HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-02-20, Page 8THE WINGHAM TIME
VOL XXXY'', NO. 1.881.
.., • , • 9 , • • - • • . , • - . 41
Toilet t ►oi RS
From 5c to 750 per Gake.
,t eras
Honey Soap
10c Gake, 3 for 25c.
regular 16o value
Set D tat'
Walton McKibben
Maodonald Block, Wingham.
, . .... ,♦-.• ♦ _ .
t i
and untiring energy, employed by ns
in Canada Por thoroughness system and
actual business procedure,
Tnipn gounsas—Telegzaphy, Sten.
ography anyd Conlniorcial.
Enter antime. Individual instruc.
tion. Graduates assisted to positions
No vacation.
keeping, Penmanship, to
Canada's postal for
Chain toxo High-
Nigh -
grade Business Collegts,
A. A. Munn, M.A.,
Vice Principai.Ono, SrOwov, Principal.
Against ail Orders.
The Trims h: ; many times given
arguments again: t the mail order system
of shopping. T e following eight argu-
ments from the ask'e Falls Arrow so
well fit the oat a that we give them
below: -
1. It takes „oney out of circulation
where it is mos needed.
2. It injure: Iooal business industries
and that injur:= you no matter what
• your °coupatio may be.
• 8. It helps t built up other places at
your expense.
4. The mail . rder houses do not help
;on to pay tare: or furnish you with a
market for you produce.
S. If you art sick or out of work the
mail order hon ;:s will not accept pro.
raises to pay nail conditions change.
•'No cash no g. •de" is their•motto.
S. It is ale: , s sound business policy
to spend your .+oney where you make it,
7. It is prat small potatoes to send
your spare one . to the mail order houses
and run up Io • •winded accounts with
local dealers.
8. It does . • t pay, because yon can
do ae Well or . otter at home.
130 YOU.
ever think what it means to gat your order
filled with geode bought by thenaerohant
en the " just as good ' principle ?
IT MEANS Poor material, -bad
R1 Workiudnehip-iffterior
goads and—a host of
other things.
Irl there's nothin just as good
as the best. In Our 'hoed
Production We Want cleat',
Eatables tions told that'ewhere she
best telnea from.
Get THAT Best Gere
it Henry Christie
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Supper and
A sapper and
given by the ladies
Tuesday. A good
provided, and the a
bo of the usual ex
erne proceeds in a
plub;i,upgr wi
school roam, six to
in the new hall.
ogramme wilt be
of St. Paul's next
regrewine has been`
pper will no doubt
hence. Admission
d of yoang men's
be served in the
WIC, the programme'
We want room. Ail stoves at cost,
YOUNG'S hardware store.
Sale of Farm
Mr. John Fyfe, of 1
cession 7, Tnrnberry,
reserved auction sale
plements,eto,, on hie'
March 6th. Mr. Fyi
stook and good impli
thing is to be sold
the proprietor has so
Purvis will be the a
tock, etc.
is 16 and 17, con -
will hold an nn.
f farm stook, im•
iremises on Friday,
3 lass a splendid
giedts and every-
itbout reserve as
his farm, John
Chairs for $2 10 per half dozen,
Uniform Promot
The uniform pro
for the county of
on Thursday and F
101h, 1908. Exami
prepared for the se
III. classes and j
postcard, stating th
required for eaoh eIJ
to the public soh jd
Maroh 10th.
on Examinations
lotion examinations
urou will be held
day, April $th and
ation papers will be
3ior divisions of II.
inior IV. olasa. .A
number of papers
ee, should be sent
of inspector before
WANTED —1000 rat skins, and all other
kinds raw furs, GEC. E. KING.
Keeping Or
An order has b
McNichol, Vice 1
R., calling the alt
instructions regal
use of obscene 1
ployees of the C.
atructed to refrai
using obscene la
ordered to see t
fenaive or mane
nsed`lly pas tang
er on Trains.
en issued by Mr. D.
resident of the 0. P.
tion of trainmen to
ng swearing and the
nage on trains. lira.
R. are not only in.
from swearing and
uage, but have been
at language of an af-
ing oharacter is not
HIGHEST CAUL PRICE paid for Ideas,
skins, tallow and wool, at the Wingham
Tannery. W. D. PRINGLE.
Opera House
The Turns has o
called the attention
to the matter of the
in which the opera
the meeting on San
hall was very cold a
to sit with their owe
not in comfort. So
heating the hall m
cannot be-expe0t
gatherings and alt
oorly Heated.
former occasions
1 the Town Council
very poor manner
•use is heated. At
gay afternoon, the
d men were forced
coats on and then
e new method of
: t be tried as people
d to attend public
in a poorly heated
A nice range of new parlor suites just
received, bought at low prices, and we
will sell them at very special low prices,
Call and see them at S. GRACEY's.
York Loa
That the gross
County Loan and
amount to 25 to 4
liabilities is the s
who is closely in
dater, This mean
pensee of liquidati
is not likely that t
Company aharehol
more than 05 or 3
At what time the
made Mr. Homer S
assets of the York
avinge Oompany will
per cent of the total
tement of a lawyer
ouch with the ligni-
that when the ex.
n have been paid it
York County Loan
ere will receive much
yenta on the dollar.
rat payment will be
ith does not like to
Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon
Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat will be at
Mollibbon's drug store, Monday, March
2nd, Hours: 12 a, to8rem . Glasses
properly fitted.
Body Coming
Mr. Wm. Findla
Saturday' that the
ter, Miss Margare
died in California'
recorded in our
brought liome fib
expected t0 arrly
day. The remai
led by the de0e
sisters, Dr. M
'indlater, No
tease of the y
been received ye
Menti teannot
the fanerai isili
from V't►litdrnio,
er received word en
Cmain of his dangh-
E11en Windlater, who
aid whose death was
last issue, are being
interment, and are
in Winghann *a FrI-
s are being accord/aton-
ed young lady's two
r3' and Miss btettie
eartionlari he to the
ing lidy's death TIti'e
and definite arrange*
made a* to what day
w held.
Why Use
An esohange va
Like every other
grows On pereon
formed of using
ter from anythi
phoney, it is most
habit off again,
using stronger a
very easy, and t
hebit is not, o
sooner or later
woret character.
never did help
MIR itla lea 'does 1
respected. As
ibis disgusting
place to start
movement on th
be infngurated,
needof one pn
religious and mo
MOAN* ONTARIO* Tl.l URS.11&Yt FEBRUARY UtY 27,1 1908,
y properly pays: --
ad habit profanity
Once the habit 1*
oh phrases ae seem
g like positive bias•
iiiiiioult to shake the
nd the step towards
d stronger phrases is
e ohances are if the
oked it will develop
into profanity of the
Stang or corse words
to make a man and
Cels to 'iake 'a woman
or a crusade against
aotice, the home is the
1. If such a general
part of parents could
there would be little
he part of editors end
al organir.ations,
A Na
Mr. Geo. 0.
might have been
week. The Seafo
ports the accident;
of Wingham, and
Mr. Alex. Stobie, b
from being killed at
on Tuesday morn
was on his way to Se
curling bonspiel.
Wingham train obatt
until the train was i
he went to alight from
from the engine pre
some trunks on the pl
stepped oil 'be atrno
was knocked back.
and fell back betwee
the moving train.
presence of mind Mr.
perfectly still as th
Further than a sore
being atrnok by the
Mr. Manners was nn
a marvellous eaoap
witnessed the ace
would be run over,a
ow Escape.
annexe metwith what
a fatal accident last
th Expositor thus re -
Mr, Geo, Manners,
brother-in-law of
d a narrow escape
he Clinton station
. Mr. Manners
forth to attend the
ateyed on the
g with a friend
motion. When
he oar, the steam
ented his seeing
tform, and as he
the trunks and
c lost his balance
the platform and
ith considerable
anners remained
train went past.
back, the result of
step of the oar,
njured, but it was
, and those who
dent expected he
d killed.
Highest price paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butcher shop.
Y. M. C. , . Sunday.
Last Sunday was ' . M. 0. A. Sunday
in Wingbam. Thre representatives of
the Young Men's C• istian Association
took the pulpit wo in the varione
oburchee. Mr. A. •ullens, Provincial
Secretary of County work, was in the
Presbyterian Church n the morning and
in the Methodist in the evening. Mr.
E. R. W ileon in th Methodist in the
morning and St. Pa. I's in the evening.
Mr. E. P. Stewart, iaptist in morning
and Presbyterian n evening. The
young men gave s r lendid addresses in
which they explain•d the work of the
Y. M. 0. A. A m se meeting for men
and boys was held n the Town Hall on
Sunday afternoon and was very welt
attended. Dr. . J, Price anted as
ohairman and a• ter singifg several
gospel hymns and raver by Rev. W. G.
Howson and a ear pture reading by Rev.
T. S. Boyle, Mr. A, Cullens gave n
practical talk on t , e subject, "The Kind
Wanted!' The 6 esker knows his slab.
jot well and by g. od arguments showed
the kind of men that'' are wanted to
make the world setter. Mr. Cullens'
talk was very m-, oh enjoyed by the
men and boys resent. Daring the
afternoon two we 1. rendered seleotons
were given by a male quartette com-
posed of Messrs ea. W. Cline, Robt.
Maxwell, F. J. Hill and 0, Baer,. Mr.
A. F. Millon ably eeided at the ?Nano.
Tho benediction y Rev. D. Perrle
hrotaght 8 very ono sstnl meeting to a
close. On Monday a number of the niers
f Wingham, who a e interested in Y.
C. A. work, met n the rooms of th
Wingham Business College and Mr
opens explained th way in which it is
reposed to organiz a Huron County
. M. 0, A. with bra Chea in the various
owns of the count . The idea is to
ave a central organ zation and engage
County Secretary, ha will devote ell
Is time to the work, For the first year
ame $1,804 will be r gnired to carry on
he county work. oma of the towns
ave already been vi ited and the work-
s have guaranteed stated Mims
oderioh is down or WO; Olinton,
60; Exeter $250, end 'Winghatn will
ntribute $800. A opal branch will bb
rganiked in Win ham in the near
titre, The work f the Y. M. 0. A, is
good one and we hope toe 3 a thriving
ganizatioa la this county with live
the various towns.
t the members of
tib are willing to
alae and bring it
the Young Men's
Church W
At the: Wiegham
10.30 o'olook Wedn
this week, Rev. Fath
the knot which unite
0uiross, and Miss M
of Mr. John MoOly
the bonds 01 mat
ceremony aF reoepti
borne of the bride's
friends of the youn
bon voyage through
Cl. Churoh, ,at
sday morning of
r' Iaaurendean tied
William J. King,
rgaret .A,. daughter
i, of Turnberry, in
mony. After the
A was held at the
rents. The many
couple wish them
You can buy furniture for ()ash at
at awaydown prices, at S. Gn ony's
furniture store, Winghem.
Hockey Frida
The postponed book
the High School tea
players of the town
Friday evening at the
is called for 7.80 0'0l
be skating after the
Band will be in sate
coeds will be given
and there should b
present to assist in p
on the right, side of
senior players,
match between
and the Junior
ill be held on
rink. The game
k and there will
game. Oitizene'
donee. The pro -
the senior club
a large crowd
ping the balance
he ledger for the
Bedroom Suites—dresser, stand and
bedstead—ldea0 mirrors, as low as
$11 50, at 8. GxA:nn's.
SHOE VALUE—You get better value in
shoea at Greer's than elsewhere, Be..
aides we sew all rips free of charge in
shoes bought of ns. W. J. GREEIR.
Accident at C
A costly wreck ccs
dian Paoifio Railway
this town on Saturd
A freight train had
fore ane o'clock and
pulled eufdoiently up
the main line. The
,was notioed, but not
express train, due
o'olook, came in a
he avy steel coal ear.
iifted bodily from it
side of theengine w
one truck of the ten
The station platform
torn up. People who
the platform were
but no person was i
of the freigbt train
the express train.
news of the acoiden
the town and durin
many people visite
wreok. The auxili
up from Toronto
cleared in a few h
will cause heavy d
company, as it mea
atrnotion of the 00
repairs to the engi
R. Station,
red at the Cana.
tation yards in
afternoon last.
rived shortly be.
0 oars were not
n the siding of
angerons position
n time before the
shortly after one
d crashed into a
The coal car was
trucks and the one
s badly smashed,
er was derailed.
was pretty well
were standing on
badly frightened,
jnred. The engine
as utilized to take
Teeswater. The
oon spread through
atnrday afternoon
the scene of the
train was brought
d the track was
re. The aooident
age to the railway
almost total de-
ar and extensive
; also goose
and a new variety of
wheat, at T. A. Meets',
Death of Wil
The news of th
Liam Armour, one
peoted business me
the people of this s
morning. Mr. Ar
delicate health to
was able to be aro
nees and appeare
health up to Mond
seized with hear
away early Wed
oeased went thr
last winter with
never regained
spent part of th
GId Land in hop
be beneficiai.
in the Township
local branches in
We understand the
St, Iiaul'e Pariah C
modify their progri
into harmony with
Christian Asdooiatio/1 movement‘ Wing -
ham is too snieiil a wn to sna lessftxfy
ran two organigatto of this kind and it
would be well if t promoters Of the
Y. M. 0. A. nouid make batisttwtoxy
arrangements Wit a manlier* of the
nose dub.
abortly after his
Lott, some thirty
Wingham„ A fe
to Mildmay and e
boldness. Returni
lift en years ago h
dude business here
it very extensive b
ly in butter, eggs 8
a ms i of excellent
was respected by a
ba -mess dealings.
b' ought many pan
,pith all he had a
dealing. AB watt a
an active interest
faring to devote h
iam Armour.
death of Mr, Wit-
, came as a shook to
otion on Wednesday
our had been ' in
Immo months, but
d attending to busi.
to be in his usual
y night, when he was
failure and passed
esday morning. De.
ugh a serious illness
nervuus trouble and
is good health. He
peat summer in the
that a change would
Armour Wag born
East Wawanosh and
arriage to Miss Ben -
este ago, raoved into
years later he moved
gaged in the produce
g to Witighatt some
engaged la the pre -
and lied built up a
Woe, dotting large-,
d poultry. He was
usineas ability and
1 With whom. he had
is line of business
le to the team and
Man who nener took
public) affairs, pre -
o whole time tit his
intereste. Mr. Ar -
his widow, four sons
ne son, Will, being
ems with his father
o brothers, Messrs.
mu% reside in
wed family will
f large eirole Of
en and :severe id -
will take place
sidenoe, Edward
Listowel Hooke
&Week tO play th
Fixture with the lo
New Telles day th
turnIng the trick o
visitors felt quite a
the first period of
own Before the
()tub, accompanied
era ;trained en the
r Northern League
al punk chasers On
locals lost at Lis -
telt confident of
Listowei, 'while the
confident and for
ay 1,•ath teams went
et it very stroag a at the end et firet
half both teams oh wed the effeot of the
play and the score toed 4 to in favor
of the locals, T rest period done
wonders with both eams and right off
the reel Winghara cored 3 goids and
the garae being Ma hed the looals let up
and Listowel added ne on what looked
looked like an off ai a play but Shea dld
not see it that wily nd the goal was
allowed and this e cled the gante the
final being 7 to 4 in aver of Wingliarn.
Liotowel boys prove themselves to be
geed sports and th ir supperters who
followed them w e all jolly good
fellows. The best 1 feeling prevailed
throughout the gam and Ret eree Shea of
Palmerston bad litt to do in the way
of 'penalizing player but what he done
wes deserved and upheld. his good
reputation, Georg Hay and Rooker
were easily the visi rs best men, Rooker
being a particular' hard worker, while
for the locale, Mo an was possibly the
best although he d little on the reat of
the forwards, w ile Britton in goal
made many olever tope,
Ltne up—Listo el—Goal Scott, point
Rooker, cover po t Brooks, rover Burke,
centre Hay, rig F. Thompson, left
S. Thompson.
Wingbani—Be ton, Moore, Johnston,
E, Elliott, Flem g, H. Elliott, McLean.
All stoves at cost for 80 ye at
YOIING's hardware store.
and a new variet
Peas, barley,
oats; also goose
Wingham 10;(1Mount Forest 2.
On Tuesday eve
Lames, champion
paid the locals th
lost to the tune o
being ahead at hal
1. Jack Habbick
the game. The fi
rough play, but o
Weaned the game,
of the roads the r
riving and it was
commenced, but f
Forest was out.pl
Marlette, their st
classed by "Smug'
while McLean on
all his own way
Fleming and Ted
will and passed
to score, and al
scoring the goal
they started th
of the season
vengeanoe. Mo
and goal were al
and saved many
Forest, Langdo
easily the best re
Monorieff put
Kennedy and
men," were afr
long shots were
Moore, Britton
never was good,
rough tactics
the referee's e
came out sewn
The line-up:
Mt. Forest—
Leod, Kennedy,
Ted Elliott, Fl
Habbick, Luc
ing the Mount Forest
at Northern League,
ir annual visit and
10 to 2, Wingham
time by ecore of 4 to
leacknow refereed
st ten minutes was
stant penalties soon
Owing to the state
feree was late in ar-
45 before play was
om the face off Mt.
yeti and outakated,
, being clearly out -
Elliott on right wing
left wing had things
ith Manaell; in centre
Elliott worked with a
he puok for the wings
hough they did little
always landed when
combination. Ivan
played the beat game
nd bored in with a
e and Britton at point
ays in front of the net
hard shot. For Mount
a new recrnit, was
n, although ',Shaggy"
p a constant game;
arlotte, "the hired
d to bore ire and their
well taken care of by
Co. Dave McLeod at
ut spoiled hie play by
Mott generally missed
e, but Dave generally
sprain:, Langdon, Mao-
onorieff, Mennen and
tton, Moore, Johnston,
raing, H. Elliott and
now, referee.
a neat patch, half sole, or Want xepairing
in any way—bring them here.
WANTED. —A. ton Of toll butter daily,
27c; fresh gatheted eggs, 270; Mao any
quantity dried apples, feathere, Mo.
Reduced olonist Rates.
daily until Apr
colonist ticket
followihg poi
Victoria, B.
Diego, MI.
information us
Grand Trunk Ticket Agent Or write to
eb. 29th and continuing
29th inclusive, tone way
will be Ott sale tO the
it gales, Cal.; San
y be Obteined from any
day work. Cle
geed *Agee.
or work on power
knitting min or on
, steady Work and
Ply* to The Watson
sulk Ont,
Items of Interest
on th
We are gled to s
the Fourth Form ag
from bis illness.
It is rumored that,
the near future, the
working students of
lay aside their studi
port theniselvea in
the rink. In plain
Palmy Dread Carniv
The question of '
is to be thoroughln
on Friday. Miss
Third Form is lead
and R. Steoklaouse
leader of the vegan
fr m the Acropolis
e ill.
We believe that
woznen not have eq
With Burns we bel
That Nature trie
on man
Ants then she ma
Mr. and Bfre. W
Fourth Form at th
day evening next
Fourth Form!
Oar hockey boys
game with the K.
Miss R. Clegg ha
absence of several
r one evening in
ithful ands, bard.
meine and dia.
testi° costumes at
orde, plena far
onaan Suffrage"
focussed in debate
31usgrove of the
of the affirmative,
the, Second Form
he affirmative will
my, for why should
al rights with men?
her 'prentioe hand
the lasses 0.
rkman entertain the
ir home on Timm
Oh, to be in the
ntend going to Kin -
n to play a return
returned after an
:atlas, ea a result of
The firm of Ma
been dissolved, all
firm are to be phi
at the old stand, o
of March.
St Hill baying
accounte due the
to the undersigned
or before the 2nd
( By the Lccal Opt Literature Committee.
The Indianapol
Atlanta jail has n
for the first time
traced to the pr
went into effeo
for Looal Option.
a single prisoner—
fifteen yeara. It is
ibitiou law, which
January lat." Vote
The Los Ang les Express says that
the FIVE Gounties of West Virginia hay.
ing the largest a a under license have
415 convicts bet een tbem in the State
countee have on
wh ma the other FIFTY
y 418 between them.
That is, the lieen e counties ayerage 88
eaott. Vote for octal Option.
In 1889, Farg Dakota, had a popu-
lation of 5,000 a d 40 saloons. To -day
it has 17,000 eople and no saloons.
Fargo business men do not want the
liquor shops to eturn, Their form
fear that prohi 'thin would kin e
town has proved oun se. place
bas excellent hotel sec ation, but
$150,000. All of hich goes to show
that hotel keeping s a profitable busi-
ness without the re enue from the bar-
room, Vote for Lo al Option.
Political econotni te divide the world
into two great classe —the producers and
the now producers. The farraers, the
manuftioturers and e employees large-
ly compose the form r, and all the rest
of hureauity make p the latter. The
noreproducers are ivided again into
two otasses—the us ful and necessary
non -producers and t e useless and un -
by which it can be d termined to whioh
°late any given busi ess belongs is the
timPle teat, "What e the effect upon
the peace, happines and proeperity of
the people?
Applying tide test vve past; favorablyt
upon the minister doctor, lawyer,
editor, teacher, ho sewife, storekeeper,
Does it make am na better citizen?
Dees it make bl a better husband
and father?
Does it give him naore 'Vigorous body
and a cleater min
Does the me bent appreciate the
trade of a man ore beoanee he a patron
of the bar?
Is his atandi g and credit in the cone.
inteity better.
Do we like h better as a neighbor/
Does he ma a better etaployer or
Then "Vote t Loottl Option,"
Extension tables, eidebOarde, buffets,
cenohes, springs and waitresses—any-
thing in the furniture line—you ottn get
at spooks' cnt prices, at S. CittiOnY's.
Fon Samt.—Baving disposed Of my
grobery and trookery stook, I now after
my resident% for kale ; Cotter JOhli attest
and Carling Terrace. Solid brick, tWo-
anon ten room'. One lot of twO. rine
Has moved bis stook Of
to the Old Post Mice Store in
the Macdonald Block, apposite
new Bank of Commerce, and
is now ready for business.
Our stock is fresh, and prices
PHONE 113.
films:am and Real Estate
Telephone No. 123,
Changes in insurance properly made.
Dandle the best Companies
Investments made—town or country.
Equitable insurance rates,
Attend promptly to business.
Neglect no details.
Devote our time to one business.
Correspondence solicited.
Our aim: Everybody eatisfled.
Schedules arranged for large linee.
Experience of over twenty years.
No 'unsettled claims in that time,
See us before you de business.
We San make it pay you to do so.
Inforeaation freely given.
Now is the time to insure.
Give las a call.
Mionest.dealing with buyer and seller.
A. lot of 1908 calendars; call for one.
Ititnezo books and blotters given away
Office stair, south Bank of Hamilton.
New list of properties; prices right.
The time to invest is NOW.
All heftiness confidential.
Real Estate in Wingham is all right
Insurance is a necessity.
Own your own home,
I Ritchie 86 Cosens
Phone RS
11117711=1111411111.121"nSHOE STORE
Our Shoe
service stand the guarantee of both
demand and obtain from the mak.
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