HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-03-30, Page 1• r. f ' `.1 OL XXVII- w HAwLTt Q.KNOW• ead Office - -Hamilton: Capt paid. - 1,500,000' aosorroruna 000,000 Total .Asioots 48463,057 • Board of Directors • Predicgent ° Viee-P9'esicient ° :Jess sTunair, ' • A. G. • " Jpart VitooTOR. GEO: 11,0AOIL, • ?t.1,•:, t..Wbon, I. P. , LES, (Toronto) Wax,Rkinson, ,51;T: , .64t1?er,' '''rUEWEJ,L1,.." A,int Cashier, $, STEvEltr. Insp'ector, H. M. WATsoN,;/. • Agencies - , Berlin ' . Listowel. Owen Sound Carman, Man Dicknow Port plain Ohesley Manitou, M'an. Elimcde ' Delhi , Milton Sbuthaniptor. Geoil.etown lVforden, Man. Torcuito . Grin:1,113y Niagara Falba' Winglia3n Hamilton (13:_i tun st) Orangeville Winnipeg, Alan. Hamilton (East End) J'IDH/sT: SPR94. T, TifTzAcilfr'. T'iR. .T1NN4'T,•fHSIC1IAN 1.1 Surgeon . d AcConoher. • Surgery over grocery iitore. Office lours Tom 0 to from 2, to 5 p.m. and Ifreni irk,meD •OliD.ON„ M.1); • Jt!, ALS' , :Physician, Sur- , geon, • and Accoucher. ' 'ILTitatairs in • Win. bloClc: Residence' RO8S street, behindJ. G, Murdoch a. CO store. " /R. STANLEY': PAULIN, PHYSIC, J_Y'ian; Surgeon and AcconCher. Office: • on bridge, ePnosite .ware-rOpms, tuacnow.' Night dells 'et Cain' noose.. : . . . • • . . • 1 r LEGAL • • ri ARROW & (ARROWRARRIS- teys,- So11c1tor4 etc., Goderich, Ont:' 3, T. GAtaow, Q C CH t GAintow, 110et A..*MALCOMS1)11, A11111811E11, ' JL,• Solicitor; donVeyancer;,:.etc.,..(late; 'of Cameron, Hilt &-Catneron.-Goderich). Office ' :utistairs in Allin'a, new bloo)c., MORP,ISOINT,.. • isARRISTF.,,R. 11. Selioitiir, Commissioner, Notary, etc. ...Money' to 'loan: pps!..i,?yfy 4,00dykpp,3.1?er lip;• • • ,•.!.:•• • • goDiEtIES • . CgURT 'SHERWOOD, NO 50, LITOK- .„,new;.,--Meets.every....fitet • ;dayof every,l.ntouth..in, the :Orange 0411. , Visittirrbbtirrairitra'enediallri#Vit-al. (nix MAcITYRE, C. rt. - D. -Yolk See LOYAL ORANGE LODGE • 1lrO. 428-,, 110`1:,toS .11'S A Monthly,ineetinge in, the Orange Hall, Ilataphell•streeti LucknOiv, on.' the scot:id, Tuesday evening of each and eVery, month. Degree night on the Second -Tue0ay evening , following. All visiting brefhieneordially in. •-.--.-vited-to-the:MeetingS:.- • - • pAyin itcu cif, W. ltileQuir,LAN. , O.O.F. -Tr u' c-Tli-k o w •„IL,: ll•odgeoNo 112 meets every Friday evening. at 8 ()deck in their hall,. Campbell street. All, brethren 'eordially_invited , , . _ . - r„, „. 4-. I JoILIT McIETEEE • if. A. wintC0111SoN., -. . . Noble Grand; • Recorder -.OLD LICHT .LODCE G 11/ , 1%1 r.,EBTS tVIIIRYTHURSD'AYNron'i ,l11. on or before the fall Moon, in the Hall, lie tieleck'sireet, , : • . '• ISAAC MOORIStni, " ' DAYs; Wo eshinful Matiter • 'Seeretary, -1.; IS 0, K N () 1 dolmen"; (1,33,... 'adieu Order. of Ist Chosen Prionds.. ir-etrr-inTtl--3rt 'rned'day .ktYon it.1Ffr , of en cit month, .in :Odtlfellows yfaitor5 ootdinlly invited. • „ D.',,,P,Vrrtiuso,,,-, • itecortter: • • t. O.1 F., I 14t0CW prrrtm-B..,. ord.. of Foresters Meets in the Odd fellows' • Hall on the foiirtlyTues-, . dam of each , month, at ••. SO 7:o'clock.1 ViSiting . orethren cordialTV'inVited. • . • 0 if,is.,.."6'ATRO ". • IN 4.A., ithWat3lon,c • vis,07 „ ititugtAtice.,, Fong NB MARNE I SIDL ALL,. 13anke'rs, L 0 C KA,7 0 LP ON7 • We 0.a, a general: banking, 'biisinese; assne drafts throughout Canada and the United 'States.' We Make collbctiOns on all points; : including l -Western States, Manitoba and• , the North-West Provinces; and all colleci- •.,tions, whether note or, aOciount; will have •Ifrompt attention, Noted diseounted and 'fariner'ii..sabk motes • easliedi, ' Wo loanto.farmers 'on donl3le or single notes from one,to twelve months time, ,aid at reasonable rate of interest.; We loan .small or large ainountil on second Mortgage on farin.S_ Orother 'real:estate eee- 'urity and on first Chattel ,Mortgagesliiia live stock and implements and Crepe: . , • We have a.laige amount of. funds to adVanCe. on first mortgaged frorn '5 per cent..tc 6., per cent, -The•ratcis graded.acaording to the quitlity.and site of Ufa loan required.‘, • . We,represent the leading • Engliqn1 and Ca,na4', dian •Fire Inenrance Ciinvaniee. Arid' can eileet insurance on, a1,1 claSees of iiropexty in • Steak or Mutual Vonip.anipa'as cleared., • Our.oftice ho3.-firs.aro, from 10 a. in, to 4 •p.'in. •EOJ A, SIDDALL ;. - aral iczuitj '4.2c.tV$ Died in keitstrooil• • ; There died in the; village Of Holy- roed Tin Tueeday last. the 'oldest regi - dent. ef - t•he ;county; in the personof Mrs; Corrigan, mother of 41-. Peter, Cerrigan, and widow of the late John Corrigan; in the 194th year Of her.age. A nuire extended Sketch of her inter- esting life *ill:appear next week, • Won On A Walk • : Alvie Teleming, of this itille-ge„. went to the -carnival in Ripley Rink? on March 1.5t1)whetie a skating 'race was ..V1114ge PronePt Dale • "4 .,, A velT,tlesi•rti,111&pleee ef • property feriti• Place ,Or busLness Qfl Oainpbell Street,' Lucifimw..": • Apply to kair 'Siclelall bankers. '• , ,Bought T.ne•stock • l'Nfr. 0: B. ; 'Of Lritillich, ;has .bonelit the' dry goods buiineos Of, Mr. „Frea.Ottiody; in this•avillagel; and ,on another page,ef The Sentinel. Ittill he , . 'fraind his advertisemerit,of the:bigaiSale of goOds, • , • Pap Sale That'desirable property :situatedi at the.Cerner -of Gough•and'Relhi-streets cotitaining one third of an acre., The house, contains ,ten roonn and good Pteae.cellar, With 'hard and soft Water. -Good stable; •wOodehecl, and out houses on the property'. , Apply to Ulla; W.. /I. Joinve-roN, • , • Died In 'LneknOlixr • , Mr.' John' IVIoore ':we of t -the ''oldest •and most highly esteeined citizens, pasCed, away fie.liiiiiroincretii% Mir7e-1-53.14- street, on Mendaylast: nacea§ed had reitebed.the "ripe old age of ' 91 years, mthaths and 20 days, and his funeral on 'Wedn'eaday last was largely atteiV ,pnither refercnee'Will•he inade•fo Mi.:11‘loore'S"deatli in onr next issue. . Heise • The coeoty:0 BrlLat has a .petition 'before-,tlip,Leglialatiirel:that;Might.Well b• supported Hy the.County:ef.,'Brtice. Ji saya-,•-"That in Sc) ...far is the County of 'P,rant is,:.coneqned your ,p'etitionera. ,believe'tbat the pr9VieionVoi.the Herse .T.filt-Act:. have' been., abused. ; Strong sus'preion ,eeiiitOtliat'. itt tnony, :ott.sfie.111 cuny Lhoftsof horses of .veryJittle •value•have been committed with. a 'view- and !Underptanding that the thief:would .ithare• in the'reWard.•'•••• The: anlinal:etolen being of little value •and bag restered.to.lhe'Owirere, the %eri-• te twee. i na nosed- have hee'n.very The Horse Thief.- .Act was• Paesed in, the -early days; when tho:einintry was spAieelisettledaand horse4 "were Scarce and Valuable.'.."Vnder-preserit condi arrange • between himself, Fink ,Ne.:. 1•, '''.•571.0E:erielef Kflieaftli:ile'. ' Of ' coil r.se, .. ! ,A1Vie carne out. aboot' 3 lEita,-:•ltitt.,4..:,.: ,Aicittlziia WaP• ftot. "fn. le at all inil 4,l'vio iszcertainly-a-Wender:.7• --•:7:•.',. ' • '.` - • . - . • • • , • - ,.. Will Yott.i.coine?'• Wont You Come? ..... .... ; ' ' Do Came : , •• • . . All ineiiihere: of L Aiii*Leditnoil_of • 7. phosen"..• "nen e ate urgontky requested • ... , . to meeting-On:April i3rcl 8.4 hiisi ri'dee' of .imp.er Lance . islo.be•brougitt tti..fore !t•lte*rnetiirgi. also' to hear. the . . • . . . , report of the delegate -from the Grand Connell..., •". ' ;, . ....,,f' rnoney f.6rctions,o‘ititaitsi.,,ac;u9enteisif„town;;;;_70400 for the recoVerjr of a atiilen• horse, ' and 7. 411, etui • 'General Jatizbert. Dead Pretoria; March 28 -Gen. ' Joubert died last flight at 11:30 o'Oleck, He had been suffering from Stomach Corn - plaint.; The tewn.le plunged in tinourn, ing for the' true "patriot, gallant' General, and ...uptight' and honorable ,gentleznan.• • . • of -our brightest and hest. of Canadians went down to drunkaid's geivtei ,and. drunkard's it,riot, time that the' men of our ittind'., rose in alt.:the power of censecrated manhood and say by God's help we Will drive' the accur- sed, traffic 'from our: country: ... Miss Wiggins ..closeT17.,VIth an appeal for sympathy and finanCial aid -to the 'Work in Bruce' County: . , A ciciOcI Concert , A concert uader.thepatronagili Of ;the: Band was .'given by ¥r. Gavin pence,.Ectinbuegh; aesisted ; byi:;14iss Mabel. ' The a" entertainment consisted of. Seettish.. siongs;''. ThietS, _Highland .dancing_and-lininorous-anee--,; :dotes. Spance is sPlendi-Sing-- er and tells pOrtie 'inimitable anecdotes, eompared :With KenneilY of 'days gone by.; He is :considered his .equal " in story .tedilig, and a miich better singer.' Miss -Lang its„ a , sweet singer, and 'a niost graceful daricer ancl•We-,:„k new ;Of -no entertainmentlay ,tivO.,peePle that --preeents•efa Pijich. variety; and such a. , high Standard efeiceellence.. ;Ur. •Dav7' id,MeKay. played the bagpipes ,;very y. It is to.be.regretted that. •tainmentr was not more . y ageePta .the, te P atron' i • Tha.r Christian Daily 3.13.01. The tepeka Daily ...Capital !Which • Cifaries; -.111:7SheTclon.: has s for .s 'Week "Veciin conducting along the; 'bite's.' of what he. considers .model ;daily should he in this Christian CotioirY;;',4 good; 9,nd ;itt•tlie•siincietiine rather•doli so much se that. three. tnontlte-:;of.the presintZtnianagement,..Wolild finanCiallY eniharap-s: the cOifeern.: • What the peo- ple WiteCnew,adaYs thssecular Press • Weitteri4n29-i-entertaiiling- seyle-,`9.pii•Srtifile, not lengthy moral- izing.; 'articles for whieh the, proper place•:is the church. papers, . Newspa- per• 'men are. "pliilanthrepistst.'.'te....be sure, but still ;prefer: catering to the reading wants of" the Public, at :a: enialliarotit, than to boring them at' a in addition' to pay a big' .censtetble's bill for hunting up the OW: On rec- ent eases hi this county; the • expenses werea good dual more than the value cf heree. • • • • • • .*13 OtThe Newsv . , . , 14(Tytt.ur neighborS that Bennett, the ' • lik;aci-Ctrs8:-d01.i.yere4 by Mi Ohar. of -1.°t.to:•'t7W1,-gtit1:4"Vii'FfittitY.4ff9tibTfirq' lionse phintino.,paper banging aiid d(• • • • • • was listened to with iliterest.ALLPr ;eoratiiig. 1Ii Work has st0; 'ex plE,Li:Fii:ng,the.-work of; the : along, side: of all opiibeitcon, Use nothing but first3cla,ss. material tind haVe,had cventeen '; eveeri, ence..in the trade' and am: risepared to de Yourwed,: op-to-dtite,. and.' work Olat. NvIll stand. My .priceS cannot be beaten.. See...Bennett, the painter, bo fore letting:your' work. Won On Settirday nirolitiast Manciaer' Ga'y' the Lorne Rink, put efv• tirely nos- and,tlevo). prcigriunine in the• •slitipe:.of .heacey,"Anitcli. gatne: was announced to be played. tetWeen twe teams. •one tconsistine" of bachelors and their opponents Were to Ile:Old maids. _When the 'bell :rang for:the (qiiie. 'ti ". it. was 'fotind . that .., there was not aesullicient number: of the genuine: ancien rinaidens present tO', .by clever, 1,1.0.1nalit.„and .8gbd. Niisorl..... _ , 111. out the .teafo and 'so a team•.:Was:...hig proved that jliii: :ballot,"shOUld 'be. . . , .. . , , , ..thade',Up':' amoxipt thOpeyS, .0'ach. Ote' . Placed in •ile luinde of. the Moll'ierhood. wearing a unifOiFiii, hqlon;ging,to his 84- of ,titiv 00p11.14;',.T,?;!omi,flods of,,Ettu;, „ . ,s,lr''°I. '064.8 (-)‘t'lier e'llV.°`1 8i8Cel 404a it c,a:tioli: i,1.0ii tind tgligiP1:1.WOrk'to:.kfay urietlit not bt77". ut'of. plifee to .remarii. woman stands!. at 'least .eqttal to .inen'' la .. eve 00 la. 9.3,44pl0tiP-hiLv,9--bc'eP7.- andltslirerhorilariv.tho' gfeatfitifid: ..g 1 -it,ITir"grrnit171.110 ' 7a,vi-":9:f.-' same' 0I ,. which lhw hinges: the maker s3f„ t1.16 the,"ancients"a for theY;O;Prihiii iiiadd liOmc" Int s•tlui right to ;pity ..qtilitt.elittits"` good topresentatiens:. The.t;anie (*)in,4ial1.gOverii, the lionie;. , Sho closed by 'rnenced 'at 8 80 'and. -f-otti • the, ontPetl 1 '• tett It bah' :1116 :il,fid :Vioinbil the' i'snaaidsV robed things and Made iCi. w 1 l'a .111 th p , 1.110_1.,,c Matecj' jav-61'Y-f6r-th".64-tmr.1:C1. ': t-f°'-'16"0-ei'ot•i3;rt+071':-oelie-Ve, thatt*liere is neither '0.4nale 'and' giving:48mile useful, hints' to the workers as to the best methods of carr inci, on dila work;.: siict; vve cotihl only . he Persuaded to God our beet 'in .this -great "literal re-, forinZepccess,ty.buld soon be ;written oPon our banners., She „ 'appealed to the, Wives' and'Iroothera' ,tzte and asked if they were doing their duty in Cheistiaii -•work,•11vbeti:-;some, who had1"119 tiine _to_ attend a meet - in" could 'fritter. aWay 'their time in .fan'ay Work, hooking, intib`i.v or: readizIg4 such a 'lovely story. She said, thege 6xextiOs ',stand! •teet,of the. coming .1 udgemen t,'? 'Ai this meeting we were (dad to receive a 'number. of , , new ineinbers. :Qii Fridaynight in the, r 1' „ . • 'Itonid 13allot' 'and .for over art Chief 1?,,nirger.* It'dtrOrilliiiftleertfiiry") tit half time the scorestood ,or. female, in ChriPt. tr•Ci 1/ ().‘V* eldis were gett eg over 66.1 timidnesj , - )1. rethron cordially any( p; Uoicrgzio, iviester Werltinaii second lialf was altimet a The "rown 'Tall Was well 411tex on Lion 'Of 'the ill, .exilept-lhat, the 1.3.a0,111-- S.nticia,yittfternoott Itear.,,Alle.s; htit. ‘A'ImutitY t'ventil.gg of judging tretm-the demand fait: "e(iii7r0.:;b tab ' "f'il irilmn oiraiiire», eaeh month jib eifibt. ; • • hit I a. (10- • .1, . Foi p tistee. f tet foe. kno - scorn' ome wb' nave liearl ttae- TACidge of the • 1 , aievti 'the 0(14 the ° t .sqx govol !Iv, journey t troug glen follosn.i'llall'n the ' .118 15 tlie U `' 1141(1 fteC(ird and.Th ti°)Y '5.tueetloafql eat 'hattle 3a)t .1)114 prest,?tit tie/I:Miry ' ' . 1. to b favor of the Winsome , .Lbout •war Afric.a. ,but , • whon eensido: that, last y00 r 3;000 i)..;4,1tortits „ ILL ; Itecortiet . - 444q;., • GODERICH ASSIZES Three Cases' In Which Our OltizPns ' 'ViTerCe Inte1posted-... , -' At the'Ooderich AssizeklaSt; weett the' following cases 'of -local -interest to., ti p%Up10 LuOknow land vicinity were'disposed • . " ; ; „Cameron .Vs, :Caineron,L-An..action for slander; taken byMisijsabejma .Caturetan 1VIrs.iTioderiCk Onw 'eran; ft' and defendant Were both. residentsof Ash held township, at Loc- hailib,..and the filaititiff,was forced, as shn. ii..4tes; by:the : ciraulatiOu ',be the sla•nder.concerning.her,t6 leaVp' the lo- cality"and ineve to LlioltnOW *Hugh (Lneknow), • ;Counsel. :lei J, GarroW, q,;, for ,cle- feliclant.''' 'The ,j4ri 'returned a verdit *for .plainti•for i$500.datilagee;.and*IIis terdship. • directedthat . the cost be ,paid • by, c efendanet Cameron vs, 'Ale Coellan This" was anotheer. action for 'slander, ta, the aniep1ainLil! ag .in the abovo case agaiti.st Of ITAERACKS , With Ths,Sparlinn Boys in HaUfax rjie go/163iii* letter -.frOM Priv„ate 0,.0ditil.31, iold tithe ,),,,ytigitnyr 'b'e33; n o ' ge•Fying tit: the Halifax ga ripen; ha4, betha,:bandeci..te us' fel.; insertion, ' • Ottaid, Mtlych .24th; •19bff. air! in , bar rackswith B •Compaay of the Provis- - • 3r..ktitllion :of infantry soon to leave for Halifax vvhere the Battalion ts tia'relietie the Lienstem% B ,Co. fi•orn T.,Ondon, 9 ,06. trent Toronto r D Co, from Ottawa, and half Of A.•Ou. from , the West are au ay tEred•..in ' the "e3t, hi- tibn buildings 'here. The : other 99,1f of 'A Co. has been; ordered: te..Esqui,- to assist' fir defending that' piece.. vef,th-o-4-60.76:raiVgitT where is very ebinfortably qtiart- geed, is the sign "Graded :CA t,tde'.': Co is -in the building f-nOt: "holsteirts"'• :So with the other 'companies 0. „ f . . .thing'•was titteeup in barrack. shape here before we arrived, for the Stratifl• , „ cone .horse. Were quartered .liereonly a feW days before. •.;:art Of the ,Catted.: ittri ount.eq .Riflos and the at' H•eyel Canadian. Artillery Were. also qua'rter7 'ed. here .before leaVing, for the see.iie"-.0-c conflict in South Africa. 13Y.the firee' the next exhibition i4 held iet.f) these . • • • bti,ildings4 and grounds bk!- cnintagnie.e historic. ' 'We drill fie hour 'very day in the - . • .• l'arge p.aVilion on the groUndS4::: .Re- veille IloWs at 6:80 a. in breakfast at 7; dinner at 12.30, supper. at :5 .p, in„ last post blows at 10 p.m., and iikiltse out" at 410',1.5 when all; muSt..:lite. in their ,,, ; • , . • , are well fed Ancit wdll clothed: Lastnigh eachnutnain ,the. conipanY reOiett 3: grey shirts; pairs. of uit•••••• clerclethes, 8...pairs-Of socks, ' towels,: raaor. and brush,‘.. coin!), , :hark,' hair, brush,'elettee brtish,, button :brush and tWo Chem brushes. ' ave-glengar-rty-caparrrecl. erget coats, rousers .and - great coats: Thc. rest of ofir uniform. ,and:trappfmgewe wi.lget when we get,.,,to; the.garrison• eity.')`..There arc•meri itt 13 (J�. from the 32-nd 'Bruce, tlie 33rd Hurons; • :the. 22hd -Oxford•Biffes arid all 'the refit of the battalions which ,go; to camp on Oarling!si Hill. One boy, .in the--.•core,- pani used to 'to.schOol with Me' in Goaeri3h-tiiii-iellii.i7•140,-' Jack.; and, :Prink .; Burns fromWoodstock ,andt: Treleaven' froth. London aie'well-known ,in.,T,./uelinow; having relatives there. t ; The boys are aiim good spirits. One aro seriously sieki-..0-pdginerf* the p,Mount 0,dancingaiidaingini one' *mild jticie that life for thnred 'beat was one continued round of pleastire,* 'Among thk.3, favorite songs are 4Solchers of'the Queen'' and '~"Break the 'News to Mother" 'Muny Of the ,so1die0', including my- self, hove; had ;the liteastire,of seeing through the ,buildingS;; 'We saw the :corner stone Which was 'laid ttbythe Prince of : Wales .iti 1860,' the. - Senate ;and .conarnons: chambers and ,the • Hot.= Library; all these are itt the '.Central Thursday night:I had the :pleasure of Peeini:and-•-bettring-ittri--DaViir-‘4,- -Charles, Tiipper and '''PreiCiier 'Laurier, "a' w • i 'io 1 ile the . ommon was n ea s n, -,The; parliament builling, ancl especi- • ally' the 1iby, are a credit to oui whili yoti and all nty Lticknciw. friends could pee . To -morrow .here vi1l be parade to Counsel the same as in the 0,13eve l'hojnry awardecl, Plaintiff q.000 danr- ages and His Lordship allowed Plain , ; „ Lueltho'W. Caledonian Soeiety John 13,oycl• This -was an action brought by the topiety to compel Mr. .1.3oyd: it trustee, to Make: (ii.or a quit cbtirn deed to "the:f•ioeic;ty.anCalso,,to deliver -Tv" certain valuable trophy 1019wn as a-ttig.of war Cup. •The cti4.o. occupied the .eout't about an .11c7nr. The ellieers-ot, flkte society were exam- ined es to,,,facteand judgment. render.' ecrin fr.Vor of the society With , bostS, 11 1"..S.tEr181.43..ti3i1if1-O'FAJP.4'40...8.9.04i!i. VITOR) ..41,Cfri01011,.;,fijr tl1fonco., . ::-.-Dtiring the Y\earin*:',1800 in the PrakfflOn Of Ontario there wore 3;201 deatliti% from constinaption a greater loss of fife, than: if every Oaniidian, ;ei- ther in South Afrida:Slintild be slain.: • t • . • . POINI -4101 of 3 ex- . Aged op*. Toads, , ; draw - .n4:' told erOno to nn ar- tom at ertiet 14-0Off Tina MODERN of - CIVILIZATION Demands that riziezi should he cloth - a net onlir deeentlycovered, but styl- shly attired:, good clothes are there.: . re not a Matter, of fancy, but a real necoseityl: ' " ' ' • ,• , THE. (3.140THIll.G.DEPAPTMENV" • is one of the principrl partS ' our busineSs; ,The„prOgress ' We have, Made with ShOrWelteady7Tailored Clothing with ite.stYle itnd. finish and • guarantee -Card with. every suit ,en- _ tables each Piirehaser to save.racineyibY dealing here: • ' • ' _ • . You innat feel, the '• cloth -you : see the style-y-Ou must have, : tile good pointsC"oxplained--you nauet:try one ene-and, to than-, ..9tighly-apPreciate•them yowl:Mist, •-:, buy drid.'. :.Pricoq 0-3.50 t� 811.50. s.pecial' value $5.00. and $1,„0.0.0. • If' desiring snit 'made to order we have a fine range of-T,WEED SEIT- INS, WORSTEDS, "Eta.„ for Your, critical inspection and eons' `. • Lt7CNOW. ONIOE1ASRTOR '110ItlYIKIDD ' . The general 0fNature, the lastfew a every -sign • • . h . • . approaching spring, . nurnber of pooplein the'st,k, oinky attended sale:Wit' - -Week. 7, 'The'aVo-ok- wa .rn goo . condi- tion and consequently brought'anextia"'' Pricei Mostly' all tbe cows ° sold for over $40, each. •:;- ;;'" • Some'of the neighbors' helped. b4re'L tRathwelore-j-his-7-furnitirre'to „farm ..ttP4r ;Ripley .onD40.1ditYlask Rathwell -is only. making: this .4; 'tear!, , . "porarY.honie, as he intends settling on, farin in one of the southern Counties: , 51r. Hobert Elliott; who has bought '.,h4e,:coUitriericet4 . nadVingin his belongiligs.• ,, • ; There is a, great' deal of • siCknees here at Preeent;„Mr. jaines.Marshati, lo , „ ' a is oh, the list now, It.is very seldom that Mr. Marshall i sick, but ib seems. every pi:Legate a trial some time. ais :many friends' wish him it ...speedy' bac Joh p Corrigan 'passed away • on Tuesday morning,. The • deceise ' wall:flier One Inin redtli, And fifth year. 'The retnein's were interred P:1 the Biversdale:cemetery on Thursday. , • • , The sudden death of Mrs.; JttMea McCaul last Week ninit a sad gloom over the entire eomniunityt 'The •sor- , reWing friends havethe sympathy; :of :all who knew the deceaSed llie---MIC ;:,g4mxtrstritorietsrevartv- ---:.-11--*.v`-17,-ci-'--R-`virger-- 7-Itie spiltiliel 6ii . . and the Pregbyterian *talk.' '. 't • - ' .. " 3 ' Shall Write , you. again 'from' the . ., Subscription ovotherwise indebted will Oblige greatly1 by promptly remitting' the' amount Or at the oillee aid ettlinn• ati the moony it 111.48.ently re, Ittired7: . ' -Teesorater eitizens,•:vdted down a ' to provit1e money. for granoli: Nciva Scotian' capital, • ; • .1Thin'si truly, t • , °To Sit.vo:',Itor frightful -disfigurement 111re Nainhe Galleger, of La •Grahgo; b!.4,,,vOte.of.,";4:2:"to , •;; great.sores On her head and fa9e, 'Etna to Mr' Purves tdl3rujsas, Skin`in th "IfOreiViii.-WO'ffirNienclersT in -Sores; I w`'°110' 11114'0, CL: Writes its glii0t "13114 0A,0.0.9,441..,:a.11.-her: .t,r1tutiOns, Cute, :13urns, ; ScaldS 1.256, Ogre guar,--, Marc, ,snow banks • adorning:: teed by A; 0, LoCheatt.'„driigglet.. I Street's, d lee, on the , petiliiiig the, safety' of -;Peaestrianso,' - --;,,EXperts clahn that the citto4pillar • Wonder wheie, the man 14 that prediet, and other tree and; fruit poste; 'are to only: fety.clitys'•Sleighitig thia wfn to be. Wor!S6 than ever term ' applied .13neklen!S -Ar.niea Salvo to' They.earvied it -by- aired loan' $4,000 41, .7-rrX 04i4r. A4444, • :4' 1"' "