HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-06-08, Page 8•
Passenngger to ihne'leave Luekuow station ue
Ca}u %South,, GoingNorth
li., 0;41,, 11 5 p.m.
aarat ¢05 p. u►:
„ • . . •RA'P'ES. ARe'n1
ith which. we Oa' all supposed
toke aleSOOC1 131,a greater ,or. less
degree should tell us that when
'but the hest Should be used.. "This
store ia now building' up a repn.
, and so it should for We buy bathl
lug but,the beet and only the test -
are p,sed in the prescriptions ,We
fill and the medicines we prePiFe.
a fotmula which hits been endors-
ed by well known physicians the
world over, and nothing be.better.
small' and easy to take. If you
, are troubled with. constipation' or
/torpid liver you should try a box
25c. and Tour money. back if you
ate not, satisfied.
-Alex. O. LoolleacT,
Chemist & Druggist
—A '91, model; Common • Sense bi-
•last week from ber visit to friends in.
Bryan is in Walkerton
and Cargill this week On holfalf Of the
=A good' sebond-hand bUggY:.rattY„
T.cbtuo. hagfiris;ti;i af.:i eta' ,$kkhli 16091. wsee :r )ae1:13:i7dv e. dv°9 oRa a -r Ag
13. Koenig, Grundy's stand.. .
Janice, McLeod; of:li'ort
is spending a fe* weeks with hip
parents on the 6th of Kinloss.
41ay night, a ladies' belt. „Owner 'may
hive. it by calling at this office.
. —Vire haVa•stilli fifty-eight of the
sample dresp patterns ,on hand, ' price ,
19aper yd. •Somenf these goods are
RRNT—After the first of Jona
the dwelling rcioms over ?dr. lioenig's
store; Apply to Mrs. Fred Grundy.
—TWO hundred of tha lateat shirt,
waists have just arrived ' for Q./ 13.
—All, 'parties' owing • R. Hughes,
'boot and ehoe merchant; Will 'please.
`tending the Methodist: Conference in
Sea their big. lunged inifer-
yoii want -to- know where io
Murdech & a will .give yolk thane-
' emery inforination. '
"the guests of Miss Canipbell, of South
—The :eacrifice of General Gordon
and how Ennis Pasha rescued Stanley,
on, Joie 11 th and 12th.
yon.try 'the, *Olson „gleaner
pads? for Cleaning htass,, silverware,
: metal,. windows, etc. G, MUrdoch
dee°. sell thein at 16c or 2 for 25c,
'pain' of 1900 by Major Schaaf
the Methodist Church, June .11.th and
'..:-.There waif a large eongregation
preein4.in 'the Methodist .Churcli on
Snnday evening last Wilier the' Song
• service gi by the splendid church
nice line of shirt WaiSts P°i" 'And
.11. 411008 ipts sold .0tit
, --The expre.,ss horse ran. awaY on eat house' eur line 'a4ia devote,. our -
things lively along the •naitin street,
the jewelery aticl art, trade's.'• We ex,'
but pc; damage' was One,
tend to all an inVitatien tO see, our
extend 'our congratulations
past two 'Year's has', beep hook -keeper
for Hughes & Co, coal and wood deal -
tiro, of Flint, 111ichigaii, haft returned
home here .toaipeed her holidays.
ween Co rrigan'o, grecery store and 1).
1). Yule's residence, lady's poCk:et
Pinder will please leave at, this office.
*Forgiveness goei a long way to-
ward future happiness. Such being
the case FrecI,Giundy will deliver up
all out'of date notes and, acconnts at
.half face Value. `Don't be' debarred."
Xou can Send briegistered letter.' ,.
had a year's tution, in vocal and in -
?Oro mentul-m usicrunder-M ad am-.-Mar--
tin Murphy,' Hamilton? is prepared to.
receive, pupils at •het home after june
We have received into stock
White: and S
GloveS and Lace Mitts,Pulley
Pully: 'Belt Rings-iind.
Black. Ribbon Vel-veti—LNoW.
the hot Weathen, ia here, the',
deniand for light fabrics
year c'ails. forfwhite, We have
and hlve in excellent:. stock'
par Stock of light hats, is.alio,
liiibeiti We have' the well
'km avrn. See our
, --The recent strike of a•PoOket of'ail
`among Whitton capatalists,. 'and if, a
goed *ell. is, eventnally 'secured , there
will :be • an ,,alnindance `Marton
capital ready to be inVested
—Asbestine cold water
sanitary._ Paint !your factory,. Ware-
house; • stahlea: and 'sheds, and' make
theta neat, clean, while, fireproof
—The Grand Trank Railwiti.
sued a circtilar to section ,foreMen, and,
Men, ordering.: thein to report,' each
inotnin,g•to the'.agent the number end
description Of • eaCh tramp seen . the
.previouit .day,, and the direction in
which each wit travelling. This ib-
,Oes.at, .a Tate 'On' th.p,W, it
and surFojip.ding ouniry: at a very 'Iow,figure.
Millinery :Bargains
'White and .Alixecl. Strawi.
. _or" can have her heart'i desire,
Andrew Shoehottora of Holy rood
has bought j. A. Mackenzie's fifty
he wili probalAy Use it for' cirazina
-.Senday Miiisionary, Lecture .(f reel
• Life and work, of IVIissionariei and
--An *ounce of pregthition' is better
..pounds Of cure, Taylor;
kr tile -know; Wher4 he ;wilt go 106,
frienda Witt; hlin every 81160088
the opening Of itieit
hem left for their new' home in Holy -
rood. The Misses McKenzie will.00b-
wig pursue his insurance and real
fathily atasplendid Citizens and no
dobbt will' soon, be popular With the
Prizes to'ihe"Siiibiint Of $500
Offered, ahd 041'U:igen:lents ',aro
hdrA kr MOnater celebration,
McDosm,c Alberta,_ en May
. 5th, William McDonald, forinerTy of the
2nd conCession of Kinloas. aged 63 years,
ager an; illness' of • five 011/0 with, pneu-
RICA ABDS-At Xinlough, on the 19th inst.,
Mrs. Jane Itichards. relict. of the late
James Richards, aged 55 years . and. 7
months. ,
See them before they are pick-
ed wirer
A number of "iriinmed hats
in 'the very latest shapes . trim-
tred,di patterns, as caefully
As if you had left your , mder:.
Campbell Block:—
tfie iindrerAgniA will let the- renew:jig-If' 01:41
of •reachvcirk in the-,Townsitip of. Icinlose on
Repairing stone culvert
i bridge
Good Striped Silks. for.
..4Qc per id
A °Better Line at. . 75c per yd
.We haVe also many lines in Rt APY-MAI)1-.1'; GOOD9
all. good varieties.
.16C per, yd
_cl.t.)(Litivnyd1.0 to 20c Rer,
bite Pmue Skirts at
ill be pat
EALED 'TENDER'S adcleesSed to the Am.
ma'am and-eruloreed--",Tender':-7-for
:Close Piling, Owen, Sound, . GreY, Ont,"'
'be reCeiVed at this. 'Office. until Priday, 15th
day ot June, 1900, for the-,constriiction of•close
piling at Owep Sound. County of Orey, Con
•tatio; according to a plan ,,and a, specifiention
to he imen at the offiee of A. -Oray, Esq.,
Resident Engineer, Codfederation Life Build-
ing; Toronto. 04.,; on application. to the Cus-
tom llouse Offider at Owen•Sound, Ont.., and
at the Department of Public Worksi- Ottawa.
.TendeM will not be •considered'indess Made
, on the 'form sUppliedi ind signed With the ac.
tual signatures of tenderers.
An;lincepted..barik cheque, payable• to the
order of,the Minister of Public Works, for
piny each tender. . The cheque will be forfeit-
ed if the party decline the -coati -tot or 'fail 'to -
returned in case of note -acceptance of,tender.
The,Department does not bind 'itself to ay.
Eating Secretary,
*ire Insurance Agent Wanted to rePresent
a strong English Company in the Village' If'
nos ri, Specialty, Apply to T. lion, '28
Adiniral Boad). Toronto, Ont:
Line Of Steamships
Dominion Line of Steamships
Ifenor graduate dentharY, 'roman.
b.qi 37? 4 1.1.f A ° 11
TOPIC: A 'large mpOrtiop: which is. :te. but
• First on 'the •ground ihaye the bei?.efit of. Ole: hill :selectioif.to choose, from'',
keeps the 'whole liolise
60 ligY
To the
1Torth West
At Return Fates
Moosern in..
Prince Alhert
Red t 40.
Going Jaty Do lteturning until ,Sept 121b.
Co any fianadlan Pacific Agent; or te A., 11,