HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-05-18, Page 4• LADLES! WEA � .Genuine . i • l n .waist ,ri ht .0 -to• � • D, &, A. Corsets,: extrao �' g stPO! egular. $1,25 goods,, for a pair 79c,. 4 ''''Regular alar $1 oods. for 59c. g g Taffeta• Silk and 'colors, , , 25: 35 4 'cheice for 19c: nd: tie,yvi. uu - Sunnier' Veilings' in all• spots, colors and: figures,' '' 20c a ' rd or -12c. • TWEEDS . We e 'hav 6 p 1pieces of newest designs.. and patterns ini. ' etc.;' that we uarante, to save Serpa � sada Worsteds, , . g o ,. the suit 4: ewe ,.chaser on � • . .,. ,A . ;: . • rye HOUSE FURNISHINGS • • Laceurta'ms &'Chetn ills Covers at a bargain whil e they, last. +r; • ucktioultutinti THE LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE YR$IILY• ACCORDING TO THE'DICTATES' 'Nu; WE PRIZE' ABOVE ALL :OTHER '.:LIBERTIES neknow,: map 18th_, -1000.'' liew'York's first beetsugar cam pans," hes failed. It had -a? good plant and as capital /of: X00,000, `brit: it did not succeed. Beet sugar manufacture • is a'business, that it will be well to study a gooddeal'bef re' plunging in to. FASHIONABLE DRESS PATTERNS,• .. •We 'have `bought the simple stock of of °the Good • � ' p � ane, '''� ;'leading Dress . Good "houses " of " Montreal, Zravellers _sainples in dress'lengths of up -to -,data 'spring dress gads and we make. •thgoae`'ods - ne r!,06 of -19e per yd.for regular 35e,, •40 50, .and.6()c CLUTHINC 27'Boys'" 2 pi ce. suits lined thr'oughout Made Of all wool•. • brown; greyand :2 •: olored and Canadian ... , _ C , , T,we�ecls, sizes .22 to 29, your. choice Lit ;60 ,on; the $:1.00.' 46 of t . `,� r ' � �•• Y .. � h s su>!ts,, a es 12'`,to• 17 ' ears newtng sty ,les all'wool roods, best:linitis,' right up-to-date at. 65c on the $1 "39 Men's Suits made in single and double breasted ' sty les; lightand dark colcirs . lined with best ;Italian cloth , right up-to-date at 70c on ;,the''$1.0e • exchange • 'x ' and Just arrived, 'loin and short.sleeved vests or' misses x ladles, all sizes, rtghl up,to-dlte.a.t. a bargaau. tt x :, _ r's. f'1ou h ..choes,.. wok shoes,, fine sl oe�s, • � misse•• • and boy's aWa below' Y ordinary rices.'' : `" •:. P GENTS!' FURNISHINGS Genta and Bo.'.sineII hats,all stLts �. spa P Paand' .fi u t. es n: nebular.. rices 50 60 an�:l'.75 cents;';yout:c�o><c.e for 39c. • P 7n men's and boy's.must bu t 'sbld::at :•A ' ;Straw Hats, all�s>tzes. be Sotne price.„, =:' Bo s a rcl Mon . stiff and soft, hatsSin black,; browii and,.,, fawn, all -sizes,.from 25c" upwOrcls; a 1 ' ><c 1 hard 'Gents. white ;and •co7ured a shirts, ' :soft hard , front's, with'01 without collars. and c lffs fast 'colors at 68e on the- $1. • est them, the one .danger' being that the, fritish forces '' would get between Kroonstad and Pretoria and: thus eut off`Boer.' communications in ..every rection. .important, capture is by many regarded as'. an indication. of,the speedy ending :of the war, for, the same "reasons -which •.made the Boers disinclined to withstand a• siege at Kroonstadwill apply against • shut- ting:themselves up 'in Pretoria, to be ultimately' starved, ,into ' surrender. They must know by' this time • whit the end will be, and if they have. more "slimness" than stubborness they may decide' to meet the .. inevitable half way,. `• Over in Great Britain they are ra Steyn is said to l be :very ' much dis= then tarin tardy :their • celebrations of Her turbed• over his failure to get; the ‘Vajsty's.birth'day TTsnallyit is cele - 4 J Boers to stand' before, the British. -It shrated'slime 'days after the; date, on is tobe remarked, howevervt that which it' falls..( This.: year .it was, in. Steyn doesn't-careaabout,`too close -an ter -Wed holit e: ce brig ion. on t21e acquaintance with ; British , �o1diers.• 34th, but the plans :have miscarried. He hae,a good -,Pair of lege l;imself. The celebration.is to be on the 25th';at ,Dublin?and Edinburgh, and all over Scotland, Ireland and: the"provincea: P j u London the ;official celebration will bin Saturday, May 26th, when there will be'the-usual=military:-functfons in sk Thin s e n a t e so ex ected .o. rove. y , P .. , P •'eters and.great Officers of the House-' • The South African winter is just be- ginning,. and will last till: the .end of August In the higher.altitudes. there is frost at nights, and during. the day , tha; air is chilly, with cler' , .., ._ the mo�nmg,,and at right .the lifer""Only 50c. Everyl ottle guaran- teed by A. C. Lochend, ,Lucknow,. Ont.a druggist." / : ' Aftera protracted., and severe illness; Mrs. Jas, Found• passed. away last Thursday morning. The funeral, :whioh toolc°"place .on. Saturday, was.. not yery'•well attended, o:wing, we pre su rne, tG the 'very . busy " season, • but these who attended, were. created ' to a,; very, earnest, appropriate,'• and timely discour"so.by the rev, • gentleman who' officiated;' the .:remains tv!ire interred' id Wingham cemetery.. .Mr: ; Found and family. have -tlie, sympathy • of the. co nmonity; The official Board of` the 'Methodist church met;' t' week= and hre from!: the .various>his: societiest ' 'wee're'. very gratifying:.: The missionary contribu,- titan and elan the subscription to -ward,( the 'Twienth Ce{itury,,` Fun -d were. very :large. ;The .,meeting was' :qne:of unusual interest and; success,, John Mowbray -'was elected to attend the` District. meeting 'tobe 'held. at Winl;ham,. May 23rd. Mr. Jas. Gaunt is •.greatly improv ing the' Anderson ''property, he has adds balcony'-= and � serail :v+oik round the.. ',Gothic. _ We.expect, ,to .see it 'all treated.''to.a good •'eoat 'of paint next, a Mr: Gaunt never does: things • by halves, • grateful : to• Our soldiers, if they'are hold ' o. d will give`' full=dress• q 'list nets. ' " Properly . clad, but .the Boers do not • like', it: Indeed,' it is the habit of " many of .mads of !them' to ' trek, to the weer; veldt, north of , Pretoria,—wiser` .the c unary is sheltered ' and . weenier, th farther south, In=the; last year for which . the re- ports are available, there were'. born in. - QntArio 46,550 persons;; of whom 2a„ - f. 806. Wore 3,-•.896.were "Males' and 22,703 'females. • ' Assuming that the proportion ;re main! the 'same, in ten years we shall • accumulate of 1,1,1.93 .males, "What. • ars all. these • to do : for ,helpmeets) And how tia account- for the fact :Made clear by the census that, we have a aur �lus of''' femaleal • it wouldseem p 'that'more boys than girls die ha .in fancy, and indeed that is the accepted ,theory. A'cg. cerdin fa, the'report of the On,' ,. • tario . 111iniscer•'of Education, 'the' salaries of public school`'teachera' in th s' enlightened Province aria•'decreas- ing,' •tThe • -average salary of 'Ontario g school teachers lust ear was only $321 ea 'compared with,, 324 the year before. This, reduction' of: salaries i dile to neither overty:nor meanness; but it ' is said to be due ,to' the more general` employment of ,:woman as teachers; Last 'year'. there were 6,800 ,,women teaching chool in Ontario,, an,increase of 123, while l2,656 of the teachers . were men, a decrease of 36, But in:. the English towns little attention is paid to 'these celebrations; save hy"`a'few officials:• The ' English' man will have to come.to Lucknow to see the Queen's Birthday ',honored.- , • '�1"�' Tfreer fore " arc1iied awn .frSnf' � y Itrooniitad.` on -the approdth of Lird Roberrn'with hid arms';', although the =•µms. • conditions;for-tli 'defence of tllo„plaeo 'ar'e' described as very.• favorable to, ••y Speaking of the coning, anniversary of the biithdayr' of•our beloved,Queen, the ' Toronto „Star, in a leader said "The.Queen's Birthday, should .be"cole- 'biated this year'in'Canada ,as neve•r before. • Letthere'be more flags and, fire -crackers; and, fre•works, horn -blow,, ing, aid whistle- tooting,, and anvil -ex.. plod>inp., and. excuraioo(s, , and games; and sports, and; cross-country runs, and liroeession than ever before, in: the ^ history of Canada Let us make, our. old friend the 'A'mericaaeagle sit all hat_day on load braxies list.enin_t!. urs'untii•it,gets a hcada_lie. Let ;• us recindany civic:by aw that interferes with the small' boy that in his free celebration of the' ' day_barring only then iant cracker,; which is•,the l ddite g .• y ;shell of iraekers, . Outlawing the• gi ant cracker, let everything else be le al andP ermissable if not : comP ul- + gory.:Give the boys a wide-open 24th of May, and see what they will do, with it. '' ' . a. Brarvti:11Re �a11' ' Victims to. stomach, liver: aid kid nes troubles and feel the results in; to s of appetite,' hacka0,1io, , nervousness; headache and tired; run-down feeling, but, "Electric Bitters are just the • thing,f-or a;;nijan vrites„S ; V cia,rd- nor; of"Tdar'ille1 ,, Ind."when he 'is all run-down,'and don't care Whether he lives' olr digs'. It didinore to give me new strength and good, appetite than any thing( I ;could take; I can now eat anything and have ne%v •baso; on • �]iepalribnoheants r Marquis Bens., Ripley, (ant:, will•''for th next•'4 or 5 'weeks conduct a, great moving sale. We have rented the con- nen store now occupied bY Kennedy Co. and expect'to` move into it in June' •Our stook is to&:big to .move( Wye must reduce it: '-We have not spaceto. quote -'prices but it .will' surprise you when you come''an 1 see thebargains we. are giving., Our a;object is . not. so VII —LAND, IS • Spring is here itrd you ;will want to . look .p everythinglfresh:` . Nothing'•will':gratif -your wishes mor• e than >? YY 444-.4.444 maks;' S o:r a>4.4.o •000a ooN•o+ i'ehaveafu'llln i e in e'v- r ,:. aesitable color anti.:shade .11 and.: €i t a -card whether.Y ou want l n' gad- o s or a half pint. t- g�1 'In to our. 'hole' `and see:our large :steak; of - Parlor, Bed &' `Dining Rooth Suits Also - Chairs : of all (tials( Spring .:Beals Mattresses all' R'ars, Parlor Zzto2Sictl Tables In fact everything to, t•e found in„a' '''' t C.t8s$rniture -Warere OM .` 'Arid .always' at 'Reck Bottom. Pr nes `. oo,eo470•••••oe••eg000• arose TILE' LEAJ:ING STAT I)WARE.' much to 'make a profit as:'to turn our s • large stork into money, ' • Our stock of , dry', goods is very; complete, many lines, ----- goingrices to clear that., ca at • P isnot BDY YOUR BREAD possibly ' be ” repea.eFl,; prints, regular 12;rc'at.'shirtin s `'re"+ �{'�` •' ® � 10; fi .ularl4 and '• , • • 15'e for 12?c, blue drill Heaviest make only ,10e,' Thjese• truths continue throughthe cha +• 2000 r 1?ter, • � .. worth of toots and shoeswhich must be reduced .to,half,`starts : With , mens" and plow ,g •slloes'at•00c: 'This is only an indica•. tion of, ivhat all the other/Pees are sellingat. Big' of hats -ca s and 6 1 P 'goat's' furniehings.'' Our fitOck•of gro- ceries gra fresh and'tesnpting. Sugars always cheap, Our 'hlack' Japan .misted teas at: 25c or 5lbs.:: for X1,00 ,can't be: beat, We buy • good' buttal and eggs,' l lu per doz. just riow; pPo krabi7 highnr,next week,. It will pay you to,visit us...' Ms :`W'ond,erfui 1st Orta :„Alone sustained Editor P. M. Hi..• gins, of Seneca, Ill, when all doctors anamedic nes..fa lecl to,, :oliev " "s4 ai . �'k ,.o,.lu t from Piles, 'Then Bucklen s Arnica Salve wholly cured him,. Infallible for Injuries, Pains •or 13odIy' Erup- tioiis,.• `Cute guaranteed. On1'y 2ii't; a box,.. Sold by. A, G..Lochead, .xs•�a u :',y^y., � s�:va¢�s+ ._st:.mac...:=`:t+,-+�r+s..m'+wx..'. �,,..a • -ritViC' I`�snz�e .s '��tker •You a, can'.alla;aydepend ..on'. ^i getting it fretih and whole getting some, \Ve are *not only prepared to furnish your,'table with i ; cac � Y . Brewd t!� $ • .'vies T ut }ve !ea.n also stil?n �Y l ori GR' ErnES: CONFECTIONERY TIpNE 'Y A:. MCIENZIE: Ice. ,re•am, Ioe •Cream Y• New ; Canned.GoodS Choice'Fruits Select c eta • ck of�: C n o feet' 1011C1�' Pi'en l.c Su 14es . i . kinds of (xt=ocerir,s 1, c,pt On hand ^ani l.delivt red to lire p .rt iif,:til:e to"ttt`tl. , '' y. i' g Try "a:15ac1,,a�,e of clitrr • new Tea the ''l''ei'll'ldit1c' . —Rio-hest 's"wMV+� � �X+rd4Nta�.i✓x.iw'^..:mV+:. wn'p`*',= Ilio -h.. ..Ar'' , ,.Y est 711 a 7,11 l ... 1 c for 1310 - ter Eggs: ,' l 1 ter and. 7,ggs• alilSOL Undertaker &� :Errt l ' ba menu,' J. A- MAOKEIi1ZIE k'1re , Life and Marine ,Instiranee; Real lEstatal-and Lon A ent l3ERVIE, ONTARIO. • . ;rent for tit(! Lr}UrIn n a\ftttiral Fire Timer ant C'n„ l3i itish A 1ireurn Tiisnrrtii(e l,'t4. ; ,, t• ru'tua'rrr' I;rn'trltl h in+' 1nriitititwe •(fo.• ;t 4U,,11ie1 ifs„ in4fr,,Lnif'1' (f(i , 1 LLDg{ini • TF•.a ,for aiitr Jitnployert' •Lintrillty Accident quid' (;rtinranua- Asaurniitr Uuininuy.of 1,tindon,. . Eli;litt1(1. • lintranee on all classes of inroinIrty prompt; attondul tri. •+ . • 1'lttinl proptrt:y 51(111 or t•xulinn ghed. aevera ; h ,ie e fat nlf for(11(1(4 in towin(idps of flrt+( not;1:., ,� f4 ••ti' i t ,•:1. •n 4 1 tc„ d,r t,•. I.nt n,,7fru1 tK. null t:+h;'•, litld,' r • Al, large aniotitit of InCnt!•y to loan at an! 1' } Per Cent. Ott. t(r•tt^r14 4( Ini)rt ago: HQhiititl..• L'artiasavirhiu r nt!,y ]litsin141H (lapis 1n lids of the.(040'0lift( plartse ea1l•.on((1 (1(lr(HH' '/ 41'„ A., .1C;tri‹l:+lLL1,l. Let•Vic, ()n • :• Li:sae:as iii ”: ra, Vocal ''aria lristlumental _V111S��r 1 - a lC� II-axm:ony are taught liy •SM,.+.+M'^4 µ,".Cnnr. p�-w{YMA+H.Mraw•:v Y inS I i + •1.,; Z l.. til i'nrtr1t:ariefr,ied An Idea Z 0•iW'hsoaotnoca't pAt1t't)ti1tn>Irk, tate 'lilfna'"thw'ntaYfitlth111chis'ilih 1V!It(i:JO11N Wi1)1rl:it13111t11 iey9' woshingtj ,Othole. $I;801) prlao•Qredi1:1111two lrindrett Inventions wonted- ,• • • .. , ,. 41 •