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Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-05-04, Page 4
d, w n - LADIES' WAR ermine D. � A. Corsets, extra • long •walsf , rl ht' . •. ate,. regular:.$ 1.25' goods for :a pair, 79c, ,~' • to t? i Regular $1 goods fpr 59c: . ` Ta. a to i , �' , ._ . � lk .a,nd Cashmere C-1'oves : all colors � 2 • ' • .0 46.01 your t;huice for 19e, Sumer, V i1inas in all' ,l -d sp ts� Coors an-•`fiigur..es ....21x.-4 arcl �. .. TWEEDS We :have61 pieces of newest 'design; and • �, patterns -in mergesrTweeds,Worsteds, `etoi. that we guarantee to save:. every : uxhaseron, the suit. 4 - v . HOUSEFUNN ISNI • •w. ace'. Curtains 8Chenbelle Cover at"abargain, while t ey We have a few°pieces of.car capet ,.... that mut so - ,..,... . ,t , .� , • s be cleared out we quote the •., rices as, bel w. , , , ; , ` . R o heavy 'carpet 1. .35 .per yard, ccit' . _ :. ,d P .....now g g at 75c.. • • 1 Piece of carpet a pot .vvas 75c .tgi clear 44c tt, 1,• .f3 rt c c�. =r if tt 5 s 1, 4 Oc ill 1 K 32c , tt 27 BoYs' Yr .,. CLOTHING; tt B y.• 2 piece suits li . • . t. >!,�d throu hot�t.•-made . til o: v g of all wool � n,•,grey and: colored and 'Canadian Tweeds,: : • of 29, your chis>Iz #22 to y choice at 60.on.'fh©. ": � , �G. outh's .sui ts� , ages 12 to•,. 7 o srs.:• ne .' Q pr.l sty le. ssal=w4ol ,Hoods, best linings:, right u-to-datat`GScon the $19Men's Suits made in single double breasted sty_ttTes,,aight=aud dark colors' lined with bet Italian cloth • lahtup-to-date at 70e onthe,X1.00. �'. tt n 8 E3 'Jus arrived, st rive : • , , , d,. long and. short. sleeved vests far misses an ladies; all; sizes, right up -to -data , , . , , d • . , .;.. gat a bargain% SHOES Plough shoes, zvork.slioes,; fine shoes, 'chi "dre ' and � . l rt s .boy's_shoesaway below ordinary prices. • GENTS' FURNISHINGS' Gent'sand B,sli.,.. :. , Boys nen hats, all sizes shapes an regular . - r lap d figures ,, ar prices 50.60 awl 75:cents..vour ciaulce for•.39e Straw Hats alliz©men's' s.in and uay s lrtust be o)d s at, ., misses tt;sQ.rn©, l]4Ce. ,Boy's. •a. 7d ,and Men 4q stiffand ..:. ,, . :• .........: ,.soft h��,ts iri;'biac;k,' brtovir•c;ncl #'awn, all sizes, from 25c up%vards. _`' Gents' white and; colored shirts, soft- and hard fronts, with or without collars and clififs Best colors at'68c on the $1. ric JL. • TRBLIBIIRTy'' TO"UTTER AND'TO AROUB PRSSLY ACCORDING TO T1IE'DIOTAT119' p "OONBOIENOE WE PRIZE,ABOVR' ALL OTHER LIB11RTI-E . • ,y; • L okaotio►, may .4th 1900. Canadian**i " gg ad to.learn;that al.thoti h $b•twce hit by,.Boer'bullets Col:' Otter isnot dangerously wounded; and will; soon Le:,in •.chase of ;the'' enemy: again.; The 'lea ing ma a of far ,,�� m iruple ,.meats have. formed" ;pother ' .,... ,, � . 'combine i,,..r•4bis time .to refrain' from: exhibiting at Toronto'' and all ob there fall "fairs. • • . The ex ' en• se :consequent p soquent. on, `these • shows has become, a very serious mat .ter 'for the implement men,'. end its value as an advertisement :has preyed farinferiorte •o. newspaper publicity Tn •Shaver ve I•O•F. the court holds that the benefits in a'certificate-'of "in surance in the society cannot b3 trane- ferrell by willfrom'the ...original -ben K . ficiaries to a fiancee,. but must be re ularly changed by the authorities of the society according • to . its con ` , Mtltn tion. Holders•_. of., -.fraternal societ ` certificates will y .k-, : do well to see::that:,ahe aciticu1ar's y rp ocleties ratify an.. �.chan�e • y Y... tis they purpose -making, or ..the lawyers may get the lion's share. of the.bene-. sta. `Thu Court -of Appeal -handed~ out judgement last tl week ..in the action • br' u ht. b 4 M` is � .Michigan b an' g lunibe;<men ' ' in Ontario ;lumber limits to obtain ,the right to 'remove logs out on Crown Lands._ to Michigan and saw: them '.i '. nto lumber .there.:' The;• judgement was 'unanimously in Favor of the Crown the law *requirin'g" the logs to' be1 g sawn in Canada- being ' upheld.' . Coat's :ate given, against the :appellants, •'It: is said, the lumb itnen, before .abandon- ';ing the .fight, will carry, .their, a `eal P �-1 P "to ,tihe Pr� 6 . n AJ. sun • 1< ml Y in, England." 'The,. Beer 'l ' seders• are'en deayorin <,to• kee • u' - th e :Dutch • P P. courage �.of. their' •menti circulating._balletins-that 'gap oA shor •a not ing in the wa 'f .of cool; exaggeration and tall lying.._,; O ficio! notices ,were;really found posted, which; declared that in the ,recent battlesthe Boors had. ' captured -•13,000•' . troops, eighteen cannon, and •;800 waggons, ,and saying confrmatiot, had been re- edited of the report ., that Russia had invaded India wits! 2,500;000. -nen The wish, of course, 'is:.father. to the thought, but a great period of disil!usa ion is in store for .the .,.self-confident Boers in the near future.," . •An English journal calls attention a the current',erroneous' *belief `that Gey ge.I1, and, Queen victoria' ar' the, only ntarclis or`;h`eir3 of the 'I[ouse". of Guel rah pa at ever visited. Ireland 14,4700 the Duke of ' Clarence, who Mas afterwards William IV.,. and was then a young,' naval 'officer spelt sever al weeks. in Cork. His ship' touched at Cove,. and the Duke spent several. weeks in the house of'a; Quaker gentle- Man named Penrose The yl).uke. was, of course, lavishly•entertained;: his host used to sit up •to re•ceive him-on,';his •'return from , 'these hospitalities,: and Used thus •to: 'address•'hlm: "Friend. William, 'thou:ar.t late. again to -night, and net too sober.If'thou` dost not 'amend I will 'write' to:: •thy father, Friend George, at Windsor:, • THE BE LL IS SURE "Vine Entertalnmont.lat -L an8slde Good weather, good roads.' and. :a good programme' all contributed their share in making .the, entertainment in the L' an side g , richool house on : Friday. evening last and.a most. enjoyable and successful'affair..:.Mr. Moffat, the •po- pular teacher of the section, on..whom fell .rho responsibilit , of: making ins thug concert a success; has' reason= to tori; gratulate• himaelf on the splendid Gath- ering and the excellent bill of'farePro_ video.' If we have :any > criticism to Mike itis is that Mr, Moffat and' hisfas- eociates''out.of' the 'largeness of their' `warm _Scotch°hoarts_.. provided�� •to many good things for one evening. as the programme mas not completod un til 1 30 -.o'clock." When we remembe the first' number; was . called .'at 8,15, some idea can be,`formed of the treat which..xhose=present-enjoyed. Whilkt there wj s a good- deal of outside talent yet it is only justice. to say ,that, -the di• alognas an;d recitations rendered by those. who took part from the : school. section itself were well'igen ,and d would be a credit to any:gathering, The addresses .of R. D. Cameron and P. H. McKenzie -of•Luckno . Towle of 7' . wand Dr. Fowlereeswater were of a stirring nature Mr. Camerc.n spoke on South Africa, •the settlement of the country and. the eauses'of the Present mar„ Dr,' Fowler spoke on Child':.Study and ChildTraining, showing the 'power of Influence in the ` Lome and in the school thorn.. Mr.. McKenzie, ;had 'in- te nd ed ' s ' saki p n ony ,g Influence but as the time ew was limited 1 pelted he only touehe'. the -outskirts of the'subject ; xe meas a:stirring appeal to the young :people. to be -patriotic and -true: to the finest country under the sun; Canada. Jtio.: •M. Mnlienie' of Teeswater.was infine 'form and was a host in . himself, ' By, erg song'was received with tromend- dour applause and he had-to°respond to many encores.: The general'opin-, ion seemed to be that as a comic sing - or he was the equal of Will' .1. "white, of Toronto, who appeared. in' the same place h fow months ago, Mr, Aaron Vit -ell and'his daughter,' Mins .Ldi'e, well sustained theirreputation for step dancing and'wore heartily` applauded after each 'dance. Mr;E Ewen Mc:T{on-' zie, as' usual, *keptthe audience in good. humor with the sweet music,-.o,f ,rivet V ohnl 0.0.,0* r.•,Stalker' of Whitechurch sang a.song in splendid style: and the dein:and for an encore• was so',hearty' that he sang another.: The singing: of -the •Misses. McDonald of the 8th. con.'. of Culross,, was heard with pleasure as it`always is. John Gordon's song was'•also well received. The ;re-'' cite.tions,byvtheMisses.':•'Morrison; -and' Purves •and lklastejr A. .Taylor ',wire well', rendered., ' As an ' accoinpanist Miss: Taylor did her part well and.,we scarcely•know.how'the good, people of Langside: could get along without ;her, When they want to'get up°„ a 'cciicert. Frank Henry, ;"reeve of Kinloss, '794°'present and in -response tug; •peat_ ed calls expressed: his :pleasure°f.;:. t, be- ins. present:: Mr.' Beichert Taos water occupied the .chair. ;:The ro receipts amounted to $33.00, and here will be a 'balance'of aoiine$28, 00`',after alltexpenses are paid, to be' applied:' to. the purchase of a bell for' the school. If the trustees.make•as. good a job of '• the new sc ol as their teacher• did of`. the;concert„Langside will have one of the finest °rschools in 'Brace county. - . •' They Struck It Rich it wag a grand thing for this •corn-, triunity that Such an'enterprising:firth as A. •C: Lochend secur.d the '' a gent •for 'Dr, King's' New :Discovery' :for Consumption,' the wonderful 'remedy that .has startled s t be world b its ' Y mar• pellous.cures1, The furor of enthus-' iasm' "over' it " has' boomed -: their busi- ness as the demand:fox it is•immense ' o: `They give;free trial bottles .to sufferers. ' avid positively guarantee a, cure in; Coughs; Colds,` Branchitis,.•Asthma, r: , Croup, and all 'Throat and 'Lung• troubles,, A 'trial proves 'its merit.' Price 50c and $1.00. 1 • $leyele Hospital' . Mr. George Nortbcote has. opened m u an p ew bicycle hospital and • live'ry, opposite; McDevitt's .Hotel, .Campbell street, and is prepared to .do all kinds of repairing•in the bicycle line.' :