Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-03-30, Page 2-70 MR.. P r ,.A 4 :MD day' VIIOC 4011031 0 PIP 0 � t.Qd T11W -§00ratary of. evolved A �Ilgljt fie wouna ARA F Tor WNW, of ID"tord- on, Ille, 11 Tp it - , I - Q ter, wa,'i I �1­ :, _ ­ ..r t r�w , --- In, 04, lile. J!" ub"Ics."F, one, of' the 'wounded of ricer:$, field 111) A' 4, WjIIt0'jIa oil, ............................. a '.128 .1, ­­­ r FAS"0AIII .. - � qu q let. The-'Riqrs On nVII141ely c most, 14 tin mong the and d to Id �all, res In the Ca they- 'could g, cases dian bo'spittivis, Ithat-of'Lijiloole qrPori�l, conveyed t1io T Nvotuldel'- tb 00 near6st -f no w fire" OctampiaKt, of UIoiltrQ4j. 0 t'P4 �,4 I ; I Y 0"'Ing Vlo� VII were Well" arGO-101' (111VIn' th h arching with -d'I �ofl !.Agj7kr4tIQ0 A h6 W, I if and: fell, out, and. I Of ers A:bi7lg4de,, genera Y p the Opax fit. NVIII311, he re .1149N4, rockjoaqness,� CQvere PAIges Ife. 13 runill ng IfitO, at,. old �Jound filinjolf,glon6; pel Ills"L I Own. 'to.. their cone'lou er l6nd4n: 'Re -d d �L T; Der" ti -I Ar TJ 0, G a en.-prrson6r, by - , k Y tllr6 a a! wag soon fatirteen'ifille, amp: le$ _�iortjl,�6r, 'to6k Ida sb*068 0 Boers. V 0901100teln, % a. 'h was 4130 cQat;lrom Illm, hild X gtlarded;'� bY .1iorth of. th c oacuc tilorp oil -da- 0, her of pr Y; 'It he t I pne, o , 1, do" x4ention tllg the ..9 managed, t a. neXt, ara troqj)Ie�O;jALo,.' ICIT�aie riiI I ------ V_ �13124PO 0arly -------------- VERY ANX 41 FOR Ile elu`d6d't'hejI­ II�e4roil Ing twenty,' and� wandered 113� RELIEF111 mjIQS to, for, tlireaqla officers,. "the Poiqjjj..rTI yq. AID last he mIxtoly fil-4 11911t4, Or- 40muer 1� VoIik wmvd�n they T tr Wel e fdIlIn,-�4utcI bole, bad, bit (ays and a, Of* tht) $klrX 'Ream TO r, thTe lloriv his back by av ng, hurt, MY, and t1terally `by the -en .4 cr4WIeq. I]ato, .611a towil'. It - ]Re A LE BAT IS' T11 R y ith ng oilit, rQjjAj or. Talk Qji,the Wateri and .1fal tiffix6lieAl �Pl6e6fonteib# 'Uhroh, 5.,_7�W11110 Lieu. 94gen's, Vi it to II forty-five wit —Some-Apprefi-n es- WItbo.iij shoes,., tenant,Colb He' 'A; 9 PArernfe 0I, it t F firsttBattallQn, + his ttl no ."Codrington, Of r Peer_Says. the, round his f6fIt... - I Dubllllj�at , 8 for he Cold life Doc-� Not P'llardt-, - LIejlt._Qo,I. bj, R.vrre,�ej, 'TIePHOU they, had - III S. Crabbo,' prA6; jis* S Water In t ILL Y, Th f tile i�rjlt,rd. 9,0151 Ize. Sta, t" enough 0 -Battalion of it -T ., m'b�­iiskefft the Door rwi)y"bPilh6h; l -and 0difirdAi L'yg - -flw artqnAi�� . S�a (>It,. geglunoff . i, Note 1 11- poned-_G ventiQtjj"1he 9 an"I the attption Ile is re tal hillutant I,'. ..' " " I I I e'ant1me.__4--M;xch Sqckncj�,�j renadi?, A JS so .0 t I,, t Mong thL -PrI9oiqer.,4' clivInin �Req: OJ[ U10 -B trs; Life are P 1> --7-T,.hq; will, etorla4�-'den.I ements IVA, 119 to tbo PAVD s alks. to, the B9 P fit "for-, sII ragg al�j f, I "Ire* 1, g rs at b1fiPpoliS I Lee any Guartls�,t, line Ycr, To. be afirp;" it'JI1,13- 4 ownerV, as. b8fitil" -,jlfoj op*,?vqq�.. i,n N., bl- iI! 'di -c' T10 QuAiiiIiii Visits, "OjoiI M, Is fit ge'l. tll pit, of th r Lit. Lonaott -4 sit P� San qttei fe a adiera,'an or,' di, 1)atroh le, on.be II.Weiv rldl�pe XIQrtjj bed- TI otioll of 11011ths, before e�wgre e.. . natliall . og., t� 10 Toron,V I, d!rC b 'Oborts raiall .1.1iti S, III b 1)0�'Orid 06, TTWP -Ldri!t a , vening,_ lit'r his 11o!zlg� th�n,6' 'b sU Not;, Pleased. With Roberts' Proclamati, had tho -f ey "Rach - Tpleki'Alli 1097s' glen thi aw alit] t.1,10 118rt Lih, 011OW1119 r uIerq near a kopjt�, Is,,regarded its -La Lai Iddh_ M, attre, ItTiLi it 1 "N11,11tOwn Re-OcCtipiiid ipecla.1 ybstetda Uee tljat arch 23.6:-yo�r,' 66 Y' tjI6 lijili and, T110Y "0(10 towards'� s-,ISsov,tPd 61 nDt.:koiijg to') . A use man %, Pdrident 'Visited the therg., of Norfolk 0011112 tG ifie F,�ont. IMP Loss'05 Duke , rres. ei foul -it, tto rbert )aos LIN. Mitchell' Of the I satJaractjoh 014Y,' 'and kIllarp firei from poll. t1gs 'London,,-,. Marc] P 11003. Captlij 10I tile and kille(I 01 r Orrl�e ski, information Toronto,. and Pte. - j.. W nfate Vlctory.�.,. I 23­Tbq '"rh ygoij� Wis hit in tj1e. -Y Biggarsbarg rango. from Cu' no., as issue'd tho'1oII&IVIhg -tlIeY are I rQdPrIc - F91'eatler 14'alkei At �6 Pe alion; Xova Sco, rt;ly- Their stronkest positions t '" ' 'sla' I* prss anti Officitl1q, but lc� ndycleugil' of 93id, Cumberind j3at: 15111911', -and Lieut. -Col. Qabbe'. in -od by t' from 'Oeneral Uodr4ngton It 1s%w-Iltt the great. frulaj t 'are'acroSs. tile road, Ivjjejco�� boeil on .,a Tlr.oter NV48 VVQ Ape TI to hel;.Soorejary of 44,, both NVI ed In, the arm E, Of- IV4r it AIM Of tilt, t C eia-vice With-, 't ape Town Al 1..re 1:11, UA1 'I fer �are 1,16 Ito The QFde0Yand-g'6dP IvO iJanadian R- 11 yal efol.-IP Soclet C t lid �fibt egram has, ou is for thb Cape "I xteen as' tilfI eg h IIng tol 12,000 mon' with. at ri'ment - in- Boers as 'ILLI'dilig tile ()Ili I -The fol fill th L, iligs from Nicli4i Thdy liav'e,beob 1JJ ey, qre rin,.g prom en-, carif6d, L ells tire: I tj -Itlj.� &ak�ns-�' 11 To toir March 0. fr6ill, Jo., torte fe*ei;,, Wid "'Tht3 .ToJI6��jng .1 f berg rn-ge f ere 'brpagllt, from tollettea Sbuth-'Af I- oStilted lot. the 'it 0110 0 rom 11, ell, I,' farm -house,- ji to Of +t w1ille. t1f,3 obatst; March 14, , Boors YO11,119'. men' dressed, tl� e.great , wr base.,,. e-TPo0t t to be d1scliar wounds and Otherwise T-Y,':ropiq� tliportant fro"' th'e'llosPital �Anf a few days "u"'I 10 after which they firoill, the E011th It coinsiderable �furce 4re Indications of ged fill in the t. a 'For tb6so. t dispOItions, Xative. e r aJQStY 10ft thelln gap fe oni Ufoode's sidin On was buridd Zzle prevailing rush eX first advancocl d bw r tors, a a y, , t YiCtorla 1) tato Lyj g: thibir. romen' and' no sent via' ' to 'tlffe hospital Yesterday.' col,.1, . e .,rnbon. the're is,a,ny "'Afteir a sit lie -,-O , it ! ill thC, afif- 'Boers. , "11, Wd I to littI6 engag� rthilivard Bourke, �he 'chief. � in C .-Col allloullt of UU0,41011 -.k,rj lzltep%iu�v 13OCTle a at Real Y, raii.18- are z1out h office lefi6. ing the. pro, 'vanced, 1) a s t m,,e,nt, atjnellit'gll�uapt# t1fey intend- to ''withdrw 'Mitchell anq � ;, � . cqRb_1qII or. in ad, -Ptes.. baUle re to,- to Iroln polled ftI i _e� �jj whi—It ki ),e a I _ dwarW .4 roZtdy' s�jfit 0 wilit,- excell wqgons t yg fl,,who. a gree Ing Air. � Cecil, i�,ill dt liu. ti g 0 ently, 16111 rarr oj� oil ove *the. Helpmakaar'.-deta,chm 'a ngland aftext -hid. SCAthil.ig 4 Ifild fig J�c Will o-111aln position.. The Gob CII has recti tureE4, upon Pau, a corporal 4y'right of. t Opneril Buller flj�d Color lI je Chatinjan taken oI the blood, ill and. e-Kekewlell; to s�y nditIlhig,of f6igmancl I Of linissing". -probably -prisoners 001,10 Irani - were Wounded. been -hpli6inted. t6 the Africa about Vol npn ver; tb6 gillety w. IVA i qI.,tile�Lad-YA31111t) di COmmand out 10 Immediately, '111 iore. fell with him 00300 the �en6niy 9G -srroundied-bilu;- recup*4tin, the' ]LISS I)a 'If At 111ne. because ttate tin" [a oil nPoll flfriI "knoirn bit Still, -10 Shol; at short� d Cape Tow arell 23II_,-qaj' 6r� Cum. tOPTIGOW-the 'Boers' tile vi&,11 is eiltil-It'lir T �w Have: vau�sped,- f. 1`0111, flip. of tiN:a CIA .11-i'di 411ced f4rther'. north, tilld Shelle OIA 1.1111119 ocouple Qf A re the left quiv "Llel- Gath, 61' a llegiane tIlIlt "tIle POS, Ion from- ly- st,took as qui6kly , �Ureat' Iras,ap`7 fliAtIolIll, TJ�N�G It nder re'piled, ;artillery Arluei e, Lit), continuing Until, t Tay1dr ha �Sliifsez. Xiet -,i. it -3 n.Tsix liku'd-of tile fie I d%InarcjjIaI. 0111o, ready S'sInCe cliedI Of, wounds; One talI 'ZI10 natlog - Its ra native '*ds -Nr Alfred Af1i'llo fr6m Iurnor of �.Capo illth - t lid op. tjl,� i. uolony 'It �Uolet.�barg', y' -0site'extrenloo Is A rtillbry )6ubl aterday t in80jig zorl be W Irk r Aarch 24 the iflonlont, ren I. oil at . D 4ad Of' in t1lejo Iy4!.y,, I, oor Positlon wdolit, iiI 116�terday y=7 a, 'jil -oxidon e tjou�,, _90th Z;:; -The on� uf h the are not beilln� :Tile rule 1`181dolinblo ; (unners '.'allies 6f,':AftY-Jive sol.' jej n 'Majo',r' 13113W7it. at, t I t-,Th6 fxrtj' Aup 'porteid by the:-Kimbarfey Light Horse thl nwT �T, UJI A� OE�the- ileatll,3 �,j d' I Clul, 'or" 'svojlllds 411d I " .. w� . . I __Z__ .. T V16re Iv 10,80'Party Included to 1011 laste U16 re- tl B Allnist6r II NfOhli ,from foI Illie -, of hnlb had�' foux t,jIuS Ivas i.ne Lady' De(lrb, 6 U. the Sir Allre _n L it's od ter. ffIlII 14 ally rewell e d ca L�Iqx �oj it ot) s4altle t is j4'ridor- Rre ob itizBns -of -%7.- diliong the th, C I.northiiitrd is 60une Ubtli'V.-who hae 6t�d er a n _ttly ailli�ffifi if Kit T 1111 11 the' en'- ."'n, 1.111prLgoI by the,.Bo6 arti. 'Will 113 4, ere:u r's, 1! orcemellt Or Ortera: sorisoll pro t e -C-V 0 be bet. ate f- A, SI A�J` E � . . I I . - - he pa 1- Burst, Under a '11-01140d Tr6 f -that;, tho rd tj jul Ittires ath ffe0ted,- 6e Of'. pbsing of Per�'unal 111fill-Once t6xva T1160 �'Booer­ bo.pi ritreS. The th M.- I t CAPAD Affili-st nnY er- r t Gay law, III. I. 17011911'Christiana -to,'Pret )Or espmae t dec frain joi 0 re-' :11 ustrated LondoI ral, _�,, I I L.3 10 St§ has 'Pzj a- no dk; as'tel- 'Xille biji. -aild 11 UlStrla tAis (za L lit Milli,:01, Warx ��I in'th the bib Ilt9d 'claim ti 00terminect UAef,1,rt.rNtpp6j Promillon to Gord -)n accol e. - Liz bejbg �hnadi ­ I. -= oto .1 of thp ad "if fT.*-n _C t, ': soil .'cers Nvitl I)IT '7 7yra j 6 r _ of those aII<j vy,711le qIj ort whol i een would be . :: "IV z L r 4 b 04cort, v thov of '41itherto t L id ajoug. the wjira ent'Governormit t ikenpa,tl� mon qn, Tarc L14.-Fka�fli the, y, bedu and'ANilridionton' ch'ara'alin 'es and fmille Kad co'nia 1-�,lq Stopped Wld.-tisked' as t, CIO, anip, at'. -if 6.'dd Don thorn. Silo' she `,n6tic6d ovles'.. 1-10 jr - was lfav; beoij 1161d fl. a, have e*ed as� L'4ndi 6avi. Sor a L �S' sank tbe, po, ap.s .116W 16n (Oil). At t`h6:batjID. of "Bel Ilion t, Or 16rry boats nKS tIQn and, cofifid� Ina- wouti(jed" btt ITA�IiIverbd. [or active f . a nc&..cbyAijmUiido,s, al.,fe Ivertoon and P th iin df-tej Will ed�Wi,th them, -�61'ti(ofls or ;the' (1 9 they liaCt bf�a�u: �PUign and' ' 11.0thot had. ..ortgieu pQVi mobilizing h" T n'. tof, The ba n the infolilliation. the d b6',- t,, orqs-se by, alv:immingz, bia -count t 0 Pxpresrsed 116r a 'er,5*11"lle, dw� leave ", thol ()nly 'd ry I 8yinpI L. §1 6.1,011 al absence am that.'- they,. 'Would call be 01. re B vell. rieturhing - -SOO11" be. Ven oil have �p, gton, audit aje8 Y 4 SO'llIqulied. for the baldstredfi�, co oav, r� 4T as abt ILA - not ed tQ,IIlLA,Ie 13, reciii-ered I 4COloilL by. th� 3ro t 114. olidered- *PIvn.!- tha t -n bu t fo t 1r, G Il rc -w to `lTt6rIa Calladlan co omrades,jand j a been 'wounded sort- 1,1101 of tjj reVorted tAill.teLne u: led iOok�. Ill e ed' ell— 'a- pre eT of th nd re .spirits When the Outh Africa, and'I fI,,om.tIie;�,,sotItjI, if' A%e Sttledoftrzoi it tate I"I -ordi pisonfild;'ed. .1 f -16�'Mrontein..a., -as eng, -rea lyl %I'' a AJ Ing, Pro.. a Both, they' I gad(! 11 iLgd: It L6j-A: 6.(..th f. cec'da SlOWlY-- -A despatoll. r I thou "overb loptlluejrl-�. it1119 llt'for I -1:111tipband, in.. b 'ac Yarfee (Ifouth'iff.ilie who liatj 111011 of Llout.-Caj., -Warrenton IVh.Lch-'h,& -with a. Kinibmey oria-uge liI dealing 13 Wqr tell Eljp�ftqfij stubborn �G - lifideint. feeling among fh A.1toria be' 'The BkLtl�,Jl On to. his P r %VIISf in coin. lugi, banh-ii; C-the�y *win _132, nien s v-, lissdke 61 ]Dan(] OT Third -doapas�;ts ; t G114rds Ri'ver. otind jl;ts I:mors, o fle Ia rd rs. are ef0tilrued Igreat. .�fI In thonarthwest IvIlo 'adds Chat th,e Wo - O'd IvAll ills re,"illjon at 1�roanst t JFt -'the - camp Lign., jj� - Both Arid to their tirtrii1s, be6 fig �th Lad. Lou don., a its. peur to -b- lit q:saa '4 hIlke' here- ann e -I' son (?"Lle'ltO Cot 'Crbbe, wila-c ap n ave trc4i, A�Ujjec ordered, 0( 16 at ttly L ebe Into 7 - a 'A high -t ME St �he dgclay-, of Geifer - 0,. a' Ad t 81r;; Edward Ila 'o In tte; n C: rip" 6 erm, I tf 'C9.10ing :-tl�; del,Ib6j!atj6 tild Sur- trit ang rc�s f t Janut' �sllcll otividende.q try. .24 oM1111190111II-ift in tile at r,n ri Freo. St a-� e a Lid aa I) n CX ext c Ong4ke"112n t at lJoid upr1sDdt_-f* d" operations on' �tllfl- -j'A I "W "Ell the tift fo 0' jo, lit aj e Iltreric 8 Tat; born. re, I 24t.1j, anti- j?�cu! Ate Mit ruh 221fti, that, .,Go, I 18 11JIM'fi Own at Lelfivo�lglltolj, �Vor. ill'tortut rn,,� n t veo 11.1t, ,, 11 is qu e I.. love erVed Vl�ltlj tile AbS,Aii�' to', the reflef. of , , F that' t f1868 d -e publib,l"fol- 1. a ti, Ita Wit lf,.', s lat ppl-66tiv beell. Of both ca -4: LUCIA b ed" ail the r-6.411 It a ed: id - the DO, Y t re] Int H 6 roe, t of. 6f I s7 t I I oi* Trd t6� Ln ,fit s,u 1, n )lip "g It (),In it jig four tb i3l, fi4i- 'I jj.1fit­LjtI�II f LI -In In 0 -:a �rms atsOILL 0". �lllnorejll ZuItI lVill abilit o 'n� to t .014, cither in Ulf lutz" at arSLII it 011positi -GatR inJAS79 11110. bb f1roPer- t, VI At. Sli,pliosed. . to a -SI), Itionve t gj "I'llt. f 1 V d' I I 'y V.,�� Thit., t fildlilp; !it (II morning, tjtff oirj�. an k Of �J'j 103 atoust of relitilited fa. .�c ill tl k k: it Jkldl so and- rom, :1,,,380 to .1 0. ril, -- flail ld I I131 sArl lei inp Xg I -S lit o I f 1P I off 1, he Ile, ti� t IV t-oll to g1h, t a ov s1%, n.1 fL '? 8 L ITO n J�r% Of lit r IV! wi A -If .1,,9:)7, wa 3 ilow it k1"', TI .4 t1love of Via rep tro, trturfellt, T116 li fig, oil, f of ti iIIIto( IiInto .4 0119. tito. qjt6ply Pf IAbrlgtd6­I;j f -I tit led "ili-tit Ul, Al) Ve of tjij� t in, L Lq ti-- 4, 4r- �;L �4 0 Vfxj, at X fit. 111011 it ;VjC I., ff' n for Aodo' (0, WItjL. I tb p.AI,lns,.-, it( R'.9 VA th po:nt I (16 U Iffell Is tifOftho 411 14 It titol a- er to! 11 Ifleas. A sk" Th from 11 1 . . i Of 111:31 t !Ilot 1 or . 0 alilla to t I t, W;lr. 01ficP from I� aItott I y04 or 1, ot 4. ON . F, tOI - 0.11 , of roligilt 'by the .11 to hil tt,special, n t of 01 Iva 10 noro,, lll.troat:, j IV.i rip gt r I 1110, I(If i.......... L (0) e -JR olY soutli, UO bl� n'it !if 4.51 t I dolill-.01176d r that' n Atfulull ill jg t, tile Ito i;h'_-'boI n '0, If of Ad flif. I. A, oil rom tfutt Oir y IItv It If ffl�k O1) 1? 'for hIVIIILII .111los III too on N lit It 'h' 611" Of Viti (10,)IInfl fft fit ,h' illo tilt, weAp a tritl itft. b ("I hibill Itfill t CIL sisiut r)l r Lord 11fli)- Y t 1110 V'e An", 1Alt' thn fort It the tt t! Ill h� It t.V of :1,11(f - t, 1) A) "I a If or Afto 911 ill tr.t t if lb A, T 6, It r lucini 'try?)* of AIII I.g I I; I but P Nj t fto 1',f) tAItj IT b t! t rj, 1) la r. ry 'IT ally' Ith tT 1l) it oil t jf� It