HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-05-18, Page 5• Your wants in this line are Below are a few d.escrxption s. wwe SHIRT' WAISTS tt PPrintShirt Waists assorted, . stri et1 atterna, detachable �x >: self collars 'at 50c, • tt Print- Shirt. ;W'aists, fin quality, ..assorted patterns,. 'self collars and/cuffs collar. uet'acha ;le at 75c. • . ' • .Fancy shirt wait's, assorted colors and patterns . with. ',• or•�.itliout volute.yases in Pique's', . Mullins, Print and: Zep- p- : hers at 1:00: istn ;:Ladies, FiieShirt WaSts, in White M�s1iri, •1lnk and:: ue '' '• l •ers fanc ' dignities `with faanc "insertion fronts, : 'l'ii�e: Bl Gep >~ ,,y y and okes, v small 4ll ?o lMeats in hack -i $1.25. , � i - _r, LadlesIhte'Pique Viists; • extra 'line -qxalitY, fancy' front of insertion self collars'ai'cufls.at 1,50. ' ' , '''ntt „�.•r,�t��'t�rwlthihte Cojlaisat 1.5O. ' • • • .looked after: ere. Plenty of Styles anc r V - ] ,and..;Reds.at ` 1 ues a id � � 1 ' •` in ' .�1 c r 'ear � d �Shlrt Waists t� ZVIe c e ;x. i ,. C { T $1;762.00•and $2.25': • "'` l k Mercerized Farmer's',Satin'. Shirt � , Ladies •F><n., • B,ae 'V1L ce .. • e Waists,3"'clusters of fine tucking ori front, and flint tacked Y collars. , Special -a $.25 : Ladies'. BTack .Lustre' Waists, lined througout nicely tucked•and'weil made. Special; each $2.50. , -Black Satin nieely tacked,'.1ined through - t' ;out with percal ne. Price;•"'each:: 5 00• ,tt et tt tt es to ob.00se from.: 041 LINEN SKIRTS , • l k at'each 75c. ,P.iaxn Linen Skirts, full•w , �' Q . . Linen Skirts trimmed with white braid at, ,$1.00'& $1.25 White Pique Skirts at.$1.00, $1.50, $1.75,•.$2.00,&.$2.50 tt BLACK L.IJSTRIE SKIRTS tt Black Lustre Skirts, Plain. at $2.00 tt y , ig r . k.`rt ear aline' linin velvet .l3lath__. Ti .urea ` Lustre � i s,, - _ e ...-. �, binding. 'Special at $2.50. 'Black •1iured Swith 'Miele •Sa tia-"R i bbo ii- . .rimrning at $3,25:` i Fig�ured aid 'Plain Lustre Skirtswith Fah. ey tt Braid trimming' at $3.50: 'EARLY (,:LOSING • ''During suco_mer Monthsstore will close. a 0 1 1 m:on Moedap•Wedieday:.,arid,Frida evenings • 0P en otli_ er„ week nights.' .:,.., .. ,, , LANOSIDL • :11Irs,.. Petor..son•of f3ufFalo `(fcrrcnerl✓v,: 'i Liss Mary floss of this is1 Leel i� visit iiig her 'parents',, Mr. and Zoss., ,.We irVO worry.'". to , learn that Mrs,• Peterson has been very .ill `of lite; • but we nope for'her speedy • A number of 'pedple !rein, Tillin's•. • church •:'acted+tied the < uarL'erly lei•' l vies' in WVli`ito hutch 111,'ethodis't ehurch•last'.Sunday, and report • "•terest.ing; meetings.. , Mr. and Mr.:'Jas. Mc€reser spent' l.a�t • Suiiday in."' • lelinore•, with their daughter, are: P. Teriff.- •Messrs.' and kI 'Hill, •are engaged.'for cutting ,'wood -,for ]1V... :"Sn.rtli.McL'ean, ;on tiie Dose :fa'I m 111r. `and Mrs.: �Vcn. ' f�arsotr Have left our midst" :or heir: future home on the `?r4- cif_ oss ....R•re hope they ma li%'o•lon': 'to enjoy•then' neiy'lome :together::' Our 'oitvens'" were :horrified. • arid startlod last Sunday ;wornl'hg• to see 'a ' man' com ing along the road, dri;y reg ,iii hght one h rse wager); t.r ,1 se�reral ti. 9 B • bed tick's"in •i:!.he' back e.f it :i t:Is.gen; T •eraily felleyed that the''mini:-yrrs-tni, f*004o1P 1,i,QL. 1**4�0,*i4NN„N•Ni,N,+NN N•N 'rderthe.,iniluence: ofthiq:uei`:• 1\ ,-.-ui-e very sorry to see the:Sabbatlr broklstt in such .a manner, in oirr. qurrt ' bathood. • Itis a rare occurrence, and we hope "way not soon be repeated •O ..s**NoiO,O..N,.,.4.. *NNN*N*N*- r •. .000s*o*osoNaoN.N, S. Try sur: Golden Blend Ceylon Tea Try`our English Hop Tea'. Try ` our 25c Japan Tea Try our: Pickles in ::'quart jars Try our Coffee, Seal Brand' Try our 25.e Coffee eel Try 'our: �'arad'i e Guri"ants , .'r.ganed' . Try; oui-.:Extra Selected Raisin, .Try our California' Evaporated 'M Peaches 'Try our Maple S ru in. bottles Try our 'Choice .Prunes , 'i�orkigg� Ovst't .o Eight: hour laws are ignorod by' Tthoso tireless --little;- wori:ers—Di. , ' '1 ill?' fi 5 rt. i�ng� New Life Pills. �1 , ro 1,•, aiways•at`work, night anc`i,cflay, curing' 'Indigestion, Biliousness; Constipation, Sick fleadache and all 5totna6h,. Liver,' and, bowel traubles Easy, plea5ant, safe, sure Only `)10...'at "A, '0 Loc head's. drug store, Lucknow;• 0 BiaYclo Hosplial 1tr, Ueorgo• Northcote bas opened tip a now bicycle hospital and., livery,, opposite•l1'1cDevitt''s Hotel, . Cairip,bell street, and is prepared to do all kinds of ropairing'in ,the ,bicycle jrne. , 110 has a few good wheels to rottt find ai so• a •number of ladies' ltnc`l gents' i.heels-t-ti-$ .•-wt•• •irasrje0 .1 ieycle sundries filways kept'oti hand..Don't forget,tlle..stand, aoppOSite Met' •t evrtt's Iete1., George Nor'thcdte,. Prop. l trr yob, nepaiirim'wvisovkeomo.A.•• !a SNELLGROVE, (Ili '.Thomlpsol 's Ohl Stand) Is prepared. .parec.. ,to �}to Ail kinGls• � 1Of Bicycle yr,Rfr}?�li 111 ..C; ,l `- O.a.n(1't7rL'i1T ' rlt.-.31a,'11.s:nutlxi.tig oil..,;:sllot t� Cit ,,ilot1Cq: 11orseslibeillti Ape(,✓rel �• 4 It 1t , G:i .O E Touches The ` T�r eak andr�pu.re Blood ses,, Dee • Kld F'e mal e Cor faints "etc Ask Druggist. or.writo direct, td J. M. MdLood, OOnEsic11 Ont.' Sold by gaid '. Days, Luc w .CROCKERY 1[r1)105 .Slacking; ' Black Lead Blue, taking Powder Barley; pot .. 13ath L'rlck Beaus. l3ruotu'1 13nstfet1_ 13t mdies Blit,; it - Colfe,e; 1•••' '* Confectionery *:Canned Goode Cocoa Cilhcu, ate) na,d Cdu Coro, Cioilrmeal �..'...,,. Cirernits - CnretePovder Cream Tarter,9 Cocoanut �. 1):ttes` tho Placa to make yyo '- , ur selections in • NTERPWISING. UsL HEE'Gr1• UEUM If you wantyour animals to tl rive well, work well and•look well feed HERBAGEUM: If.y'our horse, colt ;or.'cow•'is out of. '.,Condition and Your pigs ':unthrifty''ffeed . HERBAGEUM '. • .If` you keep cow' for milk, butter or cheese and. are fattening calvos, cattle or hogs' or poultry or for eggs, , it' pays • to feed : • •• ' HERBACEU M In`feedirg HER13AaEUM animals. get about onetifth.•:more' nouri>3hinent:, out: of the food, fatten one.fifth,sooner, and weight one-fifth more than others the same size and' only, ;costs One cent a day . for grown; animals and . one • third tliatfor: colts, calves and . sheep, Soil; by' �* ,ELLIOTt - LOCKNOW • HWHEW! CASH PRICES FOR BUTTER' & ' EGGS NaVing purchased the busi floss lately run'by Mr : W. J. Skinner,...' we, ' 'are: prepared to: pay c'ash`' for butter ” and eggs. Your patronage s li ited o c • Yours: truly;' Lueknow Ont ' MRS.,' A. M. ARMSTRONG, TE'AC1IEt `OF, Piano ,Or an Violin Voice Culture,' Thorougli' . • e Bass Harmony and" Counter.• point' . Y1 .' 'Pupils prepared for Conservatory • exanninations •' • R`ESIDE11'CE: :Cainpliell• slFcct ismer h:zafti ..- • Is' prepared' to giv? lessone,on 7 F PIANO AND.: ORGAN; At her hame;on • ant' well • c , n sc=ai✓xNow' „NN,*”,N•!"."" 4•••NN*44*O+•OM.s N. N4N`NN*iMN,*44*,N CL SS.WAH�GRO'CE61RS 'oft. PROVLSION. . 1. have in• stock. the hi/1owin4 Vionr Dried Apple Extracts;, Visa • i ibii,, .ruined 118h, �lriet(: Gelntiue flingers Mpg fioueq, Ink ' Indigo, ei.rcori o r.itne,Jtti-c Lemons a, Lareps Lard , Matcher, Irnc ' 7t .. a Teat Meal 1I c�arnnii ":' Mustard.• rlLata',caiinec Nut nog oil olive „ . Oil, sweeu•. Oil ;Castor Oranges ' • Oat Meal Pai'1s Pegels ne n 8 n Pipes 'Pickle. •r Pearli Peas,C nned Pepper Baisin nice „11tia@Y'I ur Sago. alt Sa 1 0 �FcUliea Senna Seeds 'Swear Syrups a iW.ays bn hand.'• • A Soda Soaps Spices Starch': We. have a, large Stock of Furniture including; w .� Strawberries cannel,..;.•.', Sulphera, • • Tapioca Ton:r'atees.cauned Teas Tobaceoes..r Ver'nticell Vinogar5' Washboarll9..• WasbingCrystal. WoOdenWarc - whiting Dinner Sete' • • Yeast Cakes', Dinner Sett', Tea Sets `Vater Sats Cream Peat/ Berry Seas' toilet tecta l r Parlor Suites 'Extension Tables Sideboards: , ` .Hall •Rack Dining Room' Chairs Hall' Chairs 'rancy B®ekers' Window,Shades.' Curtain' Poles Picture Flames . chi Pictures: SENTINEL, and' GIo1,e '.:... ...'r , 1 50' : do • with Marion - Harland's'Works ;,$1 75 `SENTINEL'>incl" Advertiser 1•35 • 'I and Sun .., 1 35. � , " • " and1 • Wibnese ........ ; .. .50 • ' " .:'and Mail &napire;..• , 15' " and"'�araily Herald 1.i 5 E` ''"gand.Daily'Globe,. 4 25' and : - " '.Advertiser., 2 00 { :'and '" 'Mail' �( Empire A' GENTS `••WANTE.1-:FOit• :'S7'Olty+ • i . 1-i OP SOUTH AFRRCAb by John Clark RiJpath, 11.L.P.. Edward s.` Ellis, M. , A. J.A, '.Cooper, Managing Editor • of the "Canadian Magazine," Toronto,' and J. H. 'Aiken, of London, Ont,;, who hSa'returned 'this week from 12yeiir', travelling, in South. Africa, a.fQrw us. •Weare the, only Canadian 'Publishers' who have' had a branch in South Africa fornineteen •year's; giving us ari im• meiiee• advantage in' procuring photographs And material Our, anthorship; ette res's and engraving's are silperior and'Canadian' Con- 1tingents better illustrhted' than in any rival ', •work.' we So sure are of this that -'we will • �inail free' for comparison'' our 'prospectus to • .+fryouiLliospgsrunrc„asixa,Lpros ectus ..Chau. „ ..` lays rind enY,s free.. hA plyVOtld;Publish� ing•Company,Guelp,Ontatio. .: Bedroom Slits Our Und,ertaking Dovarta a t' ars complete in every line,' EMBALMING Y " eciltlt .._•: Calls Tattoi dc�d ;to a o ni 11tb ,; ., •. ......,..ate. a rence � Joe 1p 1 g rr 'tioXt• ddor":trj Po t3"1i'1Co.: Ca 'kinds of 'Logs wanted, including ' Hernlaek, Ehn' Basswood,' Tamarack, and' Cedar, for, which the ligheslt prices in Cash will '., be paid, " at. the Ladino*. 11'Tilis,.: Havelock street. , J Wanted -An. Idea °t! °oinenelcrlp �g • ththg. to batenit Wrt b JOHN WIDDEATbjr7.Im�r&.CO . 'atont Aurina �1yd Waahtngton, 17. C., for their $ •8U0'DrIRO'Ot[i!' �a I ltei of two hUuJroii lilven'. ^meq Vat I d. •_••'"K,^"C',yYiYr«�`udWu_dx :'JY:'L.'kam"w+,r'4kMliY".tl.W11%".MYs:W':k"BSANwr,r1,4 .2..4=eitrt=lu.7'.= 1 --,iN•.a'ikdX`,gYtS.LV.Eti'ai