HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-02-13, Page 81
Wotton Mckibbon.
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
...-_ .
VOL XXXY1L—NO. 1.880,
Toilet Soaps
From 50 to 750 per Cake.
Haney Soap
too Cake, 3 for 25c.
regular 1$o value
of wide experience, broad scholarship
and untiring energy, employed by ns
have built up a curriculum unsurpassed
in Canada for thoroughness, system and
actual business procedure.
Tnnsz Covi sEs—Telegraphy, Sten-
ography and Commercial.
Enter any time. Individual instruc-
tion. Graduates assisted to positions
11To vacation.
hobad. penmanship, eto.Bed
postal for information about
Canada's Greatest Chain of High-
grade Business Colleges.
A, A. EfinNEI, M.A.., Ph.D.,
el; °
GEO. fiecaTON, Picial.
Recount Howick.
At Gerrie on +nesday, His Honor
Judge Doyle held a recount on the pal.
lots oast in Howick ownship in January
on Local Option. As a result the tem-
perance people ga nod one vote and the
antis gained one, leaving the result the
same as declareby the Returning
Officers and Loo Option. in Howick
carries by a majo ity of four vote° and
a fraction over the required three-fifths.
R. Venstone was resent on behalf of
the appeelants; G. t+, Blair, of Goderioh,
for the temperano people and Dudley
Holmes for the mu'ioipality.
Public Sc col Board,
The Testas last eek overlooked re-
porting the naeetinof the Pabito School
Board which was eld on Tuesday even-
ing of last week Members were all
present except T nates Jenkins. The
Principal.% repor' showed an average
attendance of 28 for January. Mir. J.
W. MoKibbon resgned as a member of
Public Library : oard and Dr. W. J.
Price was sppoi• ed to the vacancy
and Prinoipal Mu grove was reappoint-
ed a member of braxy Board.
The Smallest.
are treated as fairly
and conrtoonsl !here
alt those with are er
ot d' e r B. Whether
your order be small or large, W is
Try this store with your meat order.
'We don't offer you ohoap gouda, but
give yon
J. Henry Christie
Wear Gtreer'a Sboee and Rubbers
Public Libra
At4 the regular me
ham. Public Library
this year were eIeJ
(y Officers.
ting of the Wing-
Board, i f1'ioere for
ited as folio we •-
Chairman, J, A, T ylor, B. A ; Secre-
tary. J. A. Morton TreasurerA Dr. W.
J, Price; Librarian Miss Ethel. Elliott.
WANTED. -1000 rat skins, and all other
Iiinde raw furs Ono. E. KINa.
New Telephone .Connection
The private telepbo
from Fordwich to p
eh ipe of Howick and
oonneoted at Ford'w
Telephone lime, a0 t
o onvereaticns over
now possible.
Chairs for $2 10
at 5, tRAQEY's
e system running
into in the town.
allace has been
oh with the Bell
at an exchange of
he two systems is
half dozen,
Get Sale Bilis Here;.
When arranging for your sale of farm
stook and implements make it a point
to get your bills printed at the TIMES
chino, We will give you satisfaction
and a free notice of sale is given in the
Trams, and many people will see notice
in the paper that may never see • ' 111.
All stoves at cos 30 days at
YoUNG's hardware at
Highest pride paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butcher shore.
A Stray Dog.
A beautiful ye
I should say abo
gentle about the h
children, but havi
of attacking Met
came to my house
does not want to 1
get him by caliin
ow and white collie,
t one ye: old, very
se, a r. eat pet with
on ad trait—that
s on the street—
iday, the 7th, and
ave, but owner can
at my store.
HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for Miles,
skins, tallow and wool, at the Wingham
Tannery. W. D. PRINGLE,
Horse Slue
Difficulties of
compelled the p
Ontario Horse Br
fortnight. Instea
arranged in St.
Toronto on Wedn
Friday of last we
now be held until
ranaportation have
tponement of the
viers' Show for a
of being held as
Lawrence Arena' at
edgy, Thursday and
, the show will not
the 20th,27th and 28th
Bank Bi
Sovereign Ban
for one hundred
The fact that the
over its tnsiness
n ot iliseonnt the
Sovereign variet
no hesitation in
legal tender. An
on deposit or cha
Once they reach
t hey will no longer
ciliation. As they
Sov ereign Bank bill
to Ottawa, and ore
account with the
s Still Good.
notes or bus are good
cents on the dollar.
overeign bas handed
the other banks does
alne of the bills of the
People need have
ceepting the bills as
bank will take them
ge them for others.
the banks however,
see the light of oir-
re gathered in the
will be forwarded
ited to the bank's
Dominion govern -
Fon Sem--Ravi g disposed of my
grocery and crockery stook, I now offer
my residence to sale; corner John street
and Carling Terrace, Solid brink, two-
story, ten rooms. One lot of two, Fine
locality. C. N. GRIPrIN,
Died in •atifornia.
Mr, and Mrs. W •, . Findlater, of the
2nd line of Morr s, received the sad
news on Saturday vening of the death
in Los Angeles, ralifornia of their
daughter, Mise M. rgaret Ellen Find -
later, A telegra •, was received on
Thursday avenin n
8 stetting that Mise
Findlater was eer onaly ill and Mise
Nettie Findlater let on Saturday morn-
ing for California, • at would not be far
on her journey befe her sister's death,
Tao deceased youn •, lady had been meld
ing in California • or same time, She
bad been RI et t bristxnas time with
pneumonia, but w • d was received that
the had fully repo :red. The bereaved
f sunny will bane t e sympathy of many
friends in their ti ., a Of efiliotipn.
A Alae range of nese pallor spites just
received, bought t Ioa' prices, and we
will sell them at r special low prices,
Call and see them'
s. GzfACEv a.
1../f. O
vens. O
ndon, SugenEYe,Ear, Nose and Throat
will begat
MoKibbon's drug store, Mo7iday, Feb.
24. Hanel 12 rent. to8p. m, Claus,
properly fitted. °
We had a vatic
week. The first tw
and clear and on
very soft with a go
Friday. The mild
snow. Saturday
more sno* and
partially tied up
The afternoon tra
not reale the lake
evening and Seta
train did not reach
day morning, Sn
on Sunday and t
open on Monday.
weather ha cause
nese in the dietsiot
suffering with coli;
ty ot weather last
days were bright
ednesday it turned
d shower of rain on
weather settled the
d Sunday brought
the railroads were
Saturday attention.
u fqr Kincardine did
wn until lace in the
ay night's 0. P. R
l'ingham until Sun -
plows were worklpg
railroads were all
The very ehangeabte
a great deal of sick•
and many people are
The firm of Maxwell & Hill having
been dissolved, all accounts due the
firm are to be paid to the undersigned
at the old stand, on or before the 2nd
of March. R. MAXWELL
Northern Le
The Wingham h
Harriston last Frid
from the team of t
of 7 to 6. The foe
game was a good On
°core was 5 to 2 in
The local players w
Monday evening and
being defeated by a s�
game at Lucknow wet
the local players say t
won by the Luokno'
local game of Leegt
played on the rink he
ing and Listo.!es•el w
team. The band wi
end the boas are I
attendance at this get
etc Hockey,
key boys went to
y evening and won
tat town by a snore
as eery soft, but the
. At half-time the
Pavor of I3arristcn.
tit to Lucknow on
aid not fare so well,
ore of 7 to 4. The
a rough one, but
e game was fairly
boys. The next
hockey will be
O on Friday even.
1 be the visiting
be in attendance
king for a large
Extension tables, sidebo s, buffets,
conches, eprings an treseea—auy-
thing in the funnier a—yon can get
at spatial cut prices t S. GRAo7;Y's,
Died at A = ot 108.
Infotmaticn has been received at
Peterboro of the dent. at Nesbitt, Mani-
toba, of Mrs. Argue, a former resident
of Peterboro County, who passed away
at the age of 108 y are. Her maiden
name was Margaret meant, and she
was born in Ireland '. • Aug. 15th, 1800.
Deceased lady was 'ell -known to a
number of our reads s, having reside
for some time in Turn •erry before going
The late Mrs. Arg • e had the unique
experience of lii'ir, = in three centur-
ies, baying been be n en August 15,
1800, the last year of the eighteenth
century. Though in excellent health,
with good eppetite and spirits, her
physical powers ware not commen-
surate with these, a she had never
left her bed since Jul , 1904. Her eye-
sight failed her in 189:, but her hearing
remained good, prao lenIly up to the
time of her death. T • ough wonderful-
ly clear in mental pe oeption, her years
of blindness were n doubt the main
reason of an indiffere ee to present-day
events and a desire to live in the past.
It delighted her gr:atly to meet with
an elderly son ar da' ghter of the Em-
erald Isle, who con d talk with her
of the old days in I eland. Crooning
hymns or old Irish ba ads, she display-
ed. great cheerfnlnes: On the whole,
she had remarkable •ealth and never
to her daughter's k owledge had she
been ill during her NO le life.
Mrs. Argue, whose •+widen name was
Margaret Jameson, ' as born near the
village of Pettit°, Fmanagh county,
Ireland, August 15, 1800, She was
married in Ireland an' had one dangle-
ter,Mrs. Miller, Sr., w h whom she was
Iiving at the time of • er death. Mrs,
Miller is 81 years old, fter the death
of her husband, Mrs, rgue emigrated
to this country in 1843, and settled in
the township of Clava • , Ontario. In
1845 she married John peer, and Mov-
ed to the township of • memo, where
17 years were spent, s
p , an then two years
in Turnbetry, having 'ecome a widow
for the second time, she returned to
The third time the entered the mat-
rimonial state, this ti •• o being married
to Henry Argue, of +, illbrook, After
their marriage they Iy lived a few
menthe at Millbrook, and then moved
to Flees township n:er the Georgian
Bay, where Mr. AVV. Alae.
She then Went bac : to Turnberry to
reside with her Bang , ter. Her grand -
eon, T. W. Miller, ea a out to Manitoba
in 1883, and took up is present home-
stead south of Nesbitt, tending Oast for
hie mother Med grand ather in 1886.
GIRLS IATANtED---r0 work on power
machin .,
ds ii!t k
Whig mill or on
day Work. Clean, ii early work and
good wager. Apply to The Watson
Mfg. Oa Limited, Peri , Ont,
Electors Will ate on the Question
M eta • 23rd.
The adjonrue meeting of the Town
Council was hal on Friday evening with
all members pr seat except Councillors
Spot ton and 'fila net.
The prcp',ee'f bylaw for placing the
management the waterworks and
eiectrio lightin systems upder a Board
of Corprntseio•-re was presented and
read a first tins
On the aeco•' reading of the by.law
the following •otion was submitted:—
Moved by 0.. noillors McDonald and
Bell, that the !•y -law be obanged so as
to leave the w terworks Lander the con-
trot of the. Con ' cil—Carried,
Reeve Irwi, again introduced the
question of t.e proposed good roads
oonuty by -la and explained the pro-
visions of th Aot in regard to the
Government , • ant, and the advantagee.
to be gained b the municipalities which
decide to panil spate in same.
Moved by eeve Irwin, seconded by
Councillor Ni holson, that this Council
approve of the Good Roads by-law to be
considered at a special meeting of the
County 0oun.1 on February 25th, and
that the Roads nd Sidewalks Committee
be instructed o name the streets upon
which the co'nty grants are to be ex.
pended,--Carr ed.
Council the • adjourned until Saturday
evening at 7 31 o'clock.
Council me, on Saturday evening with
all members „ eaeut except Councillors
Spotton and '•l Donald,
On motion o Reeve Irwin, and Conn -
oilier Gregory the by-law providing for
the plaoiug the Eleotrie Lighting
System of the own of Wingham under
a 13oard•of Co"missioners and to provide
for the nomin : tion and election of Com-
missioners w: a ordered to be advertised
in the Wing' am Advance for three in-
sertions, co menoing Thursday, 20th.
Moved by Reeve Irwin, seconded by
Councillor G egory, that in the event of
the Electric Lighting system being
placed ander oinnaiasioners, the pump.
ing at the wet+-rtit°brks wheel house be
done at a time each day as may be re-
quired by the ommiaeioners elected,
Council then ad owned.
The by-Iaw pro
the electors to b
March 23rd, in the
The nomination o
take place in the
Counoillors and th
will be held in the
Monday evening,
question as to whet
place the manage
lighting plant in
sionere is now bef
electors will hay
declaring for or
running our ligh
towns where mu
vans the plants ar
Commissioners an
been able to learn
ment has given g
want two of the v
ot the town elect
and we see no reas
of things would n
We believe it wou
or more public
question be fully d
tors placed in a po
intelligently on th
ides for the vote of
taken on Moliday,
anal polling places,
commissioners will
ame manner as for
nomination meeting
ouncil Chamber on
March 16th. The
her it is advisable to
ent of the oleotric
he hands of Commas•
re the people and the
an opportnnity of
gainat this system of
ing plant. In many
ioipal ownership pre -
under the octerol of
as far as we have
his system of manage-
od satisfaction. We
ry best business men
d as Commissioners
n why the new order
work in Wingham.
be well to hold one
eetinge so that this
soused and the elec-
tion so they eau vote
Bedroom suites—dre::er, stand and
bedstead -10x20 ,• r, • rs, as lo ; as
$11 50, at S. GRAC S.
WANTED. --A ton of roll • . tter daily,
27o; fresh gathered egg:, o; also any
quantity dried apples, 1 : here, etc.
Geo. E. KING,
Snou VALUE—You get better value in
shoes at Greer's than elsewhere. Be-
sides we sew all rips free of charge in
shoes bought of ne. W, J. GREER.
Clinton By
The following o
Osgood° Hall, To
Johnson and To
Dickinson (God
moved to quabh b
Of the Town of 01
Works Ry -law,"
grounds that Ch:
returning officer,
box at his poli
destroy a nntnber
marked and place
an equal number
and on other gro
l?s, C,, for the to
The applicant's
nrildavit of theta
on the 12th inata •
ted the trot of the
bntethe Affidavit
halving been put
diizaiaped with oar
Law Stands.
e was disposed of at
Onto, last week: --Re
n of Clinton --E. L.
:+ lob), for, Jobnsbn,
•law No. 10 of 1907,
'ton, entitled "Water
•r illegality, on the
Its Meyer, a deputy
toke open the ballot-
nd did take out and
1 ballots therein and
Within the ballot -box
n favor of the by-law
ode. W. Proudfoot,
oOtperetien, contra.
anneel tendered an.
or of the town. sworn
t, in *Mae he admit-
eputy complained of,
ar objected tis not
n in them. Motion
The Wingham enders held their
armee' boca?iet on "ednesday, Thurs-
day and Friday of at week. The mild
weather was the o' ly bad feaare of tbia
vary successful e -nt. There were a
large number of , ayers from outside
Pointe and many nterestipg games of
the Scottish gam: were played The
weather became so utile that it was tie-
ceesary to shorten ho rinks as it was
dtffoult to put the ; ones the regulation
distance. Ae will be seen from the
aeons below, 13. ditty Holmes' rink
were the only local +layers who got in
on.the list of prize inners. Mr. 3. A.
Morton had charge the arranging of
the play and he gave the very beet of
satisfaction. The T lens ie indebted to
him for the followint list of players and
The following play =ret took part,
Durham Harriston No. 1
J 1-I, Hunter, J. Lavery,
J. P. Telford, F . D. McLellan
Wm. Calder, . Micklejohn,
3, C. Telford, skip ' obt. Holton, ski p
Mt Forest Harriston No. 2
T. Dale, . E. Burrows,
R Galbraith, '. Bodkin,
W. Currie, r. T. E Ball,
Dr. Baoom, skip MoMnrohie, skip
Listowel Kincardine
G. Melrose, . R. Brick,
J. N, Hay, Wm. Harvie,
H. B. Morphy, 11 Ross,
J . E. Boehmer, ski i J. D. Miller, skip
Chesley Luoknow No. 1
EL M. Wand," Geo, Smith,
J. I'. Murphy, R. Johnston,
T. W. Rose, J. Bryan,
Dr. Stewart, ekip 3. G. lieurdooh, ek,
Gorrie No. 1
Thos. Andrew,
Sam Stinson,
J. Hammond,
T. W. Walker, sk!
Gerrie No. 2
R. Wallace,
E. I,. Morren,
W. Irwin,
Geo. Towne, ski
Geo. McVicar
W. MoKie
R. Hunter,
H. Cathbertson,
Luoknow No. 2
T. F. Cain,
John McGarry
D. Archer,
p W. Allen, skip
Lucknow No. 3
W. Stewart,
A. McPherson,
J. D. Hunter,
J. G. Anderson, ek
J. Walker,
D. McDonald,
P. Foster,
kip B. McAuley, skip
Seaforth Wingham No. 1
Jas. Dick, E. A. Hammond,
G. E. Henderso , J. W. Pearen,
W. Ament, D. L Dinaley,
W. McDougall, kip A,M.Orawford, ek
Wingham No. 2 Wingham No. 4
G. C. Manners, 3. W. Orr,
A. 3. Alderson, B. Cochrane,
V. R. Vaanorm n, 0. Kneohtel,
D. Holmes, ski Dr,J.Maodanald,sk
Wingham No 3 Wingham No, 5
John Mason, W. P. Grierson,
L. W. Hanson, L Kennedy,
P. Paterson, 0. N. Grf%ln,
D. T. Hepburn, kip Wm. Holmes, skip
Wingham No. 8
J. 5 Carr,
0. G. VauStone,
Geo. 'McKenzie,
Thos. Gregory, ak
tition, preliminary
Trophy cone
Hepburn 9
Murdoch 14
Crawford 17
Macdonald 12
Gregory 11
W. Holmes 13
Dr. Macdonald
J. O. Telford 11
Mt Forest
Dr. Baoom 12
A. M. Orawfor 11
D. Holmes 14
W. MoDongall 1
3. G. Murdoch 16
Walker 14
Holt,. 0
Towne 3
Alien 7
Stewart 23
J. Boehmer 9
13. McAuley 7
Dr. Stewart 10
J. G. Anderson 6
J. MoMurchie 9
J. D. Miiler 7
T. W. Walker 6
Second Round
Dr. Macdonald 16
J 0. Telford 18
Mt Pored
Dr. Baoom 14
D Holmes 13
Dr. Mc
a donate
Mt Forest
Dr. Baoom 20
Mt Forest
Dr, Bacom 13
D. T. Hepburn, sk 15
Geo. Towne, sk 18
Dr. Stewart, ek 27
Anderson, ek 16
Mokturohie, sk 15
3. D. Miller, ek, bye
Murdoch, sit 21
MoDongali, alt 11
Towne, els 14
W. Hafinee 9
J. G. Murdoch 1.1
A.M Crawford 12
W. MoDougli 12
J. 0
D Holmes 12
J. 0. Telford 12
het Round
Gaut Holton ek 9
W. Alien, ek
McAuley, ek 13
T.W. Walker,sk 4
Cnthberteon;sk 8
rawford, rig 6
etpbnrn, alt 10
Gregory, alt 12
Maley Luoknow
Dr Stewart, ak 18 Anderson, ek 2
b1t11er, air by default
W. Holmes, sk, bye
Third • cund
Murdooh, ak 11
McDougall ak 18
Miller, sk 12
D. Holmes, ak 13
W. Hotness, sk 0
Towne. sk 3
Dr 5 ewart, ale 4
Maodouald, sk 10
Ser i Finals
Murdoch, ak 10
Miller, sl; 6
Ingham agreed on no -
the division ot the
lefeDougall, sk 1
D. Holmes, ak 8
Seaforth and
count of the ice
Conoolat on First Round
Crawford, et, 9
Gregory, ek 10
McAuley, ale 10
Cathbertson, sk 5
Hepburn, ek 6
Crawford, ak 9
Seco , d Round
Win ham
Dr. MaCdonaid, ek 9 Wingham Hlmes, sk 7
Southampton „ Wingham
McAuley, ak 10 Gregory, sk 7
Murdoch, alt, by de atilt
Semi• fnala
Luoknow Wingham
Murdoch, ak 13 Macdonald, ale 3
McAuley, ek, bye
On account of the ice Southampton
and Lucknow divid the prizes.
We want roomf fovea at
Yomeees hardwarel,at6re.
Yon can buy furniture 1 cash at
at awayclown prices, • t GRACEY's
f nrniture store, Wing
Mass Meetin for Men Only.
Teen will be a ass meeting for men
only in the Winglt Opera House on
Sunday afternoon next at 4 o'clock.
The speaker win be Mr. Archibald
Cullers, Provincial Secretary of County
work for the Y, M. C. A. of Ontario and
Quebec, who will t ke for his subject,
"The Kind Waite ." Good mesio will
be provided, and a large attendance is
hoped for, An c ring will be taken to
defray exp rinses.
WE'LL MOND 'Ex—If your shoes need
a neat patch, half sole, or want repairing
in any way—bring them hers.
• Dislocate Shoulder.
Mr. Robt, Curr , sr., met with a
painful accident a Monday evening
He was about to le *re the home of his
eon, Mr, D. Currie to acme iuto town
and was heldir:g lei horse by the lines
when the animal ave a quick ,turn,
throwing Mr. Curr to the ground, dis-
locating one of is shoulders. The
aooident to a man f Mr. Currie's years
is a painful on and his numerous
friends hope to se him fully recovered
in the very near f nee.
(By the Local Cptio • Literature Committee,
The liquor deal
to the public tre
000,000 each year,
the liquor dealers
for drink. Now
tell yon that $140,0
sustain, Not only
loss that the abov
direct amount, but
it carries in its trail
graves dug each ye
its victims, the bun
the innocent. the m
hind prison bars, eto
yourself the quest*
to maintain this awf
rs of Canada pay in.
Bury for license $10, -
and the public pay
150,000,000 each year
any school boy can
0,000 is the loss we
is there a financial
figures is only the
onsider the misery
the four miles of
r to accommodate
r and starvation of
y weary days be.
etc , and then ask
"Could I vote
I traffic?"
Would you like
drunkard? Other m
oncepn a pure a as your
up to be. such. Dri
and while the tempt
is great danger of ono
leg. As a sensible
g m
mind to do alt in your
thin curse, and when t
use year vote and in
you know is right for th
your fellow man.
No man owning reel
would care to have a
adjoining it. It would b
lest Value on that *coo
sirontnents to raise a fa
not be ooneidored choice.
on these places as blemia
Pace of sin and %awI
kinds. Let tie hevea h
Looal Option and thio w
bring II better Condition,
Ott YOUR son a
ti's sons, who were
is to day, grew
k is very alluring,
tion exists, there
athing happen-
te make up your
power to banish
e time comes to
cone, do what
betterment of
etitsl property
otel or saloon
considered of
nt. The en•
ii in would
We look up.
01, a breeding
nets of many
nge by trying
are sate will
f antra.
Ras moved his stock of
to the Old Post Office Store in
the Macdonald Block, opposite
new Bank of Camtnerce, and
is now ready for business
Our stock is freak •d prices
Insurance and Real Estate
'.i'elephcne No. 123.
Changes in insurance properly made,
handle the best Companies
jnveatments made—town or country.
Equitable insurance rates.
Attend promptly to business.
Neglect no details.
Devote our time to one busincse.
Correspondence solicited.
Our aim: Everybody satisfied.
Schedules arranged for large linea.
Experience of over twenty years..
No unaettled claims in that time.
See us before you do business.
We can make it pay you to do so,
Information freely given. ,
Now is the time to insure.
Give us a can.
Honest dealing with buyer and seller.
A lot of 1908 calendars; call far one.
Ritmo books and blotters given away
Office stair, south Bank of Hamilton.
New list of properties; prices right,
The time to invest is NOW,
All business confidential,
Real Estate in Wingham is all right.
1a uranos is a neceaaity.
Oern your own home,
Ritchie #11
Grif1n-VanatoneBlock, WI17GDAbi.
Phone 749
in the wap' of style, appearance
and comfort as well. They are
beauties, too, in the matter of
durability. They are simply
Come and select a par that
fit your feet and your pocket as
well. For with all their good
qualities, they are pri.eed es low
that a new pair is ch' aper than
having an old pair fixed, Such
footwear ulna surely appeal to
yon the minute you era it.
W. J.