HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-05-25, Page 8i A
1 41
best 6nd, The �§ol ko:,werg con we
AsQ4is trad -,A G. �e by Vhaleyc
2$Q,.snd* ance of i6lativea. us y
Taakes hoi0ekeeping d
ouA r u g,_ b in tokQ11 or, e ps wh
r onne. _(?I Uouse usty
Gil 04"Sou in�,,i*qqrt W.- C the cetuetery Goini r
hei�respkted pioneeraud
ell. rrivetl h Ryin-
Lqu'.'Ca' . �aud th6 aus
Uop .4 . 'i
v shaken,
a. In. .4
a Is: extendedto, the, erea,y
H r '()�e b, one p ion 'THE
Q '.eqrs,%rO� raPi ly. PpArting. -re ai,im-k ot
i e �M.
A. 01604 X0V43Ptn1Len#
iithe�s is I re;
Th M Y d �u, of, Mr. C, M.a 41PECIA
oWo9d, m 0 y
nd4irt, ti
0 QQ6e'1u`@,-Birthas,,y to, �d�L fo:r flo alld'#'q
beIQV41 Y. ob-
n. vralk dn'
of toi0ptjljodld,lo6k:iqtoi
�4, In tuekndW hakt Th0jrsaayv pastor Xove the
c Re
plaris. ot1bl. ompan�r, wit the-.1n,3pdri&l
dGr-un'dy.,.of:W'P.f '�er the agrq7ulent. &jj(j'6rQUod3. jjh 4#4 � '%,V -h
fo I': _k
kour'houqeii h
I fi
an your
rust Co.. appears ohas Vee& it, P av
_iir"ylq1tors on that,
-,of ddys -way becomes ii
pWher' and
ho Pk'to M
e a till e*of 'these lace
on, i4ind, .'at
or a ns PERFECT
'T. e wide and 3j yards.
AOCK 5) They ar 60.,inchei
F VIP long 1he..,best.curtainfor' tlie�,money TIME
ybt'offei .
We have %.'god supply of the aboVe
d 0.1st-ve will M
L�[ay FIEC
—04 and after � 1!
4rtig, stor
au.,bo!P YouJil . Observing the esat'eight o'clock,
and A6 e
clo sei ip ur
'§atu.rAay -nights, being excepteil.,:
:Lochead. 'th
D` W
an� e patronage ol:tho,�.,Pa
Harry ays, Ale.
�14YJGLth, 1900.- ffiei; Ws watch i- b
!eo Mile Wi nifre, the sectinds-Iiand., Our -repair wor
Loch Luckno iouar,1,1 man who ti.
Wl A 'Grund k rip T.
W An err, ... . ......
Is rugg s 6 y w No
had a year's' to t Ion, in will please him., e 6NT'
music; under Madam Mar-. e� in: dur stock �.of bigh' grade'move-
rMimi On, e.pare
IT. h
ICCAL. ITEMS*' li.er ode 96k un h IaT
r.poeive. pu at-
, �, . � L.., . I . L I ". . t . e .. I y ,Vrp,.
-A I Xne Lon`
n bame on .10"" we or
th rl 0 c, t
r. H. !Or $eSfof tali haeg of'
ta io'iLre coV w ]jy
p r on TAKE A TRIP t5e Qd6 'iiter'd, departm'�nt.,'To-,, eneri thro rip
�Apple trees.;:,c
ith bl' ri
ered brother; Lpd.
r oan
arpn to L te
dain Toronto.' o mana
fe��V Qekw with'frien
: , .8 ,hips
Allah.'� Lina, am
er,an con� Oes
a ee -a;:,
of i OR.— L g A th �e' N
-90 tQ, *M. build d " i ' * C ' , " - - . .
one: ar
PRMp 8�t Lon on on t 0 tet'"L t P
r,,c or� of Wingham', 'has, keii
house, o.
4UTJ returnid' ��*ipnie .,Giu dy Don�ffil O'n1i ed te
.cqa rap, rlGe$7
fr , oni,an' eiti , nd4 tripf t- H Ito
d; C P
tang$ide,.iii Ki' loss. - his liuil.d-: terns P
new st, 4ind. 10; el., ing- L sW6
COI�NPL.- AGP T n you Lin
Tfiese r'e reasoas.-W
j6 t e
�Mr. J. Nlichol of ist6w W.
TfC� W g -t e. and 'COS' -n 'th 6 6 W
b . all inoderim '1111 a �isjt,(jur f
friends., A
evision 'he -price's.,
spe a ew-, dl4yijz , i I v , 7..tQvfn-visiting.- cot 6dr n noth
—The town of, Mifeliell: nt nds lay�
r. A ex., -Tay,16ri near Ooderich,
Y, arpe P tq t a v ue Jn:ion . C t
A "ininster.
40W6,t 19 'ear., cenier TOWNSBIR
b kt sidewalks
een-,A� continuous resident there ' '' ":
Of 250 yd'
Good A
or, , y krs. h oU $8,502.
br, yd.
mount.' t e town pays� pro- a
W we �hold is, the'llew_ A. 3qei Union C'.rpet.'.'.�, -3�6'* ya y(
hit v�. a* iA�Coiirt 4 Revision of the pertiew-f0piat3bg onA e n
the yoar 1900, Best* Qtiality ....... �W
. 001. 70.
fthe' Towdehip,df Kinlom f6k, ver;y
at �3::00' b ;wAlks-being as 6 i.45c,, d
in S only !"The All
es pattern SmYra -in the d
e9sed for-thq. Ib�lan�e. on� 'Monday. Township Jjjll, �itytdod, arpet
a. will be hold
large oiie at 28th day of. - MaY 19 at 10 T;j estry: ,n 750pery,
ted P
GranC eer
etary welocic iti,'Uie'foren66n;' _7_Thi� notice
Week �we. redeived a arge Win. Look. arb,
of rit 6.f OIL
Lodge British IV g. overn thbmselve% acc:)rd . ffig- IS and 'LINOLET
-hoisery and vests. -0 take. ant . :, . � .. I . . , -I' L . . .. j. . .
Btock6f ladidalL of t6o Grand Oeange 9 CLOTT
oo C er
B. Voenii rice[ Aed i
GAORGEG. storr
Aine .h4s odti he Vaiio,04 lodg
_0V th of'May falling
eathat, the date 6f,the.aiinuAl meet ne
rijjg:'.t6 the� 2i
n .3 c a
Oil Thursday,Nhe Sentinel U,ublis ed, 1i ndon, .0 t 1 beew ''h gei Of, i-sion
due day e hi W
Cd' �Tt
ar,lier t -May'2
9th. -to MAY 3.0th.
f 0 Satur front' QF i
-�-The whstle .6f a 106onlotiVe can/
day night' ladies" beft-,-0whor,,may The,T�, 9,wanosh-
.0 a
bi heard 4,300r yardg: the 'roll ' f'
orle -0
the "k t
hie it by call ing, at this Q4?.
one. Take'notioe-t
milis and' -W
-7-TO.,.Rp�T—Aftler 860 didiie two . Township of will hold I %3'first
Awelling ro6ms'over. :Mr. Ifoexii 's ig.in the douncirIzoont on May the 28th
'Fred- G run y'. and rectifying 0
.9, 4oarter, and thi� ca to gat 'up. in the CK - .
M.; . A.D. 1900. commencing at e even, o Coe
Applylo, d . 'h' for the plirpose of, hearing e Ut ffit
'et eleven ifte es. ay.
t two W_
morning,, us
gainsterroirik on the A *r
—Ten t s, wan e all complaints a,
went 11 ir. All'pari16,.
h6u and dozefi. e �olbfor the. esent ye
f 0 enif y
;!a store� in . -Grund Is.' ld' erfistedare'reque'sted to -at
at 0 int tend. 0
c.cas . , �. .,ft
$V tP..
V. 4ccio
Price 1le trade' 10 . N 'Cl 'k -
h n'h
at bixt Division PoUrt was'held ere. on Twohunatid,of theAM6 NV;�wand6b. May Ist, 19UO,
!;01&6StS, V6 jUilt' .0, -B d
arrivea- for
Tueisday,�$th rnst. is Aonbr Ju 90�
e,- pz�esiding,. Th
ceqor. e,L' 'dotik6t
K. 31119,.-Lckuow�, Gruzidy's sue va.3
ds, is-
f6ur.fe6t teiiiinches in; height and. will 7jHX.C9qt for1he.;Re�ision of the AsE;esA-.
_pres6nt, of_ Liickn6w
Q.Q., Vr. Proud-
ment R4jll-: for tbe-Villsee i'
bi,eig� on:Thu�s-* joot Ca apioo,� an
ityone'. *eais.of.age d -for the ye4t--1900 will'bo hel'l 'i the*Council C=TLD
'day. and �Pi 'Mal- Ch bert)p: Too' day, bine .5jhj q00: 8t 7
BrUee C ds- second Lucknow. ''M. �y I It
o. stan aiong comisoni T0 h. e
W� d. with'rem4rAL
an voro -M I
the, c ta - in* thO'�m' u- AN DT .:,
ountios of do' rit) are, b
of"t'ruitbire -��Wsterloo iankg, ably: -fair -weather'.' 96A Mr -
h inj
x tiers
ave 'fi 664 'ied' Al and'are
is, yeair1lls' on making preliarations or,.roo
t and ve,
�_Thjj f, rat of i u I y. thl
on - ay c
but, tbe Domith D
_Kouay 1, �. , . . I �
eatb:er'ha,s_n'of.,b6dn soja*drable roppil3k M&DY fi
ele., �et�ble
Monday,.Ahb A I ar,a'6.,StOC1c of ine
ill beheld on
for many. yea s. The projpe�o thu§
'G' f for sbundant7 crop .,Oxfbr�ds, in, 'stnj sizes
son of air, lire good j ster A"ward r0nache, ay frit, fall Wheit" and h if JOhji
Mr. Wallace :Gr 6he:,.:hd fifs hand isp6dially giz,er,�, wilb'be Sold
Frost does not pot i ce.
utto ac
n an,appegian 'dd.
badly, burned with -boiling tar on. ld. fa�, beloO- cl.dSt., and all'. b fords
'Durinr� IdA week Rev. nod 0:4
L ed d
SY th vly �pp&ntea incumb
ent lines will.bVRedwedln Price.
alit. A
P en, r
'The Oirand Trunk, will'!sell'tickets', en s Bo,bts "tal
bergi e* n6v
I ' d "of j, 23ird tind' t " 'good tb iduin mily S or
4 h P ford 6,d, Ox"] OP U.
in MI
0 sy hurqh here*'�an M 6 AT L
I b eir urch aj&a fa
25th at one lare far -,the became resi e away. - d nts of our and. be diDn-
ed or Lacet Pii;l Smet 'cod. a(
trip. t diie'timd S I u t6n, t(
round t,z;r a14 Wife)
Yin jies�kld:, Sl
e� resi . en. s Also. a lit, MP
of L, qlf
�dw W at Lucknow,'
Trader 9,Bank 'Windsor &wano
org air, )Uauag�r of d I ofAshfield, and no.Wof, West 'Dollar aid
i a 11 RES
th' ell it, On C
tow 8b, ne
da g Donald
V q ar
Sidda McNe�ins,jr. 'and Wi o.
G1. A
'kibs rellet of tlie 11ate'An. Sol
the U bELth vistqd:,their son- J, oh P
HE 30 Rawk,
thon lis" of ort
'd t Comiell's. j "e. are POP- 7
per y 4,
as herel-ast Satukdaiy reno,.Ving former, P
V6U.Cb. 06
surnmer e
Ooilft' 6, f 1810
:Smifh h s -i
sW( daughter* oif or.
1) for
d' M 0 Ashfield
r mpn is ar gi g 6tt arl( ,
—D Ont Li,
Itichard M41iough, having, 'secure -1from Chicigo Whom W as The Tov�nship
I a geetch.bonbart to be held In RiplbY I. - ed
46h, loft here ast �V A I X.ERVILLt,, 01111�A..1110'.
-good position in Lo
t t mont n fhet
Abojk� the end of. J,une, the proce6&, ta Spen h
f e 0 -iotie Fund (,,ry hOuS0 0 THTJ
h Pati R �B
pl s ng fb the rwmc f 1 11� S. -
be' iv n't it will be' eO, i tniflib
joif for the Towilghip o
the milliner f tni i6a &llais' have fribtd lfifince� Ats. iSlc —Xietirly �wo g. ana. acquai sithifirg ill, uu,leij
on,'Satv�rd&3f,,iN1h.v A, D, . ellet n �,S4ats T-1 0. has
*On. spent to .-relie-fe .'the' siffering Ttlm.�
i'c o 1; 0. tn
t of 'the biought AVith 4iiin all 1 0 I cornmeuci� _,C ow
gusirl by India)gt and y6t 6q ble"'who has been for the%moo : t
PU �Pqgo otNindl isawful� sea- ting her, da'il'jhfer� -J
cogdition of th son visi est,' and' newest n C rq
MTs endersor
Stock acniplaints errors bn thd to*
j� W-est.Wawa ' -h the loadingde- _T.eall t016SPO - - '
H I earl' D. -NAYAR
-Vorn - ior t1i
ling f To 13ve
'bave'lsilli to kji�ow`thattie! verierablq,,,�Aa es.., r3 par les -i,,
d, ide 6f Alillinery, 110W' All lytood,
Soina of thdso,g 0aea lady.. s, e, 0
ple driiA ptittirns on; hat! - s, of' Paris,. .,N 6W Ino8t Oill- hira requestO t)
exco 0, �,tn, mle 0
9d per, yd, '-d a 0. 1 njoying A attoliC
apan gi iv the. F 0 e
t 0
-a 0 B, 4(bobi. health o1110 V py, -k
worth,6.5 per y Wit, r I Of lait W( fident, th. t. a 00
On Thutfiday �bk' 6eorg6
nee in
sides. NEWT049
lit, A
�hftthe,qt-ela- I C;
An Company 1 8 �'o I el� it'pri
io, 66ver� out, Wothothead died, at his k6i'Wi outh Wfith", hand_jt_ofi6 your, BULL-IOR SERVi@'E. inme pa, (a nt l&rge t be6nin a;O
bLoth of' t IL IT T' od
oaaPATEINT' 0 14 Jodge for the 06-unty. �f'Brixceo for .25 . OT4 14 WeA, Vlahono-4 hiq tliovri estreLfiiltic�sgiftW,6L�!ni%�Abit),
may' be se te �V S
-ro. 4he late J11 96 n9smI J�ffop*.rk 61 1 isonr aid. �- re
qn ears initerred, in t, 'Ofi. - -;i , "
irs"t , I tl�b age, of' St� �fit Ut kitNT
I . n , st.
1867. I
1 F� I