of the best-known men in the oonnty, has forwarded hie resignationto Sheriff Brady, taket0 effect on the 10th of May. He thereby opens the way for a general scramble among the Conservative office -seekers of the county. Mr. Cameron is over 80 years of age, but has during the whole term of his office performed the duties to the satisfaction sef everybody. He le the father of Judge Cameron, of the supreme °oust 0f Manitoba, CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 444 An old resident of Seaforth and Mc- Killop, died recently at his home in Brooklin, Ontario, in the person of Mr. Samuel Harris. About forty years ago Mr. Harris came to Seaforth, and, till about three years ago, made his home in Seaforth and in McKillop, where he was engaged in farming. 0••0.0•••••.O••••.0.00.0011 • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • - 0 • • • CONSTIPATION. Although generally described as a disease, can never exist unless • some of the organs are deranged, • which is generally found to be the • liver. It consists of an inability to I regularly evacuate the bowels, and 4,.!as a regular action of the bowels is w absolutely essential to general • health, the least irregularity should never be neglected. • MILBURN'S e LAXA-L1VER PILLS • have no equal for relieving and : Bev. P. N. McRae, Forks P id 1cc1:, C B.: "I always count it a pl. Lour~• to recommend the I)r. Slocum Ito nedie3 to any parishioners. I believe there in ;Lathing better for throat and lung troubles or weakness et- rim clown sys- tem. For speaker's sore throat I have found Psychine very beneficial." Bev. W. II. Stevens, Paisley, Ont.: ''Psychino seemed just the stimulant my system needed. I shall .t•Id my testimony as to its efficacy at eve:), opportunity." Rev, B. DI. Browne, .'Amherst IIead, N.B., ''I have otter recommended Psychine since taking it myself, for it la a euro for the troubles you specify." Rev. Chas. Stirling, Bath, N.13.: ''I have used Psy::lrii.o in my family; the results were marvelous. I have visited people who state that they never used its equal. I strongly recommend it. Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Marl:dale, Ont.: "I have taken two bottles of Paychlne and am pleased to say that I ani greatly unproved in health. I was troubled with my throat, but now I find it about restored to its normal condition. I find nay work very much less taxing. I believe Psychino is all claimed for it." These are earnest preaehers of the gospel of Psychino. They know where- of they speak. Psychine cures all throat, lung :anti stomach troubles. It is a great voice strcn;,thenee, acting directly on the vocal, respiratory and digestive organs, thus specially adapted to public sneakers. At all druggists, 50c and $1.00, or Dr. T. A, Slocum, Ltd., Toronto. A crusade is sadly needed against the vine of profanity. Oue has only to pass through the streets, more (specially of aur smaller cities and towns, to realize the extent to which the evil is develop- ing. In a half-hour's walk one evening iu a western town a gentleman claims to have heard more vile language than iu Montreal or Toronto in a year. In the corridors or sitting•room of almost at..y oonntry hotel one will be compelled during a single evening to listen to more profanity than he would hear in six months in a large oity: What is the reason for this over flow of filth? Is this all we are to expect from our large in- vestment is schools and churches? A little stirring up of the local adminis• trators of law would doubtless help to lessen this plague if moral suasion is powerless, and those who will take up and press the matter will be doing society a good turn.—Home Journal. Theory vs. Experience. Theories are often very beautiful, but they are not to be trusted as many a physician has found out when it was too late to save the life of his patient, It is always safer to be guided by the exper- ience of others and use only medicines of tried and proven merit each as Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- tine for the cure of croup, bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough and chest colds. • curing Constipation, Biliousness, • : Water Braeb,, Heartburn, and • Liver troubles. • • Mr. A. 13. Ilettes, Vancouver, B.C., • • writes :—Por some years past I was • troubled with chronic constipation • • and bilious headaches. I tried • nearly everything, but only got t uce ' d ]ef A frrend_nd• • me • teni or re r oto try Lasa -Liver Pills, and • i they cured me completely. • • Price 25 cents per box, or 5 boxes • • for $1,00, all dealers, or mailed • • direct on receipt of price. Donald Matheson passed away at his home on William street, Goderioh, on Feb. 19th. at the age of seventy-nine years, after an illness of a little over a week. Mr. Matheson is survived by one son, George, and one daughter, Miss Ada, of Detroit, and they were with him during -his last illness. Some eigh- teen years ago he lost three of his sons with their fishing boat, and a few years later his wife died. Mr. Matheson was a veteran of the American war and came originally from the Maritime Provinces. Tett T. ildtialUa' l Co., LrMIT].+D • • . Toronto, out. . 4, •.11.006•11••••••tit1 ••tt•gn. of the oongregatiort uorrotandIttt$1000, A flinch Prized Book. Few books are so universally known and so highly prized as Dr. Chase's Receipt book and the same may be said in regard to Dr. Chase's Medicines whioh now have a plane in the medicine cab- inet of the great majority of homes. Dr. Chase's Ointment for example is standard the world over and is prao- tioally the only actual cure for all forms of piles. ITYYVVV rrYYYrrYYVYYYYYYYIrY IV'YYrv'MYYY.YYYV Y►srr— 4' L IT SAVES MONEY FOR YOU 1 • 0. 5' IT SAVES TIME FOR US es Before Stock -'raking, we offer the following goods remarkably low prices in order to reduce our stock. rt Be sure to see them before purchasing : 4 • at.4 4 Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats, Caps and .Gauntlets ---at • than Cost. 27 only Tfur Muffs, regular 5,00 to 12.00, for `M3.00. s The death of one of Brandon's oldest and well-known pioneers took place recently, when Angus McDonald, senior, who, unfortunately sustained a fracture of the hip, succumbed to the shook and paesed away at an early hour Jan. 29th. The deceased gentleman who was in his eighty-third year, was a native of Ross -Shire, Scotland, and emigrated to Canada in 1848, settling in the township of Puslinoh, Wellington Oounty, Ontario. After some e,eight years, he moved to West Wawanpsh, Haron Co., and finally settled in Bran- don in the spring of 1882. When Rheumatism doubles a man up physician and sufferer alike lose heart and often despair of a cure, but here's the exception. Wm. Pegg, of Norwood, Ont., says: "I was nearly doubled up with rheumatism. I got three bottles of South American Rheumatic Oure and they cored me. It's the quickest medi- cine I ever saw." Sold by A. L. Hamil- ton. -18, Sot a pitcher of water in a room and in a few hours it would have absorbed all the gases in the room, the air will be pure and the water utterly filthy The colder the water is the greater the capacity to hold these gases. Impure water is more injurious than impure air. This demonstrates the fact that any water for drinking purposes car- tied into a sleeping room should be bottled or well covered and placed in the open window when possible. less 1 i 30 Ladies' Cloth Short Jackets, beautiful material, $2,00 each., • 32 pieces Dress Gocds, ranging from 20c to 1.00, positively to 1 • be cleared out at 50 cents on the doll r. • A splendid chance to secure girls' school dresses. i • A large assortment of Flannellettes, from 5e to 17c per yard— s —less than wholesale price to day. .♦il E70 in. wide, regular 90c for 75e—all pure linen. • All•Wool and Union Sheeting. double and single fold. Yarns—single, 2 ply and 3-ply—best home made. Mens' and Boys' Ready-made Clothing, Underwear, and Shoes—must get out. 8S • Also Cardigan Jackets, good heavy quality. '► GROCERIES Our Groceries are fresh and reliable. 3 lbs choice Raisins 25c. a Extra choice Re cleaned Currants, in 1 -Ib packages, 10c. Jelly a ► Powder, 5c or 6 for 25c. Tomatoes, 10c can ; and all other lines at 4 0 equally low prices. Also a nice line of Fancy Wrapperettes. Heavy Canadian Table Linen, 66 in., regular 603 tor 50c ; Heart relief in half an hour.—A lady in New York State, writing of her cure by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, says: "I feel like one brought back from the dead, so great was my suffering from heart trouble and so almost miraculous my recovery through the agency of this powerful treatment. I owe my life to it." Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -19. The death occurred en Monday morn- ing, Feb. 17th of Mrs. William Graham, at the residence of Mr. John MoGavin, in her 84th year. Deceased was an old and respected resident of Huron county, having lived in it for 64 years. She was a native of Fermanagh, Ireland, and at the age of 16 emigrated to Canada, first settling in Matilda township, Dundee county. There she was married to William Graham. In 1844 they moved to Stanley township where she lived until the death of her husband, ton years ago. Since then she has made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. MoGavin, sr, of Leadbnry. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT re%` moves all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, time and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known, Sold by A. L, Hamil- ton. The reports for 1007 of Knox Church congregation at Auburn are in cfecal a tion. Money to the.amotint of $1219 38 wae handled during the year asfollow s: Stipend Fund $353; Contingent Fund $202,37; Mission Schemes $98; , W. P. Af, S. in cash and clothing $33 05; Ladies Aid Society $102,26; Sabbath Sohool $81.26; Building Fnnd $307.44. Daring the year almost $4400 was paid into the building fund, but owing to the heavy repairs on the sheds, the liability DOES YOUR HEAD Feel As Though It Was Being Hammered ? As Though It Would Orack Open? As Though a Million Sparks Were Flying Out of Your Eyes? Horrible Sickness of Your Stomach? Then You have Sick Headachol BURDOCK BLOOD - BITTERS Boys' Sweaters. 1 • 4 Boots'. 4 ;d it FLOUR, BRAN, O1L CAKE, FLAX SEED AND BEET MEAL CONSTANTLY IN STOCK. i'►' WHEAT AND OATS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR FLOUR. !' 1 1 _ter a, 4 0. HIGHESTla FOR PRODUCE. T. A. MILLS will afford relief from headaches no matter whether dick, nervous, spasmodic, periodical or bilious,. It cures by removing the eauso. l,?r, Samuel 3. Hibbard. Belleville, Ont., writes: "Last spring X was very poorly, my is me I felt aeak and nervous, had n onto failed v Dp . . tick headaches, was tired all the time and not able to work. 1 saw Burdock Blood Bitters recommended for just such a cage as mine and I rot two bottles of it, and found it to bo as excellent blood medicine. You may tide nay name as I think that others should know of t6i rtoadsrfvl smite of 'Burdock Blood hitters." 9 • 4 41.EALmAAAAAAA4i 6Ar►I`ANAA'AiGLl Etti iAAiCAMME'ig ME1/41210y ••••••••Io•••li •4•••••••••i • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • ••• • • • S• i ••'t • •• • • • S S S ••••••O••••••00•f•40•410001, •• • 0 • • ♦ • If a man oan write a better book, preaoh a better sermon or make a better mousetrap than his neighbor, though he build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten oath to his door.—Emerton. Get on the path to the door of the • •r w Tres Printing Office • t♦i; Where mouse traps are not made but ; i —where— 0 •, Good Printillg ,.*, d d d x f Is turned out every day with neat- ness and despatch; where up-to-date materials and machinery are used, and were mechanics with up-to-date ideas are employed; where quality characterizes every piece of work and service given every buyer; where cheap printing is never done, but where good printing is done cheap; done where the kind of printing is d o thatwilllead the world to make a beaten path to your door; where particulars may be had by following up the path to the office of ' THE WINGHAM TIMES or by calling up 'Phone 4. • ♦ • ♦t • •1 ♦, si t 44.1 10 4r4# ll443 401.