HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-02-27, Page 4I . ENTER ANY DAY 1 for Winter Te.rnr Mall departments of flit t the Central nosiness College, To - fl ' ronto, offers 1,piendt,t chances for C�q spending a foxy months pleasantly fy.1 and profitably, 1 Twenty-five teachers. Catalogue 11 free. Write for 1t. W. tl, Sltaci', fi; jPrincipal; E. R. Shaw, Secretary, rYonge and Gerrard. Sts., 'Toronto. -11 NOW OPEN 1 i THE WINGITAM TII1S, Fil3RUABY 27, 190$ Winter Underwear at Quick Selling Prices 11111111111111011111111110111111111101111111111111011110211181 Our Underwear has pleased many a eustomer this season, it will please vont too. CLEARING PRICES. Men's All -Wool Unshrinkable Underwear, elastic knit, reg- ular $1,25 a garment, clearing price 87- cents, Men's Fleece lined and Union Underwear, 75 cent lines for 60 cents and 50 cent lines for 40 cents. Boys' Wool and Fleece -Lined Underwear, in sizes up to 30, regular 30e to 50c a garment, to clear at 25e. McGee 6, Campbell CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS, 1r. desiolimftwri, 417P FOR THE LARGEST AND FINEST selections of the following brand new goods, D. M. GORDON is always in the lead. Yes, always in the lead in styles, quality and prices Why ? Because we understand where to buy, and when to bay, so that we can give our customers the very best values obtainable in the country, viz. : DRESS GOODS --Ie all shades, designs and textures. Special �—� attractions in Blank and Colored Silks. BLOUSES—Beautiful and extensive range of Blouses, in Silk, Fine Lawns, and Mnslins. Laces, Insertions, Embroideries -_see our immense Lanes, Insertions, Embroideries, etc., etc. e t a e k o f Fine WINDOW CURTAINS—The largest and most complete range of Window Curtains, in Lane, and charming shades and designs in Madras Muslins, PRINTS—Very pretty Prints—the prices will please you. GROCERIE',S-t_–Pnre and fresh—great values. Please come in and see the goods; our description of them fails to do them justice. ECIGIIEST PRICES VOR GOOD TRADE. D. M. GORDON. Steaming the face:will;oause wrinkles rather than cure them, as it has a ten- dency to rob the tissues of oil, Many unmusical children that are supposedly stone deaf learn rhythm and time, and finally become quite musical by being taught to demo. One child catches the rhythm of .the steps when dancing with another, and this is one more reason why every child should be taught the art as early as passible. Little odds and ends of Iaoe may be used as button covering and sometimes rings covered with silk embroidery, with colored stones, make beautiful buttons for the finish of an evening gown. It will often be found that acne pim- ples are caused by too coarse soap that has not been thoroughly rinsed off or has removed too much of the natural oil of the skin. Change your soap until yon find one that agrees with your akin. Il i' .2 it FII �IIII: Il gSsas _ III IdiOLUTION SALE This is something that will interest yon: Having bought R htMr, Hill's interest in the Maxwell & Hill Merchant Tail- oring and Men's Furnishings Business, I will continue the business under the old name of Robt. Maxwell. The business is much larger than formerly, having great. ly extended the Merobant Tailoring Department and added a large and select stock of MEN'S FURNISHINGS In hats, Caps, Shirts, Dollars, Underwear, Neckwear, Gloves, Sweaters, Hose, Mufflers, Scarfs, Fancy Vests, Pants, Overalls, eto., eta. NOW BE IT KNOWN That having a targe stook of these goods on hand, I will sell these lines, and especially winter goods, at prices that will make yon wonder how and where we got them. Bat you may rest assured they are GENUINE, HONEST, BA 'GAINS Ite alt the bargain Bales of the past year in this town, there were none like unto these. Bat remember, there is a limited time FROM THE 13 UNTIL THE 29 OF FEB. Do not put off until the let of March coming for these bargains—yon 'will be too late, they will be all gone. Dome early to make Mire or getting what you want, If I should tell you that if you would call at my store I would give you $1 00 T believe you would make haste to get here. I may mean that or mach more, according to your purchase. oramsmotormainketimismirsearneqmpefthowlesohi Tonne _very truly ST MAXWELL Merchant Wailer and Men's Furnishings, 111t:ii lilt; IIII111t 1OMi 11111111111 1R 1111111111 ' 11 i! !IE ! ' ,lIII II 1111 1 !t ! ! � � � I � dl lIR.:RIIiNili�iilltR„l�aa�!!lI...II�IRI.Il.11011t�lltlt a .I :.IflI I: CIIF9:: I' C 6 F BF II its i 11IL .1f • Bracy" Mise Resale Taylor is in Toronto visit' lag the millinery show rooms, Mr, and Mrs, T. Jones, and Miss Ennnaa Murray have arrived hi town from Evg, land, The Quarterly Board of the Mothadi t Qhurob has invited Rev, Mr. Anderson as pastor for the fourth year. - NILE. The annual oouvention or the Nile Sabbath School Association was held on Friday, Henry Tierney has disposed of lis farm and moved into Godorich last week, We aro very sorry to see him go, as he has been a faithful member of the Methodist chnrah here, being a ()lass leader and a member of the quarterly board and for a number of years leader of the choir. The good wishes of the community accompany him and his wife in their new home. Cure For Siek Women. When pains gather around the hips aud, lodge in the small of the back-- when to stoop or bend seems impossible, when dizzy spells and bearing down pains are ever present,—that's the time to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Irregulari- ties disappear, vital energy is restored, bank trouble is forgotten. The ailing siok woman gains strength, improves in looks, increases in spirit by using Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They cure the con- ditions that rob her of health and vigo-. No medicine so helpful as Dr, Hamil- ton's Pills, 25o, at all dealers. AUBURN. Mr, R, J. Huston intends building a new house next summer. The village hotel property is to be sold by auction next month. Miss Janet Dobie, of Superior is home on a visit to her mother, who has been on the siok list. Thomas Anderson, one of our oldest villagers, has been on the sloe list for a while and is not improving as well as his friends would wish. The prospect of a direct road to the etation is getting better. Two 0. P. R. surveyers were in the village last week, but as yet nothing definite has been accomplished. Have You Nervous Dyspepsia? How it shakes up, invades sleep, de- stroys strength, adds real misery to life, Not the stomach but nerves are effected, Starved nerves oanee the whole trouble. You need Ferrozoue because it's a nerve food. It supplies the elements that are needed to make rich red blood. This is the savings bank of health. The richer the blood in red Dells, the richer you're euro to be in health, Ferrozgne quickly, makes blood, strengthens the nervous system, invigorates the digestive organs and presto 1 the nervous disturbance dis- appears. You'll try Ferrozone, 500. per box at all dealers. WALTON. The West migration will soon be on. A great many from this vicinity are going. The Official Beard cf the Walton Methodist Churches have given the pastor, Rev.,,Mr. Carrie, B A., a cordial • invitation to return for a third year. A number from here attended the funeral of Mrs, Graham, Wednesday morning, from her grandson's residence Jno. McGavin, Leadbnry, Mrs. Graham although 84 years of age was very active and enjoyed very good health up to a few hours before her death. She was up and around as usual the day before. Mrs. Graham was Mrs. Win. McGavin's sr,, mother. Is Your Throat Husky? This is the first step towards Catarrh. Everything depends on your remedy. A bough mixture slips quickly over the weak spot e, dropainto the stomach and does little but harm digestion. It's al- together different with Oatarrhozone— it mires because it gets right at the trouble. You inhale Oatarrhozone, breathe in the vapor of healing balsams that strengthen and restore the Weak throat tissues. You'll not have colds, or coughs,—Throat Trouble and Catarrh will disappear with the use of Catarrh. ozone. At all dealers, 25o. and $1,00. Get it to -day. 131117 SSW Win. Martin had the misfortune to have a fall on the ice a ehort time ago in which injury was done ono limb. We. hope he will soon be o. k,. It is not often he is On the "shelf," Robert Thuell hasdisposed of his re. sidenoe, Turnberry+ street, now tenanted by Dr. Field, to Mrs. Keyes, 6th line, Morris, for the sum of $1000. Mrs. Keyes recently sold her 100 aore farm to her son and will take up residence in town. R. J. Sharpe, of Crystal City, Mn,,e Who heti been renewing old friendships in Huron Co, fort the past two months started h t d oma ward last week but will visit relatives bud friends en route, He says he won't be so long in coming back Again. A ew-ating trek fot Bruseels is among the probabilities. P. Anient and N. P. Gerry took a trip to Ohesley a few days ago to see One there, It is proposed to circulate a subscription list and if auf• floient money is insight Mr. Ament will get out timber this Winter to get things lu shape for building next Summers 4000000400040.00 A Boston schoolboy was tall,. weak and sickly. His arms were soft and flabby. He didn't have a strong muscle in his entire body. The physician who had attended the family for thirty years prescribed S' ott'.r Emuf.trion. NOW: To feel that boy's arm you would think he was apprenticed to a blacksmith. ALL DRUGGISTS; Spa. AND $1.00. 1 • OR1SY. Miss Gladys MacQnarrie has gone to visit her sister, Mrs. Lawson, of Hamil- ton. Mrs. Wm. McAllister has been at Kincardine far the past 6 or $ weskit waiting on her danghter•in law who has been i11, but fit now in a fair way to convalescence. Mr. McAllister, jr. is engaged in the hardware business at Kincardine. Adam Turnbull, 71b eon , has been appointed Weed Inspector by the Town- ship Council for 1908. He will receive $2 00 per day for the time be may be engaged, the same to be contributed by the persona wno are in default. Mr. Turnbull knows the township well and should prove a careful officer. Some sections of the township will Iikely require his services by the fine crop of woods growing and maturing some seasons, EAST WA.WANOSH. One of those pretty and interesting events, which always cause a ripple of excitement, took plaoe at the home of Charles Lovett, Goderich Tp , on the evening of Feb, 12th, when their eldest daughter, Annie, became the bride of Gordon Johnston, a prosperous yonng farm of East Wawanosh, Preoisely at the hour of five, to the strains of the Wedding March, the bride entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her father and took her place under a beautifully decorated arch, where the groom await. ed her, The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Gunne, of Clinton. While congratulations were being given Miss Beatrice Johnston sang sweetly, "Love me and the world is mine." The bride looked lovely in a costume of cream voile, ttienmed satin ribbon and chiffon, with pointe de esprit, and parried a bognet of white carnation and maiden• hair fern. As the bridal couple repaired to the dining room they were plentifully sprinkled with rice. The rooms were decorated with evergreens and other flowers while the tables were ornament- ed with vases of white and red carna- tlons. Everything that goes to make a sumptuous feast ,was spread before a company of 120 invited guests. MORRIS. It is reported that Harry MoArter, of this township has purchased the Walter Innes 100 acre farm, 4th line, and will take possession on April Ist. Tho present tenant is Elijah Pease, Mr. MoArter paid $8,600 for the prop. erty. We wish him well on his new possession. The 0ounoil met according to adjourn. ment on Feb. 17th. Members all pres- ent; the Reeve in the chair; minutes es of last meeting read and confirmed. On motion of Shaw and Campbell the clerk was instrnoted to eolioit tenders for steel structures to replace the Som. merville bridges, estimates to be made on two 60 ft. spans and one 110 ft. span, the Council to choose between the two plans, tenders to be opened tee the town hall on March 30th at one o'clock p. m. The matter of the detachment of S. ea Lot 20, Oen. 8, be detached from S. S. No. $ and annexing the same to S S. No, 6, was taken up and no objection to the proposed change was made by any of the interested parties. It was moved by Mr. Taylor, seoonded by Mr. Mo0utoheon, that the said lot be detached from S. S. No. 8 and annexed to S. S. No, 6, and that the Clerk be in- structed to prepare a by-law confirming the same.--Oarried, The Auditors presented their report for the current year and an motion of Campbell and Shaw tbo seine was ac- cepted as satisfactory. A000nnte were ordered to be paid as follows t --E Livingstone, plank, $6 80; MunicipalWorld, poll books and nom- ination forms, $8 20; A. Cronin, repair- ing oulvett, $i; Jag. Gibson, gravel, $3; A. Mel 'ab, .+rant to library, 0; p, Mo. Nab, auditor's salary, $81 It. Johnston, auditor's salary, $8; A. Young, cement, $2.10; T. S. Braddon, balance of salary and postage, $52, Oa motion of 7>fobnteheen and Taylor the Council theft adjottrtned to meet again on dfatoh SOth'1st ten O'olook a. W.OLi.BIr, (lleak, We regtet exceedingly to report tie demise of a fine young man Inaba per- son of Lawson, eon of Job King. Fnen. monia was the cause. He was aged 19 years. The oonemunity sorrow with the bereaved family. A very enjoyable time was spent at the Oyster Supper in Victoria Hall on Tuesday eveni' g of last week. After; a good supply of bivalyea had been dis• patohed the musical and literary pro- gram was presented and it was a good one creditable to the performers and most pleasing and entertaining. Rev, Mr. Perrin, of Wroxeter, was the chair man and occupied the position in a oompetent and genial manner. There was a good audience and the prooeede will fatten the Treasurer's .pocketbook in connection with Viotoria Hall. The sapper was served in royal style ire Eck. mier'e Hall, which was tastefully decor- ated with evergreens, Chinese lanterns and tissue paper decorations, The sup- per whioh consisted of oysters, sand- wiches, Dake and coffee, was excellent and certainly spoke volumes for the Jamestown ladies, not forgetting the six young gentlemen, who with their young ladies, so cleverly waited on the tables. Paralysed 13y Lumbago. Mandel labor or even light exeroiae is impossible with Lumbago. The muscles stiffen out like steel—to move means agony. Only a powerful remedy can penetrate deep enough to help. The surest relief comes from rubbing in Nerviline. It sinks into the very root of the trouble—penetrates' where an oily liniment cannot go. To prevent lum. bag() returning, put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster which removes inflam- mation and strain from the musolee, and acts as a guard from draughts and ex- pesnre Nothing will so quickly cure asthese remedies. All dealers sell Po1- son's Nerviline and Porous Plasters, Refuse all substitutes. entaaoN. The G. T. R. junction here eatty Thursday morning was the scene of a bad wreak, and as a result three Iarge I000motives and a snow plough were ditched and disabled, but fortunately no one was injured. A freight engine became disabled at the junction, and the auxiliary from London came to re- pair it, and, this being done, the train pulled bank on the siding and the con- ductor came to the station and gave the information that the track was clear. In the meantime the train pulled out partly on the main Iine, supposedly to pick up some tools left there, when along came a snow plough and three engines from Stratford, in oharge of Roadmaster McGar, who had been given a clear traok to Goderioh, and the plongh struck the derrick oar of t he auxiliary 1 cry and was forced off the traok, finally landing on its Bide at a oonelderable distance in a field, and the three engines were all ditched and jammed together like a pile of scrap iron. The Stratford auxiliary came to the moue, and the track was cleared by noon. For a pongee suit the buttons should be of pongee covered with late or am• broidery, although black satin buttons sometimes improve the rather negative shade of natural pongee, . stablished t879 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics Does it hoc seem more effective to breathe in a remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach It cures because the air rendered strongly anti- septic is carried over the diseased surface with every bteatb, diving prolonged and constant treat. ment. It is tnvaivable to mothers whit scull children. Those of a consumptive tendency fled immediate relief from coughs or in- flamed conditions of the throat. Sold by deugslsts. Send pnstaitorbooldet. LEEM NG, MILES Co., Limited, Agents, gout - tent, Canada. 307 NHw Idea ttterus QC, THE LEADING STORE Now Id.att. fdagr:aloes lc. ADVANCE SHIPMENTS OF SPRING STOGK For Fiffeeo O�parirneols1 JUST RECEIVED THREE OASES DRESS GOODS TWO CASES HATS AND CAPS, ONE CASE PRINTS AND GINGHAMS. NINE ROLLS OILCLOTHS AND LINOLEITAIS, ONE CASE LADIES' SPRING OOATS. ONE CASE LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS. NINE ROLLS JAPAN MATTING, ONE CASE LAUE CURTAINS, TEN ROLLS CARPET. EIGHT BALES ART SQUARES AND RUGS. ONE CASE NEW CORSETS. ONE BALE ENGLISH LONGCLO'i'H FIVE CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. A large volume Of business at a very small expense, is the e,tplanation of our low prices in all Departments. Buyers of Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings will find it to their advantage to see our New Spring Goods before buying, Spring Shirt Waists. --A large variety very pretty Spring Shirt Waists, nicely made, buttoned front or back, short or long sleeve, very moderate prices; see them, Laces and iambroideries.---All that's new in Laces and Embroideries you will filed in Notion Department. Special value in Corset Cover Embroidery, Remnants, ---All kinds of Remnants left after the Big Sale now on Centre Tables to be sold regardless of cost ! WANTED.—Large quantities Batter, Eggs, Dried Apples and Potatoes. H. L. Isard & Go. PHONE 68. WINGHAM. WINTER FOOTWEAR' � TO BE CLEARED OUT!. Our January Shoe -Fly Sale cleared our shelves of a lot of good Footwear, and our customers were well pleased with the values, We still have a large stock wassionsasinsemaammmemenmalnagammamumnameamm of winter wear for men, women, boys and girls, which positively must go, and we'll make the price so ]ow that it's bound to move 'eon. 1 R. JOHNSTON - Shoe Dealer FORDYCE, Mr. Frank Doyle bas moved to his new farm. We wish him success, The many friends of Mr, Ohas. Taylor are sorry to learn that he continues in very poor health. Mr. John Gibbons is busy drawing to Luoknow. s togc ow. We are pleased to report that Mr, Robt, Haines is improving. Mr. and Mrs, 5,ierkley, of Wingham have been visiting with. their daughter, Mrs. Chapman. ST. Fi LENS. Miss Marion MoPhereon returned home on Thursday after an extended visit in Teeswater and Wingbam. Miss Edith Fttzell has gone to spend a while in Lnoknow. Considering the stormy weather there was quite a cement rt the Institute meetings both afternoon and evening, Mies Rife gave a very interesting talk and organized a Women's Institute. This is a progressive step and should prove a good benefit to the ladies of the community. Rev, Mr. Hare of Thatncsvillo will ()campy the pulpit in (Maio churoli here next Sabbath. Miall Minnie Rn nage returned homy from Toronto. Oroolleted. buttons are used extensive• ly on the finest lingerie dresses and even on those heavily trimmed with Lisle Imes. lir. Zimmerman of Hamilton stated, in tonrtteatloa with the new french treaty, that the International Harvester Company would manttfaeture its geode for export to France, animating to over two million dollarrl, at lla!milton fn future Avoiding greasy food and wiping over the skin with an astringent daily willde much to shrink large p ores. 1�:_y'�- rtr�t'r7r31€trJ:,C�_rr is INVESTIGATE Into the mseits of the CENTRAL STRATFOPID. Ota"1 It is the most enreessfnl btasineira training school in Wester n Ontario.Our C()trthertt I, Shorthand and Telegraphic Departmenta are in the Charge of able instructors of catper- teaeo. All out courses are thorough, up -to date and practioal. We have become one of the largest business training schools to the province. Get our free tatalogoe and learn what we are doing. Conilnercial schools be well Ins business nnen employ oar graduates. Students are entering oath week. Enter now. widmoftwiorlownisom EILIOT1 & . MulACH[AK I'R iCiTPALS.