HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-05-18, Page 1J� 4 7Z XV �LUQKN, W,. .0 18th, .1900, Wq -F RIDAY KN -3 A a X' e QUEEN garrison.. on Th AN HA M' I LT OR oj. tri6d to g Tentiants. of,: Africo,*i h, th, INSURA 7 Dr is villagei. (611 on the plank s d ,I 'ewalk in MoQar�y, ffog4b.'an.. 'PAt. being a, Voluriteor, at* tge� kroAt oi-i'the FIRE'AND, KAl$1 -., '- :*."' ROad Offico, LIP Ne ow ep o b ONjIKE 2*TH,% We" ok It "0 ;�'w lio- W uit 00 ry, Io! lis, 16g and abackan we A.nd. his silicitor.- ie Villag, T ja, niversl�y, t&king_,a course ;rr.artp, .. v , o nn­_�i_t!per d, THE qerVi9e,, w.L,,s:, ocop oi. DON' MISS "' d oil 6i t6 -e firemen's ce obration of the'!Ilth wit i the 'Royal-,4ana ian'R* A -AL arike"' 3, tatilon, JI-OHN STU ILRT,� A., G. RAMWAY, u r d CK, On Frid&S� X b, Qz on apace. 0 iti� in'Skth.4feica. Tfie third s6n i"'t. 'the: 'Grand of ,ay ere,g6 on"; Way Stati6n, in this. vhla zeng kra all t k- 's� and ap- n I Qt McK Qdl' enz urn, 4ot.:)ret I A wo .-B. (To�cnto 81 ge, A.' broken . ino by bdr4larsa XI to�m4ke,`the day�.their ars:.of A ej is. also with "the'; first, ilsoNj. M..T. We .6 a izeneral ba�kifiz sbusi io, " 'U, ai nd about parent y hate 4) ness;, issue C 6n- 'tir4ft8�t.broiighout.CAni%di�aiid the - United' 919:htY cen'ts taken. fibnll the till' f -hting for� Queeh and'Ei u�: ..undei own. States-* 'We knake'colleciions. on all J. TuRNBULL. the- Count ti"ngeriv, er, Tfi it wp'uld bekray contidence'.to tell As8i, C.374102.". S�ivEx. ine uding --Western States Marilto a And ey Cried td.break open p, r6,',atfid. Was, lid4b.ir'fire forU Hourq co c_ oary, '�nd'his�,conduc6 upon he:Oa 'Owen Sofilid cashed. Noteediscounted, "d 'farIner no to%tion. they. -broke. jnfq,,'4k., two. years. ag.o ant :1n.l I.: - F I, I ri,; par de in th fn&��qo theX0Ali:Wei4t Provinces, Und all, 116, eh,e.460.�.ot ille, safe bu. �lfd �rlot_�a6 oo m ch,'ab ut.th6'- will, have on Pe4rum Aions;.. wheth& note or -tic!) "of, Ag pefeii pr�inof, 4ttenti�n complish their purpose. 13dor, o'goin.9, but.the aie ch in was insi.;nific a room e.r -o oxt"s: des'crib oan to ey i d . rjucknbv�' PQkt*EI9V'1 We, j , farjue We -b f rs on doible'oi singls; notes. locksmith shop iind' q9in-par fw,h4t we may expedt'� ;01 at fforii. one & )ok away h'. 11 h' -onle-as fbild;xt: t )ntba.-time,-and at t( 'er t ar, laulsic Will bd furni ey Manit R, kAn., Sinicoe is yb sheid:t" all W SouthTuptori e 9 Aledge hi Wo'� Mde A Big Puicha'se 10, asonable rate 6f int- a 4mm smaller hammoi -our owA band e, wa3, as era it acp*curnhe'r A d rooto and pley Band Wingliarn q, Or vaniou)mtwon seco a'brace, a- coup e ian m?rtgAge on far e of bi 1.� I . I .. Niag�rii Foils", 'Wingharn me oir ber real estate s AS lacky as lie could be, Tfi�l ]ad fe. e ot :wortgajes' on li �iyldch hver6 f 91"A e Band,' Pl�ei's Band Ci p Harniltoll (Barton st) .-OraQeVill itfit and onfirs in sta- adet�?s Band and a, s �e a I� a QW8. ts...an cro Thes �Vif 0hattel, K Wo- MR- f 66-1 a to a .n of' t1fe S ves IhiPq9,'XAN- llarniltoii:(Ebist End). ,stock and inip 011'13400r� ay moriiiog.� This 'a- 'A d tk I 71 P =RA v wi JOHN. SPRO-AT,'IX'.T-Adk14T. -oii first Mor ga I I . that I 'b a e a'parade the S inortga�ges.fro 5 per een, in cent. to 6 .�er c6t,' Thi- rate is grided aqc di �,bqratln in E entir I or n5 to the x6t6r, and other, p lace.s. gth of our, r�,ai street, 7— a VP or hi�Q. be�n� 001 J4rVis, wa's"fi ere f ti (Inalilty and sizo,"Of the loan tequire T R t , , ` e MED16A, .,We iepresent the4eaidg English. ondIjOans- In%d, for Of, The P sbyterlan Church on 6url�m Alivoring. of Cro 7 day Lasti. C. coupleofd §-�wQrkiii'gdn It e- usurance ompanies �an - can, a h I q, Aw-price, bbt, tb-get the -A diall7ire, t116`40 a, nje,' �41thodjh t LAN' bby largel �qu,4utlty.- effbt,irtsurance: on, all classes of property capture- ms, D d 1;ut 'S'0-6 of the -propef'04Aoter�'gee ptice*q had. 0 *.and. c6ouche Stock or*kutual OoinjiAniei Pri nQ traca,of the burglAn can difliculi q i esire we, icos� condu6t. in b f6 nd. grbc�ry sfora. Our flice,hoInra in. e special: feature rout 10io 12 zi� in.;, roji in �Lre fro 'are oe Qffipe hours The Anniversary Set o� mention, For f 2 o'5 prril 9Iv9 our cdstom6rs' the birittefit ft q A 7 of the,, To W. them In. 3 7 to-9p.jp', E0 th �41 ernoo.n, -football ed la'st:Satlbal*f�, G 'tell - be. Presbvteria They!PjD all n1jrht F T t e fi rse. -6hurbli her;, b weein,Lu�know and Blyth a d ho at,�,)Oci 7.7 and, D ANAGER.. Y:.Rev.*' is e fishion b Of those Who: be�. racing the progt ',Na' amm0- nd A 46ve in't _'We havd 'n the ralue'- ktore.: VOIT in arcs -Ye t6 th6, our'50c and 'bloc esidence Ross, stireet, .-NAVO ucfi in 'Pull 'to d"'ry ines Upstairs im I Will,, I I e '!go -o' a .3r emphasize "the.! eon, .'new, h 'till tries but earn' that G �;'sch doIA': and that 10L. were p r.each.%yh large cong�7ega ions. Nv arasols '50 arid-! 82.00-,4or',' ineie'abode'rian ki d" in, e e in some 6 -th Worth 9TAT�LE Y Wlth,ffonors to liear-:hiin',: bf the garte : 1 .1 .. V.-00, is -a-Snap drid hAr t in, A-Adtive 6buit'hittee ave' ben.en�' , ' ' '� " r, �Ily orne bu h 0 accobil .1 Accou6ber." Oflide.� Rudion, ,h6.' st prea I (,q bridge, Oppo�itd'Wm. Allitils. led: t.,S el',vour,tm C, oquence�. 1 is are;kpouliii, der gage. 'in-ble They d"' h 10 Night alls,A Mk. G-. of o4s: . aring t a ground§and.'� ktistry with , Kii�l ','� the 'proposed to erect, 'd a start for 'the coil, the`care,., o a 'sing a teacher -will win ow 'this, --your. Choice, f -Von'Once'of'tht3�'14dits'spbeiaI Mus16 -idoit'. Of., Th*0 in,ornin styles.; -See Our" - e receptexarninationj bchiiol". which is . 4 ' " ' ' palfi*,' � 1: , , , bl gi 'N opi.papep buta fait th wfteollurch. Nbl _and. is'vinage, at -th, ofjIle''lwiest of d6rital-stud9fits.in oron o, :-LEGAL t, D96ssed d ik sti t 15-,.3 "and-4hey ng $1.00.,. in w ols- 'sending 0 evenifig. a' UAit-11OW, wort y o 8es and" the- 'Lamb."' concer fillal Qxa �In4tions honors, Jqseph,, �talker` d h th I i An, t p to -the midsummer �ey,, am I the.ocaa�i6' . i . I . li�itors, etj.,'Godericb "'Ont, and-. has now,, the de'giee':�ilf. �t� D. S ti n W 11"be beid, in, the Town na Halli Mlid-i-eVerend -�fitlqmdn who, X or -Toronto. J,.T, :Q; L.L. .-,.Con4ratul,a tons Ithe', Eutritic of. p er8 Cscr-IP tell ge Those..W110, ega )is h6arer eavin- or ro f bear&hitu at fh6'14si 0. un� . 0 -comedian d h- 11 inadon.. 9 for is the ow A. the I A Tenaers'fot the :privil 'If 96pj 6i. ing; arid 5 ior' - P46,_ Pert in Lfi vot him, lls�cohd tor �'Solicitor; 06veyanber etc'.,' (Iate.cl res nients thiii ajedoriiafi:0on'A_bacIe,to th,6 Red Sea-ai Clio occ'asi6 Meron, Holi & , doij9)i, J nior.. LocCv �w ed eille'of selline oom: was sang u r eavIng,' be '4dd6d on1s 'R' the lice'rary irairinve 'be- of 'an'. ente ould aving is datidn. L7 r h k' .'The' bal could,-ilm6st feel th :c terna- gricu t,dra �;:PAr ance or t AlVn;o nLw ek. ., e . st. i , I , ents, ia the . 'A i iji6 hello H'e',ne'eds'n'o*furthoi thit-Junior: Lo c aracte 'I e -'oi�� Ma will be 'r9p'ei,% d 1 11 lie sraelites XIL41 Solicitor, dilflii�24tli,� 1 1 taini bUjfi'b.6f.th­ nZ' C' t ; .8 atie e econd 01" 06rtifid rj,g.eos;-- part so anMoody's tarber the' u nd e r'si, n e d Co A I oney, to, h' lup . I , -see nb*ay,of tljg� mental inuala :E V -next §tewart sea ill frollt,,hig i mountaih,�.iiir �df th an oning e ublib.schooLipilibber. Th' d. dancltig.,, -awination. fe id' rbgr&Mmi�s for t e.day-arkd even� es Pat by. tlij�/ s�ch' S t ree ist Ah ary of Committie.' 00! 'nj-_�r; being PrepAred, fo -Pl4rd r METIE amount to 840.00. Brusspli:P ost. ution b Ask. for them, the*: E cryptlill*. ho�t I.chilid, "In lrdotbidl Maitch ring. � oil y ils tiniebf disfr b-q.� Moses, aid, iid T, HER xn6rn'itp;itndhelp�tl�'6in6njoya;,ga UR 50' LUCIr, PPY 0 -1eetg every,,fii Oil' Nbnd*� evbriing' W the -Sa vAion 'of, th !§U PERA NUXT chil.dron.early in. -the 'tl last-'-th6r Lack - 0 8 WOOD n%,F, otball'T�Ai�a w nC"t'o un'g'an-, ay.. A ong, 4nd, Pitithful S� Th' Thi�v indeed lielpleis,,.: b D every Inq rion y game. 0 greatest Prdlcb oft nl;h,, in .'the Orange -HAIL, �Iloil t6i�pl dl*- ssion, -ever' wit, nesse in, -o e h am thjit,' Thii a hda, will 61ul' do a d invited,., but' stand still veen ten. an( e even G me ag bet 0 t iem. a.w h erf al ULL &c co 4tighout-afid t t J91IN AtACI_ C,,: well- ntested hr d t the May eeting-of -the -.Offidigl para e-thrdu'gh�'theptin"ol�al',s-treetS',of illag L.Oy4k�,.QRANGE �L D lose or tinhu Suciod W Me, e Boa a 'ttle: V e a through' tli� Q.E Luckn''o"w" M ethodist- ..:Pon't,.miss,,i i;em6vin , . (Y tho cloud -the splaboll, ha�vfipg �cored o,n.e,goai; t ift'rc9,-the'-Itev '- , I befij 0 428,- 11,01,DS'.44TS. RfEQft*At -n b ohn. Lear of�tllo nionthly niet Israelite &6ing'it- bi OYs will'-p1w 0 e., return 19 . an?Q.'. ias be'en:.t 6. resped oyd '%iho, -tings in: the Grang'e'Hall, 01EY.-ARE FIGFitiams be Peciand Alonday nex T Ife e b Aiere on ted pastor of th ein dpd:. qw; Ing f) 3voiling. t lelt ellemies- w1lo were overthro.w1i in f e I - -.1 every� ekaCiori. for th t an two Yars, -mem e' A d b d will bd'in 4A . __1 -- P 4nee d thb:� oil400W 14g. con a,.Iy in, ne, of. -the 63 ber sing it. ot Rellev,ed -to.-I lis.-C.0p ti nu .1 us rate is eelli. b ' �6f.the V6i.6hiq *N sue D; I %,vi 1 1. r. . ' 1 tha,voin, (vd to tlie -blat'leklin, ed `11�fiea b obut Bon h& re Also on -account �ofjlio gretitfiess6f ,p - Gl 0 tire f cool on, nett aSk.tturday ast conta t" Me active service of ­tfid' which telebrate's. ic- L! �an n-, re leve§, the u4nis ry at, y goo, �p � . , .. 1 11 , .. i t' , dQcolla f I �, , ver , d 0 hot of.,Ur. LTolin-Odlujilt tory b'reast f b o Lu knoW18 ohnthe inornerft it lj%�dp IV lip I rl�. h. c ference Md e&teemed rtainin o tel on 9 th at a e b.-Ille t �d P ;citlyerls, to,,iether wim, ll� ClIvii"11,118 get the Nlic- t)aiker -to ire OL nin-4110- Minis ov by"the bloo'd.of' y pur-, TlireQ �. r . I Cars, %nd durin. that, efitte ioni tho io,.,k of grticei-ies'frotli A' I grini, Rvi joij, Aj b" 1) � 11M 'S ry e rig we Y .4,as 01i'd 0111Y tl -tile. oye �fio re id of e wos. iltiport u n, two of Who', .n re, With ea a Ivith u `h to ilie now cated by, ecora, I -b'ox -Can, ians in mul nd 'I of B' in� c6nn tio the l" h !jAnada, itic u in w 6 j� 'x Xrd v inerchInt -1)0� paper un in E a, irieint)�r of., for-, ei*At i-ehtii -4- r W­Idsor, s4tala 1) 6 sirig of next wiq- and 'the-31aftfix s Jqary�o,,. and.fe' IUve of W groctry, sinel.;81,� torL e.nowin- in t e coluruns Of,t The how 6r�lr til d ber- 'die Snoosiment I _ Se occup.ieq thn ulpit i he'tile Sacra��ie a'o t%�niore,,p.ro' lit of t ti' n that sper, CT.10 e say. j)L71tN'Cj-s or b 'it last PC -will-� 'bo iha 6 9'0 "Wile ill , n Willii e $title y -jearoyd w, of Ora .,�ood e ge a all "I L servi ply in Lilio�np _Tile U r�, 801110 year� ago A Wk I be ]told an r L I i but d4ougliout' Ow lrd Chu'rehi Lue 0 ?''afid 1118 inany- friends' not- 04 .'to fr6lan4,. th're %�t Wiq, kill Pi parato of evince will d "' (' .. . I wa pep -to hoar of.., ur(ay at o!clo6k I � ��q a y re rat it dese endanbs ba�o, 1, 'This it, is n indicatioi �jric 6tic :At Ow Thurs'day and 8�hj pr e that'dite tile -is t io,tj N dde-lining, heafth, 'Sint 11clen's q.pointmertr s. nd Friday oven' LLD athe I. arin in il y, 'rho klowing rdsolution' W t rit' of: Cho GOT Win. Th�'wp�dil lind -Pastor ill be msisfca.by I unaft- sceure 6�,&8 the (,jr.qijl," (I Cott. whe airn, and 'th' ; t n irg,'-,inipr:ovo_ Lend, A�nder'pn, V�a�tab� - . ff. i1�041` �> busfly tged,'ii ..mak '41nously a optod' 'by, th baf�r,6 that Pr ney '111 my . have servCd 'th the edopi� vicc� 0, e19P i"s shalt ent 11 thoir., respective premjsoo, be'liold .61 thildiStL i"ThUrs k tko�yq. Were h rd 77 9 rvices ren( or a apd- bri appreciation o a' f *kl`-,'i��Iroyd, A AMPL 0 r filvit to' Aye, lllg� Al in n, f if) jlldaty. at I 1., 98. ' wor o e 135YI1 e, by ]an lievo. s ed the' as in lst6r.. and Pas as ed'to &tbild t6ic- find f his hrip atid,-t lose e n g, S Year buildi t foun-dablon wider his sti ma4li John, `1111o(l tor.during the pa.�t�L two Mg 'Only h is now',tfii� oqesi rep-re'L siligilit ill 11�11­btlt 99PI.11 , Y JI2110P &nVto T6 h6ra. -genia sp, lity of o t W dn1nriOr T leWidenti.-who., jkftejl(j'L to,: -lo wo: ALL --:P 'APER -in enlarging resp6c lniprovoniR n't le lover tin ade; -b not only' atatlVo 0, owe WA 10 r a thus' t, tO -6: 0 W n n- public, 64p"people'' ."anCl ren' vating a hich, whe' k In but (lf all j"lleCl Will n 9 now, fllpo� 'ou 10' text. Luk.e.. 0, wb do' 00 ry : nubl.,j �thit r. - Ing QN 46;l' flr�� pro� m ay . taC06. L anco o r6�virlg village, '..iiig ex Oil,, - Thos I he.' - L : 6�'.the Sol, dd y to' jhe appegl,, school' ng or part'j. junjo offinItIn'It. atila- 6 1,� -Board regrets 16 class�s of k 0 Thou 'reatl 6ho c' h. neat and 0qp opt Odlum'j, wiie .not to eek and' icl,i wa, kininati alth, .; i,. "; - it na and in.bon(T * t t 11`011-DU10 in -th� D ,MURCHIS ttike Cho: �aWj, it oil ded.- tec6ion oil nec 0 dlWidhes, him' I I I' h'i war, 116, was W'tl 18 f'A�Iier it j hior mat0cula Ion exam I n jitlen t 0 ot rocently..as.. W� �I.r6 ; _ UP t1i war r o�� the blic jA adfarpily royj -kill f Ru: bol laOilg, ncros�tprf I,ony r one side o lid .a )on,&, cowfoitt i0 ill Clio Feni, ill tlio T Se cvArp,i,na�ionSL d, wit ich 'F. R,' Sc&t a hld tfi' well �arned rest, frra th (o he� 1,10P�il - goin to Wtile tirrI and 'at Cite sainti. pi: c6s ie� a-�Aj 'teg lofil"C"Y"of" L Vl b . I '" an ' accident which. a losponsit)iii 6f.publi'd r fri�,or t past #me Profeasor 1,�dw'ard �O'didin psu1.9 Sup-- assis an A or tholyoUng'people hero, n papers VI r to pL& Y of Sijjn.CY , I Owing to e pon of, DiingAnnn', itli�tilt fh�n those`6il :aiid will born liellt.1 ge)( vi _0 -n '�'C'Otlqftr Hiotr, fatwen a ki&- bum Pi npuritg tile undayed, in 0-�v bur, h i n6t A �Yogig pub 0 h, t �jof-, Ott 6OL40 IjIlic--solraff 'grdund in nr( P5. f W equir6d- T icie is An 1��r6a and fihod fd.r sellini; li I qp�r t iif bo lr866 �hb o q I.wook orth't I of Pat Sister', nPreag" Of d 6ng the becrona. rj Ihhore co,��ke 601 'tj A' a ellt of E itiu, 8b WeV of spring deep -p 610 thi a tl IJS n ic Aggregqto:� -d b roln aper, cini Alis 1, ratil d LAnb returned r ­ love Y 3-3.13"Y' p 1.�oy� also pAid Fb r wWh his C6�jpan Tl 04 y tic' Ach, 6t7it f6rtunat a r- owet a V no, no ad oC 0 fro eI*,r Rifd 9 hil 61X� I , c w9n: t wliol,6 Allo,M4 bed ft-, 0 " h 0 e 12th to, D P, ro, YL is r quire, -bAp t do L d t markWonj $10 Ar Ptibll� tha',law.i' Th 6q]d -Cofi, wn, llt,1119 'It, erac been' Closed tell nd prove aese.odi I III voe so ri j) landay golibel �eopenod V extnina toll t oy n S Sotho in this Alum 'id ofitlig Of Nray, ti'll tf a 111j"ge attern(jAnde,�, 4 Prof6fgbr 0 W :or foro ithe - 11 servi,J1,6 tho, k�eokly prayer plodtings Comm Ofgrip��, but �Piro. athe hsr in ft eln SUSpend, wok A or b U, W A Ong tho �ti mo tj ....... ......... ........ 7w% w� Z. 4P 4 J� 4 7Z XV �LUQKN, W,. .0 18th, .1900, Wq -F RIDAY KN -3 A a X' e QUEEN garrison.. on Th AN HA M' I LT OR oj. tri6d to g Tentiants. of,: Africo,*i h, th, INSURA 7 Dr is villagei. (611 on the plank s d ,I 'ewalk in MoQar�y, ffog4b.'an.. 'PAt. being a, Voluriteor, at* tge� kroAt oi-i'the FIRE'AND, KAl$1 -., '- :*."' ROad Offico, LIP Ne ow ep o b ONjIKE 2*TH,% We" ok It "0 ;�'w lio- W uit 00 ry, Io! lis, 16g and abackan we A.nd. his silicitor.- ie Villag, T ja, niversl�y, t&king_,a course ;rr.artp, .. v , o nn­_�i_t!per d, THE qerVi9e,, w.L,,s:, ocop oi. DON' MISS "' d oil 6i t6 -e firemen's ce obration of the'!Ilth wit i the 'Royal-,4ana ian'R* A -AL arike"' 3, tatilon, JI-OHN STU ILRT,� A., G. RAMWAY, u r d CK, On Frid&S� X b, Qz on apace. 0 iti� in'Skth.4feica. Tfie third s6n i"'t. 'the: 'Grand of ,ay ere,g6 on"; Way Stati6n, in this. vhla zeng kra all t k- 's� and ap- n I Qt McK Qdl' enz urn, 4ot.:)ret I A wo .-B. (To�cnto 81 ge, A.' broken . ino by bdr4larsa XI to�m4ke,`the day�.their ars:.of A ej is. also with "the'; first, ilsoNj. M..T. We .6 a izeneral ba�kifiz sbusi io, " 'U, ai nd about parent y hate 4) ness;, issue C 6n- 'tir4ft8�t.broiighout.CAni%di�aiid the - United' 919:htY cen'ts taken. fibnll the till' f -hting for� Queeh and'Ei u�: ..undei own. States-* 'We knake'colleciions. on all J. TuRNBULL. the- Count ti"ngeriv, er, Tfi it wp'uld bekray contidence'.to tell As8i, C.374102.". S�ivEx. ine uding --Western States Marilto a And ey Cried td.break open p, r6,',atfid. Was, lid4b.ir'fire forU Hourq co c_ oary, '�nd'his�,conduc6 upon he:Oa 'Owen Sofilid cashed. Noteediscounted, "d 'farIner no to%tion. they. -broke. jnfq,,'4k., two. years. ag.o ant :1n.l I.: - F I, I ri,; par de in th fn&��qo theX0Ali:Wei4t Provinces, Und all, 116, eh,e.460.�.ot ille, safe bu. �lfd �rlot_�a6 oo m ch,'ab ut.th6'- will, have on Pe4rum Aions;.. wheth& note or -tic!) "of, Ag pefeii pr�inof, 4ttenti�n complish their purpose. 13dor, o'goin.9, but.the aie ch in was insi.;nific a room e.r -o oxt"s: des'crib oan to ey i d . rjucknbv�' PQkt*EI9V'1 We, j , farjue We -b f rs on doible'oi singls; notes. locksmith shop iind' q9in-par fw,h4t we may expedt'� ;01 at fforii. one & )ok away h'. 11 h' -onle-as fbild;xt: t )ntba.-time,-and at t( 'er t ar, laulsic Will bd furni ey Manit R, kAn., Sinicoe is yb sheid:t" all W SouthTuptori e 9 Aledge hi Wo'� Mde A Big Puicha'se 10, asonable rate 6f int- a 4mm smaller hammoi -our owA band e, wa3, as era it acp*curnhe'r A d rooto and pley Band Wingliarn q, Or vaniou)mtwon seco a'brace, a- coup e ian m?rtgAge on far e of bi 1.� I . I .. Niag�rii Foils", 'Wingharn me oir ber real estate s AS lacky as lie could be, Tfi�l ]ad fe. e ot :wortgajes' on li �iyldch hver6 f 91"A e Band,' Pl�ei's Band Ci p Harniltoll (Barton st) .-OraQeVill itfit and onfirs in sta- adet�?s Band and a, s �e a I� a QW8. ts...an cro Thes �Vif 0hattel, K Wo- MR- f 66-1 a to a .n of' t1fe S ves IhiPq9,'XAN- llarniltoii:(Ebist End). ,stock and inip 011'13400r� ay moriiiog.� This 'a- 'A d tk I 71 P =RA v wi JOHN. SPRO-AT,'IX'.T-Adk14T. -oii first Mor ga I I . that I 'b a e a'parade the S inortga�ges.fro 5 per een, in cent. to 6 .�er c6t,' Thi- rate is grided aqc di �,bqratln in E entir I or n5 to the x6t6r, and other, p lace.s. gth of our, r�,ai street, 7— a VP or hi�Q. be�n� 001 J4rVis, wa's"fi ere f ti (Inalilty and sizo,"Of the loan tequire T R t , , ` e MED16A, .,We iepresent the4eaidg English. ondIjOans- In%d, for Of, The P sbyterlan Church on 6url�m Alivoring. of Cro 7 day Lasti. C. coupleofd §-�wQrkiii'gdn It e- usurance ompanies �an - can, a h I q, Aw-price, bbt, tb-get the -A diall7ire, t116`40 a, nje,' �41thodjh t LAN' bby largel �qu,4utlty.- effbt,irtsurance: on, all classes of property capture- ms, D d 1;ut 'S'0-6 of the -propef'04Aoter�'gee ptice*q had. 0 *.and. c6ouche Stock or*kutual OoinjiAniei Pri nQ traca,of the burglAn can difliculi q i esire we, icos� condu6t. in b f6 nd. grbc�ry sfora. Our flice,hoInra in. e special: feature rout 10io 12 zi� in.;, roji in �Lre fro 'are oe Qffipe hours The Anniversary Set o� mention, For f 2 o'5 prril 9Iv9 our cdstom6rs' the birittefit ft q A 7 of the,, To W. them In. 3 7 to-9p.jp', E0 th �41 ernoo.n, -football ed la'st:Satlbal*f�, G 'tell - be. Presbvteria They!PjD all n1jrht F T t e fi rse. -6hurbli her;, b weein,Lu�know and Blyth a d ho at,�,)Oci 7.7 and, D ANAGER.. Y:.Rev.*' is e fishion b Of those Who: be�. racing the progt ',Na' amm0- nd A 46ve in't _'We havd 'n the ralue'- ktore.: VOIT in arcs -Ye t6 th6, our'50c and 'bloc esidence Ross, stireet, .-NAVO ucfi in 'Pull 'to d"'ry ines Upstairs im I Will,, I I e '!go -o' a .3r emphasize "the.! eon, .'new, h 'till tries but earn' that G �;'sch doIA': and that 10L. were p r.each.%yh large cong�7ega ions. Nv arasols '50 arid-! 82.00-,4or',' ineie'abode'rian ki d" in, e e in some 6 -th Worth 9TAT�LE Y Wlth,ffonors to liear-:hiin',: bf the garte : 1 .1 .. V.-00, is -a-Snap drid hAr t in, A-Adtive 6buit'hittee ave' ben.en�' , ' ' '� " r, �Ily orne bu h 0 accobil .1 Accou6ber." Oflide.� Rudion, ,h6.' st prea I (,q bridge, Oppo�itd'Wm. Allitils. led: t.,S el',vour,tm C, oquence�. 1 is are;kpouliii, der gage. 'in-ble They d"' h 10 Night alls,A Mk. G-. of o4s: . aring t a ground§and.'� ktistry with , Kii�l ','� the 'proposed to erect, 'd a start for 'the coil, the`care,., o a 'sing a teacher -will win ow 'this, --your. Choice, f -Von'Once'of'tht3�'14dits'spbeiaI Mus16 -idoit'. Of., Th*0 in,ornin styles.; -See Our" - e receptexarninationj bchiiol". which is . 4 ' " ' ' palfi*,' � 1: , , , bl gi 'N opi.papep buta fait th wfteollurch. Nbl _and. is'vinage, at -th, ofjIle''lwiest of d6rital-stud9fits.in oron o, :-LEGAL t, D96ssed d ik sti t 15-,.3 "and-4hey ng $1.00.,. in w ols- 'sending 0 evenifig. a' UAit-11OW, wort y o 8es and" the- 'Lamb."' concer fillal Qxa �In4tions honors, Jqseph,, �talker` d h th I i An, t p to -the midsummer �ey,, am I the.ocaa�i6' . i . I . li�itors, etj.,'Godericb "'Ont, and-. has now,, the de'giee':�ilf. �t� D. S ti n W 11"be beid, in, the Town na Halli Mlid-i-eVerend -�fitlqmdn who, X or -Toronto. J,.T, :Q; L.L. .-,.Con4ratul,a tons Ithe', Eutritic of. p er8 Cscr-IP tell ge Those..W110, ega )is h6arer eavin- or ro f bear&hitu at fh6'14si 0. un� . 0 -comedian d h- 11 inadon.. 9 for is the ow A. the I A Tenaers'fot the :privil 'If 96pj 6i. ing; arid 5 ior' - P46,_ Pert in Lfi vot him, lls�cohd tor �'Solicitor; 06veyanber etc'.,' (Iate.cl res nients thiii ajedoriiafi:0on'A_bacIe,to th,6 Red Sea-ai Clio occ'asi6 Meron, Holi & , doij9)i, J nior.. LocCv �w ed eille'of selline oom: was sang u r eavIng,' be '4dd6d on1s 'R' the lice'rary irairinve 'be- of 'an'. ente ould aving is datidn. L7 r h k' .'The' bal could,-ilm6st feel th :c terna- gricu t,dra �;:PAr ance or t AlVn;o nLw ek. ., e . st. i , I , ents, ia the . 'A i iji6 hello H'e',ne'eds'n'o*furthoi thit-Junior: Lo c aracte 'I e -'oi�� Ma will be 'r9p'ei,% d 1 11 lie sraelites XIL41 Solicitor, dilflii�24tli,� 1 1 taini bUjfi'b.6f.th­ nZ' C' t ; .8 atie e econd 01" 06rtifid rj,g.eos;-- part so anMoody's tarber the' u nd e r'si, n e d Co A I oney, to, h' lup . I , -see nb*ay,of tljg� mental inuala :E V -next §tewart sea ill frollt,,hig i mountaih,�.iiir �df th an oning e ublib.schooLipilibber. Th' d. dancltig.,, -awination. fe id' rbgr&Mmi�s for t e.day-arkd even� es Pat by. tlij�/ s�ch' S t ree ist Ah ary of Committie.' 00! 'nj-_�r; being PrepAred, fo -Pl4rd r METIE amount to 840.00. Brusspli:P ost. ution b Ask. for them, the*: E cryptlill*. ho�t I.chilid, "In lrdotbidl Maitch ring. � oil y ils tiniebf disfr b-q.� Moses, aid, iid T, HER xn6rn'itp;itndhelp�tl�'6in6njoya;,ga UR 50' LUCIr, PPY 0 -1eetg every,,fii Oil' Nbnd*� evbriing' W the -Sa vAion 'of, th !§U PERA NUXT chil.dron.early in. -the 'tl last-'-th6r Lack - 0 8 WOOD n%,F, otball'T�Ai�a w nC"t'o un'g'an-, ay.. A ong, 4nd, Pitithful S� Th' Thi�v indeed lielpleis,,.: b D every Inq rion y game. 0 greatest Prdlcb oft nl;h,, in .'the Orange -HAIL, �Iloil t6i�pl dl*- ssion, -ever' wit, nesse in, -o e h am thjit,' Thii a hda, will 61ul' do a d invited,., but' stand still veen ten. an( e even G me ag bet 0 t iem. a.w h erf al ULL &c co 4tighout-afid t t J91IN AtACI_ C,,: well- ntested hr d t the May eeting-of -the -.Offidigl para e-thrdu'gh�'theptin"ol�al',s-treetS',of illag L.Oy4k�,.QRANGE �L D lose or tinhu Suciod W Me, e Boa a 'ttle: V e a through' tli� Q.E Luckn''o"w" M ethodist- ..:Pon't,.miss,,i i;em6vin , . (Y tho cloud -the splaboll, ha�vfipg �cored o,n.e,goai; t ift'rc9,-the'-Itev '- , I befij 0 428,- 11,01,DS'.44TS. RfEQft*At -n b ohn. Lear of�tllo nionthly niet Israelite &6ing'it- bi OYs will'-p1w 0 e., return 19 . an?Q.'. ias be'en:.t 6. resped oyd '%iho, -tings in: the Grang'e'Hall, 01EY.-ARE FIGFitiams be Peciand Alonday nex T Ife e b Aiere on ted pastor of th ein dpd:. qw; Ing f) 3voiling. t lelt ellemies- w1lo were overthro.w1i in f e I - -.1 every� ekaCiori. for th t an two Yars, -mem e' A d b d will bd'in 4A . __1 -- P 4nee d thb:� oil400W 14g. con a,.Iy in, ne, of. -the 63 ber sing it. ot Rellev,ed -to.-I lis.-C.0p ti nu .1 us rate is eelli. b ' �6f.the V6i.6hiq *N sue D; I %,vi 1 1. r. . ' 1 tha,voin, (vd to tlie -blat'leklin, ed `11�fiea b obut Bon h& re Also on -account �ofjlio gretitfiess6f ,p - Gl 0 tire f cool on, nett aSk.tturday ast conta t" Me active service of ­tfid' which telebrate's. ic- L! �an n-, re leve§, the u4nis ry at, y goo, �p � . , .. 1 11 , .. i t' , dQcolla f I �, , ver , d 0 hot of.,Ur. LTolin-Odlujilt tory b'reast f b o Lu knoW18 ohnthe inornerft it lj%�dp IV lip I rl�. h. c ference Md e&teemed rtainin o tel on 9 th at a e b.-Ille t �d P ;citlyerls, to,,iether wim, ll� ClIvii"11,118 get the Nlic- t)aiker -to ire OL nin-4110- Minis ov by"the bloo'd.of' y pur-, TlireQ �. r . I Cars, %nd durin. that, efitte ioni tho io,.,k of grticei-ies'frotli A' I grini, Rvi joij, Aj b" 1) � 11M 'S ry e rig we Y .4,as 01i'd 0111Y tl -tile. oye �fio re id of e wos. iltiport u n, two of Who', .n re, With ea a Ivith u `h to ilie now cated by, ecora, I -b'ox -Can, ians in mul nd 'I of B' in� c6nn tio the l" h !jAnada, itic u in w 6 j� 'x Xrd v inerchInt -1)0� paper un in E a, irieint)�r of., for-, ei*At i-ehtii -4- r W­Idsor, s4tala 1) 6 sirig of next wiq- and 'the-31aftfix s Jqary�o,,. and.fe' IUve of W groctry, sinel.;81,� torL e.nowin- in t e coluruns Of,t The how 6r�lr til d ber- 'die Snoosiment I _ Se occup.ieq thn ulpit i he'tile Sacra��ie a'o t%�niore,,p.ro' lit of t ti' n that sper, CT.10 e say. j)L71tN'Cj-s or b 'it last PC -will-� 'bo iha 6 9'0 "Wile ill , n Willii e $title y -jearoyd w, of Ora .,�ood e ge a all "I L servi ply in Lilio�np _Tile U r�, 801110 year� ago A Wk I be ]told an r L I i but d4ougliout' Ow lrd Chu'rehi Lue 0 ?''afid 1118 inany- friends' not- 04 .'to fr6lan4,. th're %�t Wiq, kill Pi parato of evince will d "' (' .. . I wa pep -to hoar of.., ur(ay at o!clo6k I � ��q a y re rat it dese endanbs ba�o, 1, 'This it, is n indicatioi �jric 6tic :At Ow Thurs'day and 8�hj pr e that'dite tile -is t io,tj N dde-lining, heafth, 'Sint 11clen's q.pointmertr s. nd Friday oven' LLD athe I. arin in il y, 'rho klowing rdsolution' W t rit' of: Cho GOT Win. Th�'wp�dil lind -Pastor ill be msisfca.by I unaft- sceure 6�,&8 the (,jr.qijl," (I Cott. whe airn, and 'th' ; t n irg,'-,inipr:ovo_ Lend, A�nder'pn, V�a�tab� - . ff. i1�041` �> busfly tged,'ii ..mak '41nously a optod' 'by, th baf�r,6 that Pr ney '111 my . have servCd 'th the edopi� vicc� 0, e19P i"s shalt ent 11 thoir., respective premjsoo, be'liold .61 thildiStL i"ThUrs k tko�yq. Were h rd 77 9 rvices ren( or a apd- bri appreciation o a' f *kl`-,'i��Iroyd, A AMPL 0 r filvit to' Aye, lllg� Al in n, f if) jlldaty. at I 1., 98. ' wor o e 135YI1 e, by ]an lievo. s ed the' as in lst6r.. and Pas as ed'to &tbild t6ic- find f his hrip atid,-t lose e n g, S Year buildi t foun-dablon wider his sti ma4li John, `1111o(l tor.during the pa.�t�L two Mg 'Only h is now',tfii� oqesi rep-re'L siligilit ill 11�11­btlt 99PI.11 , Y JI2110P &nVto T6 h6ra. -genia sp, lity of o t W dn1nriOr T leWidenti.-who., jkftejl(j'L to,: -lo wo: ALL --:P 'APER -in enlarging resp6c lniprovoniR n't le lover tin ade; -b not only' atatlVo 0, owe WA 10 r a thus' t, tO -6: 0 W n n- public, 64p"people'' ."anCl ren' vating a hich, whe' k In but (lf all j"lleCl Will n 9 now, fllpo� 'ou 10' text. Luk.e.. 0, wb do' 00 ry : nubl.,j �thit r. - Ing QN 46;l' flr�� pro� m ay . taC06. L anco o r6�virlg village, '..iiig ex Oil,, - Thos I he.' - L : 6�'.the Sol, dd y to' jhe appegl,, school' ng or part'j. junjo offinItIn'It. atila- 6 1,� -Board regrets 16 class�s of k 0 Thou 'reatl 6ho c' h. neat and 0qp opt Odlum'j, wiie .not to eek and' icl,i wa, kininati alth, .; i,. "; - it na and in.bon(T * t t 11`011-DU10 in -th� D ,MURCHIS ttike Cho: �aWj, it oil ded.- tec6ion oil nec 0 dlWidhes, him' I I I' h'i war, 116, was W'tl 18 f'A�Iier it j hior mat0cula Ion exam I n jitlen t 0 ot rocently..as.. W� �I.r6 ; _ UP t1i war r o�� the blic jA adfarpily royj -kill f Ru: bol laOilg, ncros�tprf I,ony r one side o lid .a )on,&, cowfoitt i0 ill Clio Feni, ill tlio T Se cvArp,i,na�ionSL d, wit ich 'F. R,' Sc&t a hld tfi' well �arned rest, frra th (o he� 1,10P�il - goin to Wtile tirrI and 'at Cite sainti. pi: c6s ie� a-�Aj 'teg lofil"C"Y"of" L Vl b . I '" an ' accident which. a losponsit)iii 6f.publi'd r fri�,or t past #me Profeasor 1,�dw'ard �O'didin psu1.9 Sup-- assis an A or tholyoUng'people hero, n papers VI r to pL& Y of Sijjn.CY , I Owing to e pon of, DiingAnnn', itli�tilt fh�n those`6il :aiid will born liellt.1 ge)( vi _0 -n '�'C'Otlqftr Hiotr, fatwen a ki&- bum Pi npuritg tile undayed, in 0-�v bur, h i n6t A �Yogig pub 0 h, t �jof-, Ott 6OL40 IjIlic--solraff 'grdund in nr( P5. f W equir6d- T icie is An 1��r6a and fihod fd.r sellini; li I qp�r t iif bo lr866 �hb o q I.wook orth't I of Pat Sister', nPreag" Of d 6ng the becrona. rj Ihhore co,��ke 601 'tj A' a ellt of E itiu, 8b WeV of spring deep -p 610 thi a tl IJS n ic Aggregqto:� -d b roln aper, cini Alis 1, ratil d LAnb returned r ­ love Y 3-3.13"Y' p 1.�oy� also pAid Fb r wWh his C6�jpan Tl 04 y tic' Ach, 6t7it f6rtunat a r- owet a V no, no ad oC 0 fro eI*,r Rifd 9 hil 61X� I , c w9n: t wliol,6 Allo,M4 bed ft-, 0 " h 0 e 12th to, D P, ro, YL is r quire, -bAp t do L d t markWonj $10 Ar Ptibll� tha',law.i' Th 6q]d -Cofi, wn, llt,1119 'It, erac been' Closed tell nd prove aese.odi I III voe so ri j) landay golibel �eopenod V extnina toll t oy n S Sotho in this Alum 'id ofitlig Of Nray, ti'll tf a 111j"ge attern(jAnde,�, 4 Prof6fgbr 0 W :or foro ithe - 11 servi,J1,6 tho, k�eokly prayer plodtings Comm Ofgrip��, but �Piro. athe hsr in ft eln SUSpend, wok A or b U, W A Ong tho �ti mo tj ....... ......... ........