HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1900-03-23, Page 4Olt
ltBn�t'!t T0,'1iTTBR, 00 19. owl
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f ruger.and'Steyn eet'out to drive
thi:British'•fiag, out r,f South Africa;.
'1he;Britieh.8ag now- flies,-fronii,'rov
er House,;, 'Bloemfontein,' anJ.
ceiliident Steyn is'making record time
s w&y from his capitol
' K:roodstad; the new seat of Govern-'
+' is ''ho t qG to tliie� Free Scate, , ,. t► _ n , 12 fi;
miles northeast of Bloemfonteir=' and
x 57 miles from Johannesburg. , A short
j.r 1i0 of railway `connects it with . Vier
oittYn; lying-in a north-weiterly di,
ieotion., ' About' 25 miles ' farther ons'
nbrthwe t from Vierfontein and aorose
o Yaal River i9 ' Klerksdrop, whibh.
eunneote t, by railway ivitb "I'otolief=
otrxm end. • JoSan g y.
wants to' have.several ,rautea • open',tet
"bttn•-'when the Britial. bayonets swine
too ;tear.
e •r
's orte • to_ have:
ore. y9,a _ d
aid (hat ;the British ' would • lie in
Bloewfonteiu on; March, l;ath., and in
J'retoria en'`May T5tb. • ,We 'Shall be
s delighted to see the second part'of the
jpropheiy fulfilled as titaf st part'- has
been,. for,• the end of' the war will come:.
not long .after the capiLulation of- Pre -
rite. In the meantime 'would 'Lord.
Wolse1' y kindly' . telt us 444hen Mase -
is goitre to he relievedl Thu.►na
who ;will•put; Baden P.,we 1 on fall Ione: right, away will be `'greater than
he; who tals;eth a city
ro i The praise given :by Lord Roberts to
1the,Guard•e'•at B•loemfontein when he,
intimated ,thet•they were"the men who
would bo given the: honor of leading'
the 'bntry intoT,Pretoria, ;.shows' `once
again' .the .absolute :• fiirneas, arid:' good
judgesent of that =great: ganeral•.:- .-In
thehigh praise that is;,:everywher
sgiven to the Irish, .Seettih and C.olonidl
troops no, intention:existe anywhere to_
overlook the splendid work•of the En
tish:.regiments;,LLsome of •w'hich have
attewn a 'valor not `tete surp%Lsed. It
is,,-in-faet;-a�vsrynhoi�:e-anti -•,.Howe
fined compliment•; to these , regiments
to 'assume that they can wait to the
Iaet for the credit due them.'
11 weut and`. during the absence of.
e r � _
Mre,. Fi9anu the will:.' wee signed audt
duly, witnessed by Mr, Leslie•%nd Mi>r
,Evans. Miss Evans. then Wrote otlr
a list"of more, that her uncle, wanted
remembered, and this ,list rras�' Oven
• to Mr. Leslie;": On the', 24th'',ofrmM& .•
the sick man; gat much wor4c t.and ;hos.
brother John', was Rtnt'for, and • on, hies
arrival left•for 'bonze; ,l)e
d died�on 'he. fi et' o . J'un, . hay'
;,cease. . . , l r ,� .. �.
ing made,• in the Meantime;,ai second
•metnor;andutn.' The ,h'aw apparently`4
;that ifA indncee B' to make'°will• or. •
to abstain from making a new ene';.on.
-the promise. thet he,. A; to whom the
property hae.'been ors is left;' will do: 'a
certain. thing named'or to be. named,
the la'w:will atop in, and, compel ttte,;de
,vises to: carry Mkt his' trust'.provided
that the. thing':to-be ;done- tea made•
'.known, then the kin Will get the estate
;In this case the result would "seem' to
hinge'' on the. 'point whether 4•John'
'Evans had known of .contents of, the
• will before his brother's death,' There
are a. lot of lawyers mixed,,' up ,in` the
ve, namely Mr, .Dixon and Ni -.Good.,,
'willie of Getir etown,`for John .Evans;
• Mr. Kapple of; London, Mr. Palmer.
Port, Elgin, and Mr. O'Connor for the
widow. ` The Judge upheld the will,
but -toots; the effect of the subsequent,
ruling e: into, ,00neidection.-Walker=
;ton Teleaco -;
Evans V. Evans=Judgment
tion tried. at • ,Walkerton,._ brought to
have' it declaredthat t�he,documentset
forth in the'atatement/of claim iia the
':last'will and testament of Sapiuel' Ev-
ans, deceased,''aand that a•certain paper.
`signedby the-tesitator in -hiss' •lifetime
'and handed to plaintiff; his ~executor,
evidencing a wish of the testator'•as to.
paymentrr.of' certain.:suing' to certain,
personecontains the: terms of a secret
•trust which is binding upon thd plain -
4 tiffHeld, that there: is a. secret bind-
ing trust accepted' by • the %.plaintiff
(Boyce:w Connett,• 26 Cby. Div. 3.1).•
Judgement, declaring;. the will. in ques
tion to -he valid and'.that'it should ;he.
admitted' to probate,•and that the sec
ret trust • mentioned' in 'the papers
hmarked';:exhibit 3 sr binding; :upon:,
"plaintiff. Costs ef: plaigtiffeccaaioned
• by; the. defence of the defendant Mar-
tha. Evans as to validty of the will" -to
be paid to.him 'by .her.. Costs
parting upon the .question ,:of proving.
the existence and validty of% the secret
trust -t be -paid o� at if- stn ell. P.
O'Connor, , for plaintiff. 'Kuppele
'for, defendant:.
t�}ynches o£ t iingies, '•It was delivered
at ,Craig's s,e,w •rolls.`" There still rex
maitre ePough timber in•;tppa to•. !Hakp.
cfourpor fivo, cords, of weed.'
port' of' the Spring-. Aisitei-
Evans,iiiad not; on going to press,been
diepoled of, In' Wag e will case, OPE'
-object of the suit ae to have the will
':Of pa late Sainuel Evane, of Port Ell.:
gin, admitted to probate, and "r4) :have
where he ewned a goed :farm. :About.
20 years ago hirappeard. to have dOna
ve?ry.foOliqii thing when he • married
a widoW with fotir Children.,” NO Mari
ken, need, _e?tpeot to • end his days jn
peace, eispeciallY if hehippene to Own
any propel -0, '„ The widow 'will make,
'it the One object of her life to get: all
'the Property, for the children, and this
to make a long story ',short, 8aniiii,1
',Ey:ems tc?ok 'sick in April o last „year,
• add the doeteriterd :him he weelddie.
bedarne 'about his
• property, and asked one of the dectors
te telegraph to his only,,brether; John
. could, nest .do SO in the house,.as his
• of the•Nill. ..It :Wes fleetly agived that
Should return to Georgetown, get
`,•riWill•drawn nut andbave it , sent up
All property should ho left to
'making him sole ei.e&itor,
3 up withthe, Will, but ,cOuld not
.1'!',,n:optiortuttity,,te haVe it: signed
Tee followinkie the report of 'tend-
lemon, -485; George IiIutchins,...373;--
Claes V.—Rebecca .Chsimpey, 175,;
:Anna thainney,'.1.60:'• Francis Thenip,
89. Thonias:Plauglinian,,16. '„
art a
Claes. III.,-L,CanitirOrijefiersop,•205';
beme, bite; back in , their midst:, nis
arrival•on'Thursday last .created quite,
a SUrprise at iiCiitifne”. He has' been
Scarcely .any tidings of.hii.w,lereabow's
.13Peq ieneived since time of his de-
•clealtjtinclly hire tied aiiiaarently
'hii-luOlre-no-thn'worse,'Pternr MITI IT
land of the Stars int! Stripee-4
Miss Mary Wallace, his returned
lame after epending reveral week's. With
'friends ht .1gount Forest; Holstein and
Timethy. Pon013,09, Who „has not
• Bert Thompson, who has •been crin:
fined to his bed for seieral Weeks, i
.kf 707 wuco 11%8 been ;visit-
ing under the'parentar roof for..•some
time Intends starting for' Thilcota
have been viiiting friends"it Donny.
Promos, ibr toe Oast few weeks
'13est•on Itecord.—.Mr.;•, Will Milner
ctiti. Pine tree 148i' week which cou.
shinglii a Weeks to make., thirty-five
Maaroi42th, 1.200.
0oa oil Met cc d'
on• e a 9r }ng to°djourr,
!tent. ,119'erntbe'rs",all present, Minute+.
of fast meeting read and approved.
'i'i1easurt•s''s stateinent .Hbowed.bal-
ance on, hand of;$480,$C,,r oeived and
filed. '':
The Olerk wag instructed to ansWor
couq.naunication''of"P'roudfoot and :0%ys,
re. Young's',drain.
•, The following a ecks were issued;
Ed; McLean, gravel..$244; • Jas: Lyons;
gravel $1.25; D. Kennedy,,cedar- ,$177,;
Municipal World,' $1,50, ' .
P ence'.vieWers, ourid :kee era 'end'
patFh !asters wire'. apPtt ii`iecl as` ;