HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-06-08, Page 6it It, Is --pisp 03,0-d.. ov s9xn'eT� W-904, Created - �iiitoreqt and, 'a At Adve W Aw If pog e2t� xpe, or C, was xow Il 4 V:O - - , T. If, Alta, ­Chur6h lit IN M' f 'Ave rVOP The, r it 'imqnCol your o , QmptIt The Plsastrbu� r Bible,, get, ln� T Got tilb an, 0, 06 H g6o4q., , Fotor 'Of Bel e baUg 10 blaek ur ;�dvettlspment. advert.1d -its, , tb�olog)",-­ Thei.. al Altvayg JiI0lsV,0;1 erly, -MA§S-,,DQ pjx, 14st 00 tober, to., A, t. N! the d6g4lipst: and as, -P in -t 0 put our. Alatincti.�, 170 cost. V -t -be mQk* k llefs-be4for city.-, Each wee ;t1le people of.. the, !Vr''; TJ 't MI", ingniand is sub4cc k dd'B for '04t. to L Ur Months wo took IMM, UVP 0 pappr Ki'diloy-Pills,w Urp an case �cf Bret a _P44fig-filalatl TRYIN�19,-BPAU-00,106 r� Q J` n'� L& G� K'E�- )v " irqwn-, Arilver t e, 4 w litp .,pl &k e4 s P, OAF evening edition, -ofllibe Tlmeq�,� Vol 41; W­W1mpQrzlry. "Wr-ItO your �40.vertlse'rneqt ))rig o halta,pa'g , I I � lip Statuno er' J ge in t .leg The have A Pr liter WAY'L The., ARe : ill *scyptiolt pt o They bave he lirnmefit, Al .010, of. .01Q. biredT. to it e 'ktt6)lea lAdy, - .491,yona a ulp8t d, 4117 :014 heY:are apil qu el -"q C. 44 of AlAng, the only-.�em #s-or94LnIzA*tIon*&nd Itswor JfL bkh6d 6y, the, disewt of aLtned. Of theyarq our Orp yoqt 'SUC 4S! the only,. renie Pd was Printed, cbaiaet0r� wflo� bad' YOU. IQ.;. cents, I linig; article., Then, 0 TAFi. ca4B0of Indigestion, or!,, 1;6, ha� curpd,itf 'a ope -4 TIAPQ� *11. e. -,the 16110, Ing 'Ilt,, to, �IuAke; all' I I you. oug Wfvertts; h fi k 'is Jrlj�b#x the �Telz�kr L i A,ai young te 0 IVQI;k Werb: �e toi G st4tihW, Our b0liefff 1'4 tr6gard -C " cut, of It., Ay"'AbAt,te J. 44, the That,. Is fbII4?*Qd, . . . as� bl There are, iinitat, Prick, e, -and out lollixer-.-and busill a. propop"ItIoli.,., .. .;,. At 41idd.: rieryli, forco, t 1p, osS ot, --Lw more.' fre"t *Nch ls'� 6 quen#,.. '?j W - I QtJ ',flle Chrip 4 I'MmOrtrality. , And D&dd's Kid t, aid 'arbd-an�4 61ri , �wuk -boh0­or �croo '11fe'sup i il',� ad '9'6010 tp fill it .. '-" I f . I . A d od, D, prn.e�P "Ay I � I" b6x d 9rp, Prep wo 1001)61 la 1. 4' d, Mr. 31cgwv�j 'tucjo; In gpitin , ** . 1 .4 At all , rl#m.e��buf imita.; Oil a�ted -4B `-iraetq. Repons -for, coa,,' 9 lupe� your tdstand E and ohly -4enuine to the supPort of the obuich,- Pv6n 1(,bn6 ald P tibuting. ce 6 for V, preparing retlr6' Met; 'B H 1 18 liflett" S. origina angerpus. The t fie,� .1d'inabilify a not attencIp w6io.g! 164 ;-ally" Lx yokir­taste or v6a�. cure f- Bright:'s Dlse,a�, r Were stik ene. ti, of ti 0, witAing, Alseast Of �0110 ilutrta' vi�6tea. - Tife b MUS - Wt wlXt. qeMa Iq0d'bV,' 'tho'' - until call IuLdnlI46 the Bible t "1" 441, V- last. Mlnute� un bricak .. er D Offerings upowaud,'par, Is� 't �'tter in - �tilo. -io,:thli tJAiIvejs�IIt,:Cb,urclI Y'r or arp �tlla dolit "' tile �Yooiir, 4eadache' M' �" M s properly 1pc�'rfdrtix ita. tions d as . tJle, nxe'� exPeilenl 4 eIk be�i o1i aaa0e Ura tag befOro ou send. f�l 0ity dwelt to deA araderized 'by'.. pa. eness '" I'Its, were arptl -d.: dud, th wltlr,� the eoiiith d,, at - McSwlit, PrInUr then'has inpit o% the Virst-l"Univerealisi Sunday: and ii�nildazio 17 zi�rbfdlA, e tLv� an S*i 4. get' up n,.o. Sermons E to, Wr JIQi:lqeiVIf6 A ... for the 4dvei.tIs4uieiI, KI Y AP0041 series:,of do6trin 41 a* constitutional' dis6se of Bee r to thrust. himself niftLt.. be, top coluin aa ..vert se. d-Vertistlig' ana' ifull report 6V, V 0 �he. glAnds A y affal uto next to read- ka , and MURCII Oil,, be ng' who its st­tbat follow -the 11lustidtion oV lffle. Al' 67MVtO111A. an Wrtuto of d qp�Bi� t4e Fs 0f the d0'm'6'RtIP' in rited, In :the pup atter, That letEr,'tb ers.. �,p prin er Dodd's Kidhe� VN ebhurbli7iiii tTurijWle�l b 1116116 pit (I bur' the'01- [we sposed, to 11"lien, in�,2ryl�wed Akfast th- f dru sts. be city.' an an old h avor you WIM he can. The Advertising show You.,, .1te, en. .49 noyel lif title section, - P k ''YOU know, A yMore, about cooking A Igs and makes. him dl W. y xy OW weeks be' '133111406r,'. , donit. "Onto tl,I,D 'fact ;t1l&t youl �hox at .;Ll , I� came the best the� ease of"MrO. k.'Lar Your 1'. 'lives' I the Ina IOWA In t r er of.', C. Quebee T4e- h eitotted" "we, 'thb fact- that talk� 'of pure Cod . -Li Ver Oil with Hypo- aTe buckW lea,V cakes or I k�Ow expeiidituiie.. of, 1rion6v Thr6logical discussions Mrs th ekY morn- 'You t , rapb.. we.? Well, jq,�, tell me how s. .. . .. . .. . were tabonte� looked" the, Ing, dori*� 6d about SO Sure of returil'jilany fold- as tfi�j fre4ll;iii in the- stree.t§ and .1 phqsphltes-,6f Uniiezfid� Soda 'will 111, 1�canlllness cost �Jfls- t)lq,jgllo(3- factotibs. tyrp of vigorq­'US1 dwing -110 t6 �xo-�4114&-'ihem 'don't "WIlt in a Pg.' ' If the, Publisher ght. liter-, ...Prevent and.' And It ybrtlei 81, ature, was Called for 'and* cur� these- Orsiasm tratolis, Of the ix o P know You "Were are of� 'it, it. night 'it he Is .ex-' Yes'. of tho a thousiands, It wp ust the �nwtirlal needed ut as go d 0 ad t bad Aft. Article Of buck: w, �c:0041a)]Y, a' man,' made wheat, cake .'40, You vemely ca h0k, 'life 'for took Into Matoo'l ire US nos, )f -pages -were -ft-hp�, time miserable. Your mport",.--Traqes- mless and awkwAi'd, *III, Olstkib6t6d. system, I'll eat. -the The churdli was -fille lrong� bofit& J415 hf& finger Into 'his eyet when lie' every Sundli,y.- l5pea griddle. d rich red. rs evening' , during the bloodL ind solid flesh.* It Will' also king, of' her. illness,' M tabontq What IS' the � -fIrSt thing' ybu dov­ washing 1110, face, bui. ne Vald 4,bou i h4s to, tIM0 of a4vertising, ti c years suffered. if 90 a - long way.. 0. find, ta man, who, reach theipf4ii through ihmothl­' .,YOU ate' -bound .,to try Geography OV Gold. t ie Sunday School 0084fullY. MY diges, dilgaiis.7'irlir bltd 'T'at it room 4dJoining was use to, accom'. -but You've zot -golld havilng lost. one eye by such rclumst- niodate' er'similk, and be io almost.,,evei , leve, low,* aria -.Ori,-. 0110 of the g, the, othcr�­Ax -to bot oven' two 'of .-the P40 -You ilp be Wile found mattst, ad "the, ''food 1, Ate ft, -n-oAT her exActly what 1, ei;. ;,.ver a. a I ii. yotIv. the aters, t. rit h e ith, feel n te aSsistwnt in London,' 4Y Years. assimilate, And le s6a, Vastly -the, old., People "weteetinA-ble. to- gain, a At ali'd -u m. w. a +n- urse F -will f. it - you rld's confine 'get. Into ills 'right eye ulu�poyl pa�l and acidity' of thei 11�1#e we,, for to al;s6- small areas d few CotultrieS. The­dyeball Intely nothing and, f req, Wfed he fir till th I sensational In, the itently t pea le inflamed, and was taken out. 'a4vertleements or -in 't'fi'6 heartlaurn. 119 You, do. I iLf- grich, sustralasia And tbb - United n preaL ------------------ T You -'have gqt, you]? fire, all read as in, 1896. our years 1A III& pqrldition, of "Affairs ooli t is Y St..ateo contribute 'mord than .70 per ram 'a tinge' h6rch 3cono. ­The�ffian who *rltos liat-ads. is al - This * ' ' ' F ter t ,old 6fi. P prepar he, rnhil int Any in Other' wa It's In t0lit-.Of the wOrld1boutpu n, o the'' otheir mist., Th,6- D ys.: with.:the. the stq * : - one � t no ja (e.--sane-rnmrin [di , n I— lien, _r6quMi, -.Mys 'Some.' mor :Berl ol f -,ter' bre'a,kras . t,.," &nd e the rld's. are Cold, W.'One DAY 0 humanity d gf- that for 189 -wound. The' no diizlfi�ss; .: It, iteavcIlls the.. Of 9010 was $288.o6o.06%. design, 1h.t. an at, times., a. A' battej,!, or the'next t. and geOns,, 116 Seemed" to If Te had Tio -Laxative Bronno. Quinine Vfiblets.' All t a Take be doae Un. 1:110,'couAt4efil named Or of :wIllei hesitation about taking out the druggists refund, the moncy if it falls. 'gerstafid - a lied, -with. Spots, app P Odu d 0 8, anted.to 000,605, sis to,ilows" other eye,,.. saVe 250­KW',Grovelssigraf;ujc; is�ou 6Te. alicing,. before, m d. .., I i f eyes. A Sou wil. it 'Muell ruI1--UC0­­, -tfiwdi�T W46! '000;000 Ion e. -1f. ight n 130 d so th6v. Q or.- -I could -do - uiy house- LL ill -lid ,Australiisla Ae S ma 1 'to do be iLcidad ti ietalned.. NOT'ICE! work; and ht,� all, tinies 'Vel" "V6' it' fOr' t(Imorrow: Jf'L ..R grL T Take care' of th . hold cuy00 be yo,, will It 11 'felt itis The An 1 03 of I -fe Vtr, a nd the I I a e are 0 Ove tick In the will take' c t4fin" u, ;;tle -t e.lLgrocep, for lie was -TO Ho)�SA. OwN E R S. to -'dine W5;000-000, t I- oug, . While I 'will be ito e -c- matter for P wenk. d6pkeqSed;An nerV Vas at my, n a woro,. 01fe of , en four cou t -New, Orleans. m9l trites. colzitijbilt&d, In r6e dr n An- No, man 6 anted to! pit ils ItIs a *ell - t I With 11clv I es, that Hiirse@ troubled hthe docto as, 'Itl rephs r ar­ IM19 .a woman pay.. ay skirt'on f oa. wor.: q supply rms aolI P d my, more than 80 per Accident ver -,w �u r 'Iva 9 cent:, of. et nd a. aipy ran ed, ie' nij)J, u ee'- *IthOl!tt waiting 110t Ikelp). d . greed to. the 6e,. - - he Pdratlon',a It �to try � �i ti ? Aton' d Soon cured d I urg me liai naSegL� :blaliul to, h t b,' ntil th46 B -$eb' If. the'eye qvqIft eii I isbrind. Gar., tva.r ii,146t -alf cal. hus 0 Make. 0 -woman b leves. her it da-Ily"'could, be 'halt reefitte ave� r V WL t cu; Ati:0111,' incilbationS Nvere that e:, ca74es br" cely builiid Ill �RAIRIE WEt D:,He half a -d Is up app tt tild. pl� ozen o�Kes Savedi ie way,.sie ua.r- '18'cornpoted the -curi�eht %.boen' . fell n -d ro ofrq - mes clain. NVhat vor c a; product- -�eedln- E Heaves,1- '4n 9 0onsid tares. rIp Poders�..durc�' very, womaij �jt, blabl� ctorabified with other Valfablercyn6ilial tA Thd lls�d, two', bpxe bill a record tv After"11 rs llerseli-'Foi ftl�§ Sake.' abV to: erabl-v, $300,'Ooo,000, I 0 Inip: g will,provo an offecitual rewd.-for, OMS 0 i§OM6 ray; YuA Vrid,* IMe when, site'. ler efits per Finekage at all. DrukVittiv or, riial' there� 6re ork, tlLs t f ;r6ublei -began dle, OnL '661-0-II10'tilds -great -Pu in At 'Odd', Ad. ous symp, ...... JOY 'MY meals, anq­Ithe'vaii R.I.Y-P your, grid 11 nd,,,Td,, it is di*ess -and Gouglig In' 116tidg to the �g&aser las I Ii -d Ln *eir�T toy M112t haIve EBY -Chd Pllli� 'Until IL �sauctdils'h'�.by. Jlie-­6attj�Lj�-�,J,I -�rum( ef Pear.' 60nilnued , ilit! th qu� r cattleL ha4. lSed -ille half Ai6n lot's dlisb6yeiries. Ar-'.ap,)i NoIM6, are UOWn ILU old.. �fts�ourl :485 t �.Much gredtie,-�.v n been. charac-, per ectly 't MIT fgir, 0 'L d6l IL Adyocthink�s erized the geo,,pgical o.. th:* the biLftj f artisenient In' ag-aver,i 49nt forgotten, that.!� Voll tak te-13tory. Trul. tJ1T:a:iS a an a Stomach sas, 'healthyL h Gyer woman.. 0,'VFABIII Co'" 0 make';' 'eOl!ogilllt, estimated t"t thre lczxgo "-diftiness, .,and that', so hecc'uantity or wa s 0 ear an free from ilici -1 teaspoonful 'ago r'a t aruf.wat'e�-nort -hot' ttla 6,Ver' ead 1. . . . � 0 , re� 'the -other. d�a had . : mem,ber�-stir I e a oup� of. (�r4., Only a i new golden -the waxitteolur I cqI(VSIe6P, wdtl arid my St,"Louls paper Ii. Min nt :A trian: jr6fi and tw d `0 the ilk long, ne, ml, ourth '-f OL.. d, t L e Nzemix:. lelped se'rabie.: It 16 "e �'P`Dcilr L th worl b sr o th batter, stir..'it .8, gold 7 'V, L It* I )a -lands,. an a year,,sinoe. whit ftx� ow I Vou eahi all:abou,t Iz 18� ithe 0 it I V` gil , t ped'taki or, two,: A dd the In Pladati- mln6s, �Ld.froiu ';,This I?, the pills, and 'hPAItI1 ll'�W%6011tluued thig. 'Sup], fAct lIe,c6ncIdde4 that, yment.,oasked or Jar e e offer one Hundr64 Dollars Reward for tili- I esourCeq�Lj ore 'Was for�years­be- -r r f beti+ than,',At pantr�­And then iil-e- i 8111100 the ivorking Of Bud tile b� n t an IMit, mines 'IdyeaqeofLC&tarrh thdt�tannot`bq cured.by. ly one we ke 'io mes,:Ftiode. of cultivation Ore. ything.. yoli , trial ill' IRGINIA F�ARL M Labont4' t an' 11re, , ep. r, Sale.: i phices, iAdded that she cafilell What O� short 13006ds, the Hall's Catarrh C �eti%:,j b future.. F People 'use it. NEV IER. Send'xqc� grziltefulL' to' or., if Is from the, ivily it tist -god mi.4ng b�'flo in'e' CHE T an,,yotr g.,',yet f tQ to ns ien- rops.,, oledo, 0, orth,dt 4ti. es., he'undpr,,�igTfed,' 'fi)�ve kilo" F.' J P, Willianik' Pnor the, mlsery�, ,rememb couragi� We, t ea!a�t C rip, ion to RerfIedtly honorable in all"busin thei! have �riii aw 000,000 gold b"o CheneY-for the 'last 15 years, and beli�ve him jet romi sad Mr. Mc-� 02 aro I'D C'0 '-ng,di d ons. not more,. thin .15 tions and,financially able to- carr n obli r m en and ught, t -011911t b�'i"j% h S%vat Yeat's op�ratj. w- friends crtish., ling; to ZU86" thefiUL.- that 'a'nyth:ng to per c ­e was� the,t-prodimt-,Of placer tation8 nikide by their'llrui k' '.ng,Mol?e. Yoli'llneed D Sk C, "Th h mines, while' Williams In rill asure by. ej,,,v A NTS'Seek Pftooft tile' L , I . L 0, K T6164,0,* 0. -ed, ftlol Wholesale D MI �r(iot �Of dls6hSe. ciitke� turiter., It2 is.i.11 the dra*6r t 63e B OF L tit -Of I born as , I tub-, They renew find. build' U Whic-b". a* tllrlL� 'Retturn I 3rentluni. a b; IUS nh e nerves a ?11 .11all's C t, rrh Cure, 9 en even ii,lthout' SU. Wh 'blood, tinle' of �-,: Ndw you, t t c Druggi;ts, �Miedo. 0 -Igent� ()I You can lmaxiagB it int T 0 m '-y rfi'ing dirpetly. noon the �Iood -driving dis&18'� fr 16L Systein* on; I snore vLfb a-11 d Sta TeP Y Iv4s a So CL and r J"Isiance, ed 75o'L InSiStIng th About idon '33� b' fit an c SOcicfk, Turonm Voll by at 4 YallDrugj�lsfs.. Amsur� :', 'A' imitations. r6l - 0.0 ivere­ facesi6f the Per bot Othel neit Moili" , Sold Lifu )Jg y- t C. ut "t e b , Faplil) era re lase 'is enclo:,6d inger, �vjcg%vat.,'might h4v6-.'- b $are t4v beft Pr. ev box Sroq,,:plI, I of n -.1 bilsippi 'eW -imed gdo(I I tr- Been 'In. his �1170)� t I Je.e. In 4. Vvrapper beArli tg,�,tfje jilli- great. -act- 6P-g� etti �-brea es Ybd! allu peeyiqli�esq. Capf—tolt,. e I-,* (ldres,­ ted: thti gas range, "hunted up "IV IL 11 ad a luoliffi- and ox' a 'Palo Pepp g ge� If ';Y.6ur dealerL Be 1. t oiis� not Seen a s - he�cz I-LJJL FLEH� ANU A heyL. ssissippi expee 8 its new uare meal, befor0l 114 Co I post- 'Oroilto t will, be Sent ife b lid' ul keev' t4eiiI tlie:.gr, de, at ii over t to.14 so -long deslj�d -to, be- ready'l6i " Sh rt. hte� fire andL gue-$g approached -ulle y' k- 7-- -.e ineal _ for -box;T -oj. Si jar 0 WR at& aectipaky" * lien the -State" 1, c 0 me '-r Ou don't (I t ..er Me"I Will AMS, Medfdil' in sil u `r ICY 'FRE Y, vriety of smillioll , xe a bi�.,? -ng fil �,v" he c6zitem,,,' Shirt WA!sts,' but Q 01, 'the:'neweet ture Meets. in Januhty, L, Dften Ru'l' tabo ed egisla, by;' addreSB1119 '06 'Dr. axid BOYS I !'A B CLE, rs as''been r _C,04, ' 100ropriat, up 6h;, -V 0 �0:at�d' 1. xi 1tij " '. ]a' , tuck, 'in g6ttioll -a lid Br �kvllle,- ence, a 'and' P It olla It its -10 club merube,ts; began' bit Inik S I rites S. eff 6hirrin 6d for I sI erbetion.' our and g�t o it in ha an used, to ect ve , this. , V e tv. ateil for T render hi'Powder ,Iroxible, s fstthlig''lle'idid, aff-er htlnt�' fi -h -card to 8 our' r In lend gfreet r end a -post Shoe iiiints Ing, tri Y. adjunct -to the wa;rdrob& jf i-Inliftent:Iri t1i eNeVer wear a a an gr�pasing'� i A IF p Pantry 'd Lhe'gridde; bb nedessa'r, - es - In the the.' ch h6fise.- Y,g ocer. 09 1 approved Iffon or rib� . JJJlyL Skelejtci� ER, T1,- xhaterlal.riar V 611ARD By 3.�ower th the' i6o,t ater fr6m, the: the Ile rKlne'g R. IFItsi Cli.b-toan.. , F! loe,11 zx.� sol�. nar-' to fill a teacup, Nvitli 1%, as n isi.the in an -the. OUtlill6r of TS .1 'lliten young 11 &.tr Rn 8E Re�,toriii­ at a I Sqn t 'hands �0 you kn6,w'-'anyth n,g' with #rovi-dentiallj, �ris' and four-bi nldde'of blaApk tel-` I . Mavilli- the' s- a pendil tilialer collax "D ' I oppIdbliolmer ee how. Zbliindjng� edge. still iva'rm ',And 8t4i in 'a ribbon are Iftavotepl' IS 0� ?' as 'her, s6rjrpn� ve about -diilligg OW3 ked t Cl delAlp- P., V a-sho Oil b 14, spoon a re� eel ink. that"Is the' 6eve nle .-Would 'turn in his., Xontreal;,� .0 jiea tile, raw.'r -,cell ue. quamt:ty 'she. olje�e L ­ie6t, . tile n _he quarr _Ver6 -a bcot,.j5f- for' arge Years i6 1 In the'llel th Bbol� Bb t, lsl� t' enough I' �ali put -in t 11 1. P Mrs., Winslo moxe.. WV soothin ded. a teaspoonful ''for, Used for Cliffilren YmP, should In pla. Liniment Lum' v -rays be t the*Jolat is. not k Tkdn he ad Yled t of salt,' Friend. �4.quar' e�L;, the -child a" othillg,, ltsil(itftl a. easpoon u YOq not; 'Well ? has livrelnedi' or Diarkh d eaki n spirits ever, tear 'Inal: and is th� b6gf� 11113,-curew-wih or- is an d, tolfj! assesi an p e, 1zlilis on tile.. :melan- A n�y, lere; a 6unid z m,.x , tdre,,into reel Y 1�pressed I o0m ts A bottle 0ea.., Twenty. N116 bittek, jar 1 .1 .. . f 'No ' ­ pfilo . ver Vrear a r 1, nervousr,., And Y . �7 _bia�tt. r , . . . . I lta�le? --bf foamed ti.O.at Y ucrossav I —re-oll Pills.: a, t �Compoqi(d - toot or rr ---��Pr6ss, d e tb aro any j4dint below: th 'an .6 ej qIsSIP.PI �-r ver At'. is 'in 6 Skment'L ., pile L of the. jar ways been subi''e" 7i�mbarm 'tCK) mile.11 1 of �,tIJ6, creeping' rails., 7 of the, church, UCCesg. turni bim6d stu breepinj fftuts-�Rlwa-vs in he dire 4 Nevr welVe I e,. ag- L� t!he r -The 119 uP Mll ch toeg, had been ettowned- the cords* .011, thei lipper -till 6S. r W,t at the- ff," lie muttered,' stirring it eJ�6, of �th '4. till 6 The' s caase,� 10 traffic and' var! Prom. e� ageJt,rit'.%W of 'to -tile foot c-Bv, t Ambunt� nage� oa�slng -ETer -day waB to contr L . Ills time t i kithert:wa, the L� hollow of tila6fbot." I di tlldt.L IV ay, noiv, fill - ov6r Other, Never',iv:eav 11�6116� thap pwith M k ords.. the giddle Arti,lictr any ijersons,—Sufferingr 'from Offet, V into th "'But h' tied the iddle W enoUgh, lie t ver ..come from I fgh, liobls'to. 161r, -a one jump.,, -a pernidnellily.edt6 ter social 'Aid We h(ild-'our -ovo r ove an 8 a rid :bapn-big parties r; It- to the by I er's 'tompound Iron Nev&r I batter 'oil i -the All-, flex Vvas an ufifore�seen, embat�.' O-,I'� plir ot 0e., ll. th. alitltv O- off The B o dl'6, t1irough, oil ti to do ti f at 'ft. ni. p. tremendc endid *gir W oU r 0 it, longer itnd.,a There H I is ii6ed 4 "Jar. .74111 : I I y I Oil -I:re Olaria. mile I more ialthrill., he D6 ever we;xr­a- 1 h0 l n; o d A ior stOeki g,or otl(,4 th.��., bl6O J�i' ler Pe.rrgo I '' 41." 1 . . ni a n thIS--!W6r1d as Aud�� tl�ie . . L yoU &ke ? RENCE C k t as, T. A gnOtance,—S LATE - least, O.-le-lia -Inell 10, '�.Eqle --- oil'! If I'le I . ... U after NAlig "Alled�,- 14 hot, 11 ' t� we i7l Our I �at ot.-:fitid it, llc�er t) " � 'I, Ift n the ... N I foot. Zerr fit 1 4i Il , , r . . 11 ever, III mind 'that .1 Sto'ekln ve, seen nk 3 I i;id,';, IiIii f Y h(IMIUAI; but til oup 1346' 16 , ie it sure, that thdy.,1WI, li6r.—Plojadelplaia, Prr 11, all Q8,14 - , . I I . I ­ Of y6u Your, to.10 0 - If CO. a itrit tho 13 e-0mud-A the NYnoelina '.#A remL% elld t 'dut, At, th� fik, had wnre&' easeknife'lt ..How A. 100'l)6r,,GCRt.,P0r� re. 6-i as this keeps the J61fits nppearccl,to� be hig).i tJM L 0 . to t In, pla im Parad l4er I'd makes -a sir�011g A`nd at,, citke'. Oft,the iippe* side It 60od Gr tr looked dr' y 0 U& 0%j IT foot, qrnd'.,vellol�ll. But the dak�- tuck, The, nd tu r. I ddral orm n. :IN6veir , a Ion, toi. think, t Hb. getheto With good 1w eorkmanship, r jiF, larg,6 f rom will gr.otr f6 iinder, t made to roads, a Of. Dermud,,far iey Stink-? - d fijha mous In OTI +,14,., 1 q ....... x world. PI t 110t 0,91v large, biit 17 1(,U,. IV to, '.-to L rtunite, -th UVUF Dl dISCOliragi-119 semblanc C JirtUrI,rllS 'buCkLtrieAt 0 a- sM hao':callc�d it Or �Mako oI L 7;!�t7-Pdwrenc 'dakei the C cle 0 the I don't ie,ve it' n eds u a e?, attn -- ­d-­fJ---­-lI .Y� e. t Re, gp n.e r he said.,'berapin e, it sk or n otf 'the griddle. and slappin, 'ii on a.. 1.9 Gur, U and SPRAINS� RH U1 SE S 6. continited with rs yal, Gu os i. to'r Gon&V .1 ('ioug gr ;trlai� cake' wa. Tll-� first toy I "guest to V6 19'r. the Queen Isit ' the, a US t Cdr6d, 1'r Olking Pasby a r, h -by 'It WAA a4 and Too,th'a 0 godq chambdrIa1-n.'and.'two Iadb6:kArf GraMps e appearance rather hft-� And tilen gr. ',Nf(rS.j,�at t(>b In that Jar' e OnS on b6L �d U. ft '&ad nof, bokwlitma C.11 r1lied -It out: NVedn%d.4� Im e t6d into the Ord 1vli('tl'P1)lsOp;s gd,rb�igc- - 1 10 1 ----------- SS Slim , & ) in thj�L.lile� and MIJ) t4 of J4 r Applio ' . . r . -T Pol's'lon'!;s, Ne y ne. N fl, ON cl, It;., The' beot eof'Save mo� ai n1 'Mp PA u brelle Call r to 1) pv, at nd 061112POU Pilla, t le fO,')t ,Ot tI)(l.;1.zttLIr*a rannin Nervillne do" 90'el tile totIltg Thai g up, tht I f0fi.-Ifluci qtron r thart lit drit creinatdr.isi to be bulIV at W ;jJ tj),, ffoul t , Won An anr oth 0 r butvor t ,;j fja,t)J, 8t b 0 t !I�-a J, an 1, *., , A L 0 ft ail (I yours, got lait 'night IS �he rp 'gh t h ar, 10 M 'n 110 'V41If%d 'ttbi -batter of r&I, Try It n W any 15 ar le Cto or 'work is airibu't. tbe,L hand ChOl I go VVb g: 6 e' m a t market for r. ad. ag Of. th 041WIS 1b, ubr' set)(1b Mtellr And wit clUtict curt, friThee. handlo. curo a bottle of putnaiug pair, Ings , , ;" . . I n N� hr aw 'worried It tV1, UP, bt tile, farm Jast SUMMOri' V, " j. I be I Pcitnrdjj�,$ thlf* -it h ad po. �.koo- e4t) 9�� or thr i re sllt�lk oq rd s, a terrIT)l b by ­ne.., t. thing o r Ile t his fyo *oil have not 1 It-yOn ohlt b6 dAal) P6rf �recli LOU_ hhfklA.,- - P ity 0 U lion' %V the UA an lie .,4,npp( 'Do ob t*','d -.to:- ft --T .*to e '12 b"tiock mt ri &od not� 1;ty� e tfio`Alfgh'te��t Pain' and 0 th R 44 tb rd I tb W h6ri' AND S T indo* In 'thI8 I) Or gefit for'-)'): CeJ'JtL" A for got addm8h;' C' t rough' ch we lookj I - gro#� up -n ..BOX Ont a rrhozo el corb� Ca tarth, h b ilk b t!s ver y.