HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-06-22, Page 8Qr tr,Jtia ttave;.liaacknow ,station as
• Geleg South loin North
s6,',20aem, , 1.1 5 a.ni
8 pia• , - 1.1.10141AD. We R E8,' •gent
NSE'. .'+-, .,,.:.
With, wioia; we arae ell supposed;
'taps be blessed' in a;, greater or less'
. .degree ahould. 'tell!"us thatwhen
medioines aro required' nothing
brut :tbsa beet shauld be usod. Thin
' 'store, ie now building' up. a repo-
• tetion: ' for the quality* of our,
medicines, {flogs and ' ohemicals
!Mg frietlde in!the viilge,
.John°Jewitt, Olinton1 as visit}
'ing'frionin;tbe village.. •
"ds •Peg. Armstrong, .Clinton, as
v'ls}itiing`friende in `Luoknowo'
• —The .'West W+ v..l^anosh:` Council
will hold its• noxi 'Meeting, 94 :414 Std.
instead=: of July 4th .as' previously
trloYle W. $R McCrostie, i'F•pr Clerk,
••-•A. petiti o xs b43iig cireula'ted' in
the Brant portion of Hanover to have
that part of.the, viii44;o added to the
silreedy' • incorporiitet? ,Bentinck por:
tion., .
art `will .be lielii.at'
the' residence of Mr 4. .13: Morrison,
aatrod_so itahaiuls7 for we buy troth.- 'i; n eid e r . on Wednesday, July • 4th,
i t OA este on tihe best, ea ,i d
n 'us . a l? re ,. p a ected. ':EAduiiseicn,
wire need. in the presoriptious we„ ;'� good, time fe xp. .
` ,•1311, incr. the medicines we sepals.• ;150 and, 0e,�•
J ” st . ow I've ; iagi' ht draw' your' ,,..:: -have still.:fift -eight of the
u la g: We a e y
;.attention, to Lochead's Little Liv 'sample .. "'sa le d,r`ess patterns' on hand, . price
:',er''FiIle.,These are prepared from 194' per yd;-, Soine.of these . goods are.
sa formula which' has been enders- worth 65c per yd. A, B, Koenig,
ewod°bxjr.awoveellrknownnothphibe yslaianbs t•texthe. -•'.North Renfrew' "elected
ld, acrid ng e '
Small,' and easy to tune. -If you ' Munroe, • Liberal... by acelatnliatlOn on'
are troubled with constipation or Tuesday for the ,Local " House, : The
torpidliver you should to &ibex 'seat,was vace►nt• by the death of Mr,
'" QSa,• and your 1>;oney bank if you''
are not satisfied.White, Conservative,
andMrs. ' Hat vey Little, of
Powers,—Michigan,' who have been the
guest of "M;rs. 7J W ...Hayes for .the
past' week left for their home on Wed
nesday 'morning.a
Tileravili`be a a ra}v erry;; es i,
valid -aid of:the at batti 'Schoolheld;
an Hatokett'e _ Ohu'reh A Sh 'eld T on
Friday evening, June 29th' All' -are
cordially invited.• •
-.Wo have received a cornplitnen
tarry ticket.; :for the. season of 1600 to
the privileges of the• beautiful Balmy
Beach' 'sumuer 'resort; : three miles
from Owen :Sound.
--The fakirs who tried to victimize'
I"ilverton;tnercha'nta, were arrested at>
sit t; Winghain .:and forced to pay their
McKenzie, of the 4th : debts and the costs:of ,their capture
con. af, >I iulos., left for Manitoba ,on., some .ix35 :in all.
Tuesday last =--The Teeswater ; R ,C. `Picnic will
°`: Mr..Albert Whiteley, of Toronto,. take place Tuesday.. June 26th This
`.iiapending his holidays, with friends :popular.picnic will' have the usual at -
ti' the village .• tractions in' addition to -which they
Alex, 0. Lochead
Ohemist & Orugglst
Harveiiting . machine Fol
Irow Jr 'Wltebater.:
-Mr.'.John F.t.Berry,'',left on;•Wod-
neaday forr a visit to friends_in Detroit.
Foreland of. tendon,. is the,
sheet', of her daughter, ;Mira. Charles
14'atmore ;.'
•--Mrs. McSwain and.famlly, left for
Jacket, . Michigan,: oa Monday-
at An
•Pa+N 1'1" ` 'lit' 11inlosss, on TileilaaY..Tii4aas 19th;:
)3enlunan S. Jewitt 'd6od tiri. yrs•1 d fins,
i►atd iJ slays. 7
WEDDI�1G". -
have ii, ,Welk .485vtecl +stock _ t
.. �v if w� a
Silver Plate and Silyer Flat -'.'Ware,,,
suitable for Wedding•Presents., ,Also
a- full line oi' Ladies' Gold: 'Guards,
G'Qld WE+'tohes, Rings,, Bracelets, Belts, `
Belt Bur. kl"es, B rooches, "etc., suitable
for' Birthday'Gifts,. We are the larg,
est house in. our'iine arid devote our*
selves to importing 'goods ,adapted ,to
the jeWelery endand
art :trades.
a ec
tend to ,all an invitation. tot' see our,
goods, and pricesbefore purchasing.
The Jeweller' 'Lucknow
'4 good farm horse 0 years old, ono o year:
old, ealved_O
five weekH-.agn._-..ne, second hand-
2 ueated Buggy. one second' hand', 'road cart.;
Apply to ,
"' • 'J A. 3IACKENZT1 ,
yr .
Lost: --On Tiles/Iay, a Jersey Ayr. will' ave ,the noted Irish , Piper, J. P.
'Aire cow, spotted; and hornsahorten-: bolan,, • • ti
ed., J Murchison. ' —In the case of Holmes vs: Godo
,Mies 'Boyd, of Lucknow, is the.' rich: the Court of -Appeal decides: that
shoat of: Mrsa Mackenzie, Bellevue when a man;',agrees to • deliver coal "at
lraarm, Kintiarrdi'ne : .. the coal shed,"lite niustdeliver it "in"
Nis. *alit. ;Mullen returned home the:coal 'Shed, and- that "at" 'does not',,
onl'Monday evening alter a few months'mean "near".
visit in New York --We observe that a number of
— l[r. A. - Wieohter, ' near'. Walker town. people. have cut the grass on the
tOn,'hasa lour ear old steer that street in front of their premises 'mak.
ry-_._., . .
;weighs nearly`2500-.lbs; ", ing , a .f great improvement.. .: Where
:' �•• Mr. D. W. Hayti:', . station ' agent. there are vacant lots the 'town caretak-
'at�Fergus, agent Sunday lestwith his er should.reinove it. `':'
family in thief village..:4. - Afew instances are known 'of
This , week we r'eceived;'a largo boys interfering; with the' : nests of -
stock of ladies' hoiseryand vests. 9, ,birds, destroying' eggs-and,'capturing.
B. Koenig, t rnndy'a3.stand • the fledgelings. Those interested' in
.For; iigood root seuHier' go to A.ti• this hind of sport,liad 'better atop 'be -
drew tk'Webster; a- large variety to
/.f thet uoht a lesson before a
Came . ilto the premises of the•under itsned.
Lot 17, con, -8, 1Cialoes, on• ar, about, the first'
ofJune,a:red vearling.writh white•.,,faeye' The,
owner is reque4ted to'provd.property, pad. ex=,
penses and take it away, ^,
.. trelyrood
choose from and prices right ore' y are a is ,
'' -Mr David 'Sheriff has purchased magistrate: : ,„
r; D 'W ,Hayos'-haicdsofine iessidenco ` here has-boen e• l
on-undr'ed= vol-,
on Havelock street id''thls village. um
1 I, ns .of ' books 'added to` the •Public
,'Koenieggs .
—'Poli siand doze • wanted. 'Library this ',vet*, of the latest litera-
•at• g':; store, in ` . Grundy's old tore, which will adcl ' still more to,the
stand; Price; 11c -trade, ,10.4 cash -.-L--- meat interest- already` taken in the
-Mr. blathow, . Richardson, :of library since it 'hemline's public insti•,
n ss6rt .e .t. of
en p .navy�; ��Serge : suits,
ns ,double . breasted Tweed. suits=.
ens lac �.�T'o ed coa
- ofSuitso clear; --
A rot Mens
.. �: • ' : Theseire extraGO9D
We have raceived into stock
New Lades, Insertions ,Black
White and Colored S 111
Gloves and Lace;:Mttts,Pulley`
Belts, ...,Pull -y felt., Rings and;
Black Ribbon Velvet, . Now
the /hot weather is here, the
demand fur light fabrics ' will
be strong, and as fashion this"
year calls for white, we have
prepared to,.meet:the' demand':
and ; have an excellent. , stock
of linen lawns,` all • over ' ems;.
"broidery, n ainsook and. pique.
Our stock of light hats is also
at his best. We have : the well
.known- -nox sailor. See ciur-
white sailor . at. 30c,
tt e g:
p.. ,ttlEiEiitt
'Fleshertnlir,'is the' CoinservatiivTe condi-
='date Sopth Grep against' Dr.. Lan-
Mrs: ;Alex Davison, and her daugh;
, ter May left ori Wednesday morning,
for a month's vvisit to friends in Wood
•- -Messrs, VV J. Littlo and .Alberti
Whiteley 'on .Monday'lsist :naught, 35
of, the 'fittest, trout we have seen this
• h .
---biessra James- Lyons. and John
McCharles'left on, Tuesday, to .attend
the inbeting of the•'0ou06y, Connell at
—Tvi+o hundreal• of that `latest shirt
.waists have ' us t arrived for Q. B
Hoenig; Zucknow,,.Grundy'a sticeesor.
-�bti` H� Clarg ll, b7. P . for : Past:
Brune, has been invited to lay the ¢or
net atone, of the Tiverton .Pre•sbyter•
sn church, " . '•'.
ltememtiec the excursion ` to' the
Model Faran` on Thursday, June,
Fate from Lnoknow, $L35. ' Every-
. body shonld'go.
• '---The members' of, tile Epworth:
League hall their photograph taken' in
,the Methodist Parsonage .'grounds on
Monday evening last j
.r -.Constable Armstrong,- of- Kinloss,'
'conveyed a tramp to the lull ins Walk-.1o'oo1od wilo Zrxxitoona
Iltoii. 'k few days ago: The"fellpir° had All doctors `Cold" Renick" "1 amiltQn,.
four watches on him 'when. arrestoa. S 'mof West Jeffdrsdn. -b.,. after' suffering,
• ' i onths . i'rorn Rectal 1` istula,', he"
• .t...' *foie. buying binder or mower wvoald die , unless a .cost`;)y, operation
call~and a ,.a,,`ivas-p ertc, tit:.he-.-cure'd imsel-f
w..„,,,„ egalniine•�tlose riianufaotu;ra�d p
With Iiucl.len s..Arrnica Salve, `tile hest
by tlyo ii,,,,' eat, Al,. Wood 4�0., they are in the .world. Surest •.Pile euro on
-a pair of tho best machines offered` for earth.', :f 5 cents a box.` • .
•,tby A.
Jets; iada$ off' bhA''Cnrtadla�n' market, 0, Lochend, flrusgist, +u'eknnrc", ivtiln
Millinery .Eargains
line: just:receiveda Some very
flue. 411 the ordinary:styles'
—Rustic Panama, ,B 1 a -c k
Hite .an Mixed Straws,
"The'lass,that loves a; 'sail.*
tution of our villageOr" can 'have her.heart's desire
There bas been aL grea
t deah-of dig
for atrifle. •
cusssion as to. the' proper pronouncia,,
tion of, the word "Khaki." ' Over , a
'dozen has ,been given, but , 'a :recent,
authority gives it out' that,. "car kee"
is the correct things with the accent
on the first Syllable..
-Por, Plymouth binder twine go to
Andrew ci . Webster's, .they, have on
hand ai -good supply of Gold Medal,'.
Silver Sheaf;, G' -Sheaf, etc.,.' every:
-pound guaranteed and .prices :reason-`.
able, From a test it was found that
1,4c•worthet,Plyanouth twine would
-tie:•zxai innny--slava vee -asp 1-k •e pf--Red
Star.l3rantford twinel 1 `
well known authority gives the
foliowiiig'coneTusions on the average
length of the lives of people in differ•=
ent walks of. life! Clergymen, • 65
years; '•:merchants, 6� ; years 'clerks
fa,rniers, 6P,- military men, .1)9;
lawyers, •58;: artiatf, 51; medical Men,
--The Ontario Government IS Setz,il.
ing.cf Women's Institutes in eennec,
tion With. -the .Fartners' Iiistitutes
the, home wornen'a work on tato.
farm might be discussed to all, • .The
• Afresh arrival of -,flowers.
See' them before-theyare,pick-
ed over
A 'number of trimmed, hats
in the very latest, shapes'trim-,
wed._ as patterns., as 'carefully
as if you had': left your :Bider..
Campbell Block
..rug, :t e '.omt s cif June a
t41.1M Ti N`DE1tS addre�e c1 to the un.
dersigaiecf. and endorsed render , for
Cie> 1'tling Cf wen Soalnd Oxey, .Ont.." will;'
be received at this office. until Friday, 16th
day o1 June, 1900, for the constructiotrof:"cTos°
piling.a+,t•Outef Sound County of Grey, On•
tanto;. aoeording to a Platt and a e e ifk,atfon'
to be seen at thsi office of Ry A. Gray, Esq.,
,Resident Engineer, Cndfedertrtlon Life Build-'.
Toronto.•pnt.,; on application to the Cas
tom House Officer at Owen Sound, Ont., And
at the Department of Public 'Works; Ottawa,
'renders will not be;considered unless ''made
'on the form supplied, and si;tied with the net
teal signatures of tenderera -
Att accepted. bank cheque; :payable to the
order of the Minister ;of Public Works, far
'three;tbottsand clnllars (33,000.00)•must necotut-
pony each tender, Tbe' cheque7fill be forfeit•
ed if the party.:deelife•tbc+contract or' fail' to
:complete the -work contracted .for.;and willr))C
returned in case of'non.sicceptance of tei'der.
The Department does not bind itself to no=
sept the loweut or any tend'et.'
• 13y :Order, ,
JOS.Tt. YYC1'y "•
FAR sEnvicE.,
14 Coif, 14 West WariotioAhr tti6ronn.
bred je'rtey Anil.- 'remit; i3vidt ow '81.00 t
That ate brdken sligNly off in Stif. Wo si'46S.in SALE.
First.-on.the ground have the hero& of
Oteani4 De' .,Ove*
Choice 'Fruit's
Select, dock of
on hand and .delivered, to, ivy
part of the town: •
Tea the "Ferndale".
-,*lifghest pric,e paid But,
• You can alt..,:ar6'rlopouci,.ou
eiottiug it omit :k -V11610
'But We pan alio supp:ty yo!
wt -41,, Work Wog, a rid lOolc \yell fen
nald your pigs: iliitlitifty feed
Tit 'Sr animals
Igii,e(...,,t,v,a:is'It'tilyn..tt,T,on;.,tef,cif;.:1:::,,,,.(T:,f,;(r,q1:„,,,U,:foi thisslolicrn1;e:tf,o,-,—.•''''''''
CONFECTAI!NEeRKVENzt „4: ,,,Lijcimovi