The Wingham Times, 1908-02-20, Page 4TAE WINGIIIA.M TR=3,4 FEBRUARY 20, 1008 Winler Underwear at Quick Selling Prices Our Underwear bas pleased many a customer this season, it will please you. too. CLEARING PRICES. Men's Ml -Wool Unshrinkable Underwear, elastic knit, reg- ular $1,25 a garment, clearing price 871• cents. Men's Fleece lined and Union Underwear, 75 cent lines for 60 cents and 50 cent lines for 40 cents. Boys' Wool and Fleece Lined Underwear, in sizes up to 30, regular 30e to 50e a garment, to clear at 25e, McGee & Campbell CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS. a ma mai •es FOR THE LARGEST AND FINEST selection of the following brand new goods, D. M. GORDON' is always in the Lead. Yes, always in the lead in styles, quality and prices ! Why ? Because we understand where to buy, and when to bay, so ' that we can give our customers the very best values obtainable in the country, viz. : DRESS GOODS _In all shades, designs and textures. Special attractions in Blaok and Colored Silks. BLOUSES—Beautiful and extensive range of Blonsss, in Silk, Fine Lawns, and Muelina. Laces, Insertions, Embroideries --sae Dur immense stook of Fine Laces, Insertions, Embroideries, etc., eto. . WINDOW CURTAINS—The largest and most complete range of Window Curtains, in Lace, and charming shades and designs in Madras Muslims. PRINTS—Very pretty Prints—the prices will please yon. GROCERIES—Pare and fresh --great values. Please come in and see the goods; our description• of them f ails to do them justice. HIGHEST PRICES FOR GOOD TRADE, I2. M. GORDON. 011LMQEl9, There were no services in either of the oharohes on the 9th inst. owing to the stormy weather, Mr, Savage has been seriously il 1 with pneumonia, MTs Jannie Mogee has returned home after airending two years is tratuiag for a nurse in a New York hospital, ortaliktero (Intender. for last week) Mrs James Turnbull who has been ill Wilt pneumonia, is again able to be Orlin& Miss Annie S:raohau who has been visiting here for the last few weeks re turned to Pine River on Saturday. The gravel road and oonoessions were badly blooked by snow. Trento was not re•oponed till Saturday, La Grippe is the fashionable complaint on the 4th of Grey. , Mr. D. Richardson has been quite ill with.a severe cold. Everyone around Jamestown reoeived a valentine this week. J. Richardson has hired with Eli Smith for the coming year. Fire destroyed the Clifford House at Dresden. W. R. Adams, C. N. R. conductor, was killed in the yards at Saskatoon. The Methodist Ministerial Association of Ottawa has determined to prosecute the holders of the ice race meet on the river on Sunday. Richard MoBey, aged nine yearn, who lived. with two elder brothers on a farm near Dunnville, was found dead in the •house, with a bullet wound in the chest. The Mutual Reserve dlife Insurance Company of New York is reported to have sufficient fends deposited in Canada to pay all policy holders whose claims have matured. Longshoremen at Qaebeo are reported to have determined on an increase of five oents an hour when navigation opens, and the demand may cause tha 0. P. R. to make Three Rivers the terminus for its Atlantio steamers. • : GI I .I . I WA :i EI 111N, 1111 III, I: •SI; BIG IJISSOLUTIONSALE CI This is something that will interest yon: Having bought Mr. Hill's interest in. the Maxwell & Hill Merchant Tail- oring and Men's Furnishings Business, I will continue the business under the old name of Robt. Maxwell. The business is much larger than formerly, having great- ly extended the Merohant Tailoring Department and added a large and select stook of MEN'S FURNISHINGS In Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Underwear, Neckwear,Ik: Gloves, Sweaters, Hose, Mufdiers, Scarfs, Fanoy' Vests, :lel: Pants, Overalls, eto,, etc. 1 CII II 111 II 1 tea N11R,tt Cnxn■,11 :°X1::11 NOW BE IT KNOWN That having a large stook of these goods on hand, I wilt :I sell those lines, and especially winter geode, at prices that ! will make you wonder how and where we got them. But Ci 19„ yon may rest assured they are 111: INS'GENUINE, HONEST BA : O P I: " r...z In all the bargaiersales of the past year in this town, there were none like unto these. -Bat remember, there is " I'Is a limited time FROM THE 13 UNTIL. THE 29 OF FEB. tl1111 41' Do not put off until the lat of March coming for these . ; bargains --you will be too late, they will b@ all gone. a: Como early to make sure of getting what you want. ,� If 1 should tell you that if you would call at my store I " ! !I I: would give you $1 00 I believe you would make haste to 1I' .C11■■NIN: .■..II.. Cot here. I may mean that or mole more, according to your purobave. ......_ _ Yours very truly .11 I ROBT. MAXWELL Merchant Tailor and Men's Furnishings, f� E "'LI" F gip" Bti;IIHIiLiIIiILBiILII�I�kIIINLIIlIIiII F ;;a 1...lt��llt..���i�.l�I Liibli ..� ..,,..�. f � 'll 111E:�iII:�€: I I �HiiHiLil9iil.,i:Ial.,ll.ifnLILtLl:iillt� Llll.11i.ill 11 1 11 Fi : 1 Never Cry .,Quits. You may be weak, sleepless, Nervous, —digestion may be poor, but don't despair. Never say die till you have used Ferrozone, the most wonderful body builder, the best nerve and system tonio known. Ferrozone gives tone and vigor to the whole body; it makes yon eat, consequently it provides increased. nourishment. Day by day you grow in strength—weakness, loss of sleep, ap- prehension all pass away, Yon get well, atay.well, look well. Do try Ferrozone, it's sure to benefit. All dealers in 50o. boxes. GODERICR. A distressing fatality occurred within a mile or two of Goderioh on Saturday, whereby James 0. Ross of Goderioh township was instantly killed by a Grand Trunk train. The unfortunate gentle- man, in company with two neighbors, was coming into town walking along the railway track, A strong gale. from the northwest was blowing, which prevented them from hearing the train until it was just upon them, Ross who was walking in the centre of the group, unable to get clear, was struck by the engine and instantly killed, while hie companions were thrown to either side of the track, but with little injury. It is uncertain whether the aooident was caused by the express or freight train, as the two pass- ed at close intervals, and the train crews were unaware of the fatality until after their arrival here. ' s Are You a Dyspeptic. Nine people out of ten suffer from dyspepsia and don't know it. Half the pale oheeks, poor appetite and sleepless nights are the direct result of dyspepsia. The cause lies in failure of the stomach and kidneys are clogged, and unable to do their work. Nothing puts vigor into those organs so fast as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They tone up the whole digestive system, regulate and strengthen the stomach, absolutely cure dyspepsia. Simple to take and sure to cure,—better try Dr. Hamilton's Pills. • 0 00041000000.4904114110.04401400.00 Is your baby thin, weak, fretful? , Make him a Scot's Emaulrton baby, Scold's Emautrion is Cod Liver OR and Hypophosphites prepared so that ; it is easily digested by little folks. Consequently the baby that is fed on Scott., Erzit cion is a sturdy, rosy. cheeked little fellow full of health and vigor. • ALL DRUGGISTS: 50o. AND $1.00. WRTThCRtTRWI.. Maple logs are beitg taken to Lack - now. Mumps and measles are prevalent around the neighborhood. A quiet wedding took place on Wed- nesday, Fob. 5th, at the manes is Wing - ham, when Mr. George Coulter, son of Mr. William Coulter, was united in marriage to Miss Lizzie Reid, niece of Mr. Samuel Burchill. The young people are going out West where they intend making their home. They take with them the best wishes of their many friends. A L rfghtful Death. Is one from stffoeatiou and sometimes follows a bad attack of Asthma. The old fashioned remedies may relieve, but never cure, Best results came from Ca- tarrhozene, which cures A thine after hope is abandoned. It's because Ca• tarrhnzone kills tho Asthma germ that it cures. Choking spells and labored breathing are relieved, enffooatin r sen- sations and lose of breath are cured, Every tra•o of Asthma is driven from the system, and eveu old chronics ex- perience immediate relief and lasting care. Equally good for Bronchitis, Throat Trouble ani Catarrh. Sold by all dealers in 25o. and $l 00 sizes. Got Catarrhozone to clay—it does cure. BLIIEVALE Miss Nettie McNaughton is recovering after a serious illness with pneumonia. Mise Jessie MoKellar has been visiting with her aunt, Mrs J. 0 Johnston. air. George Johnston, of Boissevain, Man. has been visiting with relatives in this district. The Weatmtnster Guild held a literary At Home on Wednesday evening of this week. MORRIS. We are sorry to learn that Ribert Young, sr., an old resident of the Gth line, had the miafortnne to fall on the Toe one day reoently and break hie right leg. We hope he will soon be around as usual. Although eighty years of age tie thought nothiog of walking five or nix miles. Word has reached Belgrave of the death of Mrs. A. B. Jackson, of Calgary. She died on the 31st of January. in her 72nd year. Mr, and Mrs. Jackson were well known in Morris and East Wawa - nosh, having been among the first set- tlors, and a highly respected family. Mr, and Mrs. Jackson and son, Kersey, moved to Calgary about nix years ago, where they had two sons living, Thos. E. and Chas. Two of their daughters are living in Edmonton and one in De- troit. We are pleased to learn that Mrs, Wm. Messer, Mrs. Joseph Hogg and Mr. R. N. Duff are muoh improved lu health. Communion service was held in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday last. Mr. Will Gardiner and Mrs. McDonald, of Goderioh, Mrs. Fred MoCracken, of Brussels, and Mrs. C. Thornton of Wiugham, were all at the bedside of their mother, Mrs. Jahn Gardiner on Sunday, Feb. 9th. Are Yonr Joiutd tame. Haven't you a weal; spot, a place where cold and inflammation always nettles? Whether it is in the neck, side, joints or limbs—the onre is simple—a good rah with Nerviline and then apply Nerviline Porous Plaster. These great rubefaoiaats invariably onre strain, swelling, weakness and muscular pain. There is no mystery about this, Nervi• line is the most penetrating liniment known—oonsegnently it gets where the trouble really is. Nerviline Porous Plasters are great healers and draw out congestion. Be sure you get the genuine; substitutes can't do the work. • ST. REI ENS. Miss Minnie $.amage ie visiting rel- atives in Toronto. Mr. Wm. Woods itelaid up -with an attack or neuralgia. Harry Etat; who has been, wgrking in this vicinity left on Wednesday for his home in Tc renter Mr, James Aitchison and sister, Mrs. Wilson, are on an extended visit to friends in Durham. Miss Margaret Rutherford acboompan- ied (Rev.) Mrs, Craw to Fergus and will remain several weeks. The Farmers' Institute will hold their annual meeting *in the Hall here on, Wednesday afternoon and'evening. Mr. and Mt s. Donald Rutherford, also Mrs. R K. Miller, attended the funeral of Mrs. Rutherford's father, Mr. Salkeld, near Stratford, last week. Rev. Mr. Craw and family left on Monday for their new home at Fergus. Their many friends here wish them abnndant success in their now field of latter. Rev. Chas. Rutherford, of Dan- gannon, who was appointed moderator at the last meeting of Presbytery, will preach the pulpit vacant next Sun- day. Tho annual report of Calvin Presby- terian church, St. Helens, for 1907 is in the hands of the Congregation and shows the finances to be very satisfac- tory. The envelope and plate colleo• tions were $781 92; Sunday School, $28,93; W. F. M. S., $63.8; Y. P. Bible Class, $55; Harris Mission Band, $38 57; Missionary Association $257.90; Tea- Meetiog $68; which together with a balance of $78 98 from last year, brought the receipts up to $1333.63. The dis- bursements amounted to $1283 10, leav- ing a balance of $100 68 in the treasury . Daring the year five were added by certificate, while there were two re- movals by certificate and two by death, the present membership of the congre- gation being 173, Under the pastorship of Rev. R. W. Craw each dep artment of ate Church work has shown progress during the year. GREY. Wm. and Mrs. Duke and baby, of New Liskeard, were visiting the fcrmer's parents on con. 4 Grey. Mrs. Duke and baby will remain for the Winter. Jno. Grasby and family have moved to the Hugh Porter farm, 10th con., whioh they have rented for a term of years. We welcome them to Grey and hope they will share in the general pros - parity of this township. Wm. Buttrey, jr., who is here on a holiday visit from the West, purposes returning the last week of file month. He has dorso well and has his plans laid out for the coming season, We are al- ways pleased to hoar of the Grey boys climbing the ladder. ICINLOS9i. Ohas. Stewart, an old pioneer of Kin- loss died Wednesday morning, Feb. 12th, atter a long illness. Ile was aged 87 years and 5 months and was one of the first settlers of the township. He loaves a widow, four sons and five daughters; his death being the first break in the large family. Two of the sons, James 'and William aro at home ward two of the daughters, Mtg. John and Mrs. Geo Grenache are iu Teeswater. The other sons and da>;ighters are in the West Mr. Stewart was born in Inverneeahire Scotland, in 1821. and Came to Canada in 1851. After spending three years In puslinch he came to Kinloss and has ever since lived. Old lot 25, eon. 8, where he died, CIILROSS. Conncil met at Teeswater, on Mon- day, Feb. 10th. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting were read and sustained. The auditors then presented the report of roeeipts and expenditures for year 1007. Tho Council then compared the report with the treasurer's books and found them apparently correct. On motiou of Kuntz and Ballagh the report was adopted and 200 copies order- ed to be printed for distribution. Kuntz—Ballagh—That no bills be re• cognized for breaking the gravel road unless ordered by the parties appointed to atteni to the same, and that Geo. Falconer be appointed to attend to that part south of the village and Wm. Baptist to the north of the village. The by-law for appointing the several paid offioers for the year was read the first, second and third time, passed, signed and sealed, The following accounts were paid:— Jes. Yonil, breaking gravel road, $5; A, Caslick, salary as collector. 1907, $60; Chris Batton, salary as Clerk, 1907, $125; Jno. McRae, auditor, $9; Thos. McDonald, auditor, $9; Jos. Murray and others, breaking gravel road, $7 50; Wednesday morning, Feb 5th, at G 30 o'clock the spirit of ,Tohn Shiels, lot 19, con 14, took its flight from the clay tenement. Tho closing out of this life was not unexpeoted as Mr. Shiels had been confined to bed for, over a month, with a complication of ailments, whioh with his age forbade a prolongation of life. He was born in Lanarkshire, Scot- land, nearly 82 years ago and carne to Canada in 1850. After a sojourn for a time at Whitby and Toronto he came to Grey and took up the bash lot upon which he lived and prospered and from which he was borne on Monday to the tomb. Oa the 28th of Jatinary 51 yearn ago deceased joined hand and heart with Miss Jeanet McNair, who survives him and together they j,urneyed through the trials tiled dlflioulties of pioneer life and made for themselves a comfortable home, Mr 5 lids was of a quiet turn but was well read and highly esteemed by all who knew him. Ie ohnroh re- lationship he was a faithful ntember of the Presbyterian chnroh and in politics he loyally supported Liberal principles. There were 0 children born to Mr. and Mrs. Shlele, 7 of whom survive and are:-,-Themas, in Saskatchewan; James, John and 11,obert, of ;Grey; William of British Columbia; and Misses Jane and Annie at home. Mrs. Shield has one brother James McNair, of Grey, living. .Established x879 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolene Is a boon to AsihniaticS Does it not seem more effective to breathe in n remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than t� tuko the remedy into th- stomach Y It cures because the air rendered strongly ani i• septic is carried over the diseased surfae with. every breath, g:viag prolonged and constant treat. tient. It is invaluable to mothers tt;th smell children. Those of a consumptive tendency find immediate relief from coughs or in- a..med conditions of the throat. Sold by druggists. Send postal for booklet. DitttMttto, Mitts Co., Limited, Agents', Mein - telt', Canada. 307 TEN DAYS MORE .1111.1.1.110 c'*114* Isar"cd's Big Clean =Sweep Sale Goes on Another Ten Days, Ending Monday, 'Feb. 24 Owing to unfavorable weather and impassable roads, our country customers and friends have not been able to attend this Great Money - Saving Sale. We are adding another X' 1 0 D 4YS so that those living in the country may take advantage of this Big Sale and share in the Bargains as well as our townspeople. The MMA Bargain Last advertised during the last 'two weeks, will be carried out to the letter. It will pay you to make q. trip to this store from any distance. COME AS EARLY AS YOU CAN. BRING ALONG YOUR. BUTTER AND EG3S. Is rd PHONE 68. 1 eallenelnlaillallaaranotimemiesznitossm WINTER FOOTWEAR TO BE CLEARED OUT ! Our January Shoe -Fly Sele cleared our shelves of a lot of good Footwear, and our customers were wall pleased with the values. We still have a large stock of winter wear for men, women, boys and girls, which positively must go, and we'll make the price so low that it's bound to move 'em. R. JOHNSTON - Shoe Dealer RQbt. Colvin and others, breaking gray el road, $18 75; Gordon Melvin, break• ing gravel road, $1: Sao. McCormick, rep. hill on boundary, 81; Chas. Batton, registration fees, $17 40; John Clark, salary as treasurer, $85. The Council then adjourned to meet again on Monday, March. 2nd. Cries. BUTTON, Clerk. It is our pleasure this week to con- gratulate Mr. Andrew MoKagne on having joined the ranks of the bene - diets. He was married at 6 o'clock Tuesday evening, Feb. 11th, to Miss Jeanie Hill, only daughter of Mr. John Hill, 6th line east. Rev. D. Tait offici- ated at ,the home of the bride's father in the presence of about sirify guests— relatives and friends of the contracting parties. The bride, who was prettily gowned in navy blue silk and oarried a bequot of cream reties, was given away by her father. Both she and the groom wore unattended. After the ceremony the guests eat down to u sumptuous dinner whioh was folios( e I by an even- ing spent in social games and converse. Many handsome and neeful presents showed the esteem in which Miss Hill was held by her Monde. The groom's present to the bride was a pretty gold brooch set with pearls. Mr. and Mrs. .toIegue are at home on the old Mo- lague homestead,jnet east of Teeswater. Archbishop Bruohesi of Montreal has forbidden Catholics to play organs or taloa pert in any service in Protestant cburchee He has also said that no diepenations will be granted in regard to mixed marriages. 4 tornado which visited Moeevill i Mise., last week, swept the entire vil- lage away, only four buildings being left standing. Mrs. North, as old lady, was found erozen stiff in her home on Jahn street, Orangevi.le. NOW OPEN JI ENTER ANY DAY - I[1r\L'inoor Term in all departments of the Central Business College, To- ll- ronto, otters tplenditl chances for Cspending a few months pleasantly and profitably. jTwenty-five teacbers. Catalogue ii free. Write for it. W. H. Shaw, P1 Principal; E. It. Shaw, Secretary, pt Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. N INVESTIGATE Into the merits of the :/011P NTRAL 7/0' sTRATFORD. ONT.-w. It ie the most snncessful bneinees t aininir school in Western Ontario. Our Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphic, Departments are in the charge of able instructors of expert fence. All our canreee are thorough, np•to date and practical. We have beoonle one of the largest business training schools in the provieoe flet our free catalogue and learn' whet we are doing. Commercial schools its well as business men employ oat graduates. Students are entering each week. Enter now. HlAM & iwicI AC ELLIOTT P13i1C1IPALS.