HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-02-20, Page 7s MINOR LOCALS. -Mr. harper Simtnono ie quite ill wilt pnenmonie. --•11+ave eon renewed your eubaorip than to the Melte? Wingham horse races thisyear will be held on June 0, 10 and 11.. -Mr. A. R Smith of Clinton, former- ly et Winghane, has made assignment. -The Unionfactory is again running after being olosed down for several weeks. , -A special meeting of Huron County Cannon will be held at Seaforth, on Feb- ruary 25th. The Wingbem Baptist Sunday Behead has SE fit $7.50 in aid of the. Tor. onto Newe' Baby Fund. -Dr. Macdonald will deliver a leo'nre for St. Faure A. Y. P. A, next Monday (waning in the new hall. --The annual meeting of the Grand Conned of the Royal Templars of Tem- perance isbeing beld in Toronto this week. Delegates appointed to attend from Wingham were F. Buchanan. Rev, W. O. Howson, W J. Howson, John Kerr, M. E. Znrbrigg and Miss May Reid. A Grand Truck car containing sixty; three live hogs was 'mated, and thirty of these killed, at Woodsteck, on Thurs.. day. A huge icicle broke through a tbiok plate plass skylight in the Methodist Book Room, Toronto, causing some damage tel a press on whioh it fc11. George Brown who had been operating the machine, had bis hand severely cut by a chnuk of ice. • BABY'S WELFARE MOTHER'S CHIEF CARE Coughs. aids, hoarseness, and other throat f,iimente are quickly relieved by Cresolene tablets. ten cents per box. .All druggists, -Guelph city last year. 'ander muni elpal ownership, made a profit of about $30,000 out of its waterworks, -The Molsons Bank has taken over the branches of the Sovereign Bank located at Zurich and Hensall, -In 1874 in London, Ont. 75 hotel and 40 liquor shop licenses were issued. Last year the numbers were 26 hotels and 5 shops. -At Palmerston, en Friday evening, in a Northern League hockey game, Palmerston won from Listowel by e, adore of 9 to 7. -Mr. and Mrs, Wm, J. Henderson of the Blnevale road wish to thank their anany kind friends and neighbors for the sonny acts of kindness and assistance ,during Mr. Henderson's recent illness. The one chief desire of the mother is that her little was shall be healthy, bright and good natured. Every other oau keep her child in this oon tion if she will give them an occas- al dose of Baby's Own Tablets. cure colio, iudigestio diarrhoea, teethi g other little ills o Lebrun Carillon, -Mr. Matt Brown, who has for many jears been one of the engineers on the L. H. & B., express train is retiring in faCoordanee with the Grand Trunk pen- sion fund, which went into force on the drat of the year. -Mrs. Walter Rose, who has been iu the Wingham hospital for some months is now rapidly recovering and her many friends will be pleased to leain that she will be able to leave next week for her home in Teeswater. -The fittings for the new Canadian Bank of Commerce building have ar- rived from Toronto.and are being planed in position. It is expected that the bank staff will be transferred to the new building in a few days. -Tho immediate enactment of a Pro- vincial law abolishing the bar and snaking the treating system criminal, will be demanded by the Ontario branch of the Dominion Alliance, whioh will meet in Toronto next week. Pse Tablets constipation, onbles and the lildhood. Mrs. E nee sayer -"Baby's Own Tablets have peen of great value to bestomaregulate stomach and bowels, and forteeth• ing and always with the best results." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25o a box from The Er. Williams' Medi- cine Ce., Brockville, Ont. ••••••••••611•••••••••••••= le --- 9 v li 1OR1v. Russ -In Wingham, on February lEth, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baah, of Toronto; a daughter. FuYFOGL ..-In Wingham on February 17th, t o .Mr. tad Mrs..7. J. Fry& gie ; a son. Row LAM) -In Brussels, on February 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. ,lames F. Rowland; a daugh- ter. GERRY-In Blyth, On Feb. 12th, to Mr. and M rs. IN, B. terry; a daughter. MARRIED Cr.AP.rC-MCCALr.Trnt-At the home of the bride's parents. on Feta uary 5th. by Rev A. 73tcNab, M. A.. Mr. lea. Benry Clark, of Mor- ris, to bliss Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jan: e3 McCallum, of McKillop. Frrraev-Fottn.-A t tbe Methodist parson. Wge.,07 ingham, on the otwh Inst.. by the Rev. We. f urnberrybto MIs Eva Evehne Ford of East Wawanosh. ; TUE 'Wl UA14. T1DMES, FEBRUARY 20, 11N8 LLIZV1 rag DIET) FirD-oATEn-In Las Angeles, Cali., on Feb- ruary 15th, Margaret Ellen Findlater, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Findlater, of Morris, STEWART-In Kinloss, on Feb. 12th, Charles St &wart, aged 87 years and 5 months, ELLIOTT-In Teeswater, on Feb. 10th, Lillie C ollins, wife of Mr, Robert hlhott, in her 33rd year. M nrdock McQueen, aged 85 years. 7th, JACESON-In Calgary, on 31st, Mrs. A. B. Jac lcson, formerly of Morris township, aged 71 years. -The members of the local Tent of the Knights. of the Maccabees were "at home" in their hall on Tuesday even- ing, when a very pleasant social time was spent, after which oysters were par- taken taken of at E. Moore's restaurant. -Seaforth curlers are holding a bon - spiel this week and the following play - ere from Wingham are taking part: - Mr, J. R. Macdonald, F. Paterson, L. W. Manson, J H. Broadfoot, C. N. Griffin, A., M. Crawford, Wm. Holmes, Geo. 0. Manners. -The Wingham Branch of the Women's Institute will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. (Dr.) Kennedy, on Thurs- day, February 27th. Subjects for disanesion: "Home Nursing," and "Tempting dishes for invalids." Ladies are cordially invited to attend. [NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 8; • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • Q Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897, Chap. 129, Sec. 88, that all person wing claims against the estate of Robert ' ott, late of the Township of East Wawa.. h, in the County of Huron. Farmer, dec : 'ed, who died on or about the Fourth day . ' P ecember, A.D. 1007, are required to send b post prepaid or to deliver to the under 'gn:. Solicitor for the executors of the said de eased, on or before the brxteenth day of y arch, A.D. 1008, their names, addresses an. descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of tbe security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the lixeeutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this lith day of February A.D. 1008. R. VANSTONE Wingham. P. 0. • Solicitor for Executors -Mr. Horatio Wylde, a former resi. dent of Kincardine died at London on Monday evening from the effects of injuries received in falling down stairs at the home of his son.in-law, Mr. P. rluraehultz. Deceased was in his 90th year. The remains are being taken to Kincardine to -day for interment. PERSONAL. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. • • 0 • a 0 • • • • • • 0 0 • • • 0 •• • • • • 0 • 0 • • • • Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1807, Chap.120, Pec. 38, that all persons haying claims against the estate of Mar aret • oth, late of the Village of Whitechurin the County of Bruce. Widow, deceas>., who died on or about the Eighteenth d of Jannaay, A D. 1008. are required to sen • p post prepaid or to deliver to the u • dere' ned Executor of the Estate of the said de used, on or before the Sixteenth day of rch, A. D. 1008, their names, addresses, andescriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties en - tit led thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. D ated this 19th day of Fabruaryp, A.D.1008. R. VANSTOTE, winBhaExecutor. Mies Clara Becgett is visiting Mende iu Toronto. Mrs. R. E. Saunders in visiting at the parental home in Brantford. Miss Mamie Paterson is visiting with friends in Whitechurch. • Mies Rona Wallace o! Acton is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. H. Garvey, Mr. Frank Sellery, of Kinoardine, was calling on Wingham friends. on Saturday. Miss R. Ball has returned to Van- couver, B. 0., after an extended visit at her home in town. Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Walley, of Birtle, Man., were visiting his brother, F. H. Walley, the past week, Mrs. Wm. MacKersie of Glenfarrow hes gone to Toronto to be with her son, W. 3'. MacKereie, who is very 111, Mr, and Mr. Duncan Malcolm, of Mitchell were visiting for s. few days at the home of their bon, Mr. A. 3. Ochi- oaten. Bliss Ethel Creighton, of Winnipeg,. who was here on a vieit with her sister, Mrs. H. L. Jackson, left on Monday for 'Toronto Millinery displays, calling on old friends at Wingham, Grand Valley and Hamilton entotitereturns tol Winnipeg Fria oliioa�lo and St. Wools Post. RQYAIGROCERY by .g 4 Start the Day Right • • • 0 • 0 • 0 • • • • 0 • • • 0 • • I 0 • • 5c. = iOc. 15c. SALE-! New Idea - New Goods to Try It no.- New Results • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 A • 0 0 • • • • a 4. 4. taking for breakfast a cup of M our delicious e COFFEE r If you have not tried it, do se etnow. It is the hest. 3, ++++++.lei•++4 it TRY OUR TEAS at 25o, 30c, 40o and h o a pound. 4' Also good Spices. 'ii,, +++++++++++ it PROMPT DELIVERY. A. J. Malcolm PHONE 54. `i Churns. . tlbor tD 1sT. G voce .4. 'I In three weeks our stock of Music arrives ! It is to e need room. the best of its kind in the County . and money to make it go ! We hope to draw money by sacrificing the goods, and the room will then take care of itself ! In taking advantage of these bargains you not only benefit your- self but you assist the town to bring in a first - class music hall ! Look over the display of goods and pick out what you can use ! ii 'V) -.pyre, u'ur]b it CHINA. A Few Lines Brought from London. REGULAR NOW Individual Salts 5e each 4 for 5e Cream Pitchers 15e each 53 Egg Cups 10c each .. •. 5c Cups and Saucers 10c to 25c 5e Plates -bread and butter plates ....10e to 20e 5c Other Lines Same Bates. Brazilian Bowls (50) r. 103 Cups and Saucers (Japanese) 25c 10e Beautiful Glasses. 10e 3 for 10c 25e 10c Ornaments .25 to 35c l0c Plates Cake Plates ,35 to 753 l0c10e Tea Pot Stands. 25c + Many, Many Other Lines -See Them. Cups and Saucers $6.00 dcz wholesale 15e Myott's Souvenir 353 15c Glass Paper Weights 25c 15e Wingham Views • LIMOGUES CHINA. Limogue Egg Cups 25c 15e Limogue Almonds •35e 15e Dresden Ware -small pieces 30e 15e English Ornaments 35e : .. - . 15e i off any piece and a present to any beginner , WALL PAPER. ' Price Depends on the Amount and Age. 1902 Papers running from 10e to 35c, now 3c to 10c 1903 " 10c to 350, now. 3e to 110 1904 it ..10C to 35c, now 3c to 12e 1905 10c to 35c, now. 31c to 12ic 1906 1 10c to 35c. now ... 31:e to 13e 1907 " 5c to 45c, now. 4c to 15c A quantity of 1907 paper which was left undelivered at the Watson -Foster Mills, was bougbt by us last month, and we intend sacrificing the whole lot at the same rate on the dollar at which we were able to purchase it. Price from 5e to 15e per roll. 19 08 parer -650 patterns -largest stcck of Watson -Foster Paper in county. See it 1 FANCY GOODS. Fine Berlin Wools, regular 10e oz., now ... 5e to 7e Shetland Floss, regular .. 10c oz, now _ 6ie oz Filo and Royal Silk, regular . 5c skein, now...ball, now 3ee a skein ban Stikine, regular ll The Fancy Gccds counter will speak for itself. Come in and look the stuff over. Nothing higher than 15c. BOOKS. rrnrrrrrrrrrVYrrrnm'rrr vvvvvrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrrr . 163 Cheap Books, good becks, score new. others old, run, according to age and binding, frcm 5c to 15e. STATIONERY. A good line of English Box Stationery, at Tablets and Envelopes -bought for this sale Papeteries-Christmas remnants 10e a box 53 to 15e 50 to 15e LLiTTtJ FATON'S I STORE TALK. I ► 9 CMind your own business ! And don't forget that in doing I -so you take the first opportunity to march into the t Little Eaton with trade or cash or a pleasant 1 tile, and look quick -pick up some of their :i op money -making bargains now on at the f 4 t Febr.}• ....1 f 4 . 1Sh 4 :°1111+ 4 Z L''° + Men' goods are shaven so close they bleed. e�;1: ♦ � :11'llil 1 pinions leaving. a: We suit the people -our goods suit the weather- : T our prices suit the purse. I $ 4. _ A little learning is a dangerous thing, but a full w ; knowledge of our February Sale values and prices is the +. 2 ,. safeguard of the people. •• • COME•IN ! COME IN ! ! COME IN 1 !! • ►++444444••••••44♦4.1+0040 Fresh Gut Bargains ary Sale :+++++++++++++++++++++ 4++ Ladies' goods are heart -broken -seeing their com- Leather Purses, Wrist Bay them out. 8 Toilet paper a for eeel 25e5c 1I. Toys less than cost to clear COItIL EARLY -THE 000DR AEE BEADY. U. R. WANTED AT E. SA1LT NDERS 3 Doors South Of New Bank. nand Sleds and Baby Sleighs at what you will give. COME EARLY. • • • • • • • • 0 • ib • • • • • • • • • • • '•' • • • • • • 4 •••4 • .. (OUT OF COLD STORAGE) 16 Ladies' Suit Ends of the famous Hewson Humspuns, pure wool, would make splendid coat and skirt ; regular 85e and $1,00, for .66 25 dozen Ladies' Vests and Drawers, Watson's Un - shrinkable 1 shrinkable ; regular 35c, for . Also 50e and 60c lines for .33 • • Men's Winter • :$ • •it• SUITS -All -wool domestic Tweeds • 4' and imported Worsteds, double sin, or et 4 single breasted Back • style, e O check and overplaid patterns, sizes 35 to 44, regularly $8.50 to $12.50, • . • for $7'89 o+ OVERCOATS -Of Vicunas, Beev- esera, Cheviot and Broadcloth, in rich ID black and dark gray ; also Imported d•, ♦ Tweeds in stripes, cheeks and plain, • velvet collar, 48 to 50 in. length, sizes ! 4- 36 to 44, regular $9 to $14 for $8.49 • BOYS' SUITS -Of fine and heavy • Tweeds, bine and black Serges, single eand double breasted, doable seats, • knees and elbows -dandies for school O 4. -sizes, 26 to 84, regularly $4,50 to $3.69 ® .4 $7.5o, $7.50, for ® ♦ ♦ BOYS' OVERCOATS -Of good o ♦ heavy blank and white check, wor- e 4 sted finished tweed, also blank and • • brown all -wool, with white stripe, • ♦ velvet collar, Chesterfield style, sizes •o • . for 4' 28 to 33, regular $4 50 to $8 50, $3.98 • + MEN'S DOUBLE - BREASTED •• ♦ PEA JACKETS -Of heavy dark Ox - in • 2 ford grey frieze, strong tweed and • corduroy lining, sizes 36 to 44 re ga0- ♦ lar $5.00 for $' All Leather Coats, Vests, Duck Coats ♦ and Vesta, heavy all -wool tweed and • ♦corduroy pants out to the heart- „•�-■ + now's your chance. ;ii lir Clothing. Men's Furs. ' MEN'S FURS -Black Calf Coate, Dark Brown Black China Dog Coats, Calf Coate, all sizes, any size, Mu'Cr""a for lar $20.00 to $30.00, all guaranteed. • •�� :,li,l3 ► 11114i No. 1 Canadian Coon Ooete,$16sizes.00 42 �; ^■ E to 48, prime, selected travellers ►forsamples, naturally $50.00. too$ 5 00 00 Ladies' $; Furs. • SOARFS-Of best Alaska Sable, tdark rich brown heavily furred 70 in. long, 12 tails or ornaments, extra valve, regularly $26 00, for. $15.00 Isabella Sable Scarf, 60 in. long, beet t sellers this season. fully furred. good *. wearer, regular $9.00, for.... $5.69 O. Alaska Sable Muffs No, 1 quality, n- a.imperial style, dawn beds large, re g lar $11 50 to $13.60, for . $8.88 +; Dozens of Stoles, Oaperines, sets of 4; new and up -to` date Furs at almost O half price, don't wait you'll be too ♦, late. Ce i ill Ci . ♦, LADIES' COATS AND SKIRTS- tCoats of dark and light fancy trim- med Tweeds, Beavers, Melton's 4; Broadcloths, in loose, Remi and,tight A styles, sizes 82 to 40, 46 to 50 in. long t new fall coats every one, reg. $10.00 •, to $18.00, for $7.98 SKIRTS -In beautiful blanks, blues, dark greys in numerous styles, ♦, all sizes, many extra fine, regular •, $4 00 to $7 50, for $3.49 CHILDREN'S COATS -- Nifty bines, greys, browns, redo, trimmed with braids and brass buttons and velvet, all sizes, regularly $4 50 to 4•, $8 50, for. $3.69• TRIMMED HATS-Balanoe of I. new fall stock in browns, black, S white, reds, etc , regularly $2 50 to t $7.00, for. ... $1.49 . , HOSE -For girls, good blank, all - wool worsted, sizes 7 to 10, regularly 25o to 40o,for,..,,,...... 18 t Fur Collars for Overcoats in Beaver, ►German Otter, Near Seal, Wombat, EKramer Lamb, Aetraohan, well lined and fitted to your coats while yon wait, regularly $4 60 to $8.50 $3.79 CFur Caps, Mitts, Gloves, Cloth for It Caps away down, it's an eye opener what we can do-doyr't go cold. At last to the "Litte Eaton" ► They kept their visits repeating, it Till week by week they stopped a leak ; C With us there is no cheating. 4' TOQUES -Of finest wool, in good , large shapes, navy bine, black, red and white, regularly 35e to 40o. for 25 �i Men's Furnish -1,, ings Clearing TY N D E R W E A R --Wood and .4 Fleece -lined Shirts and Drawers, w plain and fancy, new clean goods, all s sizes, regularly 50o to 90o, each. .49 Bove Wool and Fleece -lined Shirts and Drawers, good new Clean stock. all sizes, regularly 250 to 600 for. .33 SHIRTS-- Colored Neglige, miffs 1 attached or detached, good waehere and wearers, regularly 75e1 to $1,25, for ............... .....,.....69 EDrift in when near town with your trade. All kinds taken. Butter 25c., Eggs 25c,, Dried Apples 61c., +4++++++++++++++++++++++: BtHANNA �A►u 1,1;1►1►Ai►I►/i,li1t11►�tti,►lirl•AA�1u`l14 I.L►,�t1►A�CAAiiJ►AA1► KAAN